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Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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A very long and in-depth interview by Famitsu with GS5/DD producer Motohide Eshiro was posted on the Famitsu site earlier today. It is, obviously, in Japanese only.

Can be read here for those interested.

I've translated some interesting points in the interview. It's long... Also, I have cut some portions of the interview I didn't find were too interesting, so some of Famitsu's questions may seem really out-of-the-blue. 95% is translated directly, but some are translated slightly off to better convey points in English:


Famitsu: What sort of [design] features have you included [to help series newcomers]?

Eshiro: For starters, we've added two save slots. And aside from the tutorials, we have designed the game in such a way that people can get used to the gameplay without having to read a manual. On the character side, we've made it so new players will understand that Phoenix is the main character, that he is a defense attorney, and that [Athena] is his partner. Things that help people transition smoothly into the story.

F: I see, so you've designed the game in a way that players will understand the gameplay and game's world pretty naturally.
E: Yes, and we've improved the interface as well. Previously, you had to first look for a piece of evidence, then re-select it to view its information. Now you can see the item's information without the need to keep selecting it, so right from the start. You know how vending machines are designed so people don't purchase the wrong item? We kind of had that in mind when we were designing the interface in this game.

F: It definitely feels like the gameplay is a lot smoother here.
E: The implementation of the back-log helps to remind players of the story, and where it's at. And another thing, this happened with me, but sometimes I wouldn't know where to present the evidence. I'd end up presenting evidence randomly until I got the right answer. This led me to start saving, presenting, then loading the save if I were unsuccessful, and this can get pretty tiresome. There's obviously the scare of a "Game Over" that pushes us to use our own thinking to find the truth, but for the casual player we've added the "hint-system" that appears after numerous errors. So new players will be able to play the game with minimal stress, too.

F: So the game is made to be kinder to newcomers, but also not handhold more experienced players or those that want to work on their own.
E: Exactly. When you make multiple errors, a "hint" icon suddenly shows up on the screen. But if this icon were to scream "Touch me!", people may feel a little bit obligated to press it. Then the player may end up getting a hint when they didn't want it and think "I didn't want this info! I wanted to find out on my own!"... So we designed the icon to show up quietly and not have too much of a presence.

Another thing is that sometimes you just can't figure out what to do next during investigations. This can get pretty stressful, so we included the Memo to let you know how far you have gotten and what still needs to get done. Of course, those that don't wish to use it can ignore it completely and play the game like they did the previous ones. You can also head from one place to another directly, without the need to first travel to a specific location.

F: It's much more user-friendly, I see.
E: I'd say so, definitely. It is without a doubt the most user-friendly game of the series. However we don't want make the game too friendly, of course. We tried to design the interface in such as way that fans of the series will not say "Hey, I didn't want these spoilers!" when they accidentally select these features. We had to design while keeping in mind the fans that think "I don't want to see spoilers so I'll avoid this..." and those that say "Okay, I would like some help here!"... and this was pretty difficult.

The difficulty of the Psyche-lock and the bracelet, the investigation gameplay, was a point we all thought long and hard about. There's a thrill about only being able to make a set number of mistakes, but if we take that thrill-level here and used it in the same way it was used 10 years ago, the game would be ridiculously hard. Almost like a one-chance-only or GAME OVER.

F: Yeah, some players may become truly upset if this were to happen.
E: Right, there's always that chance. The inclusion of the Psyche-lock and bracelet are sure to be a little nostalgic to fans, but we decided NOT to include penalties here. It is more for players to enjoy the interactions between characters. We thought people didn't want to be penalized out here, and that the "thrill" of failure should stay in the court room. This kind of balance was something we spent a lot of time thinking about.

F: So kind of a way to separate the different parts of the chapters/cases that players are going to really enjoy.
E: Yes, we worked hard to make each section of each case feel interesting in their own ways. So if players, after they beat the case, want to "read this part again" or "watch this anime scene again", they can jump straight to that location or watch the anime scene in the gallery. We wanted players not to waste any time in finding their favourite moments. I think some players want to present every piece of evidence they have, so we changed the dialog for every evidence presented. You won't be getting the same old generic "This isn't important." dialog. Nor will you get the same message when you search things while investigating. If this were the case, people would think us developer were too lazy, haha.

F: As far as the story is concerned, is it connected in some way to AA1-4?
E: The setting for AA5 is that it takes place one year after AA4. We created the story so you wouldn't have to know what happened in AA3 or AA4 to enjoy the story. That's something Mr.Yamazaki (scenario-director) really focused on. It's clear it takes place after AA4, but we wanted the story to take place entirely within the AA5 time period. There are definitely points in the game where series fans will smirk a little, but newcomers should still be able to enjoy these scenes. It's just that series fans will get the most kick out of the scenes.

To be honest, for us, we wanted the story to be created in a way where people who play this as their first AA game want to go back and play the previous titles. Then they'll find certain scenes/points and think "Oh hey, this is where AA5 got this from!" As a game in the series, the stories all wrap themselves up in one game, so it shouldn't matter where you jump into the series.

F: Yeah, but for those who want to play 1-4...
E: Haha, yes, it might be kind of tough...

F: So please make a "COLLECTOR's EDITION". Like... "Ace Attorney: The Unveiled Edition"!
E: So all of the games in one!? Well.. I'll think about it. It's true though that there are people who ask us for things like this. But right now we've got the same AA games on the GBA, DS, Wii, and even Smartphones. AA has actually branched into a lot of consoles.

F: So, yeah, AA1-4 with the 3D graphics and support system... Oh, the Investigation games as well.
E: Haha.

F: It'll be a huge seller!
E: I've never seen a 6-title collection before, haha. Remaking the games again but in 3D would be quite costly... I mean, there are parts of the game even I want to see in 3D, but there are concerns about the presentation, how to support some of the more difficult areas, and we would have to think about whether or not we'd want to simply create a 3D-port.

