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Re: The PW Sexuality ThreadTopic%20Title
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Whodi wrote:
Yeah, that's why I edited my post after thinking about April May flirting with everyone, the love triangle of 2-3, and the three couples in T&T being such a large part of the game. I was wrong about that. What I'm really objecting to is when a sexual impetus is put upon every character trait like Edgeworth's aloofness and Adrian's dependency. They're definitely subjects that are appetizing for speculation, so I'm certainly not saying it shouldn't be discussed, but it seems more realistic to me to recognize that sometimes romantic motives play no role in many (if not most) of the most intriguing situations in the series. But I really do think that the authors left blanks intentionally so we can have fun speculating like this, so statements like "We know for a fact that Edgeworth isn't straight" seem to go a bit far.

Why does it have to be sexual?

Sexual is not inherently romantic.

Strong feelings can develop into romance, too.
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CantFaketheFunk wrote:
Sexual is not inherently romantic.

I'd like to point this out as a reminder to everyone.

Granted, I obviously like them both combined when it comes to stories, but yes, it's important to know that romance and/or sex ARE, in fact, capable of being completely separate from each other and can often make for some interesting fic.
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PoisonInkbottle wrote:
romance and/or sex ARE, in fact, capable of being completely separate from each other and can often make for some interesting fic.

They can indeed :-) The same goes for physical fulfillment and emotional fulfillment. Not tha same thing and not always required in combination. Good thing too or Narcissism would have put paid to the human race by now.
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PoisonInkbottle wrote:
romance and/or sex ARE, in fact, capable of being completely separate from each other and can often make for some interesting fic.

Very, very true.

As for what I see in the characters? It's shaped by personal experience, so I don't believe mine is the only way of looking at it, and there's no need for "proof" (especially since I don't believe any exists.). However, for at least the characters most discussed in this matter, I read Edgeworth as gay (and aware of this), Phoenix as bisexual and Adrian as gay (honestly, Adrian strikes me as the gayest person in the whole game...I don't know how to explain it, but I certainly read her that way).

Honestly, it doesn't really matter. Everyone's going to have their own interpretations, or, y'know, crack pairings. Live and let live. Especially since there's really no way to prove this stuff for certain, and of course, no need to! (Although, being married/having been married is not "proof" that a character is straight...sexuality is fairly fluid anyway.)
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This is just how I view the characters, based on what's in the game and how I feel about them. I don't think there has to be proof either way.

:phoenix: Straight except for Edgeworth. :)
:edgeworth: Probably doesn't think about either gender much, but I'm thinking Gay. Or Phoenix-sexual.
:maya: Doesn't show a preference either way. Possibly bi.
:mia: Straight or bi
:franny: Lesbian
:adrian: I can see her easily as a Lesbian, but bi works too.
:godot: Straight
:sadshoe: Straight
:larry: Straight
:yuusaku: Straight, even though I can't imagine him with anyone other than Dessie
:uramidn: Bisexual
:maggy: Bisexual
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I guess I'd say everyone in the game is straight.


Except for you, Armstrong.
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:redd: - There is no straight guy who'd have purple hair.

:stand: - Bisexual

:cookie: - Who cares? I'm hungry!

:garyuu: - Bisexual.
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First the guys:

:phoenix: Pinged me throughout T&T as significantly bisexual (Kinsey 2 or 3). I know I'm on a little island in fandom for thinking this, it's ok. Even if I

:edgeworth: I can see either gay or straight for him, but if he's straight, he has *serious* issues with intimacy. If he's gay, not so much. (This is based on some of his reactions/non-reactions to women in the game. Either he's got issues blocking him from having a normal reaction, or he's just not into women.) I tend not to see him as bisexual.

:larry: Only character who states his sexuality in canon, and I believe him. Straight.

:godot: Also significantly bisexual.

:eh?: Straight. The reason his puppy-dog devotion to Edgeworth isn't creepy is that he would be totally horrified if anyone thought there was anything romantic or sexual about it.

ron, luke, juan, will: Straight.

Matt: Straight, if he's watching porn for his own benefit or something. In terms of relationships, Matt just mostly gets off on power over people.

The rest of the men I haven't really thought that hard about. The canonically-married folks I all see as at least liking their spouses' gender -- no closeted married folk.

