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Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)Topic%20Title

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Another excellent addition.
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You bring up a valid concern, KingMobUK. I had been planning to make this last one a bit of a cathartic highpoint of sorts from which they could fall, but I suspect you have a point with Phoenix. I do tend to be a stronger narrator than writer of dialogue. I will keep your counsel in the back of my mind as I write the next installment. Also, I just might try writing an AU. Sounds interesting.
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Fantastic work, as always! ^_^
Art by the talented Vickinator, thank you! ^_^
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Very sweet, I've been following this for a while.

Besides agreeing with KingMob's critique about the verbositation (Image), regarding Iris' last letter, I feel like I should really comment on the whole "Iris was Dahlia's mindless puppet with no free will until Phoenix's love 'saved' her" misconception a lot of people seem to have. She might have felt guilty for not helping stage the kidnapping, but other than that possibility, Iris had no obligation to work with Dahlia; she did it because she loved her sister despite all the terrible things she'd done and wanted to help her so she wouldn't have to kill anyone else.
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Your opinion is a valuable one on both counts, but regarding Iris' willpower, allow me to state that in spite of how it currently looks, I am in full agreement. Iris has claimed weakness like what you describe in the most recent letter, but that is merely a manifestation of her self-deprecating nature. She is much stronger than she thinks she is. I hope to make this clear in the next installment. It pleases me greatly to know you've been following this! Yet another reason to keep going!
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Parts IX and X are finally ready. Thanks to KingMobUK and Franzise Deauxnim for their constructive criticism--it proved helpful while I wrote this latest installment. Thanks also to everyone else who commented--I owe my perseverence in writing Crime and Punishment to you. Your encouragement made it possible for me to continue and it will continue to encourage me until I find a good ending for this work. Without further ado:

Part IX: Exoneration

Dear Iris,

Your praise never fails to melt me, but I must admit that there seems to be something slightly off about it. Don't worry--I have no doubt that it's sincere. You're so sincere, it's adorable. My only concern is that there may be a note of fear in it. I can't read your mind, but I think I'll take a guess. I'm sure you know by now that I tend to give nicknames to the people I'm close to. Why, I even gave you one back then--a false one, but one nonetheless. Perhaps my continued use of your given name makes you suspect that I'm keeping you at arm's length? If that's the case, then you've got nothing to worry about. I'd like to give you a nickname, but your given name is so pretty I'm reluctant to risk marring it and "Dollie", besides being full of painful memories, is entirely unrepresentative of you in more ways than one.

This brings me to my main point: you underrate yourself. From your commentary on parenting I can gather that you're a very observant and discerning person. Not only that, but you have no small measure of vision as your comments on my new job reveal. But more than all this, you're a strong woman, Iris--a very strong woman--and that's one of the things I love most about you. It may not be obvious, but there is great strength in you and you've demonstrated it many times. You are no marionette.

Dahlia was never the stronger of the two of you. She was just the pushier one. You demonstrated strength when you put yourself between me and Dahlia. You demonstrated strength every time you braved her anger and made her wait for my sake. You demonstrated strength when you maintained and greatly improved a relationship with me--a perfect stranger. You took a hollow pretense and made something genuine out of it. That was a herculean feat in itself. A weak woman would've left me entirely at Dahlia's mercy from Day 1. She never planned to spare me. You said it yourself. Even if incompletely, you withstood her from the very beginning. The day you convinced her to restrain herself--even temporarily--was the day you won the war of the wills. Also telling was the fact that she had to sneak past you to get at me.

As much as I would like to accept the credit for inspiring you to resist her, I honestly can't. I may have fortified your will, but I didn't provide it. I merely reinforced what was already there. Now, I realize the discovery of this preexistent strength raises the question of motive, but allow me to remind you that you have nothing to worry about. You were faced with a very evil choice: a new love interest or your twin sister. That you intervened on my behalf as much as you did is decisive evidence of your sterling character. I can't say I know how I would've fared choosing between a love interest and a sibling as I'm an only child, but I do know that in your position, I would've tried to deal with the aftermath in exactly the same way. I would've retreated too. I can't exactly blame you for doing what I woul've done, now can I? There's nothing left to forgive, Iris.

That reminds me: your nickname...I think I've finally found one worthy of you. How about "Irie"? The inspiration: "eyrie"--a word meaning "highly placed nest". Only fitting...for a woman of the mountains who offers comfort and rest to a Phoenix. What do you think?

With Open Arms,


Part X: Liberation

Dearest Feenie,

Once again, your perception amazes me. I think I knew better intellectually, but emotionally, your guess hit home. I probably was a little scared--scared of losing you and knowing it would be all my fault. You know, I never thought about my situation the way you describe it, but when I read your analysis, it made a lot of sense. I guess I don't know my own strength. Ever since watching my parents break up and my sister turn to evil, I've found myself wondering if there wasn't something I could've done to stem the tide--something I'd never gathered the courage to do. On top of that, I felt powerless to stop it all and when I took action it seemed futile, like tilting at a windmill. It's irrational, I know. I had imprisoned myself within a contradiction.

You're probably right. I was strong enough to confront Dahlia on my own and to a certain extent, I did. Don't forget though, Feenie, that your contribution was still very important. Your trust and generosity convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was right to intervene--that yours was a life worth any cost. I may not have needed you to free me from Dahlia, but now you've done something even more impressive. You've freed me from myself, and as you made clear, that's a major accomplishment. No one has done that before and only you could've, Feenie.

It might interest you to know that I've made a new friend here in prison. Do you remember a Lana Skye? A couple days ago, she saw me reading one of your letters and asked me who it was from. When I told her it was from you, she asked me how I knew you. When I told her about our relationship, she put in a good word for you: "Mr. Wright is full of surprises--pleasant ones, of course. He's like a mine--unprepossessing on the surface, but the deeper you go, the more treasure you find. But I'm sure you already knew that. Treat him well, not that I need to tell you. He'll need a healer and I can already tell you're more than up to the task. I wish you well."

Over the course of our conversation, it came up that she had known Mia in law school. As I told her that Mia was my cousin, an old question resurfaced in my mind. What do you know about Pearl? Her training clothes make it obvious that she's a Fey, she seems to revere Maya more than one would a sister, and her facial structure reminds me of my own. Are she and I closely related?

On a happier note, that's a beautiful nickname, Feenie! It's a high honor to be given a name with such a lofty meaning. I'll do my best to live up to it. "Irie"--so simple and yet so elegant. It'll be my pleasure to start using it right away.

Free in Spirit,

Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Amazing! All the waiting has paid off, my friend. It is a truly amazing set of letters. Irie... heh, I figured someone would use that someday. Although it still feels odd reading it.

Either way, great work, I can't wait to see more!

As a side note, how many more do you think you will do?
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Thank you Elriel! :D
Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)Topic%20Title

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Very nice work! It was a joy to read. I love the part with Iris starting to come to terms with her inner strength and how you show them supporting each other (Which is just as I have always seen their relationship. They complement each other so perfectly). Keep up the great work.
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Why, thank you! It's wonderful to know that my depiction of Iris's mental landscape is resonating with female readers! As a male, I'm painfully aware of the potential pitfalls inherent in trying to peer this deeply into a woman's thoughts and emotions. Your support--especially on this front--means a lot to me.

As for how much more I intend to write...I'm not entirely sure yet, but I'm beginning to get a better idea. I know I'll be writing at least four more letters and thanks to our resident real-life prosecutor's estimation of Godot's sentence (approximately 3 years in medium security, if I remember correctly), I think I've got a pretty good handle on how long Iris will remain in prison: about 1.5 years. I haven't dated the letters, but it feels to me like each set of letters represents about a week. The way it currently looks, I may end up writing something like 52 more, assuming she doesn't get early parole for good behavior or something. I might use parole...but then again, I might not. A year and a half sounds like a pretty good enforced engagement period. Plot devices...heh, heh, heh. :karma: We shall see.
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Parts XI and XII are ready. We all know how this goes. All reviews are welcome and desired...

