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Black Fable 3: The Nonary+ GameTopic%20Title
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Black Fable 3: The Nonary+ Game

[Note: You may only post if you have received a role QT.]

Spoiler: Table of contents

Spoiler: Cast by bracelet number
  1. Ennea (DootDootDoot)
  2. Silver (Kachu)
  3. Crow (Planetbox)
  4. Uno (Southern Corn)
  5. TV-Head (Doctor Nanjo)
  6. Cool Cat (Hanzo Shimada)
  7. Golf (cold52)
  8. Twist (Collin1002)
  9. Nova (Franzise Deauxnim)
  10. Albatross (HonestIago)
  11. Nero (TheLetterF)
  12. Odin (CaptainPancakes)

Spoiler: Nonary Game mechanics
  • Your objective is to escape by opening the grate in the Oubliette.
  • The grate can only be opened by finding a way to reach it, and by entering a 12-digit code into the keypad nearby.
  • To obtain the code, each player has to find their 'hint', which will give them a single digit number when deciphered. The twelve digits together, in player order, make the passcode needed to escape.
  • To obtain hints, players must explore the facility to find Trials.
  • Each Trial can only be completed by a specific player. Doing so awards them their hint.
  • To explore the facility, the players must vote for a door to proceed through. After fully exploring the rooms beyond, they will return to the Oubliette.
  • Your bracelets are set to kill you every 2 hours. The only countermeasure is majority-voting a single player to take the execution instead. Discussion as to who to vote for can take place in the Oubliette for convenience, though strictly speaking this isn't required.
  • Once someone has been executed, you can vote for the next door to continue your search for hints.
  • After a player dies, tapping their bracelet against their Trial's device will reveal their digit. If they had already completed their Trial, their digit will be revealed automatically upon death.

Spoiler: 'Mafia' mechanics
The game is split between Exploration and Discussion phases.
  • In Exploration phases, players search for Trials in order to complete the passcode needed to escape. During this time, players with abilities will use them, and the Killers will try to kill someone.
  • In Discussion phases, players talk it out to try and uncover the 'villainous' characters in order to get them executed by public majority vote. There is no option to 'skip' the execution: if you cannot reach a majority, you all die and the game ends in utter failure.

There are three factions: the Prey, the Scientists and the Killers.

  • 7 in total.
  • None know anyone else; they have no private communication methods.
  • No kill ability (other than their vote).
  • They win if all the Scientists and Killers are dead.

  • 3 in total.
  • They know each other and can communicate privately.
  • No kill ability (other than their vote).
  • They have two win conditions. Either their numbers are ≥ the number of non-Scientists, or a Discussion phase begins with exactly one Scientist, one Prey and one Killer. At either of these points, they can take advantage of the situation and regain control of the facility.

  • 2 in total.
  • They know each other and can communicate privately.
  • They can kill 1 person between them during each Exploration phase. (They cannot both kill during the same phase.) This is in addition to using any abilities they may have.
  • They have two win conditions. Either their numbers are > the number of non-Killers, or they make up half the remaining players and at least one of the non-Killers is Prey. At either of these points the killers can stop hiding and simply kill the remaining players.

6 of the players have abilities. The following ability list is faction-agnostic, and I wouldn't recommend trying to assign abilities to factions based solely on 'what ability that faction should have'. (The order of abilities in this list has also been randomised for extra anonymity, and I changed the names of all the roles just in case.)
  • Peeper: Target one person per round. You will be told who that person targeted with their own ability, if anyone.
  • Middleman: At the end of each Exploration phase, the identity of a yet-unrevealed vanilla Prey is revealed to you in private.
  • Seer: Target one person per round. You will be told if they are a Killer, or not a Killer. Note that the Seer is guaranteed to be on the Prey faction.
  • Roleblocker: Target one person per round. That person cannot use their ability (but can still kill).
  • Jailer: Target one person per round. That person cannot use their ability or kill anyone, but also cannot be killed. If the roleblocker and jailkeeper target each other, the roleblocker cannot be killed.
  • Detective: Target one person per round. Their ability is revealed to you in private. This does not reveal their faction.



6 months ago...

The lone soldier lay dying against a piece of rubble. He had lost a leg in the skirmish, but it was the bullet wound in his stomach that would be the end of him. Despite the scene of destruction and violence all around him, it was peaceful now. His thoughts began to drift.

He was a soldier fighting to protect his home, the remote island of Cartor. Before he'd been a simple baker, apprenticing under his neighbour in the country's capital, New Bosco. However, the civil war raging through the streets demanded hardier souls than that, so he left that life behind to protect those that might come after. The everyday peace was threatened by an insane cult who would stop at nothing to tear the country apart, so it was only by matching that fervour that Cartor's resistance could ever hope to defeat them.

