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.: GSAP (True Meaning of Grief 10-06-09) :.Topic%20Title
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Just...leave me alone, alright?

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Location: Dark...uncharted...waters.

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:14 am

Posts: 546

This project is known by my friends as the Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (GSAP) in which the songs you know and love are either remastered in a less MIDI like style, and/or remixed into something fun. Starting last year, this project has been quite a covert thing. But because I don't believe in holding my musical talent back, nor do I believe in charging for what I do really (though I have to--my CD deal doesn't pay for itself ^^; ) I give them out for request. And since a lot of people love em, I keep up with my requests the best I can. Court-Records is the perfect way to deliver these songs publicly.

[10 - 05 - 09] OKAY, SO the spring semester is over!



Aaaaaaaaaaand GO.

Oh, and a special shoutout to moms and moms to be on this, American Mother's Day, though the COOL people celebrated in March just sayin lol oh Europe -handflop-

Spoiler: .:Update Log:.
[06-03-09]Well,, I like, want to continue all this Phoenix Wright stuff, but as I've told you, my life has taken a more serious turn and I have to focus strictly on this CD and all that encompasses it.

However, you guys have been kinda lost to me musically, and Jawsy just can't have that now can he? Well I decided with the band to promote myself to help promote us as a whole. I mean, it SAYS I'm the synth, so might as well show off my craft.

I'm working on a special project where I make a theme for each birthstone. I find it hard because there's the old birthstone collection and the new birthstone collection, and I prefer the old but ended up liking some of the new ones. Like June, Pearl would have been fun to make, but the Moonstone/Alexandrite sounded SO MUCH MOAR EPIC. Like seriously, say Alexandrite slowly in a real deep voice. Doesn't it just TINGLE 8D Hurr, I r dork plz. So far, I have Sapphire, Turquoise and Alexandrite finished, and am working on Diamond as we speak. My goal is to feature one of my songs on each of our CDs in order. Well, it would HELP if I SYNTHED them in order, but WHATEVER :V

Here's a freebie for you guys--won't be coming out till the 6th CD of ours anyway, or possibly the third CD of yours truly. Enjoy Alexandrite.

[02-03-09] SO.


Well now, this has not been fun, not been fun at ALL.

For those who have been keeping up with me, I've fallen very ill and this accident has not helped. I've been burned on my beautiful skin, like, EVERYWHERE, and it HASN'T been fun healing. It has been a long process, and therapy has been a bitch.

But all those other times when I said I was well? Were LIES. THIS one is the truth!! I FEEL LIKE A MILLION FUCKIN BUCKS. The pills are BLISSFUL and all the other meds have totally helped the process along. As for my skin, well, a trip the the dermatologist and he gave me this cream? Which hurts like BURNING. But my skin feels so silky smooth! Dude, it even got rid of old scars I had!! OH SCIENCE -handflop-

However...doesn't mean I can update this place like I want...buuuuuut, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The good news is, my band is doing their convention touring circuit, and since I have a convention in less than two months to crash, I got a lot of work to do. The CD is about done, and I'll actually have links to like, the MySpace page or..something, I dunno. My only requirement? You WHORE IT OUT LIKE A MOTHA FUCKA. Why? Because those who do who meet me at these cons get to have one on one time with Jawsman and the band and the many many many MANY bottles of rum I will undoubtedly be bringing. I throw the best parties--you WANT this.

So please wish me luck on my journey, and I'll do the best I can to pick this up again. In the meantime though, enjoy the tracks I do have, and I'll do my best to crank out more, ja?

Don't stop the music :rock'n:

[29-01-09] - SO.

If you care, and I hope you do, you've probably been wondering where Jawsy has been, ja?

Well, truth is, I got in a bad accident. And I won't go into specifics, but I was like, burned, like, all over my gorgeous face and hands and neck and OH GOD..RELIVING IT... Srsly, my face is like, my most redeeming and beautiful feature, and the burns, they BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNED.
LUCKILY, I recovered almost! I'm still sexy, no scars surprisingly, WHICH IS GOOD BECAUSE SRSLY, I was about to cuss out my doctors because I was SO freaked that I would be deformed after this! BUT I'M NOOOOOOOOOOOOT 8D

I figured I've recovered enough, time to jump back in the fray of things. It has been a year with Court Records and you all have been so good and patient to me, and I feel I owe you, just for being great. To celebrate my recovery, I brought myself a new electric guitar and the best damn pair of bass thumpers I could buy! When I take a lot of pain pills and OD, it almost doesn't hurt to wear them!!
And srsly, hurry the fuck up recovery, I'm due for a conch on my birthday in two weeks kthnx.

Art? Well I've been writing up a STORM lately (since its all I can do really ^^; ) and DAMN I'M GOOD. If only I cared for that idiot kink meme, I'd deliver...too bad I don't and think its a form of this fandom's cancer. OH WELL.
Speaking of cancers, I joined Tegaki...yes, I do hate myself for it, but hey, it isn't all THAT bad when you ignore the roleplayers...I guess :/

As far as my music is going, I've more or less kept up. I love my electric. His name is Edward because he's glittery for FUCKING NOTHING AND I HATE IT. Even his PICKS are glittery!! WHAT THE FUCK, ED, WHAT THE FUCK. But like that Cullen whore, he is pretty and his chords are always clean. I'm sitting on Yori, my bass, and he's always been good to me. I practice with the band every other day, and we're right now making our Maxi single, so look for it with prices soon. We're currently scouting a proper producer and company; too bad there isn't much here, but Ash has people, so we'll see what comes out. We took on a cover band project and will be touring anime conventions soon, so that will be fun, and free conning? Hellz yeah, Jaws is down with that.

