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Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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In my view...

:phoenix: - Straight. I honestly think there's just so much evidence to support this, but that may just be me.
:edgeworth: - Straight. Okay, so he's somewhat of an oblivious guy when it comes to things like this. He doesn't show emotions much apparently; and doesn't have an efficient amount of a reaction to either men or women. Almost none, really. However, we've only been inside his head once. We don't have a lot to go by, though there's several things I've seen that make me consider him straight. Gyakuten Kenji will provide us some more insight. =/ Once more, it's only my view. Yet I also like Croik's interpretation of this side of him.
:godot: - As straight and true as the black coffee he drinks.
:kyouya: - I really don't know. I'm leaning more towards straight, though there's the possibility of bisexuality in my mind. I have no idea why...
:larry: - Straight...
:odoroki: - Straight..
:shoe: - is chasing after Missile, ironically. Should be the other way around... (yes, Shoe is Missilesexual.)
:adrian: - ... I actually think she might be a lesbian. Or bi? I'm extremely unsure.
:franny: - I doubt she cares, but if she did I think she'd go for a guy...
:keiko: - Had a thing for the MC Bomber virus. -shot- No, I'm kidding, I realize she's human. I don't really have an opinion, I just wanted to make that lame joke. -tries to make up mind- Maybe pansexual? Asexual? -fail-
:eh?: - Straight.

All right, I got nothin' left. I didn't mean to delve so much into these... xD
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May as well add my two cents:

:phoenix: - Bisexual, with a preference for women.

:maya: - Probably straight.

:pearl: - Too young to accuratly say, but at the moment I think she'll grow up straight

:edgeworth: - Gay gay McGayerson, with serious intimacy issues.

:butzthumbs: - Is there any real debate? Straight, just hopeless.

:franny: - Gender doesn't matter, as long as they're perfect!

:sadshoe: - Straight...with a teeny man-crush on Edgey.

:karma: - Y'know, repressed homosexuality would explain a lot...

:godot: / :javado: - Very much the ladies' man.

:damon: - RAEPMASTER jokes aside, I'm going to say straight.

:youngmia: - Straight. Never pinged me as anything but.

:lana: - Lana however, straight down the middle 50/50 bisexual. Why? I don't know.

:adrian: - So very much a lesbian.

:that-b-word: - Depends on who she's manipulating.

:ayame: - Straight.

:mareka: - Can honestly see her having experimented with other women, but she's happy with Ronnie now.

:shy: - Straight, and obssessed with his Dessie.

:odoroki: - I say he goes for the person, not the gender.


:minuki: - Again, person, not gender. Daddy taught her to be accepting of all people. especially since he was banging Edgey...*ahem* Yes I know this is neither the time or the place for that.

:pft: - Gay. I don't know why I think that I just do...

:yummy: - Straight, just not getting any.

:takita: - Straightest character in Apollo Justice IMO

:haha: - I personally think Bi with an unrequieted crush on Klavier...
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Spoiler: long list is long, it's very long, and it's long
:polly: Straight (with Yogi *shot*)
:missle: Straight
:hammer: Straight
:april: Straight
:mia: Straight
:goodman: Straight/Bi
:sal: Straight
:cody-flash: Straight
:lotta-angry: Straight
:will: Straight
:eh?: Straight
:meekins: Straight
:gregory: Straight
:grossburg: Um....
:larry: Straight
:payne:bi straight
:bellboy: Straight
:jake: Straight
:damon: straight *shot*
:lana: Straight
:yogi: Straight
:redd: Metro/Straight
:sawit: Straight
:karma: Straight
:maya: Straight
:edgeworth: STRAIGHT
:phoenix: Straight
:matt: Straight
:ami: Straight
:moe: Straight
:juan: Straight/Bi
:regina: Straight
:raygun: Straight
:ditz: Straight
:Mimi: Straight
:tea: Straight
:punch-ben: Straight
:cards: Straight/bi
:maggy: Straight
:wellington: Straight/bi
:shoe: Straight
:acro: Straight
:adrian: Straight *shot dead*
:hotti: Straight
:grey: Straight
:franny: Straight
:pearl: too young, but eventually straight
:mareka: Straight
:nixiesob: Straight
:onamida: Straight
:ayame: Straight
:kikzou: Straight
:flowsers: gay
:elise: Straight
:keiko: Straight
:zenitora: Straight
:javado: Bi
:yuusaku: Straight/bi
:igarashi: Straight
:chinami: Straight/bi
:godot: Bi
:uramidn: Straight
:aliahands: Straight/bi
:pencil: Bi
:cheese: Straight
:takita: STRAIGHT
:Noodle-Salute: Straight
:Brush-Sniff: Asexual
:Temsai: Straight
:garyuu: bi or pansexual
:odoroki: bi, probably
:kyouya: bi
:minuki: STRAIGHT
:hobohodo: STRAIGHT
that is all...

