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Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (Chapter 6)Topic%20Title
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"Howdy, fellas! Ya done already?"

Max smirked, stepping into the lobby with a pleased expression on his face. "Well, at this rate, maybe this robot revolution's gonna take off! They'll take ol' Ace over to some nearby bridge and quarter 'im! Justice'd be served!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Immediately, people could tell something was different about him. His hands were no longer bare. He was wearing gloves on both of them now... were they both lucky gloves? How the heck did he get his hands on those?

"Well, anyway." He shook his head. "Glad t'see we're almost there. Good job on fightin' off those pesky robots, Ped! Place looks like a real warzone right 'bout now."
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Luke steps into the lobby. Apparently he was running here, as he's panting. "I talked to the fuckin' FBI, yo!"
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Tsubasa was next to meet up with the others in the lobby, looking a bit flustered as she entered. "Uh, I'm back... I did it... did the thing... I think... So, um, so far so good?" she asked with a glance around the room.
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Ryleigh's the next one to arrive in the lobby, wearing her volleyball jersey from the fish battle tournament, with a big smile on her face despite the whole war preparation thing that was going on.

"Well, that was fun." She says, dusting off her hands, "I even got to see Susu again! She's okay!"
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Akkordian wrote:
Ryleigh's the next one to arrive in the lobby, wearing her volleyball jersey from the fish battle tournament, with a big smile on her face despite the whole war preparation thing that was going on.

"Well, that was fun." She says, dusting off her hands, "I even got to see Susu again! She's okay!"

"Oh, that's good... great...!" Tsubasa said as she rushed over to Ryleigh with a little wave. "We should go get her when we're ready to leave, huh? Um, speaking of that, what's next...?"
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[Great question, Tsubasa! Please do not post until the next GM post.]
Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (Chapter 6)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Meanwhile…
Running through an absurdly spacious sewer was not exactly how special agents Lyons and Graves wanted to spend their Saturday night.

Graves was a little further ahead of her partner. “Is it still after us?!”

“Judging based on all the snarling and growling coming from behind me I’d say that, yes, it’s still after us!”

They were being chased by some kind of mutated mothman. And by that, I mean it was a moth the size of a car with a man’s face -- and he was a grumpy man, at that.

“What the hell does it want?!”

“Well, considering this thing probably eats shit all day, we’re likely a five-star dinner for him!”

They kept running for what seemed like forever, since everything in the sewer looked the same. Eventually, they reached a dead end, with the mothman still hot on their tail. They had tried shooting it before, but bullets did nothing to the creature, so they were sitting ducks.

“Lyons, look, up there!” Graves pointed up. Directly above them was a manhole cover, and on the wall were some bars they could use to climb up.

“That’s great, but unless you have the special ability ‘climb ladders faster’ I think we’re about to get eaten by a moth with the face of an angry Jewish uncle.”

“Mazel tov!” the mothman shouted.

Graves cringed. “Oh, god…”

Suddenly, the manhole cover was popped off by someone from above, and into the sewer fell a plump, bald man with beady eyes and glasses. His suit was shabby and worn.

“Who the hell are you?!” Lyons asked.

“I’m with the IRS. Who the hell are you? And what the hell is that?!”

“We’re with the FBI. And that’s a mothman.”

“Mothman, huh? Let me handle this,” the man said as he pulled a two-handed great-sword out from his little briefcase. “You guys go on ahead. Just above us is some kind of shopping mall.”

Lyons looked doubtful of the shorter man's abilities. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. This should be easy. After all, back before I started working for the IRS, I specialized in these kinds of… hello? Oh, they left… very well, monster! Have at ye!”

Spoiler: Back in the bunker...


Somewhere in the background was the sound of crashing waves and seagulls squawking in the distance.

“...Adellll. Heyyyy.”


“...Yoooo, you with me?”



Waking up, Adel jerked his head forward, bonking Cain straight in the forehead, knocking him back onto a white sandy beach. Cain fell straight onto the sand, clutching his head in pain.

“O-Owww! What the heck, dude?!”

“S-Sorry, Cain…” Adel yawned, rubbing his forehead. “I kind of dozed off there for a second.”

“Yeah!! I realized!!” Cain snapped. “How come you fell asleep, anyways?! I take you here and all you can do is take a nap!”

Adel leaned backwards a bit, burying his hands in the sand. He picked up a walking hermit crab and let it crawl around on his palm, his head lowered.

“...S-Sorry,” he said, poking gently at the crab with curiosity. “It was just so nice and warm…”

Letting out a sigh, Adel dropped the hermit crab back into the sand, letting it crawl around him as Adel gave a slight glare to Cain.

“...And why did you wake me up like that anyways?” Adel asked, irritated. “You didn’t have to scream at me like that.”

“S-Shut up, dude!” Cain snapped, fake tears welling in the corner of his eyes. “D-Do you see what you did to my forehead? Huh?! I think you broke it…”


Adel blinked a couple of times at Cain in disbelief, before turning his back and facing away from him. “...Annoyyyiiing…”


Cain ran towards Adel, tumbling into him with playful force. The hermit crab scuttled a way in a panic as the two boys wrestled blithely around the sand.

“C-Cain, stoop!” Adel pleaded, letting out a few occasional giggles. “Y-You’re getting sand in places where it shouldn’t be!!”

“I don’t wanna hear it!”


Adel’s struggles to break free from Cain’s grasp were in vain. Eventually, Cain had Adel pinned down onto the ground, the two facing each other. Cain let out a vain smile, Adel frowning and turning his head to the side in response.

“...So!” Cain yelped.

“...W-What?” Adel grumbled in response.

“I have you trapped here! Now, you have to do whatever I want!”

“N-Never...I’d rather die…”

“Yeah, yeah.”

/ / /

“It’s so stupid, Cain…”

“You keep saying that, Adel. It’s not gonna change the fact that it’s why I’m here.”

“I know… but a dream?! You’re so DUMB!”