The girls:

:franny: The only one I see as gay-for-someone but generally straight. Kinsey 1ish, gay for Adrian but generally no-one else. Franziska/Miles squicks me but I can see her as having had a crush on him at some point.

:maya: Straight or bisexual; I have a bit of a soft spot for the idea of her and Phoenix loving to watch movies together because they can comment on everyone's assets. There aren't any canon women I like her with, though.

:adrian: Lesbian.

:lana: Either bisexual or lesbian; I think she had an unrequited crush on Mia.

Mia: Straight. And she knew about Lana's crush, and felt bad about it.

:maggy: Does like men. Dunno if she likes girls. Can't see her dating anyone other than Gumshoe in the cast, so it's academic.

:pearl: Straight. Will possibly have serious issues handling relationships, depending on how much the rest of the cast can help her see how the world outside Kurain works.

Dahlia, Iris, Ema: Straight.

Again, the rest aren't set or I just don't have any desire to think about that. And I don't have an opinion on the GS4 characters yet.

Y'know, this reminds me of the poll someone put on the bathroom wall at college. (There was a stall with paper-covered walls specifically for writing on in one of the libraries.) Someone put up a scale from lesbian to het and had people mark X's on it. There was a modest stack at lesbian. And another, slightly larger and more smeared-out stack around 50/50% bisexual. And a third, similarly sized stack at completely-het. And then the GIANT pile of Xs tucked neatly just far enough from the heterosexual stack to make it clear that they weren't entirely straight. Just mostly.
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I'm Pretty sure Most Characters in All Fictional Media are Straight Unless Stated Otherwise, Its like a rule of Thumb, Not Many People have The Guts to Stick a Gay Character in a Game Without it being a Joke or If the Game itself is Based around That Character Being Gay.And If they WERE Gay, then it would be replaced by "Flamboyant" When its translated, Considering most Media Standards, I think its Rather stupid but its Mostly true(J.K Rowling Had the Guts, for Instance)
I think Most People when they Just Assume Somebody is Gay its Because they have it in their mind that "If they Aren't Swooning over my Attractive Body then They Aren't Interested in my Gender" I have Seen Many instances when some girl breaks up with a Guy and his First Reaction is "Lesbian >_>"
Then things get taken out of Proportion and Suddenly All the Fangirls are Naming Random Characters from Fiction Bi or Gay or Asexual(I don't Humans CAN be Asexual, Only lizards and Stuff)

Anyways, Enough Banter.

:phoenix: Straight, He Had a Girlfriend in College and Cried like a baby when
Spoiler: 3-1
Mia Found his Girlfriend Guilty of Murder and that she Framed him
Since I only played 3-1 from a Translation Patch(And no Farther) When I saw Phoenix Wearing the BRIGHT PINK SHIRT WITH A HEART ON IT And inside the Heart was "Ryu" I was like "Huh? Isn't Ryu a Guy's Name?" And thought he might be Bi, But when I found out his Japanese name was Ryuuichi I noticed that it makes sense since it was made by his "Girlfriend".

:flowsers: This is the Only Character I would say is Gay, Mostly because the Character Designers seemed to go OUT OF THEIR WAY Just to get it across XD

:pencil: I Say he's Straight and Is DEFINITELY Compensating For Something.

:godot: Is it Stated Somewhere Specificly in T&T That he's Bi or something? Because he seems like the Ladies man to me, Most Likely Straight, I Don't know Why EVERYBODY Keeps Saying "Definitely Bi" I mean REALLY.

:mattphone: I Haven't Completed 2-4 yet but from I can tell, I don't think he has any Sexual Preference, but if Adrian Called him and told him "Go Do it with a Dude" he'd be like "Um... k?" Since he seems to do ANYTHING his Manager tells me.

:cookie: OH MAN! COOKIE IS SO GAY!!!111SHIFT+1!Eleven!

:whip: Only Foolish Fools Foolishly Follow Foolish Emotions such as Love And Arousal, Those are for Foolishly Foolish Fools.(But Even Franziska would Fall for Grossberg >:D)

:grossburg: Bi, He Swoons all the Lady's to him, but he still saves a Spot for Redd White, Its even stated in the game! XD

:keiko: [bgcolor=Green]ROBOTS FEEL NO LOVE![/bgcolor]

:lotta: She's from the Heart of Hartland, the South and Stuff, So Most likely she's Christan, and you ALL KNOW Christan's Views On Homosexuality, She's Most Likely Straight.