Long story short, I have a lot of things to do, a lot of people to talk to, a lot of music to be made; this accident backed me up two months!! OH SO MUCH TO DO. Better get to it, ja? A musician's work is never done!

Did I mention its my one year anniversary on CR? Cuz it is. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

[10-12-08Well as you can see, there are some changes. Some of them small, some of them pretty big.

-Cleared the Update Log cache. And moved some things around. Reformatted stuff, erased some tags, added new ones, etc etc.
-Still need volunteer singers, and now scouting for musicians. If this is you, you know what to do.
-Tonight (hopefully) I will put in a "Shut Up, I'm Getting There" progress meter for my RSTs. GOSH either my life is really friggin busy, or I'm friggin lazy--EITHER WAY I need to finish the first CD and I'm asking YOU THE FANS to KICK MY ASS ABOUT IT! Because if you don't, I'll keep getting hit with music ADD and trailing off, and Jawsy can't do that to you anymore! So QUIT LETTING ME!
--Also included is a list of the projects I'm currently working on with the expection of my band and personal CDs. But if you want to be informed, um...tell me so and I'll let you guys know~ I would love to have you guys support my REAL music too instead of just thise remixed pieces.
-You heard me right, I'm doing remixes, and there is no other place here I trust to put my music, so all requested extracurricular tracks will now have a section, as well as additional projects. That will be the bottommost section, so if you want to hear what you the fans requested, just look down.
HOWEVER. And I will put this is BIG RED LETTERS so people understand. I will NOT--repeat--will NOT take ANY remix requests unless they are PMed to me with specifics! Comment here and I'll smile and walk on by. You want it? Ask for it properly. Because the last thing I need is my page being swamped with "DO A THIS MIX, DO A THAT MIX" As quoted from Damon Gant: :damon: ". . ." this page is reserved for GSAP after all.

-And I want to give a special thanks to Lukegb my tech guy and soon to be music prodigy. He's so young and yet so intelligent and willing to learn and I think he deserves some thanks! He holds my strongest mirror site to this music, and in general he's just a real nektar kinda guy. If you see him in passing, give him a holler, ja?

WELL that's about it, got work to do and an Ethics final to pass. Ja~

Jaws's To Do List wrote:
  • Kill Maki Tobayuu
  • I Owe Jade another theme
  • I Owe Sapphire "Turnabout Sisters" (43% complete)
  • I Owe Pie...SOMETHING...but I owe her XD
  • I Owe (Someone, I forget) "Happy Birthday"....oddly...
  • Finish PW - Ace Attorney OST
  • Start posting tracks from the second OST
  • 5 Tracks (at least)for the Stepmania Project
  • Final Lullaby (in progress, 6 out of ??? tracks complete)

* * *

. - : Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney : - .

    "Reminiscence ~ Classroom Trial"
    Spoiler: "Reminiscence ~ Classroom Trial"
    Remember when Phoenix was crying because that JERK Butz stole Edgeworth's money? And littler Miles defended poor crybaby Feenie? Awwwwwww sweet memories, right?
    WELL not if you were Phoenix or Edgeworth, but whatev. I made the theme almost lullaby-ish to show an innocence to it. You'll notice the music box like mood it sets. A simple reminiscence, and I hope you enjoy it. AND OOH--I GOT TO USE A HARP YAAAAAAY!! I love harps! ^__^

    ...btw Larry is a jerk :larry2: but you know the old saying, right? If it smells...

    "Old, Regret, Reward"
    Spoiler: "Old, Regret, Reward"
    My attempt to recreate the original. I unno...I mean nothing beats the original when it comes to this piece, maybe because I thought it was so pathetic, as do I this theme. But with the edition of an acoustic guitar and piano, well...hope I did SOMETHING right.

    "Reminiscence ~ True Meaning of Grief"
    Spoiler: "Reminiscence ~ True Meaning of Grief"
    Awww, I'm sad now... :(
    Well enjoy the pain, angst, and depression that comes with this song. Yaaaaay...
    I added the synth to it instead of a real instrument...don't know why, it was just seeming way to serious, y'know? And I love the easy piano to this song, fun to play, and fun to hear again.

    Spoiler: "Core"
    This is a nice, old school rock with a nice hybrid of new school electronica take of Ace Attorney's "Search ~ Core." With an addition of a choir instead of a synth, as well the constantly moving bass, it is actually a DANCABLE song now. Its funny, I listen to it and I don't even feel what I felt when I heard it in the game, y'know? Its like a whole new song kinda, ja? Enjoy the transformation!

    Spoiler: "Suspense"
    This one was quick. A little TOO quick. But when I added the fifth it gave it a nice touch. Enjoy!

