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Unknown Hedgehog's "Turnabout Of Conflict"Topic%20Title
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Sensitive Witness

Gender: Male

Location: Guisborough, UK

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:43 pm

Posts: 41

Title: Turnabout Of Conflict
Author: Unknown Hedgehog Productions
Rating: 12+ (Contains mild text and blood)
Genre: Drama, Murder Story
Status: Complete
Summary: A story about a serial-killing happening at a school

I first put this on deviantART. Since I'm now a member of the Court Records forums, I thought it would be a good idea if I submitted this fanfiction here. Since I still can't come up with what Trevor Nadia will testify about next, I'll submit the first two parts. Enjoy reading!

-EDIT- On the 11th of August 2007, thanks to Sirius Fey who came up with the beginning of Part 3, I've submitted that part.


October 6th, 1:17 PM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 1

A veteran lawyer named Phoenix Wright was sitting on a long bench in the lobby, waiting patiently for his new case to start. A few minutes later, a familiar woman appeared. It was Maya Fey, his energetic partner.

Maya: "Hey, Nick!"
Phoenix: "...Uh...oh...uh, hey, Maya."

Maya got concerned about the look on his face, because he was looking over to the door...frowing.

Maya: "Anything bothering you?"

Phoenix then quickly turned to her and wiped the frown off his face.

Phoenix: " don't even know what this case is about..."
Maya: "Huh? You don't?"
Phoenix: "...No. And not only that, but I've never met the defendant either..."
Maya: "...Strange..."

A loud voice suddenly got their attention...It was the bailiff.

Bailiff: "The trial will begin shortly. Will the defendant and his lawyer please proceed to the courtroom immediately!"
Maya: "Oh...Well at least we know that the defendant is a male..."
Phoenix: "...Yeah..."

October 6th, 1:18 PM
District Court
Courtroom No. 2

As soon as Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey stepped into the courtroom, Saibancho the Judge hit his gavel hard on his table.

Saibancho: "Court is now in session for the trial of Gareth Fone."
Phoenix: "The defense is ready, Your Honor."
Edgeworth: "The prosecution is ready too, Your Honor..."

Miles Edgeworth, a veteran prosecutor, was Phoenix Wright's opponent and rival since the murder of Mia Fey, Phoenix's mentor.

Saibancho: "Mr. Edgeworth. Your opening statement please..."
Edgeworth: "Yes, Your Honor. The defendant, Gareth Fone, an intelligent, but sensitive 14-year old secondary school student with asperger syndrome, who studies at Sokrovenno Secondary School, one of America's best special-needs charged for serial-killing at his very school..."

As soon as Phoenix heard this, his heart ceased to beat.

Phoenix: "S-S-S...S...Serial killing!?!?"
Maya: "I didn't think you'd be defending a 14-year old student being charged as a serial-killer..."
Saibancho: " the defendant is a student charged for serial-killing? Very let's begin."
Edgeworth: "The prosecution calls Detective Ema Skye to the stand."

The beautiful Ema Skye stepped into the courtroom and stood up to the stand with pieces of evidence to present.

Edgeworth: "Witness, your name and oppucation please."
Ema: "I am Ema Skye, detective in charge of this case along with Dectective Gumshoe."
Phoenix: "...Hey, Ema...You don't look very swell..."
Ema: "I didn't think there would be a murder at Sokrovenno School..."
Edgeworth: "Now, witness, the murder took place at the school, correct?"
Ema: "Yes...It happened yesterday in Sokrovenno School. There were eight victims killed with a knife. Most of the victims were school staff. Worst of all, the last victim...was the Headmaster himself!! Nathan Charon!!!"

This brought terror and shock to the court.

Saibancho: "O-Order!! Order in the court!! The...The Headmaster!? The Headmaster was killed as well!?"
Ema: "I'm afraid so..."
Edgeworth: "Well, then...shall we have your testimony?"
Ema: "...Yeah, OK..."

-- Details of the Murder --

Ema: "The serial killing began at 2:58PM in Gareth's classroom. Gareth was having an aggressive argument with one of his classmates, Andrew Brown. In rage, he then stabbed him in the throat with a knife. The victims tried to calm him down, but they were stabbed too. When he noticed the Headmaster, he immediately threw him to the ground and stabbed him in the chest 27 times. During the stabbing, we were able to disarm him and capture him."