:gymshoe: Straight, He Likes Maggey, Come on! I'm Pretty Sure His Feelings for Edgeworth are Just like EXTREME LOYALTY AND RESPECT!

Thats all I got.
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Jeshi wrote:
I'm Pretty sure Most Characters in All Fictional Media are Straight Unless Stated Otherwise, Its like a rule of Thumb, Not Many People have The Guts to Stick a Gay Character in a Game Without it being a Joke or If the Game itself is Based around That Character Being Gay.

...stop capitalizing everything, please.

And no, unless stated otherwise, they have no canon sexuality at all. Plus, your statement is incorrect--games have canon gay characters... if not all the time, more frequently than you say here. The most best-selling PC game of all time, the Sims, has gay/lesbian romance options. So...
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:polly: Disturbingly, parrots can become sexually attracted to thier OWNERS! It's cute (if embarassing) with a budgie or a cockatiel but downright dangerous with a cockatoo or other large parrot.
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laserpotato wrote:
:polly: Disturbingly, parrots can become sexually attracted to thier OWNERS! It's cute (if embarassing) with a budgie or a cockatiel but downright dangerous with a cockatoo or other large parrot.

Oh man, I can confirm this. My poor little repressed cockatiel Pearl bends over and starts making pathetic squawking sounds whenever she sits on my leg when I visit home. Good thing she's a girl. A male cockatiel would probably try to hump my neck.
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Hell, male 'tiels will hump anything and everything. I swear I once saw one humping a rubber ball.
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Whodi wrote:
laserpotato wrote:
:polly: Disturbingly, parrots can become sexually attracted to thier OWNERS! It's cute (if embarassing) with a budgie or a cockatiel but downright dangerous with a cockatoo or other large parrot.

Oh man, I can confirm this. My poor little repressed cockatiel Pearl bends over and starts making pathetic squawking sounds whenever she sits on my leg when I visit home. Good thing she's a girl. A male cockatiel would probably try to hump my neck.

No, it's dangerous for a girl to get horny because she can lay eggs. They won't be fertile if she hasn't mated with a male, but producing the eggs takes a lot out of her (energy and nutrients, specifically), and she can become egg-bound (unable to pass the egg) and possibly die. I think at least 10-12 hours of sleep each night really helps to avoid the behavior (at least in hens) because while my male budgies will still :pencileraser: in their cages, none of my female birds have ever laid eggs as long as I've had them, even the cockatiel I had who laid eggs at some point before I got her (that's how the previous owners found out she was female).
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laserpotato wrote:
Hell, male 'tiels will hump anything and everything.

My two do that. -_-' Though I haven't seen it recently, when they were younger they used to copulate just like a breeding couple. Sometimes I wonder if they even realize they're both the same gender, but then I figure they probably don't care.

...How the heck did we get on this tangent?
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Edited: Okay, that was too silly, even for me.
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:phoenix: straight
:edgeworth: straight
:larry: STRAIGHT!!
:cody: straight
:franny: Lesbian
:garyuu: Gay
:gant: Whatever he wants...
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CockatriceWright wrote:
No, it's dangerous for a girl to get horny because she can lay eggs. They won't be fertile if she hasn't mated with a male, but producing the eggs takes a lot out of her (energy and nutrients, specifically), and she can become egg-bound (unable to pass the egg) and possibly die. I think at least 10-12 hours of sleep each night really helps to avoid the behavior (at least in hens) because while my male budgies will still :pencileraser: in their cages, none of my female birds have ever laid eggs as long as I've had them, even the cockatiel I had who laid eggs at some point before I got her (that's how the previous owners found out she was female).

Whenever she starts doing that I either put her in her cage or let someone else hold her. She's never laid an egg and we hope she doesn't start any time soon, especially since she's about 13 years old.
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Hey, if discussing sexuality, remember that no single one of the characters (without the canon couples, duh) have had hints at their sexuality - it's all to be interpreted by us, and I doubt any writer had the idea that Edgeworth was gay, or something.
Then again, I guess it's fun to discuss, so go on ;)
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Officer 1BDI wrote:
laserpotato wrote:
Hell, male 'tiels will hump anything and everything.

