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Danganronpa F7 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Good gravy, it’s over! Thank you very much to everyone who took part in F7! All the QTs and whatnot will be listed below (if I somehow missed any, please let me know).

Spoiler: FTEs
Max/Great Dragon:
Ryleigh/Tsubasa (Mild NSFW):
Great Dragon/Ryleigh:
Great Dragon/Luke:
Great Dragon/Tsubasa:
Great Dragon/Woody:
Great Dragon/Myrion
Great Dragon/Adel

Spoiler: Special FTEs

Spoiler: Personal/Hotel Room QTs
Jenny: (P)

Sam: (P) (HR)

Dale: (P) (HR)

Ruby: (P) (HR)

Ramon: (P) (HR)

Devin: (P) (HR)

Deirdre: (P) (HR)

Roxie: (P) (HR)

Woody: (P) (HR)

Adel: (P) (HR)

Myrion: (P) (HR)

Max: (P) (HR)

Ryleigh: (P) (HR)

Tsubasa: (P) (HR)

Great Dragon: (P) (HR)

Luke: (P) (HR)

Spoiler: Major Game QTs

Spoiler: General QTs

I will be posting my own thoughts later, as I’m sure Kachu will. Thank you to Kachu for helping with this experimental game, and, again, thank you to all the players. I know this was a rough time for a lot of people.

It wasn’t a perfect game or story by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope at the very least you all had a lot of fun with it anyway. Feel free to bash the hell out of us, give feedback, and so on. I also have a handful of alternate endings that will be added into this post later, so stay tuned if you’re interested at all, which, I’m sure some of you are due to the controversial nature of the final confrontation with Ace.

Everyone’s prompts and the joke surveys will be posted later.

Once more, thank you all for playing!

-Alternate Endings

Last edited by WinterCoat on Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Nice job, WC and Kachu! Doubly WC for popping your cherry! These games can only continue if there are people willing to GM them, so nice for stepping up.

I’m disappointed I couldn’t follow along. I was busy the first two days so when I was going to get caught up there were too many pages. I figured I’d just jump on for the trial but it was clear I had no idea what was going on when that rolled along. I have serious FOMO on missing out on the memes. But I am glad that this seems to be considered one of the better (or best?) F games so nice! I was even rooting for it to surpass F1 in length.
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Yeah, it was probably the F game I enjoyed the most since F4. There were lots of fun scenarios and most characters got a chance to shine.

I don't have much to comment on except yeah the trials weren't superb and the ending was weak but who cares. At this rate there have been like two games in a row where I couldn't follow the trials so just as a player, I didn't care much.

A personal thing though that I'm not sure is shared by many others is there was a lot of waiting in this game. I don't mean that as a slight that this game took long or that there were lots of breaks cause of quarantine, but a lot of the gameplay was wait for everyone to make a post => next => wait for everyone to make a post => next which was actually kind of tiring by the end. Mostly because days would go by where nothing happens just cause someone has to post grrr. It's been like this every game but for some reason it was more noticeable here. Dunno why. Just ignore me.
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I'll make a more in depth post later since I'm a bit tied up at the moment but here I had this ready for a while now:

We'll begin, obviously, not at the beginning, but before it. We'll look at Ace's very first appearance, the scene that forms the basis of hologram theory!

Allegedly, Ace shot Hugh on the leg, but did that really happen? Let's review the scene. Due to the lights going out, the moment Ace shoots Hugh is never depicted, only the gunshot is heard. From that moment on, Ace never shoots anyone, despite having Hugh at his mercy. Why is that? Obviously, it's because he is a hologram! He can't shoot anyone, only play the sound of a gunshot to trick us.

How was Hugh shot then, you ask? Well, it's elementary. He was shot by a sniper while the lights went out. But the room they were in had no windows, I hear you protest. Well, obviously. If there were any windows, they would have shattered and given away the trick. No, the sniper shot through the building! That's why they only hit Hugh's leg, they only had a vague idea of where he'd be standing.

Now now, you must already have a rebuttal ready. "But Adel touched Ace!" I hear you object. Well well, if you believe that, my dear, you've only fallen for Ace's trap. The truth is, Adel's dumb as a brick! He only though Ace touched him, and couldn't tell that he was a hologram!

Even Ramon's supposed encounter with Satan can be explained by holograms. The holograms were projected directly into his eyes, and the golden glove that fit so perfectly was a hologram as well! He didn't notice it was hologram because he's dumb.