F: Well if AA5 ends up selling real well...
E: Haha, well if the company says "Just do what you want in 3D." then there's a possibility, I guess.

F: So if lots of people play AA5, then there's a chance.
E: Yes.

Right after this, Mr.Eshiro goes on to say that "When Capcom says they listen to customers, we really do. We read all of the suggestions and surveys that are sent to us." Judging by the way Capcom treats localization and fans abroad, this is presumably only Japan... Sigh.... :-(

Back to the interview (jumping some questions about this)...

F: So there seems to be some heavy debating between developers.
E: Yes, I'm now a producer, so I don't really want to say too much "this" and too much "that" about the characters' attitudes and backgrounds. What I do tend to be picky about is the character design, however. It's not a "character" game, but the characters in the games do stand out a lot, so it's a delicate balance.

F: But it's also because the characters stand out so much that there is now a stage show, right?
E: We're always trying to make characters stand out a lot, but not too much, and it's a fine line. There's "If this characters stands out any more, it's a little much" and "if the character doesn't stand out more, they're way too boring". We had a particularly hard time coming to terms with Kokone (Athena). This is how I work, but if the character designers ask "What's wrong", I simply ask them "What kind of a character do you want to make? What do you think as you're making this character?". I try to look at each character from the point of view of the player.

F: So you're pretty harsh about that sort of stuff.
E: Yes, you could say I'm pretty picky. As for names, I never could get myself to like Kokone's name. Obviously I've given the "OK" in the end, but Mr.Yamazaki was pushing for the name "Kokone" the entire time.

IMAGE: This is the new partner, Kizuki Kokone (Athena).

F: For you, was it just a matter of it "feeling" not quite right?
E: It was sort of from experience. I thought the name pun was too blatant. "Kizuki Kokone" is "Kokoni kizuku (=to notice 'here'/this point)" and "Kokone! (=It's here!)". At first I sent about 200-300 forms for names, but nothing really clicked. It was about last year when we were overseas for the release of "DmC Devil May Cry", and in the hotel. I kind of reset myself. Development takes a long time and sometimes you're sense of direction can go a little off-course haha. Then I started thinking about "AA" type names... and came to realize that "Kizuki Kokone" actually works as an "AA" name. That's when I gave the thumbs up.

F: So even after sending out 200-300 forms, the name remained the same, haha.
E: It's a little similar to how the idea was to "create the game in 3D but give it a 2D flavour". It's a contradiction of sorts. Aiming towards this concept, we had to recreate things many times over and things like "Hmm... that's kind of different than what I had in mind. Make it look more 2D." were said all of the time. Sometimes to the point where it seemed like some workers were thinking "If you want it to be more 2D... just make it in 2D!". But the answer was always "No, make it 3D AND have it present a 2D flavour!". That was the concept for AA5.

F: But it's because of these conversations/debates that the quality can be so good.
E: For sure, but if you're not careful, it becomes a matter of just doing what you want to do. You still need to help each other out by pointing out where things may not work well.

IMAGE: The 3D characters move smoothly and have great expressions. It's not a stretch to say it's an evolved "Ace Attorney" game.

F: I know we've asked this many times, but anybody can jump in and enjoy the game right?
E: Exactly. Mr.Yamazaki made it a point not to include text that is only interesting to series fans. The text will be interesting to everyone, but fans will enjoy it a bit more.

F: If there's a "series" centered joke, newcomers may feel left out, right?
E: Yeah, they'll think "What's so funny about this...?" and feel left out. You need to keep this in mind when reintroducing characters. It's okay for series newcomers to think a recurring character is an AA5 character. There's also nothing wrong with people liking a character in AA5, then learning that said character appeared in a previous game.

F: There's definitely a type of enjoyment in that too.
E: Take Edgeworth for example. People playing AA5 might think "Who is this guy? How can someone like this really be the chief prosecutor!?". But of course, within the story of AA5, Edgeworth plays his part appropriately. Maybe one of the new players will say "I have an iPhone, I'll play AA1." and see that Edgeworth was once simply a prosecutor as well.

F: There were stories about increasing and decreasing the number of frills on Edgeworth...
E: On the first design for Edgeworth in AA5, his frills almost came down to his thighs... haha... That was a bit much. There were lots of strange designs like that. Even one where he had grown facial hair. In the end we kind of kept his "elegant" look. His rolled back sleeves, vest, and long coat... But we definitely wanted to keep the same colour scheme. The first few drafts were incredible...

F: He is a very popular character so it must have been tough.
E: Yes, we didn't want to do an iffy job or his fans would say "This isn't the Edgey I know!"

F: So in that sense Simon is quite a character.
E: When Mr.Yamazaki first mentioned a "prosecutor who is also a prisoner", I asked "What the heck does that mean?". He replied simply "A prisoner who is also a prosecutor."... haha. When I asked him what kind of character this was, he said "I'll think about it" haha.

F: He kind of has too much of an impact haha.
E: Yes, when I heard it my immediate reaction was "What the heck is that?" so it definitely has an impact. So we decided on the drama involved in his background but I'd end up thinking "Hey, this prisoner as a prosecutor is kind of contradictory... Let's not do this anymore.". Yet even through the hard times, we somehow put together a character who we think is good. It's not just Simon, too, and that's thanks to the people like the art director and Mr.Yamazaki who put their souls into making these characters.

IMAGE: The new rival prosecutor. His strength is the result of the hard work of the development team.

F: What if someone who played "5" says "Hey, I want to play the past games in 3D too!"...?
E: Well, we're always listening to the fans' opinions and suggestions, so maybe there's a possibility of that happening in the future.

The next few questions aren't really related to AA5 so I've skipped them. There is a discussion about Mr.Eshiro being an audience member in a real murder trial which leads to this question...