The two had been going back and forth about the reason for Cain’s appearance for some time…

“Who even told you to come here, then? Are you even the real Cain?!”

“I-I don’t know who it was! It was just the voice of some little girl, I guess… and yes, we’ve been over this, it’s really me!”

They weren’t making much progress…

“I just don’t understand… you left me. I wasted all this time looking for you, when you were in this place the whole time!” Adel threw another punch at Cain.

“Damn it, Adel! Quit being a dick!”

“I-I’m not being a dick, you are! You left me!”

/ / /

Cain pinched Adel’s cheeks, still pinning him down. He stretched his face around playfully, before Adel tripped Cain back into the ground in retaliation. Cain fell headfirst into the ground, getting sand everywhere in his hair. He shook some of the sand out, spraying some all over Adel, before sitting cross-legged and flashing Adel a smile. The setting sun cast rays of light all around Cain, waves crashing in the background. Adel blushed uncomfortably, Cain looking like a painting in the canvas of the ocean.

“...Heey, Adel. How’d ya like my trip this time?” Cain asked, breaking the silence.

“...It was nice,” he admitted, giving Cain a nod. “This was my first time coming to a place like this…”

Cain let out a goofy smile, feeling proud of himself. “Hehe. And *I* was the one who brought you here, wasn’t I? Aren’t I so cool..?”

“...No, not really.”

“S-So mean..!”

Adel sat with his knees up, smiling sheepishly at Cain.

“I...I wanna come back someday.”

“Really?” Cain smiled, rubbing his nose in satisfaction. “I don’t usually get that level of appreciation from ya..! Well then, I guess I’ll just have to take you again someday, huh?”

Adel let out a slight smile, inching closer to Cain. “...Yeah.”

Cain turned around and set Adel in his lap, the two watching the crimson sky as it faded to black.


“What is it, buddy?”

“...Where are you going..?”


Adel tilted his head out a bit, trying to get a grasp of Cain’s face. But he was in no position to see him clearly. Adel gave up and leaned back into Cain, sighing a bit.

“...Do you really have to leave?” Adel asked once more.


Cain let out a heavy breath, resting his chin atop of Adel’s head.

“...Yeah, I do. I’m sorry, Adel. I don’t want to leave you, either. But I gotta do this.”

“...W-Well, can’t you tell me where you’re going..?”

“No...I...I can’t do that…”

“...Why? You never tell me anything...”

Tears began to well up in Adel’s eyes. Cain gently wiped them away as he turned Adel around to face him.

“...I promised that I’d be back, right? You just have to sit back and wait for me.”

“N-No..! I always just wait...I-I’m tired of always leave like this. M-My parents, too…”

“T-This isn’t like that,” Cain insisted. “I’ll be back and we’ll take care of each other like always, right? C’moon. Don’t be like that on our last night together.”

/ / /

“You could’ve just told me where you were going, dummy!”

“I couldn’t, because then you’d follow!”


The explorer boy tackled Cain and pinned him to the ground.

“Adel, knock it off!”

“YOU KNOCK IT OFF! Stop being weird… you’re weird! I don’t understand…”

/ / /

Adel turned his head away again, looking somewhat angry. A few worried glances later, Cain unwrapped his scarf and took off a beautiful diamond necklace. It shone against the light as Cain carefully placed it around Adel’s neck.

“A-Alright, fine...Then I’ll give you this to wear,” Cain said gently. Adel’s eyes widened, knowing the importance the necklace had to Cain, but he wouldn’t hear his objections. He placed his palm on Adel’s lips to keep him quiet. “And you know how important this is to me, right? So instead of waiting...I want you to come find me.”

Adel was in awe, looking at Cain’s desperate stare. “After I’m gone, come look for me. I’ll be waiting for you. And when we meet again, that’s when you can give this back to me. Alright?”

Adel sat in silence, processing Cain’s request. After a few moments of hesitation, Adel grasped the necklace tight in his hand, nodding. “I won’t wait this time...I’ll come find you, Cain.”

Cain smiled, wrapping his arms around Adel. “Then that’s that.”

The waves began to calm a bit as the moon rose. The pair took the time to appreciate their time alone together for the last time.

“..Don’t be scared of the world, Adel,” Cain said, patting his back. “There’s so much curiosity and wonder around us. So much to appreciate and explore. I don’t want you coming to me all confused and desperate. I want you to report back to me excited about what you were able to experience, and I want to be annoyed about how you can’t just shut up about how much you love the world. If you can do that, then I think we’ll be just fine, right? That’s the life you deserve.”


The pair embraced for moments more, trying to make an eternity out of nothing. But eventually, their time together came to a close.

“...Let’s get you home,” Cain smiled.

/ / /

“I told you to come look for me, and you found me, didn’t you? I gave you that necklace...”

“You did…”

Adel was just laying on top of Cain at this point, both of them tired.

“Adel, you found me, so please stop being angry at me…”

“Fine…” the explorer muttered. “But now what, Cain? You sent all my friends away... “

“I’m sure they’re doing fine.”

“What’s gonna happen to us…?”

“We’re going to escape when the fighting’s over. I just… I didn’t want you to get hurt,” he pointed to the ceiling. “Up there, you know?”

“It’s always about what you want, isn’t it… you left me alone, because you wanted me to find you. You took me from my friends, because you didn’t want me to get hurt…” Adel buried his face into Cain’s chest. “It’s so stupid… why? Why did you do it? I had to enter this contest… I watched people die. Deirdre died… Rocky died… they all died! I wish Devin blew me up, too!”

Cain wrapped his arms around the other boy and held him tight. “Adel, I… I never knew this was going to happen…”

“So then why did you come here…?”

Cain sighed. “I already told you-”

“I don’t like that answer.”





“Do… do you hear that?”

“All I hear is the dumb, stupid crap coming out of your dirty mouth…”

“No, it… it sounds like footsteps.”