The chapter 1 murder is even more elementary to solve. Hugh was dead long before the bingo or anything else about that chapter happened. He was, obviously, shot by Ace's sniper, who finally hit their mark for once, and then his corpse was hung over the slot machine meat grinder, to hide the bullet wound that would give away the whole trick. The Hugh we saw for the chapter's whole duration? Nothing more than a hologram. This is also the reason why the bingo sucked so much, if a winner had been declared, they would have obviously requested a piggy back ride from Hugh as a prize, exposing the trick.

Jenny was also a hologram, which is why she went along with the fake murder story. She was killed the day before, also by Ace's sniper, and her body was disposed of by the cleaning bots.

For chapter 2, things get a bit more tricky. Deirdre's "murder" was real, but since it wasn't a real real murder I don't have to explain it with holograms. What about Sam, then? Well, he actually died just as we saw. He wasn't a hologram. Dale was the hologram!

Sam stayed up all night chugging energy drinks to finish that campaign. By the time Great Dragon heard him trip in the hallway, his heart had already exploded from the effort, and he was kept alive only by caffeine. Seeing as how he no longer had a heart to pump blood, the flow of oxygen through his body stopped, explaining his suffocation. Remember: there were no marks to indicate he had been strangled! When the Dale hologram showed up to kill him, he died of fright, just as Ace planned.

Dale was, in fact, killed in a violent riot by the cleaning bots, led by none other than 487. Obviously, no evidence was left behind. This riot is also the real thing the cleaning bots and Wands were hiding during their testimony. The murderous Dale being a hologram also explains how he avoided being seen so expertly, why he didn't actually attack anyone during his post trial, and the cartoonish physics of his execution! It actually was a cartoon!

We'll move on to chapter three. This chapter is certainly tricky, with all the walkie talkies and the traps and the walkie talkies and the walkie talkies. However, one thing is absolutely clear to me: Ramon didn't set that trap, Ace did!

Now, I'm not saying Ramon didn't set most of the trap, but he wasn't the one who made it lethal. Ace called up his sniper and got them to shoot at the panels above Ramon's fun and innocent prank, exposing the electrical wires and turning it into a deadly trap! Of course, they took a few tries to hit, one of which ended up shooting a walkie talkie right out of Devin's hand while she was hanging out near the costume depot. She didn't mention any of that because she does not believe in guns.

Of course, I'm not done with this chapter. I even have an explanation for Ramon exploding! In fact, it was all done with small bombs! The food Ramon ate earlier in the cafeteria wasn't food, it was a bunch of small bombs with food holograms projected on them! And because Ramon is so stupid, he didn't notice, unwittingly swallowing the devices of his doom… Fed to him by none other than Ace.

Devin's bombs were in fact all harmless. They did not kill Ramon, the small bombs did, and the ones she planted everywhere else failed to explode anyways. In the end, she was shot by Ace's sniper, who hit their mark perfectly this time because they knew the exact position of the podiums in the trial room.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Chapter 4 must be the easiest one. It was all a simulation, Ace could kill people all he liked despite being a hologram, and he had no alibi. Well, I am sorry to say this, but you have once again fallen for Ace's trap, my friend. There was no simulation. It was all done with holograms.

Everyone could interact with the holograms thanks to the placebo effect. Luke's hand? Placebo effect. Deirdre and Roxie dying? Placebo effect. The teleporting wall? Placebo effect. Dad never came back home from the store? Placebo effect. Woody's execution? Placebo effect. Loki is just so damn sexy? Okay that one is reality, they're pretty hot.

Yes, this means Ace carried out all the murders normally thanks to placebo effect but it wasn't a simulation! It was holograms! Woody went along with it because he had already gone mad with grief.


"So, ah, what do you think?" Althea asked, sitting back down after saying her long, long piece of elucidation.

"Althie…" Evelyn muttered. "... You are a genius!"

"I, I am? I mean, yes! I am!"

"This game is far deeper than I thought it was at first." Evelyn nodded sagely, turning back to the screen where they were currently playing through the chapter 5 major game. Their idea to build a knight with almost no defense would be sure to bring them victory. "To think an alternate solution like this could exist… It is tragic, even. To think the characters may never know the truth."