It seemed like a war that might never end. Despite the cult's villainy, thousands flocked to join the rebellion in secret, claiming Cartor was 'an oppressive, draconian police state'. In doing so they only further pushed the government's limits, forcing them to enact ever-stricter policies to try and maintain control. War led to war led to war, in a cycle that could only end when there was no-one left alive to fuel it.

Now, though... now there was a chance. It had cost hundreds of lives, soon to include his own, but they had managed to defend Cartor's future right here. The soldier smiled, and with great effort planted his gun into the ground in front of him, as though staking a claim. The cult had been repelled: this was the line they did not, and would not, cross. Cartor's future was secure. Even in death, he would stand as sentinel to defend this place. As the world darkened around him, he caught one last glimpse of light as the sun shone down through a gap in the smoky sky.

Last edited by KamiPanda on Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:57 pm, edited 37 times in total.
Re: Black Fable 3: The Nonary+ GameTopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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Act 0: Introduction

[Unknown theme:]

You snap awake in a cold, dark place. No, it wasn't dark: there was some kind of metal contraption over your head, obscuring your vision. You try to remove it, but find your hands restrained behind your back by handcuffs. Instead you do the best you can to analyse the situation from your uncomfortable position.

You're kneeling on a hard surface. You get the impression there are others around you, perhaps in a similar predicament. Trying to maintain a rising panic, you try to remember how you got here: you had been travelling, that much is clear, but then your memories get fuzzy. Did someone drug and kidnap you?

There's the sensation of movement in front of you, and then a robotic voice breaks the silence. "My scans indicate you are all awake. Excellent! Now, before we can begin I just need to get you all set up with your new bracelets. They're very important, so take care not to damage them!"

It sounds as though the robot is moving between the prisoners, snapping bracelets around their wrists as it promised. You don't hear any footsteps; instead the robot's motion is marked by a strange humming, perhaps because it's floating. It moves behind you next, and you feel something cold and metallic wrap around one of your wrists. It moves on to the next prisoner with clinical precision, leaving you increasingly confused and scared.

"Now that that's all done, I can begin removing your- Wait, what are you doing? How did you get free?" the robot suddenly yells, as you hear movement from one of the prisoners.


You can't see what happens next, but it sounds like one of the prisoners leaps to their feet and sprints at the robot, which shrieks as a metallic impact occurs. Whatever happened must have done some serious damage, because the robot goes completely berserk in response. It sounds as though it's throwing itself against the walls, hard enough that pieces of it are exploding off. You flinch as something hard bounces off of your helmet. During the commotion, you almost miss the sounds of the robot's attacker calmly taking their place back where they were again.

After a few more seconds of this, there is an abrupt silence. The robotic voice then speaks out again: "Player count insufficient." The humming grows distant as the robot leaves the room, seemingly still functional despite the presumably extensive damage. After this, panicked shouting can be heard in the distance, followed by silence. Then, the robot returns and thumps are heard as it drops some things onto the floor. People, perhaps, as this is followed by the sound of three more bracelets being applied. The robot is silent for a moment, perhaps observing everyone, then says, "The Game can now commence!"

You feel yourself being dragged across the floor by the robot, until you are propped against a wall. It sounds as though it's doing the same to the other prisoners. Then it begins to remove the obstructive helmets from everyone. You quickly take in the scene before you, desperate to try and understand what's going on.

[Robot theme:]

"GREETINGS, PLAYERS!" the robot screeched, twirling around to address all of the slumped captives. "It is my great honour to introduce you all to... THE NONARY GAME!!" The bursts of excessive emotion stood at complete odds to the robot's appearance: it was a broken down wreck, with a permanently gloomy, unemotive expression. The captives could see pieces of it all around the room, having broken off during the earlier commotion.

Spoiler: Robot appearance

It did another twirl, taking in all of the 'players', before adding, "12 players? Hmm, this is most unusual... I will have to call this the Nonary+ Game. YEEEEEESSSS! WELCOME! Here, let me remove your handcuffs, so you can all BECOME BEST FRIENDS!!"

As the robot freed up the captives' movements, they took a look around. They were in some kind of Oubliette, currently spaced out equally around the walls of the circular room. After being moved about before, they couldn't tell who any of the individuals they heard while blindfolded might have been. Everyone here looked equally dazed, presumably the after-effects of whatever had drugged them all. They all had similar bracelets strapped to them as well, displaying various numbers. It seems the bracelets had been put on the wrist of the wearer's non-dominant arm; just how much did their captors already know about them?