Saibancho: "Hmm...So he stabbed eight victims with a knife..."
Ema: "I have two autopsy reports and a list of victims I'd like to submit as evidence. And not only that, but Gumshoe and I have found the murder weapon itself."
Saibancho: "Very well...the court accepts it into evidence."

Andrew Brown and Nathan Charon's Autopsy Reports, The List Of Victims and The Knife have been added to the Court Record.

Edgeworth: "The prosecution doubts that the defense will be able to prove that the defendant wasn't the one who did all this."

Phoenix started sweating.

Maya: "Don't worry about finding contradictions. For now, let's just try to get more information, OK?"
Phoenix: "...OK."

--Details of the Murder--

Phoenix: "Now you said that the defendant had an argument with the first victim?"
Ema: "...Yeah..."
Phoenix: "Now, why would he want to suddenly stab him?"
Ema: "There are rumors that when the secondary students at Sokrovenno have arguments, they want to kill each other."
Saibancho: "...Sounds pretty threatening I must say."
Edgeworth: "I agree. Witness, what happened then?"
Ema: " In rage, he then stabbed him in the throat with a knife."

Phoenix suddenly slammed his table.

Phoenix: "How do you know that Andrew Brown was stabbed in the throat?"
Ema: "His dead body was found at the scene of the crime. There was a huge tear in his throat. This crime photo proves it."

The court took a good look at the photo.


Saibancho: "Why...his throat is bleeding terribly...!!"
Edgeworth: "...So, there's your answer, Mr. Wright. Happy now?"

Phoenix didn't look impressed at all.

Phoenix: "Not really, no. Anyway, moving on...the others 6 victims tried to stop the killer, right?"
Ema: "...Yeah. It's their job. Most of the victims were members of the school staff."
Phoenix: "I see...and by the way, do you have any proof that the headmaster, Nathan Charon, was stabbed in the chest?"
Ema: "What??? Didn't you look at the autopsy reports???"
Phoenix: "Oh yeah...Sorry..."


After Ema said that, Saibancho hit his gavel on his table.

Saibancho: "I believe that's enough."
Edgeworth: "Your Honor, the prosecution calls another witness to the stand. He is one of the students of the school, and is in the same class as the defendant. He knows about Gareth Fone and Andrew Brown's relationship. And not only that, but he has information about the murder weapon."
Saibancho: "Very well...Bailiff, bring the next witness to the stand."

And so, a brown-haired boy in a violet uniform slowly walked up to the stand.

Edgeworth: "Witness, state your name and occupation."
Trevor: "I am Trevor Nadia, a secondary school student of Sokrovenno School."
Edgeworth: "Now Master Nadia, you appear to know about the murder weapon, correct?"
Trevor: "Yes, I know where it came from too."
Saibancho: "Very well. Let's hear your testimony."

-- Details of the Murder: Part 2 --

Trevor: "As you may already know, the murder occured near home-time. The murder weapon came from the defendant's school tray. Normally, he only stores his paperwork in there...but I'm not sure why a knife would be in there as well. No doubt about it: that knife is school property. He must have used it for dinner before because it has lots of his fingerprints on them."


Saibancho: " the knife came from the tray that he had at school?"
Trevor: "Yeah...I took the tray along with me just in case."
Saibancho: "Good thinking, boy. The court accepts it into evidence."

The Knife has been updated and Gareth's School Tray has been added to the Court Record.

Saibancho: "Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness now."
Phoenix: "Yes, Your Honor."
Maya: "...Hmm...he made that testimony quite interesting...and he's only 12 years old!"
Phoenix: "Well, there's gotta be a contradiction in this, no matter how interesting it is..."

-- Details of the Murder: Part 2 --

Phoenix: "Witness..."
Trevor: "Yes, Mr. Wright?"
Phoenix: "I was do you know that the defendant got a knife from his tray?"
Trevor: "...Well, I didn't find out until the murder happened. He argued with the first victim, Andrew, for a minute, then Gareth suddenly stopped shouting, gone to his tray, took out a knife and so for..."

Maya was getting concerned...

