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Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title
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Dahlia wasn't completely sweet and innocent like Iris was, she was mischievous and fiery and took the initiative to convince her father to abandon her sister.

I know Dahlia's good at conning people, but do you really think an eight-year-old could convince her own father to dump his other daughter off if he himself didn't want to do it?
After all, it was an uncut gemstone: hard to split up equally.

Sell it, split the profit. :yuusaku:
Then, after the fact, Valerie helped her start a new life; Valerie wouldn't have gotten anything out of doing that herself.

Valerie had everything to lose if people found out Dahlia was still alive: the money from the gem, and more importantly, she'd be convicted for taking part in the fake kidnapping and getting Terry sentenced for murder.
At some point, we have to ask "When does Dahlia take the blame for how Dahlia turned out?"

I don't think anyone would try to claim Dahlia was completely free of blame for the way she turned out, but the way she grew up had a lot to do with it.

Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title

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Franzise did a pretty good job summing a lot of this up, but I'll add my thoughts as well.
Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T spoilers
Honestly? I don't know if Dahlia would have turned out better if she had been with Iris at Hazakura, mainly because she did have a family influence in her father, stepmother, and Valerie. Her father was, from what we know, very unpleasant, but he did care enough to take her with him when she left Morgan (as a rich man, he probably spoiled her rotten, at least). That doesn't make him a good person, but to say that he didn't love Dahlia wouldn't be entirely true. She may have hated him, but that doesn't make him responsible for her hatred and her betrayal of him (which, considering she was so hurt by Iris' betrayal, seems pretty hypocritical of her). And I do think Valerie really cared about Dahlia (heck, the developers in both languages named her after a positive character trait! :-P). I disagree with your opinion of Valerie, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Spoiler: T&T
It's clear in the game he took his daughters to spite Morgan after realizing that he would never get the prestige of being married to the Master with DL-6 and the fall of Kurain being the last straw. This is actually stated in the game. What indication do we have that he gave a crap? He drops one of his daughter at the temple (had he really just not wanted her and had been a decent person, why not send Iris back to her mother? Instead he takes both children from their home to spite their mother and drops one off to be raised by a stranger. Also, when do we see Valerie do anything that was not in her own interest? For someone kind, she is compltely willing to go along with Dahlia's plan because she gets the gem as her reward for helping. For someone who cares so much about, she allows Dahlia to jump from a bridge into a dangerous river so that they can get the jewel. There was no reason to allow Dahlia to do something so dangerous if she cared about her (except for the money they then split).

Writer Awakened wrote:
I mean, we'd all love to think that Dahlia would have turned out differently if she had been with Iris, including me. There's always a scapegoat. It's her father's fault for taking her away, it's Morgan's fault for letting them go, it's Valerie's fault for not loving her. At some point, we have to ask "When does Dahlia take the blame for how Dahlia turned out?" Actually, I think Dahlia herself wants a scapegoat. It's true that the Hawthorne family wasn't the most loving household, but that doesn't necessarily turn people into murderers.

Spoiler: T&T
I have never excused Dahlia's actions. Even in my rant in the other thread, I admitted that what she did was horrible, but she wasn't born a monster. While twins are clearly different people, they should not end up being so radically different considering they have the same genetics and until their separation received the same treatment. Besides Iris seems to be set up as a foil for Dahlia. It seems more than a little coincidental that they go through the effort to set up everything with them being both related (and not just related but twins) and then raised together until their separation only to have them end up polar opposites by accident? The only difference between them is that after they were split up, they received very different lives. Also, no, a father does not leave his child behind because his eight year old tells him to unless he had been planning to already and I don't believe for a second Dahlia agreed considering how angry she was with her father. She goes through a very elaborate fake kidnapping which ends with her jumping from a bridge and restarting her life anew. Why go through that when she could simply have had Terry take the gem from Valerie and then meet up with him later. Considering Terry killed himself for Dahlia, so you really believe that she couldn't have talked him out of taking his share? Unlike Valerie, he was helping because Dahlia asked him to so there was no reason for the extra risk except that this has an added bonus. Her scheme is more than a little drastic to just get the jewel and Dahlia is not stupid by any means. By doing this she gets away from her father and gets back at him by taking the jewel. Is Dahlia at fault for her actions? Of course. Dahlia ended up being a monster, but she was created and not born.

Writer Awakened wrote:
Again, I can see how being in a loving situation would soften the blow, but I don't think it would change who Dahlia is. To me, the fake kidnapping and ransom was a cry for attention. Not because she felt she wasn't loved, but because she wanted the attention because she was bored. There are a few reasons she might want to target her father, the first being that, although Dahlia was the one who suggested abandoning Iris, she really did care about her; she was her family, and subconsciously she passed the blame from her actions to her father. "You abandoned Iris, father, it was you!" to speak (and, of course, he abandoned Morgan). About Iris: I also believe Dahlia cared for her sister; after all, why leave her at a mountain shrine and not on the side of the road somewhere? At the same time, I think there was a reason that Mr. Hawthorne chose to leave Iris and not Dahlia, and I think this is the major point. It was their personalities, even at that young age, that made Dahlia and Iris different (and thus, their ultimate fates). Dahlia wasn't completely sweet and innocent like Iris was, she was mischievous and fiery and took the initiative to convince her father to abandon her sister. She may not have wanted the family to split up (who does?), but she didn't seem to be losing much sleep over it.

Spoiler: T&T
She jumps from a bridge into a well known dangerous river because she is bored? Again Dahlia is not stupid. If she wants to screw with her father, there are better ways to satisfy boredom. Hell, she could even have gone through with the whole plan and just had Terry walk away with the jewel, as I said before. There was no reason for her to jump from the bridge except that this gets her away from her father. Again, fathers do not leave their children behind because their eight year old complains. I disagree that she wasn't upset. Again, she wasn't doing this for money or simple boredom because jumping from the bridge wasn't necessary in those cases. This gets her away from her father and instead of going far away where she would be safer, she stays close to the Temple and Iris. She is really angry with her father and comes up with a dangerous plan which both hurts her father and gets her away from him.

Writer Awakened wrote:
The second reason for the plot was of course the money (not like she would have refused it, at least). Family is the reason Dahlia asked Valerie to help her; from what we've seen in her later murders, Dahlia is more than comfortable with carrying out her plans alone, but I really think she wanted Valerie to have a chance to help her. Same goes for Iris, actually.

Spoiler: T&T
I've answered how it was clearly never about the money with Dahlia. There was a better way. As far as working alone, Dahlia uses people. She could not have done the fake kidnapping alone.

Writer Awakened wrote:
That brings me back to Valerie. I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment that Valerie didn't care about her little stepsister. To me, personally, it seems as though Valerie loved her little stepsister and felt sorry for her. Losing a mother, coming to a new family, losing a sister...yes, Valerie was going to get a cut of the gemstone, but part of her probably knew that Dahlia would get everything in the end. After all, it was an uncut gemstone: hard to split up equally. Then, after the fact, Valerie helped her start a new life; Valerie wouldn't have gotten anything out of doing that herself. I think it was Valerie's sympathy for her sad little stepsister that led her to, against her morals, help her carry out the plot and then lie about it under oath to get Terry convicted. Five years later, the guilt weighed on her mind, and she called out Dahlia, not only for her own sake, but for Dahlia's. In other words, Valerie wanted the truth to come out. She wanted Dahlia to face her demons, and went to meet her, and, well...we know what happened,

Spoiler: T&T
Gems can be sold and the money split. Valerie got a great deal of money out of it and that was all she cared about at the time. For caring so much, she didn't seem to mind risking her sister's life as long as they got the gem. As I said, jumping was not necessary, but valerie doesn't seem to care. As long as she got her cut, she'd do this Dahlia's way. In what way was coming out going to help Dahlia? When both Valerie and Terry testify that it was Dahlia's idea, she is going to jail for a very long time. Fourteen is old enough to be tried as an adult if the crime is bad enough which this probably would be. If Valerie just wanted the truth to come out, why not just tell someone? She clearly knew where Dahlia was and had for years, but instead of confessing and telling the truth, she goes to meet Dahlia. There is no purpose behind this except to perhaps figure out how to lessen the blow. Remember, Valerie is going down for this crime as well, but if she meets with Dahlia then perhaps they can figure out a way to lessen the blow somewhat. But also remember that Dahlia is going down harder for this no matter what, so by coming out with the truth Valerie clears her own conscious and takes whatever punishment she can get away with (and if she can convince them that Dahlia had complete control- Dahlia's obvious control over Terry and testimony if she can get it, she might be able to get off the no more than a slap on the wrist). This is a disaster for Dahlia. If this comes out, her life is over but Valerie ends up with a clear conscious. How are we helping Dahlia here?

Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: response to what you said about Dahlia not wanting people not know she relies on them, I think that she wants people to think she relies on them and trusts them. It's a confidence game: Get close to people, and use them to achieve her ends. She did it to Terry, to Phoenix, and she probably tried to somehow sweet-talk Diego into letting his guard down ("Cute girls never lie"). It worked, unfortunately. :( But her reliance on others and her sweet-talk are part of her act; deep-down, I think what she said when she had nothing to lose (i.e. when she was dead and being channeled) was closest to the truth: She only cared about herself and her very personal revenge and had no need or want to rely on anything else. I don't see any reason to not believe her, especially since she never used any one person as her "pillar of reliance"; she bounced from one place to another (who knows what she did during those five formative years as "Melissa Foster"?) using people as she went.

Spoiler: T&T
No, she used people. That really isn't the same as relying on somebody. She needed Iris, but Terry and Phoenix were simply there. She had no problem discarding both of them when they failed to be useful, but she never harmed Iris. Even after Iris screwed up time and time again, Dahlia never lifts a hand against her. Dahlia waits for six months before finally acting against Phoenix despite the fact that she was in constant danger while that evidence was lose, but she waits because Iris asks her to. Would she really have tolerated that from anyone else? Not a chance, but she in a rather twisted way Dahlia did love her sister and still needed her. Iris was the only one who truly loved Dahlia unconditionally. Dahlia clearly thinks that relying on people is a sign of weakness as she mocks Phoenix over his reliance on people. She needs no one, but herself and people are simply to be used a thrown away. She has no problem with using people (and by ghost time, by letting everyone know how smart she was with all the manipulation), but what she does not want people to know "I really needed my sister with me."

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Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title
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I forgot to mention this this morning.

Spoiler: More T&T!
In regards to the theory that Dahlia's father spoiled her rotten:

:ayame: ... My sister... I felt sorry for her. She was abandoned by our mother and never got any love from our father either.

Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title
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Writer Awakened need Klavi avatar BADLY!

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Sorry in advance for all the nested quotes :payne:

Mia_Fey wrote:
Franzise did a pretty good job summing a lot of this up, but I'll add my thoughts as well.
Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T spoilers
Honestly? I don't know if Dahlia would have turned out better if she had been with Iris at Hazakura, mainly because she did have a family influence in her father, stepmother, and Valerie. Her father was, from what we know, very unpleasant, but he did care enough to take her with him when she left Morgan (as a rich man, he probably spoiled her rotten, at least). That doesn't make him a good person, but to say that he didn't love Dahlia wouldn't be entirely true. She may have hated him, but that doesn't make him responsible for her hatred and her betrayal of him (which, considering she was so hurt by Iris' betrayal, seems pretty hypocritical of her). And I do think Valerie really cared about Dahlia (heck, the developers in both languages named her after a positive character trait! :-P). I disagree with your opinion of Valerie, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Spoiler: T&T
It's clear in the game he took his daughters to spite Morgan after realizing that he would never get the prestige of being married to the Master with DL-6 and the fall of Kurain being the last straw. This is actually stated in the game. What indication do we have that he gave a crap? He drops one of his daughter at the temple (had he really just not wanted her and had been a decent person, why not send Iris back to her mother? Instead he takes both children from their home to spite their mother and drops one off to be raised by a stranger. Also, when do we see Valerie do anything that was not in her own interest? For someone kind, she is compltely willing to go along with Dahlia's plan because she gets the gem as her reward for helping. For someone who cares so much about, she allows Dahlia to jump from a bridge into a dangerous river so that they can get the jewel. There was no reason to allow Dahlia to do something so dangerous if she cared about her (except for the money they then split).

Spoiler: T&T
I'm not questioning why he left Morgan, but there must have been a reason he kept Dahlia and not given her away. I don't think he could have left Iris with Morgan, because Morgan wanted nothing to do with them after learning they had no spiritual powers.

Also, by "spoiling her rotten" I meant with money and gifts, not love. They're two very different, very separate things. Again, I'm not saying that Dahlia's father is a good person, but there had to have been a reason he abandoned Iris but not Dahlia.

Also, how can you say for certain that Valerie only thought about herself? Jumping off the bridge probably wasn't her idea; she went along because Dahlia wanted her to, and we don't have any reason to believe otherwise. And she knew that Dahlia was the one with the gem. If Valerie really was that immoral, then why would she trust Dahlia to A. jump into the river B. sell the jewel, and C. give her half? Valerie had to believe that she might not ever see any of the money. If anything, Valerie's intention was probably the same as Dahlia's major reason was: She wanted to spite her stepfather. She's not innocent in the incident, but I certainly don't believe her to be as selfish as you claim, IMO.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
I mean, we'd all love to think that Dahlia would have turned out differently if she had been with Iris, including me. There's always a scapegoat. It's her father's fault for taking her away, it's Morgan's fault for letting them go, it's Valerie's fault for not loving her. At some point, we have to ask "When does Dahlia take the blame for how Dahlia turned out?" Actually, I think Dahlia herself wants a scapegoat. It's true that the Hawthorne family wasn't the most loving household, but that doesn't necessarily turn people into murderers.

Spoiler: T&T
I have never excused Dahlia's actions. Even in my rant in the other thread, I admitted that what she did was horrible, but she wasn't born a monster. While twins are clearly different people, they should not end up being so radically different considering they have the same genetics and until their separation received the same treatment. Besides Iris seems to be set up as a foil for Dahlia. It seems more than a little coincidental that they go through the effort to set up everything with them being both related (and not just related but twins) and then raised together until their separation only to have them end up polar opposites by accident? The only difference between them is that after they were split up, they received very different lives. Also, no, a father does not leave his child behind because his eight year old tells him to unless he had been planning to already and I don't believe for a second Dahlia agreed considering how angry she was with her father. She goes through a very elaborate fake kidnapping which ends with her jumping from a bridge and restarting her life anew. Why go through that when she could simply have had Terry take the gem from Valerie and then meet up with him later. Considering Terry killed himself for Dahlia, so you really believe that she couldn't have talked him out of taking his share? Unlike Valerie, he was helping because Dahlia asked him to so there was no reason for the extra risk except that this has an added bonus. Her scheme is more than a little drastic to just get the jewel and Dahlia is not stupid by any means. By doing this she gets away from her father and gets back at him by taking the jewel. Is Dahlia at fault for her actions? Of course. Dahlia ended up being a monster, but she was created and not born.

Spoiler: T&T
Just because they're twins doesn't mean that they're going to be the same by default. I've known twins who grew up in the same household who were radically different in personality.

Again, I think the "jumping from the bridge" bit was her plan all along. It was a cry for attention; if Terry and her stepsister weren't involved, it wouldn't be the show she wanted. She needed someone to love her, someone to notice her, and she hatched the plan to fulfill that need.

I strongly believe that Dahlia had a choice. Her stepfather may have been a detestable human being, Dahlia might have been separated by her blood sister, but that wasn't why she killed. She killed for her own reasons. Her father didn't hold a knife to her neck and tell her to electrocute Doug. If she really loved and wanted to be with Iris, she could have gone to live with her, but she chose to "get back." Her family situation didn't help her, but it wasn't as if she was compelled to be evil; she could have chosen to find another solution. But, five years after leaving her unloving father, and she still returns to Eagle Mountain and murders her stepsister. The leap from a fake kidnapping to murder is a large one, and she spent those missing five years by herself.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
Again, I can see how being in a loving situation would soften the blow, but I don't think it would change who Dahlia is. To me, the fake kidnapping and ransom was a cry for attention. Not because she felt she wasn't loved, but because she wanted the attention because she was bored. There are a few reasons she might want to target her father, the first being that, although Dahlia was the one who suggested abandoning Iris, she really did care about her; she was her family, and subconsciously she passed the blame from her actions to her father. "You abandoned Iris, father, it was you!" to speak (and, of course, he abandoned Morgan). About Iris: I also believe Dahlia cared for her sister; after all, why leave her at a mountain shrine and not on the side of the road somewhere? At the same time, I think there was a reason that Mr. Hawthorne chose to leave Iris and not Dahlia, and I think this is the major point. It was their personalities, even at that young age, that made Dahlia and Iris different (and thus, their ultimate fates). Dahlia wasn't completely sweet and innocent like Iris was, she was mischievous and fiery and took the initiative to convince her father to abandon her sister. She may not have wanted the family to split up (who does?), but she didn't seem to be losing much sleep over it.

Spoiler: T&T
She jumps from a bridge into a well known dangerous river because she is bored? Again Dahlia is not stupid. If she wants to screw with her father, there are better ways to satisfy boredom. Hell, she could even have gone through with the whole plan and just had Terry walk away with the jewel, as I said before. There was no reason for her to jump from the bridge except that this gets her away from her father. Again, fathers do not leave their children behind because their eight year old complains. I disagree that she wasn't upset. Again, she wasn't doing this for money or simple boredom because jumping from the bridge wasn't necessary in those cases. This gets her away from her father and instead of going far away where she would be safer, she stays close to the Temple and Iris. She is really angry with her father and comes up with a dangerous plan which both hurts her father and gets her away from him.

Spoiler: T&T
The reason many people commit crimes is because they're missing something, that they have a void they need to fill. Dahlia was sick of her life and wanted to do something major to screw her father over. I'm not denying she wanted to get away, but I don't think it was because of him abandoning Iris. Of course Iris being abandoned was a traumatizing experience, but there wasn't any "No, father. Abandon me instead!" because Dahlia was never that kind of person. Whether Dahlia wanted Iris gone for sure or not, she still was the one who offered her sister up to be sacrificed.

I actually agree with most of what you're saying! The major difference is that I believe Dahlia didn't have to murder anyone. She chose to, and nobody compelled her to. Mr. Hawthorne "made" Dahlia but he didn't "make" a murderer.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
The second reason for the plot was of course the money (not like she would have refused it, at least). Family is the reason Dahlia asked Valerie to help her; from what we've seen in her later murders, Dahlia is more than comfortable with carrying out her plans alone, but I really think she wanted Valerie to have a chance to help her. Same goes for Iris, actually.

Spoiler: T&T
I've answered how it was clearly never about the money with Dahlia. There was a better way. As far as working alone, Dahlia uses people. She could not have done the fake kidnapping alone.

Spoiler: T&T
She obviously used Terry, of course, but she didn't need Valerie and certainly she didn't need Iris. But they were both her sisters, so she wanted them there. All of her killings were done alone, and in one she was so brash as to poison an attorney in a courthouse. She obviously is smarter and braver than the average person. As for the money, if she really didn't want the money, then why didn't she just throw the gem into the river instead of putting it in her bag before she jumped? Money may not have been the reason, but no one would refuse a two-million dollar gemstone, least of all her.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
That brings me back to Valerie. I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment that Valerie didn't care about her little stepsister. To me, personally, it seems as though Valerie loved her little stepsister and felt sorry for her. Losing a mother, coming to a new family, losing a sister...yes, Valerie was going to get a cut of the gemstone, but part of her probably knew that Dahlia would get everything in the end. After all, it was an uncut gemstone: hard to split up equally. Then, after the fact, Valerie helped her start a new life; Valerie wouldn't have gotten anything out of doing that herself. I think it was Valerie's sympathy for her sad little stepsister that led her to, against her morals, help her carry out the plot and then lie about it under oath to get Terry convicted. Five years later, the guilt weighed on her mind, and she called out Dahlia, not only for her own sake, but for Dahlia's. In other words, Valerie wanted the truth to come out. She wanted Dahlia to face her demons, and went to meet her, and, well...we know what happened,

Spoiler: T&T
Gems can be sold and the money split. Valerie got a great deal of money out of it and that was all she cared about at the time. For caring so much, she didn't seem to mind risking her sister's life as long as they got the gem. As I said, jumping was not necessary, but valerie doesn't seem to care. As long as she got her cut, she'd do this Dahlia's way. In what way was coming out going to help Dahlia? When both Valerie and Terry testify that it was Dahlia's idea, she is going to jail for a very long time. Fourteen is old enough to be tried as an adult if the crime is bad enough which this probably would be. If Valerie just wanted the truth to come out, why not just tell someone? She clearly knew where Dahlia was and had for years, but instead of confessing and telling the truth, she goes to meet Dahlia. There is no purpose behind this except to perhaps figure out how to lessen the blow. Remember, Valerie is going down for this crime as well, but if she meets with Dahlia then perhaps they can figure out a way to lessen the blow somewhat. But also remember that Dahlia is going down harder for this no matter what, so by coming out with the truth Valerie clears her own conscious and takes whatever punishment she can get away with (and if she can convince them that Dahlia had complete control- Dahlia's obvious control over Terry and testimony if she can get it, she might be able to get off the no more than a slap on the wrist). This is a disaster for Dahlia. If this comes out, her life is over but Valerie ends up with a clear conscious. How are we helping Dahlia here?