My two do that. -_-' Though I haven't seen it recently, when they were younger they used to copulate just like a breeding couple. Sometimes I wonder if they even realize they're both the same gender, but then I figure they probably don't care.

...How the heck did we get on this tangent?

It's my fault, really. I started speculating about Polly, and one thing led to another... :payne:
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Jeshi wrote:
Then things get taken out of Proportion and Suddenly All the Fangirls are Naming Random Characters from Fiction Bi or Gay or Asexual(I don't Humans CAN be Asexual, Only lizards and Stuff)

Just FYI, humans can be asexual in orientation. It's rare (significantly rarer than homosexuality) and it's quite possible you've never met someone who's asexual, but it is possible.

Okay, I now return us to our regularly scheduled discussion of parrot sex. No, wait, that's not what I meant...
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:godot: :zenitora: :jake: :phoenix: :edgeworth: :psycho-matt:

All gay. >> For eachother.
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The highly dubious not-quite-universal PW sexuality test!

Step 1: Pick a character.

Step 2: Pick a few characters that they are emotionally close to, if possible.

Step 3: With those pairings in mind, listen to the following two songs:

A. A song about being very close friends.

B. Another song about being very close friends.

4: Sort pairings into two groups, group A and group B, for the character, based on song appropriateness. If same-sex group B pairings exist, the character is either gay or bisexual. If opposite sex group B pairings exist, the character is either straight or bisexual. If no pairings exist, or neither remotely approaches either song in tone, this test cannot deliver judgment.

Examples of group A pairings:

Phoenix/Dead Mia
Gumshoe/Maggey (A likely false negative.)

Examples of group B pairings:

Franziska/Edgeworth. (A likely false positive.)

Thank you.
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valentinite wrote:
Just FYI, humans can be asexual in orientation. It's rare (significantly rarer than homosexuality) and it's quite possible you've never met someone who's asexual, but it is possible.

IAWTC. I have only ever known one who fit that descriptor (and still does, 20 years later). By comparison I have known far more gay, lesbian or even transgendered folk. It is very rare, but it does exist.
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I'm not going to go through every character here,just those in which I've already established opinions on.

EDIT: now that I think about it...Pearly and Cody would be so cute together. D:

:edgeworth: = Asexual, with a slight attraction for Phoenix?
:phoenix: = I'd say straight or bi-curious, prehaps.
:franny: = I'm going to say asexual. She's just too rough to be with anybody. (NO PUN INTENDED KTHX.)
:karma: = Straight, but the type to toss his women when he's doen with them.
:larry: = Straight, obviously.
:maggy: = Straight, she had a fiancee.
:jake: = Gay
:lana: = Bisexual with a prefrence for women.
:adrian: = I honestly see her as straight.
:goodman:- Straight
:matt:- Straight
:godot: = Straight
:chinami:- Depends on who she's manipulating.

Also, as there is no smily for him, I personally beliebe that neil, unfortunatly for me, was gay.
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CantFaketheFunk wrote:
Jeshi wrote:
I'm Pretty sure Most Characters in All Fictional Media are Straight Unless Stated Otherwise, Its like a rule of Thumb, Not Many People have The Guts to Stick a Gay Character in a Game Without it being a Joke or If the Game itself is Based around That Character Being Gay.


And no, unless stated otherwise, they have no canon sexuality at all. Plus, your statement is incorrect--games have canon gay characters... if not all the time, more frequently than you say here. The most best-selling PC game of all time, the Sims, has gay/lesbian romance options. So...I'm gonna go yell at people with Lisps now, Bye

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE! Every time I make a post in a topic besides the Musical Topic Somebody Quotes me with barley nothing better to say then "Stop Capitalizing Stuff Please!" "I Can't Read Letters unless the first letter of the sentence is Capital and the rest are lowercase not counting I when referring yourself." "Its hard to read Capitalized words because when you do it I think a new sentence is starting even though if there was a new sentence starting there would've been a Period the end the sentence before it" "GAWD! ITS NOT LIKE YOU ALREADY STATED A GAZZILLION TIMES THAT CAPITALIZING RANDOM WORDS IS A BAD HABIT! I'M GOING TO JUST IGNORE THAT AND COMMENT ON IT! NEXT I'LL GO YELL AT PEOPLE FOR BITING THERE NAILS AND SCRATCHING THEIR HEAD! I'M GONNA GO YELL AT PEOPLE WHO STUTTER NOW BYE!" Why in the WORLD is it so hard for you people to read Capitalized words! its like the most minimal Grammatical Error somebody could make!

