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Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news incoming
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Author:  DeMatador [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news incoming


Bright future ahead.

Japanese gaming site 4Gamer has decided to follow the japanese tradition of end-of-the-year group interviews. Included in the gigantic list of devs are Capcom stars Takeshi Yamazaki, director of Dual Destinies, and Shu Takumi, creator of Ace Attorney and writer/director for AA1-3 and Professor Layton vs. PW:AA. Both people that do not need any introduction to us AA fans, since they both represent the two "eras" of Ace Attorney (Takumi did AA1-4 while Yamazaki did everything since AAI, except PLvsPW:AA of course.)

In any case, let me quote straight from the article:

DualShockers wrote:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1-3 and Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Director Shu Takumi also said that his new title will be announced next year.

Finally Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies Director Takeshi Yamazaki mentioned that the team is now working full force on the next title, even if things are just getting started.

Looks like Capcom fans have a lot to look forward to next year, and especially Ace Attorney fans, with both Takumi-san and Yamazaki’s team working on one or more new titles (it wasn't specified whether they're working on the same title or on different ones.)

So to summarize: the next Ace Attorney, be it AA6, AAI3 or something completely different, is in development, and Yamazaki is helming it like he did DD. PLUS Shu Takumi is working on a new game, which is set to be announced in 2014 (which may or may not be Ace Attorney and/or Ghost Trick-related.)

2014 hasn't even started and we've already got a Takumi announcement to expect, and the possibility of a new AA announcement (with the certainty that if it isn't announced this year, it won't be too long after that -- my money is on TGS 2014.)

No objections here.

Original Source

Author:  Blademaster_Orca [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

As long as the quality is on par (or even better) than AA5 was overall, I'll be all over it like butter on popcorn.

Seriously though, always good to hear they're working on another title. Just don't make us wait another five years, eh?

Author:  JoTS [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

YES. :will:

Hopefully since they actually have a 3D engine made already this time 'round, it'll be a fairly quicker release (or at least a bit more time to catch some glaring grammar errors-- not that there was awfully too many).

Author:  DeMatador [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Blademaster_Orca wrote:
As long as the quality is on par (or even better) than AA5 was overall, I'll be all over it like butter on popcorn.

Seriously though, always good to hear they're working on another title. Just don't make us wait another five years, eh?

With AA5 being the best-selling Ace Attorney game so far, trust me, they won't take too long. After all, Yamazaki claims they're "full force" into development, so I'm expecting an announcement by late 2014, and a release by mid-2015. As long as the games are not annualized for the sake of annualization (Capcom style... oh wait), and the team gets all the time they need, I'm 100% fine.

Plus the Takumi news has got me all giddy like a schoolgirl. After AA1-4, Ghost Trick and PLvsPW:AA, more Takumi simply cannot be a bad thing. Wouldn't it be awesome if both the Takumi and Yamazaki projects turned out to be AA6, though?

JoTS wrote:
YES. :will:

Hopefully since they actually have a 3D engine made already this time 'round, it'll be a fairly quicker release (or at least a bit more time to catch some glaring grammar errors-- not that there was awfully too many).

The fact that they already have a perfectly good engine working, plus perfectly functional models for at least 1 of the main characters (willing to bet all 3 will be back), I'm sure it'll take less.

That is, unless they decide to completely revamp the AA experience (again!), and/or decide to do AAI3 on a modified AA5 engine, which would require, well, modifying the engine. But that is highly unlikely, a fact made clear if you compare the sales (and reviews!) for AAI2 and AA5. For AAI2's sake, don't even consider hardware install base at time of release.

Author:  Sir Duke [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

I'm actually thinking the announcement would be held at a Japanese only Nintendo Direct. Then again, that's probably only me hoping news would come before next September.

Author:  ReturnofthePhoenix [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

As much as I'm looking forward to the next Phoenix Wright project, the Takumi project is really exciting for me. Takumi brought that magic to Ace Attorney which, no offense to the Dual Destinies team, Yamazaki couldn't quite match. Dual Destinies was great and all but I feel Takumi...

I'm gonna stop myself before I go into a boring rant about nothing that matters. Woo! More Ace Attorney and more Shu Takumi and yaaaay!