Althea, who was quickly starting to see the myriad holes in her reasoning, shoved all her doubts aside and just appreciated her friend's enthusiasm. "Er, yes! But, ah, enough of that, I guess. I suppose. Let’s continue the game! We might be able to finish it tonight!”

“Yes, yes! It is a sleepover, so it should be fine to stay up. After the major game, we can finish Tsubasa’s SFTFEL.” Evelyn said, referring to the Danganronpa F series’ staple game mechanic: the social free time fraternity event link.

Even if this particular night would end up being a bust due to Althea’s near inability to stay awake past eleven, it didn’t really matter. They’d finish the game some other day, during some other one of their frequent meetings.

Both of them had plenty of time.

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Glad that Althea's end is finally out now, great read. Very sensible theory that explains everything. No wonder Max survived all this! His eyes so close together would make it harder for the sniper, after all.
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Yeah, great job on the game! I kind of wish I was more of a player in this because it seemed like a lot of fun. There were a lot of great gameplay additions in here like the Major Games, the store, and the revamped FTEs that would have been fun to experience first-hand. Hopefully that kind of stuff is incorporated into future games somehow. I also like the ending conceptually, though it could have been handled better. I think it'd be neat if future games had similar (but equally climactic) diverging paths.

Anyway even though I wasn't in here that long, I did have fun playing Jenny. The first DL being so great helped with that, and the GMs did a good job of keeping things interesting. Despite her having such a small role, I feel like she got a good amount of attention from the story. Getting to come back near the end was fun too, so thanks for that!

Also, I don't think this was ever mentioned publicly, but when I originally signed up with Jenny I was meant to be the first victim. I actually didn't know I was gonna be the killer until like halfway through the DL, so I had to make up everything as I went along. I'm not upset about that though. It was pretty funny and felt strangely appropriate.

I personally didn't care much for the cast, mostly because I died immediately and never read the trials. It looked like they played off of each other well though. Woody, Max, and Ramon were probably my favorites.

Also there was something with Jenny's backstory that was foreshadowed but never actually relevant I think. I'm not sure if it's gonna be in any of the alternate endings or was revealed somewhere else, so I might mention it later.
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Thanks for hosting, WinterCoat and Kachu! Despite any problems I had, I still had fun with the game.

I feel like most of what I have to say about the game has already been said at some point or another so I probably won't say much else unless someone else brings something up. One thing I do want to mention though is, oddly, the lack of Normal Games. They were a great inclusion, but F7 kept coming up with reasons to not have them in chapters, which was a shame. On a related note money and the shop ended up not really being a thing but I think that was pretty obvious anyway.

I think Major Games were cool, but they weren't all created equal. Chapter 3's had weirdly fun moments in the planning QT but otherwise the game itself didn't actually have much going for it. Chapter 4's was nice in theory but I feel like no-one really engaged with it much. Part of what made chapter 2's good was the fact that people could bet on the fights, which gave them more agency and things to do, something chapter 5's lacked. I guess if Major Games somehow come back, they'd need to be planned out some more in advance, which is probably difficult I'm sure.
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Good game to the gamers thank you all for running and playing and having fun.

I think my overall impression of F7 is that it was a fun but unexceptional experience. I think the cases started less burdensome, but then the later ones returned to some of the same things f6 struggled with. Also there were pretty few things in general that revealed new fun information during the cases. Obviously I have had my fair share of difficulties with writing cases so I say this with the understanding that good cases are really hard to pull off without accidentally running into one of the many traps. We've already talked about messing with the format some more, and I would welcome that.

I think everyone had pretty fun characters, and the cast had a good dynamic actually, but only certain players had a chance to do something really crazy cool that I loved, like Dale with the scissors, or Deirdre with writing to her family. Shoutouts to my FTE pals, Tsubasa, Roxie, Adel, and Ramon. I definitely enjoyed getting to talk with y'all (and reluctantly plotting to kill ya).

I wanna talk more about the game but I'll see what other people have to say.

P. S. I shoulda blown up Great Dragon though! He shoulda died in ch3 that coward.
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Congratulations WC and Kachu, I had a really fun time and this has been one of, if not my favorite F games that I have played. I especially feel like you guys kind of revolutionized the DRF formula with the Major Game system, and I think it was a really neat and clever addition to the game which really blended well with the concept of F7. I guess the one note I have is that there were some slight issues with the trials, and I admittedly kind of wish you guys stuck with your original plan for the Chapter 4 trial, but overall the experience was great and the pros pretty much outweigh the minor cons.