Part XI: Reunion

Dear Irie,

I don't know why this is--maybe it's untainted happiness lighting your face; maybe it's our enforced separation making me increasingly cherish the sight of you; maybe it's my improved situation making me see everything in a more positive light--but whatever the reason, you're looking prettier to me now than ever before. It'll be a bit of heaven on Earth the day they release you and we can meet in the open again. I'll just have to wait...That reminds me of something Benjamin Woodman--or rather his puppet, Trilo Quist--once told me: that waiting can be a kind of "sweet torture". I remember Maya turned red as a vine-ripe tomato when he said that, but you know what? He wasn't too far off. It is strangely pleasurable, eagerly awaiting the day they grant you your freedom. Thankfully, the pain component is significantly reduced by the weekly fix I get when I visit you. That's right...I'm addicted to your company, Irie.

Lana Skye...Yes, I remember her. She was a...unique client. No other client I've ever defended tried so hard to get convicted of murder. She even tried to discourage me from taking her case! Of course, she was acting to protect her sister at the time, so that's understandable. Boy, that was one messy case. It turned out Damon Gant--the sitting Chief of Police at the time--had forged evidence to implicate poor Ema as a killer, been using that to blackmail Lana, and murdered Detective Goodman for getting too close to the truth. Edgeworth and I ended up joining forces that time around. Shortly afterward, he left a suicide note and disappeared. I took him at his word, but apparently he'd left the country to go find himself. He saw himself in Chief Gant and that freaked him out.

I must admit, I'm not proud of the man I became that day. I grew hardened...bitter. It was during this time that I met Ben, actually. In fact, that was also when I met Franziska, Pearls, and your mother. For that matter, that was when I learned from a murderer and even defended one. Franzsika was one implacable, vindictive opponent. Little did I know that I was gradually becoming just like her. My first reality check came in the form of a conversation with Ken Dingling, also known as Acro--Ben's colleague. When I asked him about Franziska, he said, "You're just like that prosecutor...You have that same glint in your eyes." I took violent issue with that statement, but deep down a part of me knew that looking into my eyes, he had seen into my soul. Sure, I may not have been that far gone, but I was headed that direction. I had savored my first victory over her more than I should have. Furthermore, by reacting so violently, I was proving him right. Then came the Engarde case.

An assassin kidnapped Maya and demanded a ransom for her release. He told me Mr. Engarde had been set up and ordered me to take Mr. Engarde's case and get him acquitted in one trial day. When I told Detective Gumshoe what happened and that I was going to cooperate, he put two and two together right away. "You believe what a kidnapper tells you, pal?" It took both him and Edgeworth to bring me around. I nearly did justice a grave disservice and placed an entire community in jeopardy for personal reasons. It was during that case that I became fully aware I was turning into a monster. Maya had more to lose than I did, and she wanted Engarde convicted. Needless to say, poor Pearls was a wreck the whole time.

That reminds me: My first showdown with Franziska revolved around Kurain Village. That was where I met Morgan...and Pearls. You guessed right. Pearls is Morgan's third daughter...and your half sister. Her powers are so strong that Morgan wanted to make her the next Master. In fact, it was Pearls who charged the magatama I now carry. Incidentally, Pearls doesn't know about your relation to her yet. I thought you should know first. I won't tell her until you give the OK.

On a happier note, I'm very glad you like my new nickname for you. Perhaps it'll help take some of the sting out of the unpleasant revelations in this letter.

Counting the Days,


Part XII: Easement

Dearest Feenie,

Wow...what can I say? I don't know why that is either. I wasn't even aware of it until you brought it up! But whatever its origin, it certainly is a pleasant surprise that I seem to be growing prettier in your sight. If your first guess is correct, Feenie, then you've just made me into an archangel! For what it's worth, that first paragraph was so sweet and touching that even if every word of those "unpleasant revelations" was the indisputable truth, I still would've finished that letter and walked away a happier woman than before I opened it.

To use your words, "This brings me to my main point." You're your own worst critic, Feenie. You're staggering under the weight of your own conscience, and that's a very painful position to be in. Why, I was in that same position myself until you put my shame to rest. Allow me to return the favor. No one can be a paragon of virtue 24/7. We all do the wrong thing sometimes and think the wrong way more times than anyone cares to count. And considering the circumstances, you held up admirably.

You had watched an old friend turn to evil and just when it looked like he was back on the right track, he left a suicide note and promptly disappeared. There's no way you could've known not to take him at his word. Given a situation like that, who wouldn't have grown bitter? Not many, I'll presume. As you noted and I have personally observed, Franziska was and is everything you said and then some. Who wouldn't have taken a little excessive pleasure in humbling her? Finally, you may not have needed to get Mr. Engarde acquitted, but you were right to take his case, even if only to stall the assassin. The fact that you accepted any correction from Edgeworth at all after his "suicide" points to you having been a better man than you seem to think you were. Furthermore, the fact that you ultimately decided not to accept an acquittal and helped get Engarde convicted is "decisive evidence" of your high moral integrity. At any rate, Maya may have been in the most physical danger, but she wouldn't have had to deal with the emotional fallout her death would've resulted in. You would've. Moreover, you would've felt obligated to look strong for Pearl. In my own humble opinion, you had at least as much to lose as Maya did. My point is that there were extenuating circumstances, Feenie--lots of them. There's no need to beat yourself up.

Speaking of Pearl, thank you for telling me. Finally, some good news in my immediate family. It's so nice to know that there's hope for our branch of the family yet! Pearl is such a sweet child. I look forward to our reunion. As for when to tell her about me, I'll leave that to your discretion. At the moment, you know Pearl better than I do. Just let me know how she receives the news when you decide to tell her.

Untainted might be right. I certainly feel better...

Preening for my Lovebird,


Last edited by Gregory Wright on Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)--Parts XI, XIITopic%20Title

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Another excellent addition. As always, your writing is superb and the emotion wonderfully expressed. The only criticism I have in the emotion respect is that I was surprised by how little reaction Iris had to the news that she has a younger sister especially since in the game she seemed rather fond of little Pearl even before knowing of their relationship (And I'm a little surprised that it took so long to come up between them. Pearl is so saddened by the fact that her family keeps falling apart I would have thought that Phoenix would have been quick to give her more to hold onto and Iris needs Pearl as well. It's a reminder to both of them that their whole family is not like Dahlia and Morgan). You do mention that Iris suspected, so perhaps that is it, but I will admit that I would have expected more excitement at having her hunch confirmed. I loved the references you made to events in the game in this portion. You managed to weave them into the story in a way which felt very natural. Overall, very nice work. I look forward to more.
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Thank you! I was a little bit nervous about how I integrated the events, so that's very reassuring. To answer your question about Iris' reaction to the knowledge that she and Pearl are half sisters, it all boils down to caution and to a lesser extent shock. I say shock because while it has nothing to do with Pearl herself, that knowledge does have the potential to reflect poorly on Morgan and give Iris pause as to Pearl's life situation--her lot is a sad one and consequently there may be sensitive spots to keep in mind and tread lightly around. As for Phoenix's decision to postpone telling Pearl, I had him do that out of respect for Iris' possible need to prepare before facing Pearl. She might need time to get her own emotions in order before risking upsetting Pearl. Morgan may have told Pearl that she was her only child, as Dahlia and Iris obviously didn't mean much to her. Pearl might very well react with joy, but I didn't think Phoenix and Iris would know that for certain. Hence their caution. And yes, Iris has had suspicions about the Pearl connection for a while. I had her hold back because I think she would have been leery of bringing it up too soon, as in the heat of the moment, she might find hidden emotions bubbling to the surface which could affect the tone of her inquiry or cause her to phrase it wrong. I suspect you have a definite point about Iris' second-to-last sentence about Pearl though, so I just might edit that right now.

