Court Records

Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)
Page 11 of 12

Author:  ReturnofthePhoenix [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 7/8/11, Updated Everything)

I really like your sprites, Percei. I've been a follower of them for a long time.

Can I just say that with the revamped Edgeworth I noticed something was missing...


Author:  TraumaTeam5 [ Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 7/8/11, Updated Everything)

May I use your older Edgeworth sprites?

Author:  Percei [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 1/15/12, New Percei Bench Sprit

@TruamaTeam and anyone else! My Edgeworth sprites are absolutely free to use, which is why I made them, any of my original characters, including Katrina Rainsford, however are not, but I thank you for taking the time to ask.

Anyway, after going on a hiatus for quite some time, I've decided to make my sudden reappearance here on the forums, with a new-ish sprite. Ever since around the first time I finished it, I never really liked Perc's bench sprite. It looked bulky, he had some pretty messed up musculature and anatomy going on, so I decided it was time to take what I had, and fix it, and I must say I'm quite happy with the results. Here's the new on the left, compared to the old on the right.


A jumping off point was the lapels and shirt/tie, and to that extent the shoulders/back. This was the part I was by far the least satisfied with, so I just removed what I had on the lapels, took the odd back growth off and got stuck. Then I played around with various lapels before discovering that, to get the effect I wanted and emulate his front sprite, I could take Phoenix's lapels, widen them to create the double breasted effect and go from there. After cleaning, re-shading, and re-shading again, I adjusted Percei's neck and hair, and put the arms on properly, with only a little bit of lengthening necessary.

EDIT: Changed the sprite slightly so he didn't look like he had a giraffe neck, and re-shaded one of his lapels.

Author:  nudalman [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 1/15/12, New Percei Bench Sprit

zomg that looks so good *_*

Author:  Cold52 [ Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 1/15/12, New Percei Bench Sprit

percs back O:

nice improvements on the bench sprite perc it it looks like it got a very nice touch-up from the old version.

nothing catches my eyes that might need improvement so good job and glad to see back on perc. :D

Author:  Percei [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 1/15/12, New Percei Bench Sprit

Update: Fixed an error that had occurred with the new Percei bench sprite. Also updated a new version with some minor touching up mostly involving shading, and specifically reshaded his hair.

Author:  Percei [ Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/15/12, Doorman Sprite)



Mr. Bellboy's gotten himself a new job, and it's being a witness in Case 1 of PV:AA, but on his downtime, I suppose, he works as a doorman. I really had fun with this sprite, though it did take me longer than I thought it would, I wanted to put him in this uniform:


The lapel on our left is still messier than I'd like it, so I'll probably go back and touch it up a bit, but overall I'm quite pleased!

Sprites Used: Bellboy, Shelly de Killer, Apollo Justice, Zak Gramarye, and Damon Gant. Colors Used: Apollo Justice, Ron DeLite, Lance Amano, Jacques Portsman, Miles Edgeworth (AAI), Shelly de Killer.

Author:  Zinle [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/15/12, Doorman Sprite)

Best one yet Perc. IMO.
Best one yet.

Author:  Percei [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/19/12, New Percei Nodding Pos

I finally finished a pose for Percei I'd been putting off for a good while:


A seemingly inconsequential pose, I know, but it was an infuriatingly difficult one for one reason and one reason only: HAIR. HAIR HAIR HARITY HAIR, THE DEVIL'S CREATION. I've determined that I absolutely hate spriting hair. So much so that it probably took me about two weeks of on and off work just to get this where I want it. Now I am aware of the little flicker at the bottom, but I didn't feel like fixing it this time through. I'll be sure to to touch it up.

I'm really pleased with this, it's quite... monumental for me I suppose. Plus getting his hair done for these poses means I can use them for others. Anyway, the thing I'm dreading more than this is the Head Shaking sprite.

