Court Records

Nonary Game 5: Life (End)
Page 31 of 32

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Well, I'm ready to meet the man of the hour when everyone else is."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"I'm ready." Jen walked back a few steps. "I don't have anything else to ask anyway."

Author:  Bad Player [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Trinity gave a small nod.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"It's fine, N - Fauna. Sorry, habit of mine, I get used to calling people by their 'stage names.' I guess I wasn't really thinking about how going against the grain would make me look to everyone else. And, uh, yeah, good for you, #2," Turbo added a little sourly. "Well, it's been what, about thirty years? Maybe if I change my name and look I can climb the ladder again...

"Anyway, I'm ready to go if everyone else is."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'd like to get on with my life, thanks," Chanel addresses the Admins.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Well then that's unanimous except the quiet one, so I think we're good to go."

Author:  Cesar Zero [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Yeah, I would love to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with my life now, but we need to get out of here before anything else." Cube simply said, then he joined the others.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Admin #1 nodded, then pressed a button by his computer to set the elevator off again. A few Admins waved their farewells, while the others simply watched them leave.

As the room below comes into view, the players see a large wall of monitors on one side, keeping an eye on the various rooms throughout the mansion. By the combined light of these screens a new figure can clearly be seen. He is quite old, but also clearly bound to his chair by a straight-jacket-like piece of equipment. His hands are free now, but by the looks of the locks about the fabric on the torso it seems likely that his upper body was restrained at one point as well. He greets the players quite enthusiastically.

"Oh! I didn't think you guys would be able to meet up with me after all. I was starting to think that I would lose my mind not being able to talk to you guys, but look at where we are!" He pauses for a moment before continuing. "Just so you know, you guys are talking to me, the Gary Liddell. Yeah, I'm the Gary Liddell you're talking to. Can't say that I'm happy about my current situation.

"But uh, if you need to ask any questions.... Fire away, and I'll try to answer them to my best of knowledge. If I can't, then I can play the recording that contains the answer to you question."

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)


Author:  Bad Player [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Why don't we just listen to the r-recording first..." Trinity suggests.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Marley shrugged "Guessin' ol' Danny thought ahead for a buncha this. Still was nice of him to save ye Gary. What's yer plans from 'ere on out." he said frowning at the old body in front of him "If'n ah was Zero though, ah'da kept a separate clone so ye wouldn't be stuck lookin' like that." he added disapprovingly.

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"So here you are." Jen crossed her arms again.

"I don't have any other questions for you. Everything has pretty much been answer already other than how we can shift to another body or clone in another time, and if that's even possible. But ahy are you even restrained like that in the first place?"

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

[For simplicity Hanzo will now post directly whenever 'Daniel' (Gary) is talking. I'll add my own posts if there's anything that needs be said as GM.]

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Ah, right. I can explain that, Ms. Bettson. My father... Or rather... Daniel recorded a collection of statements that explains everything from the Nonary Game to you guys. He made those recordings in case if I ever end up here after losing my third 'life'." The old man answered Ms. Bettson.

"Still, Ms. Bettson, I'm surprised that you actually thought of me as a friend. I thought you would still hate me, especially after finding out that I'm a clone of Daniel, who in turn is Admin Zero."

Then he looks towards Trinity.

"Uh, Ms. Schwarzchild... There's a bunch of recordings here. I'm afraid that you need to be more specific on which recording you wish to listen to."

Then he looks towards Marley. For a split-second, people could have swore that there was a flash of anger on his face.

"What will I do from here on out? Ah, all I have to do is ask the Game Admins for a favor, seeing as I'm not happy with my current situation right now." The old man answered Marley.

Then to Officer Jen Filigree, he said, "Actually, Daniel left a note telling me what to do to free my arms when I first came into this body. All I have to do is say this random string of words." He paused to remember the string of words. "Copper explain ill-fated truck neat unite."

