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Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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With that, the game is over! Thank you all for participating. I’ll use this space to list QTs, the remaining character bios (as some aren’t written up in one place in the QT) and also N+G extras, i.e. stuff that would have been in the game if it had gone differently.

I considered BF3 as somewhat of an experiment, so I had some things I wanted feedback on. Feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like:

• How was having a short game received?
• How was the simpler story received?
• How were vanilla roles received?
• How was a lack of character integration received?
• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
• How was the pacing?

Spoiler: Quicktopics

Spoiler: Amber Ventura
No-one here would have recognised Amber, but they might have recognised her alter-ego: NyankoGin, a reasonably famous v-tuber with an avatar mostly resembling her real appearance, only with silver hair and cat ears. She was a v-tuber with a very distinctive voice, one with which she would sometimes (badly) sing; a voice her fans liked to claim was ‘special’. Alright, so maybe any fan of hers would have recognised her after all.

She had always looked young for her age. Even as a child she looked younger than she was, which often lead to her being bullied and ostracised. Choosing to respond in a very healthy and constructive manner, she retreated to the internet, though not to the extent that one might call her a shut-in. Her time online taught her all manner of interesting skills, skills she called “useless” but which also allowed her to kick-start her livestreaming career. She even designed and created her avatar by herself.

Life continued to try and beat her down as time passed, but her seemingly-bottomless optimism allowed her to barrel past it all. Her father died in an accident, but when her mother remarried soon after, Amber gained an awesome Japanese stepfather who gave her all kinds of things that she could show off on streams. Some might say she was a bit of a weeb, and she also had a tendency to sometimes put on a chuunibyou personality for her fans.

Amber had been a hyperactive and loud individual, though was also optimistic and someone who tried not to swear. She was prone to dramatic mood shifts, and was the sort of person who’d claim she was “a talentless loser who can’t do anything riiiiiiight" while crying. Really, only a monster would murder someone like that. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

[Silver was Vanilla Prey.]

Spoiler: Jennifer Peppers
Jennifer was a fairly ordinary woman by most standards. She was a college student, who also worked part time at a convenience store to help pay the bills.

Three years ago she was involved in a traffic accident that cost her both her arms. She and her family managed to scrape enough money together for a prosthetic to replace her dominant right arm, but three years on and she was still a ways off from affording one for her left. She usually wore a non-functional, hollow arm for cosmetic purposes, and would cover her arms with long sleeves and gloves as much as possible, feeling somewhat self-conscious about her injuries.

These prosthetics posed a slight problem for the Nonary Game, so her bracelet was put around her ankle instead. It was certainly inconvenient, but we couldn’t have her immune to the poison injection!

Jennifer managed to live a relatively normal life despite the disability. In fact, one could say she had the most stable, grounded personality out of all the players. You could have all learned a lot from her, if you hadn’t gone and killed her.

[Nova was Vanilla Prey.]

Spoiler: Leon Vargas
Leon was an employee at a mobile phone manufacturing company in Cartor. He had a managerial role with decent influence in the company, though it was nothing compared to how important he liked to make himself seem. You all probably noticed it for yourselves: he talked big, but was kind of a phony!

I’m sure a psychologist could write a whole book on his personality, but there are far more interesting facts for me to delve into here. As it so happens, the Scientists like to make use of ‘Morphogenetic uplink devices’ to communicate privately, like a form of telepathy. Don’t bother trying to search anyone to find them though, they’re very discrete. Anyway, that same mobile phones company Leon worked for happens to operate an off-records side business developing these devices! This alone doesn’t mean much, but it’s a rather interesting fact when combined with what else I know.

You see, the Scientists thought Leon was just another captive. I happen to know otherwise: after all, he’s the one who hacked me! Yes, Leon was the Hacker, and as I deduced, a Cultist too. Putting the pieces together, I think I have a good idea of who he really was, though these are only assumptions on my part.

The Cult operates in secret. It’s the only way to rebel against Cartor’s government, after all. Think secret handshakes, private back-rooms they only let you into if you say “swordfish”, that sort of thing. Leon was a proud supporter of the Cult, using his influence to provide secret assistance while maintaining his public image of… well, Leon. I get the impression he was still kind of a chump, but he probably achieved a lot for the Cult over the years. I’m almost certain he regularly supplied them with uplink devices, which would explain how well-organised they’ve been.

