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Reading Character 'voices'
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Author:  nekonohime [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:pearl: Chibiusa (Sailor Chibi Moon) from Sailor Moon (obviously XD)

Author:  PhoenixFlower16 [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: My regular voice...just slightly deeper.
:edgeworth: My regular voice, deeper and with a slight British accent.
:udgy: the deepest voice I can go
:maya: My regular voice
:pearl: a slightly higher, cute little girl voice
:franny: a Russian accent...I can't really do a German I gave her a Russian one..
:chinami: Pretty high pitched but really really an angelic sort of thing...same with Iris...
:godot: Really calm, cool and sorta low
:wellington: a woman sounding voice...with a sort of British accent
:payne: a gremlin voice...haha

Author:  Gregory Wright [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

There's hardly a time I play any of these games when I don't attempt to give all the characters voices. Naturally, my success with the female voices is much more limited. Describing them will be a challenge, but I'll give it a try.

:phoenix: Normal reading voice, which would translate into basically mid-baritone, Midwest accent (or lack thereof, depending on who you ask).
:edgeworth: Low, breathy, almost raspy baritone with strong, clear consonants--especially sibilants ("s" for example).
:maya: Peppy, almost squeaky soprano with just a slight rasp.
:mia: Low, relaxed alto.
:butzthumbs: Semi-squeaky, melodramatic high tenor.
:gumshoe: Low tenor with a Brooklyn accent.
:udgy: Throaty, ponderous baritone--it might be likened to swallowing your own Adam's apple.
:payne: Flat, raspy low tenor--sticks in the back of the throat.
:sawit: Middle tenor, slightly tense Indian accent.
:grossburg: Ponderous baritone similar to the judge, but with less throat--mostly right behind the teeth.
:april: When she's playing to peanut gallery: airy, cotton candy low soprano. When she's angry: loud, gritty low soprano.
:redd: Pretentious, smarmy, throaty low tenor--think upper-class pimp or drug dealer.
:bellboy: Low baritone with a slight French accent.
:will: Apologetic, almost paternal high baritone.
:oldbag: Throaty low alto with a slight quiver.
:cody-talk: Raspy, semi-petulant low soprano.
:sal: Very low baritone with a slight lisp and a tendency to smEar the vowels.
:devasque: Low, understated, slightly raspy alto with Spanish accent, yes?
:lotta: Middle alto with a strong Southern twang.
:yogi: When he's playing dumb: Senile, strongly paternal mid-baritone--imagine an easygoing Abraham Simpson. When he's confessing: Saturnine low baritone.
:karma: Low, raspy baritone with a strong Prussian accent--think Berlin. Imagine Till Lindemann in a detached, sardonic mood and you'll be pretty close.
:scientific: Pretty similar to Maya; basically the same except a little lower with no rasp.
:lana: Early on: Low, brusque, clipped alto. After the case: Low, warm, flowing alto.
:jake: Low tenor with a lazy drawl and moderate Texas twang.
:two-faced: Airy middle alto with a slight buzz.
:meekins: Throaty high tenor--kind of like Loud Howard in Dilbert.
:gant-clap: Syrupy middle tenor with a slight drawl most of the time. When he thinks he has an ace up his sleeve, I give him a breathy half-growl.

It's getting late, so I'll stop here for now.

Author:  jptorres26 [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:edgeworth: - I have a deep voice so somehow, he gets my natural voice
:phoenix: - Slightly contrasting to Edgey, I always speak in a lighter tone when reading his lines
:godot: - I speak in a tone slightly deeper than my natural voice when I play him
:adrian: - Somehow, I feel that Adrian has a tad deep voice so I just speak in my girl voice
:larry: - Whenever I read him, I always use my excited voice
:garyuu: - The same way as I speak with :godot:
:odoroki: - Deeper than Larry, lighter than Phoenix

Author:  16BitsQuaRed [ Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: : Like many people, I feel as though main character = standard reading voice
:edgeworth: : British accent. (sigh)
:udgy: : You know, the stereotypical "back in my day" voice.
:maya: : Like the other unicorns in Charlie the Unicorn. (It's Travolta3335's fault!)
:pearl: / :karma: : Basically, the voice you would expect Pearl to have is von Karma's, and vice versa.
:franny: : Female Edgey.
:godot: : Like his Objection.
:payne: : Like his Objection. It's the best thing ever.
:eh?: : Since one of the first things he said was "WHAAAAAAAAAT?", his voice is completely overdramatic.