Spoiler: T&T
But that's the thing. Valerie never did get the money. And she had to have known that, since Dahlia had the whole gem, she might not have ever gotten her money. She couldn't have convinced Dahlia not to jump if Dahlia had her heart set on it. She helped Dahlia change her identity and run away, and we never hear anything about Valerie trying to get the gem back. And if there's anyone I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt, it's Valerie, because we know that Dahlia can't be trusted.

The reason Valerie lied was to protect Dahlia, but after five years, I suspect her conscience weighed heavily on her, and once Terry escaped, she knew the whole truth needed to be told. As you said, Valerie didn't just rat her out to the police (which she could have done easily; she was a policewoman!), she went to talk to Dahlia. She wanted Dahlia to confess, to repent for her sins herself. Valerie talked about "the whole truth" coming out, which would entail both her and Dahlia confessing. Remember, it was Valerie who initiated the meeting with Dahlia; if Valerie really cared just about herself, why didn't she confess and let Dahlia be free? The answer is that she wanted the truth, and she wanted Dahlia to be able to sleep well at night, too (and she probably wanted her to tell the truth to Terry, too.) Remember Dahlia was her sister, even if not by blood, and Valerie would rightly be concerned for her sister's conscience as well. There was nothing to be gained by meeting Dahlia again if she was only looking out for herself. Yes, getting Dahlia to confess would have sent Dahlia to jail for a few years, but for someone with a high sense of morals, that is the "correct" thing to do.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: response to what you said about Dahlia not wanting people not know she relies on them, I think that she wants people to think she relies on them and trusts them. It's a confidence game: Get close to people, and use them to achieve her ends. She did it to Terry, to Phoenix, and she probably tried to somehow sweet-talk Diego into letting his guard down ("Cute girls never lie"). It worked, unfortunately. :( But her reliance on others and her sweet-talk are part of her act; deep-down, I think what she said when she had nothing to lose (i.e. when she was dead and being channeled) was closest to the truth: She only cared about herself and her very personal revenge and had no need or want to rely on anything else. I don't see any reason to not believe her, especially since she never used any one person as her "pillar of reliance"; she bounced from one place to another (who knows what she did during those five formative years as "Melissa Foster"?) using people as she went.

Spoiler: T&T
No, she used people. That really isn't the same as relying on somebody. She needed Iris, but Terry and Phoenix were simply there. She had no problem discarding both of them when they failed to be useful, but she never harmed Iris. Even after Iris screwed up time and time again, Dahlia never lifts a hand against her. Dahlia waits for six months before finally acting against Phoenix despite the fact that she was in constant danger while that evidence was lose, but she waits because Iris asks her to. Would she really have tolerated that from anyone else? Not a chance, but she in a rather twisted way Dahlia did love her sister and still needed her. Iris was the only one who truly loved Dahlia unconditionally. Dahlia clearly thinks that relying on people is a sign of weakness as she mocks Phoenix over his reliance on people. She needs no one, but herself and people are simply to be used a thrown away. She has no problem with using people (and by ghost time, by letting everyone know how smart she was with all the manipulation), but what she does not want people to know "I really needed my sister with me."

Spoiler: T&T
Of course Dahlia wouldn't try to kill her sister. She did care about her sisters deep down, but she didn't need them by any means. If she really wanted to be with Iris so badly, why didn't Dahlia see her in Hazakura herself and live there? Again, there's no indication she tried to contact the Hawthornes (aside from Valerie for her fake IDs) or Iris during her five years laying low (I don't believe she really was "out of the country", personally). She wouldn't try to kill her sister for no reason, but that does in no way means she had some compulsion to be with Iris, or that she wouldn't kill her if she thought that Iris was going to cause her trouble (and Dahlia knew that Iris wouldn't try to harm her, so she was no threat).

Essentially, what I'm saying is, even if Dahlia had lived with Iris in Hazakura, it wouldn't change the fact that she had the compulsion to do wrong. It may not have manifested itself so soon or in the same way...but Dahlia was just an evil, evil person and that sort of cruelty is not something you just "pick up"; someone like Iris, for example, if she was in Dahlia's place, would have found the strength to forgive Morgan and Mr. Hawthorne even though they were spiteful people. Dahlia, for all her intelligence, didn't have that sort of moral or emotional strength.

That's my opinion, anyway.

Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title

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Writer Awakened wrote:
Sorry in advance for all the nested quotes :payne:
Spoiler: T&T
I'm not questioning why he left Morgan, but there must have been a reason he kept Dahlia and not given her away. I don't think he could have left Iris with Morgan, because Morgan wanted nothing to do with them after learning they had no spiritual powers.

Spoiler: T&T
There is nothing in the game to suggest that Morgan wanted nothing to do with them. She might not have fought for them, but there is no indication that she mistreated them or that she would have gotten rid of them. In fact, the game tells us that losing her children was part of what turned Morgan into the character we see in the game. Besides, this took Iris and Dahlia away from their cousins and the rest of the village that they were brought up in. There was no reason Iris couldn't have been taken back to Kurain and raised there if he didn't want her.

Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Also, by "spoiling her rotten" I meant with money and gifts, not love. They're two very different, very separate things. Again, I'm not saying that Dahlia's father is a good person, but there had to have been a reason he abandoned Iris but not Dahlia.

Spoiler: T&T
Why? I believe the game claims that he only wanted two children and his new wife already had a daughter. He is not a nice person as the game goes out of its way to tell us and played a large role in creating the two worst monsters in the game. He hands his daughter over to a stranger without a thought after dragging her from her home to spite their mother. Why does he need to have a reason other then being a bastard for choosing one child over the other? He just picked one. He clearly didn't care about either of them. Perhaps Iris reminded him too much of Morgan with her black hair. There could be any number of stupid reasons for him to choose between them, but in the end his reasoning really isn't important as what matters is that he gave away his daughter without a second thought. I will repeat, a father does not give away his child because the other tells him to. There is a reason that he is painted in such a dark light. As far as material goods, he probably gave Dahlia all she could ever want, but that doesn't mean he cared about her. What is that new dress worth, without an "I love you" to go with it or that new toy when you look into the audience at some school function and see no one there? What does that new pair of shoes make up for without a hug? Emotional abuse is as real as physical abuse and just because you can't see the scars, it doesn't mean they aren't there and that the effect isn't devastating.

Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Also, how can you say for certain that Valerie only thought about herself? Jumping off the bridge probably wasn't her idea; she went along because Dahlia wanted her to, and we don't have any reason to believe otherwise. And she knew that Dahlia was the one with the gem. If Valerie really was that immoral, then why would she trust Dahlia to A. jump into the river B. sell the jewel, and C. give her half? Valerie had to believe that she might not ever see any of the money. If anything, Valerie's intention was probably the same as Dahlia's major reason was: She wanted to spite her stepfather. She's not innocent in the incident, but I certainly don't believe her to be as selfish as you claim, IMO.

Spoiler: T&T
Valerie didn't have to trust her. Dahlia could not have started over on her own. Her sister was older and could easily pull the necessary strings to relocate her. Besides, Valerie had the ultimate trump card. The plan was Dahlia's idea, so Valerie could always turn her in or she could have told the truth when on the stand (or simply placed all the blame on Dahlia and Terry). She knew she'd get her money because she could blow the plan at any moment. I believe jumping from the bridge was Dahlia's idea, but Valerie clearly went along with all of it despite the risk to her sister. Valerie knows where she is after all that and still does five years later.

Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Just because they're twins doesn't mean that they're going to be the same by default. I've known twins who grew up in the same household who were radically different in personality.

Again, I think the "jumping from the bridge" bit was her plan all along. It was a cry for attention; if Terry and her stepsister weren't involved, it wouldn't be the show she wanted. She needed someone to love her, someone to notice her, and she hatched the plan to fulfill that need.

I strongly believe that Dahlia had a choice. Her stepfather may have been a detestable human being, Dahlia might have been separated by her blood sister, but that wasn't why she killed. She killed for her own reasons. Her father didn't hold a knife to her neck and tell her to electrocute Doug. If she really loved and wanted to be with Iris, she could have gone to live with her, but she chose to "get back." Her family situation didn't help her, but it wasn't as if she was compelled to be evil; she could have chosen to find another solution. But, five years after leaving her unloving father, and she still returns to Eagle Mountain and murders her stepsister. The leap from a fake kidnapping to murder is a large one, and she spent those missing five years by herself.

Spoiler: T&T
Of course twins aren't automatically going to turn out the same, but the game clearly sets her up as a foil to Dahlia. I have trouble believing that was an accident. Using characters to reflect off each other and give a deeper understanding to the characters is a common literary device. In the end, we must remember that this isn't real life but a game and those kinds of techniques are likely to be utilized to move the plot forward and enhance it. Iris is there to be everything Dahlia is not (and to make an adorable couple with Phoenix but that is not a matter for this discussion :phoenix: ) as a way of showing how big a difference love makes. Moving on, she needed both Terry and Valerie for the plan. The fake kidnapping was complex. She needed a kidnapper (as well as a fall guy so she could get away) and she needed the heroic cop to bring the ransom and then help her frame Terry. There was no way she could have done this all on her own. Of course her father didn't force her to commit those crimes. I already agreed that Dahlia committed those crimes of her own free will, but she was a creation of her environment. She murders her stepsister because Valerie was about to hand her over. All of her crimes come from that very first one as she tries desperately to cover it all up. Nothing excuses what she did, but there is no evidence to suggest that Dahlia started off the way we see her in the game. Dahlia planned a fake kidnapping, her own "death," and framing a man for murder. Is murder really that big a stretch by that point? By the time of the kidnapping, Dahlia was created. She had spent six years alone and unloved. Dahlia was irreversibly twisted by that point, but this doesn't contradict my original point which is that the kidnapping results from her anger at those years of emotional abuse starting with the loss of her sister.