Wherever it was they'd been taken, the Oubliette looked to be a hub of sorts. It was a circular room with walls that curved inwards as they rose, like the inside of a giant wine bottle. The walls met at a single shaft ascending up towards freedom: they could see natural light shining down through the grate blocking the shaft, mocking them. The room itself was very bare: unfurnished and a mostly uniform white, other than the doors.

There were 5 doors in total, with 4 being colourful and spaced equally around the room in the cardinal directions. The 5th door was white like the walls, placed outside of the pattern the other doors followed, and blended in so well that the captives didn't even notice it at first. As best as anyone could tell, this was where the robot had gone after going haywire earlier. The 4 colourful doors, meanwhile, were clearly designed to stand out, and had placards bearing titles above each of them. There was a yellow door labelled "Joy", a dark green door labelled "Fear", a dark blue door labelled "Sadness" and a red door labelled "Anger".

[Oubliette theme:]

"COME ON, COME ON, WE HAVEN'T ALL DAY!" the robot screeched, pushing into people so that they stumbled toward the centre of the room. "I can explain the situation for you, but you should really all get to know one another first. Knowing who you can trust will be VERY IMPORTANT in the near future!"

[Usual rules apply. Until every player has posted, you get a maximum of three posts. After every player has posted, there is no post limit.]
Re: Black Fable 3: The Nonary+ GameTopic%20Title
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"Hey! Watch it, scrap metal!" A man angrily yelled as the robot pushed him, causing him to stumble forward towards the center of the room, allowing the others to get a good look at him.

The man appears to be 28 years old with black hair, gray eyes and pale skin. He appears to be wearing a black vest over a white shirt, black pants and black sandals. The shirt's sleeves were rolled up, exposing the man's forearms. In addition to his outfit, the man is wearing a pair of sunglasses. There appears to be stubble on his chin, suggesting that he haven't shaved in some time. One can probably think that he looks like he could be a hipster based on the appearance.

"Oh..." The hipster said upon realizing that he's speaking to the others. "Hey, who are you people? Where are we? And what's up with this thing that I'm wearing on my left wrist?" He held his left wrist up for the others to look at. On his left wrist was a bracelet with the number [6] displayed on its screen.
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Happy Maria

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A small groan escaped one of the captives near the back, who seemed to be trying to assess the current situation. This person seemed to be dressed a bit like an office worker, with a black suit, a blue tie, a pair of glasses and platinum hair that stood out a bit in this strange environment. Pushing up said glasses after looking at the bracelet the robot had attached, the office worker- for the time being, let's call this person 'O' for short- gave a short sigh before muttering something quietly.

O's attention was taken away then by the hipster, who spoke the questions everyone had in their minds already. "It seems... we were taken away. Kidnapped, perhaps." O spoke in a soft, reserved voice. Not exactly what people would expect to come out of the mouth of somebody who looked like... that. "I... can't seem to remember anything now, though. Still, these bracelets. They are curious, aren't they? I wonder what they signify... If we were chosen for some cruel experiment or something similar, does this mean I have been branded the first subject? This is quite worrying..."
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"But it is quite cute, isn't it?" a woman spoke up, watching the robot twirl around. She held a cheery smile on her face despite the situation. "Maybe I still have some kinda drug in my system talking, but it is better to be kidnapped by a cute robot to play a game than human traffickers, right? Ha. Haha..."

It was hard to tell if that monotone laughter was supposed to mean she was joking. "Still, the nonary plus game? I know nine is an excellent number, but twelve is very beautiful in its own right! Shouldn't this be a duodenary game, then?"
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A young man distinguished by his thick black mullet and sharp expression raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

"What, pray, is the meaning of this? I demand an audience with whoever is in charge here." He taps his foot impatiently. "I'm on a most important mission..."

The man then glances at the bracelets on everyone else's wrists before raising his arm and examining his own. "Ah, the letter B, or 11 in hexadecimal... The symbol of chance and coincidence. I wonder what this means?"
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"But it is quite cute, isn't it?" a woman spoke up, watching the robot twirl around. She held a cheery smile on her face despite the situation. "Maybe I still have some kinda drug in my system talking, but it is better to be kidnapped by a cute robot to play a game than human traffickers, right? Ha. Haha..."

It was hard to tell if that monotone laughter was supposed to mean she was joking. "Still, the nonary plus game? I know nine is an excellent number, but twelve is very beautiful in its own right! Shouldn't this be a duodenary game, then?"

"Yes, I AM ADORABLE!" the robot screamed, bobbing up and down with the same dead expression on its face. "Your flattery does not change the situation, however. This was meant to be a Nonary Game! I have been forced to ADAPT AND OVERCOME, but at my heart I remain a humble Nonary Game manager. YOU WILL PLAY THE NONARY+ GAME AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!"

