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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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Yes! That's it! Thank you. :will:
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No problem.

BTW, I liked when Phoenix summed up the whole situation of Vera and Drew in the MASON system by saying; "Sometimes, life just sucks."
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BigFish wrote:
:minuki: *looking at paints* Hey! Let's paint your suit green!
:odoroki: No.

...or something along that lines. A reference to Apollo's original suit color.

Still, the weirdest line in Apollo Justice has to be

:minuki: Someone stole my favorite panties!

Spoiler: 4-4
I laughed when :doodle: drew the pissed off smiley at Apollo.

Do you have a screenshot of that smiley or something?
Jesus is Lord.

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For some reason, my favourite line has got to be in 4-4, when Phoenix responds to something (don't even remember what) with "I find myself not caring anymore". Maybe it's just the wording or the frankness of the phrase, but it makes me giggle. Hobohodou is an asshole and that's why he's great.
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Spoiler: "La, La, La, 4-4 Kristoph and Klavier Quotes"
:kyouya: “’Perfectly,’ Kristoph? …You’re mad. Stop fooling yourself.”

:garyuu: ”What are you talking about, Klavier?”

:kyouya: “…Tell me, how did that trial end?”

:kyouya: “…You’ve been living in fear for seven years!”

:garyuu: ”…What…?”


:pft: “…If you’re finished…may I return to my cell now? I’m not accustomed to standing for such long periods of time.”

:garyuu: “…You still don’t get it, do you? Let us assume there was poison in the nail polish. Who then, was responsible for causing Vera Misham to bite her nails? …It wasn’t me, I know that much. The one who brought that poison to her lips…was you.”

:garyuu: “Evidence is everything. There is nothing more. Without direct proof, you have nothing.”

:garyuu: “Jurists, you say…? Common citizens? Wisdom? Is this some kind of a joke? What could we possibly gain by doing this? Entrusting our judicial system to a mindless, emotional mob or irrational mouth-breathers?”

:garyuu: ”NONSENSE! There is only room for two in this court: Me, and the LAW! Keep the riff-raff out! Out, I say! How can you allow this?”

:garyuu: ”So…everything was leading to this. Of course…right…WRIGHT!!”

:garyuu: ”I won’t accept…I can’t accept…This is no court! Law…! The law is everything! Law is absolute! You’d let ignorant swine soil your courts?”


:kyouya: ”Kristoph…it’s over.”

:garyuu: “K-Klavier!!!”

:kyouya: “The law is absolute…? You can’t be serious.”

:garyuu: “Wh-what…?”

:kyouya: “Odd. I thought you spent your life looking for loopholes? The law isn’t absolute. It’s filled with contradictions. …Except for you, Kristoph. You aren’t changing. You’ve stopped.”

:kyouya: “…You’re not needed anymore.”


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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title

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To the best my memory will allow (so probably not particularly close :yuusaku: )

Spoiler: 4-2
:minuki: I remember when you held my panties out in court and shouted objection loudly.
:odoroki: Here's what I want you to do with that memory. Lock it away and never speak of it again.

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La Diable wrote:
For some reason, my favourite line has got to be in 4-4, when Phoenix responds to something (don't even remember what) with "I find myself not caring anymore". Maybe it's just the wording or the frankness of the phrase, but it makes me giggle. Hobohodou is an asshole and that's why he's great.

It's the scene when you're with Spark and you examine the counter of paints in Drew Studio.
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Spoiler: 4-2
:udgy: Incidently, this court is not afraid of any mobsters! Why, we had a life-threatening situation just yesterday right here in this courtroom
:odoroki: (Yeah, real impressive the way you stood up to the attack of the Amazing Mr. Hat, sir...)
:kyouya: ... After which I carried you back to your chambers

Made me lol.
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I haven't looked through this thread too much, but here's some I haven't seen yet :3
judge: I was under the impression that you would be heading up this case...?
kristoph: That was my intention, yes. However... A defense attorney must always cede to his client's wishes. And my client specifically requested Mr. Justice.
judge: Well, of course he wants justice!

apollo: Yeah, apparently, weapons that size have a powerful kickback. If, say, the judge tried to fire one, it'd break every bone in his body.
judge: The defense will take more care in choosing examples!

lamiroir: You heard me sing? Thank you.
apollo: I was hoping to get an autograph later, actually...
lamiroir: Of course.
judge: Mr. Justice! This is a cross-examination! You're out of line! ...If anyone deserves an autograph here, it's me. One on my gavel would be nice.

klavier: I see little point in badgering the witness. What's done is done! The mind works differently when one is in the middle of a performance. Why, I've lost my voice in the middle of a show and kept on singing, completely unaware.
apollo: Singing without a voice? ...If only all contradictions were so obvious.

klavier: Down, Daryan. ...It's as you say. There are no loophole, at least in the case of these cocoons. International Affairs, Interpol, and Borginian Customs are all watching.
daryan: See, we know what we're doing! Not like some yipping little doggies that lap up every word that diva says.
apollo: ...! Why I oughta...!
daryan: Oughta what? You want some of this?
klavier: Ah ha. Chill, both of you. Let's do this cool, ja?
apollo: Grr! Screw cool! I want this guy's head on a stick!

