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Re: Rate the Last Movie you SawTopic%20Title
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Enoshima Junko-chan!

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DefenceLawyer wrote:
I think that it is notable how art usually romanticises loneliness, but Inside Out was a case of saying "hey! Feeling this way is awful!" Hence why the main character's room was absent of decorations and furniture: as it provided a physical representation of the isolation and loneliness of the character.

I agree with you that it is an excellent representation of depression. There is someone in my University class that claims that it is a rubbish display of depression, but I have never understood it.

All the praise goes to Inside Out!

(Why didn't Joy just put the core memories up the tube with the annoying jingles?! It just doesn't make sense :yogi: )

I'm not sure I follow on that theme. Inside Out's message was that it's perfectly fine to feel sad.
In fact, I think the closest thing to a villain in Inside Out is Joy herself, because she thinks being happy is the solution to everything. Notice how at the beginning of the movie she introduces all of the emotions and their positive qualities (Fear keeps you safe, Anger helps you get your way, Disgust keeps you away from poisonous things), except for Sadness. What I love about this movie is how the conflict is established within the first thirty seconds.
One of the worst outcomes of the story would be if Joy didn't realize the importance of Sadness.

Anyway, I have a few:
Tangled: 8/10. Overall, I consider this a better movie than Frozen, but the plot loses me toward the end. Plus, Tangled has forgettable music unlike Frozen, and Frozen has a nice perspective on both romantic and platonic love.

My Cousin Vinny Ace Attorney: 7/10
I feel like this movie could have been paced better, but it's still hilarious. Plus, the way the case is won is pretty clever, though a bit convenient.

Captain America: Civil War: 9/10
So while this thing is two and a half hours long, it doesn't feel like a marathon. While there is a huge cast of heroes, this is still a Captain America movie. I liked Ant-Man (never saw it, but the actor is great), Black Panther, and Spider-Man. Though he does have an annoying voice at times, they managed to do Peter Parker right: an awkward, nerdy teenager. There's going to be a 2017 Spider-Man, and I'm looking forward to that in addition to the new Wonder Woman movie.
I love how this movie ended. It's one of the best examples of the villain winning. Although he did get arrested, he caused damage to the Avengers that wasbt fixed in the movie. Plus, he's played by Daniel Brühl, who played Niki Lauda in Rush.

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Eh I think the music in Tangled is comparable to Frozen's tracks.
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Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...

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For the most part, I actually preferred Tangled's music over Frozen simply because they were paced better. Frozen had song after song after song for the first half hour, and the only songs I remotely enjoyed were "Do you Wanna Build a Snowman?" and "Let it Go."

On the other hand, while Tangled's songs weren't as memorable, they were more evenly spaced out throughout the movie. Plus, none of the songs ended up being played everywhere I go, leading to oversaturation. Don't get me wrong, "Let it Go" was a good song, but when the movie first came out, I heard the song way too much, so it's lost a lot of its appeal.

On topic, last movie I remember seeing was Disney's live action remake of "The Jungle Book." It was actually surprisingly good. After the debacle that was "The Jungle Book 2," this one was not only watchable, but in some ways, I liked it even better than the original. My only complaints were Mowgli singing along with Baloo during "The Bare Necessities," (kid's a passable actor, but a horrible singer), and King Louie's design, which reminded me of the Goblin King from The Hobbit.
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I remember when I walked out of Jungle Book remake, I'd wished I'd gone to see Civil War instead.

today, I've seen it and I'd rather see the Jungle Book a thousand times over.
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I saw "The beautiful mind", but without knowing anything about it, so I didn't see the twist coming at all.
And even after Nash was dragged to the asylum, I still believed it all had to be real in some way until they started making it really obvious. It really freaked me out a lot, this is so scary, because I think that there is no way to tell by 100% that you're not affected without knowing. This thought is much more hell for me than thinking I could be a brain in a jar or something. But the film was good.

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So, Warcraft.