F: There's no need to make AA too real, but it's also created from your own experiences in the court room.
E: It helped us think about what could be entertaining and provided tips and hints for our own original court ideas. So it's not a COMPLETE work of fiction and you think "I guess this could happen". Well, the incidents and characters themselves are sort of extraordinary haha. Within the context of the AA5 story, though, you might see yourself thinking "In this circumstance, I might think this way too." or "I could get caught up in something like this.". Things aren't too much "fantasy". The Mood Matrix for example... People who stand in court under great circumstances are obviously going to have trouble remembering 100% of their thoughts and emotions. These "emotional" parts are always in trials, so when Mr.Yamazaki came up with the idea for the MM, I thought it was pretty good. The goal was to have a system that isn't too easy or too difficult, which provided a challenge.

F: How much volume is there in the game?
E: I think it's around 25 hours long. For those that present everything everywhere, it'll take longer of course. The great thing is that it's easy to drop-in and drop-out because you can take breaks anytime. The back-log helps too! Though to be honest, we worked really hard to come up with stories you couldn't put down, so there may be instances where you think "I don't need this back-log!" haha. This all depends on how the player chooses to play the game: all in one go, or a little at a time.

F: I see. So the story from Case 1-3 moves along at a good pace, but Cases 4-5 are pretty heavy with information and story?
E: Yes, and you'll learn a lot of things that will make you go "Oh!", and later on go "Oh... I see!" when reaching the climax. Oh yeah, the ending theme is about 10 MINUTES LONG. Mr.Iwadare was the one who composed the music and he really understands the AA franchise. At first, it was about 2-3 minutes with all of the staff's name rolling along. However with these games, there's some "drama" in the credits. Like how the characters speak about what has happened once their respective cases have ended. Mr.Iwadare composed his ending song and it ended up being 10 minutes long. Incredibly, the song doesn't loop once. There's a 10 minute song and some "drama" to end the game.

(Sean's Note: Heavily implied that this game is 5 Cases long. Not really a surprise.)

F: Maybe it's 10 minutes long because the ending's presentation is the way it is haha
E: No, it seems it became a 10 minute long track all of a sudden haha. Mr.Iwadare never said "Ahh... I can't do that." but rather "Sounds like fun!". To be honest, I wanted a 3-minute song but he just works so hard! We really want you to see the ending so please don't give up while playing the game (even if it takes a long time)! It's an ending that thanks you for playing but also thanks you for your love and support for the AA franchise.

F: Well if you say that much, we HAVE to watch the ending now!
E: There will be something very interesting in it.

That last bit was veeeery interesting, wasn't it?

I translated the page in one sitting so please excuse any errors in grammar/spelling within the contents of the translation.
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Last edited by SeanHK on Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:48 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Re: Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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This deserves some front-page love. Thanks for the translation!
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
Re: Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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Bolt Storm wrote:
This deserves some front-page love. Thanks for the translation!

You're very welcome and thank you so much! Apologies in advance for the spelling/grammatical errors.
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Last edited by SeanHK on Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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Thanks for translating!
I think the 'hint' option is pretty cool. I also see that you won't get penalized during the Psyche-lock/perceive sessions. That's actually a great thing, since I seem to mess up on those quite a bit.
Re: Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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FreeFurNawlz wrote:
Thanks for translating!
I think the 'hint' option is pretty cool. I also see that you won't get penalized during the Psyche-lock/perceive sessions. That's actually a great thing, since I seem to mess up on those quite a bit.

Thank you for reading! :-)

Yes, I always felt it was strange to get penalized when the :udgy: isn't present during investigations.
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Last edited by SeanHK on Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Translated Famitsu Interview w/Producer Motohide EshiroTopic%20Title
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SeanHK wrote:
A very long and in-depth interview by Famitsu with GS5/DD producer Motohide Eshiro was posted on the Famitsu site earlier today. It is, obviously, in Japanese only.

Can be read here for those interested.

I've translated some interesting points in the interview. It's long... Also, I have cut some portions of the interview I didn't find were too interesting, so some of Famitsu's questions may seem really out-of-the-blue. 95% is translated directly, but some are translated slightly off to better convey points in English:


Famitsu: What sort of [design] features have you included [to help series newcomers]?

Eshiro: For starters, we've added two new save slots. And aside from the tutorials, we have designed the game in such a way that people can get used to the gameplay without having to read a manual. On the character side, we've made it so new players will understand that Phoenix is the main character, that he is a defense attorney, and that [Athena] is his partner. Things that help people transition smoothly into the story.

F: I see, so you've designed the game in a way that players will understand the gameplay and game's world pretty naturally.
E: Yes, and we've improved the interface as well. Previously, you had to first look for a piece of evidence, then re-select it to view its information. Now you can see the item's information without the need to keep selecting it, so right from the start. You know how vending machines are designed so people don't purchase the wrong item? We kind of had that in mind when we were designing the interface in this game.

F: It definitely feels like the gameplay is a lot smoother here.
E: The implementation of the back-log helps to remind players of the story, and where it's at. And another thing, this happened with me, but sometimes I wouldn't know where to present the evidence. I'd end up presenting evidence randomly until I got the right answer. This led me to start saving, presenting, then loading the save if I were unsuccessful, and this can get pretty tiresome. There's obviously the scare of a "Game Over" that pushes us to use our own thinking to find the truth, but for the casual player we've added the "hint-system" that appears after numerous errors. So new players will be able to play the game with minimal stress, too.

F: So the game is made to be kinder to newcomers, but also not handhold more experienced players or those that want to work on their own.
E: Exactly. When you make multiple errors, a "hint" icon suddenly shows up on the screen. But if this icon were to scream "Touch me!", people may feel a little bit obligated to press it. Then the player may end up getting a hint when they didn't want it and think "I didn't want this info! I wanted to find out on my own!"... So we designed the icon to show up quietly and not have too much of a presence.

Another thing is that sometimes you just can't figure out what to do next during investigations. This can get pretty stressful, so we included the Memo to let you know how far you have gotten and what still needs to get done. Of course, those that don't wish to use it can ignore it completely and play the game like they did the previous ones. You can also head from one place to another directly, without the need to first travel to a specific location.