Author:  Kayube [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

After playing some Tales of Symphonia I started to hear Phoenix Wright characters' voices as ToS voices.

So :phoenix: = an older Lloyd
:edgeworth: = Kratos
:maya: = Colette
:franny: = Sheena
And possibly others.

Author:  weirdghostboo [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: He's just his "OBJECTION!" voice, except he's sort of speaking normally, not yelling.
:maya: I sort of picture Maya with a fangirl voice, except it's less high.
:edgeworth: Edgey get's this British accent (le sigh) that's from Oxford, and he sounds EXTREMELY snobby.
:franny: She has a German accent, that isn't too thick, but it isn't too light. Her voice is also sort of a soprano.
:mia: I sort of picture Mia with this calm voice, that's significantly lower than Maya's.
:pearl: She has this high, flutey soprano voice that sounds adult yet childlike at the same time.
:eh?: Gumshoe has a Brooklyn accent that really isn't that heavy, but the way he talks is slightly overdramatic.
:larry: I see Larry with this "duuuude" voice, like how most people see Matt, except higher.
:odoroki: Apollo's voice is actually the same as his "OBJECTION!" voice.
:minuki: Trucy's voice is a soprano, with a certain amount of ditziness to it.
:kyouya: I seriously picture Klavier's voice as Light's from the Death Note anime English dub, with a slight German accent added to it.
:garyuu: He sort of as this intelligent voice, with a slight hint of "I'm-better-than-you" mixed in.
:ema: She sort of sounds normal, but she has a geeky twang in there.
:adrian: I see Adrian as having a British accent, that sort of sounds like she's from Oxford in JFA, but in T&T it sort of slips away, and she gets an accent from Essex (similar to my own, seeing as I'm from Essex)
:chinami: / :ayame: I picture these two with soft southern belle voices.
:godot: A sexy, silky, smooth-talking latino voice. Oh yes.

Author:  TheWrightWay [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:godot: - Despite what many believe, I don't think his voice is super deep. Kind of hard to explain how I hear his voice.
:wellington: - Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club.
:two-faced: - Irish. Why? Four words. Boot. To. The. Head.
:study: - Loud, know-it-all, over the top.
:adrian-crunch: - ...STILL SEXY AND BRITISH
:udgy: - Deep and elderly
:edgeworth: - ...Guess.
:maggy: - Ever since it was suggested, Konata from Lucky Star. Friggin' awesome.

Author:  Steel Turnabout [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Thanks to this song, all I can imagine for each character is their voices in the video :D

Author:  J-Max Holmes [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: : Goku from DBZ
:edgeworth: Exactly like his "Objection, Hold It and Take That!" voices
:franny: Took me a while to figure it out, but I kind of read her like Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz with a german accident.
:godot: ever since he said "amigo" in one of his lines, I read him with a cowboy accent.
:maggy: like Sandy from Spongebob Squarepants.
:payne: like the more stuck-up lawyer from the Simpsons.
:acro: kind-of like a native-american just starting to learn english.
:mareka: Kind of like a friend of mine from high school. I have no idea why :eh?:
:kyouya: euro-rock accent (I pretty sure pheonix even comments on this).
:uramidn: a really weak, creepy, whispering voice.

