Court Records

Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.
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Author:  GentlemanGamer [ Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.


10. :maya: I just couldn't make a list of favourite characters without including her SOMEWHERE. While she can be annoying and preppy at time, her important role in the series and her happy-go-lucky personality does make you feel attached to her, and Ace Attorney just wouldn't have been the same without her.
9. :mia: Intelligent, gorgeous and with a gentle almost motherly personality, she was a mentor that you couldn't help but love.
8. :trucy: She was more intelligent then Maya, more goofy then Kay and her 'talent' was more likable to me then stealing, science or channeling. One of the better sidekicks, for sure :trucy:
7. :godot: I wish he and Nick had got along better through more of the story; he was just flat-out cool, and had a backstory that made him sympathetic to me.
6. Simon Blackquill. He was a strong opponent who, though seeming like an absolute ass originally, gradually grew on me with his tough-as-nails samurai personality and his...interesting sense of humor.
5. :eh?: Not the brightest bulb in the shed, but he has a big heart and manages to be endearingly dim-witted; what can I say? I always have a spot soft for the underdogs.
4. Athena Cykes. Say what you want about her, but Trucy aside I found her to be one of the most useful, well-rounded and likable out of all the female sidekicks in the AA universe.
3 :phoenix: Good ol' Nick; loyal to a fault, unshakeably determined, and endearingly sarcastic (his feels a little more endearing then Apollo's). We've all been with him through the first few games, so need I explain why he's a favorite?
2. :apollo: I don't know what it is about him, but I like how... I dunno, well-rounded he feels. Both as a character and as an attorney, it's slow-going at first; he's majorly inexperienced, and his personality can sort of grate for a bit. However once you learn more about his character and he gets more experience in court, my opinion of him started to change; though he can be cynical, sarcastic and occasionally clueless, he's also loyal, caring, hard-working, determined and continues to mature as we see more of him. His flaws and his strengths feel a little a more balanced then Pheonix, hence why I like him slightly more :apollo:
1. :edgeworth: Didn't like him initially but his character growth won me over. Since then I've grown to love him as a character for his gentlemanly disposition, sophisticated charm, intelligence and confidence (something most AA protagonists lack). Plus I like his outfit, particularly his cravat; I don't care what anyone else thinks, that thing is quite posh :)

Will complete least favorite list later. It's late where I am, so I'm heading to bed :yogi:

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

Sorry for necroposting, but I thought this thread still could be relevant, what with new users and such. (If not I humbly apologize, hahah.)

As for my favourites I go with characters that aren't too "minor". It would be too hard otherwise. Still feel like there's a lot of characters that I want for my top 10 and the order is a bit... Not too set in stone after the first five.

My personal top 10, also named: If you pull my heartstrings I will love you:
1.) Simon. Never have I ever had such a clear-cut AA-favourite. I can't even count all my reasons for loving him: it's everything from his... special sense of humor and the fact that he laughs at his own jokes, to him making me all emotional (that last trial, for example, and the fact that I feel so incredibly sorry for the man) to his "modern English isn't always your friend"-vocabulary to... I just love Simon. And I certainly find him cool. Not in that "oh man, that guy is so badass"-way, but cool as in "oh dear, that bloke is weird".
2.) Yumihiko. I was very amused by the little brat at first, then there was this character development... And wow. Skyrocketed up to my top 5 in a flash. First he moved the hell out of me, then he impressed me with his "took a level in badass". I seriously didn't think there was that much to him.
3.) Adrian. I think she's a wonderful character with an interesting backstory, and I got so happy when I finally saw her smile. I absolutely love how she acts in Trials and Tribulations; adorable.
4.) Godot. My brain says "no, he's too much of a douche to be that high up on the list", my heart says "I love him, he can be amusing as hell and he moves me to bits and pieces". He has a lot of flaws, but I can't help but adore him.
5.) Franziska. I was annoyed by her at first, found her bratty and rude. And well, she often is, but after her character development, knowing about her insecurities and those times she's a big damn hero... I love the young woman.
6.) Miles (not how he acts in GK, though). He feels like a very well-rounded character with lots of development and an interesting personality.
7.) Gumshoe, before he got totally flanderized. He was my first favourite AA-character since I found him funny and sweet. A guy I'd love to have as a friend.
8.) Maya. It feels like I've been taken her for granted for a while, and I don't like that - she's absolutely wonderful and makes me smile.
9.) Badd. I just love the guy.
10.) Shigaraki. Especially his younger self, completely adorable, but I love him when he's older too. He's great fun. (Erk. I adore Aura. I adore Aura so much but since one got to know Shigaraki quite a bit more... But... Aura. And now I'm feeling guilty when it comes to a shitload of characters so I'll just stop right here before I apologize to everone I love. Which in its turn sounds like I'd apologize to friends and family for not having certain characters in my top 10.)