Author:  BonnyMono [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

So, we're gonna expect GS6's trailer at E3 next year? Neeeeaaaaaaaaaat.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

2014 will be a great year. ちょっとわくわくしてるね。

Author:  Ash [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

1) Not sure if I'm happy Yamazaki's team is already working again (and while the wording is a bit vague, I am going to assume he's talking about a new AA title), but I'm sure looking forward to Takumi's title, even though he sounds kinda depressing :P

2) I knew that Kitajima Yukinori had helped writing the script of both Layton vs GS[,i] and [i]Dual Destinies, but I had no idea he had also worked on Time Travelers, Senran Kagura and 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~. Man, he has done a lot on my favorite games of this and last year!

3) No Tantei Jinguuji Saburou or Kamaitachi no Yoru news.... :(

Author:  Thane [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Huh, that's very interesting, but I'm conflicted. On one hand, I want the current team to stick to the spin-off (which I don't care about at all) and let Mr. Takumi take over the regular Ace Attorney franchise, but on the other, I really want a GS6.

Still, great news! It's good to hear Dual Destinies did so well, too.

Author:  jaydrick0620 [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco


Oh man, we gots to get ready

Author:  Louise [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Oh my god I'm so happy :larry:

But please let Apollo be the main character.

Author:  Gyakuten$aiban [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Oh man, if the next Ace Attorney game gets announced next year...

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Just woke up and all I see is this amazing announcement, perfect way to wake up. :acro: I'd be very excited if the new game would be either ghost trick related or AA related I really don't mind. Great that GS6 is gonna be started at full force, I just hope they do a good job with the storyline like they did with GS5.

Author:  Cravat of Doom [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Oh, that's lovely! It is a shame that Takumi seems to have left the core GS franchise because his writing was definitely better than Takeshi Yamazak's but what can one do. More Ace Attorney is certainly welcomed!

Since DD seems to have done well, maybe they'll decide to translate AAI2...

Author:  uncleungie [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Shu Takumi is working on a new project? This is the precious news I've been waiting for.

Author:  Yellow Magician [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

While I'm obviously happy about the news, I really hope they choose the right characters to bring back
(if anyone)...

Author:  Kanji [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Ash wrote:
1) Not sure if I'm happy Yamazaki's team is already working again (and while the wording is a bit vague, I am going to assume he's talking about a new AA title), but I'm sure looking forward to Takumi's title, even though he sounds kinda depressing :P

2) I knew that Kitajima Yukinori had helped writing the script of both Layton vs GS[,i] and [i]Dual Destinies, but I had no idea he had also worked on Time Travelers, Senran Kagura and 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~. Man, he has done a lot on my favorite games of this and last year!

3) No Tantei Jinguuji Saburou or Kamaitachi no Yoru news.... :(

Why does Takumi sound depressed? (I didn't read the article.)

Author:  Yash K. Productions [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Please let it be GK3......
And here's my custom logo!

Author:  Bolt Storm [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Kanji wrote:
Why does Takumi sound depressed? (I didn't read the article.)

A rough translation of his comments on his new game:

Shu Takumi wrote:
This year I’ve been pouring all my energy into preparation and writing for a new title.

Even now I’m still giving it my all; it’s times like this that are the most exhausting, mentally speaking. You just dive right into your mind and stay down there so long that the outside world seems to vanish. I’ve hardly had the time to enjoy any entertainment of my own! (Well, besides The Wind Rises and the games I’ve mentioned above.)

In 2014, I’d like to bring all this work together into a solid game and announce it. I’m looking forward to everyone’s response!

Sounds like he's really putting his all into his new title. I wonder if he's getting a bit of pressure from Capcom given how GT sold (and PLvsPW to a lesser extent).

Anyway, this isn't really that much in the way of news besides Takumi confirming he wants to announce his new game in 2014, but it's still nice to get new solid comments.

And as an aside, the 2013 game that left the biggest impression on Takumi was The Wonderful 101, while for Yamazaki it was Beyond: Two Souls.

Author:  Sligneris [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

aplab23207 wrote:
Please let it be GK3......
And here's my custom logo!

...That "3" feels extremely unfitting.

Author:  electragurl [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco





Oh my gosh it's actually happening!