EDIT: I've come to see your point even more clearly than when I first posted this. I revamped her Pearl paragraph a bit. Tell me what you think.
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I hope you post more of this soon because I'm really enjoying it so far. It's so rare to see fan fiction (at least in my experience) take the epistolary form. As it has been stated before, be careful about Phoenix's use of language because he is not as eloquent in the games. The way you have him written makes him sound more like Edgeworth. This is less so in the later chapters, but I just want you to keep this in mind as you continue to write this story.

I can't wait to read how Pearly reacts to the truth.
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This is written very well. :garyuu:

It's like one of a kind, your story is written in letters and it's really sweet. Glad to see that they both haven't lost faith with one another. :phoenix:
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I took me some time to read the whole thing up to this point and to be honest I loved it!
First: cause it`s very well written.
second: It`s one of the cutest couples of the GS games. (Feenris together with :franny: X :phoenix: are my favorite shippings! I can`t choose!)
Third: the idea of the cards was a clever one! I would`ve never thought of that!
Fourth: It was that good that it made me write a nonsense fourth point! XD

As for the characters, they are very well in all sense. To resume a lot of things I could say: No problemo XD.

I can`t wait to see pearls reaction to the news. I :will: keep reading your awesome fic. I hope I`m not being a :payne: in the ass with this random things I`ve wrote.

Keep up the good work! :franny:
Thanks. It was, is and always will be a pleasure.
"Getting into law school will make you realize how fucking bonkers these games are... like REALLY"
Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)--Parts XI, XIITopic%20Title
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Alriiight! New reviews! It's always nice to learn that I'm pleasing readers--especially new ones.

Lunaria...this is certainly a pleasant surprise... I will continue to work toward keeping Feenie's writing in-character, but I would like to offer one little clarification as to why I felt free to make him so eloquent: His speaking style reminds me of my own. Much of the time, I'm not terribly polished in a face-to-face setting either. But when I have time to marshal my thoughts and organize them on paper, it's almost like I'm a different person. People who've only seen me speak might not believe that I write the way I do. I figured that I could apply that same difference between spoken and written styles to him. So, that's where I'm coming from. Regardless, it is a real pleasure to hear your opinion on this work, especially as PxI isn't very high in your preferences (if I remember correctly). And yes, I do plan to add more to this. Pearl's reaction will probably be one of the first things mentioned in the next installment, in fact. Once I've finished my Valentine's "oneshot", this fic will be on the front burner. :phoenix:
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Gregory Wright wrote:
Alriiight! New reviews! It's always nice to learn that I'm pleasing readers--especially new ones.

Lunaria...this is certainly a pleasant surprise... I will continue to work toward keeping Feenie's writing in-character, but I would like to offer one little clarification as to why I felt free to make him so eloquent: His speaking style reminds me of my own. Much of the time, I'm not terribly polished in a face-to-face setting either. But when I have time to marshal my thoughts and organize them on paper, it's almost like I'm a different person. People who've only seen me speak might not believe that I write the way I do. I figured that I could apply that same difference between spoken and written styles to him. So, that's where I'm coming from. Regardless, it is a real pleasure to hear your opinion on this work, especially as PxI isn't very high in your preferences (if I remember correctly). And yes, I do plan to add more to this. Pearl's reaction will probably be one of the first things mentioned in the next installment, in fact. Once I've finished my Valentine's "oneshot", this fic will be on the front burner. :phoenix:

I'm glad I could offer a pleasant surprise.

I can understand the difference between the spoken and the written. I believe many people are that way in real life as well. I still think that some wise word choices will make him sound even more like Phoenix. When I was a student teacher, we emphasized word choice and how it could make writing fit different situations.

I actually don't mind P/I that much, but it's not my favorite Phoenix ship. I actually like the idea of Phoenix/Franziska best. I've written one Phoenix/Maya for the kink meme before (in a safe for work prompt).

I need to write something for V-Day (among other things), but I don't think I'll have anything decent finished since I have plans for the holiday.

Good luck with your writing and I can't wait to read these new chapters. Are you doing to post your V-Day fic here too?
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Lunaria42 wrote:

I actually don't mind P/I that much, but it's not my favorite Phoenix ship. I actually like the idea of Phoenix/Franziska best. I've written one Phoenix/Maya for the kink meme before (in a safe for work prompt).

seriously!!?? You like the idea of :franny: X :nick-heart: !!!??? I almost thought I was the only one in the world!!! But don`t get me wrong, both Feenris and :franny: X :nick-heart: are my favorite, it`s just that I can`t choose.

If you get ideas on how to write a :franny: X :nick-heart: romantic Fic please tell me! I have been for almost a week trying to get a good start! And I`m getting mad! I don`t find the inspiration!
Well enough of my troubles. Bye. :edgy:
Thanks. It was, is and always will be a pleasure.
"Getting into law school will make you realize how fucking bonkers these games are... like REALLY"
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Gray Godot wrote:
Lunaria42 wrote:

I actually don't mind P/I that much, but it's not my favorite Phoenix ship. I actually like the idea of Phoenix/Franziska best. I've written one Phoenix/Maya for the kink meme before (in a safe for work prompt).

seriously!!?? You like the idea of :franny: X :nick-heart: !!!??? I almost thought I was the only one in the world!!! But don`t get me wrong, both Feenris and :franny: X :nick-heart: are my favorite, it`s just that I can`t choose.

If you get ideas on how to write a :franny: X :nick-heart: romantic Fic please tell me! I have been for almost a week trying to get a good start! And I`m getting mad! I don`t find the inspiration!
Well enough of my troubles. Bye. :edgy:

I see their relationship as one of more a love/hate kind. It's like all those classic rivalries on tv between male and female characters. The most famous example I can think of is Moonlighting, but I'm sure there are others.
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"Yeah, I wouldn't go asking random guys if you can lick their penor." crouton December 2009
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Lunaria42 wrote:
Are you going to post your V-Day fic here too?

Interesting question. I had originally thought to post it exclusively in the P/I thread (Defendant's Lobby), but now that you bring it up, I think I might post it here too. In fact, I probably will. Your comments on P/F intrigue me. I like my romance fics sour as well as sweet, so a little exposure to this corner of fandom promises to be fun. I would love to see how you write that pair. Or perhaps there are some favorite P/F fics of yours that you could direct me to?
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Gregory Wright wrote:
Lunaria42 wrote:
Are you going to post your V-Day fic here too?

Interesting question. I had originally thought to post it exclusively in the P/I thread (Defendant's Lobby), but now that you bring it up, I think I might post it here too. In fact, I probably will. Your comments on P/F intrigue me. I like my romance fics sour as well as sweet, so a little exposure to this corner of fandom promises to be fun. I would love to see how you write that pair. Or perhaps there are some favorite P/F fics of yours that you could direct me to?

I haven't commited anything to paper with them yet. I've had some ideas brewing around in my head for some time, but they are mostly silly stories. I'm not sure if I've read many fics with them as a pair, but I've read some comics and looked at fan art. I'm sure I could dig something up for you on, Objection Archive, or even the kink meme (not everything is smut, and I would only recommend what you're comfortable reading).
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I'm finally ready with my Valentine's oneshot! Ready...aim...