“Outside the door. Someone’s here, I think,” Cain said, rolling Adel off his chest and reaching for his gun.

“W-who is it? And do you really know how to use that thing? Wait, isn’t this a bunker? Doesn’t that mean ‘no bad guys allowed’?”

“I wish it did, but, this is kind of a shitty bunker. Plus, I think your hot robot friend broke the door. Stay behind me.”

Adel did as he was told, and hid behind Cain, who had his gun aimed at the door. The footsteps got louder and louder. Cain was able to make out the sound of at least three guys behind the door. They were human.

“Sir, it’s open!” a gruff, male voice shouted. They opened the heavy door, and into the bunker stepped a large, well-built man. You could use his jaw to make sure your shelf was level. He held a cigar in one hand and a standard pistol in the other. Behind him were two armored soldiers with assault rifles.

“Boy, put the gun down.”

The gun shook in Cain’s hands. “Who’re you guys? FBI?”

“No, no. CIA. It’s my understanding that one of you is Adel Wagner?”

“That’s me…”

“Well, that’s excellent news. Why don’t you come with us? And, uh, tell your friend to put the gun down.”

“You’re not taking him from me. We’ve been waiting for each other. You are not taking him from me,” Cain’s voice cracked.

“Put. The gun. Down,” the man demanded. His voice was deep and unsettling. “Put it down, now.”


“Do it!”

“I won’t!”



Two simultaneous shots rang out; one from Cain, one from the other man. On the floor between them was Adel, critically wounded. Cain dropped his weapon and met his friend on the ground.

“ADEL!” he cried out. “WHY? WHY DID YOU JUMP IN FRONT…?!”

The man, who had not been hit at all by Cain, took a puff from his cigar. “Tragic. Simply tragic. I can’t believe you shot him!”

Cain looked up at him, tears in his eyes. “You shot him, you fuck! What’s wrong with you?!”

“Hmm, well, that’s not what my report’s going to say. See, what really happened here today was an especially depressing murder-suicide.”


“Yes. On this day, Adel Wagner’s life was tragically lost when he was shot by his best friend, who then, out of guilt, shot himself three times in the back of the head.”

“That’s… but--”

Before Cain could complete his thought, he was tackled by the other two men and pinned down. He could see every speck of dust on the floor and watched with horror as blood began pooling around Adel’s body. Something touched the back of his head.

“It’s not fair, I know. It seems random, sure. And maybe it is. But that’s just life, ain’t it? Some men are meant to fall to the wayside, while others are meant to be the ones to push ‘em over.”

Cain’s feelings of disbelief and guilt were quickly relieved.





“Alright, boys, looks like the job’s done. Scope out the area. I gotta make a phone call.


“Director Grant?”


“Yeah, this is Agent Cipher with the CIA. It, uh, well, it pains me to say this, Director, but we found that boy you and your guys have been looking for…”

“Is he alive?”

“No, I’m, uh, afraid not, ma’am. Looks like he was killed as part of a murder-suicide with some other kid. The whole thing’s tragic, really…”

/ / /

As the two were walking under the moonlight, Cain playfully wrapped his arms around Adel.

“Heeey. Adel. I’ve always wondered. What’s our relationship?”

“...Huh?” Adel asked, confused about the question. “What do you mean?”

“I meeeean...aren’t know….liiiike...uhhhh….”

“...Cain, I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

“...I-I mean, we’re like...that, right? It’s...hmmm….how do I put this…it’s like, uhhh...y-you have a donut, and a hot dog…”

“...W-What..? Stop being annoying…”

Cain’s face turned red, too embarrassed to continue. “A-Aww, forget it..! It’s nothing..! I didn’t say anything..!”


Adel looked stupefied at Cain, who was too frustrated to face him properly.

“Fuuuuu...I haaate you, Adelllll!” Cain yelled, crying playfully and running away. “I haaate youuuu!”

“C-Cain?! What’s the matter?!” Adel cried back, chasing after Cain, the pair just running and running until the night would turn to day.

[Please do not post until the next GM post…]
Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (Chapter 6)Topic%20Title
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Once everyone had completed their tasks and returned to the lobby, Cups emerged from a supply closet with Wands and Cleaning Bot 487 in tow. From the casino entrance, Jack led an army of fish monsters, alongside Susu, and a ragtag, fully-armed group of rebels from Swords’ army. They wished the party good luck before heading out into battle. Cups congratulated them for all their work.

“My friends, this is where we part,” he buzzed. “I do not know if we will ever see each other again, but if we do meet again, just know I am visiting Myrion first because I have a hot date with his creator. In any case, before we go our separate ways, I have a gift.”

He held up a revolver.

“Unfortunately, there is only one bullet in the chamber, so I suggest you use it wisely. Also, I am not sure which of you to give it to, so I was hoping you might come to that decision here.”

Well, looks like one of them has the chance to wield the gun. Who should get it…?
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"I'd like to present myself as the most mentally stable, the person with a finger that actually fits the trigger and the most unlikely to friendly fire with a gun." Luke says.

"I'm completely serious. I'd shoot Ace before myself or Adel."
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"Luke... Are you sure you're sober enough to handle that gun?" Great Dragon ask, concerned for Luke's well-being. He looks at the rest of the group before he looks back at Luke.

"If you're going to take the gun... Great Dragon respects that. We have suffered enough of how Ace is torturing us with this killing game." The wrestler said before he thinks about what to say next. "Besides, it would takes a huge burden off our shoulders."

Then he looks back to the rest of the group. "Are we all in agreement that Luke should be the one to take the gun?" He asked the others.
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"Oh, trust me, I haven't been drunk for a while. You can tell because I'm not depressed." Luke grins.
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"Um, I don't really prefer one person have it than another..." Tsubasa opined. "But I've never handled a real gun, so, uh... i-it probably shouldn't go to me either way..."
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"...Luke smiling kinda makes me uncomfortable, but, I guess I don't mind if he has the gun."
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"Sure, I trust ol' Luke", Max agreed.
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"Very well," Cups buzzed. He handed the gun to Luke and gave him a look that said "fuck this up and I will robo-fuck your mother and stomp your corpse." He bid them farewell and wished them luck before his small party joined the madness outside.