"I haven't had the faintest idea what that string of random words is supposed to mean." He admitted, as he scratched the back of his head with one hand.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

" all of them. Or the relevant ones at least. We can't be more specific because we don't know what any of them are."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

[Let me clarify: Gary was given a whole load of recordings to explain basically everything about this Game. Most of it will be stuff you've already heard. If you have any unanswered questions, I can see if there was a recording provided that will answer it. Otherwise there is little benefit to listening to them.]

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Marley gave Gary a sympathetic look "Sorry lad, yer dad had it in fer me. I couldn't let ya be his puppet like that." he uttered apologetically as he extinguished his cigarette "By tha way, ah'd like it if ye kept mah records secret fer now if'n Zero's got stuff on me there. Ah hope he'd have an apology for folks though."

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Let's watch Trinity's recording." Fauna decided, deliberately making sure to not look in her direction. "It seems weird to me that the only reason she's here is because she was near a crime scene once."

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Now, that's a good question, Ms. Bettson! There's a recording that can answer your question." The old man said as he pushed a button that is labeled 'The other participants'.

Then.... They heard Daniel's voice speak as the recording began playing.

Spoiler: 'The other participants'
"Other recordings will detail Raster, Richard/Matthew, Takeru and you. Although I suppose this is a good a place as any to mention other points of interest about Takeru. His clone was raised speaking and understanding both English and Japanese. When Takeru's consciousness swapped in, Morphogenetic Resonance allowed him to also understand English, despite never having spoken. I admit that his involvement in this game was less a requirement and more for my own personal satisfaction. The other players were chosen for their Esper capabilities, their ages, and also their involvement with one another. You see, Espers who share a bond resonate and strengthen the effects of any Morphogenetic activity."

"Now then, first I shall talk about participants 3 and 4, Sally Schwarzschild and Jen Filigree. Sally was simply an ordinary salerywoman, whose Esper abilities awoke when she fought back against a minor Caulderwood thug, killing him. Jen was one of the police officers who questioned her, though nothing came of the event. Jen herself was part of an anti-Caulderwood task force, whose abilities had awoken during one of her many conflicts with the gang."

"Next, participants 5 and 6, Marigold Barre and Dack. Dack is a Caulderwood, who was involved with a crime back when he was younger. When he fled in an escape vehicle along with 3 other gang members, he almost ran young Marigold down. He managed to swerve and avoid her, only to fall off the side of a hill and get two of the Caulderwoods with him killed. This event awoke both of their latent Esper abilities."

"Marigold later grew up to become a cryogenics researcher. This is where she met Fauna Bettson, a young genius who began work alongside her to further their research. I'm... not actually sure how Fauna became an Esper, though my research showed that she was. Nothing in her past seemed life-threatening enough to trigger the awakening of the abilities. Still, she had a bond with Marigold, so that was enough to involve her as well, as participant 7."

"Now, that clears up the question about why Trinity was found at the scene of the crime. If you ask me... I think she did it in self-defense, because well, you know how bad news the Caulderwoods are..." The old man said sheepishly.

Then he looks towards Marley. He looks really angry.

"Really? You want me to keep the records about you a secret?! To hell with that! Since you ruined my chance of living on as the Gary Liddell my friends and foster mother knew.... I'll expose your dirty secrets and what you have done back then!" The old man shouted with an angry tone. He then jabbed an finger on a button that is labeled 'The past'.

Spoiler: 'The past'
"First we must talk about a certain WWII soldier, Takeru Korida." The recording begins to detail what you already know of 'Jack', up until his body crashed into the ocean. Daniel then continues. "His frozen body was, around 100 years later, found adrift and recovered. People became quite excited, but then the body mysteriously disappeared. I don't quite know the details, but apparently it was stolen, as it later turned up in a black market auction held by the Caulderwoods."