(*crosses fingers for awesome maya part somewhere in the game*)

Author:  ElectricOutcast [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

As if I didn't have more writing work to deal with

Author:  Auraion [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Amazing news, I still can barely believe them. I'm really looking forward Takumi's new project.

As for the new Ace Attorney, I'm glad, DD left room for a sequel. But as much as I want AA6, I have a feeling it will be AAI3. I don't know, it feels too good to be true.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Auraion wrote:
Amazing news, I still can barely believe them. I'm really looking forward Takumi's new project.

As for the new Ace Attorney, I'm glad, DD left room for a sequel. But as much as I want AA6, I have a feeling it will be AAI3. I don't know, it feels too good to be true.

GK3 wouldn't be such a bad thing, especially if they localize it and the translation team finishes with GK2.

Author:  Danchat [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Man, Takumi's new title is really intriguing me... I wonder what he can come up with next.

It's also a shame Ghost Trick and PL vs AA didn't do so well compared to GK5 in Japan. I think both games are better than Dual Destinies...

Right now I'm just wondering if any of these games will make it out of Japan. We still have no idea how much GK5 sold.

Author:  Cesar Zero [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy because of this news...but I wish that both of them are working on the same title.

Also, I think someone said that AA5 was the best-selling ace attorney game yet.

Author:  Cravat of Doom [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Shelly_De_Killer wrote:
Auraion wrote:
Amazing news, I still can barely believe them. I'm really looking forward Takumi's new project.

As for the new Ace Attorney, I'm glad, DD left room for a sequel. But as much as I want AA6, I have a feeling it will be AAI3. I don't know, it feels too good to be true.

GK3 wouldn't be such a bad thing, especially if they localize it and the translation team finishes with GK2.

Ungh, I don't want them to make more AAI. The first game was a forced, watery fanservice game that didn't come close to the caliber of the main series. It had no weight to it. I never played AAI2 but it's probably more of the same :/

They practically steamrolled the characters into flatness.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Cravat of Doom wrote:
Shelly_De_Killer wrote:
Auraion wrote:
Amazing news, I still can barely believe them. I'm really looking forward Takumi's new project.

As for the new Ace Attorney, I'm glad, DD left room for a sequel. But as much as I want AA6, I have a feeling it will be AAI3. I don't know, it feels too good to be true.

GK3 wouldn't be such a bad thing, especially if they localize it and the translation team finishes with GK2.

Ungh, I don't want them to make more AAI. The first game was a forced, watery fanservice game that didn't come close to the caliber of the main series. It had no weight to it. I never played AAI2 but it's probably more of the same :/

They practically steamrolled the characters into flatness.

Well sure it's not the same as the AA series but it's still a pretty good game on its own. As for GK2 I think it is better than GK1

Author:  kwando1313 [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

People say that GK2 is the best game in the series. So...

Author:  Skittlemask [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Aw yeah! More Ace Attorney, 2014 is going to be an awesome year! :will:
Though honestly, I'm more interested in Shuu Takumi's new title. The guy is a freakin' genius and amazing writer.
Danchat wrote:
It's also a shame Ghost Trick and PL vs AA didn't do so well compared to GK5 in Japan. I think both games are better than Dual Destinies...

YES, somebody agrees with me! Well, I don't know about PL VS AA, but I personally think Ghost Trick is better than Dual Destinies.
Anyway, I'm hoping it's GS6 and not GK3. Edgeworth's my favorite character and all, but I wasn't a huge fan of the GK spinoff. I mean, I like Kay and Lang, but the rest of the characters are... not as memorable. And I have a few issues with the way Yamazaki portrays Gumshoe. The cases are a watered down and not all that interesting. GK2 is certainly better (or rather, the first two cases) are better but... I don't know but I like GS alot better.

Author:  Danchat [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Also, I think someone said that AA5 was the best-selling ace attorney game yet.

In Japan. I meant to say we still have no idea how it sold in NA/EU. They don't release eShop sales to the public.
Anyway, I'm hoping it's GS6 and not GK3. Edgeworth's my favorite character and all, but I wasn't a huge fan of the GK spinoff. I mean, I like Kay and Lang, but the rest of the characters are... not as memorable. And I have a few issues with the way Yamazaki portrays Gumshoe. The cases are a watered down and not all that interesting. GK2 is certainly better (or rather, the first two cases) are better but... I don't know but I like GS alot better.