I give it a 7.5/10. I liked it a lot more than the new Star Wars, but this movie has a tendency to cut to different locations without any establishing as to where it is. Plus, some action sequences look awkward. There's a few parts where the actors are swinging and stabbing nonchalantly, and then there's Draka's jump.
The effects are good, and the film does a great job in comparing and contrasting the characters from both sides, as well as having sympathetic, good, and bad characters from both sides.
However, there's one thing that appears to end unresolved:
I'm sure people are waiting for the moment when Gul'dan finally got what's coming to him, but in the official lore he doesn't die anywhere near the end of the movie. I suppose the Horde upholding their tradition over his orders in the denouement is his "defeat", but he's set up as a merciless villain, and doesn't end up killed or punished.

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Jason Bourne

Basically everything you'd expect from a Bourne movie: staring at computer screens, tense power-walking, shaky cam, Matt Damon shugging off wounds and Tommy Lee Jones staring into your soul.

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Spider-Man 3. Wow, people really like to hate this one don't they?

It has problems sure, but it's an incredibly entertaining movie, it's well-shot and mostly well paced but perhaps the plotting made me scratch my head a couple of times.

For one it has too many subplots and one of the biggest ones; Sand-Man basically didn't need to exist at all but it creates this overly indulgent side-story that ties into Ben Parker's death that lingers the whole movie until you get the truth and the truth is basically the one and the same as it was from the beginning: Ben was shot by a criminal. That there was two of them doesn't really change the understanding of that event. Thematically Sand-Man was fine though, but he does not have a proper presence in the movie and the same goes for how Venom is shoehorned into it as well.

And though that was bad, it wasn't terrible. The movie does try to justify Flint Marko as a character by showing us he's partaking the life of a criminal because he thinks it will get his poor family the money to get treatment for his ill daughter -- His wife despises him for this and wants him to go away. It creates a lot of sympathy for the character and again, it's thematically enriching to what the movie is about in the end, which is as Peter says "you always have a choice to do the right thing" that is, in any given situation. I also like what this means in Peter's context since this movie basically depicts him on a journey from the high-point of his life into rock-bottom as a person until he makes up for it in the end, realizing the mistakes he made.

However, the core of the narrative is still the lingering thread led up to by Spider-Man 2; Harry's relationship to Peter, and let's add Mary Jane into the mix. This part of the movie is fantastic.

...That would be if it wasn't for the fact that Peter's arc in this movie is really hard to take seriously. He has megalomania from all his success and it's gotten to his head while his girlfriend starts to feel increasingly alone amidst of a superstar and everything seems to go wrong for her in her career. Peter's reactions to Mary Jane are just very hard to relate to, which might be the point but it often comes across as comically stupid of him to be that hard of understanding and I still find myself occasionally asking myself "why is he like this?" Why am I rooting for this protagonist?

Anyway, last thing I forgot to cover is the symbiote. It's okay. I'm not glad that the movie is trying to say that Peter is letting his dark side take over him literally by the fact that a thing from outer space takes over him and makes him do horrible things, but it works really well as a metaphor and because of that I found myself basically enjoying the movie for everything that had to do with the core story of Mary Jane, Peter and Harry, give or take a series of cringeworthy montages of Peter thinking he's the shit because he discovered an actual hairstyle. Emo Pete is too hilarious and cringe-inducingly dorky to be worthy of hate though.

I loved this movie. 8/10 Spider-Man 2 takes the award for being the best not-gritty or Batman movie but Spider-Man 3 is so overhated it fucking hurts me to think about it.

And while I found TASM2 to be a good dumb flick with really cool set pieces and feel-good action I never liked the TASM movies nearly as much as the Sam Raimi movies, really. The first TASM is uninspired as fuck and has a romance-story oddly coupled with a saturday morning cartoon plot while TASM2 is your average summer blockbuster with cheeky dialogue and "COOL(TM)" moments ad nauseum.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie you SawTopic%20Title
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My rating system:
:will: -Enjoyed Thoroughly.
:edgey: -Liked it enough.
:hobohodo: -Good,but could have been better.
:ron: -Okay. Nothing Great,but not BAD.
:maggey: -Didn't really like it.
:tigre: -Absolutely hated it.
:beef: -There is nothing good to garner from this. Absolutely abhorrent from start to finish.
Please do note that apart from movies that I never watched fully,I've never been truly angry at a movie I've ever seen,so nothing below a Ron quite yet.