Despite people's obvious confusion regarding the bracelets, the robot remained silent on the matter, choosing instead to respond to something entirely frivolous. It completely ignored mullet-man's demand, too.
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"Ahaha. Well, I suppose I have no choice then! Nonary plus game it is. But nine is a fine number! I understand how you must feel."

And for the first time since waking up in that room, she checked her wrist. "Hm, and speaking of nine, I seem to have bracelet number zero point nine nine nine nine nine nine... So on and so forth. How curious."
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There’s a hollow clanging noise as one of the prisoners rattles their “head” against the wall, perhaps on accident, the noise brings attention to them.

It’s at this point it becomes clear that the prisoner is VERY UNUSUALLY dressed. A thick, black catsuit covers every inch of their androgynous form, from neck to fingertips. The bracelet with [5] on its surface is clearly strapped over the catsuit onto their arm. The most unusual thing is the head though, which is covered with a black tube television, from shoulder to shoulder. The front of the tv faces forward, and dim green static forms a “:)” smile on the surface.

The neck of the prisoner goes right up into some hole in the bottom of the tv. Not an inch of human can be seen. The expression on the TV doesn’t change at all either, even as the figure mutters to themselves in a distorted, pitched down voice.

The figure shakes their overly-large head, “Pain. Pain. Annoyance. Pain. Fear. Pain. Idiot. Pain. Sudoku. Pain again. Pain always. Pain forever.”

They snap to attention, apparently ready to parlay with the other players, “Excuse me, which of you were added last to this group? Some people were here in this room first and then more of you were dragged in. I want to know which of you were dragged in afterward. I can admit I’m one of them, so there must be two more.”

There’s a twinge of irritation in the distorted tone. The voice is insistent and rather impatient.

As an aside, the human-tv hybrid turns to the man with the B bracelet and asks, “Important mission?”
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Suspended in the darkness, the group hears the gentle call of a bird. Surprisingly, the dulcet tones come not from above the grate, but from inside the oubliette with them.

Turning toward the sound, the group saw a middle-aged woman step into the middle of the crowd. Dressed as she was in a black jacket, scarf and dress, she nearly blended in to the shadows behind her, but her pale skin and the white feathers in her hair easily cut through the void.

"I assume you mean you have Bracelet 1?" she asked, turning to the cheerful woman. "Considering the circumstances, it would be wise to make our points with a little more clarity. Though perhaps there's no use reasoning with a flock of loons."

The woman lifted the silver birdcage in her hands up to her chest. Behind its thin bars, a northern mockingbird sang its little heart out. If there were such a thing as an "alleybird," it seemed to fit the bill. Its plumage was patchy, tattered, and covered in soot. Although the bird seemed to be well cared for, the others got the sense that the only thing keeping it alive was spite.

"In any case, I'm not part of the group that was added later. All I remember is waking up here with my bird in my lap and...this on my wrist."

She held up her bracelet, which bore the number [3].
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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The hipster look to who is it that spoke up after he did and saw that it was only the office worker, cheerful woman, mullet man, a person with a TV for a head(?!) and a birdkeeper lady.

"Well... This is quite an interesting group of people, that's for certain." The hipster said before he looks to the TV person.

"And to answer your question... No, I was not one of the people added later. What I actually remember was waking up in this unfamiliar place." He answered as he put an hand to his head. "My head still hurts. Felt like I got hit by a truck..."
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"Oh, umm I rather don't think it was me either that got added but ummm I don't precisely know very much of what's going on," Said an extremly nervous man who looked like a bird in the most unflattering way possible, and also like he definitely has spent time stuffed in a locker recently, which is saying something because he looks like a hard 50 years old, or maybe an even harder 40 years old. Either way, he seems like such a nerd that teens probably still bully him.

After a moment to noisily clear his throat the man continues "does anybody what this uhhh thing means?" He said gesturing the the bracelet that read out A in display lights.
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Planetbox wrote:
"I assume you mean you have Bracelet 1?" she asked, turning to the cheerful woman. "Considering the circumstances, it would be wise to make our points with a little more clarity. Though perhaps there's no use reasoning with a flock of loons."

"That's what I said! Zero point nine nine nine nine nine nine... Yes, sorry, it was just a little joke." she smiled, turning her bracelet for the others to see. [1]. "Everyone just looked so somber, I was hoping it would lighten the mood. I've never been kidnapped before, so I don't really know how to act in a situation like this. And I just find the number one so interesting, I couldn't resist..."