    Spoiler: "Objection!"
    I AM MAD A THIS SONG. Its simple...almost TOO simple. And even when I try to cool it up, it stays simple, RAAAWRGH!
    WELL it still sounds cool nonetheless. I think I'm going to make a remix of this theme soon, just because I love it so much. Something with a lot of flair. But for now, enjoy the new take on Objection! 2001.

    "Inform The Truth"
    Spoiler: "Inform The Truth"
    A song with the oddest meter I've dealt with so far, I'll give myself that. I broke the song down in ooh...10/4 I believe? (For people who aren't music savvy, that's 10 beats per measure, and the quarter note gets the beat) Nice and simple, and a little hint of suspense and sorrow. Ah, the courtroom, how I miss thee...

    "Logic & Trick"
    Spoiler: "Logic & Trick"
    Pays to be smart and pay attention to every clue, eh Mr. Wright? But he didn't have an angry-finger-pointing-at-evidence theme like THIS. Logic & Trick was too much fun to play with, and I wish I could have done more, but if I had, then it wouldn't be Logic & Trick anymore! Made with extra love...and when I say love, I mean a bunch of shiny effects that make the song kickass. The only drawback is that its so short, but I didn't want to make the song monotonous by looping it.

    "Trial" (Dedicated to saluk)
    Spoiler: "Trial"
    The theme is a fun one, and when I heard it, I told myself it would be an easy theme to have fun with...
    Sadly, I was mistaken. That synthed led and bass were hard to follow at times.
    BUT I did, and I have a much smoother version of "Trial 2001" for all who want it. And I gave it a little bit of a hip hop flair, just for kicks, all the while keeping it consistent with the original.

    "Congratulations, Everyone!"
    Spoiler: "Congratulations, Everyone!"
    Actually, my inspiration for this was from the user LadyK here. We participate in an RP together, and I guess I inspired that KirixApril fetish she has <_< but I love it anyway (and ILU KYN <3). I can remember playing PW-AA and that THEME...that happy go lucky annoying ass THEME would just BLAZE my DS! And I associate it with April May, so when she entered the room, I raced to my synth--I just had to finish it! And well...ta-da!

    "Reminiscence of the DL-6" (Requested by LadyK)
    Spoiler: "Reminiscence of the DL-6"
    I needed to get serious with my remixes, so I hoped behind my piano, and there we go. Added effects, and then didn't know what to add. The choir was first a string, but it just wasn't impacting enough. So I replaced it with this spiffy symphonic choir plug-in I have, and it made me think of how Edgeworth would hold his ribs in pain and totally scorn Phoenix even though he was trying to help. Tch, you ass. But we love you Edgy, and so I considered this Edgeworth's theme for a long time.

    Spoiler: "Moderate"
    It is what it is. I had worked on "Allegro" first, and edited it from there. Nice, calm, and piano and strings of fear.

    Spoiler: "Search"
    The Search theme, directly taken from the game sound wise, the only difference being the instruments are now real, and the main synth lead has been replaced with a rhode. Of all the remixes I have made, I like this one; its a slower tempo, and nice to hear after all of that energy.

    "Jailer's Elegy"
    Spoiler: "Jailer's Elegy"
    With the help of an acoustic guitar, I try to bring the real feeling of the song home. Sad piano ballad with an acoustic solo. I must say, I really like it, though its sad, it has a nice melody to it.

    "Steel Samurai"
    Spoiler: "Steel Samurai"
    It just had to be done. Nuff said. And playing with my guitars is fun, so any excuse is worth it. I like it because I give it an authentic oriental sound while still keeping it at high energy. And again, had to be done, nuff said.

    Spoiler: "Allegro"
    HaHA! Techno! This was my very FIRST PW remix, and it just pwnz0rs the game's version--WHY? Um...well...I don't know actually ^^; maybe because its so danceable. The rhythm was taken from the real version, the instruments are just real. And then of course that classic 4-on-the-floor kick makes this song a fan favorite on other forums.

    "Does Anyone Want To Swim?" Exclusive!
    Spoiler: "Does Anyone Want to Swim?"
    Good lord, a GANT REMIX??
    YES, MOAR SWIMMING, HAW HAW HAW HAW!! In my roleplay, we had the worlds GREATEST (and most definitely craziest) Damon Gant, and before he left for the military, I INSISTED I make this. Because people looked at me and said "A remix of Gant's theme? IT CAN'T BE DONE :< " and srsly, if its music, its possible. So I bring to you an exclusive of mine, and "be sure to go swimming now, ho ho!"

. - : Phoenix Wright : Justice For All : - .

    "Arrival" (dedicated to Jade Edgeworth)
    Spoiler: "Arrival"
    And you KNOW why this goes you, Jadey, JOLLY JOLLY ORGANRY, HO HO HO! :gant-clap2: That and you told me it helps you go to sleep. Now, you're weird for that, but I love you anyway *hugs*

    Srsly, I don't know with this one. I was listening to it and it just kinda hit me to use some bangin organ action. And THEN Jaws found his choir set and it all said " very very yuss >3" Srsly, this is like the second coming of Jesus theme! I wish it wasn't so short, but hey, for what it is, its preppy powerful, eh?

. - : Phoenix Wright : Trials & Tribulations : - .

