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Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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The Jabberwocky

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Top 10 favorite Characters (In no particular order):

:delilah-hair: Dahlia Hawthorne. Reason? She is pure evil. Like REALLY evil. She didn't care about anyone else but her. That is what made her character more interesting. Plus, she came back from freaking the dead. And, I love her umbrella. <3

:udgy: The judge. Come on guys, isn't he like the most amusing character ever? Besides, he is so easy to convince. :P

:think-pw: Phoenix Wright. Duh.

:scientific: Younger Ema Skye. I thought she was fun. And cute too. :3

:mia: Mia Fey. She was the mentor of our beloved Phoenix Wright. She taught him almost everything about being a defense lawyer. How cool is that?

:enguard: Matt Engarde. Why? Because Engarde's 'hair flip' in JFA shocked me high time! I never expected it! Totally awesomastastic.

:godot: Godot. What isn't there to like about coffee and having laser eyes? Plus, his theme song is like the best theme ever. <3 He is one of the reasons T&T was so fantastic.

:gant-clap: Damon Gant. The stare of death + Gorilla clap = Awesomeness.

:pealshock: Pearl Fey. The most adorable character in the entire series. <3

:edgy: Miles Edgeworth. May I say that he is the most good looking character (male) in the series? :P

Top 10 least favorite Characters (No order)

:karma: & :no-no: Manfred & Franziska Von Karma. I never liked any of the Von Karmas. They're overconfident and well, stubborn.

:maggy: Maggey Byrde. She is hyper and too loud and clumsy. Always tends to fall in trouble.

:two-faced: Angel Starr. She is annoying. Enough said.

:seeds: Victor Kudo. Every time he starts to throw seeds, I think of throwing my DS out of the window. :P

:cards: Max Galactica. I wanted so bad for him to be guilty. :/ Acro was so much better.

:paynehair: Payne. I mean, come on. Who likes him? :P

:butzthumbs: Larry Butz. Almost same reason as Maggey Byrde. He is clumsy, forgetful and well, dumb.

:wendy: Wendy Oldbag. The worst witness to cross-examine, EVER!

:april: April May. I started disliking her the instant I saw her.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Wow, huh, do I even have 10 Favorite characters... well, here goes...

Spoiler: Favorites
1. :phoenix: / :hobohodo: In both of those incarnations, he has hilarious sarcastic comments. Sadly, as pre-Hobo he keeps them to himself...
2. :edgeworth: He's hot, he has a cool appearance and he uses LOGIC!! :think:
............................ apparently, those are the only two people I like.

Spoiler: Least Favorite
1. :maya: Too active, too happy-go-lucky, too stupid-about-law (WTF she's a self-appointed Lawyer Assistant, she should know about ballistic markings), can't be killed... I don't blame Dahlia.
2. :notes: Maya 2.0, although here it's on purpose. And her older self annoys me, too, because she can't stop bitching about her job. If she hates it so much, why did she even take it?
3. :minuki: Maya 3.0, just with "regular" magic. And her "ability" as a Gramarye is nothing special. It's mentioned it's nothing more than good eye-sight. Why did they think Phoenix needs to adopt a girl? Why couldn't it have been a boy? Or better yet, no adoption?
4. :keylady: Maya 4.0, STOP CREATING THESE SIDEKICKS!! She serves absolutely no purpose to the storyline - Maya still managed it, what with channeling Mia and almost getting killed. But Kay here just needs to go away and not come back. Go Yata your garasu somewhere else!
5. :adrian: "I'm faking my whole personality and will obstruct justice because I will not tell anyone that I am a closet-lesbian with self-confidence issues! Also, You Killed Celeste! You bastard!"
6. :gipsy: "Obviously I am a Mary Sue who has given birth to two kids who people like to pair up together, but I won't tell them."
7. :udgy: "Hurp-durp, I believe whatever someone tells me unless it's the defense and it makes sense."
9. :that-b-word: Plan your muders better, honey...
10. :godot: Actually, I only list him here because 99% of the people I see, say that he's awesome. And I just don't see what's so awesome about him....

Special mention goes to the entire cast of Case 1-3. Bunch of idiots.


Last edited by CatMuto on Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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10) :odoroki:
9) :chinami:
8) :shoe:
7) :lana:
6) :keylady: (I liked her, OK? Deal with it.)
5) :edgy:
4) :godot: / :javado:
3) :gipsy:
2) :object:
1) :yummy:

Least Favorites:

10) :meekins:
9) :kyouya:
8) :redd:
7) :karma:
6) :igarashi:
5) :cards:
4) :moe:
3) :oldbag:
2) :study:
1) :luke-side: (No,
Some secret wait to be discovered...some never are...
Some secrets lay in the shadows...and Justice is the Light...

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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Top 10 favorite:
1) :phoenix: / :hobohodo: / :cough:
2) :edgeworth:
3) :evil: :matt:
4) :kyouya:
5) :godot:
6) :sadshoe:
7) :youngmia:
8) :garyuu:
9) :chinami:
10) :judge:

Least Favorites:

1) :sal:
2) :Max-Cry:
3) :mrhat:
4) :redd:
5) :hotti:
6) :payne:
7) :igarashi:
8) :zenitora:
9) :wendy:
10) :lotta:

Last edited by dante110 on Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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My top ten favorite:
10. :maya: : I find her pretty annoying most of the time, and
she's your client at least once per game,
but she does have her moments when she is awesome (1-4, that moment in 3-3 when she thinks to channel Mia just to question that pervy old man).
9. :shellydekiller: : Yeah, I know, he's a cold blooded killer, but one of the classiest assassins I ever did see.
8. :udgy: : Pretty easily swayed in court, but in the end, he does listen to absolutely everything in order to make the right decision.
7. :will: : Is such a sweetheart, plus I loved Maya's reaction when you first meet him.
6. :gymshoe: : Is a bit of a doofus, but I can't help but like him, he tries so hard to be helpful, and like others have said before, he gets you out of some of your toughest spots, mainly when someone is about to beat the crap out of you.
5. :pearl: : So cute and eloquent. Love her theme music.
4. :badger: : I don't know why; I find this guy adorable, especially in the movie, when he pops up out of no where just to help out. (But Proto Badger, noooo...)
3. :ema: : I admired her devotion to her sister. Also, I thought she was an interesting change in partner from Maya. She's more focused during investigations, whereas Maya can go off on random tangents. Also, Ema has a lot of fun gadgets.
2. :edgy: : Is the most fully fleshed out character, in my opinion. I really like him in 1-5 and the latter two games, when he's all "enlightened" and stuff. Plus he's hilarious when he objects without having a reason.
1. :mia: : Awesome all around. Just saves you all the time.