AAI was OK... it had a lot of good moments and bad ones. It was enjoyable, still. Of what I've seen of AAI2, it looks much better, at least in the fan-service department and "flatness". (albeit I've only played the translated one. I can't read Japanese.)

Author:  Sportacus [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

I hope it will be a new character.
A new attorney who worked for Gavin till GS4-1 ;
who knew Athena as his father worked in the same place as Athena's mom ;
who is a good friend of Apollo since the elementary school ;
who idolizes and respects Mia Fey and Phoenix Wright ;
whose first case happens when Apollo (suspect of the murder) was still studying in the university ;
who became lawyer and specialist in analytical psychology at age 18 (like Athena) ;
who worked as independant lawyer after GS4-1 until GS6-1 the moment in which he joins Wright Anything Agency ;
who had hypersensitivity to noise and difficulties to express his feelings and to recognise the others' feelings when was a child (reason why his father gave him for birthday Widget) ;
who left LA - together with his father - to study law and psychology in Europe, specially in Switzerland (in which he met Klavier and became his boyfriend) ;
who reveals to be bisexual and accepted by his father ;
who is also very close to Apollo and Clay as friend ;
who has photographic memory ;
who has the gift to solve puzzles, mostly to classical ciphers ;
who rarely skipped school because of his disability when he was a child ;
whose favorite color is green (to combine his color with Clay's and Apollo's (RGB logic)).

I know, it was really goddamn long, ... :sadshoe:
...but my imagination is bigger in the inside. :edgey:

Author:  slytheus [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

WOO! Awesome news. 8D I hope they can work on bringing old stories back because there are so many mysteries and DD did nothing in addressing them (though I didn't expect it to). xD;
Something Ghost Trick related would be great as well. :D

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! More good news for 2014! That's 2 games on my list of must-buys!
I'm really excited for a new Ace Attorney, and although I feel that Takumi's writing for AA is better than Yamazaki's, I loved Dual Destinies a lot, and I think Yamazaki's gotten the hang of how an AA game works pretty well, so I'm not worried that he's the head writer.

As for Takumi's new game, It's piqued my curiosity! I'm not sure wether to hope for another Ghost Trick, or a new series!

Author:  Yash K. Productions [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Sligneris wrote:
aplab23207 wrote:
Please let it be GK3......
And here's my custom logo!

...That "3" feels extremely unfitting.

Or how about this:

Author:  D.A. McCoy [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Exciting news, although I'm not going to start getting excited until we hear from Capcom USA about it. Also, it's a little hard to get too excited for AA6 when I'm still only through the long-awaited AA5. Still great news though. I think Dual Destinies is overall the best game in the series (not my favorite though; "best" and "my favorite personally" actually have pretty different criteria haha) so I'm fine with the AAI team doing it. (In fact, I'm not sure Takumi coming back would be a good thing in the end) However, I don't really want a GK3 at this point. They've set up a really great cast of characters in DD; I want to see them again. While I really like the AAI games, they always feel less impactful and interesting to me. The gameplay also feels really uneven pacing-wise when replaying them. Even the very-good AAI2 wasn't as good as the main series.

Takumi working on a new project is always a good thing. Excited to see what comes next!

Author:  Charlieboy90 [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Two words: Innocents Day


Author:  Turnabout_Lawman [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Twas waiting for the "when" good to hear it's so soon being worked on.
Finally a new female prosecutor? Ooh will they go with an assistant is the final villain twist? What will they do to top their crazy animations last game? Dat speculative excitement. :edgey:

And crazy excited for Shu working on something new. I miss the man's writing so much (and agree with what was said up there, much love to the DD team however still enjoyed it thoroughly).

Author:  Sligneris [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Next AA now in development by DD team + Takumi news inco

Turnabout_Lawman wrote:
Finally a new female prosecutor? Ooh will they go with an assistant is the final villain twist? What will they do to top their crazy animations last game? Dat speculative excitement. :edgey:

...They won't. The transition for 3DS as well as trying to balance Apollo's and Phoenix's screentime with a fresh blood were the perfect opportunity to introduce a new assistant. Opportunity that won't happen again in the near future. Introducing new assistant, while keeping the current ones would make the game too overloaded with too many main characters...

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