    "Simple Melody" (Requested by Pie)
    Spoiler: "Simple Melody"
    This was fun to do, and yet, I call BS on myself. The main instrument, that SHOULD be an Indian sitar, isn't ^____^ I rock the way I can manipulate any sound. Also, because the flute and piccolo solo make the song seem a little more light, I added it as well, along with some extra and yet necessary drums and chimes. I love the way the song hypnotizes me...I get lost in the melody at times. Definitely represents Madam Elise, don't you think?

    "Godot's Special Blend #9" (Dedicated to my fans <3) NEW!
    Spoiler: "Godot's Special Blend #9"
    A tribute to "The Fragrance of Dark Coffee," this is Jaw's special mix, only and exclusively for Court Records fans. I listened to the theme, like, really heard it, and was like..."This is Godot, but...THIS isn't Godot! >|" Godot to me is a smoooooth operator, and I interpreted that in contemporary jazz/blues and a touch of ballad rock.

    Dampen the guitar amp, force these idiot fingers to play.
    Tune the bass, establish the bass note, glide along like you know what you're doing.
    Plug in the MIDI keyboard and do some ingenious jazz scale bullshitting |D
    Add a drum track, reverb, and a jazz choir pack, and we got ourselves a hit!

    I really hope the fans get to hear what I felt when I heard his theme. And I really hope I impress you with this one. This one's for you, guys!

    Keep on rockin--that's my rule :godot:
    *Also, give a hand to my band for the great drum track inspiration!*

. - : Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney : - .

    "Trance Logic"
    Spoiler: "Trance Logic"
    I just loooooove this theme! So simple and yet so danceable, no? Probably my favorite out of the "Logic & Trick" series. I...SOOO wanted to do something epic with this, but I thought the fans would get mad ^^; so know there's more coming for thise track. But for now, enjoy the simplicity of it all.

    "Reminiscence of a Guilty Lover"
    Spoiler: "Reminiscence of a Guilty Lover" what I think SHOULD have played in Daian's confession. broke my heart to make it.

    I loved it though, for any excuse for my electric is a good one. And found a good way to take orchestra and rock and combine it with choirs to make something...well...heartfelt and depressing, but a good kind of depressing I think.

    I hope you love it like I do. Keep rockin, babes.

    "Bob Your Head & Sway"
    Spoiler: "Bob Your Head & Sway"

    That's right, erry day yo, I do did erry day! This one goes out to all my OGs and new Gs, yo! The Kitakitsune theme!
    And since the fans kept sending me mixed messages (which, by the way, stop that) I comprised a theme with a bit of tradition and a taste of old and new school.

    Bob y'head 'n sway, yo, just bob y'head 'n sway~

. - : Extras : - .
    "Naruhodou And His Piano" Exclusive!
    Spoiler: "Naruhodou And His Piano"
    Y'see, everyone ASSUMED that Phoenix couldn't play the piano in GS4 because well...he sux0red at it. However, I'd like to believe that he did so on purpose. I'd like th believe that there was one song he played well, in loving memory of his beloved chief and medium assistant.
    Kudos to you Mr. Wright, kudos.

    The hard part about this song was ensuring the melody was perfect, and that the little things I added didn't take away from the original Turnabout Sisters theme. I also didn't know how to end it, and didn't want to loop this will be the short version until I can think of something else unless people like it simple and clean. Hope my little ballad is good for all you fans!

    "Turnabout Sisters (Dance Dance Maya Mix)" Exclusive!
    Spoiler: "Turnabout Sisters (Dance Dance Maya Mix)"
    Don't know what your guy's obsession with the song "Caramelldansen" is, but I felt that since it IS an obsession, I'd give Court Records their own special version of it. Hope you love the energy as much as I do!

    Can't you just see it now?? Mia and Maya at a rave??? 8D
    ...okay, maybe not Mia, but hell, anything is possible with Phoenix Wright, right?

    "Investigation Overtaked (Guilty Mix)" Exclusive!
    Spoiler: "Investigation Overtaked (Guilty Mix)"
    So...I was having sex with my synthesizer, right? Like DEEP sex, ja? And...THIS came out!

    Can't really explain it except for the fact that this is the short version, not the extended. But maybe if you beg real sweet, I'll pass it your way secretly.
    Can't object properly to THIS now, can ya? *smirk* Rave on, Phoenix, rave on.

    "Mugen Saiban" Exclusive!
    Spoiler: "Mugen Saiban"
    First, I want to thank MoronSonOfBoron for inspring me...oddly...for the "Great Revival" section. You are the Edgeworth to my Klavier *cling*

    I don't know why I did this really...but if you know Jawsy, you know my favorite song from Apollo Justice definitely ISN'T Guilty Love <_< from an electric guitarist, that solo is one BASTARD of a solo. Still, enjoy my poor fingering!

    The idea originally started out as "Phoenix Wright versus Apollo Justice;" one day I played the themes on top of each other and was like, "'HMMMM..." and put it together. But those two weren't enough. We need something old, something new, ja? Enter Klavier Gavin and Miles Edgeworth! The ultimate courtroom battle royale!

