Court Records

I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)
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Author:  Bad Player [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Seriously. I don't understand it. Mostly the very end.

When Regina comes, you have to cheer her up. So you present Bat and say, "I don't think Acro will seek revenge any more, since Bat is still alive, and will wake up eventually!"

But... Bat has been in a coma this entire time. So nothing has changed, really. So how come he wanted revenge before but not anymore when things are exactly the same?

Did things actually happen as I understand them (above--not making any sense) or did I use understand and/or remember it wrong?

Author:  Sklarvv [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

That... Yeah, I didn't get that one, either. I mean, really. Bat gets mauled by a lion, so you'd think he'd just hate lions or something, and the lion dies. Then for revenge Acro goes and plans to kill the woman Bat was in love with.

...The hell?

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

I always took it to mean that Acro got everything off his chest in court and realized what terrible things revenge and hatred can lead to. He ended up accidentally killing a man he thought of as a father and almost getting an innocent person convicted of murder.

Also, Acro being in jail now for the former and all that. Kind of hard to take revenge, even if he had the will.

As for Acro wanting to kill Regina, it's not so strange. She's indirectly responsible for Bat's coma, and despite the ugly fate of the Dingling brothers, she never once shows remorse for the peppered scarf (until post 2-3), all because she's so sheltered that she doesn't even think to make the connection. Acro wouldn't hate the lion, because he knows the lion 1) sneezed, and 2) wouldn't know the command to bite people anyway. He also knows Regina's sheltered, but considering how lightly she speaks of Bat ("He's gonna be a star in the sky!" or whatever the hell Russell told her), it probably grated on his last nerve and made him resentful for more reasons than one.

Author:  Bad Player [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

That would make sense, Adrian... but he didn't say that. He said some stupid thing about Bat still being alive. I think what you said is true, but that's not what Phoenix said to Regina.

And Acro being in jail... I guess he couldn't enact revenge, but it wasn't just about getting revenge (I don't think), it was about Acro just wanting revenge--about Acro hating her.

Author:  Phoenix_Apollo [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

2-3 reminds me of the Twilight Zone...

Author:  jkiddingXD [ Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Then again Regina is a gullible fool. Wright could have told her anything to cheer her up as long as it was positive. She believes that people become stars after all -_-

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Bad Player wrote:
That would make sense, Adrian... but he didn't say that. He said some stupid thing about Bat still being alive. I think what you said is true, but that's not what Phoenix said to Regina.

Maybe it was just one of those bad translation moments. (Kind of like how in the Suikoden series, "Please accept the job" is apparently supposed to mean "Go away.") It's been a while since I played case 2-3, though, so I guess I recalled my interpretation better than Phoenix's words.

Author:  jkiddingXD [ Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Thats a really bad translation then : :edgy: i personally think Regina shouldn't have been comforted :edgeworth:

Author:  Steel_Python [ Sun May 17, 2009 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Bad Player wrote:
Seriously. I don't understand it. Mostly the very end.

When Regina comes, you have to cheer her up. So you present Bat and say, "I don't think Acro will seek revenge any more, since Bat is still alive, and will wake up eventually!"

But... Bat has been in a coma this entire time. So nothing has changed, really. So how come he wanted revenge before but not anymore when things are exactly the same?

Did things actually happen as I understand them (above--not making any sense) or did I use understand and/or remember it wrong?

I think Acro finally got fed up with Regina's innocent laughing after she'd say things like, "Your brother became a star." And decided to kill her.

Author:  grim_tales [ Mon May 18, 2009 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

I didnt get why Acro exactly tried to pin the murder on Max. Did he hate Max or something? He says "I couldnt just up and leave" so...?

Regina was very naive, but she was so sweet, and I thought what Acro tried to do her was horrible. He even admits to himself Regina would never want to really hurt Bat, and that she had no reason. Surely he would realise the "people become stars" speech is a possible way used by the Ringmaster to help Regina deal with death.
That said I kind of think Acro was the most "understandable" criminal.
Why did the Ringmaster leave his room looking like Max - he didnt want to be recognised?? Buh? Why?

Author:  RandomJibberish [ Mon May 18, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

grim_tales wrote:
I didnt get why exactly tried to pin the murder on Max. Did he hate Max or something? He says "I couldnt just up and leave" so...?

He didn't pin it on Max. He wasn't trying to pin it on anyone. It's just a coincidence that the bust snagged on the cloak and it looked like Max flying away to Moe.

Author:  GigaHand [ Mon May 18, 2009 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

grim_tales wrote:
Why did the Ringmaster leave his room looking like Max - he didnt want to be recognised?? Buh? Why?

I think he did it because it was cold out, being christmas and all. Also, the note he was responding to was entitled "To the murderer". If he was caught responding to it he'd be labeled as a murderer in some way. Of course, this is just conjecture.