"Now, as a brief aside I should talk about my father, Joseph. You see, he was somewhat... eccentric, is the term others have used. He loved to collect curiosities, and 'Jack' was the ultimate curiosity. A poker... 'friend' of his, Raster Evans, knew as such. Raster was a conman, and saw a lucrative opportunity. He brought 'Jack' at the auction, and then sold him on to my father. The only thing is, he used counterfeit money at the auction. The Caulderwoods caught onto this, and came after my father demanding its return - Raster, in the meantime, had disappeared, fled to another country, I believe."

"My father refused - he could be very stubborn, and had rightfully paid in full for 'Jack'. He believed his security force would be enough to keep the Caulderwoods away, but one thing led to another and they ended up attacking in force. It was... a massacre, on both sides. I only survived because I locked myself in the family vault. I almost froze to death in there anyway, as the temperature had been dropped to keep 'Jack' frozen in there. That left quite the impression on me... I think that may have been why I got Takeru involved in the project. He played such a significant part in all this, but was unaware of everything. I was curious how he would act when given a second chance."

"I later emerged, swearing vengeance against the Caulderwoods. Thinking back, that may be what led me down the path of researching Replicate Control - I believed I could create an army of clones under my control to take them down without putting anyone else in danger." Daniel stopped briefly to chuckle at the thought. "I since moved on from the petty thoughts of vengeance, as it soon became clear that I was on to something much greater with my research. I'll talk about that a little more in another recording." This is, of course, what he described earlier.

"But lastly, while we're on the topic, I may as well mention Richard Davis. He was head of my father's security team at the time of the massacre. However, while the rest were all killed in the assault, Richard managed to escape somehow. I believe he had already awakened as an Esper back then, which gave him the foresight needed to escape. If he'd stayed, he'd have likely died with everyone else. He went on to change his name and take on a new identity - trying to put it all behind him, I think. He became Matthew 'Turbo' Johnson, a wrestler. Surprisingly he managed to do very well for himself, rising up in the rankings and becoming world champion. Life is interesting like that, sometimes."

"Now, do you guys understand what Marley have done? He's lying to you the entire time! His name isn't Marley! His actual name is Raster Evans!" The old man shouted once more. After he was done shouting, he looked quite happy with himself.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"So our abilities were awoken because we were afraid for our lives...that adds up." Fauna quietly adds the last part, not looking to elaborate.

Fauna looks at Gary. "Who cares if Marley lied? Who cares if Trinity lied? We all have our skeletons in the closet, and Daniel's a hypocrite if he thought any of us deserved to die for that. We're all here alive because we decided to trust each other and even after learning everything, I know that was the right call.

"I'm disappointed in you, Gary. For trying to tear us apart when we got so far already. We're in a different world now, so I think it's time to put the past behind anyway. I suggest you come with us and do the same, lest you want to end up as the same sad, broken man your father was."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Jen looked at Gary, quite disappointed.

"Fauna nailed it. Despite being a police officer.. and the fact that Marley, or rather Raster, stole a very valuable artifact, I think enough happened here for us simply not to care. You put us in a life or death game and only now expect us to care about something petty like that? That's pretty sad coming from you."

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Hmph, it doesn't matter at this point." The old man said, shaking his head. "Besides, Daniel puts together this game behind my back. I was completely unaware of it, as I was living my life as a high school senior. I didn't know we're playing the Nonary Game in my home until I saw the garage. I didn't know that Daniel was alive until just after the lynching phase in round 4."

"Even if I were to come with you.... I can't." The old man said as he pointed at his legs. They're bounded and there's no clear indication that it could be easily unbounded. The old man tried to move his legs, before speaking once more. "You see now? I can't even move my legs."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Jen moves a little forward to examine the locks on his feet.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Raster spat "You f**king little swine. Couldn't jus' let it alone could ye? Maybe the admins can fix ye a new body but a reputation can't be so easily fixed ya b**tard." he sneered crossing his arms "Besides if anyone's ta blame it's Joseph. That fool chose his prize over 'is family. Coulda easily paid for it all if he'd wanted but no, he 'ad to stick to his 'principles'." he protested before sighing.