"... Ah, but you have a lovely number yourself! You know, Pythagoras used to call three the noblest of digits!"
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"Another "one"? Hmm. Curious", O muttered. "Is there something strange going on here? It doesn't seem correct for there to be duplicate numbers among us..." Somehow this is what had taken O's attention rather than the strange TV person. Turning to them though, O spoke. "No, I do not believe I was part of the added trio... Though if you were, perhaps you can enlighten us as to what's going on here, erm..."

O hesitated to call the TV man a name before realising they had yet to give the group one. In fact, all of the captives here were yet to introduce themselves by a name. Realising this would be troublesome, O recited this to the group, suggesting that perhaps it would be better if they were all to use codenames instead in the case that their captors didn't know their identity so they could protect themselves a bit more; thus saving the inconvenience of having someone else do this. You're welcome.

"For example, since my bracelet number is 1, I could call myself 'Uno'." O explained despite there apparently being 2 people with that bracelet. "It would be... helpful to assign a name to each face here, anyway."

"In any case", Uno turned back to the TV dude. "It would be helpful if you told us of what you knew if you originally weren't in... whatever this was. What were you doing here, exactly?"
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"What the HELL is going on here!?" A rather young looking girl glances around in a panic, quickly looking over each and every other person around her. "Who are all of you!? Why is this happening!? I can't be late for my- Wait! Where's the- ...No, wait, too late. Oh god."

After rapidly asking questions and jumping between topics, a horrified blank expression appears on the girl's face. She then turns around and faces away from the others, takes her hat off, and promptly screams into it. "Just roll with it... Keep calm..." "You can always wash up later..."

She turns back around and seems a lot more calm than before... and starts fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, the others could see it displayed the number [2] on it.

"Y'know... That robot is kinda cute." The girl gives up on getting the bracelet off and clears her throat. "Some of you are kinda scary looking, but that's okay. Maybe... Maybe this is just one of those crazy gameshows? Oh! Maybe it's that kind of drama where we compete against each other, and slander each other behind our backs and the audience at home votes who to boot off? I've played a game like that before, it sucked, but... I'm ready for this!" With a fiery expression, she looks around the room intensely, searching for any potential camera to stare at for the audience at home.
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While some of the other captives were chatting amongst themselves, a young girl with a mop of shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and amber eyes, perhaps in her late teens or early 20's, turned away and knelt for a few moments; maybe she was adjusting the straps on her shoes? Afterwards, she stood again and faced the group, her eyes cautiously scanning her surroundings as her gloved hand searched the pockets of her black and white hoodie, then moved to her blue jeans before finding what she was presumably after; a small, plastic pack of gum. She popped the top open, poured a piece into her mouth, then chewed silently for a bit.

A few moments later, she blew a bubble.

Eventually, she decided to speak.

"So, uh..." she started in a low-pitched, slightly nervous-sounding voice. "Hi. Uh, I was part of the original group, too. Whatever that means... Anybody have any clue what this is all about?"

Unlike the others, the girl's bracelet wasn't clearly visible; she'd probably covered it with her sleeve.
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"That's what I said! Zero point nine nine nine nine nine nine... Yes, sorry, it was just a little joke." she smiled, turning her bracelet for the others to see. [1]. "Everyone just looked so somber, I was hoping it would lighten the mood. I've never been kidnapped before, so I don't really know how to act in a situation like this. And I just find the number one so interesting, I couldn't resist..."

The woman leveled a glare at the other woman, but a smile eventually graced the corner of her lips.

“Perhaps I was a little too harsh. If a little humor is the best contribution you can make, then that’s enough.”

The mockingbird make a high-pitched coughing sound, perfectly mimicking the bird-like man’s throat-clearing. It spread its wings and glared at him.

“Oh, where are my manners? This sweet little bird here is named Ash. I’m at least relieved the kidnappers didn’t separate me from my precious pet,” she reached a finger through the bars, fondly patting Ash’s head. “As for me, I’m—”

She trailed off, glancing uncertainly at the crowd around her.

“Well, considering the circumstances, perhaps Uno is right. Have you all heard of the Yatagarasu? It’s an East Asian figure with three legs. With that in mind, you can call me Crow.”
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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On the ground sat a man with a orange jacket his face completely covered by the hood of his jacket, beanie, goggles, and mouth cover. for some time while the others talked he remained motionless till now he finally began moving his head upward.

"When did I pass out?" The man began looking around the room. "Wait...people? There are other people? Ow my god I'm finally out of that room! Perhaps..."

The man sprang up on to his feet not really aware or seemingly concerned with the current situation he began looking around and looked down dejected, he then reached for a walkie talkie on his waist.