Writer Awakened wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
But that's the thing. Valerie never did get the money. And she had to have known that, since Dahlia had the whole gem, she might not have ever gotten her money. She couldn't have convinced Dahlia not to jump if Dahlia had her heart set on it. She helped Dahlia change her identity and run away, and we never hear anything about Valerie trying to get the gem back. And if there's anyone I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt, it's Valerie, because we know that Dahlia can't be trusted.

Spoiler: T&T
You're basing this on what exactly? Valerie always knew where Dahlia was and could have turned her in at any time. I would say it was very probable Valerie got her money. She doesn't need the gem back, just the money. Dahlia sells it, they split the money, Valerie helps her hide, and then testifies against Terry. Where is it that they indicate that Valerie didn't get the money? There is no indication that she was trying to help Dahlia out of the goodness of her heart. They stole a gem, cut Terry out, and then split the money. Valerie is clearly in on all of this as she fires a short at Terry, giving Dahlia the distraction to jump so they can pin her murder on him. The authorities can't recover the gem because it disappeared when Dahlia "died." Valerie doesn't want to confess for her sister's sake, but because after five years (and Terry's approaching execution probably played a role) she couldn't live with the guilt anymore. It is her only redeemable quality as far as we can see, but there is no indication that she helped with this plan for Dahlia's sake. She knew Dahlia planned on jumping because she fires the shot that causes the distraction so Dahlia can jump. Then she claims that she shot him because he went to kill Dahlia. Terry goes to jail, Dahlia gets her revenge as well as her share of the money to start over, and Valerie gets her money.

Spoiler: T&T
You don't have to buy the theory, but the game seems to go into great detail about Dahlia's creation and stressing how it didn't need to happen. I can't imagine a fate worse then being unloved, with no one you can really trust. They paint her father in a truly despicable way, Valerie is barely any better (her only redeeming quality being the remorse that got her killed), and Dahlia was separated from the one person who truly loved her when she was eight. A father does not leave a child behind because the other one tells him to and Dahlia is furious at him for reasons that don't make sense. Dahlia (as Iris) claims the fake kidnapping was revenge for Morgan's sake, but Dahlia seems to truly hate her mother later. Besides, for someone so sorry for her mother, she never tries to go see her. Instead she clings close to Iris despite the fact that she would probably have been safer and less likely to be found out at Kurain. If she simply wanted to toy with her father, there was no reason for her to jump. She could have gotten the gem without jumping. Dahlia is far from stupid. For someone so interested in attention, Dahlia goes out of her way to disappear. She takes a new name and a new life. Terry and Valerie were vital to the kidnapping scheme as I explained before (And it was not a show for Valerie because she clearly knew what was going to happen. She knows where Dahlia is after that and she shoots Terry despite the fact that this was not apart of the original plan. This can only mean that Valerie and Dahlia conspired behind his back and then went through with double crossing him. So then is the show for Terry? Terry already loved her, although I'm not sure she could recognize it by this point, but she was certainly aware of his devotion as she uses it mercilessly. She didn't need to put on a show for him. Besides, if she was really seeking attention, why choose an area as secluded as Eagle River? There was no one there to see. Dahlia wanted to disappear and stay that way. She wouldn't have come out of hiding, but Valerie was cracking under the pressure and was going to turn her in so she acted. Again, I do not excuse Dahlia's actions, but she was not born bad. After six years of emotional torment, Dahlia turned into a monster.

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Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*plus diego*Topic%20Title
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Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
There is nothing in the game to suggest that Morgan wanted nothing to do with them. She might not have fought for them, but there is no indication that she mistreated them or that she would have gotten rid of them. In fact, the game tells us that losing her children was part of what turned Morgan into the character we see in the game. Besides, this took Iris and Dahlia away from their cousins and the rest of the village that they were brought up in. There was no reason Iris couldn't have been taken back to Kurain and raised there if he didn't want her.

Spoiler: T&T
But the reason she didn't want them was because they had no spiritual powers! The game goes out of its way to clarify that is the reason why Morgan didn't want her children and why she remarried and had Pearl. Iris and Dahlia were as good as garbage to her. Morgan didn't care if they left. Maybe she wasn't going to actively send them away, but they wouldn't help her get back at the Main Family, so they were as good as useless as far as her plot was concerned (and as far back as Pearl's birth, we know Morgan that was plotting to put one of her children up as the Master.)

Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Why? I believe the game claims that he only wanted two children and his new wife already had a daughter. He is not a nice person as the game goes out of its way to tell us and played a large role in creating the two worst monsters in the game. He hands his daughter over to a stranger without a thought after dragging her from her home to spite their mother. Why does he need to have a reason other then being a bastard for choosing one child over the other? He just picked one. He clearly didn't care about either of them.

Spoiler: T&T
Then why didn't he abandon both Dahlia and Iris? Yeah, Iris holds a pity party for Dahlia, but that doesn't explain why he didn't get rid of them both. I don't know if there's a "magic number" of children, but I don't think that their father just chose one at random to give away. Obviously there would be one he preferred and would listen to more readily. If you're a father, even if you aren't a very pleasant person, you still would put some thought into which one of your girls you'd leave on the side of the road, and it wasn't as if her father locked her in the basement or starved her, as far as we know. He obviously wasn't a nice person, but again, that doesn't make Dahlia a murderer! Only Dahlia can make herself that. That wasn't his doing, although he certainly didn't help.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Valerie didn't have to trust her. Dahlia could not have started over on her own. Her sister was older and could easily pull the necessary strings to relocate her. Besides, Valerie had the ultimate trump card. The plan was Dahlia's idea, so Valerie could always turn her in or she could have told the truth when on the stand (or simply placed all the blame on Dahlia and Terry). She knew she'd get her money because she could blow the plan at any moment. I believe jumping from the bridge was Dahlia's idea, but Valerie clearly went along with all of it despite the risk to her sister. Valerie knows where she is after all that and still does five years later.

Spoiler: T&T
But Valerie never did turn her in before Terry escaped! On what do you base your claim that Valerie was just waiting to tighten the noose around Dahlia's neck? All we hear is that Valerie was a righteous person, and we have no reason to believe otherwise, because everything she did was done for Dahlia. She wouldn't have passed down a cut of the gemstone, of course, but we don't hear anything about her shaking "Melissa" down for the money. As far as Valerie knew, the gem was lost in the river, and she still helped her stepsister "disappear", and then she lied to protect both her and her sister, with Fawles being the fall guy. Anyway, If Dahlia wanted to jump into the river and leave it all behind, I personally don't think Valerie could have stopped her, regardless of whether she tried or not.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
Of course twins aren't automatically going to turn out the same, but the game clearly sets her up as a foil to Dahlia. I have trouble believing that was an accident. She needed both Terry and Valerie for the plan. The fake kidnapping was complex. She needed a kidnapper (as well as a fall guy so she could get away) and she needed the heroic cop to bring the ransom and then help her frame Terry. There was no way she could have done this all on her own. Of course her father didn't force her to commit those crimes. I already agreed that Dahlia committed those crimes of her own free will, but she was a creation of her environment. She murders her stepsister because Valerie was about to hand her over. All of her crimes come from that very first one as she tries desperately to cover it all up. Nothing excuses what she did, but there is no evidence to suggest that Dahlia started off the way we see her in the game. Dahlia planned a fake kidnapping, her own "death," and framing a man for murder. Is murder really that big a stretch by that point? By the time of the kidnapping, Dahlia was created. She had spent six years alone and unloved. Dahlia was irreversibly twisted by that point, but this doesn't contradict my original point which is that the kidnapping results from her anger at those years of emotional abuse starting with the loss of her sister.

Spoiler: T&T
No, what I meant was, she could have said "No. I won't kill." But she didn't. Her environment didn't "make" her a monster, and she most certainly should not be able to give that as a valid "reason" for being a criminal. We're probably going to keep disagreeing on this, so I won't keep repeating myself, but she may have been angry at her father...but she was a murderer because that's who she was. Because she was looking out for number one. I do think it is a stretch to go from a kidnapping to a murder. Taking another human's life is something very, very serious. In those five years, she went from being a girl stealing for attention to a woman who was willing to commit murder, and we don't know what happened in those five years, but something must have, even if it was just her stewing in her own hatred. Dahlia knew that Valerie was going to tell the truth, and she premeditated Valerie's murder, going so far as to bring a camera with a timer to make herself an alibi.

Just as a hypothetical, what if it was Iris who grew up with her father instead of Dahlia? Would Iris have staged the kidnapping and committed those murders? We don't know, of course, but there's a difference between growing up angry at your parents and being compelled to kill. Personally, I think Iris would have been strong enough to forgive those who were horrible to her, but that's just me.

Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
You're basing this on what exactly? Valerie always knew where Dahlia was and could have turned her in at any time. I would say it was very probable Valerie got her money. She doesn't need the gem back, just the money. Dahlia sells it, they split the money, Valerie helps her hide, and then testifies against Terry. Where is it that they indicate that Valerie didn't get the money? There is no indication that she was trying to help Dahlia out of the goodness of her heart. They stole a gem, cut Terry out, and then split the money. Valerie is clearly in on all of this as she fires a short at Terry, giving Dahlia the distraction to jump so they can pin her murder on him. The authorities can't recover the gem because it disappeared when Dahlia "died." Valerie doesn't want to confess for her sister's sake, but because after five years (and Terry's approaching execution probably played a role) she couldn't live with the guilt anymore. It is her only redeemable quality as far as we can see, but there is no indication that she helped with this plan for Dahlia's sake. She knew Dahlia planned on jumping because she fires the shot that causes the distraction so Dahlia can jump. Then she claims that she shot him because he went to kill Dahlia. Terry goes to jail, Dahlia gets her revenge as well as her share of the money to start over, and Valerie gets her money.