The cast was also really solid this game, and I don't feel like there were any bad characters. I had a lot of fun with my FTE partners, and I personally feel like Deirdre (maybe for biased reasons) and Jenny (didn't get to FTE her but I probably would have if she didn't do the die) were standouts in my eyes.

Basically thank you GMs and thank you friends for making this a really fun game.
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KamiPanda wrote:
Thanks for hosting, WinterCoat and Kachu! Despite any problems I had, I still had fun with the game.

I feel like most of what I have to say about the game has already been said at some point or another so I probably won't say much else unless someone else brings something up. One thing I do want to mention though is, oddly, the lack of Normal Games. They were a great inclusion, but F7 kept coming up with reasons to not have them in chapters, which was a shame. On a related note money and the shop ended up not really being a thing but I think that was pretty obvious anyway.

I think Major Games were cool, but they weren't all created equal. Chapter 3's had weirdly fun moments in the planning QT but otherwise the game itself didn't actually have much going for it. Chapter 4's was nice in theory but I feel like no-one really engaged with it much. Part of what made chapter 2's good was the fact that people could bet on the fights, which gave them more agency and things to do, something chapter 5's lacked. I guess if Major Games somehow come back, they'd need to be planned out some more in advance, which is probably difficult I'm sure.

I don't know, I liked Chapter 4's major game. Most of the engagement for me was through the QT. The last game needing a form of punishment was a nice raise in stakes that I thought was appropriate. Well, for most people, I'm not sure of how much it was randomized, but having Adel slice and dice himself was engaging for me. I'm not a serial killer don't @ me.
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I think ch4's was my favorite major game. It had a nice balance of gameplay with the puzzles and characterization.
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I think the fallout of Chapter 4's major game was kinda bad since no one reacted to it but that was when the trademark fatigued started kicking in for everyone so, meh
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Chapter 4 had the only major game I found fun, tbh. I think Major games helped a lot of people have fun with the story, but I think they don't fit me.
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Woooooooohoooo! It's over!

Really quick just gonna parrot a lot of WC said, since I wanna say it too. Thanks to everyone for playing! And I seriously hope you guys had fun. Even if there was some struggles and bad moments if overall you had a good time, I'm pretty satisfied.

Big big thanks to WC for running this with me, of course.

Major games definitely could've been worked on some more, I totally agree. Something I really wanted for F7 was a way to keep players engaged during daily life, and have people posting often, so it's not "Trial -> wait a week+ -> Trial again" so that there's always something going on. I wanted them to be much more relevant, along with money, but that was a bit of a struggle and some of my ideas bordered on basically making F7 NG10 lol.

The trials were uh. Probably my least favourite part. I wasn't satisfied with 1/2/3 at all, but if anyone got any enjoyment out of them then that's "good enough" for me.

F7's focus was a lot less on mystery solving and a lot more on character interactions and I think WC and I did pretty well there.

Oh also I agree with Panda/Pancakes that, yeah, there was a lot of waiting (that sometimes was out of our hand but we definitely could've pushed players more) and Normal Games needing to just be around more. I seriously underestimated how much people actually liked those.

I'd advise any future F-GM (if they exist, they seem to be an endangered species) to veeeerrry carefully craft Major/Normal games if they're gonna come back. I'd try to make them more plot-relevant or dramatic with serious consequences, sorta like the Abyss. I at least think it's important that there's something to break up Daily Life so it doesn't end up just being a slog with three posts and an event where people finally post for a few hours.

I don't think I have much else to say but I'll respond to people as they come I guess.
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I don't think they need to be plot-relevant necessarily in the sense that there has to be like...plot reveals or whatever. I think the fifth major game having the cast fighting each other, and not in a meme-y sense, would be an escalation that makes sense after the fourth one and bring some agency to the last major game. I just think there's sometimes a really strong sense of fatigue in these games, and sometimes there are decisions that I felt like were just a product of everyone being tired.
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Yeah, the Major games having some impact would be fun. That's why f games hould never be pre-planned ever. Just complete entropy spiralling out from the result of random games.

I do think they lacked a little drama and stakes for my personal taste.
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of course they lacked stakes he died
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goddamn it
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
I don't think they need to be plot-relevant necessarily in the sense that there has to be like...plot reveals or whatever. I think the fifth major game having the cast fighting each other, and not in a meme-y sense, would be an escalation that makes sense after the fourth one and bring some agency to the last major game. I just think there's sometimes a really strong sense of fatigue in these games, and sometimes there are decisions that I felt like were just a product of everyone being tired.