Surprised by Joy

"In light of exemplary conduct while serving your term, I hereby grant you parole. Ma'am, you're free to go." Sooner than expected, the day had come. She was free. The irony did not escape her that the furrowed brow of Justice should relax on Friday, the 13th of March. It brought to mind her relationship with Feenie--another thing the world at large frowned upon. Many, including the late Mia Fey, had deemed it a thing of evil--the dreaded Queen of Spades in the Game of Hearts. It was certainly a risk. One couldn't reasonably expect much good to come from a bastard child of malice and convenience. Even so, against all odds, they had assembled a winning hand--the winning hand. They had bought it with great pain, but joy unspeakable was now theirs to claim. Amidst the rustle of her clothes, she discerned what might have been a whisper. Whoever seeks to save her life will lose it, but whoever loses her life for my sake will find it.

The thought brought a smile to her face as she entered her cell for the last time. Packing her things would have been a simple, speedy undertaking...had she not grown distracted when she began to organize the now-impressive collection of letters her darling Feenie had penned over the course of the year. Yes, she could've thrown them away...but why? Surely it wouldn't take too long to read one more... "Ah-AHHEMMM!" Half-expecting to see jolly old Marvin Grossberg, she looked up. The guard was now leaning against a pillar, arms folded. Blood now rushing to her cheeks, she stopped trying to sort the letters and stuffed them into her bag with redoubled haste. "Sorry...I'm ready to go now."

The familiar bite of the late winter wind brought many a pleasant memory with it as she ascended Eagle Mountain, but the sense of homecoming she had always felt upon arriving was all but gone. The temple at the top, though still a welcome sight, had a...distant look about it--as if she were viewing it through a window in time. She thought she had decided long before, but this clinched it. She didn't belong here anymore.

At the doors to the temple proper she hesitated. She knew she could no longer stay, but how would she break this to Sister Bikini? She smiled, letting out a soft sigh. All her preparation had been for naught and now that she stood at the temple doors, it was too late to retreat a ways and try to marshal her thoughts. But even though she had no plan, she soon found herself feeling strangely at peace. Such announcements as this were best delivered naturally. She would play it by ear, letting instinct be her guide. Almost as soon as she started knocking the doors swung open.

"My dear good to see you!" Immediately she felt pudgy arms encircle her waist. "What brings you out here? Are you on furlough?"
She looked down. "Uh...not quite, Sister Bikini. I don't have to go back. I've been released."
At this news Bikini's eyes shone like polished onyx. "Parole! Of course! Welcome home, dearie!"
"Actually, I need to talk to you about that."
"Well then, let's talk about it inside, shall we? My back is killing me." Leading her in, Bikini shut the doors behind them. "There. Much better. Here...let me take that off your hands." Without asking for permission Bikini laid hold of the bag and carried it off to Iris's old room. "...Woo-woo!"
Walking back to where Iris stood, Bikini wore a knowing smile. "Are these pieces of paper all letters?"
Bikini nodded. "I thought so. I can see why you kept them. They're pretty hot reading."
Iris was blushing furiously now. "...Why did you open my bag?"
Bikini shrugged. "When I set it down, I heard a crinkling sound. Isn't it only natural to be curious?"
"I suppose so."
"Nothing to be ashamed of, dearie. In fact, I'm proud of you."
"Really? What do you mean?"
"These letters prove that you're an accomplished siren. There's nothing more I can teach you."
"You lack the spiritual power to be a medium and you've grown into a fine young woman, so there's really no point in keeping you cooped up here any longer... Wait a minute. That doesn't sound quite right."
"It doesn't?"
", it doesn't. I sense a different power in you--one beyond my ability to cultivate...beyond the ken of the Kurain Tradition."
"Yes. And whatever it is, it's very old, very strong...and yet gentle. At any rate, I can't train you in the use of it. No one here can. And there's only one person who can advance your education in the arts of the siren any further: Mr. Lucky." Bikini winked. "Go get'm...Irie."
"W-well...thank you." What else was there to say? That was easy...
"In the meantime, I will gladly keep you on until you can move in, if you like. You are like a daughter to me, after all."
"You're too kind."
"Oh, not at all. So, has Mr. Lucky heard the news yet?"
"No...and he's probably planning to visit me at seven!"
"Well then, we'd better inform him, hadn't we? But you can't go dressed like that. If he doesn't know yet, we have the element of surprise. Let's make the most of it."

With that Bikini immediately began rummaging through the closets. Ten minutes later she returned wearing a conspiratorial grin and holding an old-fashioned pink dress, complete with tulle and a parasol.

"Didn't I see you wearing this rather often a few years ago?"
"Yes...yes, you did. It's perfect."

Before showing herself to Bikini, Iris cast one last bittersweet smile at the mirror. Well,'s a pity I couldn't redeem you personally but at least I can redeem your image. It's not much but it's all I can do, so it'll have to do. When she walked through the doorway, Bikini signaled her approval with a feline smirk and a "thumbs up". As Bikini watched Iris leave, her smirk mellowed into a benevolent smile. Good luck, child... A tear rolled down her cheek. May your marriage fare better than mine did.

Standing at the door to the small house Feenie had given up his office for, Iris studied the key now resting in her palm--the key he had enclosed with last week's letter. A door within her--one that guarded a heretofore untouched recess of her soul--had opened when she reached the end of that letter.


"As promised, I will now explain the key. It's my house key. You already have the key to my heart, so you might as well have this too. I would like to present it along with some lyrics. I can't say I wrote them; they come from a song that's as old as me. Neither can I say I discovered the song on my own; Joel Klein exposed me to it just this Wednesday. What I can say is that these lyrics jumped out at me. they are:

The Sun sinks low
But I won't lose heart
My hope for you
Shines through the dark

I'll leave the light on
Like I do every night
I may wait a lifetime
It may be tonight
So I'll leave the light on...for you

On my way 'Out of the Grey',



She was pulled out of her reverie by the sound of muffled voices. Listening more closely, she noticed a baritone in the mix. Was there another man in the house? Surely that wasn't Feenie... Careful not to disturb anyone, she slowly inserted the key. fit. This was definitely the right house. Very carefully she turned it. A turn of the knob and a soft push set the door swinging silently open. Apparently no one had noticed her yet. Ahead and to her left sat Feenie, sharing a laugh with a blond couple seated across from him. On the strange man's knee sat a little girl, probably no more than three years old.

Shutting the door behind her, she heard a sharp intake of breath. As she turned around, she saw that all eyes were on her. The blond couple looked moderately surprised but Feenie's eyes were as big as saucers.

"Joel...are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"A woman? I certainly am..."

Through a freshly opened screen door rushed Trucy, followed by a second young blonde. Never one to hesitate, she immediately began patting Iris on the feet, shins, and thighs for a reason which she soon made clear, concluding with a million-watt smile, "It's good to know you have legs too. Thought they might be a magic trick."

"I-Iris...?" Phoenix ventured, "Is that you?"
"Yes,'s me."
"Y-you mean...?"
"I'm free to go. They released me today."

Eyes brimming with tears, Phoenix leaned forward, almost falling onto her shoulders. Joining his hands just below the nape of her neck, he hugged her gently but with an intensity that set her skin on fire. After five seconds he released his grip, pulling himself back and resting sweaty palms on her shoulders.