Author:  Cold52 [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/19/12, New Percei Nodding Pos

Percei wrote:
I finally finished a pose for Percei I'd been putting off for a good while:


A seemingly inconsequential pose, I know, but it was an infuriatingly difficult one for one reason and one reason only: HAIR. HAIR HAIR HARITY HAIR, THE DEVIL'S CREATION. I've determined that I absolutely hate spriting hair. So much so that it probably took me about two weeks of on and off work just to get this where I want it. Now I am aware of the little flicker at the bottom, but I didn't feel like fixing it this time through. I'll be sure to to touch it up.

I'm really pleased with this, it's quite... monumental for me I suppose. Plus getting his hair done for these poses means I can use them for others. Anyway, the thing I'm dreading more than this is the Head Shaking sprite.

nice work there perc (always did hate trying to make the head change position) but if i may say one thing that seems weird...his head seems to turn right at the last moment this is simply because more of the face is seen at the last part in the animation (to be pacific the left eye moves in and more of the face shows up causing this illusion)

anyways again good work (and i agree about is pure evil to spriters).

Author:  Percei [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Nodding Pos

I took the time to make some touch ups based on your critique Cold, hopefully it fixes the issue, I also corrected this thing with his hair which made it look like something weird was happening. Also, animated his normal pose!


Author:  lazyplague [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Nodding Pos

The hair line randomly changes when the head is down.
Unless you intended it that way.
I just notice strange things.

Also I love your sprites. 8D

Author:  Percei [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Nodding Pos

I noticed that when I was doing it, and I think I played around with it and it still looks weird. I'll probably correct it when I go over it again.

Author:  Percei [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Updated Percei's objection pose with the new lapels.


Author:  Mr. Hobo [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

;O; So many amazing sprites. And full body sprites! I plan to do a full body of Hobo. XD

Anyways, I REALLY love that older Gumshoe. X3 Really, truly amazing. <3
Your sprites always make me jealous. XD Keep up the amazing work, Percei!

Author:  Percei [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Thanks :P, they really aren't THAT fantastic xD, but it means a lot!

Author:  Mr. Hobo [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Hey, now! Don't sell yourself short, Perc! They are too that fantastic! <3

Author:  SirDownunder [ Wed May 16, 2012 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

The sprites you've made are fantasctic, don't ever sell yourself short.

Also, I don't know how or why. But apart from hair lenght, eye color and facial hair, Percie looks uncannily like me.

... have you been stalking me without my noticing? :udgy:

Edit: I also want to apologise for completely bringing this up out fo the blue.

Author:  Percei [ Sat May 19, 2012 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

I... er- um- don't know, where you'd get such a- uh... ridiculous idea like that. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahahaha-

Author:  SirDownunder [ Mon May 21, 2012 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P


They why did you just shift your gaze quickly to the side right now!?

Don't make me bust out the matagama, mate! I'll find out your secrets one way or the other!

Author:  Percei [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Oh my god, I'm still alive! HI EVERYBODY.

I'm making a sort of return. School and work and such is a killer, but occasionally I still find time to sprite. Here's something I've done within the past six months:

Enjoy, while I compile any other work I've done.

Author:  Louise [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

That's really cute, I LOVE his hair. Did you do it from scratch?

Author:  Cold52 [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Percei wrote:
Oh my god, I'm still alive! HI EVERYBODY.

I'm making a sort of return. School and work and such is a killer, but occasionally I still find time to sprite. Here's something I've done within the past six months:

Enjoy, while I compile any other work I've done.

le gasp he lives D:
...anyways been quite awile since last you posted...then again ive also also been busy and due to the location of said work i get no internet there so not anyway to look into the site while there Dx

buuuut enough about me...i have nothing to say as the sprite has nothing i can see that needs work...sooo good job :D

Author:  FenrirDarkWolf [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

Percei wrote:
Oh my god, I'm still alive! HI EVERYBODY.

I'm making a sort of return. School and work and such is a killer, but occasionally I still find time to sprite. Here's something I've done within the past six months:

Enjoy, while I compile any other work I've done.

I can just imagine, with that face, the guy just going, "Derp!"
Other than that, it's pretty awesome, and I love that hair!