Now that's out of the way,let's see...

Lion and the King: :will: Loved it till the end. A must watch if you're a sucker for ironic humour.

The Good Dinosaur: :edgey: Yeah,I actually really enjoyed it,unlike others. It was really dark. Even the ending wasn't that happy. The title is very misleading here.

Ice Age:Collision Course: :hobohodo: I actually quite liked it,especially at the end. The crystal place was gorgeous. The right angle joke was very subtle,too. Only major complaint is that they make some jokes which don't really work in the time period they're in (like the hash tag joke and the Light it Up reference). Also the message is really obvious. Really. It's not even subtle.

Animal Soccer World: :ron: Definitely Dingo Pictures' worst one,along with Aladin,but I'm not really angry because,well,it's the same people who made Lion and the King. The voice acting is at its worst here. There's only one guy here,and boy is he awkward. Ugh. Especially when he voices the cheerleaders. Even the ending is kinda abrupt.

Phew. That's all.

Last edited by Southern Corn on Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Martian- :hobohodo: I liked it,but not as much as others do. I'm not a rocket scientist,but I see a few flaws here. I found the swearing to be too excessive,I don't see why the MC needed to use tally marks or make so many videos. Also,the only time I felt tension in the movie was in the first 30 minutes,and when the air thingy blows up. That's all. Other than that though,I found it to be a fun little thing.
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Storks- :hobohodo: The main problem with this one is that the humour is too try hard and fails miserably. The story's fine though,and the animation at the end is spectacular. The message is obvious,but you can't fault it for that. Other than that,it was good.
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I saw the accountant a couple days before release, and it wasn't as good as it was made out to be, they definitely had a big advertising budget, but it all culminated in disappointment.
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Rewatched The Lego Movie and it was awesome. I give it a 9.5/10 because no one can be perfect. Bad Cop has gotta be my favorite side villian ever. Even the main villian Lord Bussiness is cool. He wants everything to be perfect but the master builders are trying to fight back and "The Special" is Emmet a ordinary construction worker who found the peice of resistance. I'm not saying anything else but if you havn't watched it do it because it's one of the best movies I have ever seen!
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Oops double post sorry about that.
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Beware of the Dog

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I watched Doctor Strange a couple of hours ago, and let's say it was 8/10. I really enjoyed it, but I kinda expected coming out of the movie full of euphoria and making wild gestures with my hands, which just wasn't the case. I actually thought it would be more like "you can do everything you can imagine" and less like "you're average magic/superhero stuff". Although
I loved the character of Doctor Strange, because everyone was like "let go and stop acting like you're the coolest" and he just kinda kept on doing everything his own way by using the power of logic, creativity and being a dick.
I also really liked how much Christine or what her name was freaked out when she was confronted with magic the first time, real fun. And also the "portal in the library" scene and the power of rewinding time. (Who guesses the two video games Victoria recently played and really enjoyed gets 10 bonus points.)
The flying cloak felt kinda unnecessary to me, though. Shouldn't the time rewinding stone kinda be Strange's personal gimmick? In the end, it was his winning move. Which, by the way, happened a little to quickly, in my opinion, a little too hilarious and not as epic as it should have been. That demon of timelessness whose name I can't remember also didn't look very epic, just like a random demon face. But hey, at least there are movies that understand the aesthetics of fractals and mirror effects.

So in the end, it was still pretty cool. And I wish I had a photographic memory so that I could RULE at school and also become a python prodigy (I kinda like the sound of this) in no time. Now, it's time that I shut up, this post looks damn long.
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Viktoria von Karma wrote:
I watched Doctor Strange a couple of hours ago, and let's say it was 8/10. I really enjoyed it, but I kinda expected coming out of the movie full of euphoria and making wild gestures with my hands, which just wasn't the case. I actually thought it would be more like "you can do everything you can imagine" and less like "you're average magic/superhero stuff". Although
I loved the character of Doctor Strange, because everyone was like "let go and stop acting like you're the coolest" and he just kinda kept on doing everything his own way by using the power of logic, creativity and being a dick.
I also really liked how much Christine or what her name was freaked out when she was confronted with magic the first time, real fun. And also the "portal in the library" scene and the power of rewinding time. (Who guesses the two video games Victoria recently played and really enjoyed gets 10 bonus points.)
The flying cloak felt kinda unnecessary to me, though. Shouldn't the time rewinding stone kinda be Strange's personal gimmick? In the end, it was his winning move. Which, by the way, happened a little to quickly, in my opinion, a little too hilarious and not as epic as it should have been. That demon of timelessness whose name I can't remember also didn't look very epic, just like a random demon face. But hey, at least there are movies that understand the aesthetics of fractals and mirror effects.