"I've been waiting to do that for a year, but it feels like ten... This is even better than I thought it would be."
Wiping away a tear of her own, she smiled. "My sentiments exactly and I don't mean to be rude, but...could you introduce me to these good people?"
He laughed. "That's right...I forgot to tell you... Irie, meet Joel and Jennifer Klein--my new friends."
"Ah...pleased to meet you."
"Likewise." Joel returned pleasantly.
"Weren't expecting us, were you?" Jennifer cracked, grinning.
Joel turned to his wife with an indulgent smile. "Was that necessary?"
Jennifer raised her hands in a calming gesture, as if to say I'm not finished. "It's alright. I wasn't expecting him either. Men like him are a rare breed."
"Well thank you, Jen. I'll take that as a compliment."
"Good, because that's what it is."
"Well then, I sit corrected--blissfully corrected." He turned his gaze back to the newly reunited couple. "That's a funny thing about joy, isn't it? It likes to surprise you. And that's one of the best things about it--it makes the bad times worth weathering, because you never quite know when you're going to find a diamond buried in the coal. Only ten years ago, I had none. Now I have three, and their names are Jennifer, Alexis, and Lois. I'll have to let go of two of them eventually, but one of them I get to keep and that's good enough."
"Alexis...Lois...are those the children's names?"
"That's correct, ma'am. They're six and three respectively. Different as night and day, those two. Alexis takes after her mother and Lois...well...she takes after me."
Sensing that introductions were concluded, Phoenix cleared his throat. "Uh, Joel...Jennifer...I probably don't need to say this, but there's been a change of plans. Would you mind...keeping the kids busy a minute?"
"Not at all." Joel replied with a smirk. "This room is going to be quieter than church on a Monday morning."

When they were at last alone, Phoenix resumed speaking. "At this point it's probably just a formality, but..." Taking her left hand, he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" After all this time he was still humble enough not to assume but to ask, and that in such a lowly posture. Mere words seemed so insufficient... Getting down on one knee herself, she wrapped her free arm around his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. His eyes widened with surprise at first, but gradually they closed as he gave himself over to the moment. How long the kiss lasted neither was certain. Time seemed to stand still for them. Growing conscious once again of time and the shortness of a child's attention span, Iris slowly pulled away. "Of course I will." Standing back up they gazed into each other's eyes a moment, taking it all in as best they could. Finally Phoenix broke the silence.

"Thank you... This means the world to me, you know. I'm afraid I don't have a ring to offer you at the moment, but we can shop for one--as a way to celebrate your release. After that, maybe...dinner?"
"Oh Feenie, I'd love to."
"By the way...about the wedding..."
"I think I know exactly where I want to hold it."
"Really? Where?"
"Hazakura Temple."
"What did you say?"
"Hazakura Temple."
"Are you sure?"
" hate the cold."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't have a lot of money, so I won't be able to present much physical evidence of my commitment to you. In the absence of evidence, build your case on testimony. And I can't think of a better way to testify to that than swearing my vows through chattering teeth."
"You don't have to do this, Feenie."
"No, but I want to. The world needs to know just how valuable a woman like you is." He cracked an impish grin. "And besides, the world at large thinks we shouldn't be. I want to pay them back--in spades."

Last edited by Gregory Wright on Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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:acro: :acro: I loved it!! So incredibly sweet and touching... Me love happy endingz! (see, you've already transformed me into a giggling romantic, haha; or perhaps I already was...?)

In any case, beyond my hyperness and craziness, that was a fitting chapter :edgy: I guess my only question is, is it the end or is there going to be a wedding?
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Same here! It was so sweet! :acro:
I loved the whole idea of the story.

And I have the same question as Caelestis:

Is there going to be a wedding? :edgy:
(I don`t want to imagine what kind of present would Gumshoe give to the couple) XD
Thanks. It was, is and always will be a pleasure.
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I thought Phoenix would have a mini freak out if he saw that dress again.

The only thing I didn't really like about this was the use of OC where canon characters could have fit as well. I use OCs in my fic, but only where a canon character cannot fit the role I need them too (i.e. Character A has a baby or random background characters like seceratries and such). Phoenix has many canon friends who could have been visiting him. I'm sure not all of them abandoned him because of his disbarment. Larry and Maya don't seem like the types to give up on him. Plus we know that Kristoph was in his life at this point too.

I guess I feel that way because often times OCs are just self inserted characters who become nothing more than typical Mary and Gary Stus. I don't think you were going for that in this, but it is a good warning to head.

Other than that, I thought this was another well written story. Phoenix's dialogue was very in character in my opinion. A great improvement on the other story's prose.
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As I mentioned in the P/I thread, this is beautiful. I was smiling like an idiot while reading it. The way he gave her his house key and the ending with Phoenix wanting to have the wedding at Hazakura Temple even with his distaste for the cold was all just lovely. The writing, as always, is incredible and the emotions are handled so well. You outdid yourself on this. ^_^

I rather agree with Lunaria42's complaint about the use of OCs. Yours weren't bad and they weren't enough of a presence to be a big worry, but it's just something to keep in the mind in the future.

Anyway, beautiful. <3 Now to read it it yet again. ^_^
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Wow...thank you! As this is my first attempt to portray romance with a classic physical dimension, it's extremely pleasing to hear that I'm handling it well. Okay, next: the complaint. The OCs were meant merely as a bit of fun--an inside joke, if you will. The Kleins are meant to be at most peripheral figures. When Phoenix introduced them as his "new friends", new was the key word. He still has all his old friends too and they'll get a lot more press before I consider this work finished. I could also rewrite this piece so as to make it more canon-friendly in the event that I decide to make it signal the end of the correspondence. And that brings me to the question of how to end the series. I hadn't originally planned on writing a wedding into it, but I have some embryonic ideas for one and could be convinced that writing one in would be fun. What do you think? Should I do it?
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Why not? I think it'd be cute, and I'm sure the emotional and romantic implications would be something you could handle well. I'd say go for it! :edgy: And then perhaps you could finish "Treasure in the Abyss" XD
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First of all, I would like to offer my heartfelt apologies for taking so blasted long to come out with Pearl's reaction. Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, I have not forgotten about my literary babies here on CR. It has been a very long time since I was a regular poster here and I can't promise that I'll be as active now as I once was, but I do intend to keep updating my fics...even if it takes forever. As proof of my promise, I present to you Parts XIII and XIV of Crime and Punishment. I'm not sure how many of my old readers are still around, but all of them who remain I welcome back and of course, new readers are also welcome. If you need to back up a bit and gain or regain your bearings, feel free to do so. As always, I relish feedback. Without further ado...

Part XIII: Revelation

Dear Irie,

I'll admit it; when I opened your last letter, I was sweating bullets. I realized right after dropping mine off in the mail that until then, I had been sitting on all that untold history, hoping that I would never have to tell you it. It was kind of a relief to write it all down but when I sent it, I began having second thoughts. You probably know what I'm talking about: feeling naked, exposed, open to rejection... After I learned the truth about your secret, mine seemed so much worse by comparison. After all, you had been motivated by guilt. As for me, I was angry and all too willing to shift the blame onto others. What could such a kind, sweet woman want with a bitter, vengeful man like me? When I finally gathered the courage to read your response, I was overjoyed. If my body had followed my spirits, I'd be orbiting Jupiter. I should have known; if anyone could find the sugar in the salt, it would be you. It's true; you really do reap what you sow.

Now that I think about it, it's rather funny how we keep tripping over our own feet and doubting that we're worthy of each other. We may never know. If it was ever possible to figure that out, we've done each other so many favors by now that it no longer is. I suppose this means doesn't matter. How perfectly ironic that I should spend so much time trying to solve the double riddle of who deserves my love and whose love do I deserve, only to find the answer literally staring me in the face: love keeps no record of wrong.