Honourable mention would be Kristoph, he fascinates me and I love how he goes from being a seemingly serene bloke to go... yeah. I adore his dry sense of humor and he seems like a classy guy (apart from the obvious cray-cray-ness).

With this list I went with minor characters too, since there aren't many major ones that I loathe. And I can't do a ranking, so I'll just write down the ones that I hate the most in no special order - at least when it comes to the first ones.

My personal bottom 10:
Sal. He disgusts me and annoys the living hell out of me.
Hotti. He disgusts me as well. What an utterly unpleasant person.
Bansai. What a vile human being.
Zink. What even. He seems to be there just to be unpleasant.
Filch. Plain nasty.
Ryouken. Creeps the living hell out of me.
Alba. Peh.
Lance. Also peh.
Aristotele. He creeps me out in every way (although I must say that the things he writes on the slate are quite hilarious).
Zak. Douche.

Edit: Eff, I've already changed my mind I don't know how many times since yesterday. Mostly about Aura. But I won't touch this list because that would be cheating.

Author:  TheBlackquillz [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

Jeez, it's been over a year since the last post. But you do have a point... Hm. Maybe I'll necro-post with you. Yes, I definitely will.

1) Hershel Layton
1) Simon Blackquill: Look at my username and tell me why you think I chose him as number 1. He's so adorable.
2) Godot/Diego: Because I had a Godorgy dream like his various sayings and funny stuff like that. Also, he's really hot.
3) Pearl Fey: Because she's sooooooooooo cute!
4) Miles Edgeworth and Shi-Long Lang: It's a tie. I love them both. Meow.
5) Aura Blackquill: Look at my username again. There's a "z" at the end that suggests that I like more that one Blackquill. Simoni, duh Aura x Metis just was too touching not to cry at.
6) Judge Greybeard: Who doesn't like the Beard?
7) Apollo Justice: I really don't get why people don't like Apollo. Well, I like Apollo. He's so adorable, and his backstory (though kind of vague) is really touching! He also has a super ability that actually gets thoroughly explained in the story, so that's a plus. And that hair? S'okay.
8) Dick Gumshoe: "Listen, pal, there's only one reason why Ms. Quillz likes me." "Why's that?" "Because when I was a kid, I wanted to be a wizard. And so did she!"
9) Kristoph and Klavier Gavin: This one's a tie. I love them both, really I do, but I can't put one above the other. They're BRUDERS, man! And they're both cute! And have cool stories to tell.
10) Shelly de Killer: I can relate to him in many ways. N-No, not like that! I mean he's a respectable person who has very keen manners and is always calm no matter what. And that calling card is so honorable...

Special mention to my Manny VK. He deserves some love.

Least Favorites:
Brushel: Percieve. Ew. Annoying. Way too descriptive about the smell of mint.
Stickler: PANTIEEEES?!?!
Hotti: Twitchy. Perverted.
LeBlanc: Lips! One million ceeeents!
Sal: :sal: <--- This explains it all.
Bansai: What an evil person. Wouldn't you agree?
Alba: What an evil person. Wouldn't you agree?
Payne: He was a royal payne in the ass. (Haha, puns)
Matt: What an evil person. Wouldn't you agree?

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

TheBlackquillz wrote:
He's so adorable.

Adorable is the word. Ehm, I didn't reply just to say that (not that I'd be above it, though), what I was going to say from the start was that I really like your list overall.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

Tying shamelessly.

1. Edgeworth, Apollo. Because Edgeworth was the first one I got really infatuated with and his character development is great. He's just so believable. And beautiful and awkward and awesome, and playing as him in 3-5 was like the best thing ever. I want to hold his hand. And I thought Apollo would suck and then I played him for a case and suddenly I LOVE him. Because he is a stiff lawyer type who looks like he's 12. Because he has great snark and is actually very peculiar. I want to hug him.

2. Ron, Trucy. Because they are cool, clever and adorable.

3. Badd. Hey, Badd. Look at me, Badd. Talk to me, Badd. I love you, Badd. I want to send him gifts of expensive candy.

4. Maya, Phoenix. Them landing in the fourth spot is pretty much by chance; they could be all over the list since they practically are AA. They're awesome in their own rights and even better together since their respective weirdness clashes so well and their friendship is the best.

5. Yumihiko, Simon, Crab. Because I love stupid, plain weird or grumpy people. Especially when they're also surprisingly badass, overall sweet or strangely sexy.

6. Godot. Becausd coffee and sexiness. And he's hilarious. And I fel sorry for him. I want to stroke his hair, andd drink coffee with him.

7. Klavier, Ema. I love how passionate they both are about things. Klavier is so kind. Ema was a fun spacey scientist as a teenager, and I've already stated my love for grumpy characters.