Author:  dawnofdusk [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: Normal voice.
:edgeworth: Slightly lower than normal (I have quite a low voice for a girl anyway, so...) with a dry tone.
:udgy: As low as I can go with a confused tone.
:maya: High with a cheerful tone
:pearl: Really high
:karma: Really low with an arrogant tone (haha, I can't do a German accent to save my life, so...)
:franny: Slightly higher than normal with an arrogant and teasing tone.
:redd: Like someone off an infomercial
:yogi: Raspy and confused, but almost sorrowful once his true nature is revealed
:lana: Slightly higher than normal with a cold inflection
:damon: Almost as low as I can go with a showy tone
:jake: Low with a Texas drawl
:hotti: Raspy with a slight lisp
:adrian: Slightly lower than normal and almost monotone
:payne: Slightly higher than normal with a nasal tone
:larry: Slightly lower than normal with a whiny tone
:grossburg: As low as I cna possibly go
:meekins: High with a frantic tone
:wellington: Slightly higher than normal with a showy tone
:maggy: Slightly higher than normal with an energetic tone
:sadshoe: Low with a enthusiastic tone
:two-faced: Slightly higher than normal with an airy yet forecful tone
:cards: Think Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Pegasus
:lotta-smug: Normal voice with a strong Southern drawl
:cody-flash: Annoying little kid voice
:punch-ben: Ben = Slightly lower than normal and nervous. Trilo = High and smooth/suave
:pizza: Valley girl
:tea: Slightly higher than normal with a calm tone
:sal: 1337
:april: Flirty
:scientific: Same as :maya:

Author:  Steel Turnabout [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Grossberg is Patrick Star. And I am serious.
"We'll take the contradiction, and push it somewhere else!"

Author:  flicky1991 [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

I always like to read the characters' voices out. I tend to give a lot of characters English accents because that's where I'm from. I like voicing the characters with hard accents like Lotta Hart and Furio Tigre, because I end up making them sound funnier! Unfortunately, my vocal range for female voices is limited, so a lot of them sound alike - the same serious-sounding voice has to be used for both Morgan Fey and Adrian Andrews!

It's fun to see how close I get to their "Objection!" before I actually hear how they say it. I was very close with Phoenix and Edgeworth, okay with Godot and Franziska, but nowhere near with Manfred von Karma, Mia, or Payne. (I gave Payne a nerdy voice, like an older version of Leonard from The Big Bang Theory.)

Author:  Gnobo [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

I need a break from fanfic writing.

Okay so let's see:

:phoenix: -My regular voice, of course.
:edgeworth: -In a very calm, British voice. Slightly deeper than my normal voice.
:udgy: -I honestly don't know what he sounds like. My voice for him is always changing.
:larry: -A slightly deep Brooklyn accent.
:maya: -A higher more cheerful voice.
:redd: -A deep, rich person voice.
:eh?: -A slightly deep New York accent
:yogi: -Like a drunken hill-billy. When he's his real self, he retains the southern accent, except he sounds much deeper and more growly.
:karma: -My best Hugo Strange impression. Kind of like this.
:odoroki: -A little higher than my normal voice and with a Canadian accent. Don't ask why, for some reason I can picture Apollo with a Canadian accent.
:godot: -A very deep voice and with a slight Spanish accent.
:psycho-matt: -Like Wolverine for some reason. I even use "bub" during his dialogue.
:hobohodo: -Like my Phoenix voice only lower and more rough.
:gant: -Very deep and British. Try to make him sound friendly yet somewhat creepy at the same time.

Author:  Lucy [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: - In my normal voice, perhaps slightly deeper.
:maya: - In a high pitched, typical up-beat anime girl style.
:edgeworth: - Deeper than Phoenix's, but still my accent.
:pearl: - A very soft voice.
:franny: - My voice, but louder and more aggressive.
:karma: - Again, similar to my voice, but deeper.
:godot: - A relaxed voice that makes you think he can't be bothered.
:damon: - A deep, sexy voice Quite a high pitched, grumpy voice.

I can't remember any others and the more minor characters usually just end up with my voice.