Honorable mention: :bro: Canadian Judge!: When you burst in on his case next door: "Who's this hoser, eh?" I died.

My top ten least favorite:
10. :franny: : On the fence about this one. I do like her at times, she is one tough lady, but the excessive whipping gets really old, and I got so mad at her
for taking that illegal photo in 2-2.

9. :moe: : You get penalized whenever he decides to tell stupid jokes in court!
8. :punch-ben: : Ben's okay, most of the time (I mean he doesn't really say anything), but Trilo was super irritating.
7. :chef: : Because, what a cowardly prick. But I did chuckle a little at, "Por favor!" in the middle of his cross-examination.
6. :gs4-people: The Peanut Gallery: Ugh, they're like the people in movie theaters who talk through the film. Nobody asked for your commentary.
5. The Tiger: Because he's an idiot, and he rushes you through his cross-examination for his stupid "appointment."
4. :karma: :Pulls a lot of bitch moves e.g. doesn't let you press the witness at all in the beginning of 1-4, his "Objection!" was just...inhuman, also: :taser:
3. :grossburg: : Such a douche when he refuses to help Maya and tells Phoenix, "Yeah, no one's gonna help that girl." I don't know why Mia trusted him so much to refer Maya to him for help.
I don't know if this counts as a spoiler since it's so early, but just to be safe:
Redd White: I just hate that he, of all people, is the one who gets Mia. This fool. I played the games out of order, starting with T&T, where you get to know Mia pretty well, and she helps Phoenix so much, even beyond the grave, I'd just expected her death to be...less lame. I dunno, I guess there really isn't a "good" way for her to die.

1. :lotta: : Worst witness ever, and withholds important information for stupid reasons (Gourdy goose-chase). Completely useless; she just gets in the way in whatever case she's in. The only time I ever appreciate von Karma is when he's berating Lotta.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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biblioteca wrote:
1. :lotta: : Worst witness ever, and withholds important information for stupid reasons (Gourdy goose-chase). Completely useless; she just gets in the way in whatever case she's in. The only time I ever appreciate von Karma is when he's berating Lotta.

Well, in 1-4 she really wasn't a witness as she didn't see anything at all. So of course she was going to be a terrible witness. But when she is a proper witness in 2-2, she did give you the stuff that happened. I don't really remember her withholding anything important there..

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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The Perfect Prosecutor

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10 favourites:

10: :karma: Manfred von Karma. He is like the final boss.
9: :garyuu: Kristoph Gavin. I like him because he is so devil.
8: :edgy: It is a good prosecutor. And a gentleman.
7: :eh?: Dick Gumshoe. Poor gumshoe, franziska always hit him with the whip XD.
6: :luke-side: Luke Atmey. ZVARRI!
5: :zenitora: Furio Tigre. Is a great villain. (Like the villains of T&T)
4: :maya: Maya Fey.
3: :think-pw: Phoenix Wright. Is the hero. He rises from the ashes when it's all over, and win the case. Like a... Phoenix ha ha ha.
2: :godot: Godot. It's so cool. I'm his fan ha ha ha.
1: :payne: Winston Payne. It was my first prosecutor. It reminds me to me in some things.

10 least.

10: :yuusaku: Ron DeLite. Oh, come on. Stop shouting, i'm not gonna hit you!
9: :bling-bling: Redd White. You, bastard, you killed Mia!
8: :chinami: Dahlia Hawthorne. Is a very evil person. Is a great villain, she was made to be hated.
7: :matt: Matt Engarde. I hate him. He looks like a good boy, but he isn't!
6: :meekins: Mike Meekins. Stop shouting!
5: :chef: Jean Armstrong. He is like a girl...
4: :maggy: Maggey Byrde. He is like Larry, but in women.
3: :larry: Larry Butz. He appeared in too many cases... u.u
2: :sawit-2: Frank Sawhit. What a loser...
1: :raygun: Wendy Oldbag. Please, stop talking T.T
Ba-dum-tss (?)
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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1. :edgy: Edgeworth! His story is so deep, easily the most developed character. Not to mention his awesome personality!
2. :godot: Godot! He's just so arrogant and cool, and his background story is sad.
3. :garyuu: Kristoph! I think he's just so psycho, so unstable, yet calm at the same time. He really believes he's right, and let's face it, Zak needed killing. He was an asswipe. Also it helps he's gorgeous
4. :franny: The Prodigy, Franziska von Karma! I think she's pretty badass, and very strong. Her character doesn't have a great story (they kinda ripped her off) but her being a von Karma is just... right.
5. :damon: Gant! He's just so NUTS, and evil, and a buff old man a genius. I love him.
6. :delilah-hair: Dahlia! She's so... bitchy and snarky and evil! The best villian ever, though she doesn't amuse me like Gant.
7. :psycho-matt: Engarde! I loved how he was such a good liar and he's such a sociopath with maybe multiple personality disorder.
8. :aiga: I think he's funny and a new sort of guy. He's very smart actually, his plan was ingenious.
9. :yogi: Yanni Yogi! I feel so bad for him, and he was hilarious as "Uncle".
10. :maya: She's Maya. I think that's reason enough.
1. :hotti: Hotti, that perverted nerdnugget.
2. :kyouya: Klavier, because he reminds me of the boys who bully me a lot. I'm pretty much Ema in that situation. So he rubs me the wrong way, not to mention he's just too easy.
3. :april: April, because she's a two-faced whore.
4. :gypsy: Zinc Lablanc, he is just an ugly, annoying little bitch who can stick his 1 million cents up his wrinkly ass.
5. :Brush-Sniff: Spark Brushel, because... he just makes me want to hit him with a shovel.
6. :flowsers: Armstrong, because he/she is very weak and ANNOYING.
7. :punch-ben: TRILO. He's a frikken brat.
9. :meekins: Meekins, his megaphone hurts my ears.
10. :moe: Moe, for being a shit witness.
*von Karma courtsey*
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

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CatMuto wrote:
biblioteca wrote:
1. :lotta: : Worst witness ever, and withholds important information for stupid reasons (Gourdy goose-chase). Completely useless; she just gets in the way in whatever case she's in. The only time I ever appreciate von Karma is when he's berating Lotta.