8. Calisto, Shigaraki, gk2 mastermind. Because Calisto's got some guts, and an aura of coolness. And because she doesn't take anything seriously, especially not Bratworth. Young Shigaraki was adorable beyond words. I want to cuddle him platonically and kiss him on the nose. His older self is a bit shady but with a delightful sarcasm and childishness and somehow he feels like someone you could feel safe around. A d he's hot too. Mastermind is smmart, creepy, funny, and evil yet symphathethic.

9. Plum. Because she's fucking badass.

10. Dessie, Pearl, , Matt. Because Dessie is wild and rash, with a contrasting mild and pleasant personality. And really hot. I want to go on a motorcycle ride with her.Pearl because she's impressive and hardworking. I want to eat ice cre with her. Matt... because he's the shittiest character to awaken my sympathy. And he's an interesting characterwith occasional funny moments. I want to massage his shoulders and keep him safe from de Killer (and the world from him).

And even then there are more characters I can say I love. You know who you are :* I'm too sick of phonewriting and too full of love to deal with the worst right now.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

Pah. Why didn't I realize that that shameless action was an option?

Author:  Going for Miles [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.


1. Filch, Zink, Hotti, Sal. Because they hav no redeeming qualities whatsoever and just seeing their stupid faces make me want to punch something.
2. Bansai, Yutaka. Becaus they're horrible.
3. Shelly DeKiller. Because he's stupid and I hate him.
4. Alba. Because he's sooo annoying and ew.
5. Aristotle
6. Morgan
7. Zak

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

#1: :pearly: -She's just so adorable. I just can't stop but loving her. She's cute, but even though being useless as a child during investigations, her personality were quite cute. I'd love to have her as my daughter. :iris:

#2: :phoenix: -Okay, this man is the protagonist of the game, so you definitely can't hate him. Not to mention, he's just cool. I'd love to have him as a friend of mine.

To be continued...

Author:  CrayonKiddo [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

10. Apollo
9. Lotta Hart
8. Franziska von Karma
7. Godot
6. Edgeworth
5. Pearl
4. Mia
3. Maya
2. Phoenix

Least Favorites:
10. Matt Engarde
9. Luke Atmey
8. Hotti
7. Frank Sahwit
6. Winston Payne
5. Redd White
6. Wellington
4. Moe
3. Cammy Meele
2. Zinc Lablanc
1. CALISTO YEW. I. Hate. That. Darn. Laughing Sprite.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

Tying shamelessly because I'm pissed. (No, I'm not. But since someone made a top 10 with about 20 characters ( :sillytrucy: ) I will too, and the only reason I'm fleshing out the list is my guilty conscience... or because my previous list had a lot of characters that I love equally. "I'll stop right here", pft, but that was before I even realized that one could be shameless. After this I'll stop messing around for real.)

1.) Simon
2.) Yumihiko
3.) Adrian, Godot, Franziska
4.) Miles, Gumshoe
5.) Maya, Badd, Shigaraki (especially his younger self), Aura
6.) Kristoph, Souta, Ron
7.) Calisto, Pearl
8.) Trucy, Apollo
9.) Bikini, Dr. Crab
10.) Palaeno, Matt

And yeah, I (really) love other characters too but I'll give a damn special mention to Taka because Taka rocks.

Author:  AmericanKotatsu [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

I'm generally terrible at making lists, so this is surprisingly inaccurate (probably).
10. :phoenix: Main character and all, he's still only ten on this list. Mainly because of themes, hair and a tendency to forget how to cross-examine.
9. :sadshoe:. Gummy! Who can't love this scruffy detective?
8. :pearl:. She's adorable, smart (when it comes to spirits) and mistook gravely for gravy!
7. :shoe:. Meow.
6. :udgey:. Ah, what is that? A camera? I've never heard of that! Yes, Mr. Wright, I know I'm in 2027.
5. :javado:. Mainly because I feel he's a different character entirely.
4. :godot:. Firstly, the mask. Secondly, his attitude in court. Thirdly, character development. Also, a murderer with a good motive.
3. :maya:. Burgers. She shares my view on 'em. I don't have her appetite, but I find myself eating friends' leftover burgers so that counts I suppose.
2. :apollo:. Mainly because he gets picked on so much, but also because I love his occasional sarcastic remarks.
1. :edgeworth:. Why? Because his character development is so damn good. Also because cravat.

Least Favourite:
10. :will:. What's with his face? And hair, and everything else? Also, he's the most pathetic actor I've ever seen.
9. :tigre: Decides to fool a court by wearing a cardboard badge and succeeds. Cue Gary Stu Moment!
8. :basil:. This explanation is SPARDA.
7. :sahwit:. Mr. Sahwit? More like Mr. Did It!
6. :grey:. Randomly barges into your office and drags you to Kurain. Screw you.
5. :yogi:. Fell asleep every 10 minutes. Dad! Wake up, you lunatic!
4. :jake:. You had good intentions, sure, but you still did wrong. Apart from that, you have the rip-off of Charley, so that's bad as well.
3. :karma:. Karma bit you right in the butt and you deserved it. A title such as perfectionist is too good for you!
2. :redd:. Nobody kills Mia Fey and gets away with it!
1. :damon:. Stop clapping. And waiting a minute to respond to a question. Ya fool.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

AmericanKotatsu wrote:
Also because cravat.