Last edited by Pearl the Barrister on Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[quote="Arei"]Finally xD Was wondering when this was gonna appear, this will be more fun then the virginity thread xD

:bellboy: - No idea, I'll say Straight

he has a crush on april he's :not-guilty:
Million thanks for making this epic siggy, Vickinator! and another million thanks to Nadini for making that awesome avatar

Couples I support? well...
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Most characters we don't know either way. As for some of the characters beyond the obvious heterosexual pairings:

:phoenix: Bi with a tendency towards guys. Mainly because Pearl will hit him if he shows any interest in a woman who isn't Maya.
:edgeworth: Generally doesn't care for relationships so hard to tell.
:sadshoe: Bi. His feelings are for Maggey are undeniable yet there are also a couple of suggestions in 3-3 that he likes guys, particularly in that his reaction to being accused of loving Jean was simply "he's not my type".
:larry: Straight as straight can be. Lusts after girls even after he starts to turn his life around.
:pearl: Too young to tell. The idea of homosexuality doesn't seem to enter her current world view, which could cause issues later.
:bellboy: What was with that random cameo in Edgeworth's office? Other than that, 1-2 definately points to him having an interest in women.
:lana: Lesbian. Was attracted to Mia, even if she wasn't going to give her sister the full details of what she got up to in college.
:chef: So gay even the people who insist everyone is straight realise he's gay.
:igarashi: Likes the waitress outfits, not the waitresses. Hmm...
:zenitora: Flirts with Jean. That could just be him thinking Phoenix is gay, though.
:odoroki: Starts out thinking of Phoenix in the same way Phoenix was thinking of Edgeworth in 1-4. But by the end of the game, particularly after his interactions with Vera, he looks straight to me.
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MissConnell wrote:
:haha: - I personally think Bi with an unrequieted crush on Klavier...

Agreed, completely.
This is a very interesting topic, actually...