Him coming here must have meant he was a pretty good operative. He managed to infiltrate the facility by posing as a captive, despite all the anti-Cult security, and I think he’d managed to analyse a lot of the players here before being killed, getting a read on their capabilities. Even in death, if his efforts result in the Witch being freed from here, he will have helped the Cult out significantly.

[Odin was a Killer. He was also the Rolecop, aka ‘Detective’.]

(I didn’t write one for Albatross as I left that up to Iago, due to the unique circumstances surrounding his character. It would have been an in-character post where Gianna possessed the robot to tell her tale, due to the Scientists (and thus the robot) not even being aware of her. She didn't want Reginald's story to just be "he was some nerd we captured and experimented on", as that would discredit his memory.)

Spoiler: Nonary+ Game Extras
If the game had gone past Act 4 without ending, the players would have tried to input the passcode from all the assembled hints. The theme would have been . Of course, the Scientists and Killers don’t want the game to just end like that (as they don’t want anyone else to escape), so they would have lied about the answers to their hints. The passcode entry would fail (theme for that:, and the players have no choice but to kill off all the non-Prey. They explore the rest of the facility in the meantime, as they may as well search for clues while they wait for the execution timer.

The hints were never specifically meant to be kept hidden or anything, but that’s how it played out this game. Here they all are:

Ennea: 3. Hint is “house number you grew up at”.
Silver: 3. Hint is “number of failed grades in high school”.
Crow: 3. Hint is “day of month of Ash’s birthday”.
Uno: 3. Hint is “number of letters in the title of your second-favourite song”.
TV-Head: 6. Hint is “number of buttons on the bomb inside your helmet”.
Cool Cat: 3. Hint is “number of words in the title of your favourite book”.
Golf: 2. Hint is “your lucky number”.
Twist: 2. Hint is “number of scars on your father’s face”.
Nova: 7. Hint is “number of letters in your surname”.
Albatross: 8. Hint is “most wedgies in a single day”.
Nero: 6. Hint is “surname of your predecessor”.
Odin: 7. Hint is “number of coworkers who remembered your birthday”.

The next 4 rooms were Trust, Disgust, Surprise and Anticipation. At this point in the game the Scientists had stopped putting so much effort into the rooms, as the Witch’s victims would have been sufficiently terrified to awaken their Esper talents regardless. Trust was a classroom, Disgust was an office filled with bugs, and Surprise was some vague idea about tricking people by having the door go through a corridor that apparently leads right back to the door room.

The Anticipation door was unusual: it was translucent to allow people to see inside, and it couldn’t open until all the other doors had been opened. Inside the players could clearly see a ladder, which they’d normally need to reach the grate (if they didn’t cheat by standing on the elevator). All room phases here would have been just 1 day long, and there’d have been no Trials or Off-limits rooms or anything. (The players would find Trials but they’d be inactive. They’re the Trials set up for when the Nonary Game was played normally with 8 non-Witch players.)

The room themes were all super barebones to reflect the nature of the rooms:
Trust theme:
Surprise theme:
Disgust theme:
Anticipation theme:

If the game had gone on even longer than 8 acts (due to Jailkeeper nonsense) I’d have had to improvise, I really didn’t have anything specific planned for that unlikely circumstance.

If Scientists had won, they’d have retaken control of the facility somehow. The theme would have been .

If Prey had won, they’d just escape, simple as. The theme would have been .

There were 6 endings in total (7 if you include the mythical ‘let the timer run out so everyone dies’ ending). The 5 others were as follows:

“Killer End: The Black Fable”. Achieved when the Witch escapes but the Cultist dies. The Witch chooses not to choose a side in the war and just goes off alone, probably killing more people to get stronger. End theme: .

“Neutral End: The Lone Cultist”. Achieved when the Cultist escapes without the Witch. It’s a ‘victory’ for the Killers, but the Cultist didn’t achieve what they came there for and the future of the war remains uncertain. End theme: .

