Court Records

Headcanon for the series?
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Author:  Bramimond [ Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Sounds like it. I'll headcanon that as well.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

More headcanons thanks to the dream thread.

When Phoenix gets drunk, he always gets the feeling that he wants to fly. One time, he actually did try to fly. It was during his college days. Henceforth why Phoenix follows a strictly no-alcohol policy.

And then came that day when he actually flew... into a telephone pole. Dreams really do come true, Nick! Even if they were your drunken dreams from all the way back then when you'd rather not think about.

When Edgeworth gets drunk, which is more often than people give him credit for (that expensive wine's gotta be drunk by someone), he comes up with a new logic game mechanic.

Don't get me wrong. It was a brilliant step in the right direction for the drunken genius. His drunkenness also explains his tendencies to get really emotional about trivial problems.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

^ Beautiful.
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
When Edgeworth gets drunk, which is more often than people give him credit for (that expensive wine's gotta be drunk by someone), he comes up with a new logic game mechanic.

He also grow into a monstrous size when he's drunk. Nobody can explain it, but it has something to do with his path.

...or his ego as the investigating Drunkworth.

Unrelated, but still related to the dream-thread: I almost seriously headcanon Phantom's real name to be Lars-Åke Haraldsson now.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

It's probably his ego. It's always inflated anyway... unless he's talking with Nick and Larry at a bar, and they're both drunk off their butts.

Speaking of which, I always thought Larry was one of the flightiest characters in the series, aside from Kay. Strange how I've never dreamed of him flying around.

It's a suitable name... it just doesn't sound punny enough for my tastes, sorry.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Hm... Speaking of, when I watched GK2 and he was walking around I saw something behind him and first I thought that his head suddenly had become gigantic. Was he sobering up, so only the ego-head was left? Or was he tipsy, so the ego-head was the first thing that grew?

Well... Lars comes from Laurentius, saint and martyr. So perhaps that's some sarcasm - he surely isn't a saint and the people he kills become... martyrs... or some crap like that. Åke means ancestor... and he... he... urk. Harald means commander and... well, since Haraldsson means son of Harald he's the son of a commander which... Scratch it. It's impossible to make his name being even close to a pun or having some kind of meaning. Damn.

Lars rhymes with farce. Which his breakdown and such is. And... damn it to hell. At least I tried.

Larry is the phantom since a Lars easily could be called Larry. It's no pun, it's a hint.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Now I can't help but imagine Edgeworth walking about with a literally inflated head. What is this?

Are you saying LARRY is the reason we got Dual Destinies? Suddenly, everything has never been clearer.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Oh no... oh yes... oh perhaps... Oh no-yes. I'll never be able to unsee it.


Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

No sober human being would shout "eureka" the way he does.

And of course Larry is the phantom. Always lurking around in the shadows, popping up from ponds, ready to complicate stuff... I think that if one looks hard enough, there is a Larry to be found in every case... watching... waiting...

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Correct. Especially not when one's wrong about something.

Biding his time. It makes more and more sense with every word you wrote. Yes. Lars-Åke Haraldsson Larry is the phantom.

Author:  luck [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Godot is the Phantom. They both have the ability of mocking people voice's perfectly. He probably was brainwashed in prison as part of a secret government project

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

I was going to say "how does his visor fit under the mask?" Well, a visor is nothing compared to that excessive layer of masks he's wearing.

Wasn't Souta also great at imitating voices?

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

So is Kay.

*gasp* What if Kay was the REAL impersonator for Fulbright? I don't mean she's the spy sent to sabotage the center. That douche had it coming to him. I mean that Kay was the one around for case 5-2. She'd be perfect for the role. The guy we met in the space center was actually a totally different person, which explains why he seems to act differently between the cases.

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

I don't really know of that, Rubia... But that sounds a little nice... eh... :nick-sweat:

Anyways, I think Godot is actually Diego's Twin Brother, rather than being a same person or some sort of alter-ego. :godot:

Author:  Going for Miles [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Ooh, I used to have that theory too! It was, like so many others, based on a dream :godot:

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Just thought of this one. Apollo is left handed and Athena is right handed.

Author:  TheBlackquillz [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

I always thought that all of the defense attorneys were left handed and all the prosecutors were right handed.
And Edgeworth? Ambedextrous.
I also think Athena's right handed.

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Because Edgeworth is just that talented.

Athena being right-handed may or may not be influenced by the fact that she mainly uses her right hand to operate the mood matrix.

You know, I just came up with another headcanon. The characters' dominant hands depend on the dominant hand of the players.

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Iris has depression for no reason or she doesn't have any. Found in the Medical Thread Records. Explain the reason why she has is not going to change the fact anymore, I'm afraid.

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Knowing that her stepfather didn't want her? Her twin sister died? Her unrequited love for Feenie? A chemical imbalance in her brain?

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Because I didn't answer right away? Gosh.