Another truth I bumped into this week is that all things work together for good. After agonizing over it for a while, I'm very happy to announce that I have broken the news and not my nose. Pearls now knows exactly who you are and she is glad to call you her sister. I wasn't certain how to tell her at first. Then I remembered that Morgan had shown her a photo of Dahlia and referred to her as an ally. Just like before, Dahlia was my starting point. First I explained that Dahlia was her older sister. She asked why she had never been told about Dahlia before then. I told her that Dahlia had been taken away from Morgan at a young age along with a twin so Morgan had fallen out of contact with them and the memory was probably painful, making Morgan reluctant to bring it up. When she asked why Dahlia was dead, I promised to tell her when she had learned more about Dahlia if she still wanted to know. Then the inevitable question came up: how to learn more about Dahlia. I answered that the best way to do that was to ask you. I went on to say that it would be hard to learn much about Dahlia right now but in the meantime, she could get to know you a little better. That led to this exchange:

"Better? Have I met my other sister before, Mr. Nick?"
"Yes, Pearls. Her name is Iris."
"*gasp* That's the woman you've been flirting with! Cheating *slap* on *slap* Mystic *slap* Maya *slap* with *slap* my *slap* SISTER!!! *slap!* MR. NIIIIIIICK! *slap!*slap!*slap!*

Yes, I experienced the Hundred Hand Slap. Thankfully, all that jumping tuckered her out pretty quickly and my time dealing with Franziska and Godot had toughened my skin and sharpened my reflexes so I took no permanent damage...even though my cheeks still sting as I write this. Anyway, when she was too tired to slap me anymore, I explained that you and I were so close because we had become each other's "special someone" before I met Mystic Maya. Then she understood. She was a little depressed at first but after discussing it with Maya, she began to cheer up. She now wants to come with me on my next visit.



Part XIV: Reflection

Dearest Feenie,

Allow me to start by saying that I know exactly what you mean. That uneasiness had been a constant companion of mine for years, so it especially blesses me to know that I was able to chase it away for you. I will say, though, that "finding the sugar in the salt" wasn't very hard. In fact, I might suggest that the harder task in your case is finding the salt in the sugar. One would have to be blind not to see your heart of gold.

Needless to say, it also blesses me to learn that Pearl is not likely to slap you anymore. I'm still not thankful for Franziska's whip, but I am glad that it seems to have toughened your skin. You've lost enough blood on my account already. I have to say, as much as it hurt to imagine you being subjected to the "Hundred Hand Slap", you did find a way to make it funny. That's one of the things I love about you: your ability to look back on bad times and laugh. I would also like to commend your judgment in giving Pearl time to learn the whole truth at a healthy pace. Fey family schemes and grudges are a heavy burden to place on the shoulders of one so young. I remember that in one of your previous letters, you said that Pearl reacted to Trucy in a way that reminded you of the judge. Perhaps now I'll have the opportunity to see that for myself.

Speaking of funny stories, something strange happened yesterday. I was rereading one of your letters--yes, I save them--when a little wind caused one of the corners to flutter. I looked up and there was this huge man running down the hall. At first I thought it was you but I quickly realized that apart from the hair, he looked nothing like you at all. He made a beeline for the bathroom and a few seconds after he slammed the door, I heard a loud gurgling roar that lasted about three minutes. When the door opened again, he was clutching his stomach with one hand and wiping his mouth with the other. I can only conclude that he must have been vomiting. Had he been feeling better, he might have been frightening to look at but he looked so pathetically miserable that it was difficult not to laugh. Maybe this will help you forget the pain in your cheeks until I can kiss them.

Laughing with you,

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Awwwww... I miss reading these! Very enjoyable, thank you!

For some reason, the 'sugar in the salt' exchange particularly made me smile. I'm not sure why; I suppose I like seeing metaphors keep being added upon. But that part stuck out to me as rather sweet (pardon the pun) and also romantically funny.
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New reader! I joined this forum after you started your story, so that's why I am here now.

I read each part, and was eating them up like candy. :D Your writing is so beautiful that I envy your style. It feels really canon, though there were some parts that seemed off (like how Phoenix is writing off poker). I thoroughly enjoyed these letters, and you have made me love this couple even more.

About your latest installment, I could totally see Pearl reacting the way she did. (And was that Furio? lol)

I wish I can write more, but I'm pressed for time. I will be looking forward to the rest of your story, even if it takes forever. :D
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:edgy: :edgy: :edgy: ...ahem...Glad to see that you like my work, Alice. :think:

I see your point about Phoenix swearing off poker. I began writing this fic before I played GS4 so apart from the nature of his disbarment and the circumstances surrounding Trucy's adoption (I cheated and read some spoilers) I had only a skeletal understanding of GS4 Phoenix. I'll probably never make my Phoenix exactly like his GS4 counterpart--GS4 Phoenix is highly cynical and somewhat bitter. While that's understandable, given the full circumstances of GS4, I've obviously made his lot a little more bearable so I'm thinking he's going to stay a little closer to his T&T self--kind of a halfway point. The Valentine's oneshot is probably a good representative sample. Getting back to your point, though, in addition to gaining a better understanding of GS4 since beginning this, I have also become addicted to poker. :hobolaugh: The card game motif is also a lot of fun to play with, so now I'm thinking that he's going to have a harder time avoiding it than he first thought. Maybe Larry will throw a surprise party for him that prominently features poker--"You're so good at this game that we know all the money's going to you anyway!"--or Gumshoe will find him a cheap old computer game that has poker on it--"This way, you can play to your heart's content and no one'll look at ya funny, pal." Or...maybe both. :karma:

Puzzling out how to tell Pearl was a little difficult, so I'm glad to see that you find it believable. And yes, that is Furio. :uramidn: Feenie's going to talk about him in the next letter. :think: In the meantime, though, I think I might follow up on an earlier suggestion and try writing a wedding just in case too much time passes before I can "legitimately" do it and/or my ideas for it fly the coop. I plan to introduce one of my minor ships in it; that'll be fun. :will:
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Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that my experimental wedding piece is finally ready for review. There may yet be ways to further flesh it out which have heretofore slipped my mind, but with a little luck, this should rival my Valentine's oneshot. This one's a little unique in that it features links to three songs, each located at the point in the story where I intend for them to "play". You are by no means obligated to play them while you read--the lyrics I borrow are all in the text, so you can just read them straight if that's your preference--but playing the songs might make the experience a little richer. They'll show up as YouTube "videos", but there's really nothing to watch in them--it's all about listening. As I said before, I also introduce a minor ship here. Where there's a Will, there's a way. :think: So...let the fun begin!

Experimental Wedding Piece

He just wouldn't go away. No matter how many times Adrian gave him the cold shoulder, Will continued to insist on being helpful--excruciatingly helpful. Maybe the wind-chill had rendered him numb to her icy mood so that he simply failed to notice. Then again, she had always been cold toward him, so what did he have to lose? She couldn't bring herself to tell him to get lost in so many words--not quite. After all, he was useful. He was very good at keeping Pearl and Trucy occupied and frankly, Adrian had no idea how she could have kept Mr. Wright's wedding on schedule if Will had not volunteered to help with the heavy lifting. Handsome or not, the man was as strong as an ox and for that matter, his omnipresent hair might actually be an advantage here on Eagle Mountain--especially in the middle of February. February 13th...and the groom would be swearing his vows in an open doorway? Yes, he had practiced, but the wind was positively howling today. It was almost as if the bride's late sister was using it as a mouthpiece. Would he follow through or was this another bluff? Only time would tell.

How was Will bearing up under the cold? Unbelievable... Was he actually sweating? He must have been; why else would he have clear beads in his sideburns? You, Will, are a walking furnace. For a split second she envied him. Must be nice, not being chilled to your very marrow... An absurd idea occurred to her. You'd welcome a chance to hug me, wouldn't you? Cracking a wry smile, she slowly shook her head. What a strange thought... I could probably have some of that body heat if I really wanted it. Snicker at it though she might, the idea began to appeal to her. Slowly, subconsciously, she began to drift toward him. Oblivious, he continued to work with that sweet, childlike smile of his. He was only six feet away when it dawned on her. Am I beginning to find him cute? I must be heat-starved. Shaking her head once again, she let out a brief, voiceless laugh. Time to take a seat by the brazier and warm up that way.