“Neutral End: Prey Victory”. Straightforward ending. The future of the war is uncertain as neither side got the Witch, the government lost their scientists and the rebellion lost a good operative. The theme from before ( keeps playing throughout this ending.

“Scientist End: Rebuild”. Achieved when Scientists win but the Witch dies. They lost their secret weapon, so the war has to be fought on more conventional grounds, but they’re still alive and can help out in other ways. End theme: .

“Scientist End: Authority”. Achieved when Scientists win and keep the Witch alive. They continue with their original plans, brainwashing the Witch into a super-soldier they can end the war with. Cartor’s government now has even more control over the country than they did before the rebellion. End theme: .

Spoiler: Summaries of the unused Trials
I ended up repurposing all the Trial themes (using them appropriately in the posts where the Trials would have been) so I won't put those here. Also in case anyone was unaware, all of the Trials were created before character submission. (Technically all of the Trials already exist within the Testing Grounds, and the Scientists assign the ones that seem most appropriate to the captives for each game.) There happened to be a lot of good fits this game though, which I liked.


Activating the Trial would restore power to the kitchen, while also locking Twist inside a small sealed off space. The kitchen door would also lock, trapping the remaining players inside. All of the gas stoves would turn on, and the players in the kitchen would start to suffocate. Twist has to solve some puzzles under pressure to turn on the extractor fans, otherwise everyone else will die.

The Trial is unlike every other in that it's the other players at risk, not the Trial's participant. Technically Twist could just let everyone else die, guaranteeing the Killers and Scientists are killed and allowing Twist to escape the game. However Twist would have been unable to bring himself to let so many people die like that. Twist was a lone wolf sort of guy: going out of his way to help people isn't usually his thing (especially when its to his own benefit if he leaves them alone). The scale of the situation however would force his hand and maybe help him grow a little as a person. Pity he died before he could!


As you saw in the game, her Trial simply involved defusing an active timebomb. There were clues and stuff around the work station, though it's still a pretty difficult task as it's not as clear and straightforward as solving a typical puzzle. It was a bit of a cruel joke to select this Trial for her, as the Scientists were well aware there was a second bomb inside her TV that she couldn't diffuse.

However (this was Nanjo's addition) when TV-Head walks into the Trial area, a large toolbox balanced precariously on a raised shelf would fall and land right on her head, knocking her out even through the protection of the tube television. The remaining players have to watch in horror as the timer continues to tick down and TV-Head remains unconscious, unable to intervene and save her. With just 10 seconds left on the timer, TV-Head would wake up and diffuse the bomb. In doing so she'd leave the impression that she was, perhaps, a Scientist, as it would imply she already knew the solution in advance. In reality though it's just because she's a world sudoku champion: she's a master puzzle solver, and didn't need much time to figure it out. She's good at acting under pressure, too.


You basically saw this Trial already: Nero would have been locked in the wine cellar and he'd freeze to death if unable to solve the puzzles needed to escape. In addition to the pressure of death, his movements and thinking abilities would deteriorate over time due to the cold. This was another Trial (like Nova's) where there might have been a more explicit use of the Morphogenetic Field to solve a puzzle and escape.

Last edited by KamiPanda on Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Gonna answer those questions in a minute, just gotta say gg

Was my first serious go at a Mafia game as a town. Was pretty fun though I made some dumb calls here and there. Was surprised I got to live so long, but I'm sad Silver died in the end :[

Great game, thanks for hosting this for us!
Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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will address other stuff later but this was really fun as a shorter game, gg! being scientist in this counts as like cruel and unusual punishment i think but tbf we made our own dumb mistakes as well so oh whale

anyway now that the game's over I can drop this joke I was ready to make since the start:

Inclusivity win! The researcher who conducted inhumane experiments on you so that you could be used as a weapon in war is nonbinary!

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Sorry team, my read was a fail. GGs to the big WINNERS.

That said, this game was really fun! It was a pretty interesting Mafia set-up and the characters and flavor were fun:

Short games are good for sure, I wish we had more formats for short games, even.

I like user-submitted characters for something like this. People were pretty creative and it was fun to interact with them.