That's totally valid WC and I were very tired by chapter 5. I didn't mean like Backstory reveal in each game though, just more tied to the plot of the Killing Game or whatever.

Doctor Nanjo wrote:
Yeah, the Major games having some impact would be fun. That's why f games hould never be pre-planned ever. Just complete entropy spiralling out from the result of random games.

I do think they lacked a little drama and stakes for my personal taste.

I think F7 should've been preplanned a little less. Everything worked out in the end but once you sit down with your partner and go "yeah I really like that for chapter 4!" and absolutely refuse to change that at all, and then someone ends up being inactive or has to leave the game early or whatever you scramble behind the scenes to make things work out.
Also at the start of the game we didn't have anyone for First Killer or Victim and uhhhhhh.

Huge huge thanks to PB for playing Jenny and being the killer in what's probably the worst trial ever on such short notice! Really saved us there.
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Yeah, I don't think that's necessary either. I just really liked some of the reveals in the fourth game, like Deirdre having to shoot a sucker up or Adel cutting himself to save Tsubasa. Tying them to the characters I think would help them be more engaging as games if money isn't a huge factor. imo
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I didn't actually participate in chapter 4's Major Game so it's totally possible my read on it was skewed compared to what actual players felt.

I remembered there was actually one other thing I wanted to say. It was touched upon already, but, in hindsight I do think there were too many GM characters. Not because it was overwhelming, but because it spread my attention too much. Even by the end of the game I never really formed much of an impression about Ace, the mastermind behind the entire thing. He sort of just sat back and let things happen for the most part. There was plenty there to read into, but I guess just not being in the spotlight took away from all that.
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I gotta say, this might be my favorite F game I've participated in so far, great job guys :]

But really, I had a lot of fun. It was my first time participating in a well-organized rp w sign ups n all that so i was just already surprised from the start. I loved interactin with everyone, y'alls characters were great and i hope one day i can write like you guys bc oh my god. I felt like a baby.

those are my sleep-deprived thoughts at the moment but yea, i had a good time, good job.
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Over all I would say this was a fun game, it dragged on a bit by the end but understandable, the trials definitely weren't the best but they were passable for what was a great game overall, and as many stated the normal and major games definitely broke up what would have been rather boring in between times that can happen, I would love to see there inclusion in future games assuming it doesn't clash with the story, as for the cast easily the best cast so far.
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I did like the store and how money helped
with buying stuff like FTEs or whatever. That was fun and gave like incentive to do stuff at least.

GM PCs are take or leave. Obviously they added to the game experience, but they were also kinda a distraction. None of them were super special except maybe cups.

And yeah I think a lot of talented rp happened. Grats to NIKI and Akkordian on F gaming for the first time. You fit right in.
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OKAY now that I have the time and

Maybe I'm just basic but I don't have that much to say. I had fun and I had fun with y'all, so I had fun. I think this is probably my favorite F game cast overall, I didn't dislike anyone and the standouts really stood out to me. Fun fun.

If there's anything I'm disappointed with it's my own handling of my character. I really didn't realize I was doing such a bad job getting her character across until the trial came and most people just had no idea why she would even want to die at all. The post trial is also just kinda underwhelming in retrospect, there's nothing there for the rest of the cast and it ends up just being an entirely selfish character moment.
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I agree with Panda and generally, a lot of the motives for GM-controlled characters were kind of confusing and not clear to me, so that kind of made the ending pretty weak for me.

I did, though, appreciate Cups in our trademarked FTE, filled with blood, guts, explosions, Personas, gay porn, and more!

I also am not pleased with how I played my character but Deirdre was pretty hot so it's okay. Sorry Doot I claimed her for myself. Excited to hate my F8 character. Maybe he'll survive for realsies since I was supposed to be dead since F4.
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DootDootDoot wrote:
OKAY now that I have the time and

Maybe I'm just basic but I don't have that much to say. I had fun and I had fun with y'all, so I had fun. I think this is probably my favorite F game cast overall, I didn't dislike anyone and the standouts really stood out to me. Fun fun.