F: It's much more user-friendly, I see.
E: I'd say so, definitely. It is without a doubt the most user-friendly game of the series. However we don't want make the game too friendly, of course. We tried to design the interface in such as way that fans of the series will not say "Hey, I didn't want these spoilers!" when they accidentally select these features. We had to design while keeping in mind the fans that think "I don't want to see spoilers so I'll avoid this..." and those that say "Okay, I would like some help here!"... and this was pretty difficult.

The difficulty of the Psyche-lock and the bracelet, the investigation gameplay, was a point we all thought long and hard about. There's a thrill about only being able to make a set number of mistakes, but if we take that thrill-level here and used it in the same way it was used 10 years ago, the game would be ridiculously hard. Almost like a one-chance-only or GAME OVER.

F: Yeah, some players may become truly upset if this were to happen.
E: Right, there's always that chance. The inclusion of the Psyche-lock and bracelet are sure to be a little nostalgic to fans, but we decided NOT to include penalties here. It is more for players to enjoy the interactions between characters. We thought people didn't want to be penalized out here, and that the "thrill" of failure should stay in the court room. This kind of balance was something we spent a lot of time thinking about.

F: So kind of a way to separate the different parts of the chapters/cases that players are going to really enjoy.
E: Yes, we worked hard to make each section of each case feel interesting in their own ways. So if players, after they beat the case, want to "read this part again" or "watch this anime scene again", they can jump straight to that location or watch the anime scene in the gallery. We wanted players not to waste any time in finding their favourite moments. I think some players want to present every piece of evidence they have, so we changed the dialog for every evidence present. You won't be getting the same old generic "This isn't important." dialog. Nor will you get the same message when you search things while investigating. If this were the case, people would think us developer were too lazy, haha.

F: As far as the story is concerned, is it connected in some way to AA1-4?
E: The setting for AA5 is that it takes place one year after AA4. We created the story so you wouldn't have to know what happened in AA3 or AA4 to enjoy the story. That's something Mr.Yamazaki (scenario-director) really focused on. It's clear it takes after AA4, but we wanted the story to take place entirely within the AA5 time period. There are definitely points in the game where series fans will smirk a little, but newcomers should still be able to enjoy these scenes. It's just that series fans will get the most kick out of the scenes.

To be honest, for us, we wanted the story to be created in a way where people who play this as their first AA game want to go back and play the previous titles. Then they'll find certain scenes/points and think "Oh hey, this is where AA5 got this from!" As a game in the series, the stories all wrap themselves up in one game, so it shouldn't matter where you jump into the series.

F: Yeah, but for those who want to play 1-4...
E: Haha, yes, it might be kind of tough...

F: So please make a "COLLECTOR's EDITION". Like... "Ace Attorney: The Unveiled Edition"!
E: So all of the games in one!? Well.. I'll think about it. It's true though that there are people who ask us for things like this. But right now we've got the same AA games on the GBA, DS, Wii, and even Smartphones. AA has actually branched into a lot of consoles.

F: So, yeah, AA1-4 with the 3D graphics and support system... Oh, the Investigation games as well.
E: Haha.

F: It'll be a huge seller!
E: I've never seen a 6-title collection before, haha. Remaking the games again but in 3D would be quite costly... I mean, there are parts of the game even I want to see in 3D, but there are concerns about the presentation, how to support some of the more difficult areas, and we would have to think about whether or not we'd want to simply create a 3D-port.

F: Well if AA5 ends up selling real well...
E: Haha, well if the company says "Just do what you want in 3D." then there's a possibility, I guess.

F: So if lots of people play AA5, then there's a chance.
E: Yes.

Right after this, Mr.Eshiro goes on to say that "When Capcom says they listen to customers, we really do. We read all of the suggestions and surveys the are sent to us." Judging by the way Capcom treats localization and fans abroad, this is presumably only Japan... Sigh.... :-(

Back to the interview (jumping some questions about this)...

F: So there seems to be some heavy debating between developers.
E: Yes, I'm now a producer, so I don't really want to say too much "this" and too much "that" about the characters' attitudes and backgrounds. What I do tend to be picky about is the character design, however. It's not a "character" game, but the characters in the games do stand out a lot, so it's a delicate balance.

F: But it's also because the characters stand out so much that there is now a stage show, right?
E: We're always trying to make characters stand out a lot, but not too much, and it's a fine line. There's "If this characters stands out any more, it's a little much" and "if the character doesn't stand out more, they're way too boring". We had a particularly hard time coming to terms with Kokone (Athena). This is how I work, but if the character designers ask "What's wrong", I simply ask them "What kind of a character do you want to make? What do you think as you're making this character?". I try to look at each character from the point of view of the player.

F: So you're pretty harsh about that sort of stuff.
E: Yes, you could say I'm pretty picky. As for names, I never could get myself to like Kokone's name. Obviously I've given the "OK" in the end, but Mr.Yamazaki was pushing for the name "Kokone" the entire time.

IMAGE: This is the new partner, Kizuki Kokone (Athena).

F: For you, was it just a matter of it "feeling" not quite right?
E: It was sort of from experience. I thought the name pun was too blatant. "Kizuki Kokone" is "Kokoni kizuku (=to notice 'here'/this point)" and "Kokone! (=It's here!)". At first I sent about 200-300 forms for names, but nothing really clicked. It was about last year when we were overseas for the release of "DmC Devil May Cry", and in the hotel. I kind of reset myself. Development takes a long time and sometimes you're sense of direction can go a little off-course haha. Then I started thinking about "AA" type names... and came to realize the "Kizuki Kokone" actually works as an "AA" name. That's when I gave the thumbs up.