The pacing was pretty casual and I had no problem with that.
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gg folks, while it was rough it was indeed a fun short game.
Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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• How was having a short game received?
I think it was pretty great, actually. Though I think it works best for games like this, since those with long and deep stories to tell often also run into issues, and the creators of said stories want them to be told properly, and the game ends up getting longer and longer than initially planned. I have no issue with shortness though!

• How was the simpler story received?
I feel like it might've gotten too simple? Actually no, the story itself was fine and was something I enjoyed, and I did like trying to piece together what was actually going on through little snippets dropped here and there, but not having any sort of idea about Cartor and what was going on felt a little weird. Kinda thought stuff like that would've been explained to everyone. Unless I missed something which is totally possible and I forgot about it since atm I'm tired lol. I liked the story though! I wish Odin didn't INSTANTLY kill me or whatever and we could've just talked it out tho :[

• How were vanilla roles received?
At first I was actually pretty bummed that I got what I thought was a short end of the stick but it turns out that was actually to my benefit and got me to stick around longer haha. I was pretty worried about how enjoyable it'd be, since I'm new to Mafia mostly despite playing all three Black Fable games. (I don't really wanna count BF1 though I sucked there.)

I've never been in one with Vanilla players though, but I had a fantastic time playing it anyways!

• How was a lack of character integration received?
I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would've. Though I think that more could've been done with it, but it would've also taking more work. It's a fun thing to do once in a while and I don't think it's something that should be avoided, especially if the game is shorter/simpler like this one. I didn't go too out there with mine but I had fun playing them anyways.

• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
Can't lie, I don't really consider this an NG. I don't think I can properly answer that because of this. Piecing together the plot with little bits was fun and interesting, but I had little investment in it because my character was totally not connected to it. I had little reason to feel for what was going on in Cartor and the people around them, aside from what someone would expect from people dying in front of them and all that crap we do in every game we play. When I hear "user-submitted characters in an NG" this isn't really what I'd think of at all, but that might just be how I feel about it.

I think for this story though, user-submitted characters were an excellent choice.

• How was the pacing?
I think near the end some of the rounds could've been trimmed down. Like the final explore phase probably didn't have to be 3 days, and sometimes we had a lot of downtime with no discussions or posts. But that's not really something that can be accounted for. Just when there's 5 people left I thought the phases could've gone by a day faster, beyond that I think it was pretty spot on.
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gg guys gg

a lot of wacky and uncharacteristic stuff went down this game but in the end I do think it was pretty close all things considered.

Spoiler: questio
• How was having a short game received?
Pretty good! It was nice to just have a shorter less committed thing to play. I wouldn't say it reduced engagement either.
• How was the simpler story received?
Also p good! Imo at least it didn't really hamper creativity and it was a pretty breezy experience to play.
• How were vanilla roles received?
I liked them. I liked having one. I dunno what else to say besides that
• How was a lack of character integration received?
I didn't mind. The shorter length and the simpler story lent themselves pretty well to minimal integration like that I think
• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
I liked it too but like. Gotta qualify that because I don't think it'd necessarily work for an NG, since those are a lot more involved than this game was. But in terms of just the general setting of an NG it was good.
• How was the pacing?
That was also fine. The only real problems that happened were a lot of dead air in the middle of discussions, but I don't think something like stricter time limits would necessarily solve it. In terms of real life time spent in each phase it was fine.
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I definitely got a bit lazy when it came to explaining things. One of BF3's design pillars was "don't overthink anything, don't worry too much about anything". It resulted in stuff like the Cartor stuff not being explored enough, but it's also what let me get the game out of the door and it's what let me run it so smoothly.

In my head "user submitted characters" and "characters not tied to the story" go hand-in-hand in an NG. It's sounding like for a proper NG, GM-created characters are the way to go.

I definitely could have cut the final round's duration, but at that point I figured it was probably going to be the last round so I may as well keep it as the others had been. Exploration phases kinda needed to be 3 days to fit all the Trials and the GM post in. Discussion phases could be shorter maybe, but also the gaps were entirely due to timezones more than anything else so it's hard to tell.

