Court Records

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Author:  beterbomen [ Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  OBJECtion...


A word we have been familiar with for many years by now.
In the world of Ace Attorney, it is a word of power and authority, a word which very utterance is a sign of incomming awesome...

Of course, it doesn't always work out that well. There has been many a moment where even this word has fallen short, leading to memorable exposition.

You should all remember:
-"I object... for the sake of objecting."
-"OBJECTION! ...That- that's just dumb!"

-An objection consisting only of a cup of scolding hot coffee.
And of course the ever classic: "That was... objectionable!"

With a new AA on it's way, now might be the time to reflect on those moments when objections alone weren't quite enough, as well as theorize about what else might lie in wait.

Perhaps if we know what might be comming, we can avoid- :objection:

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Honestly a failed objection is close to the best thing in this series.

Edgeworth: Objection! Your honour! The testimony clearly contradicts the evidence!
Judge: I-It does?
Edgeworth: *desk slam* Excuse me your honour! You just said it did!
Judge: >:( *penalty*

Author:  DeMatador [ Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

No objections to this thread.

I agree with Pierre, those moments are excellent for summing up Ace Attorney's trademark quirkiness.

Author:  Mr. Bear Jew [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Edgeworth's initial flubbed attempt during the last day of Turnabout Samurai.

" :edgeworth: *OBJECTION!* ...
:udgy: Yes, Mr. Edgeworth?
:edgeworth: I was hoping to come up with a question while I was objecting, Your Honor... I didn't.
:udgy: I see... very well."

Author:  tiger_festival [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Spoiler: Last case of AAI
Edgeworth: :objection: Hmph. That statement just now stands in clear contradiction to this evidence.
Alba: No, it doesn't.
Edgeworth: Ack! *penalized* (But that's impossible!)
Edgeworth: This piece of evidence will reveal the whole sad tale to us!
Alba: Hmph. I have no interest in listening to such a story.
Edgeworth: That's quite alright! *penalized*

Do TAKE THAT!s count? If so:
Spoiler: If this is still spoiling anything for you eight years later, bite me
Phoenix: :takethat:
Judge: Well, chief?
Gant: So long as Mr. Wright is tossing out things regardless of their relevance, mind if I toss something too, Udgey? This shoe should do nicely. I'll chuck it right at you!
Judge: You were always quite the joker, weren't you?
Phoenix: (Oops... Looks like I got it wrong.)
Judge: Don't "oops" me! Or I'll be the one throwing my shoe next!

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Besides the usual present-wrong-evidence-and-get-a-penalty dialogue branches, there aren't really that many plot-relative failed objections.

There are, however, plenty of (somewhat valid) objections that lead into arguments that are just plain silly. I will never forget the latter trial from case 2-4:
Spoiler: Shrinking down text and minor spoilers for those who haven't finished JFA
Phoenix: "Mr. Powers. You're easily influenced by other people's words, aren't you? As soon as you heard the bellboy might have been the killer, you got caught up in believing it must be true."
Will: "But... But... isn't he really suspicious!? He's got all those stitches and... and..."
Phoenix: "So? A baseball has stitches! Are you saying all baseballs are suspicious because they have stitches!?"

Phoenix: "So what if he had gloves? A lot of bellboys wear gloves!"
Will: "Come on, Mr. Wright! That bellboy was wearing black leather ones!"
Phoenix: "So? A football is made out of leather! Are you saying all footballs are suspicious because they're made out of leather!?"

Phoenix (*slam*): "I said 'Hold it!'"
Will: "Um... OK."
Phoenix: "That's better! *Ahem* What kind of statement is that!? Please elaborate and give us a few more details!"

Phoenix: "..."
Will: "..."
Edgeworth: "..."
Judge: "..."
Edgeworth: "What was the point of that pregnant pause!?"
Judge: "Where did that objection come from!? Well, speak up!"
Phoenix: "Uh, it was me, Your Honor..."

I'm not sure if I should count Will suddenly screaming, and then going "...........?", but that deserves a chuckle too.

And then, it went back to being serious. *sigh*

sumguy28 wrote:
Do TAKE THAT!s count? If so:
Spoiler: If this is still spoiling anything for you eight years later, bite me
Phoenix: :takethat:
Judge: Well, chief?
Gant: So long as Mr. Wright is tossing out things regardless of their relevance, mind if I toss something too, Udgey? This shoe should do nicely. I'll chuck it right at you!
Judge: You were always quite the joker, weren't you?
Phoenix: (Oops... Looks like I got it wrong.)
Judge: Don't "oops" me! Or I'll be the one throwing my shoe next!

Boot to the head! I think this may be a subtle reference to the Frantics, but I'm not sure.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Heh, I'm trying to replay 2-4 right now... I had to stop as soon as Oldbag appeared in the beginning, I just couldn't handle her at that point.

Anyhow, the first Objections done by Phoenix, Mia or Apollo.
And then being quite for a while.


Author:  ekree [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Don't know why, but I've always loved this one:
Spoiler: possible 4-3 spoilers
Apollo: Image
Judge: ......
Judge: Does this look like a small window to you, Mr. Justice?
Apollo: ...The state of modern society can be read from numerous objects and artifacts. In a sense, anything can be a "window" on our society.
Judge: I didn't ask you to point out a window on society. I want a window on the crime scene!

Author:  beterbomen [ Sat May 06, 2017 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Yeah, I know, Necropost. But with a few new games out now, I was wondering if anyone knew of any more. I've certainly seen a few.

Author:  Aeliren [ Sat May 06, 2017 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Who could forget...

:objection: Go away!

Author:  Moddragon22 [ Sat May 06, 2017 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

Aeliren wrote:
Who could forget...

Edgeworth wrote:
:objection: Go away!

Beautiful. :edgey:

Author:  beterbomen [ Wed May 24, 2017 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBJECtion...

I always liked:


:simon: B-birdman?

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