Well, in 1-4 she really wasn't a witness as she didn't see anything at all. So of course she was going to be a terrible witness. But when she is a proper witness in 2-2, she did give you the stuff that happened. I don't really remember her withholding anything important there..


When I referred to her as a witness, I really just meant that she is someone called to give testimony, but you're right about her not really being a witness since she doesn't see anything. But, she runs off to the police so she can be put on the stand anyway, and that's why I found her so irritating. You're also right about her contribution in 2-2--I'll concede she's not completely useless after all. She's still annoying though, with all her mischief.

I guess I just hold a silly grudge against her for my frustration at having to deal with her crappy (and mostly false) testimony in the first game, and then learning that she hadn't actually seen anything all along.
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She's still annoying though, with all her mischief.

Fair enough.
She was so annoying in 1-4 that, when she appeared in 2-2, I almost screamed. And then in 2-4, I was so scared that she and her GODAMNAWFULSHITFEST camera were gonna be super important evidence/witness AGAIN. Thank god she wasn't .... and the photo wasn't all too helpful, either.

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Last edited by サンドラ on Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title

Ace Sidekick!

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1) :edgeworth: - I thought he was handsome ever since the first game, despite being a jerk. And as I kept on playing the first game I realized how he's such a well rounded character and learning about his past, I understood he had a value reason why he did the bad things that he has done. :3 I adore Edgey boy!
2) :maya: - She's fun and sweet and reminds me a little bit about myself, and even though she has faced more tragedy than she should have she still manages to love life.
3) :phoenix: - Everyone's favorite spikey haired lawyer. XP
4) :gymshoe: - Even though Detective Gumshoe isn't the brightest crayon in the box, he's possibly the sweetest man in the series and has the most heart.
5) :maggy: - I think she is an adorable police woman, and even though she ends up with the short end of the stick most of the time in her life she still manages to fight another day.
6) :notes: -
Spoiler: 5-1
Ema is smart and perky and believed in her older sister even though the odds didn't seem in her favour at first. If Ema wasn't around Phoenix would surely lose case 1-5.

7) :franny: - Ok bite me! She may be cold and cruel like her father but I have grown to like her.
8) :meekins: - Again, bite me. I think he's funny and adorable and I think it's extra adorable that he wants to be just like Detective Gumshoe.
9) :jake: - At first he creeped me about because of the fact that he seems to be delusional about being a cowboy, but then I started to sympathize with him.
Spoiler: 1-5
Since he faced the tragic death of his younger brother.

10) :karma: - Ok, laugh at me at you wish, but in some ways I actually LIKED Von Karma's character. He really set the mood for case 1-4.

Honorable mentions: Deserie DeLite, :youngmia: , :pearl: , :moe: , :ben:

Characters I dislike:
The only character I really disliked was.................. :godot: *hides behind sheild*.
Spoiler: 3-5
I don't like the B/S he gave Phoenix about how it was his job to protect Mia. And how he claims he's trying to protect Maya but at some points it seemed like he wanted Maya to get killed just to make Phoenix miserable. (Misery loves company)

And :zenitora: mostly because I can't find any likable traits about this man.
Spoiler: 3-3
And I don't like how he abused Viola's kindness.

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Can I just say one little thing?

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Top 10 favs:
:eh?: Cute clueless cop is cute.
:zenitora: Youse got a problem!?!
Between :lotta-smug: and :oldbag: and :beef: and :study: and :chef: (That's too much O.O) Me <3 quirkiness
Lang. (Can't find his smiley.) "Lang-zi says: 'HOOOOOWWL!'"
:keylady: Cute. And I love her theme.
:rock'n: Sorry 'Pollo, but this guy's friggin' awesome...and hotter than you.
:ka-whip: Can't...resist...the WHIP!! (ka-WHAP! :ack: )
:maya: or :yummy: I really can't decide...
:object: Of course!
:edgeworth: EDGEY-POO! :wendy:
*special mention: :elise: real nice lady...the only completely sane character in the whole series

Least fav:
:meekins: annoying but tolerable
:cody: brat.
:moe-laugh: a pain to cross-examine but not that bad
:badger: (is it even a character?) most annoying theme ever
:pencileraser: No.
Spoiler: "2-4"
Bastard...I can't believe he even had the guts to threaten Nick.

:Kristoph-hair: Nope
:karma: at least Franzy had good moments
Spoiler: "3-4"

Spoiler: "1-2"
I seriously detest this guy. He uses other people's secrets and mistakes for his own gain. And he killed Mia. He's worse than Dahlia.

:maya: "Hey, a ladder!"
:phoenix: "That's a stepladder."
:maya: "So? They're the same thing, Nick! You should stop basing your opinions on narrow-minded cultural assumptions!"
:nick: "..."
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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1) Edgey-poo! I love Edgey-Wedgy! He acts all aloof but he really cares. He's also kind of an anime/samurai geek which is so cute. His story is so sad and moving. He's so gentlemanly and hansome; and dat cravat is awesome!

2) Nick! I love Nick in all his many forms. He's so sweet and kind. All he wants to do is help people and maybe have a glass of grape juice afterwards. He's the best lawyer ever!

3) Maya because she's so funny and wacky. I'd love a friend like her.

4) Kay! I like how she helps Edgey be more open and they make a good team. She treats Gummy with respect too. I love how her klepto tendencies conflict with Edgey's hatred of criminals.

5) Gummy-chan! He's so dumb. I like how he cares about Edgey even though he's so unkind to poor Gumshoe. (But sometimes Gummy kinda deserves it)

6) Godot! He's so badass. I have a Godot coffee mug and it's awesome.