With regards to pacing I was in part thinking of how I combined posts into one to keep things expedient. I could have had gaps between people dying and the phase change, for instance, to let people react and stuff. In the end people largely seemed in favour of combined posts though, and they achieved my desired result: keeping the game moving.
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Mhm all that stuff is totally fair. Nothing I mentioned was a major issue/problem anyways, just posting my thoughts. Stuff seemed to go really smoothly though which is great to see since I don't think that happens with us often.
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gg folks, that was fun

• How was having a short game received?
• How was the simpler story received?
• How were vanilla roles received?
• How was a lack of character integration received?
• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
• How was the pacing?
I don't think I really had a problem with any of these, I've always considered character interactions more important than the overarching story so what we had was more than sufficient, there were a number of good characters here
Roles were fine, they didn't feel too overpowered so being vanilla didn't feel bad or anything and the game was close enough that it didn't feel like one side had too big an advantage or anything (though hard to say for sure with how luck factors into things)

Sorry this is kind of a scattered mess but short version I enjoyed this
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GGs all around, being Scientist in this game was deep pain but I still enjoyed this a lot. Having shorter games like this is always nice, and the gameplay was surprisingly balanced. The Trials were a fun edition, so it’s a shame we missed some of them simply due to how the game functioned. The cast was surprisingly vibrant and distinct as well. Codenames were fine I guess...

Spoiler: Questions for Nerds
- I mainly think a game should be as long as it needs to be. Obviously this was one designed to be short, and it’s nice to have a few of those that aren’t too high-pressure.

- The story was alright, and it surprised me in a few places. Sometimes a little too much, as I didn’t understand the full extent of my character’s evil actions (though she died before it mattered). I wasn’t that invested though since I knew it took a backseat to the gameplay.

- I can’t really speak about vanilla roles since I didn’t have one, but I think I might have preferred a vanilla role lol. Though I mostly just didn’t catch that role claiming meant you were probably evil. They definitely made the game less complicated and kept people from getting lame roles.

- I think the trials were all this game needed in the way of character integration. People got a lot of mileage out of just talking to each other in-thread too. I don’t think that could have been facilitated any better when characters died constantly and without warning.

- Similar to Kachu, I think of this more as a BF game than an NG. If this were labeled as the next Nonary Game, I probably wouldn’t have liked it that much. Ultimately I think backstory twists and facilitated character dynamics the best parts of NGs, and user-submitted one’s only make sense if the gameplay is getting the most focus.

- No complaints about the pacing really. I echo sentiments about the last Exploration Phase being a bit too long but honestly who cares.

I want QTs now pls
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Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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GGs! Really fun and pretty close game, all things considered. Sorry to the Scientists for deducing who you all were by like, the end of the second discussion lol. Also sorry to TV-Head for constantly misgendering you it was pretty #sad. Also big GG to my fellow killer we killed them good <3

• How was having a short game received?
I think the short game was pretty good. Even though I played up the inactivity a bit, it didn't really help with people who weren't posting that much. But there are circumstances that can keep people from posting which I get so the shorter game kind of cushions a blow of someone being inactive.

• How was the simpler story received?
I like.

• How were vanilla roles received?
Honestly vanilla roles made things really hard for us but I think that's because of how the game progressed. Panda letting us know the role distribution made the vanilla roles a real danger to us, since role claiming suddenly became hella dangerous because of how fast the roles were siphoned out. Still can't decide if knowing the distribution was a good or bad thing for balance in general, but it certainly made things interesting.

• How was a lack of character integration received?
• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
Never played an NG so idk.

• How was the pacing?
I echo everyone else in saying when there's 5 people left, the phases could probably be shorter. But it never got bad.
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I've edited in all the stuff into the first post.
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Never forget that the Scientists did nothing wrong
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Ash managed to escape so really it's a Scientist win
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I am kinda curious though. How much of this game was planned since you made the initial posts in the NG5 post-game thread? And why’d it take so LONG
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Ah, yeah. My original idea was much more of a traditional NG, but it also had the three-faction Mafia aspect. The base story was the same, but would have been vastly expanded upon; the stuff from BF3 was more just like the basic background the game is set against, like how the base of NGX is "America vs China war". I struggled to get the story to work well though, I struggled to get the main twist to work well within the game, and ultimately I also realised I was struggling with the fact that the game had a Mafia game as its mechanical core. It was impossible to tell a cohesive NG story, especially one with characters, when the characters keep dying and I have zero control over which characters are dying or not.