:phoenix: Straight but with an attraction to Edgeworth. [it happens.]
:edgeworth: Asexual but with a sort-of attraction to Phoenix.
:maya: Does not care in the slightest. Probably thinks boys are icky.
:franny: Does whatever makes her happy and you can do nothing about it or she'll whip you.
:godot: Straight, but I'd say he's had his share of guys with crushes on him. xD
:lana: Lesbian. The whole college & Mia situation made me laugh. Innuendo, anyone?
:damon: Sexual.
:adrian: Probably bisexual. She doesn't trust men for the most part, but that's something she can learn to get over.
:chinami: Bitchsexual.
:eh?: Maggeysexual. It's love, people.
:minuki: See Maya.
:youngmia: Bicurious. She had that little fling with Lana but she definitely loves Diego.
:kyouya: Manwhore.
:garyuu: Bitchsexual, because him and Dahlia are meant to be. :keiko:
Krissy x Dahlia, Edgey x Feenie, and Klavi x Ema, for the epic win. <3
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:yuusaku: Generally I think most of the characters are straight. Love isn't really a sure thing in reality, you could end up falling for someone questionable to you...While sexuality obviously does affect love, in a way it's more about the person and personality, not gender. Love isn't "I love that girl because she is a girl and I must love a girl." Just my opinion. Fictionally, almost every main character is straight unless it's a "boy/girl love manga/book. It wouldn't look good for Capcom to make a popular main character "gay" all the sudden since some might be disgusted or shocked by it...but throwing in one or two gay side characters would add "varitey" so that isn't as "bad". Then again I might be wrong about that, but I have never seen any "normal" series do it.
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i think everyone is straight except for :flowsers: for obvious reasons and maybe :adrian: cuz...idk she just is
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:phoenix: I want to say equally Bi
:edgeworth: I would say gay, but he doesn't seem interested in many men, but I'm pretty sure he likes Phoenix
:udgy: Well, he's married, but I'm pretty sure he cheats with men
:maya: Straight, maybe Bi, I don't care too much
:pearl: Not sure, she seems like she could got either way
:karma: I don't know but he definitely doesn't get emotionally attached either way
:ka-whip: Bi, or lesbian, I just know she HAS to be into S&M
:godot: Bi, preference of women
:damon: 110% Omnisexual
:hobohodo: I think he started to lean toward men as the years went by, I mean, he's in his 30's, with a kid and not married (as far as we know)
I think he's just afraid of what Trucy would think
:chinami: As others have stated, she has no real sexuality, just whatever it takes to get what she wants
:minuki: Bi-curious
:kyouya: Gay, but loves attention from women
:larry: Gay, but tries to cover it up with women, relationships he cannot uphold
:garyuu: Pretty sure he's gay, and probably a pedophile and rapist, just fits him
:cody-flash: Has a man-crush on the Steel Samurai, other than that, who knows
:may: No idea, she's a whore either way
:shelly: I think he's gay (as I want him to be), but we really haven't seen enough of his character to know
:cards: Very gay, but like Klavier, likes the attention of women
:jazzron: and :mareka: I think he's pretty straight and devoted, but she seems like she could be totally bi.
Those are the ones I really care about.
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Alondite wrote:
:cody-flash: Has a man-crush on the Steel Samurai, other than that, who knows
I'd say his reaction to Mia's chest is more of an indication of sexuality
Holly Quinn wrote:
:maya: Does not care in the slightest. Probably thinks boys are icky.
I don't think she's that immature and she certainly isn't scared of catching cooties. Vocal admiration of Nick in Pearl's earshot aside, she just hasn't really stopped to think about it much.
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:phoenix: Bi , But like woman more
:edgeworth: Bi .. Just because of nick
:udgy: Has a wife
:maya: Hamburger-sexual
:pearl: To young , but probably Straight
:karma: Perfect
:franny: Perfect
:godot: Coffee
:lana: Bi/Lesbian
:grey: Anyone that isn't a weather girl
:adrian: Lesbian/Bi
:shoe: Cat?
:chinami: Anything and Anyone that she wants
:igarashi: Straight?
:hobohodo: Hobosexual
:minuki: Straight
:payne: GAY
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:phoenix: Bi (though, really, after Dahlia I'd never get with a girl again. *shudders*)