If there's anything I'm disappointed with it's my own handling of my character. I really didn't realize I was doing such a bad job getting her character across until the trial came and most people just had no idea why she would even want to die at all. The post trial is also just kinda underwhelming in retrospect, there's nothing there for the rest of the cast and it ends up just being an entirely selfish character moment.

So you're saying the problem is that you didn't thank enough friends?

I liked the post-trial. I'm not entirely sure post-trials actually need to involve other people in the first place, at least not always. It's their final goodbye, they're allowed to be selfish then of all times. Not to say there aren't also characters who it makes sense to involve other characters with, it depends really. For me Deirdre's is a good example of one that didn't need anyone else, adding more would have just diluted the good part.
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It was fun and I’ll post more in-depth thoughts when I’m not feeling lazy

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Oh yeah I forgot but WC drawing all the GM characters was really cool.

It gave them all like a unified style so that was neat

There's not much else to say there. I mean it's kinda self-explanatory

also I would've loved to FTE Woody rip
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KamiPanda wrote:
So you're saying the problem is that you didn't thank enough friends?

I liked the post-trial. I'm not entirely sure post-trials actually need to involve other people in the first place, at least not always. It's their final goodbye, they're allowed to be selfish then of all times. Not to say there aren't also characters who it makes sense to involve other characters with, it depends really. For me Deirdre's is a good example of one that didn't need anyone else, adding more would have just diluted the good part.

You joke but that is kind of my point.

It might be a me thing but I can't help but feel down on a character that just works with itself in what's supposed to be a group effort. It doesn't help that Deirdre's end feels a little bleak to my taste even after I tried to make it brighter than the original plan.
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
Grats to NIKI and Akkordian on F gaming for the first time. You fit right in.

*blushes* t-thank you

Anyways, uh, I don't have much of a comparison to any other F games of course, but I did have a lot of fun partcipating regardless, interacting with everyone was enjoyable because of the great cast, and, yeah, overall I had fun despite the few shortcomings I don't need to parrot.

Also thanks, all my FTE buds even though I let most of you down I'm very sorry about that
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This game made me want to draw a lot of stuff, and I did! I drew a lot! So, if anyone wants to see the abominations I created during these 90-something days, feel free to look at this google drive folder.

I labelled it helpfully as Myrion and Not Myrion if you don't feel like looking at him 3897839832 times. But there are some cool initial concepts n stuff i didn't share if u care 'bout that too.

If it doesn't fckn work lemme know bc google drive hates me sometimes.
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Planetbox wrote:
Oh yeah I forgot but WC drawing all the GM characters was really cool.

It gave them all like a unified style so that was neat

Oh yeah, this was a really good aspect for sure.

DootDootDoot wrote:
You joke but that is kind of my point.

It might be a me thing but I can't help but feel down on a character that just works with itself in what's supposed to be a group effort. It doesn't help that Deirdre's end feels a little bleak to my taste even after I tried to make it brighter than the original plan.

Yeah I guess it's just a difference of opinion then. For me, my own characters that I like best are the ones who fit into the group for most of the game, but also have something strong about them that can stand alone too, which would usually be something that becomes a focus when they're a victim/killer. I also think it helps to have character relations be apparent before then. If for instance Ryleigh had actually died, I wouldn't need her post-trial to mention Tsubasa (though I'm sure it would), instead it would be a good time to go in depth on some aspect of herself.

Though in fairness, you mentioned (for example) that Deirdre saw Ramon as something of a younger brother, which didn't ever really come through in the thread. So post-trials can be a place to get those things through if there just wasn't a good chance up until then. I know full well that it's difficult to get FTE relations across in-thread, even if you want to. Again, though, I really did like Deirdre's post-trial as-is, and I think adding more to it to bring in other characters would have just lessened it. That's exactly how I feel about Keri's ending, honestly: as much as including all the bits with her talking to everyone else first was important, and showed my thanks to their players, I'd have personally preferred it to just focus on the "main" part with her personal issues. So I guess I just prefer that more selfish approach.
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So here's my thoughts in a bullet-point list because I think it's just easier to list 'em off instead of writing an essay.

Spoiler: eff seven
-Major Games were definitely a good idea, go us

-Major Games could've been more important/fun/whatever, boo us. In my opinion games 3 and 5 in particular were just kinda nonsense filler. Game 2 was also nonsense, but damn it was good. We definitely would have benefited from having actual risks with game 5, too, but that was just a shitpost in an already bizarre and nonsensical chapter. IMO things were already off the rails at that point anyway.