7) Franzy! I think she's funny and cute. I love her interaction with Edgeworth and Larry.

8) Mia! Why did she have to die :(

9) Trucy! She was so cute as a little girl!

10) Pearly! Awwwwwwwww, just awwww!

1) Kristoph. You hurt my Feenie! :edgeworth: Death stare activate!

2) Manfred. Bitch killed Gregory :(

3)Dahlia. That woman.....dai kirai! She also hurt my Feenie :(

4) Regina. So stupid.

5) Shiina. Damn that Lady GaGa lookalike!

6) Lauren. I just found her annoying.

7) Redd White. *shudders*

8) Max

9) Ben

10) Moe. I actually kinda liked Moe but those bad jokes just kept on coming!
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Favorites (In no particular order)
:psycho-matt: Matt Engarde. I love a good villain. I seriously barely suspected the guy at all, and as the case went on, he was actually kind of a likable character. But then he flips his hair back and it's like fuuuuuuuuu

9. :salute: Maggey Byrde. I dunno, she's just really nice and cute and cheerful. I just like being around her in a case, even if she was a bit unfair to Gumshoe in 3-3.
8. :-P Maya Fey. Again, just cute and fun to be around. And even if her playful and cheerfulness gets a little tiring, in the more serious moments, she's smart and has a heart of gold.
:garyuu: Kristoph Gavin. He simultaneously terrifies and fascinates me. I liked his composure, his snark, and the amount of creativity it takes to try to murder someone with a stamp and nail polish. Talk about attention to detail, geez

6. :karma: Manfred von Karma. Again, despicable villains are the best. I love to hate this guy, he's just so demented you'd swear he's insane.
5. :phoenix: Phoenix Wright. There's nothing not to love about ol' Nick. He's hilarious, he's clever, he's derpy, his ideals are pure, and he's the best friend you could ask for.
4. :mia: :pearl: Mia Fey and Pearl Fey are tied. Pearly is really cute and nice, but apart from channeling Mia I can't recall her doing much. And Mia's great for saving the day when people need her, but apart from that she just doesn't seem very developed, at least not until Trials and Tribulations, which is a bit late.
3. :adrian: Adrian Andrews. I dunno, I just felt really sorry for her. She was a bit extreme, but I couldn't really blame her for what she did. She was just okay in 3-2.
2. :think: Miles Edgeworth. Not much I can say that hasn't been said before. He's a very well developed character and he's easily the best prosecutor to go against, in my opinion.
1. :no-no: Franziska von Karma. She's certainly got her flaws, but I couldn't help but like her. The "foolish fool" lines of dialogue got old pretty quickly, but otherwise her comic relief was fine. And, she even has her moments where you can see she's not just a whip-happy ice queen. The biggest being the end of JFA, which made me feel very sympathetic for her.
Honorable mentions: :butzthumbs: I actually found him pretty funny in the first game and even kind of a sweet heart in 1-4, but in T&T he kind of became a jerk.
:sadshoe: Funny, nice, and I'd miss him if he weren't around, but I do get a bit tired of him now and then.

Least favorites (also in no particular order)
10. :lotta-smug: Lotta Hart. Attention begging, mostly useless, difficult to talk to, rude, and just flat out annoying.
9. :hotti: "Director Hotti". Fugging creep. Molestation is not funny.
:alita-2: Alita Tiala. Dull villain. Annoying sprites. Dahlia Hawthorne knock-off.

7. :Brush-Sniff: Spark Brushel. Ewwwwwww.
6. :igarashi: Victor Kudo. Another creep. And another person who's just really difficult to talk to. Plus, what's up with his nose? Ew.
5. :regina: Regina Berry. Her best friend goes into a coma, her dad dies, and she's not even sad? There's sheltered, there's stupid, and then there's whatever's wrong with this girl. Plus, everyone falling for her was mostly really annoying.
4. :flowsers: Jean Armstrong. Another character I looked at, and instantly hated. I really didn't want to keep playing Recipe for Turnabout when he showed up. He's difficult to talk to, a thief, stupid, and just plain obnoxious.
3. :wendy: Wendy Oldbag. God, why are the worst characters the most common ones? She's a suck up, she's rude, and she's a freaking stalker. Not to mention the whole never shutting the fug up. She occasionally gets a good line in, but mostly she's just useless and irritating.
2. :study: Disgusting to look at, absolutely dull, and he rambles like Oldbag, but slowly.
1. Sal Manella. Again, worst thing a character can be: hard to talk to. I hated every "LOL" or "j00" or *sweats*. And just...ewww.
Honorable mentions: :ini: and :yani-fist:. Both are stupid as rocks, and the falling-asleep-snot-bubble joke was incredibly annoying. The only reason I can't put them on is because
You find out they were both just acting, which was actually really sad

And :hobohodo:, until the last case.

Last edited by Tayopatio on Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Favorites (in no particular order):

Least Favorites (in no particular order):

Spoiler: Ridiculous crossover theory involving Kingdom Hearts and possible spoilers for GS4
I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON! The second one is not Ema, that's Maex, her Nobody. That explains why she doesn't try to be any use until you present the fingerprint powder. It came with memories of a time she still had a heart.

"It's never too late to learn that growing old doesn't have to mean growing up. Stay curious, stay weird, stay kind, and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough." -Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls
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Spoiler: Least Favorites
1. :Brush-Sniff: Self-explanatory.
2. :flowsers: Self-explanatory.
3. :mike-salute: Annoying guy with ugly design.
4. :moe-laugh: Self-explanatory.
5. :Max-Cry: Design.
6. :redd-is-white: Disappointing as a villain. Mia's sacrifice deserved better.
7. :sal: Self-explanatory.
8. :pencil: I'm sorry, but this hair isn't cool, Daryan.
9. :agent-Smith: Seriously, what are you doing, cross-dressing?
10. :study: Don't know why, I just disliked him.
11. :karate: Annoying brat.
12. :punch-ben:
13. :igarashi: Design, personality, seeds... Everything.