:edgeworth: Gay (And not just because of the suit)
:maya: Hrm. Hard to say. Bi, perhaps?
:franny: Probably bi, maybe pansexual. Seems to me like she woulndn't be opinionated about such things.
:adrian: No idea. Bi, I guess.
:lana: Bi again, probably leaning towards women.
:larry: Eh, straight, I guess.
:odoroki: I have trouble seeing him as gay, or even bi. Dunno why. Probably because he irritates me.
:eh?: Straight. No commentary here.
:yuusaku: Hard to say. Maybe straight, probably bi.
:godot: Hrm. Straight, I guess.
:garyuu: Pansexual. If he wants someone, he'll take them.
:kyouya: No idea. Bi, I guess.
:karma: Workaholic. Why yes, that is a sexual orientation. ^_^
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It's always interesting to see how the lists are either "everybody's straight" or "everybody's gay and bi".
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The only one who is gay is probably :flowsers:
I actually dont think :cards: is gay.....he has :regina:
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Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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:phoenix: - Well, he was with his Dolly back in student time, and I'm pretty sure they also hit the bed for one or more adventures ... So I go for straight, although he does seem a bit girly in some moments in GS3, mostly when he states that he is moved to tears by something.
:youngmia: - Hetero and no.1 kitten for Godot.
:edgeworth: - Metrosexual. That's it.
:udgy: - Plain and normal, married and has grandchildren.
:maya: - Must be straight, otherwise Pearl's uncountable attempts to get Phoenix and Maya together would be meaningless!
:pearl: - Not determineable yet, but she sure is a romantic person and is very keen of pairing Maya and Phoenix, so I think she is most likely hetero and wishing for a perfect marriage with the prince of her dreams once she's grown up.
:karma: - Not really interested in such stuff ... I believe he only had a marriage to be able to raise a successor for his carrier. Since it didn't work out that much with the first one, he got married a second time and had Franziska. Quest finished!
:franny: - Really hard to tell. May be a very closed lesbian, but could also be a very closed heterosexual. Or such, I really don't know.
:godot: - Every second of his coffeine-addicted life, he's straight as an arrow. There is enough evidence - I still laugh how he meets Franziska for the first time ever and what is the first thing which comes to his mind? Right, asking Phoenix who that good-looking mare right next to him is (I don't know if he said "mare" in the English version; in the German version, he says "Stute" which means "mare")! So, obviously, straighter than straight.
:redd: - Uh ... ehm ... Nothing I want to think of.
:matt: TEH PIMP!
:lana: - Same as Franzi.
:damon: - Bi and open for everything. Yeah ...
:jake: - Straight, but perhaps also open for a bit Brokeback Mountain-action, who knows?
:pshhh: - Looks totally gay, is straight.
:grey: - Hetero.
:hotti: - ... Does "perverted" count as a sexuality on its own?
:adrian: - Bi, I would say. I can imagine her very well in both kinds of love.
:igarashi: - Loves to look at nice girls' "uniforms" ... Right ... So hetero.
:bellboy: - Was turned on by April May. Must be hetero.
:payne: - Is married, I would say straight.
:larry: - So awfully and dumbly addicted to good looking women, there can't be any possiblity but straight.
:grossburg: - Oh, no damn clue, but whatever he is, there are always boobs in the relationship.
:meekins: - I can imagine him having a crush on Maggey (although she's clearly reserved for Gumshoe!).
:wellington: - Metrosexual like Edgey, but a whole lot more extreme ... and disturbing.
:yuusaku: - He may not look like it, but he has a very manly taste in women - Just look at Desiree. She's even dressed in leather, for christ's sake!
:maggy: - Hetero and perfect for Gummy.
:zenitora: - I can't help it, thinking of him in a non-straight way seems weird to me. His harsh and "tigerish" behaviour, also his kind of a crush on Viola say so.
:eh?: - Totally hetero for Maggey!
:will: - Could be gay, could be not, but either way he needs someone cute and caring.
:luke-side: - No clue, but I can't get the thought out of my head that his nose seems like a great sex toy ... *shudders*
:flowsers: - Honestly. He must be so damn gay, it's not even rude towards RL homosexuals since he's the perfect example of a stereotype-homo.