    Apollo Justice - "Cornered! 2008"
    Klavier Gavin - "Guilty Love"
    Miles Edgeworth - "Great Revival"
    Phoenix Wright - "Investigation Overtaked"

    I was so PROUD of the "Great Revival"! I made the brass section RAWK! Enjoy, babes!
    A Gyakuten Saiban original! Complete with clusterfucking and Edgeworth...WITH GLOWSTICKS!! 8D

    "I Want To Defend NOW!" NEW!
    Spoiler: "I Want To Defend NOW!"
    Well, people have been on me for a better take of "I Want To Defend!" and I was at a loss for a bit, but then I was playing with a beat and this kinda came out! WOO!
    Preemptive warning--on my expensive ass headphones the filter on the vibraphone doesn't blow decibels in your ear but basic ones might--if so bug me and I'll adjust it.

    I need more themes with raw drum and bass, which is one of my favorite genres, so this was a very fun theme to create. Enjoy!

    "Love Love Guilty Bits"
    Spoiler: "Love Love Guilty Bits"

    Okay, maybe a little...maybe I drew this picture of Daryan and Klavier all Megaman stylized and totally was like THIS NEEDS A THEME and made one. And I'm changing my donation webpage soon and hopefully this theme will play on a loop.

    8 Bit is a lot harder to synth than I thought!! I had to do EVERYTHING manually (and normally I have a shit ton of shortcuts :P ) and I'm still not sure I got it right, but hey, I do like the outcome and I hope you do too.


. - : Everything Non GSAP : - .

.-: My Projects :-.

I have SEVERAL of them--so many that if I put them all here, the page would be like WOOSH and totally overload shit and I frankly don't want that <3

.:Final Lullaby:.NEW!
Spoiler: "Final Lullaby"
I thought I'd start you guys off slow, give you a very small project in development right now, and I'd love your input. This project I title "Final Lullaby" The premise: everyone seems to be familiar with Final Fantasy in some way, and the music from the games is really good. But why just listen to it to pump yourself up? I thought to take 2 tracks from every game and tone it down a tad, so you can just enjoy easy listening. Great for when stress levels are high, laying your head to bed, or if you just want to escape.
the (1/2) markers indicate that I can be suggested for the final theme. And if I'm nice, I maaay attempt another, though if you consider there are about like, what, 20 Final Fantasies, that's 40 tracks, and I'd like to keep this project simple.


You wanna help? Throw your input at me! I never ignore a comment, and would love to hear what YOU wanna hear.
Also, I want to stray away from the typical themes, just a note to keep in mind.

.-: Original Requests :-.
    "Triumphs Adorned In Jade"
    Spoiler: "Triumphs Adorned In Jade"
    Well Jade requested a "Jade's Theme" of sorts, and I was totally stuck. In fact, I was so completely stuck, I couldn't do it, but then this came out. And it doesn't scream Jade Edgeworth to me, but it does seem like some kind of reminiscence-ish kinda...thing. So I gave it to her and apparently she really likes, a lot. SO everyone can hear it now that I have her approval!
    Don't worry babe, your theme is coming soon, but for now enjoy walks down memory lane!

.-: Remix Requests :-.

I'll update this page every so often, and I promise you I do not disappoint. If you click the song and go to "save page as" the song is yours. Take what you want, just don't give the credit to yourself and spread the love around; that's all I ask. Enjoy!
And I suppose if there is a popular request out there, I wouldn't deny it right away--hint hint ^_~
Do frequent for more, since I will do my best to fill current requests, and update often.

(If there's a download that fails, why not try downloading your tracks here?)


. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .

Last edited by Enter The Jaws Theme on Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:44 pm, edited 83 times in total.
Re: .:Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project:.Topic%20Title
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Me likey bouncy!

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Posts: 480

Hee, I love both your remixes so much. Especially, Congratulations everyone. Tough I have to say everytime I listen to Reminiscence of the DL~6 it makes me cry a little bit.

Though, it is sad I do love this song a lot.
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Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated! 22-01-08)Topic%20Title
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Not humble, goddamnit.

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Muuuuust shower praise and love upon you in every thread you maaaaake... what kind of fangirl would I be if I didn't? :3 <3

Oh, but what can I say about your music that I haven't said already? Curses! I suppose at some point, there's only so much praise you can heap upon a person 'til you're just repeating yourself. :<

Oh well. Insert general praise, worship and love here. I aspire to your greatness. I particularly love the remix of Congratulations Everyone. How could anyone not? It's just so happy. I'd distribute further praise, but, well, don't wanna confuse people by talking about songs that aren't linked here...

Now, just so I can say I made the first request of the thread... mm, well, as I mentioned to you elsewhere, I'm really fond of the Simple Melody music for Elise Deauxnim from GS3. I don't know why, I just am. A remix or remastering of the song would be wonderful. Any chance you could make one?


Failing that, maybe a fun crazy fast-paced dance remix of the Blue Badger music? (It's 4 AM, I'm allowed to make bizarre requests. And you're allowed to ignore them, obviously.)
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated! 22-01-08)Topic%20Title
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Just...leave me alone, alright?

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Pie wrote:
Now, just so I can say I made the first request of the thread... mm, well, as I mentioned to you elsewhere, I'm really fond of the Simple Melody music for Elise Deauxnim from GS3. I don't know why, I just am. A remix or remastering of the song would be wonderful. Any chance you could make one?


Failing that, maybe a fun crazy fast-paced dance remix of the Blue Badger music? (It's 4 AM, I'm allowed to make bizarre requests. And you're allowed to ignore them, obviously.)