F: So even after sending out 200-300 forms, the name remained the same, haha.
E: It's a little similar to how the idea was to "create the game in 3D but give it a 2D flavour". It's a contradiction of sorts. Aiming towards this concept, we had to recreate things many times over and things like "Hmm... that's kind of different than what I had in mind. Make it look more 2D." were said all of the time. Sometimes to the point where it seemed like some workers were thinking "If you want it to be more 2D... just make it in 2D!". But the answer was always "No, make it 3D AND have it present a 2D flavour!". That was the concept for AA5.

F: But it's because of these conversations/debates that the quality can be so good.
E: For sure, but if you're not careful, it becomes a matter of just doing what you want to do. You still need to help each other out by pointing out where things may not work well.

IMAGE: The 3D characters move smoothly and have great expressions. It's not a stretch to say it's an evolved "Ace Attorney" game.

F: I know we've asked this many times, but anybody can jump in and enjoy the game right?
E: Exactly. Mr.Yamazaki made it a point not to include text that is only interesting to series fans. The text will be interesting to everyone, but fans will enjoy it a bit more.

F: If there's a "series" centered joke, newcomers may feel left out, right?
E: Yeah, they'll think "What's so funny about this...?" and feel left out. You need to keep this in mind when reintroducing characters. It's okay for series newcomers to think a recurring character is an AA5 character. There's also nothing wrong with people liking a character in AA5, then learning that said character appeared in a previous game.

F: There's definitely a type of enjoyment in that too.
E: Take Edgeworth for example. People playing AA5 might think "Who is this guy? How can someone like this really be the chief prosecutor!?". But of course, within the story of AA5, Edgeworth plays his part appropriately. Maybe one of the new players will say "I have an iPhone, I'll place AA1." and see that Edgeworth was once simply a prosecutor as well.

F: There were stories about increasing and decreasing the number of frills on Edgeworth...
E: On the first design for Edgeworth in AA5, his frills almost came down to his thighs... haha... That was a bit much. There were lots of strange designs like that. Even one where he had grown facial hair. In the end we kind of kept his "elegant" look. His rolled back sleeves, vest, and long coat... But we definitely wanted to keep the same colour scheme. The first few drafts were incredible...

F: He is a very popular character so it must have been tough.
E: Yes, we didn't want to do an iffy job or his fans would say "This isn't the Edgey I know!"

So in that sense Simon is quite a character.
E: When Mr.Yamazaki first mentioned a "prosecutor who is also a prisoner", I asked "What the heck does that mean?". He replied simply "A prisoner who is also a prosecutor."... haha. When I asked him what kind of character this was, he said "I'll think about it" haha.

He kind of has too much of an impact haha.
E: Yes, when I heard it my immediate reaction was "What the heck is that?" so it definitely has an impact. So we decided on the drama involved in his background but I'd end up thinking "Hey, this prisoner as a prosecutor is kind of contradictory... Let's not do this anymore.". Yet even through the hard times, we somehow put together a character who we think is good. It's not just Simon, too, and that's thanks to the people like the art director and Mr.Yamazaki who put their souls into making these characters.

IMAGE: The new rival prosecutor. His strength is the result of the hard work of the development team.

F: What if someone who played "5" says "Hey, I want to play the past games in 3D too!"...?
E: Well, we're always listening to the fans' opinions and suggestions, so maybe there's a possibility of that happening in the future.

The next few questions aren't really related to AA5 so I've skipped them. There is a discussion about Mr.Eshiro being an audience member in a real murder trial which leads to this question...

F: There's no need to make AA too real, but it's also created from your own experiences in the court room.
E: It helped us think about what could be entertaining and provided tips and hints for our own original court ideas. So it's not a COMPLETE work of fiction and you think "I guess this could happen". Well, the incidents and characters themselves are sort of extraordinary haha. Within the context of the AA5 story, though, you might see yourself thinking "In this circumstance, I might think this way too." or "I could get caught up in something like this.". Things aren't not too much "fantasy". The Mood Matrix for example... People who stand in court under great circumstances are obviously going to have trouble remembering 100% of their thoughts and emotions. These "emotional" parts are always in trials, so when Mr.Yamazaki came up with the idea for the MM, I thought it was pretty good. The goal was to have a system that isn't too easy or too difficult, which provided a challenge.

F: How much volume is there in the game?
E: I think it's around 25 hours long. For those that present everything everywhere, it'll take longer of course. The great thing is that it's easy to drop-in and drop-out because you can take breaks anytime. The back-log helps too! Though to be honest, we worked really hard to come up with stories you couldn't put down, so there may be instances where you think "I don't need this back-log!" haha. This all depends on how the player chooses to play the game: all in one go, or a little at a time.

F: I see. So the story from Case 1-3 moves along at a good pace, but Cases 4-5 are pretty heavy with information and story?
E: Yes, and you'll learn a lot of things that will make you go "Oh!", and going "Oh... I see!" when reaching the climax. Oh yeah, the ending theme is about 10 MINUTES LONG. Mr.Iwaradare was the one who composed the music and he really understands the AA franchise. At first, it was about 2-3 minutes with all of the staff's name rolling along. However with these games, there's some "drama" in the credits. Like how the characters speak about what has happened once their respective cases have ended. Mr.Iwadare composed his ending song and it ended up being 10 minutes long. Incredibly, the song doesn't loop once. There's a 10 minute song and some "drama" to end the game.

(Sean's Note: Heavily implied that this game is 5 Cases long. Not really a surprise.)

F: Maybe it's 10 minutes long because the ending's presentation is the way it is haha
E: No, it seems it became a 10 minute long track all of a sudden haha. Mr.Iwardare never said "Ahh... I can't do that."" but rather "Sounds like fun!". To be honest, I wanted a 3-minute song but he just works so hard! We really want you to see the ending so please don't give up while playing the game (even if it takes a long time)! It's an ending that thanks you for playing but also thanks you for your love and support for the AA franchise.

F: Well if you say that much, we HAVE to watch the ending now!
E: There will be something very interesting in it.