My two cents on the "Godot is bi since he flirted with Ron in court":
1.) He didn't call him "kitten" (or, the German equivalent, "Mieze", which is btw more flirty and a lot less cute than "kitten" - Also "Mieze" can only be used for women because it refers to a female cat) in the German version; edit: I just rushed through 3-2 to that exact part and Godot is calling Ron "guter Junge" in the German version, which means "good boy" and in the way he uses it, it sounds like Godot is talking about a well-behaving dog.
2.) He seemed an awful lot like he was teasing Ron to me. If I were a guy and a grinning guy with the vibes of an ultimate womanizer would tell me to be a man and call me "kitten", I would feel greatly insulted. Most likely also wishing to wipe that grin out of his face. Seriously, calling a male adult "kitten" is very rude. Also Godot had every reason to play with Ron like that; he had the perfect solution for the case right there. A guy willing to admit his guilt is like christmas for the prosecution.
And, most of all, he could have wiped Phoenix right out of the court with his own defendant perfectly confessing the crime.

"Ha! ... Looks like your client isn't so trustworthy after all, Trite." :godot:

Last edited by Perrydotto on Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Perrydotto wrote:
:pearl: - Not determineable yet, but she sure is a romantic person, so most likely hetero and wishing for a perfect marriage once she's grown up.

Are you insinuating that to be romantic and want a perfect marriage you have to be straight? :|
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(Witty Name Here) wrote:
Perrydotto wrote:
:pearl: - Not determineable yet, but she sure is a romantic person, so most likely hetero and wishing for a perfect marriage once she's grown up.

Are you insinuating that to be romantic and want a perfect marriage you have to be straight? :|

Oh hell no - Sorry for choosing my wording so gibberish.
I was trying to point at the romantic thoughts she has about Maya and Phoenix, believing that they will live happily ever after and stuff - And since Maya and Phoenix are a hetero couple, I wanted to say that Pearly seems to have tendencies to be straight.

Wait, I will edit my post to make that more clear.
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:phoenix: Straight.
:edgeworth: GAY. (....Maybe?)
:meekins: Straight.
:payne: Straight.
:godot: Straight.He has :youngmia:
:eh?: Straight.(But isn't he *** for Edgey?) Also,he has :franny: <3 (In secret XD )
:zenitora: ALL HAIL MANLINESS!!!!!!..Knowing he has Pink things sure gets you
to think!
:chef: STRAIGHT.I think because he thought that he's a girl so..wait.He needs a MAN so..Oh my gosh YES! He's the ONLY character on the GS Series who's totally GAY. D8
:garyuu: Sooooooooooooooooooo GAY!
:uramidn: See :zenitora:
Image Gumshoe X Franziska 4Ever

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Dick-Gumshoe wrote:
:uramidn: See :zenitora:

I consulted your explaination for Tigre after reading this which has lead me to believe that Viola is straight because she is so MANLY. I found this to be quite baffling.
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:phoenix: He's a total fag and we all know and love it <3 :p

:edgeworth: Depressed gay boy :3 (joy)

:udgy: Asexual, alawl

:maya: Straight as a cucumber

:pearl: Rainbow Kawaii Desu Beams of straightness (so far)

:karma: :franny: - As long as their perfect, I don't care if they have 3 nipples.


:lana: - Oh... Don't ask me, I just stabbed myself with a knife >>;

:jake: All cowboys are gay <3

:adrian: Franny helped me through it all <3

:shoe: Meow

:hobohodo: Gimmie your wallet and then we'll talk...

:kyouya: Gay (or maybe Bi... lol)


I must say I'm used to being
inspected by the ladies...

But this is the first time
I've felt this way with a man.

Mr.... Gavin?

:grossburg: no

:sadshoe: EDGEY-POO~

:odoroki: I seriously don't know.. He's gay for everyone and you know it...
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:flowsers: is not GAY nor STRAIGHT!!

SHE is a lesbian! (yes I know he is a guy but he did call him self a woman!!)
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My updated version 3.0

:phoenix: straight
:edgeworth: 2 busy for a relationship with either side (i say straight though)
:udgy: straight
:maya: straight
:karma: has to be straight or franny wouldn't be here
:franny: straight
:godot: straight
:damon: pedo bi
:adrian: bi, more towards leb :hotti:
:kyouya: straight
:larry: straight
:eh?: straight
:chef: we know the answer (move over Boy George)
:cards: bi (definitely was attracted to :phoenix: along with :maya: and :regina: )
:odoroki: straight
:yuusaku: straight
:that-b-word: straight, but would probably go the other way if it's nessisary to complete a plan :chinami:
:ayame: spiritual = straight
:pearl: STRAIGHT (she's only a kid god. But seeing how she insists on :phoenix: / :maya: straight)
:jake: straight
:wellington: gay
:april: straight but i could see her doing something "interesting" once or twice :karma:
:youngmia: straight
:hotti: perv straight
:study: perv straight and a cross dresser :beef:
:grossburg: (*pukes*) it's not pretty either way. Who would do it with him? Rosanne? :karma: (Yeah ain't that a pretty thought. Like there's a bed that could hold that kind of action :beef: )
(^Sam Kinison quote^)