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i've remembered some but probably not word for word-

:phoenix: to :kyouya: : You're out of your league rock boy.
:phoenix: Their hit single was only 2 mins 15 seconds long, what a rip off.
Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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Spoiler: 4-3, space saver
Approximates from 4-3.

:sassy: Oh! You're that Wright kid.
:odoroki: Yeah. (I'll let that "Wright kid" slip for now...)
:sassy: No need for names after you've shared a bottle of fingerprinting powder!
:odoroki: (That's a new one.)

:odoroki: So, what are you doing here?
:sassy: What does it look like I'm doing? Snacking. What, you think I WANT to be here?

When you examine the chains solo in the Gavinners dressing room:
:odoroki: They aren't glimmerous, but I'm sure Detective Skye'd have something to say about these.

:odoroki: EMA! Will you stop chewing for one second and LISTEN to me?...
:yummy: Hah! If you think I'm going to let you pull me away from my snacks just to listen to you mumble on and on about whatever, you're going to be sorely disappointed!
:odoroki: ...At least I got her to stop munching.

:odoroki: What's that odd looking doll doing there?
:yummy: MUNCH MUNCH... oh, MUNCH, that's the Blue MUNCH Badger.
:odoroki: Could you try either talking or munching, but not both?
*ka-tonk* :snackood:
:odoroki: (She hit me with a snack.)
:yummy: Serves me MUNCH right MUNCH for going MUNCH out MUNCHof MUNCH my way...
:odoroki: ......
:odoroki: (Sorry, I don't speak Snackoos.)

Examining fruit basket in Lamiroir's dressing room
:minuki: Ooh! Apollo! Can I eat some of those, please!?
:sassy: Absolutely not!
:minuki: I know. I know! But still, I yearn!
:sassy: Look, you're not the only one eyeing that fruit here.
:minuki: Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!
:sassy: Right!
:odoroki: Whoa whoa whoa! Stop it! Are you two crazy? Ema, you of all people should know better...
:sassy: But she tempted me! She's a... She's a temptress!
:odoroki: (Please, grow up...)

when investigating the mixing board:
:kyouya: That's how we'll find the criminal who missed his cue tonight.
:odoroki: I'm more concerned with the other criminal. The one who kills people.

:odoroki: Mr. Charley, the potted plant. Huh? His leaves are looking a little...brown.
:minuki: Good morning, Mr. Charley! Ack! M-Mr. Charley! Your leaves!
:odoroki: Maybe you weren't giving him enough water?
:minuki: No, no, it must be stress. He's worried about the new recruit at the office.
:odoroki: Hey, don't blame it on me! You are watering him, right?
:minuki: It was Daddy's turn to water him this week... Ack!
:odoroki: Mr Wright has been on his "top-secret mission" all week, no?
:minuki: I'm sorry, Mr. Charley, this is all my fault. I'll water you soon, promise!

I make graphics for people. Yay me.

Last edited by bibliomaniac on Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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Objection. Witness is ugly.

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:kyouya: ...I had to strip nearly naked to get through [the metal detectors].
:think-think-think: (Travel tip: Leave the bling at home, Gavin, you glimmerous fop.), in all seriousness, I think Apollo should have been thinking something else completely if Klavier was talking about stripping naked. But thass just me. /o/

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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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Gerkuman wrote:
Spoiler: 4-3, not exact but oh well
:minuki: Hey! Look at that contrabass case!
:odoroki: I could fit 20 violins in there!
:minuki: Actually, while they look the same, they're actually different instruments.
:odoroki: I could fit 5 Trucy's in there!

Spoiler: 4-3
And then you find Lamiroir in the case later. :gipsy:

:Maki: scissorshadokenbullhead! (or whatever he says when you contradict his statements)

I like to think that he's swearing at :odoroki: .

Spoiler: 4-2?
:hotti: Oh, hello Trucy. Would you like any of your 'parts' examined, hohohohoho?
-after he leaves-
:odoroki: What an odd bird that guy was....

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the carekindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward." --Og Mandino
Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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0 want to see all penalty quotes on vid.