"Whatever though, ah'm done 'ere. Let's just end this." Raster said clearly disgruntled his privacy hadn't been protected.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

The locks look just like the ones that were on his arms. Presumably this means they can only be unlocked via voice command using a string of random words, as with the arm locks.

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"They're exactly the same as the ones on your arm, the locks I mean." Jen said, walking a few steps back, scratching her head.

"You might be able to undo them if you say a certain sentence cause of that."

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Eh well I don't know what the sentence could be and if nobody else does, then are you guys cool with leaving? We'll have to bring the police here anyway so they can figure out a way to get him out. In fact, I'd be willing to bet Daniel knew the other phrase. One person knows the arms, the other the legs? That way there's some assurance for both to stay alive."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"I'm fine with leaving. I don't think there's much else to know, since we know everything about this project, I think."

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"No! Don't get the police involved! The worst that could happen is that the police will stick with the idea that Daniel Liddell murdered his own son, Gary in a life or death game! They wouldn't believe me if I claims to be Gary Liddell, trapped inside his father's body!" The old man shouted, panicking.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Raster nodded "Aye, fine. Ah can' imagine it'd end well anyway. The admins already have the firepower of a small army and a bomb that can 'split universes' at their disposal" he said eyeing the locks idly "Well farewell Gary. Hope the admins rig that chair up with some wheels." he said with a shrug.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"But what can we do? We'd have better luck surviving Mari's bomb than coming up with a random string of words that's correct."

Author:  Bad Player [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Trinity merely stared at the ground, consciously avoiding everyone else's gaze as the recording about her past played. It really had been self-defense... She had just been passing through the alley, the mugger came at her, and the next thing she knew the knife she carried to protect herself was in his chest. She let out a small sigh of relief when the others seemed to not care anymore.

"...After what your father d-did to us, to you, you really care more about h-his reputation than your freedom?" She asked, bringing her face up to look at Gary.

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Telling the police force to come over here would be a mistake. They're not going to expect the amount of firepower that's in this building and if they get killed, then the Army is probably going to get involved and it all goes downhill from there. Best leave this place a secret unless you really want revenge against the people here."

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Its not jus' his reputation Sally. They'll think he's Danny himself and will probably hold 'im responsible fer all this." Raster added.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"We don't have a choice. It's either waste time or leave." Fauna sighed. "It's not ideal but...we have 15 bullets in that gun, and a fragile glass knife. The knife breaks if you kill someone, but we can use it less forcefully and more...surgically. So we shoot up his legs and bones, and cut off any tissue left. It's 2100 so there should be good enough prosthetics. That's the only alternative I can think of to leaving him behind."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

Pierre wrote:
"a bomb that can 'split universes' at their disposal"

It's faint, but the players are sure they hear one of the Admins burst out laughing in the room above them. They must have found the statement hilarious, for some reason.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Hmm actually what order did we find the keys in? I don't recall using them so maybe that's the phrase."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"Nah.. that part of the bomb isn't real, it was a joke. I'm thinking the actual bomb is closer to maybe blowing up half the mansion. It could also be that there are several smaller bombs in every room, though that seems unlikely." Jen took a small pause then spoke again:

"Fauna, that won't work. He'll die before his legs are off and even if we do cut them, he'll die from either lead poisoning from all the bullets, blood loss or shock. Not gonna work."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

[Just to save time, let me say this: it's genuinely just random words, so that Gary would never accidentally say them. The only reason for the restraints was to hold Gary in place whenever Daniel swapped in for him during the game.]

Datamatt wrote:
"I'm thinking the actual bomb is closer to maybe blowing up half the mansion. It could also be that there are several smaller bombs in every room, though that seems unlikely."

The laughter continues, harder this time.

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 5: Life (Lynching Phase)

"There's no fucking bomb then. You happy now? I'd like to see what you'd think when you're put in a life or death game and then threatened." Jen exclaimed, annoyed by the laughter.

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