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Strange Things Your Pets Do
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Author:  CatMuto [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Strange Things Your Pets Do

Both my cats do some strange things at times. One has a tendency to lick hair and the other caught one. While the latter also likes to jump up onto my shoulder from the floor... But I think the strangest is that one of them seems to have gotten this habit of puking into the litter box/cat toilet., nothing against that, I'm always happy when I don't have to clean any puke up.
But where did she learn that? Neither my mother or I have puked into the toilet for some time...


Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog pulls my socks off when i try to leave the house.

Author:  dimentiorules [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

One of my cats runs upstairs and plops down on my bed whenever he hears me go upstairs to go to bed. He also likes to jump up on my lap whenever I sit down at my computer. Another one of my cats seems to like junk food. He's eaten several pieces of junk food that I've dropped on the floor, including Cheetos, french fries, and cake.

Author:  General Luigi [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

One of the cats I live with would curl up in the litter box when he was younger--he doesn't do it anymore.

Author:  Ucha Nekome [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My cat Robin plays fetch and leaves her fish toy where I'm about to go next...

Author:  bratty waifu [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My parents and I got all of my pets used to is when they are going to go out to do their business, we say "You gotta poop?" and they know it's time to go out and rush to the back door.

Spoiler: Chico

He's 9 years old and if you're petting him, you absolutely cannot stop. If you do, he will turn to you and growl (sometimes bark) like "Did I say stop? Pet me, swine!" Also, when we buy his favorite treats (bacon flavored dog treats, donuts, etc) we say "Chico, do you want your crack?" and he goes crazy, haha.

Spoiler: Optimus Prime

He's 5 years old and he would wake you up in the middle of the night and cry. Why? No, he doesn't have to go outside. No, he doesn't want to play. He wants you to cover him with a blanket because he's cold.

Spoiler: Belle

Video here
She's a little over a year old. She tends to turn on her "cute" button when she does something wrong. The video above was recorded right after she peed on the carpet. She would do that if you say "What is that?" or "What did you do, Belle?"

Spoiler: Roach

Roach was 8 years old. (He was put to sleep in September, God I miss him). He had an underbite and whenever he would wake up, his upper lip would get stuck behind his teeth. It was hilarious.
Spoiler: Weird lip behind teeth thing

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Before when I had two parrots, one of them would always beat the crap out of the other one. He was abused/bullied by another parrot I owned before, which is the reason why we gave it away. Sadly I couldn't stop the parrot from killing the replacement parrot.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Ishimaru Kiyotaka wrote:
Before when I had two parrots, one of them would always beat the crap out of the other one. He was abused/bullied by another parrot I owned before, which is the reason why we gave it away. Sadly I couldn't stop the parrot from killing the replacement parrot.

If you have a total bully-parrot, wouldn't it be better to not get a second one and just have him be a single?

I just remembered stuff my mother told me about one of her tomcats when she was a kid. He was called Pinky and he did insane stuff. Right after a floor was moped, he'd lick the floor clean and then proceed to roll all over it. Sometimes he fell asleep with one side of his head/ear in the water bowl.


Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Ishimaru Kiyotaka wrote:
Before when I had two parrots, one of them would always beat the crap out of the other one. He was abused/bullied by another parrot I owned before, which is the reason why we gave it away. Sadly I couldn't stop the parrot from killing the replacement parrot.

Reminds me of one of my dogs, we keep her locked up for that reason.

Author:  Bad Player [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Last night, one of my dogs played ding dong ditch on me while I was in the bathroom.

Author:  Mary Faraday [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My boyfriend has a dog who always humps my leg whenever I'm around.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Mary Faraday wrote:
My boyfriend has a dog who always humps my leg whenever I'm around.

My aunts old dog used to do that all the time whenever we visited them in Florida haha.

Author:  bratty waifu [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Mary Faraday wrote:
My boyfriend has a dog who always humps my leg whenever I'm around.

My sister's chihuahua humps me whenever I see him. Then she's all "You're the first female he's ever humped", like I'm supposed to feel special about it or something.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Scuttlebutt wrote:
Mary Faraday wrote:
My boyfriend has a dog who always humps my leg whenever I'm around.

My sister's chihuahua humps me whenever I see him. Then she's all "You're the first female he's ever humped", like I'm supposed to feel special about it or something.

I still to this day laugh about that xD

Author:  bratty waifu [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Ishimaru Kiyotaka wrote:
Scuttlebutt wrote:
My sister's chihuahua humps me whenever I see him. Then she's all "You're the first female he's ever humped", like I'm supposed to feel special about it or something.

I still to this day laugh about that xD

I feel bad for his future mate. He gnaws on my arm (or foot, leg, etc) and humps it simultaneously.
Apparently while I was asleep and too tired to wake up he almost humped my face. I have no recollection of that morning, but that's what my sister told me. Thankfully, she picked him up before he did.

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My brothers dog stole my bed one night, had to sleep on the couch, my back hurt the day after.

Author:  Mary Faraday [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Scuttlebutt wrote:
Mary Faraday wrote:
My boyfriend has a dog who always humps my leg whenever I'm around.

My sister's chihuahua humps me whenever I see him. Then she's all "You're the first female he's ever humped", like I'm supposed to feel special about it or something.

Yeah, man, I'm not alone with my pain!