Dishonorable mentions: Zak Gramarye. Only one character I actually hated.
Spoiler: Favorites
1. :phoenix: :think: :lana: :javado: :godot: :eh?: :larry: :adrian: :pearl-blush: :neil2: :gregory: :delilah-hair: :youngmia: :notes: :maya: :judge: :hobohodo: :matt: :ka-whip: :scientific: :yummy: :ayame: :karma-scream: :minuki: :sparkly-maggey: :mia:
+ Shih-na, Badd, Byrne.

Cannot sort them... Sorry.

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in no particular order:

:uramidn: :godot:/ :javado: :violin: :doodle: :jazzron: :rock'n: :raygun: :keiko: :haha: :Noodle-Salute:
special mention: :shoe:

least favorites
:larry: :igarashi: :think-think-think: :zenny: :punch-ben: :jazzsneeze: (only as feenie) :agent-Smith: :moe-laugh: :hotti: :sal:
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You look like you have a big vocabulary.

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10. Trucy Wright
9. Ema Skye (young)
8. Mia Fey
7. Maya Fey
6. Pearl Fey
5. Kay Faraday
4. Dick Gumsh
3. Apollo Justice
2. Phoenix Wright
1. Miles Edgeworth

Least faves
10. Wendy Oldbag but she's funny as hell. Just annoying at times.
9. Valant Gramayre
8. Kristoph Gavin
7. Yanni Yogi
6. Matt Engarde
5. Richard Wellington
4. Damon Gant
3. Manfred von Karma
2. Frank Sahwit
1. Dahlia Hawthorne
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Okay my favourites
:phoenix: :franny: :karma: :damon: :zenitora: :eh?: :edgeworth: :Maskdemaske: :delilah-hair: :maya:

Least favourite

:odoroki: :garyuu: :kyouya: :beef: :seeds: :cody-flash: :pencil: :scientific: :raygun: :tea:

haha i guess this makes me a bit of a GS purist...
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Oh... Alright... Let's see.

Favourites: Franziska, Gumshoe, Edgeworth, Godot, Bikini, Adrian, Maya, Phoenix, Ron, Judge.

Least favourite: Dahlia, Wocky, Morgan, Stickler, Sal, Yogi, Zak, Brushel, Hotti, Meekins.
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This will be difficult.

Spoiler: Least Favorites and why
1. :godot: -> Thankfully I'm not the only one who can see how overrated this character is. His personality is irritating and he's a dick, but that's not the main reason why I hate him. I hate him because I can't relate, comprehend nor sympathize with any of his reasons to do what he did. His background is superficial, he's a huge drama queen and he acted like he was a badass anti-hero in a forced way. Nothing justifies how much of an annoying, jerk and sexist prick he is.

2. :ayame: -> Annoying girly girl, Mary Sue and an idiot for helping and trusting her sister. That's right, helping a criminal for pity is not kindness in any way, is stupidity. She doesn't deserve any mercy.

3. :maya: -> I just wish she could be serious for more than one minute -- her useless observations get on my nerves. Furthermore, I can't appreciate characters who hold merits only for being able to handle suffering. She was strong when her mother died, okay, but what she has besides that? I can't find traits of intelligence, independency or maturity in her. I'm not the type to like a character just because "oh they are kind" or "strong emotionally". They need something more than that.

4. :meekins: -> Mindless and highly stupid character. No matter how he has good intentions, he's nothing more than an idiot. Unlike Gumshoe, he is not capable of showing seriousness at any moment.

5. :sob: -> Please, grow up.

6. :pencileraser: -> An asshole and generic villain. Something about him irritates me and I can't see why someone can like him.

7. Cody Hackins -> Annoying brat, I don't have any patience with children like him.

8. :flowsers: -> Gross stereotype, honestly, I wonder what they had in mind when they created Jean Armstrong. "Hahaha, look, a pinkish french gay with flowers, ha-ha-ha". Are you shitting me? That's not funny. I didn't find any of Jean Armstrong's moments and innuendos funny. He's disturbing and unlike Oldbag who is somewhat realistic, he's an exaggerated and unrealistic stereotype.

9. :keylady: -> Boring character, she doesn't actually add anything interesting to the story. Just one more hyperactive and good-for-nothing girl to the Ace Attorney list.

10. :pearl: -> I don't hate her per se, but I'll admit that I have sometimes mixed feelings about her. Firstly, I don't think she acts like a nine-year-old. Even a nine-year-old is a bit more mature, even if only slightly. She acts more like a five, six-year-old with her irritating views of love and her stubborness. A child of her age is supposed to be immature, but to try to comprehend things when they are explained. Instead, she only cries, slaps Phoenix in the face and run away.

Spoiler: Favorites and why
1. :edgeworth: -> He has everything that I admire in a person. Intelligence, idealism, honor and high moral standards. He suffered a lot but he doesn't make a big deal out of that. Unlike Maya, he's not liked because he is a "sufferer": he is a strong person and were able to change his life by himself.

2. :franny: -> Again, a clever person with high standards for everything she does. I can relate with her, specially with her competitiveness. I do believe that despite her toughness she is good at heart and the few moments which she shows vulnerability are precious and never get old.

3. :kyouya: -> I like him because he's an intelligent, outgoing and charismatic troll. I like how he doesn't give a shit about anything surrounding him and still is somewhat a likeable and honest person.

4. :evil: -> His sudden change of personality at the detention center freaked me out. He doesn't have a deep story, he's just a scumbag, but he's very realistic. In fact he's one of the most realistic villains in the series.

5. :phoenix: -> Flexible, adaptable and caring guy. He annoys me sometimes but overall I like his sincerity, sarcasm and how he can make friendships easily (he's pretty much like me in this regard)

6. :uramidn: -> Creepy and cute at the same time. I really didn't expect to see her crying.

7. :eh?: -> He's flat and never changes, but I still like him. He can be serious and mature when he's discussing something very important and I love his friendship with Edgeworth and Phoenix.

8. :adrian: -> I'm not a fan of the character but I still like her and her story made 2-4 very interesting and complex.

Can't think of anyone else...
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It's been a while and playing GS again, my tastes have changed a little... not much, but I changed my mind about some characters. So here goes a new list... even if I still don't have 10 favorites.