Ultimately I realised I was better off splitting the game up, so the Mafia stuff became its own game and the rest became a vague pile of ideas spread across a few planning documents. The Mafia stuff was a game I could actually make, due to its simplicity, so I ended up running it. I'm still not yet sure what I'll do with the remaining miscellaneous ideas though, as I'm not sure much of it is actually worth salvaging at this point anyway. I still have my usual issue of not being sure how to turn the story ideas into a forum game, too. At this point I have like three other game ideas that would probably come first, which are all much more cohesive and which specifically work as forum games.

Edit: I went back to the NG5 post-game thread to remind myself of what you were talking about. That was so long ago, I'd forgotten how much of N+G was technically already thought-out back then XD It reminded me that there were originally going to be traditional room phases in N+G, and the Killers would only be able to kill someone in the same room as them. That gave the room group voting phase more of an actual meaning, as the Killers would need to try and put themselves in the same rooms as their targets and would also make themselves suspects due to narrowing down the suspects for each murder. Rooms were going to be chosen via a VLR-like chromatic door syste.

The basis for my original N+G idea was me trying to figure out a good way to design a NG in the first place. NG5 was story-first, which meant mechanically and character-wise it was lacking. N+G was meant to be me doing a mechanics-first game, and building the story around that. I chose Mafia as the basic mechanic to drive the game, as it was a pre-existing game mechanic that I knew would be balanced. This stemmed from my general dissatisfaction with previous NGs where the mechanics were often quite rough and sort of didn't really work (such as finding items in room phases, and using those items on other players; there was also a lack of real direction for any character, especially villains, so everyone just sort of had to putter along and follow the GM). However, as I said, in the end the Mafia mechanics meant I couldn't tell a proper story so it ended up causing more harm than good.

I said in the NG5 post-game that N+G was, at its core, a game about 'escaping' rather than just doing exactly what Zero wants. NGs often have that issue, where Zero is the players' enemy and yet they kind of just do exactly what Zero wants right up until the end. N+G's idea is that something's gone wrong in Zero's game, allowing the players to break free and escape under their own power instead of everything just being part of some larger plan. I thought it would be nice to give the characters agency in that regard. Of course, again it wasn't really that simple in the end to design. When N+G moved away from the more complex story stuff, it ended up being simplified so that it would work around the Mafia core. Mafia wants a repeating structure in its phases, so it couldn't have the more organic structure a proper 'escape the facility' game required.

N+G was always a 12 player game. That came from me finding out about three-faction Mafia games when doing my research into what to use as a base. ( ... e_Republic.) It worked well as it allowed the story to be normal players, Zero's team and then the Witch (who was originally going to be 'Subject Zero', so the 'Zero' of the game was the killer, not the one who'd captured everyone).

One of the Scientists was actually going to be Laurent Sharpe from NG4: after escaping the game back then, he fled to a country overseas and set up there, working for the government to build up an Esper super-soldier using his knowledge from his previous work. I figured he'd probably end up dying, so he'd finally receive his punishment. Of course at this point like no-one really knows or remembers NG4 so there wasn't much point, and in any case N+G ended up being user-submitted characters.
Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Wow we should have a DRF all stars in the format of a BF. Now that's a crossover!
Re: Black Fable 3 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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almost forgot to do these, not like i have much to say though

• How was having a short game received? - p good, though it's funny a month is on the 'short side' for us. obviously the room phases felt super barren but idk lack of player activity on our end during most of those might not have helped. i'm probably partially to blame for it, i made uno not thinking about how he would have to interact with other people a lot and accidentally made them quiet and a bit antisocial oops so like apologies for that
• How was the simpler story received? - if this were an ng probably not vey well but it worked for this game. i'm chill with it honestly and the little postgame bonus info was cute :)
• How were vanilla roles received? - i had one basically so it was cool. still fun making arguments and such so not too much was lost
• How was a lack of character integration received? - see simpler story i guess; same for the next one
• How was user-submitted characters in an NG received?
• How was the pacing? - uh i already did address this in my first bit

gg gamers i love vibing
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