:igarashi: perv straight
:zenitora: straight
:bellboy: bi, more towards females
:minuki: will be straight
:redd: problay straight
:garyuu: gay (i mean come on nail polish? :meekins: )
:payne: straight
:lana: maybe bi
:eh?: straight
:maggy: ^ straight
:uramidn: Straight
:keiko: ??????! Do android's count?
:sawit: good question
:yogi: straight
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Darzie P wrote:
Dick-Gumshoe wrote:
:uramidn: See :zenitora:

I consulted your explaination for Tigre after reading this which has lead me to believe that Viola is straight because she is so MANLY. I found this to be quite baffling.

Oops! Sorry.

:uramidn: Straight,because of :zenitora: (She loves him right?....Though,I don't know what happened to her after GS3.)
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Johnny Rotan wrote:
:garyuu: gay (i mean come on nail polish? :meekins: )

There are actually straight guys out there who wear nail polish.
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What do you see behind the mask?

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Anna Cassidy wrote:
Johnny Rotan wrote:
:garyuu: gay (i mean come on nail polish? :meekins: )

There are actually straight guys out there who wear nail polish.

These can most likely be called metrosexuals.
I'm not very far on AJ, but I would put Klavier in the same row as Edgeworth and Wellington - All metrosexuals.
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I hate that the most feminine character in the whole series is a man.
i dont even understand why they made :chef: a man.
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What do you see behind the mask?

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Perhaps because it's ... funny?

And I don't know how the Japanese see the French, but well, perhaps Armstrong represents that view. :chef:
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I will go into further detail about some of these because I am bored.
:sal: Straight, and a pervert.
:meekins: Straight, but he doesn't get any because none of the girls like him.
:grossburg: Um, scary either way. Very. Frightening. I mean, so-frightening-it-makes-a-bus-full-of-Twilight-fangirls-look-safe scary.
:bellboy: Straight, and a pervert. April May seduced him...?
:jake: Straight, I think :O. Hopefully, for my sanity's sake.
:damon: Straight, and not just because I hate the "raep" memes.
:edgeworth: Straight but metrosexual, because he probably kills you for spilling something on his cravat-
Spoiler: desisive evydence

:matt: Straight, and a total pimp who probably cheats on 10 women at once.
:Brush-Sniff: Asexual. Enough said.
:kyouya: Bi, because there's a lot of in game evidence (I think).
:lotta-angry: Straight, and she keeps that camera for a good reason :D
:neil2:Gay/bi because I said so.
:garyuu: Bi or pansexual.

Last edited by Pearl the Barrister on Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Manipulative jerks are just better.

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Guys, guys. You're missing one very important thing about Matt. He is NOT STRAIGHT. He's just NOT. It's an ACT. Matt is asexual. Also, he's not in love with his "other half".
That said, I ship :matt: x :ini:

Edit: No one saw that post. I hit submit instead of preview.

"People are simply things to be used. Used and thrown away. Put on a sweet, innocent face, and people will swallow anything you feed them."
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Swimming anyone?