Author:  Fiestasaurus [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Yesterday, my cat attacked a houseplant and lost. She now refuses to come anything near it.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Nothing because I have no pets. :larry: :larry: :larry:

Author:  bratty waifu [ Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My puppy likes to play tug-of-war... with our socks... So many good socks have "died" because of her. :sadshoe:

Author:  Anthony [ Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

I dont know if I call it strange but....... one of the two cats.... we call her Little Miss, she likes to go into the bathroom and sit in the tub or the sink and she closes the bathroom door not all the way.... While Shiloh always paws my door to come in and she just sleeps on the top of my futon..... But they always wake me up at 5 in the damn morning to let them out of my room when BOTH or either one of them are in my room. But they are too cute to be mad at :P But the real strangest thing they usually do is meow at me when they got food. And I'm here like "You girls got food. You girls got water. What the heck do you want? You can't go outside without your harness." Seriously they want to go out but Shiloh is the one cat that tries to get out whenever I let my dog Bella out.

Author:  dimentiorules [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

This isn't really anything strange about what my cat DOES, just something strange about him in general. He's 6 years old, yet he still looks like a kitten, for some reason. Maybe he was hit by a meteorite and now has ghost powers!

Author:  Thelema [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

dimentiorules wrote:
This isn't really anything strange about what my cat DOES, just something strange about him in general. He's 6 years old, yet he still looks like a kitten, for some reason. Maybe he was hit by a meteorite and now has ghost powers!

You mean he's small like a kitten or everything about him resembles a kitten?
That's interesting. What vets say about him?

Author:  dimentiorules [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

dangerousoffender wrote:
dimentiorules wrote:
This isn't really anything strange about what my cat DOES, just something strange about him in general. He's 6 years old, yet he still looks like a kitten, for some reason. Maybe he was hit by a meteorite and now has ghost powers!

You mean he's small like a kitten or everything about him resembles a kitten?
That's interesting. What vets say about him?

Both. I don't mean like a tiny kitten, I mean he looks like he's about 6 months old, about halfway to full grown.

Author:  Bad Player [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog is super camera-shy. It doesn't matter what model it is--even if he's never seen it before, he can recognize it as a camera, and he'll go run away. He can even recognize cell phone cameras. He's super-sweet and friendly, but... for whatever reason, cameras just freak him out.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog, Buddy rubs his body along the back side of the couch in the living room, right after he have eaten everything in his food bowl.

As for my cat, he always try to get into the plastic and chew them to the point where he always find a place to throw up. Just recently, he threw up in my room.

Author:  Shao-Mae [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog sometime make a sound that sound a lot like a mewling of a cat.


But you're a dog Alice, can you at least remember that!?

Author:  Anthony [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Strange thing.... even though my dog is part English Pointer.... she always goes chases the bunnies that has made their home in the yard and always sniffs this blue garbage can that one of the neighbors dumps shit in, and I am here seeing her sniffing it, "What the hell is making her keep going back there?" and "Why isn't the damn can inside?" Even though i know it is normal for a dog to be sniffing but the same thing every time...... :meekins:

Author:  Kanji [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My cat licks pictures of my girlfriend and my dad's cat jumps on peoples backs.

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog never shuts up at night.
I always hear her footsteps walking around.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Kanji wrote:
My cat licks pictures of my girlfriend and my dad's cat jumps on peoples backs.

Eh, at least she doesn't lick and try to eat your girlfriend's hair. One of my cats keeps doing that to my mother's lover. Also did it to mine once and even to me, so at least she isn't sexist about it... the back jumping thing my other cat does, too. Dunno why.


Author:  Thelema [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My cat chased her own tail today. I always though this was a dog-exclusive thing...

Author:  DoMaya [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My dog Bee Bee will be laying on my bed.
I take my headphones off and put them on my computer tower.
The second she hears this she RUNS out of the room.

Also, sometimes when she's laying on my bed, if I but my head near her she just can't STAND it.

she could be laying on the floor and I lay down there with her, and the second my head is near hers she starts growling and barking.

Author:  dimentiorules [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My cat likes to go over to my mom while she's sleeping, and slap her in the face to wake her up. He keeps on doing it over and over until she wakes up. He doesn't use claws or anything, he just smacks her.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

dangerousoffender wrote:
My cat chased her own tail today. I always though this was a dog-exclusive thing...

Oh no, cats do that, too. One of my older cats did that. Tangled herself around a chair leg once, grabbed her tail and bit it. Pff!

My cat likes to go over to my mom while she's sleeping, and slap her in the face to wake her up. He keeps on doing it over and over until she wakes up. He doesn't use claws or anything, he just smacks her.

Sounds like someone wants attention from her.


Author:  Thelema [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

CatMuto wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
My cat chased her own tail today. I always though this was a dog-exclusive thing...

Oh no, cats do that, too. One of my older cats did that. Tangled herself around a chair leg once, grabbed her tail and bit it. Pff!

Have your ever had a cat that opens doors and windows? Mine does that. I live in an apartment, so times to times I find her outside home, in the corridor of my floor.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

Yeah. One of my scratches and jumps at my door to open it. Much as I love my cats, I don't want them in my room. I just altered the doorknob to stand upright instead of sideways. I'm thinking of putting cork around the door and on it, so that she won't damage the door so much.


Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My girlfriend's puppy Belle loves to sleep on her back at night of in different weird and uncomfortable positions xD

Author:  Thelema [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

My cat refuses to sleep anywhere besides my room (usually, in my bed or my chair)
Whenever I try to keep her out, she starts meowing at my door (and her meowing is unbearable), which is why I always let her in. I don't mind her presence though, she's usually quiet and doesn't pee or crap here.

Author:  Hikari-chan [ Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strange Things Your Pets Do

When I was trying to litter train my cat, there were a couple of times when I went to change her litter box and found a sock or two in there. Like, how? Why??? :meekins: Thankfully, once she had the act down, I never saw any more socks in amongst her crap. >>;;;

Or, almost anytime someone crinkles a plastic bag, she comes running thinking they're gonna give her treats. She even sits all pretty when she knows for sure she's getting a treat.

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