Spoiler: Favorites
:phoenix: / :hobohodo: Just as before, I like his sarcasm and cynical words at times. While he is incredibly gullible at times, he does at least try to be a bit less that in GS3. As for Hobohodo, I don't mind how some people say his personality has changed in GS4. I don't think he did. He was just much more open about his cynicism and sarcasm.

:edgeworth: Still like him a lot. Aside from looking good, he's sarcastic at times, but also has that dead-pan attitude. He's kind of a dick, but you can really tell how he improved between 1-4 and 2-4 (not counting 1-5 as he acted like his 2-4/3-5 self there, ruining the improvement) He has his flaws and phobias, which make him a more relateable character.

:franny: I wouldn't say she's my favorite, but I do overall like her. She's strong and while she does use the word "fool" a bit too often for my taste, she is still a pretty strong person, despite a short breakdown in 2-4. Besides, I can't say No to a woman with a whip.

:pearl: Also not a favorite but... there are things about her that I like. She seems mature at times and a little more grounded than Maya. But her flaws are the things that I just don't like about her - I understand her upbringing being strict and maybe even tough, but she should really learn the difference between "love" and "liking" someone. Her fairytale thing is kinda cute, but also dumb.

The rest of the characters you can count as my least favorites, because they all are either dumb or having something in them that annoys me. But here are the worst ones...

Spoiler: Least Favorites
:godot: / :javado: Sexist ass with a wrongfully applied Tragic Hero complex. He is not tragic, he is a whiner who prefers to wallow in his own misery, rather than even attempt to somehow make better of his situation. His reasons for his actions in GS3 are silly, 3-5 being the worst, he has no right to suddenly try to give us the "Woe is Me" lines in the ending. Nuh-uh, he purposefully chose those actions, he has no right to try to gain any sympathy from me.

:maya: / :ema: / :minuki: Annoying, female, bubbly sidekicks. Ema was bland as anything because she was a total copy of Maya and her adult self is a complete moron for taking a job where she just complains about it and can't do anything she likes. Get a different job or apply for the forensics test again, you Idiot!
Trucy was incredibly bland because she never got any great development in GS4. In 2-2, majority of her role was to make jokes about her magical panties and overall be bubbly. 2-3, she was bubbly and a suddenly die-hard fan of the Gavinners. 2-4, a case with revelations where she should get some development, she remains bubbly... she doesn't even care or mention even once how she feels about learning that her father was killed!
Maya does not get much development, either. I agree with dangerousoffender, she had one moment where she was strong and that was after the trial in 3-5. But otherwise, she was bubbly, kind of a goofball and get depressed for no good reason: Honey if you hadn't stayed behind and played defense aide to Phoenix your powers would never have declined. Go away, go back to Kurain and stay there.

:keylady: She serves no freaking purpose in the game! Her introduction in I-3 was terrible, mostly because I think Edgeworth could've made it out just fine on his own and Little Thief would never had been necessary to ever show up, had Edgeworth realized the freaking angle of the killing wound. (But that is Edgeworth's doing) The flashback in I-4 is kinda nice, but overall not needed. And I-5... seriously, she serves NO purpose. She doesn't really move the story along, doesn't have many helpful tips... and while I only played Case 1 of GK2 prior to the patch and haven't played it with the patch yet, she doesn't seem to be doing much in that game, either. Plus, she's once again a bubbly, female teenage sidekick. Hate them and they have no purpose in GS anymore, especially not when they are supposed to work alongside Edgeworth. (He needs a no none-sense sidekick)

:hotti: I've said it before and I'll say it again: GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!

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dangerousoffender wrote:
10. :pearl: -> I don't hate her per se, but I'll admit that I have sometimes mixed feelings about her. Firstly, I don't think she acts like a nine-year-old. Even a nine-year-old is a bit more mature, even if only slightly. She acts more like a five, six-year-old with her irritating views of love and her stubborness. A child of her age is supposed to be immature, but to try to comprehend things when they are explained. Instead, she only cries, slaps Phoenix in the face and run away.

I'll admit that pearly can be very immature at times, but you have to take into consideration how sheltered she's been her entire life, i mean mummy fey :tea: didn't even let her leave the village until the end of 2-2. at this point, she didn't even know what a train was... she was bought up not knowing or understanding anything other than spirit channeling, hence her mental age is probably like that of a five year old anyway. Besides, being bought up in an environment like the Kurain village has got to leave some mental damage on a young girl like pearl.
not to mention it's mentioned in game that pearly has seen grown up seeing every single romantic relationship fail. It's annoying, yes, but it's also slightly endearing how badly she wants to see :maya: and :phoenix: happy.
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Of course her upbringing is understandable, if you consider all the circumstances. That doesn't make it any less annoying. And speaking of Kurain, it doesn't seem like a bad place to grow up in, it seems like a quaint little village. It's just Morgan who is a total bitch to live with.

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To be honest I never did understand much Morgan's personality and psychology. Yeah, she's a bitch, evil and a terrible mother for sure, but she doesn't seem the type to be very hostile towards children directly. I don't think she was verbally abusive with Pearl...
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dangerousoffender wrote:
To be honest I never did understand much Morgan's personality and psychology. Yeah, she's a bitch, evil and a terrible mother for sure, but she doesn't seem the type to be very hostile towards children directly. I don't think she was verbally abusive with Pearl...

No, as far as we know she wasn't verbally abusive towards Pearl. But there is a mention in 2-2 about Pearl having been spanked before.

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neoswordmaster wrote:
1. Zak/Shadi: ..This douchebag. Ok lets start off. Had he not hidden the evidence Phoenix would still have his badge. His reason for hiding the evidence? "Oh I was too busy working on my escape plans which will abandon my daughter, even though if I actually trusted you, which I should I mean I did turn down an already great lawyer for you jsut because you were better at poker, I wouldn't need it. Oh and guess what, I'll appear seven years later to try to make you loose your job which will cause my daughter I abandoned to starve.

But he doesn't choose Phoenix to be his lawyer just because he's better at poker. He says his reasons are "you really get to know a man by playing poser" or something along those lines. It has nothing to do with winning or losing.
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TaylorHyuuga wrote:
But he doesn't choose Phoenix to be his lawyer just because he's better at poker. He says his reasons are "you really get to know a man by playing poser" or something along those lines. It has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Yeah some crap about looking into a guy's soul when looking into his eyes. You know, Zak, you don't need to play poker to realize if someone is an ass. It's called a gut-feeling. It's built in. If you need to play poker to figure a guy out, you suck at figuring people out.