Spoiler: T&T
Well, we don't really have anything concrete to base either theory on: Either Valerie was a good person who was helping her sister, or a heartless accomplice to crime. There really isn't anything to base this on, and therefore we have to go with what we hear (that Valerie helped Dahlia run away, didn't get the money, and met Dahlia and Fawles to let the truth be known), since we have no reason to believe otherwise. If there was any hint that the gem didn't disappear in the river or wasn't just hoarded by Dahlia, maybe, but there isn't anything like that. And the likeliest explanation is the one that we've heard. From what we've seen, I can't believe that Valerie was a bad person. I can't. She may have wanted a cut of the money, but she clearly regretted helping her stepsister commit the crime, and agreed to meet with Fawles and tell him the truth despite the fact that telling the truth then would gain her nothing. Who would believe Terry that Valerie had committed the crime? She was a police officer and he was a convict. She could have kept silent and lived on in peace. But we know that even though it meant going to jail, she had to have the truth be known. I don't see any hinting to suggest otherwise, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Plus, "Valerie", "Valor" (or "Yuuki", "Courage", in the Japanese version); I think the developers were trying to tell us something there :P (I'm only half kidding)

Mia_Fey wrote:
Spoiler: T&T
You don't have to buy the theory, but the game seems to go into great detail about Dahlia's creation and stressing how it didn't need to happen. I can't imagine a fate worse then being unloved, with no one you can really trust. They paint her father in a truly despicable way, Valerie is barely any better (her only redeeming quality being the remorse that got her killed), and Dahlia was separated from the one person who truly loved her when she was eight. A father does not leave a child behind because the other one tells him to and Dahlia is furious at him for reasons that don't make sense. Dahlia (as Iris) claims the fake kidnapping was revenge for Morgan's sake, but Dahlia seems to truly hate her mother later. Besides, for someone so sorry for her mother, she never tries to go see her. Instead she clings close to Iris despite the fact that she would probably have been safer and less likely to be found out at Kurain. If she simply wanted to toy with her father, there was no reason for her to jump. She could have gotten the gem without jumping. Dahlia is far from stupid. For someone so interested in attention, Dahlia goes out of her way to disappear. She takes a new name and a new life. Terry and Valerie were vital to the kidnapping scheme as I explained before (And it was not a show for Valerie because she clearly knew what was going to happen. She knows where Dahlia is after that and she shoots Terry despite the fact that this was not apart of the original plan. This can only mean that Valerie and Dahlia conspired behind his back and then went through with double crossing him. So then is the show for Terry? Terry already loved her, although I'm not sure she could recognize it by this point, but she was certainly aware of his devotion as she uses it mercilessly. She didn't need to put on a show for him. Besides, if she was really seeking attention, why choose an area as secluded as Eagle River? There was no one there to see. Dahlia wanted to disappear and stay that way. She wouldn't have come out of hiding, but Valerie was cracking under the pressure and was going to turn her in so she acted. Again, I do not excuse Dahlia's actions, but she was not born bad. After six years of emotional torment, Dahlia turned into a monster.

No, no, I understand what you're trying to say completely, and it's only human nature to want to believe the best. Maybe if she had been in a loving family, maybe then she would have been happy, maybe then she would have been good. But, I'm sorry, I just can't see it. I just can't see that sort of cold, cruel-heartedness come from anywhere but within. Even if it wasn't her father who she was around, Dahlia probably would have had something bad happen to her in Hazakura and she would not have taken it lightly, and slowly things would start to snowball. Also, I have to wonder: If Dahlia really felt so unloved, why didn't she run away to live with Iris herself? She knew where Iris was and could easily have left her father to be with her loving sister.

I think Dahlia was putting on a show for her father. Not in real time, of course, but the drama of throwing herself into the Eagle River was a very grand, very showy way of sticking it to her dad (which is why it had to be Eagle Mountain). What better way to make him sorry for neglecting his daughter than by killing herself (at least, making him think that she did)? As much as she hated her father, she had to have thought that he would feel sorry once she was gone, and take pleasure in thinking about him suffering (whether he shed a tear over her 'death', we don't know.) In other words, her "show" was a grand exit from the stage. Terry was just involved just because she needed a fall guy and the guy had fallen for her.

I disagree that the game "painted Valerie" in a poor light. On the contrary, it seemed to paint her in a positive light, as the woman whose conscience was speaking to her, the woman who wanted to make things right. It's clear that she helped Dahlia plan to double-cross Terry, but Dahlia was the one who knew Terry, so it was obviously Dahlia's idea in the first place. I have a lot of respect for Valerie because she admitted her wrongdoing and took the blame herself though it gained her nothing (even if it took her five years to do so). I find that admirable. Actually, that's why I have a certain amount of respect for Acro, Yanni, and to a lesser degree, Dee and Mimi.

Last edited by Writer Awakened on Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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At first I thought it was epic, but I'm concerned there may be something terribly wrong if you have to carry on an entire conversation in spoiler boxes (and nested quotes, to boot). x_x
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It is a little bit annoying, but the title isn't spoiler-marked, so someone could accidentally walk in and be spoiled otherwise. XD

The fact that there's so much great discussion and there are almost no words actually visible at first glance is somehow kinda awesome :phoenix: :D
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It's testament either to how deep a character Dahlia actually is, beyond being a mere villain, or how batshit insane fans like us are to microanalyze these things. I've thought long and hard about this particular subject myself, but I hadn't considered Valerie's position quite as deeply as you two have.
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Writer Awakened wrote:
It is a little bit annoying, but the title isn't spoiler-marked

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MoronSonOfBoron wrote:
It's testament either to how deep a character Dahlia actually is, beyond being a mere villain, or how batshit insane fans like us are to microanalyze these things.

Well, the other "main" villians are neat and all, but Engarde killed a guy for writing up a fake note about how badly he treated his ex, and von Karma shot a guy for getting him a penalty in court because he thought God told him to do it. :yuusaku: Dahlia was definately more fleshed-out and believable.
Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*spoilers*Topic%20Title

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I'm done arguing about this. I don't have the time or the energy for this. Besides, this weekend and next week are going to be very busy for me, so let's end this here. If someone wants to pick up where I left off, they should feel free to do so. Anyway, we are not going to solve the nature vs. nurture debate here as it has been going on for a long time and that is what this is turning into. I thought the game went out of the way to stress the nurture aspect multiple times, but read the game as you wish. My last point is though...

You keep saying we hear that Valerie didn't get the money, but where is this line in the game? The only time we her about her apparent righteousness is in the very beginning of 3-4 where Edgeworth is trying to make the crime seem even more heinous and as the truth trickles out, so does the truth about Valerie. She is never referenced as being good later when we find out the truth about the kidnapping. Valerie agrees to frame an innocent man and then stays silent for five years. Considering she knew where Dahlia was, there is no way Dahlia could have avoided her and if she had tried to cheat her, Valerie could have turned her in probably without any danger to herself. Who is going to believe a fourteen year old and her accomplice against the word of a respected police officer? And Valerie is a common name and if you want to read into it then it makes more sense from what we see from her that its referring to finally deciding that the truth needed to come out even if it meant trouble (And it could be to throw us off at the beginning of 3-4 where we are supposed to believe she is the courageous police officer. The real truth comes out later). There is nothing to indicate that Valerie did this because she loved her sister (She certainly doesn't seem worried about Dahlia jumping from a bridge or about what will happen to Dahlia when she turns her in) or that she didn't get her money. Also, remember that the meeting on that bridge was meant to be with Terry. She had simply informed Dahlia first and then Dahlia decided she couldn't allow her to live. There is no indication that Valerie was concerned about what would happen to Dahlia. Her only concern at that point was relieving her own guilt.

Genetics alone don't make a person. Environment plays an important factor as well. Is Dahlia at fault for her actions? Yes. Did her father force her to do those crimes? No. But she would not have turned into a monster in a better situation. Dahlia alone is responsible for her actions, but the point is that Dahlia was created.

I'm officially done here. I've made my point and I think it still holds. Everyone reads the game and its characters differently. Now I'm off to figure out how I should coordinate everything I need to do next week without falling behind in any of my classes.
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Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*spoilers*Topic%20Title

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Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*spoilers*Topic%20Title
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Yeah, Matt was an egotistical sociopath, von Karma was just an ass, and Gant was...well, Gant. XD But with Dahlia, you really can see the progression from lonely, angry girl to petty criminal to killer. Plus we have three cases to see it, so it makes sense that Dahlia's the best-developed villain personality-wise.

Mia_Fey wrote:
I'm done arguing about this. I don't have the time or the energy for this. Besides, this weekend and next week are going to be very busy for me, so let's end this here. If someone wants to pick up where I left off, they should feel free to do so. Anyway, we are not going to solve the nature vs. nurture debate here as it has been going on for a long time and that is what this is turning into. I thought the game went out of the way to stress the nurture aspect multiple times, but read the game as you wish. My last point is though...

All right. Good luck with your classes! For what it's worth, it was fun having an intelligent debate :phoenix:

The last thing I have to say is, there's nothing that indicates Valerie is a morally corrupt person. Where's the evidence that she tried to retrieve the "lost" gemstone? It seems like a "leap of faith" to automatically assume that she would have ratted her sister (whom she helped conceal) out if she didn't get her money. Also, you talk about her confessing to the crime as if it were a bad thing; personally, I feel that fessing up to the crime even though it gained her nothing but a trip to jail is the right thing to do. It would be more disturbing to me if she had just kept hiding her secret (she easily could have), if her conscience hadn't told her to confess and get Dahlia to confess. I don't think having a conscience is a strike against her, in other words.

Anyway, we really just don't know, so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, that's all. I guess on this matter we'll have to agree to disagree, so to speak.
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Writer Awakened wrote:
All right. Good luck with your classes! For what it's worth, it was fun having an intelligent debate :phoenix:

The last thing I have to say is, there's nothing that indicates Valerie is a morally corrupt person. Where's the evidence that she tried to retrieve the "lost" gemstone? It seems like a "leap of faith" to automatically assume that she would have ratted her sister (whom she helped conceal) out if she didn't get her money. Also, you talk about her confessing to the crime as if it were a bad thing; personally, I feel that fessing up to the crime even though it gained her nothing but a trip to jail is the right thing to do. It would be more disturbing to me if she had just kept hiding her secret (she easily could have), if her conscience hadn't told her to confess and get Dahlia to confess. I don't think having a conscience is a strike against her, in other words.

Anyway, we really just don't know, so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, that's all. I guess on this matter we'll have to agree to disagree, so to speak.

Thank you. Hopefully everything will work out with that. Debates can be fun and I'm sorry I have to cut this one short.

