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Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

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To Croik: I give you my permission to use any of these for the main site. (Credit Manfred_Von_Karma)

I present to you...

1970's Phoenix Wright: My first edit.

**UPDATED**Edgeworth Cosplays: One of many ideas I had of PW characters cosplaying

**UPDATED**Phoenix Cosplays: The same idea, but reversed. It was also far more annoying because of the angles.

**UPDATED**Unholy God of Prosecution: This one took me a while, but I'm very pleased with the results. The basic idea was to create a proscutor that not even Phoenix could beat

**UPDATED**Young Manfred von Karma: This is not a recolored Edgeworth sprite, or a mere recoloring of his hair. I actually removed the wrinkle lines from his face, and then recolored his hair based on Franziska's.

**UPDATEDThe Days of Grossberg's Youth: I wondered what he would have looked like back then. Completely re-done... MUCH better now.

Phoenix Von Karma gets his file: Phoenix is so happy to have the DL-6 file!

**UPDATED**Oh Dear God!: Phoenix is screwed... ROYALLY!

**UPDATED**Unholy God of Defense: It's only fair to have an Unholy God of Defense if there's an Unholy God of Prosecution. There are possible spoilers in it concerning GS3, though.

**UPDATED**Unholy God of Defense 2: Now with more obvious Phoenix parts.

**UPDATED**Phoenix Payne (with spikes) A better edit than last time; now has actual Payne features, rather than just his pallete.

**UPDATED**Phoenix Payne (without spikes) I couldn't deside to leave Phoenix's spikey hair intact, so here is the same edit without the spikes.

1920s Phoenix: This one has been done for a while, but I didn't get around to uploading it until now.

1920s Phoenix (Version 2): Just finished this version a few minutes ago.

**UPDATED**Dr. Wright: A Phoenix Wright / Trauma Center cross-over.

**UPDATED**Dr. Wright (with "Injection" Bubble): A Phoenix Wright / Trauma Center cross-over.

**UPDATED**Adolf Wright I made this for my YTMND (link to it)

Miles Stalin I made this as a PTKFGS (link to it)

**UPDATED**Phoenix White

**UPDATED**Redd White: Ace Blackmailer

iObject Nano I admit, it could've been a little better.

Edgey Flips the Bird

Anthony Gant My head on Gant's body

Edgey points This is my attempt to make a sprite of Edgey pointing emphatically.

**UPDATED**Luke Atemy Flips the Bird The next character I noticed that I could do an easy "flips the bird" for.

Anthony von Karma Me as Manfred.

Odoroki Approves Based on Godot Approves by T3h Waffleman

NEID Icon - Mia


Super Saiyan Edgeworth With Sword

New Manfred von Karma Pose

Irish Judge Made this for St. Patrick's Day

Darius Beau Pre My entry for the 2007 Create-a charater contest.

Unholy God of Assistants: This was actually made a long time ago, but I never posted it for some reason. I just extended it to DS size.

Unholy God of Assistants (revised) One of my friends pointed out that I forgot Ema.

Unholy God of Assistants (with GS4 characters) The above edit with the assistants from GS4 added

Payne Edits: Five different GS4 Paynes, based off of concept art.

Damon Shawit: Another one that's been taking up space on my computer for a while. Though, I just recently changed the suit color. The top of the hair is hand-drawn. Gant's odd smile always reminded me of Sahwit's.

Last edited by Manfred von Karma on Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:08 am, edited 15 times in total.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Heh, your edits are still great, MvK. What with your unholy gods and... SSJ Edgeworth? Still, great work on all of these, even the rather rough ones.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Just for you Baki. can you marry me now?

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That awesome DBZ edgey is so... awesome.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Gumshoe: Like gum on your shoe.

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That last one looks like you saved it in the wrong format Sal
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Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

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I love all of those edits. Gant
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Super Saiyan Edgey! That's really good and he DID have Trunks hair before.

Oh and the others are great too but I've seen most of them before on the site. Aiga
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

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Update (sort of):

Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title


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That Stalin Edgeworth was so funny I had to make a new YTMND out of it!

Edit: Now there's 2 of them.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

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Location: Happy Nowhere Village

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I've done some updating. Most of them were just moved onto the higher-quality court background. "Oh Dear God!" and "Adolf Wright" were completely re-made. Also, the fancy new von karma pose from my sig has been added.

I'll be going back and re-doing most of these now that I figured out how to work with transparencies.
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Manfred von Karma wrote:
Update (sort of):


I'm not a fan of Super Saiyans but that one actually looks quite good...

The other sprites are awesome as well.
Let us dye the world in despair, and bring a dismal end to this fairy tale.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Oh golly gee, Adolf Wright and the two Gods of Defense do look awfully familiar.


I like your edits, you should keep making more.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

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OMG, the Stalin edgeworth and adolf wright were freakin HILARIOUS
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

Gender: Male

Location: Happy Nowhere Village

Rank: Decisive Witness

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Updates (9/15)

Super Saiyan Edgeworth with Sword:
Fixed the hair a bit; DS size.

Young Grossberg:
Completely re-done

Luke Atmey Flips the Bird:
Completely re-done

Dr. Wright:
Both are completely re-done.

Darius Beau Pre:

I have some stuff done that I still need to add. And there's still several old edits that I need to fix up.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

Gender: Male

Location: Happy Nowhere Village

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Updates (9/19)

Phoenix Payne:
Image Image
Completely re-done; now have extra Payne features.

Unholy God of Assistants:

Damon Sahwit:

Payne Edits:

Last edited by Manfred von Karma on Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Desert rose, why do you live alone?

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Gant's thinking "RAPE TIME" there.
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title

Sawao Yamanaka, singer for the pillows

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Location: Happy Nowhere Village

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Updates (9/20)

This is a rather small update (I was away for most of the day).

Unholy God of Assistants (revised)
Now includes Ema's glasses.

Spoiler: Unholy God of Assistants (with GS4 characters)

Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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more and more greatness everytime im on the forums...
Re: Manfred von Karma's Sprite EditsTopic%20Title
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Stop ruining my epic moment! D<

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:gant: All your sprites win. SERIOUSLY!! XDDD I've never gotten so much of a kick out of those in my life~
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