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PWLib Casemaker (Released 1.1 at 14/09/2008 11:24PM GMT-3)Topic%20Title
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AIGE/PWLib Casemaker Developer

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Some of you may remember me from the "New Casemaker" topic.

I decided to open this topic to clarify stuff about PWLib and give a complete explanation of it.

PWLib is a casemaker I'm working on using an engine I'm developing (named AIGE). PWLib is a script in library-format for AIGE, so AIGE can be used with it to create PW games.
Differently from the other casemakers around, PWLib doesn't come with a cute, user friendly editor. You program directly in AIGE's language using PWLib commands, thus it gives you total control of the results (you don't have sections, but just a linear code. So you're not limited to call examines at only the court, for example). In other words, it is an advanced casemaker, but still easy to medium to learn how to use AIGE's language (AHLSL).

An editor might come out if there is enough need for it (user requests).

AIGE's PWLib Casemaker Preview: (updated: April 10)
New - Reorganized and retook all shots with latest build.

There is also a video if someone wants to have a look.

I hope this clarifies what PWLib is. Feel free to ask any questions about it.


PWLib Hayase Released. (PWLib Internal 1.1)

PWLib: Power your PW dreams.

- Mirroring is NOT ALLOWED. Any Mirroring will result into PWLib's development to go on hold.

Updates and versions available at:
:minuki: :maya:

PWLib 1.1 Core
PWLib GFX 2.0

Updating notes:
When updating form 1.0b: delete PW and pwlib folders before depacking the new pwlib data.
GFX 1.0 is not 100% compatible with PWLib 1.1.

Changelog for pwlib 1.1 + AIGE 0.9.700

-Added Maya Fey to PWLib SCS
-Added Lana Skye to PWLib SCS
-Added Sister Iris to PWLib SCS
-Added Young Phoenix Wright to PWLib SCS
-Added Old Valant to PWLib SCS
-Added Young Valant to PWLib SCS
-Added LeTouse to PWLib SCS
-Added Trucy Wright to PWLib SCS
-Added GS4 Evidence to PWLib
-Added Previous Message System (PMS) Core to AIGE
-Added PMS Support to PWLib
-Added Multi-Colored Texts for Message Box. (On Simple and Accelerated)
-Added registercolor command to AIGE (to use with Multi-Text Coloring)
-Added Scenery Overlay object to PWLib, as well the Detention Center glass
-Added Animation Information Dump command to AIGE
-Added support to " in messages (by using \")
-Added alternative sizing support to CRO sprites (with piece and master functions)
-Added NotifyEnforce to Error Handling (so notify won't got to simple in this mode)
-Added Configuration Profiling
-Added startup field on config allowing to define the startup file
-Added Mia Fey's Advance and Cross Examination Buttons
-Added two functions allowing setting the advance buttons and cross examination to PW or Mia
-Added mainfunction field on config allowing to define the main function
-Added new PWLib function for main screen: pw_showmainex. It automatically uses PWLib's default main screen title or use the texture defined into variable pw_mainbackground.
-Added a default PWLib main screen title image (berdoido's image)
-Added New Arrow Animations for Advance, Notify and Cross Examination
-Added rules to files that are processed on the auto folder. hlsl, ahlsl and txt will be loaded as AHLSL scripts. hltl and ahltl will be loaded as AHLTL scripts
-Added text-based namebox
-Added pwnameboxfont (font by jeti)
-Added savevariables(), saveheader(), saveitems(), savescriptpos(), savereturnstack()
-Added loadvariables(), loadheader(), loaditems(), loadscriptpos(), commitscriptpos(), loadreturnstack()
-Added definefilehandler() command to handle file handlers. Now file handlers are separated from global and local variables
-Added file pw_saveload.hlsl to PWLib to contain PWLib save and load commands
-Added regen functions to PWLib (allowing regeneration of scenes)
-Added file pw_psychelock.hlsl to PWLib to contain PWLib psychelock scripts
-Added PsycheLock graphics to PW folder under folder psychelock
-Added recfuncname() command that allows recording the name of the function that is currently been executed to a variable
-Added reclastmessage() command that allows recording the current text in the messagebox (raw text) to a variable
-Added a loading screen for pwlib when loading the engine
-Added more controls for buttons on AIGE
-Added config field parserlevel that defines how strict the AHLSL Parser is
-Added Key Manager to AIGE
-Added quicksave and quickload support to PWLib
-Added quicksave and quickload enable and disable functions (pw_enablequicksaveload and pw_disablequicksaveload)
-Added Block Comments (/* */)
-Added function on PWLib to force the appearence of the Advance Arrow
-Added setbuttontexturecoordinatesex and resetbuttontexturecoordinatesex AIGE Commands
-Added String Service (setstring, appendtostring, prependtostring)
-Added Boolean Service (settrue, setfalse, getboolean, and, or, not, xor, invertboolean, getlastboolean)
-Added pw_setnameboxtonoone_f and pw_setnameboxtounknown_f functions to PWLib for female characters
-Added pw_setsilentmsgbox to set to no namebox and no ticking sound
-Added pw_settypewritermsgbox to set to no namebox and typewriter sound
-Added Benchmark Service (startfpsbenchmark, stopfpsbenchmark)
-Added Message Base (allows games with multi-languages. Part of the Message Service)
-Added lipsync "keep animation" (not reset) commands (enable and disable)
-Added getbgmpath and getambpath commands
-Added command counter benchmark commands
-Added real functions
-Added function keywords
-Added bench regen
-Added Save and Load allow and disallow commands to pwlib
-Added Case Selection Screen (by DDRKhat)
-Added Custom Commands (parameter-less version)
-Removed automatic bold on Simple Text Render for Text objects
-Removed file variable type on definevar() and definevarglobal()
-Moved all message box code to file pw_boxes.hlsl
-Moved Advance buttons to the correct folder (from misc to buttons)
-Updated pwfont to support accents (font by jeti)
-Updated logging system. Now logs now go to the log folder, if it exists and logging is on.
-Updated lifebar (graphic by Serio)
-Updated Phoenix Wright buttons (Advance and Cross Examination) (graphic by Serio)
-Updated AIGE sound engine. Now using Audiere (ogg, mp3, etc support)
-Updated AHLSL Interpreter for faster loadings
-Updated AHLSL Command Identifier to automatically remove extra spaces (allowing indentation)
-Updated Dick Gumshoe in PWLib SCS
-Updated Penny Nichols in PWLib SCS
-Updated pw_setnameboxtonoone function
-Updated internal AIGE transparency management for objects
-Updated Logging, now render dumps video card data and some capabilties
-Updated cross examination, main screen and question codes
-Updated quit command on AHLSL, now engine closes immediately
-Fixed PWLib pw_setnameboxtounknown function
-Fixed issue with replacetexture command affecting set<object>texturecoordinates() command. The issue caused an object to lose its texture and not render correctly.
-Fixed wrong value generation on Animation Builder (generating negative values)
-Fixed issue when adding the same evidence or profile 2 or more times in a row. It generated "blank items" that could potentially lock AIGE.
-Fixed coloring issue were objects could only be colored once directly by the color commands and then only by calling another function (like place) after the color command call
-Fixed cursor control functions on AIGE
-Fixed issue with FPS calculation generating wrong FPS value. Now the fps stays more stable and coherent to real archived FPS