Anyways, The Sims doesn't count because YOU Make the Characters, I was talking about Characters in Games with Set Plots and books and Movies and stuff.

Because Homosexuality and Bisexuality are Minority's most People are Assumed to be Straight unless said Otherwise(Or if they are Flamboyant and/or Flirting with the same sex), so in Most Fictional Media it goes the same, Most Characters are Straight unless Stated Otherwise either by the Author or in the Media itself.

Most People Thought Dumbledore Was Straight, Until Recently when J.K Rowling Stated he was Gay, Because it was such a shock most people now get that he's gay.

Until the day when all minority's are accepted perfectly and nobody assumes anything about anybody then this common standard will remain, "Straight unless/until Proven Gay".

By the way, I forget who said but, WOW, Thats interesting that Human beings actually CAN be Asexual, I guess I was wrong about THAT.
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I thought I remembered reading somewhere on some site where these guys got a chance to interview the creator for the Phoenix Wright series and happened to ask the question of the obvious homosexual undertones in the game. The creator had no "valid" response to the question, but instead treated it with--quote un-quote--"a wink and a smile".

Which brings me to THIS:

:phoenix: Gay
:edgeworth: Gay
:maya: Straight
:pearl: underage
:larry: Straight
:godot: Straight
:franny: Straight (wants :larry: )

And also,
:sadshoe: will die alone. Sad and alone.
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Aww, poor Gumshoe D: </3 Alas, not even all the weenies in the world will help him. ;o;
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the police find gumshoe dead in his apartment, half naked in a pile of weenies, a note in his hand, "IT WAS THE ONLY WAY"
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Jeshi wrote:
Because Homosexuality and Bisexuality are Minority's most People are Assumed to be Straight unless said Otherwise(Or if they are Flamboyant and/or Flirting with the same sex), so in Most Fictional Media it goes the same, Most Characters are Straight unless Stated Otherwise either by the Author or in the Media itself.

Until the day when all minority's are accepted perfectly and nobody assumes anything about anybody then this common standard will remain, "Straight unless/until Proven Gay".

Maybe *you* assume most people are straight unless said otherwise. I'm not going to wait for society to be perfect to make my own behavior fit my ideals. I try very hard to avoid such assumptions, as they rarely do anyone any good to make. Yes, other people will make assumptions about other people's sexuality, including mine. This has, so far, yielded two vaguely problematic moments: one, my boyfriend was initially nervous about his chances of successfully asking me out because he thought I might be already involved with a female friend (who was openly gay). And two, there was at least one time where I went to lunch with someone and was pretty sure she was trying to pick me up, and it was a bit awkward.

Jeshi wrote:
Most People Thought Dumbledore Was Straight, Until Recently when J.K Rowling Stated he was Gay, Because it was such a shock most people now get that he's gay.

Well, except for those of us who were getting a non-straight vibe (oh, god, there's a mental image I didn't need, sorry) from Dumbledore ever since the first point where the whole Grindewald backstory came up. But no, no-one expected JKR to confirm it, and heck, most people thought she wasn't doing the subtext intentionally. I'm not in the HP fandom, so I don't know exactly how prevalent that assumption was, but I do recall livejournal going kind of insane for a few days.

As for what's "canon" in Phoenix Wright, I truly believe that the creators were intentionally going for ambiguity. Partly to get fans having these sort of discussions, because this sort of rabid fan means money in the bank for them. And, I think, partly because the story they wanted to tell wasn't a love story with a simple ending; having an official romance for Phoenix at the end would diminish the impact of the rest of the story.
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valentinite wrote:
As for what's "canon" in Phoenix Wright, I truly believe that the creators were intentionally going for ambiguity. Partly to get fans having these sort of discussions, because this sort of rabid fan means money in the bank for them. And, I think, partly because the story they wanted to tell wasn't a love story with a simple ending; having an official romance for Phoenix at the end would diminish the impact of the rest of the story.