That last bit was veeeery interesting, wasn't it?

I translated the page in one sitting so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE excuse any errors in grammar/spelling within the contents of the translation. I hope I have been of help and... I can't wait to play this game. AAAUUGHHH!!!!

Im curious now and abit hoping about what he said about
:So if lots of people play AA5, then there's a chance
E: Yes
that we could probally see
GS6 or AAI2
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Inspector Cabanela wrote:
Im curious now and abit hoping about what he said about
:So if lots of people play AA5, then there's a chance
E: Yes
that we could probally see
GS6 or AAI2

GS6 yeah, but i thought they were talking more about the AA 1-4/(+AAI) Collection. Also, remember this interview is focused towards the Japanese market, so AAI2 doesn't apply to them. However, i'm sure if the west's sales of AADD are good, they might seriously consider bringing Investigations 2 out.
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E: On the first design for Edgeworth in AA5, his frills almost came down to his thighs... haha... That was a bit much.

Wait. Wa-wa-wa-wait a minute! So this 4-koma comic was actually referencing that? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

I can't wait to play this game. AAAUUGHHH!!!!


hahahaaaa! Okay. Thanks for translations!
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irishmarcoos wrote:
Inspector Cabanela wrote:
Im curious now and abit hoping about what he said about
:So if lots of people play AA5, then there's a chance
E: Yes
that we could probally see
GS6 or AAI2

GS6 yeah, but i thought they were talking more about the AA 1-4/(+AAI) Collection. Also, remember this interview is focused towards the Japanese market, so AAI2 doesn't apply to them. However, i'm sure if the west's sales of AADD are good, they might seriously consider bringing Investigations 2 out.

I wouldnt mind them doing a AA 1-4/AAI HD collection but if it does happen i just hope they dont mess it up like they did with the recent AA trilogy HD collection
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I'm disappointed they removed the penalty from magatama/bracelet investigation. I do understand where they're coming from, but taking restrictions off like these will personally just prompt me to present everything without really thinking :yuusaku: (what's wrong with some thrill outside the courtroom...)
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entitq wrote:
I'm disappointed they removed the penalty from magatama/bracelet investigation. I do understand where they're coming from, but taking restrictions off like these will personally just prompt me to present everything without really thinking :yuusaku: (what's wrong with some thrill outside the courtroom...)

Yeah, I'm actually in the same boat. I liked having the Magatama have a little more punch to it, especially once you got to the later locks and making a mistake would cost a lot of life.

That's one thing I hope the team improves on from AAI and AAI2 - they almost always just had 10% penalties, and I always liked the penalty scaling with the importance of the question.
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Bolt Storm wrote:
entitq wrote:
I'm disappointed they removed the penalty from magatama/bracelet investigation. I do understand where they're coming from, but taking restrictions off like these will personally just prompt me to present everything without really thinking :yuusaku: (what's wrong with some thrill outside the courtroom...)

Yeah, I'm actually in the same boat. I liked having the Magatama have a little more punch to it, especially once you got to the later locks and making a mistake would cost a lot of life.

That's one thing I hope the team improves on from AAI and AAI2 - they almost always just had 10% penalties, and I always liked the penalty scaling with the importance of the question.

True that taking off the penalty was a bad idea but at the same time it would make such a difference due to the fact if your like me i just save before answering the question and if its wrong just restart from that save point but then again i only do that since i played the games over and over again i just dont care :hotti:
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Bolt Storm wrote:
entitq wrote:
I'm disappointed they removed the penalty from magatama/bracelet investigation. I do understand where they're coming from, but taking restrictions off like these will personally just prompt me to present everything without really thinking :yuusaku: (what's wrong with some thrill outside the courtroom...)

Yeah, I'm actually in the same boat. I liked having the Magatama have a little more punch to it, especially once you got to the later locks and making a mistake would cost a lot of life.

That's one thing I hope the team improves on from AAI and AAI2 - they almost always just had 10% penalties, and I always liked the penalty scaling with the importance of the question.

I'm fine with the Magatama being penalty-less, but I'm hoping the court testomies are much harder. I do agree that AAI and especially GK2's penalties were too small. Never really a sense of panic.
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Bolt Storm wrote:
entitq wrote:
I'm disappointed they removed the penalty from magatama/bracelet investigation. I do understand where they're coming from, but taking restrictions off like these will personally just prompt me to present everything without really thinking :yuusaku: (what's wrong with some thrill outside the courtroom...)

Yeah, I'm actually in the same boat. I liked having the Magatama have a little more punch to it, especially once you got to the later locks and making a mistake would cost a lot of life.

That's one thing I hope the team improves on from AAI and AAI2 - they almost always just had 10% penalties, and I always liked the penalty scaling with the importance of the question.

I felt the same way when I first heard about this, but after thinking about it I like that they've taken away the penalty. Looking back at my early playthroughs of the game, most of the time when I was breaking a lock and failed it would be more frustrating than anything else because the psyche-locks were always either super simple for me or terribly difficult, unlike in court where I found it less random. With locks I tended to do the thing where if I made a wrong decision I'd just reset my DS because I knew I'd need my stamina later in court. So this doesn't really change how I played since the psyche locks never ended up affecting my bar anyway. (And Apollo's perceive was always so easy I never got a wrong answer.

It sounds like they're compensating by making the latter Mood Matrix parts difficult.

It also sounds like it is 5 cases. Cool! Sounds like the ending is big!
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Also, this line:

It's an ending that thanks you for playing but also thanks you for your love and support for the AA franchise.

...Makes me think that part of the ending roll will be something related to the series as a whole. Maybe a last-minute Maya cameo?
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Wooster wrote:
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Bolt Storm wrote:
Also, this line:

It's an ending that thanks you for playing but also thanks you for your love and support for the AA franchise.

...Makes me think that part of the ending roll will be something related to the series as a whole. Maybe a last-minute Maya cameo?