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CatMuto wrote:
You know, Zak, you don't need to play poker to realize if someone is an ass.


Thank you.
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Alright, I'll make my list:

Spoiler: My Favourites
10. :apollo: Apollo, he is only in this list because of the recently released Dual Destinies, before then, I had nothing to think of him, really. I liked the way he acted there, but for spoiler reasons I'll refrain from revealing more.
9. :butzthumbs: Larry, I found him hilarious, and that's enough for him to be on this list, as far as I care.
8. :gumshoe: Gumshoe, the fact that this Detective is incompetent, is one of the main reasons I like him, his honesty, is another one.
The fact that he is all smug when he thinks Edgworth's got the case because of evidence found by him is also hilarious, if only to see the puppy sad eyes when Phoenix bashes the prosecution's case aferwards.
7. :draw: Vera, she is in here because of the ending of Apollo Justice. Although smiling may be a ridiculous reason for putting someone on this list, the change of personality is, for me, at least.
6. :udgey: Judge, his Honour is bloody hilarious and I've hardly laughed so much before because of a figure of authority this incapable of using his brain.
5. :shy: Ron, he reminds me of... Me. That is all.
4. :pearl: Pearl/Pearls/Pearly, I appear to have a hidden soft spot for cuteness I didn't know about. I find her way of talking cute, I find her anymations cute, I find her actions cute, it leaves me no choice.
3. :klavier: Klavier, on my book, not being a mean corrupt prosecutor gives you lots of points. That and his 'I don't care' atitude are the reasons why he is here. He spends his time in court playing with the defence and even helps them if he feels like it. That's his personality basically, if he feels like it.
My brother is a murderer? Allow me to look at the ceiling in shame as I give him a lecture.
2. :phoenix: Phoenix, right, he's the protagonist, I'd say the game would've been pretty bad if he wasn't here. His inner monologue is amasing, more amasing still is that he keeps it to himself. Other than that, bluffing in the courtroom and panicking over nothing are favourites of mine. In Dual Destinies, another points are addid, for reasons I shaun't reveal.
Do the math, is not hard to know who's next:
1. :edgeworth: Edgeworth, other than not being a corrupt mean prosecutor, you can aslo gain points by being utterly sarcastinc, intelligent, smug, and British, of course, I say british because of the red(pink) his clothes have, and the fact that he likes tea, I have no other proof of this. (Unless you count Dual Destinies). All in all, he is my favourite character in gaming (followed by Professor Layton)

Now, within these favourites I'm going to make a subsection for Dual Destinies, for spoiler reasons.

Spoiler: Favourites in Dual Destinies, spoilers ahoy
Image Athena, because of her animations and her incapibility to hold a defence steady for more than 5 minutes without screwing it up and needing the help of the lawyer or her beloved friends.
Image Juniper, remeber how I had a hidden cuteness soft spot? Well, once again, there's someone to use it to it's fullest.
Image Blackquill, being a Japanese loving Victorian-Britishman is quite an accomplishment on it's own, add to that his ability to shut witnesses in an instant or make them spill the beans and you've got a great recipe.

Yuri Cosmos, what a hero, that is all.

Phineas Philch, unless I completly misspelled his name, his stealing habbits are a perk I quite enjoy, welcome to the favourites list.

Now, there are no characters I disliked, but it says least favourite, so I'll have to come up with something...
(just NOW)

Spoiler: Least Favourite - In no particular order
:viola: Viola, I don't like creepy things, I don't care that she's a nice girl at heart, she's still creepy.
:franny: Franzisca, as prosecutors go, I found this 'prodigy' utterly incompetent, that and she wastes her time covering for the witness' mistakes, that's not how you do it, ask your big brother for some lessons, would you kindly?
:two-faced: Angel...? I liked her so much I can't recall her name, I found her an old meanie, and that is no good.
:tigre: Furio, I believe Tigers are less noisy that this chap. If it wasn't for the accent, I'd genually dislike this caracter.
:noodle-hmm: Eldoon, I've never eaten noodles, other than that I'd say I have no reason to dislike him. He's here because I hated the investigation sections in Apollo Justice and this is the guy who always comes to mind whenever I recall my cringe-worthy moments getting bored and lost.
:cody-shock2: Cody, I didn't like him at all, the stuck up kid.
:wocky: Wocky, I dislike this whole 'gang' thing you had going on, sorry.

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The first person you mentioned in the DD subsection sounds terrible. Granted, everybody is a beginner, but even Phoenix was more capable than you're making that person sound like. Even when he was a rookie.

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Ah, there's no better way to ignore an imminent deadline than to make lists of random things you like and dislike.

Spoiler: Favorite characters
In no particular order:

Maya - Cheerful, adorable and surprisingly mature. I wish she'd personally help out more in cases, rather than using magic to bring back someone from beyond the grave to do it, but I love her anyway.

Simon Blackquill - The way he talks makes the linguistics nerd in me happy. That, and he has a brilliant personality.

Phoenix - Sarcastic, lovable good guy. I guess I'm a sucker for underdogs, too.

Manfred von Karma - Speaking of underdogs, here's someone who isn't. This is probably my favorite 'boss' in all of video gaming. Going up against him feels utterly hopeless; he's vicious, meticulous and intimidating. However, even with all those nasty qualities, he still has some of the funniest lines in the entire franchise.

Ema Skye - I honestly don't know why I like her so much. She's too much of a Maya clone, but she still manages to feel different somehow. Far too grumpy in Apollo Justice, however. Too bad we have no idea what she's up to now.

Edgeworth - Does anyone genuinely dislike this guy?

Larry - I don't know if it's because I'm retarded, but I giggle like an idiot whenever he's on screen.

Kristoph - Practically my ideal version of a villain besides the weak motive.

Pearl - Adorable, childish yet surprisingly smart. However, I don't buy the whole 'duh, what's a train?' thing.