Um...let's see...sure, I'll check them out, no prob. I'll take them as you requested them!


. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 23-01-08Topic%20Title
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...Hopefully someday... xD

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Congratulations, Everyone! - Hehe...good. REALLY GOOD!
Reminiscence of the DL-6 - This would sound GREAT in the game.
Moderate - Good, but worst of these. NOTE => GOOD! NOT BAD!
Jailer's Elegy - Nothing FABULOUS but still good. Better you than me! ^_^
Steel Samurai - Addicting...Liked very much.
Allegro - Pretty good...honestly ^_^ Good ending
Does Anyone Want To Swim? - O__o So remix ^^
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated! 22-01-08)Topic%20Title
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Enter The Jaws Theme wrote:
Um...let's see...sure, I'll check them out, no prob. I'll take them as you requested them!


GOOD. I was wondering where that was. Because that one is so awesome. 8D
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I just want to say...they are all amazing! Your works are just a like professional one!! OH THEY ARE WONDERFUL!

Would you please to remix the music "Mei-great revival" ?The original music can be download here: ... einfo.html

You can call me whatever you want:3
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I love these songs! These are some GREAT remixes! Nice job with everything, and I look forward to what you'll have in the future!
My (not spoiler-free) Ace Attorney doodle blog
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火曜日 wrote:
I just want to say...they are all amazing! Your works are just a like professional one!! OH THEY ARE WONDERFUL!

Would you please to remix the music "Mei-great revival" ?The original music can be download here: ... einfo.html


The following requests have been filled:

Pie's "Simple Melody"

- - - - -

First, thank you very much for the compliments, all of you! Especially you little lady; yours came with a request, and I love request filling!

Let me give it a listen, and hopefully, when you come back tomorrow, it will be there with the rest of them. Thanks for requesting, and enjoy!

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .

Last edited by Enter The Jaws Theme on Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 24-01-08Topic%20Title
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Me likey bouncy!

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The Gant one is too awesome. Who wants to rave with some organ techno? 8D I know I do!

:P Hey I don't have a fetish it's an obsession. <3 xD But I love it either way. ILU ao forever. x3 Still not sure how that pairing came about, but I love it <33.

Hey! You did Pie's request. <3

Wow, that sounds amazing...better than the original music for the game. It sounds so mystifying. Great job ao. I know she'll love it. <33

Oh, god Bluebadger remix?

Image Image
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 24-01-08) :.Topic%20Title

CafMaster of the Godot Covenant

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Awesome. Most definitely the best remixes I have heard in a long time. Keep it up! Hoping to hear a Godot one soon!
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...Hopefully someday... xD

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Hmm...LOVE IT!!! So great!
Reminds me of hong Kong and etc.

If you want some requests, try these:
- JFA Cornered
- T&T Cornered
- AA Inform the Truth

Not going to request anymore so I won't kill you ;)
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 24-01-08) :.Topic%20Title
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My request!

*insert fangirls squeals of delight and love*

I object to your calling BS on yourself for any part of this song!

I mean... oh my god, it's... it's beautiful. If the original was pretty, this one is utterly beautiful. Especially the flute and piccolo... nothing, not even listening to the shrill sound of a less-than-professional flute and piccolo player practicing day in and day out, can keep me from melting from when I hear something so sweet as that. Which, of course, I did. Everything about this song is so sweet, beautiful, hypnotic as you said... there's little touches you've added which are even more reminiscent of traditional Japan than the original. And even more than the live orchestrated version in Kurain Genealogy, I'd say (which they sped up and added light snare drums at points, making it more powerful and losing some of that simple, mystic elegance...) The song, and particularly your version of it, paints a perfect portrait of Elise.

You are amazing. I cannot repeat that enough. Now and forever, I give you my less than three.
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 24-01-08Topic%20Title
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Why are you looking at meeee...? D:

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These are so good! >w< My favorite is either the Steel Samurai one (I keep listening to it over and over and over and over and over again!), the Reminiscence of the DL-6 one, or the Simply Melody, or the Allegro, or... @__@ Eek, they're all so good I can't pick a favorite.

Amazing job! <333 Keep it up! ^_^
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Zemire wrote:
These are so good! >w< My favorite is either the Steel Samurai one (I keep listening to it over and over and over and over and over again!), the Reminiscence of the DL-6 one, or the Simply Melody, or the Allegro, or... @__@ Eek, they're all so good I can't pick a favorite.

Amazing job! <333 Keep it up! ^_^

Its funny that after so many months, I can still see you listening to that Steel Samurai theme of mine :pft:

I fixed the links and made a new one! HOORAY! And I also have a surprise theme coming up for YOU specifically, tee-hee :garyuu: too bad you won't see it for a while.

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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...Hopefully someday... xD

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Hey! This is funny.
Not the best work (of your jobs ofcourse =P)
But still: AMAZING!
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title

Guess what? Guess what? MOOOOO!

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Hmmm the first one "Congratulations, Everyone!" doesn't seem to work for me.