So in the end, it was still pretty cool. And I wish I had a photographic memory so that I could RULE at school and also become a python prodigy (I kinda like the sound of this) in no time. Now, it's time that I shut up, this post looks damn long.

I watched this movie late last night, and I loved it. I also agree with most of the stuff you are saying about it.
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The Marx Brothers-The Cocoanuts- :edgey: It's very fun and delightful,but I feel that the direction this time around was off. Come on,I don't want to see some stupid love story or musical number,I want to see Groucho or Harpo do something stupid! The mystery is meh,and we don't even get to see its resolution. And I felt that the camera quality went down by the end. The ending itself is rather abrupt.

But the scenes with the Marx Brothers completely make up for that. Especially the chasing scene and the auction scene. It's a good film,just only the part with the Marx Brothers.
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I am so hyped for Fantastic Beast and where to find them because it's going to be my entry point to the Harry Potter series, the trailers look awesome and the soundtrack is just wow. I hope I get to see it on opening day! Dang it now I have the Harry Potter theme stuck in my head.
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Noticed that I never made one for Monkey Business (1931), so here goes:

The Marx Brothers:Monkey Business- :will: Honestly,this movie is great. The jokes are very well put together and nicely paced,and the punch lines were great. The storyline doesn't really feel off. In fact,it meshes nicely with the Marx Brothers' style. The ending dragged on a bit,and I did wish that the whole thing was on the ship,but other than that,it's absolutely a great movie. Comedy at its finest.
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MisterMasterDoctor Strange-Dormammu I've come to bargain/10 :edgey:

Very fun film,I feel everyone here has talked about it nicely enough. The visuals were breathtaking,and at some parts I felt my teeth chatter. The jokes were nice,though a bit pop culturish,and the plot was self contained rnough for me to enjoy it as a standalone. Very good overall.
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Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them. I give it a 9/10 and the only reason I don't give it a perfect score is because the plot is a bit confusing. I really need to see more Harry Potter movies.
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The Marx Brothers-Horse Feathers- :hobohodo: It was more consistently hilarious than the Cocoanuts,but I feel that it kinda lacked the 'HILARIOUS' moments it and Monkey Business had. The musical numbers weren't constantly annoying at least. But there were a lot of subplots which kinda just ended rather suddenly (like the lady trying to grasp info from them and the kidnapping attempt), with no culmination or climax. I blame this on the once again rather abrupt ending. Still,it's a Marx Brothers movie,and it definitely has its funny moments,so I'd definitely recommend it.

Last edited by Southern Corn on Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Toy Story: 9/10. Great movie with funny dialogue that still holds up.

Toy Story 2: 10/10. Best sequel to any movie ever. The characters and story are better and it makes plenty of funny references to the first movie. Best scene is when Buzz reminds Woody that he is a toy, word-for-word from the first movie.

Toy Story 3: 7/10. I actually feel like this one is a bit lazy (by Pixar's standards). Not as interesting or funny, but the ending certainly is worth it. I don't like the more realistic shading as an aesthetic choice, because it makes the characters look less cartoony and harder to see. I guess they're showing off how much better animation is in 2010 versus the mid-90's.
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Looking back,the models on the original haven't aged very well. Especially the humans and the dog.
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Saw a movie on Netflix called "Hero". It's one of your typical Chinese fighting movies. The characters would literally be flying everywhere during a fight lol. While it did have some cringey scenes, it had a good story overall, so I would have to give it a 8/10
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X-Men First Class, really cool. I like young Charles and young Eric so much, especially Eric (sooooo cool). Young Mystique is also awesome. I know that some people dislike this movie, but for me it was actually better than the original trilogy. Of course some things didn't make much sense, like
why Angel helps the bad guys shortly after we get to know her and for seemingly no reason, why Darwin dies shortly after we learn about his amazing power (Those two were so cool, so why take them out of the team in seemingly no time?), why Shaw all of the sudden is no German doctor, but an overpowered mutant (felt completely unnecessary) and, of course, how in any way Magneto and especially Mystique could become like they are portrayed in the other movies.