I talk about Valerie confessing like its a bad thing because in Dahlia's mind, it was the worst possible thing that could happen. The plan was for the kidnapping consisted of Dahlia "dying" and then starting her life over as Melissa Foster. If Valerie came out with the truth, not only was her new life over with but Dahlia was also going to jail for a very long time. Her first crime was far from minor and there would be no escape if Valerie testified against her. So in Dahlia's mind, this was a disaster. One thing that is clear is that there was only supposed to be one crime originally, but things fell apart after each crime and Dahlia then had to commit more crimes, each more heinous then the last, to cover her tracks. She kills Valerie to cover up the kidnapping, tricks Terry into suicide to cover up Valerie's murder, poisons Diego to cover up all three of those, tries to kill Phoenix to cover up Diego's poisoning. The only crime she commits that was not an attempt to cover her past actions was her attempt to kill Maya which was an a simple act of revenge. Nothing excuses Dahlia's actions, but I don't think anything excuses Valerie's actions either. Her crimes were not minor and there is no evidence that she made any attempt to do the right thing until five years later when she finally couldn't live with the guilt anymore (all that time Terry suffered on Death Row for a crime her didn't commit). There is no evidence that she didn't receive her portion of the money or that she agreed to the plan because she wanted to help Dahlia out of the goodness of her heart. On the other hand, both Valerie's and Dahlia's motivations are left a bit vague, so there can certainly be multiple interpretation that work. As you said, we shall agree to disagree. I think we can all be satisfied with that. Now I'm off. Thank you for the nice debate.
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This is getting a bit off topic, but I'm with Mia. I can't agree with the idea that Valerie was just this good, kind person who was conned by Dahlia.

First, you say you're not serious about the whole Valerie/Yuuki = strength/courage thing, but you've mentioned it twice so I'm starting to wonder. Willpower indicates having great inner strength, but Will Powers is rather meek and apologetic and *sniff*. Actions speak louder than names, thus, the name theory is rejected. :franny:

If Valerie did indeed risk her career and life by taking part in a fake kidnapping, single-handedly sent an innocent man to prison for murder, and didn't get ANYTHING out of it other than the warm feeling inside that she helped her little stepsister alleviate her boredom for a while, that wouldn't make Valerie a nice person, that would make her a damned idiot. Valerie did not agree to the kidnapping because she loved Dahlia; you don't agree to a plot in which someone you love jumps off a bridge into a river infamous for sweeping bodies away to never be found, and you sure as hell don't agree to shoot a gun in the direction of someone you love. Of course Terry wouldn't have harmed Dahlia, but what if Valerie had missed?

Dahlia needed Valerie's help to make the kidnapping plan work. If Valerie was truly concerned about her stepsister, all she had to do was refuse, but she didn't. Valerie did it for the money. There's no indication whatsoever in the game that she didn't get her money or turned it down; there's no solid evidence that she did get it either, but what were they going to say? "Shortly after Fawles was convicted, a million dollars mysteriously appeared in Valerie's bank account. Gee, wonder how that got there? :yuusaku: "

Valerie did eventually decide to confess, yes, but it was after Terry spent five years on death row, and after he broke out of prison solely to beg her for an explanation as to why she betrayed him like she had. It's more likely the guilt was eating her up than it being the desire to "do the right thing."
Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*spoilers*Topic%20Title
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
This is getting a bit off topic, but I'm with Mia. I can't agree with the idea that Valerie was just this good, kind person who was conned by Dahlia.

First, you say you're not serious about the whole Valerie/Yuuki = strength/courage thing, but you've mentioned it twice so I'm starting to wonder. Willpower indicates having great inner strength, but Will Powers is rather meek and apologetic and *sniff*. Actions speak louder than names, thus, the name theory is rejected. :franny:

Ouch. "Rejected"? Well, we all have our own opinions.

Firstly, I was sorta being facetious about the "name" thing...but let's think about it. A lot of the characters do seem to have names that fit their characters, and the translation team has done a pretty good job IMO of keeping most of the spirits of the puns intact. For example, Edgeworth, for being sharp and unapproachable; Phoenix Wright, obviously; the DeLites, for obvious reasons; the Cadaverini family, etc. So for a character (particularly an entirely unseen character!) to have an intentionally punny name probably says "something" about their character. In Will Powers' case, well...that seems like intentional irony to me.

Now you could make the case that Valerie's name is intentionally ironic too, but we never get to see her on-screen. All we know of her voice is what she says during the staged kidnapping, and her note that "the whole truth must come out". So we have to imagine that this rather minor character's name is accurate to her personality for lack of solid evidence to the contrary. When does the game ever even hint that Valerie might be a heartless person? In fact, it seems to me like the game was setting her up to be "the reason Dahlia first kills."

Also, when did I ever say that Valerie was "conned" by Dahlia? Valerie knew what she was doing, and she obviously knew it was wrong. I could argue that Valerie did it for the same major reason Dahlia did: to get back at her stepfather. After all, if Mr. Hawthorne treated his blood daughter like crap, then how would he treat someone who wasn't even his? She knew that Dahlia's idea was crazy and that she wanted to fake her death, but she did it anyway, which is why five years later she wanted her and Dahlia to confess. She wasn't innocent of her crime, but I don't think she would have helped just anyone. It wasn't even her idea to begin with- she didn't even know Fawles.

The game says that the gem was lost in the Eagle River and to my knowledge there was no reason for someone to lie about that until the end, so as far as we know, Valerie didn't get the money. "Melissa" took the stand and did everything she could to shift the blame off why didn't she suggest that Valerie had ulterior motives for speaking with her and/or Fawles? What proof is there that Valerie was in it only for the money, got her money, and five years later was only trying to save her own hide?

I see where you're coming from, but I'm sorry, I just can't buy a Valerie character-assassination to make Dahlia look better. But that's just me. IMO, "innocent until proven guilty" or in this case "righteous until proven immoral".

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
If Valerie did indeed risk her career and life by taking part in a fake kidnapping, single-handedly sent an innocent man to prison for murder, and didn't get ANYTHING out of it other than the warm feeling inside that she helped her little stepsister alleviate her boredom for a while, that wouldn't make Valerie a nice person, that would make her a damned idiot. Valerie did not agree to the kidnapping because she loved Dahlia; you don't agree to a plot in which someone you love jumps off a bridge into a river infamous for sweeping bodies away to never be found, and you sure as hell don't agree to shoot a gun in the direction of someone you love. Of course Terry wouldn't have harmed Dahlia, but what if Valerie had missed?

She did want the money, of course; no one would turn down the money...but I also don't think she would shake down 14-year old Dahlia for the money once Dahlia said she lost it in the river. And Valerie was an idiot. Well, maybe "naive and gullible" is more accurate. She trusted her aim enough to hit Fawles in the shoulder and trusted Dahlia that the plan would work out well. That's bad on multiple levels, but she shows remorse for it, and that's at least a start. Maybe she's not a saint, but she has enough of a heart to own up to her mistakes. I'm not saying you're wrong in disliking Valerie for what she did, but I'm not going to throw Valerie under the bus to make Dahlia look less culpable.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Dahlia needed Valerie's help to make the kidnapping plan work. If Valerie was truly concerned about her stepsister, all she had to do was refuse, but she didn't. Valerie did it for the money. There's no indication whatsoever in the game that she didn't get her money or turned it down; there's no solid evidence that she did get it either, but what were they going to say? "Shortly after Fawles was convicted, a million dollars mysteriously appeared in Valerie's bank account. Gee, wonder how that got there? :yuusaku: "

Dahlia could have found someone else. She tricked Fawles into going along with him, and he may have been an idiot, but there's enough fools around that Dahlia could have found another one to play Valerie's role. There was a reason Dahlia wanted Iris to help and there was a reason that Dahlia wanted Valerie to help; it wasn't a coincidence that it was her stepsister. There was a reason that the character of "Valerie Hawthorne" exists in-game, in other words. Also, if you ask me, it was because Valerie was "truly concerned" for Dahlia that she helped her; how was she going to turn her back on her stepsister's request when to her that was like a betrayal? (Dahlia certainly thought that when Iris didn't show up). Maybe if she was thinking more clearly then (she wasn't), but she was thinking clearly enough to do the right thing five years later, and it ended up getting her killed. Also, maybe if the game had even hinted at Valerie getting the money, but again, correct me if I'm wrong, but the last thing we hear (and no one disputes this) is that the gem was lost in the Eagle River, and we don't hear anything about Dahlia buying new stuff or otherwise having a lot of money. Actually, that's probably because, again, the gem wasn't the main reason for the kidnapping.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Valerie did eventually decide to confess, yes, but it was after Terry spent five years on death row, and after he broke out of prison solely to beg her for an explanation as to why she betrayed him like she had. It's more likely the guilt was eating her up than it being the desire to "do the right thing."

Now, here's the thing that's really been bugging me. You two have been saying that Valerie confessed because of the guilt, to make herself feel better, and that she's selfish because of that. But that doesn't make sense!

People confess for a certain reason. Sometimes they have something to gain from it. Valerie had nothing to gain from it, and even less to gain from wanting both herself and Dahlia to tell Fawles the truth! The other reason people confess is because they feel remorse. They feel bad about what happens. Having that guilt inside tells us something. It tells us that we've done or seen something that conflicts with our personal sense of morals. Valerie confessed and wanted Dahlia to confess because she felt remorse and because she wanted to be punished somehow for what she did. She honestly felt remorse for what she did and wanted to confess the "whole truth". That's a good thing. If she really was so immoral, she wouldn't feel guilty at all!. In fact, I think it would be more reprehensible had she felt guilty and did nothing about it. This is a really important distinction to make, and something that's important to me at least. There's a point where you do have to say "All right, serve your time and we forgive you" if the person was truly penitent.

I'll say it again: Valerie could have easily kept her mouth shut and gotten off clean. Dahlia wasn't going to say anything, and no one in their right mind would believe Terry when he says he's innocent. There was only one reason for Valerie to agree to talk with Fawles and Dahlia: She wanted to tell the truth, as bad as it made her and Dahlia look. And if you ask me, that's both the ultimate proof of both her sense of morals and of her love for her sister. Valerie tried to convince Dahlia (whom she hadn't even seen for five years!) to tell the truth knowing that they would both go to jail because then Dahlia would be morally free. Because Valerie felt guilty and wanted to relieve Dahlia of that guilt. That's a beautiful, beautiful gesture, especially for someone who believes in the law, as she obviously did during her five years serving as a police officer.

Whew. Sorry for rambling on, but that's a point I feel particularly strongly about. :phoenix:
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I starting to think you have a crush on Dahlia :/
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Ouch. "Rejected"? Well, we all have our own opinions.

I was being mostly fatuous with the "rejected" comment, hence the :franny: smily. Regardless, my point stands; I'd rather take actions and comments as proof of a character's...character than a name that may or may not be ironic.

All we know of her voice is what she says during the staged kidnapping, and her note that "the whole truth must come out".

During the staged kidnapping:

Valerie: The girl... Let her go!

Terry: Shut up! C-Come closer... And I kill her!

Valerie: Sorry, but you're not going to get the chance...