Last Notes:
- Update Your Video Card Drivers (this is mandatory. MS Drivers and Old Drivers may cause AIGE to fail.)
- Install DirectX 9.0c (to get d3dx dlls)
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Redistributable (search on ms site)
- Read the tutorial

The New PWFont Pack (by jeti):
PWLib 1.2 Under Development

PWLib Casemaker (Version 1.1) at

Last edited by KSA_Tech on Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:25 pm, edited 27 times in total.
Re: PWLib CasemakerTopic%20Title
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A fad in a castle

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That looks godly, judging by the screenshots.

I'll wish you luck on this.
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The Triumphant Return

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That looks really cool!
Wait... :objection:

Why does it say: "Episode 2; Turnabout Secrets" then says "Episode 3; Turnabout Secrets"?

Other than that, it looks epic-ly epic! *shot*
Gunpower, gellatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind. Anytime.
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Those screen shots are made of EPIC + WIN! :D

I hope the final product will be easy to understand, and easy to use to make cases. :)
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AIGE/PWLib Casemaker Developer

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To Emiga: It is that I'm lazy to change the resource file, and since the shots are from a test script, there's no real need to change that.

To Super Judge Bro.: The project is 95% complete for a beta release. :minuki:

Also there is a video i'll be remaking (since the current I have shows a not so nice bug with the text rendering). I may put a link for it from my site when I'm done if someone ever wants to see it. The video shows stuff that the shots cannot. And also put some music on the video (since I just implemented mp3 playback in AIGE, and didn't recorded sound on the current video not even for the small sfx).