"Brother its me, I'm no longer trapped in that room I'm saved over!" He put the device near his ear... "uh huh, uh huh...Roger that. Ill be there asap." The man in his joy took off all the things covering his face unconcerned where they fell and bolted to the nearest person he could see and latched onto them rubbing his tears and snot on whatever they were wearing. he was trying to speak but couldn't get out the words while he was crying so much.

The number [7] bracelet could be seen around his wrist.

Last edited by Cold52 on Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The mullet-haired young man turns to face the others in the room.

"So each one of you has one of these bracelets? Where did you find them? Who are you people, anyways? I don't believe I belong here."

He then approaches the robot with a furrowed brow. "I would like to leave this place and return to my original location, thank you very much.."
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"Oh, I do enjoy the codename idea!" The big nerd said with a nerdy little clap. " You all can call me Albatross!"

"Honestly though, i have no idea about anything that's happened, especially with this bracelet thing. Last thing I almost even a little remember is.... Uh.... Not crying alone in a mall bathroom after being bullied by some mall teens. Definitely not that." Said Albatross in an obvious lie.
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TheLetterF wrote:
The mullet-haired young man turns to face the others in the room.

"So each one of you has one of these bracelets? Where did you find them? Who are you people, anyways? I don't believe I belong here."

He then approaches the robot with a furrowed brow. "I would like to leave this place and return to my original location, thank you very much.."

"Don't worry, Player 11, the exit will be revealed to you all shortly! All I ask is that you DO WHAT I SAID and introduce yourselves! The sooner we're all acquainted, the sooner we can PLAY!!"
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HonestIago wrote:
"Oh, I do enjoy the codename idea!" The big nerd said with a nerdy little clap. " You all can call me Albatross!"

"Honestly though, i have no idea about anything that's happened, especially with this bracelet thing. Last thing I almost even a little remember is.... Uh.... Not crying alone in a mall bathroom after being bullied by some mall teens. Definitely not that." Said Albatross in an obvious lie.

Meanwhile the man who alone on his knees crying on the mans clothing but wasn't in a mall crying over some teens bullying him cause what sorta nerd would let that happen to them anyways right?

He finally got up after wiping the final bit of snot of his nose on Albatross's clothing. "Ow apologies where are my manners, my name is what is my name?" the man scrambled to grab his walkie talkie. "Brother its me over, I know this may sound silly but what was my name again over? Hmm? what do mean you don't remember, have we just been saying brother to one another so long we've forgotten our names! why if mother were still around just thing what she would have done!. the man put the walkie talkie onto his side once more apologies It seems I will have need to give you something to call me by though..." The man thought for a moment till he saw the number on his bracelet." ow lets see, what was seven again...ahh yes, golf, Call me Golf my bird looking gent.

The man whos face could now be seen properly had short blue hair and hazel eyes, he looked to be in his early 20's.
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"So, some of us decided to do codenames based on our bracelet numbers? That basically means you're very sheltered and doesn't want to expand your horizons, y'know?" The hipster asked after observing the ongoing conversation. "It's a way of defining who you are as a person."

"In fact, I am expanding my horizons by going all out with my codename. Why don't you people call me... Cool Cat?" The hipster remarked. "You can use either 'Cool Cat' or 'Cat' as either one is fine with me." It was obvious that the hipster's codename have nothing to do with his bracelet number.
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"Do we really WANT to play... whatever this is?" Hoodie Girl half-mumbled. "Some kind of messed-up game show, maybe...?"

She took a minute to chew her gum some more (and presumably think) before continuing. "Um... you guys can call me Nova, I guess," she announced. "I got the number 9. I think. We already have a 6, so I assume it's 9. Yeah. Uh, nice to meet you?"
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Southern Corn wrote:
"In any case", Uno turned back to the TV dude. "It would be helpful if you told us of what you knew if you originally weren't in... whatever this was. What were you doing here, exactly?"

"I just know two others were dropped in here with me, I heard that. What do you think I'm hiding? I've given you everything I know. I'm not even slightly suspicious!" The TV-headed person continuously sounds somewhat confrontational and rude. "Why were you all in this room beforehand? Maybe you were up to something suspicious?"

In response to the codenames discussion the figure makes a noise of pain, "So tacky." If they had spherical eyes, they would be rolling.

"Call me TV-Head, but hopefully it won't be long until I'm out of here. Or we're all out of here. Or whatever."
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Hanzo Shimada wrote:
"So, some of us decided to do codenames based on our bracelet numbers? That basically means you're very sheltered and doesn't want to expand your horizons, y'know?" The hipster asked after observing the ongoing conversation. "It's a way of defining who you are as a person."