Again, this was staged. Valerie knew damn well Terry would never try to kill Dahlia, so her words at this point are meaningless. As for the note:

3-4 wrote:
:youngmia: ...The story starts after Terry Fawles escaped. He called Valerie and told her he wanted to meet. This is the note she left... It says, "Talk to Dahlia. Tell her this time, the whole truth must come out." ...Valerie Hawthorne gave Dahlia a warning. She told her she was going to reveal to the world the whole truth.

Valerie wasn't asking Dahlia to confess. She said she herself was going to come out with the truth, whether Dahlia wanted to or not.

When does the game ever even hint that Valerie might be a heartless person?

3-4 wrote:
:youngmia: This woman IS a demon. And there was one more person who helped make a demon out of her. Her sister... Valerie Hawthorne.

The game says that the gem was lost in the Eagle River and to my knowledge there was no reason for someone to lie about that until the end, so as far as we know, Valerie didn't get the money.

It's also stated that Dahlia's body was lost in the Eagle River. She had the gem in her pack, strapped to her back when she jumped. She didn't lose it.

"Melissa" took the stand and did everything she could to shift the blame off why didn't she suggest that Valerie had ulterior motives for speaking with her and/or Fawles?

You mean why didn't Dahlia bring up the diamond? Because she didn't want to mention the diamond, she's the one who took off with it.

What proof is there that Valerie was in it only for the money, got her money, and five years later was only trying to save her own hide?

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” I've already explained why Valerie didn't go through with the kidnapping for Dahlia's sake. The only remaining motive is money.

I also don't think she would shake down 14-year old Dahlia for the money once Dahlia said she lost it in the river.

I'd really like to think Valerie isn't dumb enough to believe Dahlia lost the diamond when she jumped in the river just because she says so, but whether she did or not wouldn't change the fact that Valerie agreed to the plan for the money.

Dahlia could have found someone else. She tricked Fawles into going along with him, and he may have been an idiot, but there's enough fools around that Dahlia could have found another one to play Valerie's role.

If Dahlia had asked someone else to make the transfer, there would have been a very good chance the police as a whole would get involved.

how was she going to turn her back on her stepsister's request when to her that was like a betrayal? (Dahlia certainly thought that when Iris didn't show up).

I'm pretty sure Dahlia's view of Iris as a traitor was more because of the deal with Phoenix and the necklace than the fake kidnapping. If Dahlia thought her sister would betray her, she wouldn't have agreed to let Iris get the necklace back, let alone give her half a year to do so.

Also, maybe if the game had even hinted at Valerie getting the money, but again, correct me if I'm wrong, but the last thing we hear (and no one disputes this) is that the gem was lost in the Eagle River, and we don't hear anything about Dahlia buying new stuff or otherwise having a lot of money.

Realistically, how is a 14-year-old supposed to support herself without any money? And again, whether Valerie actually was paid off or not does not change Valerie's motive. It's highly implied that she was though, the diamond was supposedly the entire motive for the kidnapping at the time; Dahlia wanting to get back at her father wasn't even brought up until 3-5.

You two have been saying that Valerie confessed because of the guilt, to make herself feel better, and that she's selfish because of that.

It was selfish as far as Dahlia goes. Valerie wanted to confess because she felt badly for taking part in the kidnapping and wanted that weight off her own shoulders. I'm not saying that she was wrong for wanting to come clean, but she didn't want to do it for the right reasons, and she definately wasn't doing it for Dahlia's sake. If Valerie wanted to confess just because it was the right thing to do, she wouldn't have waited five years to do it, and you can't tell me she just decided it was at the exact time Terry called her.

Cain wrote:
I starting to think you have a crush on Dahlia :/

Doesn't everybody? :that-b-word:
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I was being mostly fatuous with the "rejected" comment, hence the :franny: smily. Regardless, my point stands; I'd rather take actions and comments as proof of a character's...character than a name that may or may not be ironic.

I took that 'Ziska smiley to mean that you thought you had me thoroughly whipped on that point :sadshoe: ...pal. Hehe. Regardless, point taken. I see where you're coming from.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Valerie: The girl... Let her go!

Terry: Shut up! C-Come closer... And I kill her!

Valerie: Sorry, but you're not going to get the chance...

Again, this was staged. Valerie knew damn well Terry would never try to kill Dahlia, so her words at this point are meaningless. As for the note:

Right. We can't use this to judge her personality. And the note isn't enough to judge her character either, which was my initial point. All we have is the knowledge that Valerie was going to confess everything and get Dahlia to confess everything.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
3-4 wrote:
:youngmia: ...The story starts after Terry Fawles escaped. He called Valerie and told her he wanted to meet. This is the note she left... It says, "Talk to Dahlia. Tell her this time, the whole truth must come out." ...Valerie Hawthorne gave Dahlia a warning. She told her she was going to reveal to the world the whole truth.

Valerie wasn't asking Dahlia to confess. She said she herself was going to come out with the truth, whether Dahlia wanted to or not.

Those are Mia (the character, not the user)'s words. Note that Mia (the character) claims that Valerie was going to "reveal the whole truth", but the note says nothing of the sort. Valerie's note, by the "talk to Dahlia" line, indicates that Valerie was trying to convince Dahlia to tell the truth. Subtle difference, but a big one.


Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
:youngmia: This woman IS a demon. And there was one more person who helped make a demon out of her. Her sister... Valerie Hawthorne.

Again, that's Mia (the character)'s assertion that Valerie made Dahlia into a demon. I don't agree with that. That certainly isn't a proven fact, and when Mia (the character) was trying to convict Dahlia, it only makes sense that she would play every card in the deck trying to take her down, even if it meant playing a Joker.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
It's also stated that Dahlia's body was lost in the Eagle River. She had the gem in her pack, strapped to her back when she jumped. She didn't lose it.

"She didn't lose it"? Speculation. We know Dahlia's body wasn't lost, because she's in court. But no one ever challenges what happened to the gemstone. In a raging river, sometimes backpacks become unzipped or un-velcro'd and things fall out. Especially a river as violent as the Eagle River. Again, IIRC, no one challenges the whereabouts of the gem, not even Mia (the character) when trying to grill Dahlia. If there's a line that suggests otherwise, please tell me, but I don't remember the profile of the gem ever changing from "lost in the Eagle River".

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
You mean why didn't Dahlia bring up the diamond? Because she didn't want to mention the diamond, she's the one who took off with it.

If Dahlia wanted to smear Valerie somehow, she would have suggested exactly what you did: That Valerie was trying to get the gem. And Dahlia was trying anything to get herself acquitted, but the one thing she didn't do was claim any misdoing on Valerie's part.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” I've already explained why Valerie didn't go through with the kidnapping for Dahlia's sake. The only remaining motive is money.

How did you prove that Valerie didn't do it for Dahlia? I don't think there is any "proof" to that extent. I ask again: Why was it Dahlia's plan that Valerie was following? If Valerie really just wanted the cash, then why did she go through all the trouble to follow Dahlia's plan, fake Dahlia's death, set up a patsy and help Dahlia change her identity? She goes so far out of her way to unnecessarily help Dahlia when she could use her status as a police officer to leave her stepsister high and dry and no one would believe a 14-year old girl over a policewoman. I claim that there's a stronger evidence that she did care about Dahlia than evidence that she didn't.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I'd really like to think Valerie isn't dumb enough to believe Dahlia lost the diamond when she jumped in the river just because she says so, but whether she did or not wouldn't change the fact that Valerie agreed to the plan for the money.

Raging rapids. If Dahlia had claimed she lost it, why would Valerie have any reason to think Dahlia was lying? The Eagle River is renowned for its vicious, uncontrollable currents. Valerie did do it for the money, but that seems far from the only reason...and going through with the plan obviously weighed on her conscience for five long, long years.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
If Dahlia had asked someone else to make the transfer, there would have been a very good chance the police as a whole would get involved.

But if Dahlia was so afraid of police intervention, then why did she ask her stepsister, a police officer, to help her? That makes no sense! Dahlia had to have believed that Valerie would help her and lie for her unconditionally. Dahlia didn't want a police officer betraying her and ratting her out to her co-workers. Dahlia trusted Valerie above and beyond just scheming, because if anyone knows about double-crossing, it's Dahlia, and she had to have some proof that Valerie really had a vested interest in cooperating! Otherwise, she would have tricked someone into helping that didn't have ties with the police. She didn't need a police officer to make the plan worked, she just needed an otherwise "upstanding citizen" as a witness to Terry's "crime". Again, why did Dahlia ask Valerie, her stepsister? Why Valerie Hawthorne? That's the million dollar (two million dollar, as it were) question.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I'm pretty sure Dahlia's view of Iris as a traitor was more because of the deal with Phoenix and the necklace than the fake kidnapping. If Dahlia thought her sister would betray her, she wouldn't have agreed to let Iris get the necklace back, let alone give her half a year to do so.

I don't remember the exact phrasing, but I believe that Dahlia (as Iris) tells Phoenix in 3-5 that it was a betrayal "from eleven years ago" that hurt her. Which would be the kidnapping for which Iris didn't show up. Dahlia may have let Iris help get the necklace back, but it was only because Dahlia still loved Iris deep-down and saw no threat that would compel Dahlia to kill her. I don't think Dahlia thought the Phoenix deal was a "betrayal" as much as it was Iris just being incompetent and bumbling.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Realistically, how is a 14-year-old supposed to support herself without any money? And again, whether Valerie actually was paid off or not does not change Valerie's motive. It's highly implied that she was though, the diamond was supposedly the entire motive for the kidnapping at the time; Dahlia wanting to get back at her father wasn't even brought up until 3-5.

Dahlia's motive for the crime was the gem; no one cared about Valerie's motive in the case because as far as they were concerned in that trial, Valerie was just the victim and a former accomplice. They know that Valerie was involved, but her motive wasn't important in figuring out her death. And just because we don't hear about Dahlia hating her father until 3-5 doesn't mean it wasn't a motive for the crime.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
It was selfish as far as Dahlia goes. Valerie wanted to confess because she felt badly for taking part in the kidnapping and wanted that weight off her own shoulders. I'm not saying that she was wrong for wanting to come clean, but she didn't want to do it for the right reasons, and she definately wasn't doing it for Dahlia's sake. If Valerie wanted to confess just because it was the right thing to do, she wouldn't have waited five years to do it, and you can't tell me she just decided it was at the exact time Terry called her.

"The right reasons"? Uh, I hope my last two-paragraph answer wasn't tl;dr worthy. XD. I claim that Valerie did do it in part for Dahlia's sake because if she couldn't live knowing she did wrong, then it would make sense for her to want to lift the burden from her stepsister's shoulders as well. If I knew that someone I cared about had committed a crime, I would want them to confess, not because I somehow would take pleasure in seeing them behind bars, but because,'s the right thing to do. Why did Valerie want to talk to Dahlia? Please answer me this. Was there any reason to talk to Fawles and Dahlia if Valerie really didn't feel truly guilty? Was there any reason at all for her to do that? She wouldn't confess for no reason.