If anyone wants to see this first video, you're welcome to ask.
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Preview Video 01 Released! :minuki: :minuki: :minuki:

Note: I'm hosting the video, so my upload can be at max 30kb/s. Download it instead of watching via stream. :keiko:

Extra Notes: Camtasia forces the engine to run at 45/47 fps. Normally it runs at desktop speed (60 fps).

Recommendations: Use ffdshow to play this file (link 2 posts below).
PWLib 1.2 Under Development

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Last edited by KSA_Tech on Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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KSA_Tech wrote:
Preview Video 01 Released! :minuki: :minuki: :minuki:

Note: I'm hosting the video, so my upload can be at max 30kb/s. Download it instead of watching via stream. :keiko:

When I downloaded it, I could not open the video file. I think there's something wrong with it. What formatting did you use? :(
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Get ffdshow. I used Camtasia to make the video (and as i don't know how to use it much :ini: , I have no idea of witch format it used. All I know is that ffdshow works.).

I got ffdshow from: :keiko:
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^ Ji Hye Jang

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Coming along quite well!
One thing... when moving the cursor during exam, I'm pretty sure(could be wrong) it doesn't just jump, but actually quickly moves towards the new position...
Proud creator of the first released PWLib-made fangame! ^_^
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Thanks. Comments are always welcome.

About the examine: I'll make the slide effect for the final version.
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I have been thinking and now that MechaBowser is back, it is time for me to get serious on PWLib.
Even though no almost no one gave feedback on that video (16 downloads!!), I'm happy to see that actually people got a relative interest in it.

Since I finished the Wipe Effect (when you click the CR button, for example), I can focus on important pw menus and make them as they should be.

The first video was a little demonstration of the test script I use to test every version of pwlib, so it didn't made much sense. The second video will be much better, so be aware. :damon:
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A fad in a castle

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Just wondering, I wanted to ask some questions.

1. Will it be possible to import your own background location art, custom characters, extra Objection! voices... etc?

2. Is the scripting language easy to learn? Will there be a tutorial?
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1. Yes. You can do that all easily without much hassle.

2. Yes, it is. I'll make tutos available, of course.

If you want I can post some examples of code for pwlib. :keiko:
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Re: PWLib CasemakerTopic%20Title
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Now with Glasses!

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This looks incredible.
In the later releases, could you possibly add Psyche locks and maybe Apollo's bracelet? It would make this even more awesome.
Good work pal. :edgy:
Back, check out LOZ AA.
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Psyche Locks dynamics are already working. Just need the chain and locks animations. (and AHLTL to make the invert bg, but it can go without that). Since the Talk isn't done yet (because I was fixing aige and working on effects), I'll add the last psyche lock requirement as I go.

I haven't played AJ yet (only case 1), so i don't know how the bracelet works (yet!), but i can try to make it.
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A fad in a castle

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KSA_Tech wrote:
If you want I can post some examples of code for pwlib. :keiko:

A few examples would be splendid. :)
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I need to make a better example database since I only made code for testing (so it is a mess).

Some examples:

Adding BGs:

A) On the [load] function (or other you define to load your resources), put:

"PW\cust\mycustombg.png" is the path to your bg.

B) Now you create a function to use it.

C) And to use the bg, just do:

And you're set.

Adding Characters:

PWLib uses a sheet to create animations. You "program" the animation using 3 commands:
createanimation, insertanimationframe and setanimationframetexturecoordinates

createanimation("Payne_Normal_Talking",1); //rework

In case you create 2 animations, silent and talking one.

Now you create a function to easily use that pose, eg.:

And using runscript("pw_enablepaynenormal"); you can use it.

Simple talk:

message("This! Look at it!");
message("(It's hopeless... I should try again...");


Two functions control the lipsync on pwlib.
runscript("setlipsynctonoone"); disables it.
runscript("setlipsynctochar"); enables it, so no matter witch char is on the screen, pwlib will try to lipsync it with the text.
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A fad in a castle

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About the create animation and stuff, are they inserted into the coding every time a character appears on screen? Or is the animation just saved to some... sprite database or something?

Hmm, looks a bit easy. I would have to write down some of those in a notepad to remember though. :P
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Animations are saved in a pool and can be implanted into objects. You define it and it is part of the animation pool. Ready for use. You can have sfx on animations too and even define repeat x times. AIGE has an Animation Manager. Also it will be possible to use the same animation for more than one object at the same time (it can now, but has a bug that causes rendering error - blinking object);

Example of PW bench slam!
//Hit Table


Ah, forgot to mention: PWLib has a predefined library of animations (will have). :minuki: :franny: :godot:
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A fad in a castle

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Ah, I see. So the numbers next to the animation name, I assume these are used to further define a sprite? Are those numbers auto-created or something?

Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I just may be using this someday.
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Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but can the text pause in the middle of the block, or go fast, or go slow, like oldbag's text, or how when they say something surprising, there's a little pause before it, even though it's in the same text block. Thanks.
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A fad in a castle

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Oh snap, I forgot the most important question.

Would this casemaker be free to download?
Re: PWLib CasemakerTopic%20Title
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The number is unused. Originally it was for frame count, but today serves no use. Just compatibility.
Questions are good, so no problem.

Yes, you can. AIGE provides various types of message commands.

messageappend(" Stop!");

You use aige's message appending. So you can do anything between two blocks of text.

Text speed is controlled by: setmsgboxtextspeed(n); where n is the speed. lower = faster (the delay between letters).

Free? Possibly. Just kidding. I was surprised, why would it be paid?
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A fad in a castle

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Ah, I see. I'm glad to hear that it'll be free. Thanks for answering my questions.

Um.. one more question. I promise. Can music tracks be imported? If so, which formats can?
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It supports mp3, mid and wav.

You can only use mid or wav on sfx, bgm and ambient. There is a channel special for mp3 (called mp3).

I have code in dsound for ogg, just need to take a little time and add it to AIGE.
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I downloaded the thing but I am totally clueless as to how to use it to port your video to work with my system.
How would I go about doing this?
Back, check out LOZ AA.
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I used the ffdshow codec to playback it. Just installed it. :franny:

Any success? :edgy:
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Yo Dawg!

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The video was cool. Cant wait to see the final project.
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I looked at the screenshots again, and noticed the mic symbol near the Press button. Is this thing going to be compatable with recording mics? I doubt it, but just food for thought...
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At least on the first version, no. It was because of the graphic i used. :minuki:

It seems that MechaBowser will release the his casemaker first.
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KSA_Tech wrote:
It seems that MechaBowser will release the his casemaker first.

I'll try out both casemakers anyway.

I just might prefer to make Banjo: Ace Attorney on your casemaker if I want it advanced. Mecha's for a demo. :P
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I'm considering (even before i read your post Super Judge Bro.) into making a short video on "from zero to a simple talk" using PWLib. :keiko:

This to prove that even for demos you can use PWLib. And also to show the initial setup of a pw game using pwlib.

I hope people doesn't get "omg! It's Mechabowser casemaker!" And forget about PWLib.
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A fad in a castle

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I'm pretty sure people won't forget about PWLib. I mean, I won't. From what I cam assume, you can make things possible in a case that is not even in the canon PW games. Like a new Psyche Lock system or something. :P
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I need to play AJ to get the idea of the new psyche lock system.

And not to mention that MechaBowser has a great advanced over me in his casemaker: He is known for the ones he made, and uses MMF2 so he doesn't have to care about engine-related development. And it has an editor. PWLib doesn't have one, so it scares a lot of ppl out.

It is up to when i release pwlib to see the results. But I'm sure of one thing: What MechaBowser includes in his casemaker will be included in PWLib.
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I may as well explain what APollo's bracelet does here, as it's not TOO spolierific but I'll tag it anyway.
Spoiler: Apollo's Bracelet
The bracelet allows you to read the witness by their body language then percieve them to make them talk, it is somewhat like a psyche lock, but it's also like examining a witness.

That's what the bracelet does in a nutshell.
And also, would you include examining evidence like in Case 5 of PW1? Or would that be too difficult to do?
Back, check out LOZ AA.
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I played and complete AJ case 1, so I know the idea, just need to know its mechanics.

You mean the 3D Check?

Oh, and I did a small, 8 mins video showing the very basic development of a pw game using PWlib, It is 39mb, so I won't put availabe on http yet. Anyone interest, let me know.
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^ Ji Hye Jang

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You don't really get to see the perceive system properly during case 1... try case 2 or even 3 to get a proper feel for it.
Proud creator of the first released PWLib-made fangame! ^_^
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The vid was blue-ish to me, but it looked really cool!
Gunpower, gellatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind. Anytime.
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It happened to me too before I updated ffdshow. The "zombie mode" is a codec bug.
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Downloading the vid now, but I just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to this! I definitely have some ideas that don't exist in the current PW framework (I'm hoping to add some sense of non-linearity) so this is a great option for me to have, even if it means I'll spend longer learning how to code. Good luck writing tutorials, too!

Also, to shrink the vids, have you considered converting to .rm format? It requires RealMedia, but those files are very small and good quality. I know next to nothing about it, though, so just a thought.
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