Author:  P.B. Crudstache [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: :My regular reading voice.
:edgeworth: : slightly British, a bit snobby. Kind of like Dr. Bumby from Alice: Madness Returns.
:maya: : high-pitched version of my reading voice.
:karma: : a very deep, almost demonic voice.
:gant: : very happy-sounding, with a British accent.
:luke-side: : Robert Downey Jr., no joke.
:cody-shock2: : like the bully from the Simpsons.

Author:  tiger_festival [ Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Gant gets the voice of Abridged Mr. Popo.
Kristoph get's something that sounds like Sephiroth.
Everyone else I read as if they were all voiced by Dexter Manning. Something like this.

Author:  FireballDragon [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: A normal, kinda awkward voice, yet confident when objecting.
:edgeworth: Englishman. Enough said.
:udgy: Very grand, very throaty.
:maya: High pitched and bubbly.
:pearl: Even MORE high pitched and bubbly.
:godot: For some reason, Solid Snake.
:redd: A somewhat deeper version of Pegasus from Yugioh.
:jake: A John Wayne voice, of course!
:eh?: A very rough Chicago accent.
Mia, I imagine sounding kinda like Leela from Futurama.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

sumguy28 wrote:
Gant gets the voice of Abridged Mr. Popo.

That is freaking awesome.

I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


Author:  ZVeronikas [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

In my gamer bar video, I had some voice actors portray Winston, The Judge, and Mia. They did a very good job, I think.

Author:  Gnobo [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

CatMuto wrote:
sumguy28 wrote:
Gant gets the voice of Abridged Mr. Popo.

That is freaking awesome.

I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


I think it's because of his "Objection" "Hold it!" and "Take that!" voice clips that make him sound British in game.

Author:  tiger_festival [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

CatMuto wrote:
I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


Is that British enough?Apologies if I offended any British people

Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


Is that British enough?Apologies if I offended any British people


Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:maya: - My voice except more high pitched and excited. (I'm not so good at dubbing Maya. :c)
:franny: - My regular voice except more rough
:phoenix: - My regular voice except more professional
:edgeworth: - Professional with a hint of British accent
:pearl: - Childish voice
:delilah-hair: - My regular voice except eviler >D
:youngmia: - I try to sound like a stereotypical feminine tomboy when voicing young Mia
:glasses: - Professional woman's voice
:salute: - My regular voice
:pencil: - Like one of those punks from the musical Grease
:regina: - The girliest innocent voice possible

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


Is that British enough?Apologies if I offended any British people

Of course it bloody isn't, ya wanker. :redd:
Co'blimey, that man hasn't got a stiff upper lip, after all! :redd:
'specially how he acts in front of the birds. :redd:
Apples and pears...! Fanny...! God save the queen and all that palaver...! :redd:

Nah, bloody really isn't that british to me anymore.
It's like if I call a girl a bitch - it's like a greeting now, no actual cursing involved and it doesn't have a national "stamp" anymore.

:pearl: - Either a high pitched voice if she's in a good mood or a dark, emotionless voice when she's down (like when she's explaining the Magatama)
:edgeworth: - Kind of like Kratos (Tales of Symphonia) with "heh" as a sound effect before speaking
:maya: - Read very fast and hyperactive and don't care if I stumble over words
:franny: - Similar to Edgeworth, only with "Hmpf" instead
:chinami: - If you've seen "Nin10doh 64th Power" and their sketch of Earthbound, just think Paula
:uramidn: - Emotionless, dark voice with little creepy giggles added in


Author:  FireballDragon [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Personally, I think "bitch" is still derogatory, but really, that's only because of this assbag I went to high school with who used that term LIBERALLY. Bitch, broad, dame, it's like he couldn't just say WOMAN.

Author:  TheIdioteque [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

CatMuto wrote:

I wonder why everybody makes Edgeworth british/english... he doesn't really use british terms...


I always picture him speaking with more of a "blueblood" accent. Not so much British, but very refined and somewhat snobbish.

I'm not very good at picking out accents. Some of the few I've though of.