Maya: "This doesn't sound good...Nick! Don't let your guard down!"
Phoenix: "Don't worry."
Trevor: "Normally, he would keep his paperwork in there."
Phoenix: "What kind of paperwork?"
Trevor: "Well, you know...Maths...English...that kind of stuff. Everyone else including me stores paperwork in their trays."
Edgeworth: "I guess there wasn't any point of asking that. Anyone would leave their work in their trays."
Phoenix: "Oh wait, but is that the only thing that they keep in their trays?"
Trevor: "Actually no. We commonly leave our home-made pencil cases in there. Speaking of which, I think I remember seeing a green wooden lid while the defendant dug into his tray to take out the murder weapon."
Phoenix: "So, you think that the knife was inside the pencil case..."
Trevor: "Well, the lid resembled the colour of the pencil case itself, so I think so..."

Gareth's School Tray has been updated and Gareth's Pencil Case has been added to the Court Record.

Saibancho: "Witness, would you kindly ammend your testimony? You didn't include this earlier, so..."
Trevor: "Gladly...As the defendant reached for the knife, I remember seeing a green wooden lid. It looked as if the knife was inside his pencil case."
Phoenix: "Witness, earlier you said that the knife came from the defendant's pencil case, right?"
Trevor: "Yeah..."
Phoenix: "...And you said that the pencil case was in his tray..."
Trevor: "Yeah, that's right..."
Phoenix: "...So then...where is the pencil case now?"
Trevor: "...What are you getting at?"
Phoenix: "I ask the court to look inside the tray."

Obviously, the pencil case was nowhere to be seen. All that was in the tray was pieces of paper with Gareth's writing all over them. They were no doubt his schoolwork.

Saibancho: "Why, the...the pencil case isn't in here!"
Phoenix: "Exactly! So if the pencil case was in the tray during the time of the murder, then why isn't it in here now!?"

Trevor was starting to get anxious.

Trevor: "H-H...How should I know!?!? You think I would know where it went!?"
Saibancho: "Order! Order! Witness! What is the meaning o--"

Trevor's anxious voice became louder than the Judge's booming voice.

Trevor: "What the hell are you talking about!? I just said that I don't know where the pencil case gone after the murder!! You expect me to be responsible for where the missing evidence could be!? I'm only 12 years old! I can't just carry evidence around like that!"
Saibancho: "Silence! Your age will be no excuse for--"
Trevor: "Excuse!? Excuse!?!? How could you think that my age is some kind of excuse!!! I'm not a detective! Is that an excuse!?!?"

Suddenly, a bitter silence occured...

Saibancho: "...Well...since you're too young to be a detective, then that would certainly not be an excuse!"

Trevor then calmed down.

Trevor: "Then why the hell didn't you say so in the first place?"
Saibancho: "I'm sorry, I was just..."
Maya: "...Well, at least we found a contradiction."
Phoenix: "Yeah, but I didn't expect the witness to become this anxious. He even frightened the Judge."


Saibancho: "Now, witness...Do you know about the relationship bewteen the defendant and the first victim?"
Trevor: "Yes. I'll testify about it if you want."
Edgeworth: "Oh yes, please do."

-- Gareth and Andrew's Relationship --

Trevor: "To be honest, Gareth and Andrew are actually good friends with each other. But they usually get into aggressive arguments. In some of those arguments, they both said that they wanted to kill each other. This is normal, because nearly all of the other students do that in my school when they have a fit. However, they don't actually kill each other."



Phoenix slammed his table.

Wright: "Did you just say that Gareth and Andrew are good friends!?"

Trevor became nervous.

Trevor: "Wha...!? Of course I did! Something wrong with that statement!?"
Phoenix: "Indeed there is!"

Saibancho hit his gavel hard on his table.

Saibancho: "Alright, Mr. Wright. Please present some evidence. Do you have any evidence to support your theory?"
Phoenix: "The murder itself, of course! If the defendant was really good friends with the first victim, then he would regret killing him...instead of going on a rampage and kill 7 other people!"
Trevor: "...You're right...I'm sorry..."
Phoenix: "...? Sorry...? ...For what...?"
Trevor: "When I said that Gareth and Andrew were friends...I lied..."
Phoenix: "...You...lied...!?"
Trevor: "I hidden the fact that they are actually enemies so that you wouldn't know about it..."
Saibancho: "But...we don't mind if you tell us something like that."
Trevor: "OK...Sorry..."
Saibancho: "Now, Mr. Wright, do you have any further questions?"