"Something funny?" Will asked, looking up from his work.
"Yeah... I still can't believe that Mr. Wright chose to hold the wedding today."
"Oh, I'm sure he has his reasons. Day before Valentine''s actually pretty romantic when you think about it."
"Maybe so, but who can think in this cold? And besides, you could find romance in a puddle of dog pee."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"Fine by me."

Against logic, she found herself warming up where she stood. Definitely time to go to the brazier.


As expected, Miles was both impeccably dressed and punctual. He would truly make the best of Best Men. What Phoenix had failed to anticipate was that Franziska would come as well. Yes, he had invited her, but since when did a von Karma suffer fools when she didn't have to? Wait... Miles had come and the wedding itself offered her an opportunity to have a laugh at Phoenix's expense. Of course she would come.

Predictably, Pearls was as cute as Miles was distinguished. She had taken to her role as Maid of Honor like a duck to water. Trucy, though every bit as enthusiastic, would be more of a wild card. Would she behave herself as the Flower Girl or employ some naughty magician's trick? Either way, with Maya officiating, he supposed it didn't matter much. He had more important things to think about anyway, such as preparing himself for the trial by ice he had sworn to undergo. He almost regretted taking that vow, but now he was committed...and surely it couldn't be any worse than the Special Course or his accidental baptism in the Eagle River... Right?


The ceremony began on a Celtic note, providing an interesting fusion of East and West as the music filled the eminently Japanese temple. Was Mr. Wright of Irish descent? Adrian supposed it was possible. Soon it was her turn to walk down the aisle...with Will Powers. Whose idea was that, she wondered. Could the bride and groom be trying to tell her something? Probably not, but still she sought someone to blame, for it was far more convenient to blame another mortal than to blame providence. Oh well. There were worse men than Will in this wedding party...

With obvious maternal pride Sister Bikini gave the bride away, advancing the ceremony to that one segment of which only the bride and groom yet had full knowledge: what the program cryptically called "Dialogue". Those in the wedding party knew that it contained two songs and that all they had to do during it was stand, but that was all. Again music began to play, this time with male vocals.

Did I hear angel wings?
I thought I heard Gabriel sing
This could be some crazy dream
These feelings are too real

No Alice in Wonderland
It's the same world it's always been
But my vision's been born again
Like a lantern in the dark
Heaven's come to my heart

Locked in a sky so blue
Is a land made for me and you
And we're going there
But until the dream comes true
There's a secret place
So full of love and grace
When the world spins and breaks apart
I'm going to the other heaven of my heart

This isn't some distant dream
Heaven's inside of me
And from the love in your eyes I see
There is heaven in your heart

Now we all can understand
Why he wanders this lonely land
The shepherd's calling again and again
For the lost in the dark

To find the heaven of their hearts


So let this love unfold
Come walk on these streets of gold
In this heaven of our hearts

When the world spins and breaks apart
Come go with me to the heaven of our hearts
It's a land made for me and you
And we're going there 'cause this dream has come true


The song produced mixed feelings in Adrian. It was sweet...even touching. But that was exactly the problem; it was a little too touching. Some of those lyrics had pricked her like darts and now she couldn't stop thinking about the challenge to her judgment they represented. Clever though he might have been, Mr. Wright could not have planned that. So much for convenient explanations.

Another immediately followed, this one with female vocals.

No heart beats like your heart
Keeping me in time
No hand as warm as your hand
Holding onto mine
No eyes can see through me
No smile ever drew me
Like yours

And no voice like your voice
Can calm my fears
And no prayers like your prayers
Can move me to tears
And no arm around me
Can fully surround me
Like yours


Place me like a seal over your heart
For love is as strong as death
It burns like a blazing fire
Like a mighty flame


If the previous song challenged her, this one tantalized and oh, how it tantalized! If she was interpreting events correctly, this was the bridal contribution to the "Dialogue" and now she was insanely jealous of the bliss that it announced. Iris had found something wonderful and Adrian wanted it with every fiber of her being. This didn't mean she wanted exactly what Iris had, though. No, the man whose image kept suggesting itself to her throughout was...Will. Hairy, leonine, muscular Will. She had never thought of him that way before. Then again, she had never respected him before either. Painfully aware of her own vulnerability, she had loathed it in others--especially in men, whom she had tended to view as members of a privileged overclass. If a man acted as if the world wasn't his to conquer, then surely he was either a wimp or an idiot...or so she had assumed. Had she been too hard on Will? What superhuman fortitude must it have taken for him to put up with so much from her and remain friendly all this time? Had the positions been reversed, she would have begun hating him a long time ago.

Thus preoccupied, she almost failed to notice Maya's arrival at the altar. Maya looked almost like another person in her robes of office, though the way that she tugged at them when they got in the way reminded Adrian that she hadn't changed that much. Maya picked up a microphone and turned it on, causing it to squeal with feedback. When she found a spot where it wouldn't squeal, she began to speak. "Before we begin the vows, I would like to briefly yield the floor to our Flower Girl. Trucy, would you please step forward?"

Eyes dancing with concealed mirth, Trucy moved to stand in front of a mystified bride and groom. Lifting her hands high, she shouted, "Let the miracle begin!" and flicked her arms downward, stopping them at a 45-degree angle to the floor with fingers outstretched like a sorcerer's. A loud boom sounded overhead and the "speakers" on the floor began to emit great clouds of smoke. Soon the doors creaked ominously open, admitting the winter wind, which shrieked through the doorway like a banshee. Smiling, Maya signaled for the bride and groom to follow her. Guiding them to the doorway, she turned and instructed the guests to stand and watch.

"Are you ready yet, Nick?" she asked
Shivering violently, Phoenix held up a forestalling hand.
She laughed. "Guess not. Let's start with the bride then." Turning toward Iris, she produced a sheet of paper. "I've never been that good at memorizing stuff. Iris, are you ready?"
"Yes, Mystic Maya; I am."
Maya cleared her throat. "Do you, Iris Hawthorne, take this man, Phoenix Wright, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in poverty and wealth, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live, purchasing his life with your own and swearing before these witnesses to remain faithful to him and to this union no matter what temptation may come?"
"I do."
Turning back to Phoenix, she continued. "Do you, Phoenix Wright, take this woman, Iris Hawthorne, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in poverty and wealth, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live, purchasing her life with your own and swearing before these witnesses to remain faithful to her and to this union no matter what temptation may come?"
"Is that an 'I do', Nick?"
Laughter filled the room.
"S-Sorry about that... Yes; I do."
"Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the b--uhh, nevermind."

Shrugging, Phoenix began lifting his bride's left hand so he could kiss it. Iris, however, had other plans. She threw her free arm around him and kissed him on the mouth anyway, to uproarious applause. As the three of them walked back in, Maya closed the doors once again, to the palpable relief of all present.

The new couple experienced the post-ceremony festivities as a merry blur, so focused were they on each other. Only when they began to leave the temple did they regain full awareness of their surroundings. Awaiting them they were surprised to see a car outside. The driver's door opened and out stepped a familiar-looking bellboy.

"Good to see you Sir, Madame. I have been hired to drive you to your accommodations. A room has been reserved for you at the Gatewater, all expenses paid."
"All expenses paid?" Phoenix asked.
"Ab-SO-lutely, Sir."
"Dare I ask who's paying?"
"He wished to remain anonymous but permitted me to give you one hint if you asked."
"Really? What was it?"
"A sorting code, Sir: DL-6."
"That's a relief. Him I can trust."
Startled, Phoenix turned to see Larry running toward them at break-neck speed. "Larry? What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing much. It's just that I realized that it might be a good idea for you to open my present now. Here."
"Now? Okay..." Opening the gift, he found a red winter suit and a white beard. "A Santa costume? Are you serious?"
"Of course. It'll keep you warm, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so... Uh, thanks."
"Hey, no prob. See ya 'round, Nick."