Author:  Zinle [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 2/20/12, New Percei Objection P

...'theheeeeeeeeecks happened here?!?!?!?!
I've ben AFK for some time and meanwhile the old dogs get active again?!
First Cold, Silentbob, then you...(and Greeny said hi)...
...Whaaaaattaffffffff.... ಠ_ಠ

And...I don't have much to say from this one either.
It's just... <3

Sheesh...If this keeps up...I can't wait for this years OC contest!! <3
...We're gonna have it again, 'ight...?

Author:  Percei [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite

Updated a bunch of random nonsense. Reordered some stuff and took out some sprites that I felt where not an accurate reflection of my skill level or my body of work. Removed the request section as I am no longer taking requests ever so don't ask. Some sprites that already exist here may get updated to better forms over the next week or two. But now new sprites:

Valerie Hawthorne, the victim of T&T Case 4, I think I've actually had this in my bin for a few months, just never uploaded it.

Sprites Used: Valerie Hawthorne (Profile), Maggie Byrde (2-1). Colors Used: Valerie Hawthorne (Profile), Maggie Byrde (2-1), Custom.

Image Image Image
Re-Did my Older Pearl again. A concept I've been playing around with for awhile. I felt that without the hood she was still too similar to Iris, so first I adjusted the coloring on her outfit, but then I added the hood, with the hood itself down. I hate spriting piled fabric. Hate. Hate. HATE. HATE IT. But it's come out pretty good, I think. May still tweak them a bit, and add more poses.

Sprites Used: Iris Hawthorne, Pearl Fey, Trucy Wright, Ema Skye (AJ), Bikini. Colors Used: Iris Hawthorne, Pearl Fey, Custom.

Author:  Sligneris [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite

I'm not sure how to say this...

Spoiler: AA:DD
Pearl's already confirmed in AA:DD. Her design is... kinda the same as in the PW era, she is just older and has different hair features. I hope that the fact your design contradicts canon a little isn't too troublesome...

Author:  Voodoo Lady [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite

Sligneris wrote:
I'm not sure how to say this...

Spoiler: AA:DD
Pearl's already confirmed in AA:DD. Her design is... kinda the same as in the PW era, she is just older and has different hair features. I hope that the fact your design contradicts canon a little isn't too troublesome...

Nothing wrong with that. Besides, there's always AUs. :0)

I like the Pearls, although her Magatama seems a little crushed under that hood.

Valerie I have some problems with, though. Her shoulders look a bit on the slumpy side, for one. They should probably be a tad more angular.

Also, her suit is a bit weird. There's not that much in the way of reference for it, (since we only see her headshot and a couple grainy pictures of her wearing a big coat in-game) but looking at the sketch of her from the official artbook, we can determine that

1) her pockets should be a bit different-- there should be one on each side, and

2) the last button on her jacket is waaay too low. There's no way it could possibly fit there.

This is mostly nitpicking, though. Incredible stuff.

Author:  Percei [ Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite

Sligneris wrote:
I'm not sure how to say this...

Spoiler: AA:DD
Pearl's already confirmed in AA:DD. Her design is... kinda the same as in the PW era, she is just older and has different hair features. I hope that the fact your design contradicts canon a little isn't too troublesome...

Oh I'm fully aware! I've had this design for years, since at least 2010, I believe. I just thought I'd go back around and touch it up again! I have no problem if my sprite work isn't canon, it's just fun to play around with different ideas.

Voodoo Lady wrote:
I like the Pearls, although her Magatama seems a little crushed under that hood.

Valerie I have some problems with, though. Her shoulders look a bit on the slumpy side, for one. They should probably be a tad more angular.

Hahaha, I suppose it does seem a little heavy!

As for Valerie, thank you for the critique! On her shoulders, I believe I used Maggie's body type as a reference, but I'll play around with them, as for the other design quirks, I'll adjust them! Thank you for the critique, friend!

Author:  Percei [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite


I updated Valerie based on the received critiques. I also played around with a lot of the shading, and cleaned up the anti-aliasing on her shirt and tie to make it look smoother.