That could be possible, although I would think If they were bringing back Maya they'd make her somewhat major.

Whatever it is, it sounds like the ending is very important and has ties to the whole series. Makes me think that if this is the last game localized it will be a good ending for us western fans.
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
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I really hope they'll show all of the concept arts of the new and returning characters though.
With what was said about Edgeworth it's starting to sound like a gold mine.
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Wasn't the whole point of Psyche locks to bring some of the tension of the courtroom to investigations? Echoing some of the others in this thread that it seems a bit backwards. In line with that, one of my favorite parts of the system was seeing your green bar refill and the sound accompanying it which was oddly satisfying. Shame to see it most likely go with lack of penalties.

The comment on the ending implies to me that's it's going to be a huge cameo-fest from all of the previous games, which in my mind is a good way of calming down the masses of "where's gumshoe" type complaints without bogging down the main story. Perhaps instead of getting the views on the protagonists from just the characters in the game we'll get them from a whole variety of characters?
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I never saw the Psycho Lock as a way to add tension to the investigation parts, rather than to give the player more obvious goals in the investigation parts. The first game had some parts where the flow from one scene to another wasn't as natural / obvious as they should have been: the inclusion of the Psycho Lock added in obvious goals for the player to pursue (and in extension the writers something to structure the investigation parts around)
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Something very interesting, huh? I hope it has something to do with....
:maya: :wave: :maya-shock: :-P :kissy:
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Wanadoos wrote:
Something very interesting, huh? I hope it has something to do with....
:maya: :wave: :maya-shock: :-P :kissy:

I hope so... But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. I don't want to end up disappointed. :yuusaku:
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FreeFurNawlz wrote:
Wanadoos wrote:
Something very interesting, huh? I hope it has something to do with....
:maya: :wave: :maya-shock: :-P :kissy:

I hope so... But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. I don't want to end up disappointed. :yuusaku:

I want het back. She played such a big role in the PW trilogy, and we never got any explanation. What happened to :maya: ? I really want to know...
I just keep my hopes up, so I can tell myself we are going to see Maya again. That keeps me from being depressed :larry:
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Wanadoos wrote:
FreeFurNawlz wrote:
Wanadoos wrote:
Something very interesting, huh? I hope it has something to do with....
:maya: :wave: :maya-shock: :-P :kissy:

I hope so... But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. I don't want to end up disappointed. :yuusaku:

I want het back. She played such a big role in the PW trilogy, and we never got any explanation. What happened to :maya: ? I really want to know...
I just keep my hopes up, so I can tell myself we are going to see Maya again. That keeps me from being depressed :larry:

I'm sure they wouldn't toss her away. Like you said, she played a huge role in the storyline. I'm sure they have some big reveal planned for her in one of the cases. Who knows, maybe we'll get to see her in action as the head of the village.
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I wouldn't mind seeing Maya again to some extent (preferably not as a victim or a defendant), but even if we don't, then I'd at least like to know what she's up to and how she's handling being the master of that messed up little village of hers, as well as her current relationship with Phoenix.

It would be weird to just ignore her when practically everybody else shows up.
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There will be something very interesting in it.


Maybe a Maya appearance? Who knows?

I just can't play it because I'm too young..... :coffee: :morgan: :zap: :yanni-faint: :agia-shock: :sob:

Then again, my mom was the person who let me play PW: JFA when I was 9.... :yuusaku:
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Bolt Storm wrote:
Also, this line:

It's an ending that thanks you for playing but also thanks you for your love and support for the AA franchise.

...Makes me think that part of the ending roll will be something related to the series as a whole. Maybe a last-minute Maya cameo?

That's what I'm assuming it is. Maybe not even a word from her, but like a quick shot of her in the end that would imply an appearance in a future (if not the next) game.
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nearsightedwaddledee wrote:
There will be something very interesting in it.


Maybe a Maya appearance? Who knows?

I just can't play it because I'm too young..... :coffee: :morgan: :zap: :yanni-faint: :agia-shock: :sob:

Then again, my mom was the person who let me play PW: JFA when I was 9.... :yuusaku:

do what every young kid who cant buy a M rated game ask your parents :keiko: :hotti:
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Wanadoos wrote:
FreeFurNawlz wrote:
Wanadoos wrote:
Something very interesting, huh? I hope it has something to do with....
:maya: :wave: :maya-shock: :-P :kissy:

I hope so... But I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. I don't want to end up disappointed. :yuusaku:

I want het back. She played such a big role in the PW trilogy, and we never got any explanation. What happened to :maya: ? I really want to know...
I just keep my hopes up, so I can tell myself we are going to see Maya again. That keeps me from being depressed :larry:

that could also be another possibility but based on their conversation sounds more like a cliff hanger that could lead to GS6 depending on sales
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hoso_boso has a recent blog post about an interview Nintendo Dream did with director Takeshi Yamazaki. He posted bullet points for things he found interesting, but I've translated the points more related to AA5 the game:

・Ace Attorney has lots of fans, so they wanted to bring back old characters, but also introduce new ones. It ended up being like an "all-star".

・They didn't want to remove Apollo, but they also decided from the start that he wouldn't be the main character.

・There's quite a lot of volume in Case 1. They put a lot of things into the Case so it got a bit long. However, there was actually an even longer version.

・Some character motions not in the demo are also present (eg. Junie taking a flower on her hat, bringing them to her mouth, and then making a gesture like she's breathing oxygen.)

・In response to the question "Will the 7 years between AA3 and AA4 be touched on in AA5?" Mr.Yamazaki replied "Well.. this is sort of a difficult question to answer, haha."

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SeanHK wrote:
They didn't want to remove Apollo, but they also decided from the start that he wouldn't be the main character.

I'm extremely grateful that he's still important to the game and wasn't just written out entirely, but it still makes me sad to read this. He just needed some more time in the spotlight to develop (although I already loved him anyway). :sadshoe:

Nevertheless, I believe the approach they've taken will probably please the greatest number of people possible, all things considered, so my hat's off to them for not doing anything too radical either way.