Was he trying to curse the marriage with that ill-omened gift? With Larry, one could never quite tell. Oh well. It was potentially useful, though it might require some modification before it could be worn regularly, and Iris was nothing like Kiyance or any of Larry's other girlfriends. Why borrow trouble? He had almost entered the car when Larry shouted, "One last thing!” Bumping his head, Phoenix turned an annoyed gaze back to Larry. “What?” Larry scratched his head. “What was it again? …Oh yeah! Pearl says you’re not allowed to fight.”


The party was over and Will was still here, helping with the teardown. Sister Bikini had been hitting on him all day, but now the sight angered Adrian more than it amused her. Something fey had definitely occurred. Mere hours ago she had been dismissive of him and now she was…possessive? Maybe providence really was to blame. She still wasn’t ready to go full speed ahead, but she was willing to give him a chance. She would advance cautiously, one baby step at a time.

“May I have a word with you, over by the cushions?

When they reached the corner where the straw cushions were stacked, she reopened the conversation.

“I…haven’t been properly thankful for your help. Frankly, I don’t think I could’ve handled it all without you. You’ve earned a reward.”
“Definitely. What do you say to dinner when we’re done? It’s on me tonight.”
As she had suspected he would, he lit up like a Christmas tree. “S-Sure! I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Wearing the brightest smile she had ever seen on him, Will returned to work with renewed vigor. So easy to please… Why on Earth hadn’t someone already snapped him up? A sardonic smile crept across her face. Oh yeah, that’s right; I should know. Pass the crow.
Re: Crime and Punishment (T&T, GS4 Spoilers)--Updated 7/3Topic%20Title
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Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:06 am

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At long last, the series proper has officially resumed. Parts XV and XVI are now ready. You know the drill. Here goes...

Part XV: A Roaring Time

Dear Irie,

I have to say, after that last letter of yours and this latest visit, I find myself tempted to wonder if the kiss you promised me might seem a little pale by comparison. How do you improve on perfection? Knowing you, though, you'll probably find a way; you always do. Either way, there can be no other woman. Even Pearls knows that now. You should've seen her on the train. Once we were seated, she gave me a bone-breaking bear hug and leaned against my left side all the way back, the little darling, and Trucy left her alone for once. Heck, even that guard at Detention seemed to catch the mood. I can't prove it, but I could've sworn I saw him smile.

Oddly enough, I have actually met the man you described. Left to my own devices, I probably wouldn't have. Then again, he'd still be on the street if I hadn't and that is one scary thought. He was a black market loan shark. When one of his collections didn't go the way he wanted it to, he killed one of his debtors to get his hands on the computer virus the poor sucker had put up as collateral. He then reenacted the whole scene for a new audience to frame a friend of Gumshoe's and guaranteed her conviction by posing as me. How he managed to pull that off I can only guess.

Anyway, Gumshoe took that...rather personally. He stormed into my office, shoved an article in my face, and demanded that I appeal Maggey's case. That was the first I'd heard of it. He had the excuse of not having been there when it happened, but Maggey...she should've known better. When I visited her in Detention, she seemed to want me dead. "How could you, Mr. Wright!? How could you do this to me!?"

The case itself wasn't the only work Gumshoe put me to; he had me giving Maggey presents for him too. To be fair, though, he really did need the help; she was at least as bullheaded with him as she was with me. He was only doing his job when he testified at her retrial, but there was no convincing her of that. Maya and I ended up eating the first lunchbox he had us deliver. It was pretty good, all things considered, but I haven't been able to eat weenies since.

Getting back to my phony, his name is Furio Tigre and he ran "Tender Lender" with a truly creepy woman who could wind you up tighter than a violin string just by talking to you: Viola Cadaverini. His bluster must've been one of the only things keeping him sane around her. Every minute spent in her company was likely to be your last, since she had the frightening habit of offering you refreshments and snickering as if they were laced with something. You never knew if they were poisoned or not, but it never seemed wise to refuse, especially not if you knew who she was. With mob connections that strong... *shudder*

Tigre was a tough nut to crack too. Truth be told, I didn't have quite enough evidence to nail him. Thankfully, I was able to trick him into blowing his own cover by rebutting me a little too well. The last time I met Viola, she thanked me for "exterminating" him and said she had personally mixed a "special thick tea" just for him. I'll bet he was throwing up some of that very stuff. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy but boy, would I hate to be him. Who knows? Maybe she used some of that pigeon poop on the pink scooter he used to ride for that first pot. As long as Victor Kudo is still in the area, there should be plenty more at Vitamin Square... Throw in Jean Armstrong's recipes and the possibilities are endless. Good thing I seem to be on her good side.

So you save my letters... I guess that means I can stop feeling silly now. I've been saving yours too. Sometimes our behavior is so similar it's downright hilarious. Would you believe that this reminds me of something we both did back at the Temple? What I am about to share is so silly it might ruin the mood, but it's such an exact match I just had to tell you about it. You probably remember when we ran into each other on that first night. You asked if I was going to the bathroom too... I had asked your aunt the exact same question just seconds before. Anyway, about those letters... Since we both save them anyway, what say we make that a policy? We could keep them side by side as a permanent record of the bond we share--a legacy for our descendants and a reminder for us whenever the going gets tough. Never again would our love be misrepresented, whether by design or by accident, by others or by us.

Under Oath,


Part XVI: Covenant

Dearest Feenie,

I wouldn't have known it was possible, but you've outdone yourself again. I almost fainted when I read those first four sentences. "Either way, there can be no other woman..." That's potent stuff. Yes, I'm sure I would've enjoyed seeing what happened on the train. I can easily picture it, though. Pearl reminds me of myself in some ways and Dahlia in others. I do wish you could have met Dahlia before she went sour. After all the abuse you've suffered at her hands, it can't be easy to see her in a neutral light but now that she's no longer a threat, I think it's safe to begin discussing her more benign qualities. For good or for ill, Dahlia was direct and so is Pearl. This might be wishful thinking, but maybe we'll get to see in Pearl what Dahlia could've been.

"Odd" is right. That sounds like it was a very strange case. Like you, I can only guess how Mr. Tigre managed to fool so many people for that long, especially since it sounds like Maggey knew you beforehand. Had she been your client once before? By the way, would I be correct to assume that Detective Gumshoe was a little sweet on her? The lengths he went to for her remind me a little of the lengths you went to for me. I know it's awfully easy for me to say this, since I wasn't there, but I like to think that if I were her, I would have cut him more slack.

Mr. Tigre rode a pink scooter? Oh my, what a funny picture! Every time I think of him now, I'm going to see him buzzing around town on that thing and scowling like a playground bully! I would've expected him to drive a Cadillac or some other flashy car. Viola, on the other hand...she might actually look scary on it. I can almost see her, reading your description, and I must admit I'm a little curious to see how close my mental picture is to the reality. That can wait, though. If there's poison involved, that would definitely explain the vomiting. From your reference to recipes I gather that Mr./Ms. Armstrong is probably a chef... Are my eyes deceiving me, or did you refer to those recipes as potential poisons? Feenie, you rascal! You've always liked my cooking, so you can't be too picky. What did s/he serve you? It must've been...interesting.

Oh, the bathroom! I'd forgotten all about that! It may not be very romantic, but it sure is funny! Whatever that memory may lack in romance, though, your suggestion more than compensates for. I love that idea. Especially now, when weddings mean almost nothing, it could be a great way to reclaim some of that lost significance.

Forever Committed,

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