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:hobohodo: Thank you for finding my daughter's panties.
:odoroki: No problem!
:hobohodo: But as a father... I have to wonder.... what are you still doing with them?
:apollo-shock: Ack! Better be careful what I present to HIM!
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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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:udgy: What do you say to someone with a terminal disease? I mean, you wouldn't say 'Get well soon', right? That'd be like kicking them when they're down...

gotta love udgey.

4-2 (probably not exact.)
-After examining the beakers in The Meraktis Clinic Office-

:odoroki: There's beakers all over this wall. You've got to wonder...AHH! Something just moved in that one!
:minuki: Apollo, you look!
:odoroki: No way, you...oh. It's a golfish.
:minuki: Wow! these are all fish! So many colors...
:odoroki: (Whoever designed this place had a sick sense of humor...)
"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the carekindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward." --Og Mandino
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Spoiler: 4-1
:payne-stroke: Don't I get to prosecute anyone?
I forget what they were talking about but...
:payne-stroke: Dah! (pause for a half-second or so) I mean yes!

Spoiler: 4-2
something like...
:odoroki: The patient's name: Wocki Kitaky
:minuki: You mixed up the "i" and the "y"
not sure on the exact quote but
:odoroki: I remember reading this case Mr. Wright worked on where a key piece of evidence was found in the tailpipe of a car. So whenever I examine a car, I always check out the tail pipe
:minuki: Everybody has their hobbies I guess.
something along the lines of
:study: why just last week my teacher said, 'at least you have good eyesight, stickler, i'll give you that'

(I don't think that was praise) :pft: Anyway, there is some more dialouge, which ends with:
:udgy: And thank you for telling us that a noodle stand sells noodles. Very enlightening.
(is that the judge burning a witness!?!?! :apollo-shock: )
(Shows him right for that krypton particle garbage... photons, stickler! photons! ((I know its probably a super man reference)))
What was the dialouge with the white powder. That was awesome. I remember the discription before it was fingerprinting powder: White powder with the supposed ability to improve Ema's mood.

Spoiler: 4-4
:kyouya: Why would they kill someone who was already climbing a three-month stair-way to heven? Why not wait until they were knock-knock-knocking on heven's door?

Spoiler: 4-4 question
I noticed on my second playthrough that some condition gets a different lotto result on the ticket. I've seen the big winner result on screenshots in CR, but how do you get it? I've just gotton "16, please try again" and "46, you lose" or something close to those.

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uh oh

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In 4-3 when you examine the poster in lamiroir's room...

Not Exact but...

Trucy: Prosecuter gavin looked so cool on stage, you should learn guitar too Apollo!
Apollo: I'll think about if I ever lose my attorneys badge.

I thought it was funny :redd:
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This was in Turnabout Serenade, when they visited Machi in the Detention Center:

Spoiler: 4-3
:minuki: He looks like he's doing OK!
:think-think-think: I forget. Why did we come here?
:odoroki: It's not like we can talk to him or anything.
:minuki: Words are overrated!

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Rayman0616 wrote:
In 4-3 when you examine the poster in lamiroir's room...

Not Exact but...

Trucy: Prosecuter gavin looked so cool on stage, you should learn guitar too Apollo!
Apollo: I'll think about if I ever lose my attorneys badge.

I thought it was funny :redd:

I hope that's not foreshadowing.

There's a good moment where if you try to present evidence to Machi in the detention centre, he spouts a load of Borginese and Trucy makes it that he's calling her 'fair maiden' and talking about how pretty she is. It's awfully sweet.
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Found more amusing quotes in 4-4:

To Klavier:
:phoenix: I like your affected Euro-rock accent, by the way.
:udgy: Penalty for excessive perspiration Mr. Wright! *penalty*
:nick-sweat: It's called a cold sweat, Your Honor.
After arguing about a wrong answer the judge didn't understand:
:udgy: Uh.... "When in doubt, give a penalty" is what I always say. *penalty*
:eh?: They found a mall-ignorant tutor or something like that. Whatever it was, it was affecting his liver.
:udgy: A "malignant tumor", perhaps?

OMG the judge looks smart for once!

Last edited by Aevitas on Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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not funny, but I don't want to bump without content so...
:minuki: she doesn't seem that happy about it.
:odoroki: ...she doesn't seem that happy about many things.
:yummy: I trust you know how to stay out of my way.
:yummy: I always carry two pairs of handcuffs... just in case.
Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title

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((All quotes from 4-4))

:kyouya: ...I do believe our little Forehead is growing up. Pity. We liked the rash, youthful Forehead best.


:udgy: The witness will refrain from pausing so suspiciously before responding.


And, finally, what I believe to be the best quote from Phoenix ever...

:object: Bring it.

theatrejunkie wrote:
Dare to resist drugs, violence, conformity, and Gavincest
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:minuki: Words are overrated! Real people speak with their feelings!