The group stepped into the elevator and departed for the highest floor of the hotel: the one hundredth floor. There was a sense of tension and unease as they rode higher and higher...






The doors to the elevator opened, and they were greeted by a sinister, green hallway with minimal lighting. The hallway ran the length of every other floor in the hotel, but the only room was halfway between either end. It had double doors that resembled playing cards.

"Come on in, it's open!" a voice said from inside. Deciding to just open the doors, since that's what they came here to do, the group stepped inside the green madman's office. It had bookshelves crammed with all sorts of reading material, one of those globes that every history professor has, and a very nice desk that Ace was sitting at in a comfortable-looking chair. About five feet back from him was a window that overlooked the Strip, where all the unfolding destruction could be witnessed from a safe distance. Ace stood up to greet them, wielding his own firearm.

He chuckled. "Well, well, well... I'm almost impressed, you guys. I mean, you did all that just to see me again? I'm touched, really."

Ace eyed Luke, who was the leader of the pack and pointing his gun in Ace's general direction.

"What're you gonna do, hm? I won't shoot if you don't."

Luke, what will you do?

Option 1: Do what you came here for -- Shoot Ace
Option 2: Talk to him, maybe ask him a question or two
Option 3: Negotiate with him -- strike a deal, maybe?
Option 4: Fuck this. Chaos route. Shoot yourself.

[Other players, feel free to input your own thoughts if you wish to persuade Luke to any specific option(s).]
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"..... Luke." Great Dragon spoke. "Great Dragon think that we should get answers to some of the questions that we've came up with over the course of this killing game." Then the wrestler removes the mask from his head.

"Like the nightmares that some of us have while we're down on B5F... How did Ace know what Ruby's family and boss look like? What about Adel's friend, Cain? What about my.... hermanita?" Pedro asked, as he stare daggers in Ace's direction. "He must have a way of knowing what they look like."

"And on top of that... I'd like to know why he tried to break me.... twice." Pedro add on as he cross his arms. "I'm sure the others probably have questions that they wanted to ask Ace... Questions that only Ace know the answer to..."
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"Well... I s'pose it's your choice, Luke." Max shrugged. "I hope y'make the right decision here."
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"D-don't forget the bombs..." Tsubasa added nervously. "We... don't know if he has the trigger for that on him..."
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Luke narrows his eyes, considering the opportunities as he raises the gun to meet Ace.

He steels himself and pulls the trigger. A few times, in fact.
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Tsubasa screamed and dove for cover.
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Ace stumbled back, having been clipped in the shoulder by Luke. "Ow, fuck! I didn't think you'd actually shoot me, you crazy son of a bitch! But, Like I said, I wouldn't shoot if you didn't, so..."

Ace pumped Luke full of lead...

"You fucking idiot. You just turned this confrontation into something very underwhelming." He looked at the rest of the group as Luke fell to the ground. "See ya, suckers."

In a full-sprint, he crashed through his window...

"Dios mio! Luke! Luke, say something!"

"He's dead," Myrion said coldly. "Probably, anyway."

[Everyone (except Luke) may have one post to comment on the situation before help arrives.]
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"Luke!" Max shouted, rushing towards him. "Are you there?! Can you hear me?" He shouted, trying to shake him.
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"He's... dead, Max. I can tell." Myrion walked towards the window and looked outside dramatically.
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"W-what the hell was he thinking...?" Tsubasa grumbled as she picked herself up from the ground. "Ace could have shot a-any of us... Is everyone else okay...?" she asked with a concerned look at the others.
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Ryleigh uncovers her eyes, having flinched in fear when all the gunshots went off. "Oh, no, Luke!" She looks around in concern at the others, but mostly at Tsubasa. "Nobody else is hurt, right?"
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Pedro stands there, very pale and in shock.

"Dios mío... Luke... What have you done?" Pedro managed to speak out before he looks towards the window. "There's no fucking way that Ace bastard is gonna survive that..."

He looks toward Ryleigh. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay... But what the hell was Luke thinking?! We could have got some answers to the questions that we have..." Then to Luke's body. "And now... And now... Luke have to go and do it."
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Suddenly, the doors behind the group thrust open, revealing a rather handsome man and a pretty woman... holding guns. Great. More of those.

"Nobody move! We're with the FBI! Oh, wait a second..." the woman lowered her voice and looked around then glanced at her partner. "Uh, isn't there supposed to be a green guy here? And who's that bleeding on the floor?!"

"That's Luke..." Max said, adjusting his hat. "He just paid the price for a bad call..."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Luke? Shit, that's the guy I talked to on the radio..."

"What, uh, what exactly happened here? Where's Ace?" the man asked. "By the way, I'm special agent Lyons, and that's my partner, agent Graves."

"Well, it went sorta like this..." Ryleigh explained everything that went down, with the others throwing in bits and pieces of information here and there.

"I see..." Lyons mumbled to himself.

"By the way, do you know if our friend is okay?"

Graves bit her lip. "Oh, do you mean the Wagner boy...?"

"Yeah, him," Max nodded. "He's okay, right? Right?!"

The agents looked at each other for second. "Look, you better just come with us. There's lots to explain. We'll send paramedics up here for his body."

"We can't go outside! It's chaos out there!"

Graves shook her head. "Not anymore. Most of the fighting has started to wrap up. Whatever side they were on, the weird monsters seemed to have won. I swear I saw a roomba out there, too... Anyway, we should get you guys out of here."

The group followed the pair out of the office, still trying to recover from whatever it was that just happened... before heading to the elevators, however, the five survivors looked back into the office. Broken glass shined in the light of that cursed eternal sunset -- the only thing they had seen for weeks on end. Standing over Luke's body was the blue, flickering form of a familiar, cute bunny girl, waving goodbye to the group. She looked a bit saddened by the way things played out, but she was glad to see that there were any survivors at all...