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:phoenix: - Straight, with his thing in GS3 I'd say.
:edgeworth: - I think he possibly never even considered the question
:udgy: - Straight
:maya: - Straight
:franny: - I think bi (since I can imagine her with either Edgeworth or Adrian)
:godot: - Straight (since his story with Mia)
:sadshoe: - Straight (with Maggey)
:keiko: - Straight I'd guess
:adrian: - Lesbian

It's just a few, though honestly in playing I never really thought much to it.
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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:phoenix: - I dunno, I kind of see him as bi.
:edgeworth: - I see him as asexual, but I think he developed feelings for Phoenix and is confused by this.
:franny: - Same as Edgeworth. She became a prosecutor when she was 13, I doubt she ever truly thought about crushes or sexual orientation. But I think at the end of 2-4 she started feeling sorry for Adrian, and maybe developed feelings for her, and it probably confuses her. (Also, she might be lesbian. I mean, when she finally does start acting nice, it's only to women, right?)
:maya: - It's hard to say. I can't tell if she has a crush on Nick, or if she thinks of him as a brother. I'm just going to go with straight.
:lana: - Intellectual attraction. 'nuff said.
:godot: - Straight
:mia: - I don't know. I think she's straight, but then there was that thing with Lana, so I guess either bi or bi-curious?
:eh?: - Straight, and in love with Maggey.
:adrian: - Lesbian. I definitely think she's more interested in Celeste and Franzy than Matt and Juan.
Spoiler: 2-4
And she dated Juan, sure, but she was only dating him to protect the memory of a woman. And the first thing she did when she saw Juan's dead body was stab him with a knife, so yeah, that's not love.
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burninator59 wrote:
I hate that the most feminine character in the whole series is a man.
i dont even understand why they made :chef: a man.

Actually, I don't think so, because of
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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Guess who's druuuuunk~!

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Szabu wrote:
burninator59 wrote:
I hate that the most feminine character in the whole series is a man.
i dont even understand why they made :chef: a man.

Actually, I don't think so, because of

aren't you forgetting when she's :may: evil
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Spoiler: 3-3
Jean was equally as guilty as April.

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Guess who's druuuuunk~!

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Szabu wrote:
Spoiler: 3-3
Jean was equally as guilty as April.

yeah but he never acts evil
Spoiler: 3-3
he was forced by :zenitora:
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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that one know...?

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hehe....gonna be questioned hurf-a-durf.
:phoenix: -Straight/Bi. IDK.
:edgeworth: -Seems...Straight to me.
:maya:- Straight. Or Burgers.
:karma:- Straighter then....a straight edge.
:franny:- Straight. Would've been beaten by Manfred if otherwise.
:godot:- Straight. DUH
:kyouya:- Bi.
:garyuu:- Asexual
:adrian:- Most likely Lesbian or at least bi.
:odoroki:- I am perplexed.
:minuki:- Straight
:eh?:- Gumshoe is Straight.
Franziska: Because she always makes sense. ALWAYS.
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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Don't mess.

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[All characters] Bisexual, so every fanfic and piece of art can be accurate :D

Oh, and Manfred could be gay. Gay men can have children with women, which is something not a ton of people get for some reason. Also, there's always adoption.
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title

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:phoenix: - Straight.
:maya: - Probably bi, doesn't really care though.
:pearl: - Still too young to care about things like that.
:mia: - She had Diego, but she gives me a "bi" vibe anyway, with the Lana innuendo and all.
:edgeworth: - Asexual.
:eh?: - Straight. He has Maggey and he had a crush on Mia during 3-4 as well.
:franny: - Bi.
:godot: - Straight. There's lots of evidence for this.
:judge: - Straight. He seems to like young women.
:larry2: - Straight.
:karma-scream: - Doesn't care.
:payne: - Straight. He's married and has a daughter.
:maggy: - Straight.
:adrian: - Probably bi, with a preference for women.
:chinami: - Egosexual?
:odoroki: - Unknown, seems straight to me.
:minuki: - Could go either way.
:garyuu: - He mentioned a girlfriend in 4-4.
:kyouya: - Straight?
:sassy: - Straight or bi.

Last edited by Kefka Palazzo on Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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Achtung Baby! Today we play it my way!

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If you guys are actually being serious about this.
I think that everyone in the game is straight.
Otherwise, the game would get major disapprovals for promoting Homosexuality.
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Varsity wrote:
If you guys are actually being serious about this.
I think that everyone in the game is straight.
Otherwise, the game would get major disapprovals for promoting Homosexuality.

Even Jean and Adrian?
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