Anyway, these sound pretty good! Fantastic job dude!
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Very nice remixes! Love the choral stuff in reminiscence, moderate sounds not quite as evil as in game (although it still irritates the heck out of me lol), the guitar in steel samurai is awesome, allegro is a definite improvement of moderate, and techno mix of gant is just funny. I think reminiscence is my favorite. It starts out sounding almost the same as the game and then builds into something great. I guess I'm a sucker for the chorus lol.

I'm working on a fan game (actually an engine) and was hoping to use better sounding music where possible, so I was wondering if I could use your tracks?

Keep up the good work.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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saluk wrote:
Very nice remixes! Love the choral stuff in reminiscence, moderate sounds not quite as evil as in game (although it still irritates the heck out of me lol), the guitar in steel samurai is awesome, allegro is a definite improvement of moderate, and techno mix of gant is just funny. I think reminiscence is my favorite. It starts out sounding almost the same as the game and then builds into something great. I guess I'm a sucker for the chorus lol.

I'm working on a fan game (actually an engine) and was hoping to use better sounding music where possible, so I was wondering if I could use your tracks?

Keep up the good work.

I fixed the broken link behind "Congratulations, Everyone!" for everyone's enjoyment. YAY!
* * *

Now, as for you; before I ever agree to something like that, I want to know more details. But once you tell me specifics, I'll definitely help, no sweat it. Bare with me though that these don't take minutes to make, my talent takes time. I hate being pressured to make a song ^^; it always comes out crappy that way.

Elaborate your story, and I'll see what I can do for you :matt:

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Now, as for you; before I ever agree to something like that, I want to know more details. But once you tell me specifics, I'll definitely help, no sweat it. Bare with me though that these don't take minutes to make, my talent takes time. I hate being pressured to make a song ^^; it always comes out crappy that way.

Haha, yeah pressure is great for creativity.... or not lol. Why else do my 10 minute long, easy, school assignments come out lame while a game that takes me a week to write actually gets finished and is pretty good.

Elaborate your story, and I'll see what I can do for you :matt:

(*takes a deep breath*)

Basically me and my friend are working on a phoenix wright engine (yes another one), as of yet "unannounced" (I guess it's announced now) until it's further along and we have something to show for it. It's going to be a near copy of the ds engine, at least at first, but taking up only one screen (I never liked the dual screen look on a computer). It's a bit different from the case maker because it's written in python and focuses on being a decent case scripting language rather than an editor.

We are writing a few cases, have started working on 2 so far, dealing with the original phoenix wright characters and set sometime between the first 3 games (the trials that had to have happened but were not seen by us). I would like to make a full game, but we'll see how the first 2 cases turn out.

We have an introductory "trial only" case and a more in depth case with investigation portions, in which gumshoe plays a major part :)

Codewise, the engine is functionally 95% complete. All portions of a phoenix write case can be built, and pretty quickly at that. The only functional element missing is examining evidence. You can scroll through the pictures, but they have no name or description. As far as feeling goes it is maybe only 50% done. Varying text speeds are hard to deal with, you can't make the screen shake, and a few of the ripped icons don't display perfectly.

We are using ripped graphics and music for everything, with a few (badly) hand drawn elements for things like crime scene photos etc. We are reusing sprites for side characters as new characters, and may ask around for altered sprites as need be in the future.

I'm thinking we might get something finished by summer, possibly much sooner though if things go according to plan.

So anyway, at this point I'm not requesting any special tracks, just to use what you've already done. It's better than any of the soundtracks or official remixes in my opinion. If you don't want it to be used, that's cool too. I just have to make sure to flag the files in my development directory as "not to be published" :) If I were to use them I would credit you of course.

Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Your amazing remix music is still on my play list, love them.Image

And my request...?Image
You can call me whatever you want:3
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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I'm listening to the Gant one on repeat right now. These are seriously awesome. <3 You win a cookie. :cookie:
-The PW Musical!- In love with, and CR married to, Winged Cloud! <3
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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saluk wrote:
(*takes a deep breath*)

Spoiler: Quote
Basically me and my friend are working on a phoenix wright engine (yes another one), as of yet "unannounced" (I guess it's announced now) until it's further along and we have something to show for it. It's going to be a near copy of the ds engine, at least at first, but taking up only one screen (I never liked the dual screen look on a computer). It's a bit different from the case maker because it's written in python and focuses on being a decent case scripting language rather than an editor.

We are writing a few cases, have started working on 2 so far, dealing with the original phoenix wright characters and set sometime between the first 3 games (the trials that had to have happened but were not seen by us). I would like to make a full game, but we'll see how the first 2 cases turn out.

We have an introductory "trial only" case and a more in depth case with investigation portions, in which gumshoe plays a major part :)

Codewise, the engine is functionally 95% complete. All portions of a phoenix write case can be built, and pretty quickly at that. The only functional element missing is examining evidence. You can scroll through the pictures, but they have no name or description. As far as feeling goes it is maybe only 50% done. Varying text speeds are hard to deal with, you can't make the screen shake, and a few of the ripped icons don't display perfectly.

We are using ripped graphics and music for everything, with a few (badly) hand drawn elements for things like crime scene photos etc. We are reusing sprites for side characters as new characters, and may ask around for altered sprites as need be in the future.

I'm thinking we might get something finished by summer, possibly much sooner though if things go according to plan.

