Court Records

The LAWYERMAN! Project
Page 20 of 27

Author:  The Doctor [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Only I get my own page.

This is because I'm Nick Fury, and he's pretty damn important.

You know, it seems so bloody egotistical but it's not and I'm sorry :sadshoe:

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project


It was so funny when my dad and I went to see Iron Man when it was in theaters. XD I asked him what were some of his favorite comic books and he said one of his favorites was the one with Nick Fury in it. Then he started to tell me about Nick Fury and SHEILD. I had heard there was something after the credits, so we waited. And there was Nick Fury played by freaking Samuel L. Jackson! It was a pretty funny coincidence.

Author:  MezzoForte [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I come NOT WITH CONCEPT ART but with the epicness of new characters >D.

Real Name: Alita Tiala
A.K.A.: Little Wing
Relatives: Unknown
Height: Average
Weight: Light
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown
Abilities: Energy Manipulation that is mainly used in the form of energy bombs, energy projectiles, energy sheilds or she can use the majority of her energy to form wings for escape purposes.
Weapons: She usually doesn't use many other wepons besides those that she makes with her Energy Manipulation ability, though she has been known to carry light firearms if nessicary.
Notes: It's more of a running gag than anything else, but I was thinking that her superhero identity can fool everyone but Wocky, who manages to see right through the disguise.

I decided to make Alita a Tweener becuase her actions in the game were not as blatantly evil as some other villians in the game. Also, I'm currently working on a design on her outfit, which should be up by tomorrow.

Real Name: Plum Kitaki
A.K.A.: Little Plum
Relatives: Winfred Kitaki, Husband; Wocky Kitaki, Son
Height: Short
Weight: Heavy
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Abilities: Ability to INTIMIDATE THE HECK out of people who annoy her.
Weapons: An array of knives, daggers and swords, but her favorite is her broom katana.
Notes: Her normal outfit is alright, not much needs to be changed.

“Gangsta K”
Real Name: Wocky Kitaki
A.K.A.: That Fox Boy
Relatives: Kitaki Clan
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown, yellow and orange.
Abilities: None whatsoever, unless you want to count confusing people with ridiculous slang.
Weapons: A wakizashi and two handguns. The handguns are used more often than the sword, mostly because he thinks it makes him look more 'Gangsta'.
Notes: He is practicaly the only one to see through Wing's disguise, despite him being the most oblivious person around.

*wooshes away*

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Never thought about the Kitaki Clan... We obviously need to slot them in.

They'd be like Gangsters on steroids... Actually, that works literally. What if Wocky was wired with futuristic drugs to make him really fast, agile and perfect reflexes? But it was getting to the point it was killing him, he could die any second. Hmm...

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I came up with some pretty badass Kitakis pages. ago. :sadshoe: Don't remember exactly where, though. I'll check.

ANYWAY... my scanner's working! YAHOOOOO!!!

Spoiler: The Wriggler
Here he is! :D Since I don't have much confidence in my coloring skills, he's free to color! I guess a closeup of his upper body could be his picture on the wiki for now. Also, I imagined his pants to be purple. XDDD

Edit: I found the post....
fatalfeline wrote:
This looks so cool! I'm inspired. I think I might do fanart. :3
And I didn't see a thing for Wocky so I might make one up.

"Da G-Man"
Real Name: Wocky Kitaki
AKA: punk, kid, poser
Relatives: Kitaki family
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown/Yellow/Red
Affiliations: Kitaki family syndicate
Abilities: Very strong and his proficiency in gangsta talk is useful for confusing enemies. Also very good with weaponry. Mad skillz, fo sho.
Weapons: An assortment of smuggled guns and shivs. In desperate situations he can use his "bling" as projectiles.
Notes: Wears sunglasses, and for his costume think of the most over-the-top gangsta wanabe outfit ever. With LOTS and LOTS of bling-bling. His recklessness and temper causes him to switch sides frequently, therefore he'd be considered a Tweenie.