He took a good look at each and every one of his pieces of evidence. Then, he noticed that not only did the knife bear loads of Gareth's fingerprints, but it also had one of someone else's...

Phoenix: "Well, I'm puzzled about the murder weapon."
Edgeworth: "The murder...weapon...?"
Phoenix: "Apart from Gareth's fingerprints, there seems to be one of someone else's fingerprint. The question is...who's fingerprint is it...?"
Saibancho: "Well, Mr. Wright. Who do you think this fingerprint belongs to..."


Phoenix: "Witness...I don't want to make you nervous, but..."

Trevor knew just exactly what he was about to say.

Trevor: "Don't tell me...You think that's my fingerprint...!?!?"
Phoenix: "Exactly! That's what I was about to say!!"

Trevor became anxious once more.


Edgeworth: "" don't think that he was the serial killer, do you!?"
Phoenix: "Right now, I'm not sure...There's tons of evidence that proves that Trevor is innocent...But why is his fingerprint on the murder weapon!?


Trevor: "Wait a minute! How can that be my fingerprint anyway!?"
Phoenix: "!?"
Trevor: "There may be another fingerprint completely different to Gareth's, but how can it be proven that it's mine!? Well!? Any evidence!?"

Wright hesitated to speak, because he didn't have any evidence to prove that the fingerprint on the murder weapon was Trevor's.

Phoenix: "The defense has no evidence to prove that the only fingerprint different from the others on the murder weapon belongs to Trevor."
Saibancho: "Very well. If that's the case, this ends the cross-examination of Master Trevor Nadia."
Trevor: "Don't be sad, Mr. Wright. I'm not stressed about you thinking that it's my fingerprint. It's your job...right?"
Saibancho: "Now, Mr. Edgeworth. Do you have any more witnesses?"
Edgeworth: "Yes. Detective Gumshoe is waiting in the lobby."
Saibancho: "Very well, bring him in."

Thus, a large, tall detective wearing a scruffy green coat appeared.

Edgeworth: "Witness, your name a-nd oppucation please."
Gumshoe: "Detective Dick Gumshoe, one of the two detectives down at the precinct."
Edgeworth: "Now, witness, you were with Detective Skye investigating the scene of the crime, correct?"
Gumshoe: "Yes...and I even found this..."

He was carrying a green wooden pencil case with initials "GF." Phoenix and Maya somehow recognized that pencil case.

Phoenix: "T-That's...That's the defendant's pencil case...!"
Saibancho: "...It...It is...?"
Edgeworth: "Remember Trevor's testimony...?"

He then remembered Trevor testifying about a green pencil case. He testified that it was where the murder weapon was being kept.

Saibancho: "Oh yes...of course."

Gareth's Pencil Case has been updated in the Court Record.

Edgeworth: "Now, detective, we would like some information about that pencil case."
Gumshoe: "You got it, pal!"

-- The Pencil Case --

Gumshoe: "As you can see, the pencil case has the initials "GF" on top. And not only that, but the defendant's fingerprints are everywhere. However, the pencil case is only big enough to carry pens or pencils. So there's no way a knife would be able to fit in there!"



Phoenix: "Wait just a moment! Earlier, a boy in the same class as the defendant, Trevor Nadia, testified about seeing a green wooden lid as the defendant went to get the murder weapon from his tray. If his testimony is true...then the pencil case is big enough to carry a knife!"
Gumshoe: "I-Impossible...! The pencil case is too sm...W-Wait a minute...! There's cuts inside the pencil case...!"
Phoenix: "So that means...that the knife did come from the pencil case!"

Saibancho hit his gavel hard onto his bench.

Saibancho: "Order! Order! Turns out that Trevor's testimony was true!"


Edgeworth: "So what if the pencil case had cuts inside them! They could just be little scratches made by the pens and pencils inside!"

The Judge doubtfully shook his head.

Saibancho: "No, I don't think so. Objection overruled."

Phoenix Wright then suddenly remembered about the knife...

Phoenix: "Witness! Have you examined the murder weapon yet??"
Gumshoe: "Well, we tried to figure out who that odd fingerprint on it belonged to...But so far, we have no clue..."
Phoenix: "The defense suspects that the fingerprint belongs to one of the witnesses, Trevor Nadia."