Cravats are always a good reason.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 10 Favorite and Least favorite PW Characters.

I mean,I'm not very good at character rankings,but I'll try. Not counting victims whom we didn't get to meet, and no animals either. Missile isn't going to be on the list,I'm sorry to say.


1. Miles Edgeworth- Great,very well developed character. Do I really need to say more?
Honourable Mention.Simon Blackquill:A fun prosecutor and definitely more interesting than Klavier,but doesn't get into the top ten for one major reason. His funny lines and presence is diminished by a lot of the boring court dialogue of DD.
2. Phoenix Wright- Kind of underrated,since he's the perfect blank slate protagonist and is even better as Hobo Phoenix. I don't even really mind DD Phoenix. Unfortunately, he drops a bit due to his annoying 3-1 self and not as good as DD (not something you regularly hear me say) SoJ Phoenix.
3. Apollo Justice- Surprise! I actually really like Polly as a protagonist. His quips are more cynical than Phoenix,and he gets bullied a lot. Which makes it way more satisfying to prove stuff in court. Plus, his backstory in SoJ is hilariously contrived yet somehow emotional,so props to that.
4. Simon Keyes/ Sōta Sarushiro- The best AAI2 villain,and the most fun to take down. The reveal is quite surprising,and his true personality is sinister. He even had a tragic backstory that WASN'T forced. Just all around great,and a shining point in the overarching arpeggio that was AAI2's story.
5. Dhurke Sahdmadhi- Just a really good character. His role in the fifth case is great, and the twist is incredible. Plus,he's the reason Apollo's backstory in SoJ is emotionally nice.
6. Sherlock Holmes- The Joint Reasonings are hilarious. That's all I have to say to put him here.
7. Maya Fey- The classic assistant,and the best. Just real fun to be around, and the most innovative. Though her unmemorable role in SoJ brings her down a bit.
8. Trucy Wright- A really fun assistant,second to only Maya. Her cheery personality and attitude pull her up,but her mediocre role in DD bring her down.
9. Kristoph Gavin- An underrated villain. His motive being because of a poker game is false. It's because Zak gave the case to Phoenix instead. Someone whom he thought was far inferior to him. This led to him using the forged evidence on Phoenix,which led to his sheer paranoia and denialist attitude trying to cover everything up. Great villain,even if his confrontation was a bit anticlimactic.
10. Calisto Yew- A surprising feature here, it's because she is by far the best villain of AAI. Really fun to confront and just a good character.

1. Nahyuta Sahdmadhi- He's a jackass for 99% of the whole game. That alone brings him down to the worst character ever. I hate,hate,HATE this guy. Ugh. Let's just let it go and move on already. I'm sick of even thinking about this douchebag.
Dishonourable mention. Bonny Young+ Karin Jenson- The reason they're here is because they are by far the least memorable characters in AAI2. Which is a shame,because they have an interesting role. They just...don't do much.
2. Klavier Gavin- Imconsistently portrayed,but they were trying to make him too much like Edgeworth but went overdosed. He sucks,but isn't the worst.
3. Lance Amano- Forgettable,easy to see coming,terrible breakdown. Yawn.
4. Datz Are'bal- When I finished SoJ,I saw that a lot of people were saying that Datz was a better Larry. HAHAHAHAHA. No,Larry actually was good in some cases. He was just miscast in most of his cases. Datz is a bad character in whatever scenario you put him in. Plus,his role is Case 3 sucks. And his stupid timeline which is unexplained also doesn't make any goddamn sense.
5. Joan Garrideb- To avoid DGS spoilers,I'll just say she SUCKS in every way possible. Worst character of her case.
6. Dahlia Hawthorne- Surprise! She's boring as a character,plus she stays in Meeks mode for too long. Not a fun overarching villain. Thankfully,they got it right with Kristoph and Keyes.
7. Quercus Alba- He has a fun confrontation,but he's boring as a character. That's not good for the big bad of the game. Also,his personality before his transformation is nonexistent.
8. Florent L'Belle- Terrible villain,terrible gimmick. Not funny in the slightest.
9. Zinc LaBlanc- Terrible design. Eugh. Plus,he's also rather unmemorable other than falling down. That's not a good thing. Plus,his breakdown is fugly.
10. Ellen Wyatt- Her animations are so darn long. Waste of time, they are. Her character's meh otherwise.

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