When they all turned to leave, both Myrion and Tsubasa could have sworn she turned purple for a second, but it didn't matter anymore, really. It was over.


"Holy crap..." Tsubasa muttered when they walked out of the hotel. Piles of metal, heavily damaged robots, and monster corpses littered the street. There were small fires burning here and there and most of the buildings were heavily A group of Simpoids, Shrimpies, and Morningstars were carrying Susu around and tossing her in the air like they just won the big game, the group of robots Myrion convinced to join the cause were looting Swords' body for parts, and Cleaning Bot 487 was doing victory laps near the entrance to the mall.

"I wonder if Cups is okay," Myrion wondered as they walked past the carnage. "Wands, too."

"I'm sure they're both fine," Ryleigh assured him. "I mean, it's Cups. Like, c'mon."

"I guess you're right, but still..."

"Come on, guys. The van's over here," Lyons said, directing them to a generic grey van that wouldn't look out of place on a show with Chris Hansen.

"That's our getaway car? Aw, hell, ol' Max coulda bought ya somethin' sweeter with his newfound wealth."

Ryleigh's eyes twinkled. "Hey... that's right! We're rich now, aren't we?"

The two agents cringed and looked at each other.

Max threw his hat on the ground. "Aw, come on!"

"Dios mio... let's just get in the van."


Last edited by WinterCoat on Wed May 20, 2020 8:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The van held them all comfortably, with the agents up front and everyone else chilling out in the back. From the rear window, they could see two bodies on stretchers being wheeled towards an emergency vehicle. Though their identities were obscured by virtue of being in body bags, they kinda already knew who they were. The van pulled out from its spot in the shadow of Club Dusk and before long, they were beyond the invisible barrier of the sunset and the vehicle became bathed in the light of the full moon.

There was a silence for a bit, though, not an awkward one. It was a relaxed silence. They were relieved, however, Max cleared his throat and raised a question.

"So, seriously, what about our money?"

"Yeah, we made millions back there..." Myrion muttered.

Agent Graves sighed as she tried to steer around random rocks. "Uh, yeah, about that... you aren't really going to be allowed to keep it for a few reasons. The first reason is that the money still belongs to the Stakes family, and since Hugh is dead, his brothers are claiming ownership of it. It's... a bunch of annoying legal shit, and Lowe and Joe Stakes are nowhere near as kind as their brother. Second, the money you've earned still needs to be taxed, anyway, and the taxman is ready to collect. Third, and this one's the worst one, a lot of the money you won just flat-out doesn't exist. Hugh set the cap on his show for a million at some point, but Ace, somehow, let you guys win way more than that."

"Blackjack is pretty busted..." Tsubasa chimed in.

"Right... so, yeah, that's the deal with your money. Sorry, guys."

Max sighed. "Great. So that means we didn't even gain anythin' at all with this mess. Wonderful..."

"Now, that's not true, Max!" Pedro said with a smile. "We may not have fat wallets, but we have fat hearts! Think about how much we have all grown. Of course, I would greatly enjoy some money for my hermanita, but, well, it is what it is."

Max put his face into his hat. "I still woulda liked some compensation... I've seen some things I wish I didn't have to see."

"Well, I have another question," Myrion said. "What was Ace's deal? Luke shot him before we ever got an answer to that question... then he jumped out the window -- hey wait a minute! Shouldn't his body have been on the street when we came outside? If he jumped out his window, he should've ended up there!"

The agents looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, we didn't see a body, and nobody else reported anything. I suppose it is pretty odd, isn't it? Anyway, if you want to know about Ace, just watch the news in the coming weeks. I'm sure they'll talk about it there."

Ryleigh tilted her head. "Why can't you just tell us now?"

Lyons groaned. "Look, kid, I spent my night running through a sewer getting chased by a man-moth, and you spent a month holed up in that mess. Don't you want to just, you know, chill out right now? You'll get your answers, I promise. Just relax for now. It's like, three in the morning. I'm sure you're all exhausted, so just rest for a bit before you melt your brains on the musings of a green man."

Ryleigh groaned. "Fiiiiiiiine..."

[Everyone may freely post for a bit if you want. Final post/Epilogue goes up later.]

Last edited by WinterCoat on Wed May 20, 2020 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ryleigh sighs, leaning back in her seat. "I guess you're right, about the heart stuff..." She trails off, giving a sidelong glance to a certain someone. "But I would've liked to keep all that money I won. I could use an actual vacation after all this."
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"Me too, Ryleigh." Pedro replied to Ryleigh. "With the money that I would have won, I would be able to get Luna away from my father. I'd love to introduces you and Basa to her. Something tells me that you, Basa and Luna will becomes the best of friends, despite the language barrier. But now... It might be a while until you get the chance to meet her."

The wrestler lets out a sigh. "What matter now is that we're alive and that should count for something, right? Still, that reminds me. Ryleigh, when we meet up again in the future, I'll have to explain everything to you. Everything about me. My family. And why I wanted to get Luna away from my father."

He paused before he remembered a promise that he made to them. "Oh, right. When we get to our destitution, you guys will have to give me your addresses so I can invite you all to one of my wrestling matches. And I'll be sure to get you all VIP seating." He looks towards Ryleigh. "That reminds me, Ryleigh. I'll never forget how you're the first fan I got during the competition... Well, it was Mr. Stakes' competition before that Ace bastard took over, but still... I will see to it that you get some sweet Great Dragon merchandise."

Pedro thinks about something for a moment before he speak some more. "Still, I guess Deirdre was right about one thing... Ace was probably a alien." He said before he let out a yawn. "I guess I should get some sleep, since we're up almost all night."

"Wake me up when we get there." Pedro add on before he close his eyes and took a trip to slumberland.
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"...I really wanted to take a break from work... I hope my creator has some mercy and spends time analysing how this whole situation impacted my AI." He 'sighed'. Then he turned to Ryleigh.