So anyway, at this point I'm not requesting any special tracks, just to use what you've already done. It's better than any of the soundtracks or official remixes in my opinion. If you don't want it to be used, that's cool too. I just have to make sure to flag the files in my development directory as "not to be published" :) If I were to use them I would credit you of course.



I'll PM you with the rest of my questions, but consider me in!

火曜日 wrote:
Your amazing remix music is still on my play list, love them.Image

And my request...?Image

Dont worry! I just got my computer back, its coming, I promise!

Comfortably Numb wrote:
I'm listening to the Gant one on repeat right now. These are seriously awesome. <3 You win a cookie. :cookie:




. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
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Your remix's are dearly amazing. Really they are.
I was so happy to hear another version of 'Search and then I saw 'Does anyone want to swim?' and I just thought 'Holy mother of Gant. A REMIX?!'...
I hope to hear more from you. :3

A file host?

And maybe more an... Original Phoenix Wright request if its possible?
(Meaning, more... Non remixed but still Phoenix Wright themed.)

Dear god I'm addicted. .-.

Last edited by Jade Edgeworth on Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thank you~~ no need to be in harsh, take it easy~^3^
You can call me whatever you want:3
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Awesome Possum! I love you're remixes, you truly have talent.

*sniff* Oh, Reminiscence is so...sad. *tears*
Thank you Trabztress for siggy/Elriel for avatar!
Daughter of Xero_Wright and Mystic_Mina, Sister to Cael :D
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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... ;____; ~<3

Naruhodou and His Piano... and the little story you wrote to go with it...

It tugs so much at the heartstrings. So frickin' much. And I'm melting and getting fuzzy feelings and - agh, you're so damn good at this.

(Oh, um, I think you need to update the thread title. ^^; )
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Pie wrote:
... ;____; ~<3

Naruhodou and His Piano... and the little story you wrote to go with it...

It tugs so much at the heartstrings. So frickin' much. And I'm melting and getting fuzzy feelings and - agh, you're so damn good at this.

(Oh, um, I think you need to update the thread title. ^^; )



Got a new song up, check it.

And love you too, dear :haykitten: flattery gets you everywhere with me, doesn't it?

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 03-05-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Enter The Jaws Theme wrote:


Got a new song up, check it.

And love you too, dear :haykitten: flattery gets you everywhere with me, doesn't it?

Okay, well, if it's because of Brawl then it's completely understood and forgiven. If I had a Wii, I'd be playing Brawl nonstop too. God, I want to be Meta Knight so bad.

Ooooh, the Trial? Very niiiice... I just wish I wasn't on my old computer right now, because something on this old system is causing lag and so there'll be pockets of silence followed by skips in the music. Not fun. :grey: *closes pretty much everything and listens again* Muuuuuch better. :keiko: So awesome as always. The synth is so good. :3

If flattery will get me everywhere, I'd better get ready to go far, because I really can't say enough. My only restraint is the worry that I'm sounding like a broken record.

Which just means I have to come up with new and more creative ways to praise you. <3
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 10-03-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Oh I love the new piano one...I was teary at the end of it. TAT Really nice music, thanks a lot~~
You can call me whatever you want:3
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Oh my!
-Runs to check-
Ooo! I always thought Trial was a bit boring, but you added a sort of... Spice to it.
Now I am, yet again, addicted to another one of your songs. x3

But it shall never take over 'Anybody want to swim?' x3
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 11-03-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Mmmmm. Moar synth. Delicious. I love Logic and Trick, it's such a cool sounding song. And with the synth, it sounds even cooler. :3 <3

(Haha, it's sad what I have to go through to listen to your work since I'm away from my computer for the week. Kicking my old computer into working condition, taking over my sister's minirave for a bit... totally worth it, though.)
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Great songs, dude. Could I request another, for instance Investigation-Cornered for PW:AA? Thanks!
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jmmichal wrote:
Great songs, dude. Could I request another, for instance Investigation-Cornered for PW:AA? Thanks!

Well, sure, lemme give it a good listen--though at the rate I'm goin, I was bound to do it anyway ^_^

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 12-03-08) :.Topic%20Title
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"Reminiscence of DL-6" and "Naruhodou And His Piano" are my favorites, I like it very much! I can picture how Nick played that song on piano, with all those memories of the past :-P... :mia:... flowing in his mind, which put him on the verge of tears. :nixiesob:

Hey, make more remixes! I would prefer to see some Apollo Justice remixes here.
My flash animation project, click the banner for current progress.

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艾雲●C wrote:
Hey, make more remixes! I would prefer to see some Apollo Justice remixes here.

Well...that might happen if you request a specific one. But right now, my plan is to remix the WHOLE OST set of GS1-3, and since GS4 came might have to wait a bit ^^; sorry!

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

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Re: .: Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project (Updated!! 14-03-08) :.Topic%20Title
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Not humble, goddamnit.

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How... can you do so much... so fast? You're starting to blow my mind, good sir.
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Pie wrote:
How... can you do so much... so fast? You're starting to blow my mind, good sir.

And I'm not even done for the day! I'm just getting started!

. : ~ Gyakuten Saiban Appellate Project ~ : .
For the best PW/GS remixes!
Updated May 10th 2009

. - : ~ Keep The Rock Alive! Donate!! ~ : - .
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:beef: that waz absolutely fantastic
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