And Phoenix wasn't really trying to cheer Regina up. He was trying to answer her question, that being "Why did Acro say 'I couldn't just up and leave yet'?" And Phoenix came up with a suitable response: He didn't necessarily want revenge against Regina, Bat might wake up, and Acro wanted to be there when it happened.

Author:  ILoveMaxGalactica* [ Tue May 19, 2009 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

IMO, he probably wanted to kill her because of Regina's attitude. That's enough to drive anyone mad.

I mean, maybe she didn't know about the pepper and that the entire thing was indeed her fault, but still, the fact remains that the Lion was responsible for the accident. But Regina still goes on about how her lion was the best thing in the universe and how it became a "star in a sky". Not to mention that the fact that she may not have known about the pepper connection only would reflect on how horrible a tamer she was >.>. Well, I for one, believe Acro had all the reason to kill her :gant: .

...And oh my, I've drifted way off topic, but whatever.

Author:  grim_tales [ Tue May 19, 2009 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Maybe Regina didnt know about the pepper, yeah - IMO she didnt do it out of malice, just extreme naivety. All she wanted to do was make Bat sneeze a few times. But surely Bat should have realised too that wearing a pepper laced scarf while putting his head in a lion's mouth was stupid. He still could have done the dare but taken the scarf off.
Also I think when Regina read the note, why didnt she make any connection with "six months ago"? She knew about the lion getting shot, that was six months ago too. That was what was clever - the Ringmaster could be a "murderer" in that sense too as he shot Leon, because Leon injured Acro.

Author:  Brawldud [ Fri May 22, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

This may have been posted already... but if Acro did kill Regina then it would actually be a downside. Phoenix says that Acro didn't want to get caught because he wanted to see his brother open his eyes again. Except if Bat opened his eyes only to find Regina dead, then Bat would be emotionally scarred brutally for life.

I think. And has this already been posted?

Author:  moonfall [ Sun May 24, 2009 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Is Acro more angry that the incident happened or that Regina doesn't seem to understand the severity of it? It was a stupid teenage prank that went horribly wrong.

Author:  grim_tales [ Sun May 24, 2009 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

I think he's more angry at Regina's naivety and that she doesn't seem to understand her actions. He says at the end he knew what Regina "wanted" to do (just make Bat sneeze or something). She was just naive not evil, as you say, it was a prank that had tragic consequences.

Author:  Capybara [ Wed May 27, 2009 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Well, picture it this way.
Your only family on the earth that has stuck by you ever since you were abandoned is basically dead thanks to some girl's silly prank and instead of comforting you or even apologising she just acts like it never happenned and begins to tell Bat it's a good thing he died since he will become a staaaaar! Plus, it doesn't help as soon as Bat goes into a coma, Regina just runs over to some arrogant magician and forgets all about Bat.
I would be hateful enough to murder as well. But even worse, when he killed Russell he basically killed the only father figure he had in his life he must have basically been dead inside.

...I now feel a whole lot more sorry for Acro. :acro:

Author:  Steel_Python [ Thu May 28, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Brawldud wrote:
Phoenix says that Acro didn't want to get caught because he wanted to see his brother open his eyes again. Except if Bat opened his eyes only to find Regina dead, then Bat would be emotionally scarred brutally for life.

I get what you're saying, but I dunno. I mean, the Ringmaster already gave Max permission to marry Regina, so Bat probably wouldn't like that... at all.

:( Turnabout Big Top seems sad, all together. None of the characters were really bad on the inside...

Author:  Bad Player [ Fri May 29, 2009 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

...What about Acro? :yuusaku:

Author:  Capybara [ Fri May 29, 2009 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Thinking about it, Turnabout Big Top is actually one of the saddest cases. I mean the stuff all of them had to go through is just quite depressing...
Ah well, at least there's Moe to tell us more jokes! :moe:

Author:  grim_tales [ Fri May 29, 2009 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Acro wasn't a bad person inside either, I felt sorry for them all really :(
Someone should have told Regina Trilo was a PUPPET, or was she in love with that SIDE of Ben? There's a bit of an age gap though - Ben is twice Regina's age FGS.
Ben didnt seem to like Regina much though did he?

Author:  Capybara [ Fri May 29, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

grim_tales wrote:
Acro wasn't a bad person inside either, I felt sorry for them all really :(
Someone should have told Regina Trilo was a PUPPET, or was she in love with that SIDE of Ben? There's a bit of an age gap though - Ben is twice Regina's age FGS.
Ben didnt seem to like Regina much though did he?

Well, in my head canon I think Ben uses Trilo as another personality. So, I think it's just an act on Trilo's part. But Ben is committed.

Author:  grim_tales [ Sun May 31, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I don't understand 2-3 (spoilers)

Split personality, I think you're right.

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