"Oh, there's that cooking show idea too, right?" He smiled, handing her a note. It read 'Feel free to talk to me whenever you want!' followed by contact information and a little doodle of them cooking together.
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NIKI_4829 wrote:
"...I really wanted to take a break from work... I hope my creator has some mercy and spends time analysing how this whole situation impacted my AI." He 'sighed'. Then he turned to Ryleigh.

"Oh, there's that cooking show idea too, right?" He smiled, handing her a note. It read 'Feel free to talk to me whenever you want!' followed by contact information and a little doodle of them cooking together.

"Hm?" Ryleigh hums as she takes the note. It takes her a second to read it, but afterwards she smiles and nods at Myrion. :)
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"Y-yeah... I guess things could have turned out worse..." Tsubasa smiled lightly, glancing briefly at Ryleigh. "...Still could have really used that money, though..." she added with a wistful sigh. "I'll just need to... control my spending better, I guess... A-at least I've had some practice with that... heh..."
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"Man... so it really does end like this, huh." Max took off the lucky gloves he was wearing. "I guess these didn't turn out to be very helpful at all, huh? Sorry, fellas..." He shook his head and groaned. "What was ol' Luke even thinkin', though? If he hadn't shot then maybe we coulda bought some time... it didn't hafta end like this." He put his hat over his head again. "We're all lucky we even made it outta that alive... Christ." He didn't seem very pleased about matters.
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Epilogue: “Before the Final Crack of Dawn”

“Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.”
-Emily Dickinson

. . .

The world was different after the end of the killing game. Opinions were split on whether or not the whole thing was just a government scheme or if it was scripted and whatnot, though most people seemed to agree that something happened on that Strip. How could they not, when it was broadcast right into their living rooms? Their desks? Their pockets?

Ace’s body was never found, though the United States government had yet to give up their search for him. ALCO. received heavy scrutiny for their involvement with the Twilight Strip’s development, even being on the receiving end of a string of lawsuits from the federal government. However, the up-and-coming tech giant would not go gently into the night, but rather would continue to grow well into the future with a mighty lion’s roar, perhaps out of spite.

The Twilight Strip remained condemned and under strict control until they could successfully disarm and remove the explosives that were buried around the perimeter. Nobody ever found out about the truth behind the murders of the boys in the bunker and the families of those lost to the killing game were stricken with grief and frustration.

It was hard to say if Ace’s plan truly succeeded or not, however, life continued to go on, as it often did...

Spoiler: Evening Report
“Good evening everyone! As usual, I’m your host, Blanche Bruit, and tonight our top story is an insider look at the happening of the decade: the Twilight Strip Affair! We’re joined by special guest Lauren Key, who claims to have the inside scoop on what really happened inside that hotel! Hello, Lauren!”

“Thanks for having me, Blanche,” said the woman. She had long, wavy purple hair and a bit too much eyeliner. “I’m a big fan of your work.”

“Aw, thanks! So, what can you tell us? I mean, we all saw what happened on our televisions and whatnot as the show went down in real-time, but what about the stuff we didn’t get to see? Just why did Ace do what he did? The government has been keeping a tight hold on all the info surrounding this incident, so I’m sure lots of people are wondering about the aftermath, too.”

“Well, those are great questions to start off with, let’s see…” Lauren bit her lip. “Alright, I guess I’ll go with Ace’s motives, yes? Ace was a man who, well, he had something to prove to the world. Former employee for Lucky 7 Entertainment Mason Freeman branding himself as ‘Ace’ and running a televised death game is what happens when someone is told ‘no’ a few too many times in their life. The whole purpose behind the game, for him, was to headline a ‘new type of entertainment’ and to prove that the world was sick enough to want something like that. Scripted or not, he may have had a point.”

“Oh, dear! So it was a revenge plot?”

“In a way, sure. Now, I’m not saying that all the crazies should be told ‘yes’ to their nonsense just out of fear, but maybe if someone had been there for him, he wouldn’t have snapped. I mean, the guy was a pincushion for his superiors at work, I hear his girlfriend left him after he started going loony, and he had no family to fall back on. The late Hugh Stakes was, unfortunately, kind enough to agree to work with him.”

“Sounds dangerous…” Blanche muttered.

Lauren chuckled. “Very. He was a bomb waiting to go off. In a way, I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.”

“So, actually, my next question is, well, who are you, really? How do you know so much about him?”

“Ah, well, I was just a production assistant. I was in charge of helping him and keeping an eye on the players.”

“Against your will, right?”

“Sure, we can go with that.”

“Well then… anyway, what happened after the surviving players were rescued?”

“Ah, I can only say so much about that. If I’m not careful, I might end up with three bullets in the back of my head from a ‘suicide’...” she looked into the camera as her purple lips formed a cheeky grin. “But, seriously, what happened is: they were rescued, brought in for questioning with the feds, and then released after about a week. And before you ask, no, they didn’t get to keep any of the money.”

“That’s a shame… well, I’ve got one more question for you.”

“Shoot. By the way, I love your hair. That messy bun looks good. Maybe I’ll try something like that sometime.”

Blanche chuckled quietly. “Ah, thanks. Anyway, my final question is: what happened with the cleanup? There were a bunch of robots, right? And those monsters… were they real?”

“Well, the robots and whatnot -- they were all seized by the government and some were returned to ALCO., the company that manufactured them, though, I hear a handful escaped. Now, were those monsters real…? Well, I guess it’s up for the individual to decide how they feel about that. I don’t think the world is ready for what my answer is.”

The news anchor nodded. “Alright, alright. A bit cryptic, but I guess there’s only so much you can talk about before things get out of hand.”

“Ha, yeah…”

“Alright, well, thanks for coming on tonight, Lauren.”

“My pleasure.”

“And, uh, where can people find you? Do you have social media, or anything?”