Apollo - A special case, actually. I think I like him so much because of what the fandom has done with him (and now Dual Destinies too, I guess). He tries so hard to be taken serious but he usually ends up being the butt of everyone's jokes.

Honorable mentions to characters with a smaller role:

Spoiler: Dual Destinies characters, no real spoilers
Juniper - It's like Iris with a personality!

Luke Atmey/Yuri Cosmos - 100% Hilarious.

Spoiler: Characters I dislike. Contains GK2 and DD characters, no real spoilers
In no particular order.

Justine Courtney - She's a major character, and this is the best they could come up with? She's boring, bland, repeats the same lines over and over again, and you can tell exactly how she's going to develop as a character.

Kay - A Maya clone without any real reason to hang around Edgeworth. I also find the whole 'stealing the truth' nonsense to be...well, nonsense.

Athena Cykes - Steals all the spotlight, is everywhere, has a predictable backstory and is not a very intriguing character.

Sebastian Debeste - I refuse to believe anyone can be this stupid and not realize it.

Wocky Kitaki - I almost wish Alita's plans were successful.

Spoiler: GK2 mild spoilers
Raymond Shields - The only time he isn't talking about a dead man is when he's talking TO a dead man. His desire to hug everything was just creepy, not funny.

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Spoiler: Least favourites (no particular order)
1. Iris
2. Phineas Filch
3. Dr. Hickfield/Hotti/whatever he likes to call himself
4. Regina Berry
5. Sal Manella
6. Morgan Fey
7. Aristotle Means
8. Yutaka Kazami
9. Shi-Long Lang
10. Wocky Kitaki

As for my favourites, I found it extremely hard, so instead I made a top 10-list of my favourite one-case-wonders, those who only appeared in one case and don't have any influence on anything outside their case (so I'm not counting Manfred von Karma and the likes of him)

Spoiler: Favourite one-case-characters (no particular order)
1. Damon Gant.
2. Ron DeLite.
3. Cammy Meele.
4. Lauren Paups.
5. Dr. Crab.
6. Myriam Scuttlebutt.
7. Matt Engarde.
8. Ini Miney.
9. Lana Skye.
10. Jake Marshall.

And I'll have to mention Yuri Cosmos, even though he was physically present in two cases (I think?) and the 18-year-old Shigaraki, I mean, his young self was only present for one case.

(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
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Favourite "major" characters:
Franziska von Karma
Dick Gumshoe
Miles Edgeworth
Simon Blackquill
Kristoph Gavin
Apollo Justice
Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey

Favourite minor characters:
Mayor Tenma
Adrian Andrews
Sister Bikini
Ron DeLite
Lotta Hart
Manfred von Karma
Matt Engarde
Wendy Oldbag (I find her utterly amusing...)
Myriam Scuttlebutt or Robin Newman, I can't decide
Dr. Crab

But there are so many more I really like. Gant. Guy Eldoon (for some very odd reason he reminds me of my father)... Richard Wellington is a prick, but amusing... Plum is funny... And I love Lamiroir... Damn. Also, this list might change again because I haven't played all of Dual Destinies, and I haven't played Investigations.

Least favourite:
Wocky, Wocky, Wocky, Wocky, that fool
Morgan Fey
Sal Manella
Aristotele Means
Zak Gramayre
Phineas Filch
Yanni Yogi perhaps
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!

Last edited by WaitingforGodot on Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Thane wrote:
Ema Skye - I honestly don't know why I like her so much. She's too much of a Maya clone, but she still manages to feel different somehow. Far too grumpy in Apollo Justice, however. Too bad we have no idea what she's up to now.

Her being so grumpy in AJ is why I love her so much, she just seems more like a real person and not perfect and brilliant at everything.

GoingforMiles wrote:
Spoiler: Least favourites (no particular order)
1. Iris
2. Phineas Filch
3. Dr. Hickfield/Hotti/whatever he likes to call himself
4. Regina Berry
5. Sal Manella
6. Morgan Fey
7. Aristotle Means
8. Yutaka Kazami
9. Shi-Long Lang
10. Wocky Kitaki

As for my favourites, I found it extremely hard, so instead I made a top 10-list of my favourite one-case-wonders, those who only appeared in one case and don't have any influence on anything outside their case (so I'm not counting Manfred von Karma and the likes of him)

Spoiler: Favourite one-case-characters (no particular order)
1. Damon Gant.
2. Ron DeLite.
3. Cammy Meele.
4. Lauren Paups.
5. Dr. Crab.
6. Myriam Scuttlebutt.
7. Matt Engarde.
8. Ini Miney.
9. Lana Skye.
10. Jake Marshall.

And I'll have to mention Yuri Cosmos, even though he was physically present in two cases (I think?) and the 18-year-old Shigaraki, I mean, his young self was only present for one case.

You like Gant and Cammy and don't like Iris aaaaaa :sparkly-maggey:

Spoiler: my updated list
faves (apart from number 1, they're in no particular order really);

1. Bobby
2. Edgey
3. Apollo
4. Ema
5. Nick
6. Cammy
7. Gant
8. Gummy
9. Maya
10. Pearl

least faves;

1. Iris
2. Payne

I don't really dislike a lot of characters enough to put them here.

Imagesee how it withers before my flower of justiceImage

Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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The video game boy; the one who wins

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WaitingforGodot wrote:
Favourite characters present in more than one case:
Franziska von Karma
Dick Gumshoe
Miles Edgeworth
Simon Blackquill
Kristoph Gavin
Apollo Justice
Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey

Favourite minor characters:
Mayor Tenma
Adrian Andrews
Sister Bikini
Ron DeLite
Lotta Hart
Manfred von Karma
Matt Engarde
Wendy Oldbag (I find her utterly amusing...)
Myriam Scuttlebutt or Robin Newman, I can't decide
Damon Gant

If you're differ between "characters present in more than one case" and "minor characters", shouldn't Lotta and Oldbag be in the top list then?

Louise wrote:

You like Gant and Cammy and don't like Iris aaaaaa :sparkly-maggey:

Oh hello! :gant:
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.Topic%20Title
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Bwah, how annoying. I just forgot to rename the list. I changed my mind while creating them. :kudo:
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