“The point is to make it easy to remember everyone’s numbers, in case we need to know them in the future,” Crow said. “But you can expand your horizons all you want, until it starts to get in our way.”

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"Do we really WANT to play... whatever this is?" Hoodie Girl half-mumbled. "Some kind of messed-up game show, maybe...?"

“Probably not, Nova. The state of that hunk of junk doesn’t inspire confidence in its creator’s sanity...but I don’t think we have a choice. We might as well adapt if we want to have any chance of making it out alive.”

Crow listened to TV-Head’s speech, then carefully eyed the expressions of those around her. Eventually, Crow let out a sigh.

“Alright, it’s time someone asked,” she said, unknowingly preventing herself from speaking again for the foreseeable future. “Listen, TV-Head, I hate to be so judgmental of someone I’ve just met, but...why the hell do you have a TV on your head?”
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Despite everyone having been shoved towards the center of the room, a pounding sound was heard nearby. If anyone turned to look, the source of that sound seemed to be a young man pounding his left wrist into the wall, trying desperately to break off the bracelet.

"Dammit..." he grimaced, realizing that these things were sturdy. He glanced up to the ceiling and began to look around for any cameras, hidden or otherwise.

"Hey, fuckers! You mind giving us any explanation beyond 'Oh, you're here to play a game and become the best of friends, what fun'?!" he yelled, throwing his arms up and revealing the number on his bracelet: [8].

After that, though, he seemed to settle down a bit, letting out a frustrated groan as he turned to the others, showing off what he actually looked like. Judging by how he looked, he seemed to be in his early to mid twenties, with rather tanned skin as well. His clothing was simple and unimpressive -- an ash gray t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His brown hair was long, unkempt, and messy, and his matching brown eyes had a look of both fatigue and anger in them.
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Golf tilted his head in confusion not fully sure what was going on.

"Game? what do you mean by that?" I don't have time to be playing some game, I may finally be safe but my brother is still in grave trouble! Ah yes why don't I just turn my walkie talkie on full blast, surely hearing him speak will ignite a fire under everyone to aid in his rescue!"

Golf then grabbed the device and turned it on to full blast...nothing but loud static came out of the device for some time.

"Ha ha well said brother of mine! and that joke you added in your speech was top notch! surely everyone is motivated now." Golf said with a big cheesy smile. looking toward everyone in the room.
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"...I don't think your walkie talkie is working", Uno commented towards Golf. "Though it would be quite an oversight if we were allowed to communicate towards the outside world here."
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Planetbox wrote:
“Alright, it’s time someone asked,” she said, unknowingly preventing herself from speaking again for the foreseeable future. “Listen, TV-Head, I hate to be so judgmental of someone I’ve just met, but...why the hell do you have a TV on your head?”

"I think that's obvious. I mean use your own brain," TV-Head replies, like an unrepentant know-it-all. "There's not that many reasons why a TV would be on someone's head after all."

After the strange outburst from Golf, the TV turns to stare with it's beady eyes at the orange-dressed man, "You liar. Of course your walkie-talkie wouldn't work. Unless you were talking to somebody in this facility. Lying can't be tolerated in this kind of situation."
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The young-looking girl tugged at her collar awkwardly as more people spoke up, and seemed extremely weary of Golf and TV-head.

"So... We're coming up with code names? Sounds cool. Reminds me of a game I've played before. Okay! Call me... Silver!"

Silver smiles wide and poses dramatically, peace-sign over her eyes, and her free arm extended out. "Hohohoho...!" Putting on a somewhat deeper voice, she laughs heroically(?) "You!" She turns and points dramatically at the man with the number 8 bracelet. "I can sense the darkness within your heart. Or something... I guess. Uhm..."

Her grandiose pose and tone of voice rapidly fades. "What should we call you? If we're all stuck here to compete in the weirdest season of Big Brother, it might be a good idea to try and get friendly?"
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Kachu wrote:
The young-looking girl tugged at her collar awkwardly as more people spoke up, and seemed extremely weary of Golf and TV-head.

"So... We're coming up with code names? Sounds cool. Reminds me of a game I've played before. Okay! Call me... Silver!"

Silver smiles wide and poses dramatically, peace-sign over her eyes, and her free arm extended out. "Hohohoho...!" Putting on a somewhat deeper voice, she laughs heroically(?) "You!" She turns and points dramatically at the man with the number 8 bracelet. "I can sense the darkness within your heart. Or something... I guess. Uhm..."

Her grandiose pose and tone of voice rapidly fades. "What should we call you? If we're all stuck here to compete in the weirdest season of Big Brother, it might be a good idea to try and get friendly?"

