Court Records

What are your favorite non-canon character pairings?
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Author:  Devil Machine [ Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  What are your favorite non-canon character pairings?

I don't mean just romantically, but any sort of relationship be it positive or negative, such as friendship or enemies. No exclusions at all, they can be crack ships with characters across any game if you so desire. They could never canonically meet and still get along! This is sort of a question I don't expect many answers to, but those who do have any like this I'd love to hear about it or see your art.

Anyways, here is mine.
Spoiler: SoJ DLC and GK2/AAI2
Pierce Nichody and Simon Keyes/Souta Sarushiro, they are jail buddies :thena-hair:
(Sorry for the crusty quality, it was originally drawn on a smaller canvas)

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