Edgeworth: "But, remember, you said that you have no evidence to prove that the fingerprint does belong to him, right?"


Phoenix: "Well, we better make sure then..."
Edgeworth: "!?"
Saibancho: "Mr. Wright! What are you talking about!"
Phoenix: "Well, what if he left that fingerprint on the murder weapon...during Lunch-time?"
Edgeworth: "You mean you think that he left that fingerprint on the knife while he was having his school lunch??"

He gave a quick nod.

Edgeworth: "Well, then, let's bring him up to the stand...shall we...?"
Saibancho: "Very well...Bailiff, bring him in again..."

Thus, Trevor quickly came up to the stand once again.

Trevor: "May I be wondering why I am brought to the stand again?"
Edgeworth: "The court would like to know what you and the defendant were doing during lunch-time."
Trevor: "You mean on the day of the murder? Sure..."

-- Lunch-Time Break --

Trevor: "I don't really know what he was doing at that time...You see, he doesn't go to the dinner hall like everyone else does. Instead, he has his school lunch in his classroom. Since I had my lunch in the dinner hall, I wouldn't know what he was doing."


Saibancho: " the defendant didn't go to the dinner hall that lunch-time."
Trevor: "Yeah, that's right. He stays in his classroom for lunch nearly every day, but it's alright, because the teachers allow him."
Saibancho: "I see. Mr. Wright, you may now cross-examine the witness."
Phoenix: "Yes, Your Honor."
Saibancho: "But, Mr. Wright..."
Phoenix: "...Yes, Your Honor?"
Saibancho: "Be careful when questioning this witness once more...If you push him too far, it could trigger his high anxiety."
Edgeworth: "And that would possibly be the last thing that the court needs today."

-- Lunch-Time Break --

Phoenix: "So you don't have any clue what the defendant was doing that lunch-time?"
Trevor: "No...except that he must have been having his lunch."
Phoenix: "So...Trevor...why does he go to the dinner hall...?"
Trevor: "Because it's too noisy in there for him."
Phoenix: "...Too noisy...?"
Trevor: "...Well, some people are sensitive to sound..."
Phoenix: "...I see...You may continue..."
Trevor: "Since I had my lunch in the dinner hall, I wouldn't know what he was doing."
Maya: "Found any contradictions yet? If not, don't forget to take a look in the Court Record..."

And so he did. He took a look at the murder weapon. It was one of the many knifes used in the dinner hall...But apart from the mysterious fingerprint on it, there was something strange about that very knife...


Phoenix: "Trevor! Are you sure that the defendant had his lunch in his classroom?"

Trevor kept his cool.

Trevor: "Why, of course I am...why do you ask...?"
Phoenix: "That statement contradicts the murder weapon. If it was another one of the many knifes from the dinner hall, then he should have got it from there. Clearly a contradiction!"
Saibancho: "Hmm...indeed..."
Phoenix: "If he didn't get the dinner knife from the dinner hall...then someone must have planted it in his tray...!"

Once again, the Judge banged his gavel on his table.

Saibancho: "Well, Mr. Wright. Who do you think it was? Who do you think put the murder weapon in the tray?"


He pointed directly to Trevor.

Phoenix: "The person who I think planted the knife in the defendant's this very witness! ...Trevor Nadia!"

Phoenix was expecting him to get anxious again after hearing this, but Trevor stayed cool.

Trevor: "Wright, you can't just make useless outbursts like that without evidence. Do you have any evidence to prove that I put that knife in there? ...Or at least a motive for me???"
Phoenix: "Of course I do!"

The Judge banged his gavel hard on his table once more.

Saibancho: "Well, Mr. Wright, please answer this question. Why do you think Trevor Nadia planted that knife in the tray?"


Phoenix: "Well, first off, there's an odd fingerprint on the murder weapon besides the defendant's. If he really did plant the murder weapon in the defendant's tray, then there's no wonder there's a weird fingerprint on there...!!"

Trevor became slightly scared.

Trevor: "B...But...if that knife does have my fingerprint on it, then let me ask you something. Why the hell would I put that knife in Gareth's tray anyway???"