And while I'm at it I'll try out his dad

"Big Wins"
Real Name: Winfred Kitaki
AKA: Big Wins, the boss, old man
Relatives: Kitaki family, father of Wocky
Height: Tall
Weight: Heavy
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black with grey streaks
Affiliations: Kitaki family syndicate, rival of "Million-Dollar Man"
Abilities: VERY strong and controls a very dedicated group of thugs. Can also bake up an arsenal of deadly pies and has an eyebrow raise that can strike fear even into the bravest men.
Weapons: Guns, massive eyebrows, projectile pies, but usually uses his thugs unless the situation affects him personally.
Notes: His costume would be the same, but take away the apron and the headband. He'd be in the Villian category.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Remember, we take ideas and smash em together here. So we can mix the Kitaki clan ideas together in our large hadron collider. (As opposed to a hardon collider. That's SMako's forte *bricked*)

I'll get to colouring it, if people tell me what colours he should be. I'm thinking 'Dennis the Menace (Beano)' colours offhand.

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I imagined his shirt to just be black and white stripes, since I think it gives him the air of a regular crook and, in truth, he's not that special. XD Also, I thought of the robbers in The Sims. Also, I think the stripes make him look more "worm-like". :3 And, as I just said editing my last post, I want his pants to be purple. XD

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Yeah, but Black and Red will make him look like HIM:


Which would be funny.

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

When I imagine it like that, I think of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. Which is even more hilarious/creepy. XD

...I DON'T KNOOOOOOW. D: I lurve mah B+W stripes, but the red stripes is looking promising as well. ;_; GERK, WHY DO YOU TRY MY EMOTIONS SO.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

...Because I can?

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Edit: Never miiiind~

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project


Spoiler: Red and Black Shirted Wriggler

Author:  fatalfeline [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

...Well so much for that. XD

Looks good!

Edit: I think his mole needs some color, though. XDDD *shot*

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Done. Someone'll need to mugshot him for the Wiki.

Author:  The Doctor [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Gerkuman wrote:
Never thought about the Kitaki Clan... We obviously need to slot them in.

Yes we did. They're the main rivals of the Million Dollar Man. Big Wins wants to go straight. Don't you remember?

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Nope, I can't. XD

You'll need to refresh my memory.

Author:  Ceres [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

No offence Gerk, but that colouring looks rather sloppy.
Seems too rushed.
Try to work more on it.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project


It's a Style I use on purpose. But yeah, I did rush it.

Either way, it needs to be cropped, borderfied and uploaded.

Author:  MezzoForte [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Spoiler: Wing Concept Art
ImageCan you say lazy coloring?

This design is really iffy with me. I might redo it later on.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I'll look at it tomorrow when I'm less tired. Remember, we already have the old ideas and we need to smush em all together before we can make the proper concept art.

Also, why hasn't The Wrigglers page been updated with the image yet?

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Instead of ordering, do it yourself.

@MezzoForte: I really like that concept art, you should totally color that top conversation between the two as well.
Don't know why, but the faces crack me up. :)

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I didn't know how to make that cool glow effect. XD But still, I wasn't ordering. I was asking nicely; there was nothing stopping you from doing it.

Anyways, TODAY IS DISCUSSION DAY! :3 Today we're focussing on two areas of the Plot. The Kitaki Clan, and the Future War.

Spoiler: Kitaki
The Kitaki clan, we decided Donkeys years ago, was to be the main rivals to the Million Dollar Man. (I mean, Yakuza Street Punks VS Organized Mafia is a brilliant pairing.). We have two Wocky ideas, and one each for Big Wins, Plum and Alita. The first Wocky idea is to make him pretty much himself, but super strong and extremely proficent with weapons. The second is Just Wocky. XD

My idea for him is in between. Keep the Weapon Proficiency, the Wakiazi and dual wielding guns, and the redy-orange/yellow/brown hair. But give him extreme agility, and fast reflexes from an experimental drug that's released through an implant near his heart. It's starting to kill him. Big Wins wise, I think he should stay similar to the games, I think he'd want to go legit to save Wocky. Plum would be awesome. She'd get involved in the Gang warfare, if they were short staffed; It'd be brilliant to see her go toe to toe with Penny Nichols.

I like the idea of Wing a lot, and I think the art is nice. :) Good powers too.