But it was still fun and really cool most of the time, and I'm completely in love with Magneto. (Also, he was born in Düsseldorf, just like me!)
EDIT: 9/10! Nearly forgot the rating.
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Julius Caesar (BBC)- :will: -This is just classic Shakespeare. Not much else to say. Definitely a must watch though.
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xXx: Return of Xander Cage was a little bit disappointing, although the only reason I watched it was because Donnie Yen was in it.
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Hidden Figures- :hobohodo: -It was alright. I can't exactly say this is historically inaccurate,but still,the plot is a bit cliché. I actually didn't realise that the Katherine and Mary were actually different people (aside from when they're together) for about more than halfway through. I also disliked the scene where they end focusing on a character but they don't show any emotion. There are some great scenes,but overall,I'd just say see this if you're interested in NASA,the history of races in USA and stuff.
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Saw a few Oscar nominated animated shorts. I stoped before the 35 minutes one-Pear Cider and Vinegar. Still,my thoughts so far:

Borrowed Time- :edgey: -My favourite so far. I won't give it away,but the ending twist is amazing. It only loses points for being all sad at the end when it ends with a bad punchline instead.

Pearl- :ron: -Alright. My main complaint is the style. It looks like a badly rendered video game,and that really hurts it. Other than that,the short itself is alright,and the music is good.

Blind Vaysha- :hobohodo: - It's clever. I like the art style,though the message is a bit predictable. I still don't know who the narrator is though,and it tends to drag on a bit. Props to the people behind this for coming up with this.

So yeah. Can't wait to see the rest. I've still got more than an hour to go though.
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I saw Logan a few days ago. It had some nice humor, great action scenes, and a fantastic plot with a lot of good characters. But it did get me pretty emotional
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Question: what if the last movie I saw was Rifftrax Live - Manos: The Hands of Fate? Am I rating the movie or the riff of the movie or both?
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Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2. Even if it's not as good as the first film, it's still one of Marvels best. I give a 8.5/10.
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Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Salazar's Revenge- :edgey: LOVED IT SO MUCH. Hilarious and entertaining. It also does a good job as a standalone film too, seeing as this was my first one. Definitely recommend it even if you're a newcomer.
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Wonder Woman- :hobohodo: I liked it just fine. Not Marvel's finest, but it was good. It did focus a bit too much on the flashback sequence though. How did Diana never age? Is that an Amazon thing? I haven't delved into Greek Mythos in a while.

Also the twist at the end was pretty cool but I don't think I can say much more.
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Baby Driver - 9/10

Amazing from both a technical standpoint and an action standpoint. Lots of fun. The coolest thing about this movie is how it synchronizes the action sequences with the beat of the music, which makes the soundtrack an important part of this movie. And it has a kickass soundtrack, like, stellar.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Definitely not a bad film. I liked it a lot. There are a few hiccups but nothing too serious. The battle scenes were great. Michael Keaton was amazing as well. I related with Zendaya's character because she's artistic, sarcastic, and morbid. XD
Definitely recommend if you like comedy/action and Spider-Man.
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Re: Rate the Last Movie you SawTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Spiderman Home-Coming: :hobohodo:

Not much to say here, just your standard superhero movie. I like the climax a lot, though.
Re: Rate the Last Movie you SawTopic%20Title
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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I should probably sum up Transformers: The Last Knight in five words: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!!"
Re: Rate the Last Movie you SawTopic%20Title
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I've felt worse.

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IT (2017)

Horror isn't really my thing, and between jump scares and an intentionally loud soundtrack, this film didn't change my opinion on that matter.

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