Phoenix: "Isn't it obvious...!? The witness left the knife in the defendant's allow him to kill the victim...!"
Trevor: " just don't know when to give you...? Alright, let me ask you one last question...Why do you think I would let the defendant kill Andrew?"


Phoenix: "...Well...actually...I think you just wanted to bring peace to the school."
Edgeworth: "What do you mean?"
Trevor: "Yeah...what do you mean...?"
Phoenix: "...Well, earlier, you testified about nearly every single student of Sokrovenno School having a fit almost every day...or something like that...You thought that you could settle things down by getting rid of both the defendant and the victim. But...instead..."

He then banged his hands on the table.

Phoenix: " brought devastation to Sokrovenno School...!!"

There was a long pause after Phoenix said this. He then noticed Trevor shedding a tear...

Trevor: "Uuh...uuh.........Uuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh...!!!!"

The upset witness then dried his tears...but was still sobbing...

Trevor: "...S-So what if I put the knife in there...? *sniff*...The defendant...still killed the victim...And...there's...something else...that I forgot to present..."

He brought out a purple school sweatshirt drenched in blood. Everyone in the court was shocked to see it.

Maya: "What the!? What is that!?"
Trevor: "...It's Gareth's...I've heard from Detective Ema that after the police captured him, they took off his sweatshirt and examined it. They then confirmed that it was Gareth's sweatshirt."
Saibancho: "I see...but why allow the defendant to--"
Trevor: "I thought Mr. Wright already told bring peace to Sokrovenno School...but...I didn't want Gareth to kill my teacher as well...and everyone else..."

He started tearing up again...

Trevor: "...Gareth and Andrew enemies...They never had any arguments with me...They wanted to friends with me...but I never trusted them...because they always hated...each other...and the school..."

He slowly turned his back on the court...but before he left, he smiled at Phoenix Wright with a tear slowly rolling down his cheek.

Trevor: "Goodbye...Mr. Phoenix Wright...Don't think I'm angry at you...It's not personal...It's just your job..."

And so...Trevor slowly walked out of the courtroom...

Saibancho: " turns out that Trevor was behind this serial-killing after is Trevor right now...?"
Edgeworth: "He has been immediately arreseted, Your Honour."
Saibancho: "Very well...I'm sorry to say but...even if the murder weapon was planted in the tray by the witness, this court finds the defendant, Gareth Fone..."


Saibancho: "The accused shall surrender to the court immediately and will be sentenced to 2 years in prison. That is all...This court is adjourned."

Thus, the Judge banged his gavel on his table one last time and the court was adjourned...

October 6th
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 1

Maya: "...I guess this is the first time both the defendant and the witness are found guilty..."
Phoenix: "...Yeah...but at least we found out who was behind it all..."
Maya: "...But why did he go through all that trouble...?"
???: "Obviously because...he didn't want to get his own hands dirty."
Maya: "...E...Edgeworth...?"
Edgeworth: "He didn't want to just kill Andrew Brown himself..."
Phoenix: "...And that's why he planted that knife on Gareth's tray..."
Maya: "But if he didn't want him to start serial-killing right after he murdered Andrew Brown, why did he give him the knife anyway...!?"

When people ask difficult questions like this, normally Phoenix would present evidence to answer the question...but since he didn't have any suitable evidence, the question cannot be answered...

Turnabout Of Conflict

Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading this. I might make a video version of this and post it to Google Video...but don't count on it.
Apollo Prejudice: Ace Attorney is finally complete!
Click on the link to view and somebody please put this on YouTube!

Last edited by Unknown Hedgehog on Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Re: Unknown Hedgehog's "Turnabout Of Conflict"Topic%20Title
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Four is Death

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Location: Wales. That little place next to England.

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What exactly is the problem?

You can end the Cross-examinaition, and look! You can make a new person.

PR are you going to keep at his CE?
Re: Unknown Hedgehog's "Turnabout Of Conflict"Topic%20Title
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Sensitive Witness

Gender: Male

Location: Guisborough, UK

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:43 pm

Posts: 41

Sirius Fey wrote:
You can end the Cross-examinaition, and look! You can make a new person.
PR are you going to keep at his CE?

Thanks for the idea. It really helped.
Apollo Prejudice: Ace Attorney is finally complete!
Click on the link to view and somebody please put this on YouTube!
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