Now onto the Future War. Let me make no bones about it here, I like Aeon a lot; and the discussion page of Lawyerman got me thinking about how we can make his backstory EVEN BETTER, and more important.

Spoiler: Future War
For a start, I think that the War against Evil in the future would be a messy affair. The tides would shift between the two sides, and many people from each side would be killed or injured. Many would change in the years, and some would switch sides. (Pearl as Teenager + War = Side Switch? Something about that makes a lot of sense to me). Because of all this carnage, Ema Skye as the chief tech expert for the heroes would start to use... methods we'd find shocking.

She begins to genetically modify the heroes to make them better fighters, but it also changes them. They become more violent, angry, sometimes even sadistic. She pools together the AEON project as a last ditch chance to be able to change the past. She launches Lawyerman into the past on purpose without telling him the full plan, but that's what destroys his memory. What is the plan? I bet you're expecting that he's there to kill someone. Well, actually you'd be wrong. He's there to save someone.

...The Commander. Yes, the Commander died too soon; this means that he wasn't there to help Lawyerman with the Perfect Dahlia Incident, and Lawyerman lost. PD was too injured to stay alive, but was absorbed by Kristoph. This created an Insane, Extremely Powerful Aquanine/Aquinine who began to unite all the villains together.

Just to say, all these are my ideas and there's no guarantee that any of them will be accepted. It's just stuff I thought of, and I needed to write them down before my brain exploded. XD What are your ideas for these two topics?

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Those ideas seem pretty good with me, but i'm not familiair with any revious drafts.

I have an unrelated question though.
I need a Lawyerman and Stargazer quote.
One each.

To those who write those stuff, any help?

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

In Issue #1 he hasn't really said anything that groundshaking, else I'd have added it. Most of my quotes came out of thin air though, so maybe I just need to think harder. :3

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

ah, well I'm just making a quick mockup of something, and those 2 things are missing.
Care to make something up? ( temporary)

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Got one:
You can't put Justice in a BOX NICK! IT NEEDS TO BE FREE! -Stargazer

I can see that being an emotionally charged moment.

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Okay then, Done.
This took forever to make...But i'm quite please how they turned out. Especially the last one. :)
What do you guys think?

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project


I so wish someone'd do some Brushel & Hart art. I'd maim for you to make a teaser for them X3

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Brushel & Hart art? like that businues card or ...?

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I mean art of them, in the style of your promo things.

We haven't had any concept art for them at all. :( (I want em to dress different to fit the style we're going for)/

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

The thing is, For most of the characters there are no descriptions of how they should look.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Yeah, that is true. We need to discuss looks more in-topic and write it down. I suppose I can share my vision of Lotta for you all. XD

Well, she should have some sort of news hat.
Like this, but more unique.
And she should wear a Dark Green Trenchcoat. Maybe with cream on the inside. And she should wear sensible shoes. Heck, Hiking boots would fit. :3

Things like that.

Author:  The Doctor [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Brushel looks like Brushel but with a NEWS hat.

I drew some Reflecto. He dresses in all white, but wears gold gauntlets over his hands. He wears his normal suit.
And the monocle is the source of his mirror-melding power.

Those teasers are amazing, Ceres.

Author:  fatalfeline [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Ceres, don't ever stop being awesome. :D

Edit: How would Lotta be able to wear a hat with all of that hair? XD

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

It'd be a much shorter afro. :3 Plus she'd just wear it to the side anyway.

Author:  fatalfeline [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

I think sprite edits would be good for Brushel & Hart. Unfortunately, I'm no good at those. XD

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

No it wouldn't.

You can't do a hand-drawn comic series and the suddenly paste sprites in. That'd be ridiculous

Author:  fatalfeline [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Gerkuman wrote:
No it wouldn't.

You can't do a hand-drawn comic series and the suddenly paste sprites in. That'd be ridiculous

I meant for right now, like for the wiki. Not for the comic, of course!

Author:  Ceres [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Actually, the afro won't be much of a problem, it remains as it is.
Doc already greenlighted the pre-concept art.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The LAWYERMAN! Project

Not that he told me. XD

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