Author:  FenrirDarkWolf [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 6/23/13, New Older Pearl Sprite

Truly one of the best Valerie sprites I've seen.
Impressive mostly because there's very little to base her outfit off of.

Author:  Percei [ Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 7/8/13, Cheryl Illbish, Redone)


I reached the 50% mark with my Cheryl Illbish Reworks, so I thought I share them with ya'll. Cheryl is the Case 1 Defendant of PV:AA, and when I first sprited her, it was in a rush to meet the OC Contest Deadline for OCContest'11. Looking at them now, I've never really been wholly satisfied with them. They looked too much like Alita and the glasses on all her sprites really bugged me.

So, I went through and did heavy work on her face to make her look less like Older!Alita, and to make her look older in general. While I was at it, I re-shaded her face in the AJ style, giving her face, in my opinion, more character. For some reason all of the characters (faces) in 4-2 are shaded completely differently from those in the rest of the game, they have very flat faces. I also cleaned up Cheryl's hands.

The next step is to clean up her suit, which due to the AJ shading, now is lit from a different light source. Not to mention that there are odd proportions and shading issues that I'd like to rectify, so all my fangame sprites are of a high quality. After that, I'll animate them and post them to my front page. Until then, here's a preview to the work I did on her face. They'll probably go through a couple minor revisions, but otherwise, they're mostly done. Comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated :)

P.S. here's a bonus gift: Image

Author:  Sligneris [ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 7/8/11, Updated Everything)

ReturnofthePhoenix wrote:
I really like your sprites, Percei. I've been a follower of them for a long time.

Can I just say that with the revamped Edgeworth I noticed something was missing...

Could make that one as well, Perc? :pearl:



Maybe using these would work?

Author:  Percei [ Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

Been awhile, woosh. Time goes by like THAT.

Anyway, not a major update, but I shaved Hobo Phoenix.

I've also adjusted his eye in his thinking/staring off into the distance pose, so he doesn't look blitzed out of his mind. For that same reason, I did not include the "stoned-eyes" or the creepy smile poses.

Author:  ApolloRocks23 [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

Could I use your Edgeworth sprites?

Author:  MattieBoy4 [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

Pardon me sir. May I ask if it is alright to use your AJ Gumshoe sprite for a project some friends and I are working on?

Author:  Percei [ Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

ApolloRocks23 wrote:
Could I use your Edgeworth sprites?

Feel free!

MattieBoy4 wrote:
Pardon me sir. May I ask if it is alright to use your AJ Gumshoe sprite for a project some friends and I are working on?

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to decline at this moment. Once I finish up my project, then he'll be free to use, but until then, I'd like to keep exclusive rights to him, apologies!

Author:  MattieBoy4 [ Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

Percei wrote:
ApolloRocks23 wrote:
Could I use your Edgeworth sprites?

Feel free!

MattieBoy4 wrote:
Pardon me sir. May I ask if it is alright to use your AJ Gumshoe sprite for a project some friends and I are working on?

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to decline at this moment. Once I finish up my project, then he'll be free to use, but until then, I'd like to keep exclusive rights to him, apologies!

I understand. Coincidentally, we both seem to have had the same idea for a Police Chief Gumshoe. I guess I'll just have to come up with a design that is NOT that. Shame, the one you made was pretty good.

On that note, how is your project going? I don't think I've seen an announcement for your game in some time. I'm quite interested in it. There aren't many other PWLib titles.

Author:  ApolloRocks23 [ Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

Percei wrote:
ApolloRocks23 wrote:
Could I use your Edgeworth sprites?

Feel free!


Author:  Percei [ Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perc's Sprites (UPDATED: 10/3/14, Shaved Hobo Phoenix)

MattieBoy4 wrote:
On that note, how is your project going? I don't think I've seen an announcement for your game in some time. I'm quite interested in it. There aren't many other PWLib titles.

It's a going. I'm dedicating as much time as possible, but I've basically adopted a "It'll be done when it's done" philosophy. That said it is making steady progress. I'm hoping to have an announcement on it in the coming months.

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