...or something like that.


:garyuu: Et tu, Justice? You would turn against me, your teacher?
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This was probably already brought up, but I saw this in Lamiroir's dressing room, and I have to mention it:
:minuki: Wow, look at all those presents! Can we open them?
:yummy: You probably shouldn't. You never know what's in them. It could be razors. Or bombs. Or ransom notes.
:minuki: ...I'm never having a birthday party again.

And my favorite (probably paraphrsed):
:odoroki: And Lamiroir fingering Detective Daryan Crescend!

Also: :garyuu: I didn't know you moonlighted in larceny, Wright.
I could SWEAR he stole that from someplace, but I can't remember where!
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Spoiler: ...
Case 4-4 MASON System - When examining the roses on the desk in Kristoph's cell

Phoenix: (Nice roses...) You taking care of this one here?
Kristoph: Ah, yes, she's surprisingly delicate, you know. Requires careful tending. But, she is my "best friend", as they say.
Phoenix: "Best"...? Come on, now I'm starting to feel bad for you.
Kristoph: Oh? Of course, she's known to bite if handled roughly.
Phoenix: Y-your rose bites?
Kristoph: ...... I was speaking of the photo next to the rose. My retreiver, Vongole. Cute, but feisty.
Phoenix: (Every dog has its thorn...)

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*when presenting Plum's Bloomers in court*

:udgy: - "What!? More panties!?"
:kyouya: - "How many panties do you have in your pocket, Herr Forehead?"
:apollo-shock: - "These are the last ones, I swear!"

I think Klavier also has his share of panties in his pocket as well. :hotti:


Last edited by Orange on Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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:odo-objection: If you never touched the murder weapon, why are your fingerprints on it??

:hobohodo: ...good point.

Best reaction to a contradiction ever!
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:noodle-hmm: : "he would whip that thing out and say "put it on my tab, you know i'm good for it""
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From 4-3:
:minuki: Look! A police poster!
:odoroki: Its says: "Rock on....with the police."
:odoroki: Maybe they're trying to make kids think the police are some kind of band.
:minuki: Now that's just silly. Who would name a band the "Police?"


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Protesto wrote:
From 4-3:
:minuki: Look! A police poster!
:odoroki: Its says: "Rock on....with the police."
:odoroki: Maybe they're trying to make kids think the police are some kind of band.
:minuki: Now that's just silly. Who would name a band the "Police?"


How do you get this line?
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You examine a poster in the Gavinner's dressing room, towards the left...
[/totally unhelpful post]
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Oh I loved the line about the Police, and the thing about "you don't have to turn on the red light" :redd:
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Orange wrote:
*when presenting Plum's Bloomers in court*

:udgy: - "What!? More panties!?"
:kyouya: - "How many panties do you have in your pocket, Herr Forehead?"
:apollo-shock: - "These are the last ones, I swear!"

I think Klavier also has his share of panties in his pocket as well. :hotti:

Yeah, I imagine that the Gavinners are like the Mötley Crüe of 2025. Only some of them have questionable sexual preferences.
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This is paraphrased because I didn't write it down when I saw it a few weeks ago ...

Spoiler: 4-2
After finding the magic panties in the exhaust pipe of that car, examine the same place again later.

:minuki: Good thing you picked up that habit of looking up tailpipes, Polly! Otherwise you would have never seen my panties!
:odoroki: I'm so glad this all makes sense in context.

Kay, you might want to tone the ruffling down a bit.

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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title

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Probably done, but if you examine the red light in 4-3 in the dressing room:

:minuki: That looks like a cool light polly! Can we turn it on?
:odoroki: you don't have to turn on the red light...

Something like that..
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Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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:odoroki: - something's fishy with these chips.
Imagesee how it withers before my flower of justiceImage

Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title
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loobywright wrote:
:odoroki: - something's fishy with these chips.

How... did i not get that?
Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title

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Lind_L_Tailor wrote:
loobywright wrote:
:odoroki: - something's fishy with these chips.

How... did i not get that?

I didn't see that before either

:hobohodo: - I just pointed the finger of justice in the right direction

Which couldbe written like this
:hobohodo: - I just pointed the finger of Justice :odoroki: in the Wright :phoenix: direction

Re: Apollo Justice English Quotes. AJAA SPOILERSTopic%20Title

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I'm sorry if this has already been said. x.x

Spoiler: 4-4: MASON System
:hobohodo: : Finally- Decisive evidence!
:garyuu: : Hmm...What's this? A jail? I dodn't know you moonlighted in larceny, Wright.
:hobohodo: : Gavin! There's something i have to ask you.
:garyuu: : "Can I steal your stuff?" The answer is "no".

Klavier: Welcome back to reality! We've been waiting for you.
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