“Where can people find me…? Well, simply put, you can’t! So don’t come looking for me.”

“Well, you’re a bit of an odd one, but you’ve been a great guest. Thanks again.”

…time to turn the TV off and go to sleep...

Spoiler: Sunrise

...morning already? Jeez, the night went by so fast… you get up out of bed and look out your window. You have gained a newfound appreciation for sunrise and just can’t stop yourself from looking at it when you get the chance, you weirdo.

After taking in the atmosphere, you go to use the bathroom, but on your way to the door, you notice a sealed envelope is sitting on your desk. You find it odd, since your windows and door are both locked. With caution, you pick it up and open it, hoping anthrax isn’t making a comeback. Inside is a letter:

”You deserve this after everything. Don’t forget your experiences and remain true to who you are.


...the handwriting is awful, like it was written by a child. In any case, attached to the note was a check made out to you for… $100,000! It’s not the mega millions you once had, but it sure beats nothing at all! Still, though, who sent this…?

Spoiler: Breezy Afternoon
“Man…” they sighed. “What am I gonna do…?”

They were in a high-end art supply store, standing before a shelf with all kinds of specialty brushes.

“Is something wrong, miss?” asked a sales representative. She was quite pretty and had one of those faces that you wish you could wake up next to. Her name tag declared that she was “April”, assistant manager.

“Oh, well, uh…” they paused. “Well, I’m not a ‘miss’, I’m actually a boy…”

“Oh! My sincerest apologies! It’s just, well, with the hair and your outfit, which, by the way, is really cool, um… i-is your hair magenta? It looks good, ha haaa...” She was a bit embarrassed.

“No, no, it’s okay, really,” he chuckled. “I get it a lot, and I understand why. I just like to dress like this. Uh, anyway, I was wondering something. A-about these, brushes, here...”

“Ah, yes, these are our best brushes! It’s what we’re known for!” she said cheerfully.

He smiled. “I’m well aware. I’ve had my eye on these for a while, and so, I was wondering… do these ever go on sale?”

April pouted. “No, I’m sorry… these rarely, if ever, get a price reduction.”

“I see… well, that’s okay, I guess. I’ll get my hands on them someday.”

“Did you need help with anything else today?”

“Oh, nah. I was just gonna buy this and leave,” he said, holding up a cheap acrylic paint set.

“Excellent. Come over to the register and I’ll check you out! I mean, like, I’ll ring you up… like, scan your purchase, and stuff…” She fake-coughed to hide her shame.

He followed her to the nearest available register and scanned his sole purchase. Behind the counter was a small television, playing a re-run of the previous night’s Evening Report.

“It’s so crazy, isn’t it?” April asked as he put his wallet away.


“I mean, that story. Like, imagine signing up for a contest to win a bunch of cash, only to get caught up in some kind of sick death game!”

“Yeah, well, that would seriously suck. I need money pretty badly, too, so if I went on there to finally get out of this rut, only to have the tables turned on me…” he trailed off. “A-anyway, have a nice day.”

“Yeah, you too!” She waved as he walked out of the store, then slapped herself on the forehead. “Damn it! I forgot to ask for his name!”

Spoiler: Moonlight on the Lake

He had always loved the way the moon reflected in the clear water; there was just something magical about it to him. It reminded him a lot of the jazz clubs he used to play and the nights he used to walk home, carrying his bass, ready to slug any poor son of a bitch who looked at him funny. Maybe he could go back to that… it wasn’t like he had anything better to do. Being on the run kinda freed up some time and he had a good rapport with most of the club owners on the west coast.

Still, though, he wondered how Myrion and the others were doing. It looked like he wouldn’t be able to get that date with roboboy’s creator anytime soon…

“Cups?” a robotic female voice said. “What are you still doing out here?”

“I am thinking…” he buzzed.

“Well, stay away from the water, or you’ll rust, darling.”

“I am aware…”

“487 said we got another call, you know.”


“Someone spotted the Man-Moth again, two towns over.”

“Hmm… okay. We will depart at once.”

“Sounds good. I’ll go tell him, then.”

Cups looked at the lake once more, peering into the soul of his reflection. From his Stakes Co. brand fanny pack, he produced a snapback hat that had “GET SMOKED” written on the front. He put it on, sideways, and then walked back through a small section of woods to meet up with his group.

He was no longer Cups the bartender, nor was he Cups the revolutionary. No, he was…

Cups: Monster Hunter

Travelling the world on the run from ALCO., Cups and his merry band of misfits hunted all kinds of disturbing, horrible creatures, like the Man-Moth or Glenn Danzig. That was what their lives had become.

[Survivors: Max, Great Dragon, Myrion, Ryleigh, Tsubasa]

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Endings go here, ya dig? Endings will be added as they are submitted.

Alternate Endings

Spoiler: Great Dragon/Pedro - END
September 23th 203X
San Antonio International Airport - Terminal A Baggage Claim

Pedro García Cortes is thinking about what to say to his sister, Luna when she gets to where he is waiting for her. Other people were milling about in the baggage claim area. Pedro looks at his black wrist watch to check the time. Just a few more minutes until she shows up. The wrestler, however, was nervous about this moment, that is until…

“Pedro, are you still nervous about meeting your little sister?” A voice spoke, causing the mohawk man to turn in the direction of its source: a man who looks to be in his early 40’s. The man’s hair was black as the night sky and his eyes were the color of hazel. He is all decked out in a grey suit with a pastel blue button-down shirt, and black business shoes. He was heading towards the wrestler from the restrooms. This man was Pedro’s mentor and friend, Jamarion Maddox.

“S-Sí… I am nervous about this, Jamarion.” Pedro rubs the back of his neck with one hand. He then looks towards the door which has a sign above it which reads, ‘International Arrivals U.S. Customs and Border Protection Exit’.

“I… I mean… It’s been four years since I last saw her. What if… she doesn’t recognize her only surviving hermano? Is she still angry at me for running off? What if…” Pedro started before the other man put a hand on one of his shoulders.