The young man furrowed his brow at Silver as she pointed at him, and her subsequent words only seemed to add to his confusion.

"... Darkness in my heart? Jesus, if you're assuming I've done bad shit in the past, you'd be mistaken. I'm just more than a little pissed off about being kidnapped and forced here."

He held the wrist the bracelet was on up and rubbed it, regretting having slammed it against the wall earlier.

"Codenames? Right. Better than giving away my actual name, I suppose. Hard to trust anyone right about now," he remarked. "Call me... Twist for now, I guess."
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A rather exuberant looking man finally jolted himself alive, taking a moment to take in his surroundings. His face registered a look of panic as he was taking in his surroundings.

"H-Heyyy, are you sure we should be talking about codenames? Instead of, er, calling for help? I'm a pretty big deal, so if I scream *really* loudly, someone is bound to hear!"

He cupped his hands around his mouth as if he were ready to scream, revealing his bracelet, revealing a C, or 12.

Last edited by CaptainPancakes on Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Codenames?" The young man frowns. "Nonsense, I have no need for such silly games. In fact, I'm actually quite proud of who I am." He says, puffing his chest. "My name is Nero Twenty-Three, of the Opal Heart micronation. I have come from afar to represent my people and their effort towards independence. That is, until I was somehow transported here."

Nero turns to the others in the group. "Now, let us make haste and follow that robot's instructions, so we can all get on with our everyday lives. I'm sure we're all busy people here.."
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Crow’s gaze lingered on TV-Head for a moment.

“I can tell you won’t be much more useful than your headpiece on its own,” she said. “In any case...we have two people with a 1 bracelet and no 4 bracelet to be found. Uno, would you mind actually showing us your bracelet?”
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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CaptainPancakes wrote:
A rather exuberant looking man finally jolted himself alive, taking a moment to take in his surroundings. His face registered a look of panic as he was taking in his surroundings.

"H-Heyyy, are you sure we should be talking about codenames? Instead of, er, calling for help? I'm a pretty big deal, so if I scream *really* loudly, someone is bound to hear!"

He cupped his hands around his mouth as if he were ready to scream, revealing his bracelet with the number [12].

"Ah! Yes, good idea!" Silver runs away from Twist to the side of the well dressed man and cups her own hands, also preparing to shout in unison.
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"Codenames based on numbers... What a creative idea! And I have the perfect solution for our number overlap too!"

"Since we have another one and I went on and already introduced myself as zero point nine-nine-nine-you get the picture, just go ahead and call me Ennea!" Ennea said, solving a problem by creating another.
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Planetbox wrote:
Crow’s gaze lingered on TV-Head for a moment.

“I can tell you won’t be much more useful than your headpiece on its own,” she said. “In any case...we have two people with a 1 bracelet and no 4 bracelet to be found. Uno, would you mind actually showing us your bracelet?”

Uno raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, I'm sure it was- ...Ah."

As Uno looked at his bracelet, he paused. "You're quite right there..." Showing it to the others, it could be clearly seen that the bracelet had a [4] on it. Whoops!

"My apologies... I forgot to adjust my glasses while looking at this number. That being said, I think this settles matters now. Sorry for the confusion, again." He shook his head, a bit embarrassed at his amateur mistake.

...With that being said, he didn't suggest a new nickname for himself. Presumably he was content with being called Uno regardless of his bracelet number. Weird but okay I guess.
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Kachu wrote:
CaptainPancakes wrote:
A rather exuberant looking man finally jolted himself alive, taking a moment to take in his surroundings. His face registered a look of panic as he was taking in his surroundings.

"H-Heyyy, are you sure we should be talking about codenames? Instead of, er, calling for help? I'm a pretty big deal, so if I scream *really* loudly, someone is bound to hear!"

He cupped his hands around his mouth as if he were ready to scream, revealing his bracelet with the number [12].

"Ah! Yes, good idea!" Silver runs away from Twist to the side of the well dressed man and cups her own hands, also preparing to shout in unison.

"Hey! If you scream like that next to me, your...lack of wealth coming through your scream will impoverish mine! Now, shoo, shoo. I'll get us free."

With that, the exuberant man screamed even louder.

"I-It's not working! This is an outrage!"

The man stumbled over the others. "Hey, hey. What's the big idea, huh? You guys waiting to do something? Stop giving each other pretty names, already and help us get out! Is it cause I didn't give a codename? You want one that badly, huh?"

He paused, pondering what to call himself. "...F-Fine! You can call me Odin! That's a name fit for a king..!"
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"It's not like we asked to be here..." Nova commented dryly. "At least, I don't think anyone did..."
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