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Ace Pointer wrote:
Iris has depression for no reason or she doesn't have any. Found in the Medical Thread Records. Explain the reason why she has is not going to change the fact anymore, I'm afraid.

You say that like that's a bad thing? :eh?:

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Because the flame storm that was going to occur on my mind has disappeared, I'd like to say thanks to whoever said the reason. Nothing else for now.

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Oh, okay...umm....hope it gets better soon...

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Considering her company, I've been pretty much assuming Thalassa used to be a bit of a douchebag too.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Yes, I always thought the same actually.

Author:  Bramimond [ Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Lana introduced Mia to the film that made her cry.

Author:  billythecactus [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

So a headcanon I have thanks to DD (which I haven't played yet, actually, just have read a lot about, watched videos, etc) is that, in the same vein of how Klavier considered Constance Courte his mentor, Aristotle Means was a mentor to Kristoph. :kristoph: Maybe there's lines in canon that could dispute this based on their age - Means would have had to been in his early 30's? when he was teaching Kristoph, and like I said, I don't know if anything notes that Means an attorney at that time.

But it makes a lot of sense, to me, considering well....spoilery reasons :P

I even had this idea that Kristoph was Dahlia's DA in her actual trial (where she ends up being sentenced to death :dahlia: ), and it's maybe his first trial, and Means would be there at his side, but know going into it that Dahlia was guilty, and would want to see what Kristoph was able to accomplish - if he had any tricks up his sleeve, as it were.

Bramimond wrote:
Lana introduced Mia to the film that made her cry.

I really like that! I've seen a lot of people h/c that it was Diego but cute!Mia&Lana (or Mia/Lana, depending on what you think) college-bonding over some sappy movies is adorable. :pearl-blush:

Author:  TheBlackquillz [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

billythecactus wrote:
But it makes a lot of sense, to me, considering well....spoilery reasons :P

I'm not so sure about that, actually. I mean, yeah, it'd be really cool if that was a coincidence, but I think it's misleading when people usually only see the dark sides of people in these cases.
Spoiler: 4-4 and 5-3
Kristoph only ever forged one piece of evidence, and that was for his own purpose of being famous for defending the great Zak Gramarye. I think he's never said that he lost a trial, but it seems very likely since he's just known as being cool during trials and and being one of the best defense attorneys, but coolness does not a prodigy make. Means, however, only had one goal in mind - get every single defendant found Not Guilty by any means necessary. That doesn't really sound like Kristoph, does it? At least, it doesn't to me.

I dunno, maybe Kristoph was taught by him but didn't take his ideology to heart. :kristoph:

Author:  billythecactus [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Sorry, to clarify, do you mean that Kristoph /has/ lost trials before? That's what I'm assuming you meant.

If you want to consider that Kristoph's first trial /was/ the Dahlia one, then he'd lose - and have a fallout with Means that he didn't take the proper measures to ensure victory - like you said, at this point, not taking his ideology to heart, but the idea is at least planted there - to go to extreme measure if need be. He just doesn't.

Because the Kristoph at this point might have less drive to be "famous" - successful, most definitely, but not renowned the way Klavier becomes (because of his dual careers...and Klavier's rise is what I think spurs Kristoph to becoming so much more cutthroat).

But this isn't a headcanon I'm married to, simply because I haven't played DD yet, nor do I consider myself an expert on Kristoph (i've only played AJ twice). It's just something I've kicked around.

Anyway, different headcanon:
On tumblr I saw a discussion about the headcanon that Klavier and Daryan must have known each other somehow before being involved in their respective careers/forming the Gavinners (because Daryan would have had to become a cop at a very young age, otherwise - unless he wasn't in the Gavinners at their genesis). And I like the idea that they met online when they were younger teenagers through a rock music forum/youtube channel (like if Daryan puts up videos of him shredding guitar).

Author:  Bramimond [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Following the Dahlia headcanon, I could say that Kristoph was inspired by Mia Fey, who took a death row convict as her first client, to do the same with Dahlia to make himself known in the lawyer world. I really like that headcanon with Means, by the way.

billythecactus wrote:
I really like that! I've seen a lot of people h/c that it was Diego but cute!Mia&Lana (or Mia/Lana, depending on what you think) college-bonding over some sappy movies is adorable. :pearl-blush:

Lol thanks. I've always thought that Lana would have a bigger influence on Mia's life. sistas before mistas haha

Author:  dimentiorules [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

The Judge's real name is "The Judge". His first name is The, and his last name is Judge.

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

dimentiorules wrote:
The Judge's real name is "The Judge". His first name is The, and his last name is Judge.

Lol XD You got me for a minute there. That headcanon was marvelous.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

I kept forgetting to post this. Time to kick this thread back on track.

Phoenix Wright's grandfather and Ryu's son is also named Phoenix Wright. That makes the one we know Phoenix II. Also, it's obvious that he was named after a bus.

Asogi used to raise chicks when he was little, so he can't bring himself to eat chicken. He's also a Nicknapper.