“Pedro, I can tell you’re worrying too much.” Jamarion said before he recites a quote. “Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.”

Pedro was silent for a few moments as he pondered over what was said. “... Gracias for the wisdom. Everything will be fine after all...” The wrestler said as he crossed his arms.

“Good,” the suited man said as he pulled his hand away and stuffed it inside a pocket. “So, how are you holding up? Especially after… what you have gone through.”

Pedro thought back to the killing game... it had been some time since it started. When he learnt that he was thrown into the game and that his life was on the line, the wrestler knew that he didn’t want to die. He simply wanted to live. He has witnessed people die in gruesome ways. Luke… Ramon… Mr. Stakes… Everyone who had died in the killing game and yet… Pedro is a survivor; one who has a strong will to live.

“I’m still coming to terms with what happened… I’m still here, though…” Pedro said as he reminisced about it. “I thought that when I ran after witnessing my two hermanos get killed, I thought I could leave behind that life… That I could live a better life here… And yet…” He trails off at the last sentence.

“I’m sure that’s what I would feel if I were in your shoes.” Jamarion replied, giving Pedro a reassuring smile. “You have to remember that it’s over and you’re alive.”

“... Sí.” Pedro said, which was followed by a long silence.

Since the killing game, Pedro has continued his wrestling career as Great Dragon, putting on shows for his fans. The battle with the robots have allowed the wrestler to come up with some new wrestling moves that he was sure would put his fans on the edge of their seats. However, his fans now know what he looks like underneath the mask and knew part of his full real name. That didn’t bother Pedro, though. They were his fans, and knowing his fans… They’d choose to keep Great Dragon’s true identity a secret.

“And the others that you were with? Have you thought about doing what you promised them what you’ll do?” The older man inquired as he put his hands together.

“Yeah, I was planning on inviting them to one of the wrestling matches that I’ll be participating in. I want them to get VIP seating... Oh, and can you be sure to secure some Great Dragon merchandise for Ryleigh?” The mohawk man asked.

“I can do that. It’s hard to believe that she’s the first person to become one of your fans, even though she was competing alongside you, during the… competition.” Jamarion simply said. “Also, I will be giving you a pay raise so that you can support both yourself and your little sister.” The last statement made Pedro smile.

A few more minutes passed before the older man looks in the direction of the ‘International Arrivals U.S. Customs and Border Protection Exit’ door.

“Pedro?” Jamarion asked as he pointed in the direction of the door. “Isn’t that her?” Pedro looks towards the door and sees a girl, of about 18 years old, emerges from the door. The wrestler took a moment to study what the girl looks like.

The girl has dark brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders, blue eyes, and dark skin. She seems to be a little shorter than the average height. She was wearing a pink sweater with a dreamy design on it, jeans, and white sneakers. There was a moon hair clip in her hair. On her back was a pastel green backpack with a picture of a unicorn on the front. And the girl seems to have a passport and some official-looking documents in her hands. Many would agree that she is a beautiful young lady.

After Pedro finished studying the girl, he immediately recognized her as his little sister, Luna. Luna took several steps forward and then she stopped. She then looks around, as if she’s looking for someone who was expecting her. He knew exactly who she was looking for.

“Luna?” Pedro called out to his little sister. The moment her name was called, Luna stopped looking around, almost as if she was trying to determine where the person, who called her by her name, was.

“Luna García Cortes!” Pedro cried out, this time, louder so that Luna can find him easily. Upon hearing her full name being called, Luna slowly looks in Pedro’s direction. The girl stares at the muscular man that she was sure is the one who called her name. It took her a brief moment to recognize who the man was.

“Pedro?” Luna called out after she realized who it was. “Hermano?”

“Sí, Luna, soy yo! Tu hermano mayor!” Pedro spoke in his native tongue. Tears were pouring out of his eyes… They were tears of joy, that he was so happy to finally see his little sister.

Luna stood there, tears were now pouring out of her eyes. She never thought that after being missing for four whole years, her only brother was alive and well. She broke into a sprint as she ran towards her older brother, Pedro.

Pedro ran towards his little sister. They finally met with Pedro embracing his little sister in a massive hug.

“Te extraño tanto...” Pedro said as he hugged his little sister. This moment lasted a few more minutes until the burly man released her from the hug. Then he lowered himself so that his eyes were making direct contact with Luna’s eyes.

“Luna, bienvenido a casa.” Pedro told Luna before he gave her another hug. Then he stands up before he takes one of Luna’s hands.Then both the brother and sister walked over to where Jamarion is. There, Pedro introduced Luna to Jamarion, telling her that he is a friend and also his mentor. Then they went to go get Luna’s baggage, which they were certain was being unloaded.

Pedro thought back to the day when he received the money from the mysterious ‘C’ fellow. That money, along with what he had saved up, were enough to secure Pedro a two bedroom apartment with a decent rent, in addition to getting the necessary paperwork filed so his little sister, Luna can come and live with him. Whoever this ‘C’ fellow is, they made it possible for the reunion to happen and Pedro is grateful towards them.

A few minutes later…

Pedro, Jamarion, and Luna exited the airport. The young girl was pulling a small red suitcase, suggesting she didn’t pack much before she flew out of Mexico. Halfway to the parking garage, Pedro stopped walking and then looked up at the sky. He has a good feeling about what the future will bring. He can almost see it; he, as Great Dragon, would become a famous wrestler. And he and his sister would be living in a nice two-bedroom house. He knew it would be a while, but he’ll get there.

“Pedro, are you coming?” Jamarion calls out as he is helping Luna put the suitcase inside the car’s trunk. The wrestler looks toward his mentor and little sister. At the very least, Pedro now has his wrestler friends, mentor, and little sister.

“Coming, Jamarion!” Pedro calls out as he runs up to join them. The wrestler was glad that he was able to fulfill the promise that he made to himself.
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