-I'm not going to comment on the cast out of respect, aside from saying I definitely enjoyed the player characters.

-About the "too many GM characters" thing: I'll admit that aside from Lucy/Loki/Ace there was never a plan to have the others stand out. Cups was unexpectedly popular and fun to play, however. Also, a lot of them were in the background, anyway. Wands was only relevant in one chapter, Hugh was best girl, Cleaning Bot 487 was a joke, Coins was a service, Swords was completely in the background, Jack was a service, and so on. The only characters I agree were mistakes were King and Queen. I have absolutely zero fucking clue why I made them and I honestly might have been drunk when I did. Ace being out of focus was my fault entirely and he should've been more present, yes. I'll admit to also kinda writing by the seat of my pants for characters like Lucy and Cups, though I think they have decent enough arcs despite some inconsistencies. Granted, some of Lucy's is locked behind an FTE, which is a cardinal sin at this point.

-Trials weren't good, we been knew. Normal games could've happened more, maybe. Idk. They were kind of a hassle in retrospect with so many players in the beginning.

-I think some of the conflict with the game itself came from me not really being sure what I wanted the tone to be. In the beginning, Kachu and I agreed it needed to be lighter than F6, which I think it was, and that there should be a slightly darker tone midway through the story, which I think worked in Ch3's trial and then most of Ch4. Chapters 5 and 6 were meant to be open-ended in terms of what could happen, especially Ch6 with its final choice. The major game was just meant to be filler to try and lighten the mood and be wacky again, with mixed results. I hope everyone at least enjoyed the little tasks in Ch6, in any case.

-IMO the result of Luke shooting Ace is so stupid that it loops back around to being funny, so I'm okay with that. There's going to be alternate endings anyway so you can decide what you want to be canon. I completely understand it not being satisfying lol.

-This experience has given me a new perspective on GMing and these games in general, and I'd definitely do it again someday if these games keep going. I'd definitely try to avoid some of the mistakes I made here. I also hope future GMs do something with Normal and/or Major Games in the future (just call them something different at least).

-I just want to say thanks one more time, and congrats to our newbie players for their indoctrination into this cult. Also thank you PB for filling in last minute. If I forgot to list anything here I'll probably say it in the thread when I remember.

whoops it looks like an essay anyway
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I was personally affected by Deirdre's ending and liked it, but I can recognize and respect the desire for something more dynamic. I think Deirdre had like asked Devin to kill her in chapter 3, which was pretty memorable for me and kinda set up her chapter 4 journey. I think Deirdre's story could have been supported better with a better case (in theory, not saying I would have known how to do that), but what we got was still pretty cool.
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I think the only thing Deirdre needed was for her to reflect on the fourth major game, where iirc she shot some images of her sister or something?? I don't remember her doing that in the thread and then she died.

But that's death baby
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
I was personally affected by Deirdre's ending and liked it, but I can recognize and respect the desire for something more dynamic. I think Deirdre had like asked Devin to kill her in chapter 3, which was pretty memorable for me and kinda set up her chapter 4 journey. I think Deirdre's story could have been supported better with a better case (in theory, not saying I would have known how to do that), but what we got was still pretty cool.

Yes she was really asking Devin to just blow up her and everyone else with her to end the game then and there.

But then uhhhhhhh people thought it was inspiring? so it got kinda muddied

CaptainPancakes wrote:
I think the only thing Deirdre needed was for her to reflect on the fourth major game, where iirc she shot some images of her sister or something?? I don't remember her doing that in the thread and then she died.

But that's death baby

Also she didn't really do it she just got Roxie to do it while she held her face against a wall and tried to tune it out. Coward.
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Reading Deirdre and Roxie's path in the Abyss is a good time if you want more insight
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I really enjoyed the game, as always. Tons of respect to the people that put so much effort into this. I unfortunately fell into the trap of procrastinating too much to make a good character, but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of why characters are good and how to make them so. Deirdre was totally a standout in this case. I thought she was pretty generic in ch1 but as time went on I was proven more and more wrong. All of the characters were amazing anyway and I felt pretty bad at times.

The trials were okay. I think most of them really needed more immediate impact on the PCs but I explained this in discord already. Major games were good even if a bit too memey towards ch5.

It was pretty unsatisfying like I did but I won't dwell on it too much. Only thing I'm kinda mad about is that I had a good idea for an ending. Oh well.
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