Susato had a secret crush on Asogi back before she met Ryu. It's also why she's so hesitant to accept Ryu, since it'd be awkward to fall for both best friends.

Sherlock Holmes is rather fond of cooking, but the last time he tried, he really did make "sand-like toast" and "mud-like coffee". Cue his periodic episodes of depression.

Iris is clearly the one with income at Baker Street 221B, so she reserves the right to be Sherlock's mother figure.

Van Zieks is an angry drunk. The catch is, no one really can tell when he's actually drunk and when he isn't.

Author:  TheBlackquillz [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Van Zieks is an angry drunk. The catch is, no one really can tell when he's actually drunk and when he isn't.

It runs in the family line, of course. He is Barok van Drunks. So wait, should someone make a smilie like this one :b33r: but with Holmes and van Zieks?

Author:  Bramimond [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

I headcanon that Kristoph had a lot of anger issues when he was a kid, and often took it out on other students and his brother. Just some of the stuff he (or at least I imagined him) did:

-Shoving kids out of their swings at recess
-Purposefully aiming for the face during dodgeball games
-He had a crush on a girl, but didn't know how to tell it to her, so he bought a box of candy hearts and threw it at her head. Then he threw her backpack into a mud puddle when she didn't return his feelings.
-He tried picking a fight with the bigger kids after they skipped him in the lunch line. This resulted in him getting duct taped to the flag pole.
-Klavier made fun of him for wearing glasses. Later that day when Klavier was standing on a stool to get something, Kristoph snuck up behind him and popped a balloon. Klavier ended up falling down and chipping his tooth.
-Another prank he did with Klavier: colored the edge of a quarter with a pencil and bet Klavier that he couldn't run it down his face without lifting it. Klavier went to school the entire day with pencil marking on his face.
-Kristoph and Klavier often wrestled and beat each other up when they were angry. But their mother started to get suspicious of Kristoph when she caught them in the midst of one of their tustles and Kristoph was on top of Klavier with a pair of safety scissors in his hands.
-He flipped his desk over and hollered about how worthless he was when he didn't do so well on one of his pop quizzes. His teacher sent him to the office until he calmed down.
-A lot of other kids made fun of him for his outbursts and odd behavior. Normally he'd beat them up but every year more teachers were told to keep an extra eye on him during recess. So he started keeping a "People I Need to Exact Revenge On" Journal and it had all the lists of students and teachers who made him angry. He had to go to counseling for a short while after this.
-During a baseball game, Kristoph was running to home plate. He slid but was tagged out just before he could touch home plate. After he was called out, he threw a fit. He started arguing with the umpire and the guy who tagged him out. Then he picked up home plate and threw it at the umpire and chased him around with a baseball bat. His therapist said it was time to send him to anger management after that.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Haha! Goodness. The first one, the safety scissors, the journal, the popquiz rage and the balloon prank = YES. :Kristoph-hair:

Author:  Bramimond [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

And that, my friends, was Bramimond's World of Kristoph Headcanons. We hope you enjoyed this feature presentation :kristoph:

Author:  Going for Miles [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Certainly, dear Bramimond. Certainly. :gant-clap:

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Oh dear, Kris, Kris... I can picture him doing a lot of those things. (I headcanon him as quite the nice brother, at least most of the time and I can definitely see him taking some things out on Klavier. I can definitely see the balloon-thing.) Lovely! (For me to read. Not to those close to Kris.) :gant-clap:


Speaking of kiddies, I was thinking about Simon as a child. I picture that...

He was a pretty grouchy child now and then, but also very kind and honest as well as really faithful when it came to people he admired. He did sulk a lot, though. Like, sat down on the nearest flat surface with his arms crossed, refusing to talk to anyone and won't move until his gut feeling tells him so. (Thank ya, dreams.)

He really got to know that he was the baby of the family - got teased by his sister and such. He didn't just take it, though, he always scolded her. And his parents were quite damn protective - which annoyed him, but when he got a bit older he was secretly touched.

He could lay on the grass and watch birds all day long.

He was one of those odd kids with a strange sense of humor. One of those children that can blurt out really strange stuff and the adults are like "what goes on in that child's brain?"

He didn't have a lot of friends, but he didn't mind since he was very close to those he had.


The hell, now I'm trying to think about Diego as a child, but I find it so hard to picture him as a kiddie! Ech, he was probably a trickster-prankster-troll.

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Headcanon for the series?

Somehow, for some weird reason... I kind of detected the Deres the Blackquill Siblings have. Except for Aura, maybe. Yes, she seems pretty much Tsundere, however she seems to be madly in love with Metis. So, I kind of think Aura to be a half Tsundere and a half Yandere...

As for Simon... Kuudere. He seems pretty much cold to me, at least. I think his partner (Taka) might be a Yandere, since he usually seems to... I dunno, umm... Over-protective to Simon and lives with him and obeys him?

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