Totally not my sig...
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shadowofedgeworth wrote:
SeanHK wrote:
They didn't want to remove Apollo, but they also decided from the start that he wouldn't be the main character.

I'm extremely grateful that he's still important to the game and wasn't just written out entirely, but it still makes me sad to read this. He just needed some more time in the spotlight to develop (although I already loved him anyway). :sadshoe:

Nevertheless, I believe the approach they've taken will probably please the greatest number of people possible, all things considered, so my hat's off to them for not doing anything too radical either way.

I liked apollo since he brought another funny quirky personality to the defense team plus they needed more defence attorney's all we had was wright while the prosecution side had edgeworth,franziska,payne, godot, von karma
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shadowofedgeworth wrote:
I'm extremely grateful that he's still important to the game and wasn't just written out entirely, but it still makes me sad to read this. He just needed some more time in the spotlight to develop (although I already loved him anyway). :sadshoe:

Nevertheless, I believe the approach they've taken will probably please the greatest number of people possible, all things considered, so my hat's off to them for not doing anything too radical either way.

In the same bullet point, it says that the developers still wanted Apollo to be able to "show off" a bit and have a part of the game where he could do this (Case 2, as Athena's superior/mentor). I didn't include it because it's not really new at this point but the developers still see him as an important character.
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SeanHK wrote:
shadowofedgeworth wrote:
I'm extremely grateful that he's still important to the game and wasn't just written out entirely, but it still makes me sad to read this. He just needed some more time in the spotlight to develop (although I already loved him anyway). :sadshoe:

Nevertheless, I believe the approach they've taken will probably please the greatest number of people possible, all things considered, so my hat's off to them for not doing anything too radical either way.

In the same bullet point, it says that the developers still wanted Apollo to be able to "show off" a bit and have a part of the game where he could do this (Case 2, as Athena's superior/mentor). I didn't include it because it's not really new at this point but the developers still see him as an important character.

the fact that they kept him in GS5 shows that they still believe he is a important character just like Gavin
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Ash wrote:
I never saw the Psycho Lock as a way to add tension to the investigation parts, rather than to give the player more obvious goals in the investigation parts. The first game had some parts where the flow from one scene to another wasn't as natural / obvious as they should have been: the inclusion of the Psycho Lock added in obvious goals for the player to pursue (and in extension the writers something to structure the investigation parts around)

If you were incorrect too many times with the Magatama your soul would supposedly shatter. I wonder if they simply wrote their way to bend the rules with the AA lore or not.

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SeanHK wrote:
・There's quite a lot of volume in Case 1. They put a lot of things into the Case so it got a bit long. However, there was actually an even longer version.

Quite interesting to know Case 1 may not be a trial-only case. Then again, it was kind of hinted at when nobody was seen dead at first (and we all know in every AA case, at least one person is the victim) and that the victim is clearly seen in one of the trailers.
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AnsweringNOW wrote:
SeanHK wrote:
・There's quite a lot of volume in Case 1. They put a lot of things into the Case so it got a bit long. However, there was actually an even longer version.

Quite interesting to know Case 1 may not be a trial-only case. Then again, it was kind of hinted at when nobody was seen dead at first (and we all know in every AA case, at least one person is the victim) and that the victim is clearly seen in one of the trailers.

well its different compared to the first 3 GS games where every first case was a trial- only cases so its a different step for GS5
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AnsweringNOW wrote:
Quite interesting to know Case 1 may not be a trial-only case. Then again, it was kind of hinted at when nobody was seen dead at first (and we all know in every AA case, at least one person is the victim) and that the victim is clearly seen in one of the trailers.

Mr.Eshiro says during the interview "例えば、第2話からは探偵パートもあり" (For example, starting from Case 2 there is an investigation part...)

Maybe I should have left it in, but I figured this was something that wasn't unique to AA5 or of particular interest (because it has always been this way). Sorry for causing the mis/lack-of information.
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SeanHK wrote:
AnsweringNOW wrote:
Quite interesting to know Case 1 may not be a trial-only case. Then again, it was kind of hinted at when nobody was seen dead at first (and we all know in every AA case, at least one person is the victim) and that the victim is clearly seen in one of the trailers.

Mr.Eshiro says during the interview "例えば、第2話からは探偵パートもあり" (For example, starting from Case 2 there is an investigation part...)

Maybe I should have left it in, but I figured this was something that wasn't unique to AA5 or of particular interest (because it has always been this way). Sorry for causing the mis/lack-of information.

The bombing incident had at least one victim, not including Apollo. Though, I doubt that trial is Case 3. In the demos Juniper says she was viewing the trial from the gallery, and since she's the defendant in Case 3, she would most likely be wearing her school uniform. Although AA never really states where the defendant sits during trials,(not talking abouts the mangas or the film) I don't think it would the gallery where the audience sits. This makes me believe Case 2 takes place after Case 3. It's possible Case 2 has the trial of the bombing incident. Because if Case 3 was the bombing incident wouldn't Juniper's murder trial be at least postponed until after her bombing trial? I don't expect to Case 3 to end up unsolved. Then again, it could explain the scene in the trailer where Athena is crying at the destroyed courtroom, since it was her own trial at the time. Who knows for sure until people get the game Thursday?

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fourtrass wrote:
This makes me believe Case 2 takes place after Case 3.

I think it has been confirmed that Case 2 is the case where Apollo first meets Athena. Which would mean Case 3 would need to come after Case 2.

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SeanHK wrote:
fourtrass wrote:
This makes me believe Case 2 takes place after Case 3.

I think it has been confirmed that Case 2 is the case where Apollo first meets Athena. Which would mean Case 3 would need to come after Case 2.

Well, then you got me stumped there.(Take That!) AAUUUUGGGGGHHHH Junie, you have turned me into a confused vegetable!
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