:jake: - A definite stereotypical Texan accent.

:sadshoe: - For some reason I always picture him with a thick New York accent, even though he doesn't use typical New York words.

:keiko: - GlaDoS. Nuff said.

:udgy: - Very deep and dignified.

:godot: - Not really Mexican, but a bit of a gruff, hispanic tone to it.

Author:  ekree [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

To me, Kristoph will always be Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss. Even his "Objection!" clip sort of matches up.

And from the moment I first laid eyes on Wellington, I gave him the most over-the-top flamboyant lisp I could muster. But that seems to have already been covered.

Author:  Marc [ Thu May 16, 2013 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

If anyone has watched Video Games Awesome's Phoenix Wright shows, then you can't picture anyone else doing the voices.

Author:  CatMuto [ Thu May 16, 2013 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Marc wrote:
If anyone has watched Video Games Awesome's Phoenix Wright shows, then you can't picture anyone else doing the voices.

I tried watching it, but it just felt so annoying to me to listen to them just... reading the text. You know, they need to emote. Then again, I'm a person who generally doesn't like people reading the text on the screen at times - I'm a pretty fast reader and most of the videos I've watched, people put either too little or too much emotion into it.
And I mean that when they are not making fun of it.


Author:  Marc [ Thu May 16, 2013 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

I get what you're saying because sometimes, the voices won't work, but it usually is meant for humor.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

Sometimes I read the lines just like that, and sometimes I take a little more time trying to "hear" the characters speak. I try to hear all the persons with voiced "Objections" the way they sound. And, not all the time but now and then I imagine Shigaraki with a lisp. As for his present time self, I'm not sure whether it would be cute or just make him even more shady. :eh?:

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

GoingforMiles wrote:
Sometimes I read the lines just like that, and sometimes I take a little more time trying to "hear" the characters speak. I try to hear all the persons with voiced "Objections" the way they sound. And, not all the time but now and then I imagine Shigaraki with a lisp. As for his present time self, I'm not sure whether it would be cute or just make him even more shady. :eh?:


Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

I just realized that I imagine Wellington with a really drawling, nasal voice.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

If Fulbright has a voice I've yet to hear it, but for now, this is almost excactly like how I imagine his voice, starting at 2:44

Author:  dimentiorules [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

These aren't the voices I read the text in, but rather, the voices I imagine them speaking in if they were real.
:phoenix: The voice he used in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.
:apollo: Pit's voice from Kid Icarus Uprising. Don't ask why.
:edgeworth: A british accent, sorta like Gordon Ramsay or Simon Cowell.
:udgey: A very deep, authoritive voice.
:maya: A peppy, energetic voice.
:pearl: A cute, toddlerish voice, replacing "r"s with "w"s.
:franny: :klavier: German accents.
:kristoph: Sephiroth's voice. Again, don't ask why.
:larry: Quagmire's voice, but slightly deeper.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

dimentiorules wrote:
:edgeworth: A british accent, sorta like Gordon Ramsay or Simon Cowell.

"Oh come on, oh f*** now. Oh f***ing hell, what a f***ing moron can you be?"
Like that? =P

:udgey: A very deep, authoritive voice.

What about his dumbass moments?


Author:  Thelema [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

:phoenix: - Light voice, very similar to his actual voice
:edgeworth: - Deep but somewhat smooth and calm voice
:franny: - Sexy mezzo-soprano voice with a slight accent
:larry: - Tuneless and high voice
:dahlia: - Very, very high voice
:godot: - Irritating deep voice
:maya: - Normal girly voice but not too high

Now that I think about it... Godot's objection is so annoying...

EDIT: Nobody can be formal, drink tea and say "bloody" at the same time without being labelled as "british"?

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

I hope I'm not the only one who envisions Juniper's voice like something of Andrea Libman.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reading Character 'voices'

CatMuto wrote:
:udgey: A very deep, authoritive voice.

What about his dumbass moments?

I'd say that would make them even better. :udgey:

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