Wordy McWord.
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valentinite wrote:

Maybe *you* assume most people are straight unless said otherwise. I'm not going to wait for society to be perfect to make my own behavior fit my ideals. I try very hard to avoid such assumptions, as they rarely do anyone any good to make.

Far be it from me to keep fueling this argument, but my dear, the majority of *American* society pretty much assumes one is straight until proven otherwise. It'd be quite silly to assume otherwise because then the gay community wouldn't be such a minority, or heed need to rally together and hold parades advocating gay pride.

Yes, other people will make assumptions about other people's sexuality, including mine. This has, so far, yielded two vaguely problematic moments: one, my boyfriend was initially nervous about his chances of successfully asking me out because he thought I might be already involved with a female friend (who was openly gay). And two, there was at least one time where I went to lunch with someone and was pretty sure she was trying to pick me up, and it was a bit awkward.

As for your personal issues with having people assume you're gay when you are not, people might've assumed you were because you hung out with another female who was openly lesbian.

Rumors spread!
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Seris wrote:
As for your personal issues with having people assume you're gay when you are not, people might've assumed you were because you hung out with another female who was openly lesbian.

Rumors spread!

Doesn't mean it's right or proper for people to make that assumption though, does it? Or am I to take from this that if I hang out with an openly het (whatever that means - is there a t-shirt with an "I'M STRAIGHT" logo or something? Oh yeah, of course there is, it's called French Connection) guy I should expect that everyone will assume I'm shagging his brains out, and that this is a perfectly reasonable thing for people to spread around as a rumour?

Just because people are stupid doesn't mean that we have to say it's okay for them to be that way, you know.
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KingMobUK wrote:
Just because people are stupid doesn't mean that we have to say it's okay for them to be that way, you know.

I wouldn't account something like this to a level of stupidity, it's simply human nature to assume unless told otherwise.

For example, you assume most married couples are in a happy relationship and don't suspect the husband comes home every night and beats his wife until you see the wife in the grocery store with a black eye.
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Actually I would neither assume that all married couples are happy not that a woman in the grocery store with a black eye was the result of domestic violence.

But likely that's because I have enough life experience that I know those sort of assumptions are stupid.
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Okay, I just need to say this and get it over with.

:godot: = Straight. Not pedo, probably not bi.

I just don't really see him with a guy. I'm not biased - despite my distain for Phoenix/Edgeworth, I think Edgey might indeed be gay - but Diego/Mia is at least partially canon. I can see why people think he's bi, but...

Urk. I suck at debating.

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Since when was "pedo" a sexuality?

I'd be hard pressed to debate with great detail why I think he's bisexual because I haven't attempted to get in his head yet (having not written him). But mostly it's to do with his interactions with both women and men in court and a feeling I got from that *shrugs*. It in no way invalidates Diego/Mia as I do regard that as canon, personally - in fact whether he's bi or straight is completely irrelevant to that relationship, since I'm not suggesting that he is also a polyamorist, although I expect someone could make that case too XD
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:chinami: :psycho-matt: Whatever suits them. Though, since Matt is so concerned about his 'refreshing spring breeze' image, he probably acts straight more.

:payne: Straight. ( :udgy: No one cares, Mr. Payne.)

:karma: We know that he's married and has offspring, but somehow I imagine that was more a matter of duty and carrying on the family line. Beyond that, he'd see sex as a distraction.

:hotti: :larry: ...You really have to ask?

:chef: Pre-op transsexual.

:igarashi: Straight.

:onamida: Straight. But given how much of a man-child he is, I wouldn't be surprised if the concept of 'sex' eluded him.

:keiko: Does not compute.

:kissy: My pairing of preference. But I can totally see Phoenix/Edgey.

:godot: Straight. One gosh-darned smooth operator.
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Stepping back in to say, let's not clog this thread up with personal experiences of real life sexuality. That's not what this is for, unless it relates *directly* to the PW character.

Societal norms are also not up for debate here, because regardless of what people do or do not assume about real or fictional people, we're just talking about how each of us views PW characters.
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I'm actually kind of surprised to see that there are so many "bi" votes for Godot. He's pretty much the only dude in the game (besides Larry) who waves his nuts around and advertises "THESE WERE MADE FOR THE LADIES" and gives a huge middle finger to Edgeworth, who just can't keep himself from staring--
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