Also, I think that it was because of Fawles' escape that Valerie acted. Five years is too long to keep a secret, but once Fawles escaped, it was almost like a sign, a message to her. It woke her up from her little hibernation and she decided to face the music because she couldn't lie to herself anymore. She felt bad for Fawles because she lied to him, and she wanted Dahlia to admit her involvement as well. Admitting would send Valerie to jail, and Valerie obviously knew this. So why, why would she do that? What would be the "right reasons"? She did it because she felt morally responsible and wanted to be punished; sounds good to me. There was no ulterior motive to confess. No bad person would ever turn themselves in "because they felt bad", because a truly bad person would not feel bad about it, and a bad person certainly wouldn't reach out to others (Terry and Dahlia) in order to get the "whole truth" known. We know Valerie had a sense of morals even if she did act naive and stupid when she was younger.

Lastly, I posed two hypothetical questions before that I'm still wondering about.

1. If Iris had grown up in the Hawthorne family, do we really think that she would have turned out like Dahlia? Knowing what we know about Iris' personality, do we really think she could have been so completely different had she grown up in the Hawthorne household for six extra years instead of Dahlia? Would the kind, forgiving Iris really have been able to not forgive her father for treating her so unkindly?

2. If Dahlia had really disliked her angry, unloving household, and she really wanted to be with Iris, why didn't she run away and live with Iris? She knew where Iris was, and even at the age of 14, Dahlia was out and about on her own, being proactive. We know she could have gone to the shrine. Why, then, instead of leaving her father for Iris, did Dahlia stay and choose revenge over a loving household?

That's all I have for now. Sorry if I rambled on a little.

Also, agreed: We all have crushes on Dahlia, 'cause she's adorable. :that-b-word: :D That's the intention, at least :P
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Saying you don't have a crush on Dahlia is like saying you've never cheated on a test...or thought about cheating on a test...or helped someone cheat on a test......or breathed air.
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I'm just going to pick and choose on this because I've said most of what I wanted already and it's getting rather off-topic.

Valerie's note, by the "talk to Dahlia" line, indicates that Valerie was trying to convince Dahlia to tell the truth. Subtle difference, but a big one.

The note doesn't say "convince Dahlia to tell the truth." It says "tell her the truth must come out." I don't see any room for discussion in that message.

Again, that's Mia (the character)'s assertion that Valerie made Dahlia into a demon.

You said you wanted an example in which it's hinted that Valerie might be a bad person. To be honest, the only examples I've seen indicating Valerie was a good, upstanding person were her intent to finally confess and everything Edgeworth says about her to make Terry look like a prick for "killing" her.

Again, IIRC, no one challenges the whereabouts of the gem, not even Mia (the character) when trying to grill Dahlia.

:headbang: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DIAMOND. I personally think it's very unlikely that Dahlia went through with such a dangerous plan to steal an enormous diamond and then stored it in a backpack that wouldn't be sturdy enough to hold it, but that isn't the point. Nobody CARES what happened to the diamond because Mia isn't trying to convict Dahlia of stealing the diamond, she's trying to convict her of murdering Valerie Hawthorne.

She goes so far out of her way to unnecessarily help Dahlia when she could use her status as a police officer to leave her stepsister high and dry and no one would believe a 14-year old girl over a policewoman.

And if Valerie failed to have Dahlia convicted, say goodbye to Valerie. Besides, you can't say that if Dahlia accused Valerie of splitting the profit from the diamond, there wouldn't be any sort of investigation just because Valerie was a cop.

But if Dahlia was so afraid of police intervention, then why did she ask her stepsister, a police officer, to help her? That makes no sense! Dahlia had to have believed that Valerie would help her and lie for her unconditionally. Dahlia didn't want a police officer betraying her and ratting her out to her co-workers. Dahlia trusted Valerie above and beyond just scheming, because if anyone knows about double-crossing, it's Dahlia, and she had to have some proof that Valerie really had a vested interest in cooperating!

I agree completely. Dahlia did trust Valerie, that's why she was so pissed when Valerie decided to "betray" her five years later.

I don't remember the exact phrasing, but I believe that Dahlia (as Iris) tells Phoenix in 3-5 that it was a betrayal "from eleven years ago" that hurt her. Which would be the kidnapping for which Iris didn't show up. Dahlia may have let Iris help get the necklace back, but it was only because Dahlia still loved Iris deep-down and saw no threat that would compel Dahlia to kill her. I don't think Dahlia thought the Phoenix deal was a "betrayal" as much as it was Iris just being incompetent and bumbling.

You don't think Phoenix going around showing off damning evidence to everyone he met wasn't a serious situation for Dahlia? Phoenix didn't know Iris was involved in the necklace incident and Dahlia did not want to tell him about it.

1. If Iris had grown up in the Hawthorne family, do we really think that she would have turned out like Dahlia? Knowing what we know about Iris' personality, do we really think she could have been so completely different had she grown up in the Hawthorne household for six extra years instead of Dahlia? Would the kind, forgiving Iris really have been able to not forgive her father for treating her so unkindly?

I'll answer with another question. If Dahlia had been a hell-raising brat since birth as you seem to be convinced she was, do you think even Iris would be so dedicated to her and feel she could save her?

2. If Dahlia had really disliked her angry, unloving household, and she really wanted to be with Iris, why didn't she run away and live with Iris? She knew where Iris was, and even at the age of 14, Dahlia was out and about on her own, being proactive. We know she could have gone to the shrine. Why, then, instead of leaving her father for Iris, did Dahlia stay and choose revenge over a loving household?

That's like asking why any children put up with abusive parents. She was eight when they were seperated; Dahlia was probably too scared and confused to run away and it's entirely possible she didn't know how to get all the way out to Hazakura at that age. She clearly knew how to get there by the time she was 14, but by then she was already a very different, broken person.
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All right, all right, let's not let this get uncivil. Cool heads prevail. :phoenix:

The debate seems to have naturally shifted from Dahlia to Valerie, so if that's where the discussion has gone, I'll go with it.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
The note doesn't say "convince Dahlia to tell the truth." It says "tell her the truth must come out." I don't see any room for discussion in that message.

Well, what would be the alternative? The note doesn't say "Tell Dahlia to confess or I will". If Valerie was just going to confess herself, then why did she contact Dahlia about it? Of course if Dahlia wasn't going to tell the truth, Valerie would tell the truth for both of them. Because it was the right thing to do.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
You said you wanted an example in which it's hinted that Valerie might be a bad person. To be honest, the only examples I've seen indicating Valerie was a good, upstanding person were her intent to finally confess and everything Edgeworth says about her to make Terry look like a prick for "killing" her.

Valerie was going to confess. That's the single most important thing we know about Valerie. That was the reason Dahlia killed her. Because Valerie was going to admit what had happened, and she wanted Dahlia to do the same. Valerie's need to do the right thing after five years was the crux of the entire case!

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
:headbang: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DIAMOND. I personally think it's very unlikely that Dahlia went through with such a dangerous plan to steal an enormous diamond and then stored it in a backpack that wouldn't be sturdy enough to hold it, but that isn't the point. Nobody CARES what happened to the diamond because Mia isn't trying to convict Dahlia of stealing the diamond, she's trying to convict her of murdering Valerie Hawthorne.

Isn't that what I said?

Writer Awakened wrote:
Dahlia's motive for the crime was the gem; no one cared about Valerie's motive in the case because as far as they were concerned in that trial, Valerie was just the victim and a former accomplice. They know that Valerie was involved, but her motive wasn't important in figuring out her death.

They didn't need to discuss the gem, so they didn't. But that also means we can't know what happened to the gem. Even strong bags break and weird things happen in rivers. Whether she got it or not doesn't matter, though, it doesn't change what Valerie did, anyway. But as far as we know, the gem did fall into the river. No proof of that, but it's all we have, really.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
And if Valerie failed to have Dahlia convicted, say goodbye to Valerie. Besides, you can't say that if Dahlia accused Valerie of splitting the profit from the diamond, there wouldn't be any sort of investigation just because Valerie was a cop.

Of course not. But who would be more believable, especially if there was no solid evidence? A policewoman or a fourteen-year old girl who orchestrated the plot in the first place? It was Dahlia's plan. Saying that much would be the truth.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I agree completely. Dahlia did trust Valerie, that's why she was so pissed when Valerie decided to "betray" her five years later.

Poor Dahlia. Valerie decided to tell the truth. I don't think either what Iris did or what Valerie did to be "betrayals". Dahlia committed the crime, it's only right that she pay the price, even if she didn't want to. I know that speaking ill of a victim is common practice in trials, but didn't Valerie want to do the right thing and didn't Dahlia do the right thing? I hope we can agree to that at the very least.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
You don't think Phoenix going around showing off damning evidence to everyone he met wasn't a serious situation for Dahlia? Phoenix didn't know Iris was involved in the necklace incident and Dahlia did not want to tell him about it.

Of course. Dahlia was giving Iris one more chance, but it was obvious that Iris was on a short leash in Dahlia's mind.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I'll answer with another question. If Dahlia had been a hell-raising brat since birth as you seem to be convinced she was, do you think even Iris would be so dedicated to her and feel she could save her?

Sigh. No answer? Anyway, I don't think she was evil at birth. I think she was an angry person by nature and it took a while for her to mature into the killer we see. I think the five years between the kidnapping and Valerie's murder were the main factors in turning Dahlia into a killer, but I don't think any particular environment did it to her.

And yes, I do think Iris would be so dedicated. She is so dedicated. By 3-5, Iris KNOWS Dahlia is a murderer and that Dahlia hates her and she still loves and cherishes her sister. She admits that a part of her believes Dahlia could be saved. It's only natural for a sibling to feel that way about another cherished sibling. But remember, Iris and Dahlia really only knew each other until they were separated, and only very sporadically after that. Dahlia wasn't completely murderously evil when she was a child, but she obviously loved Iris and Iris loved her unconditionally. That's the beautiful thing about Iris. She loves her sister even though she's a murderer. The game makes it clear that Iris had some hope for Dahlia's rehabilitation, but that it was a lost cause.

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
That's like asking why any children put up with abusive parents. She was eight when they were seperated; Dahlia was probably too scared and confused to run away and it's entirely possible she didn't know how to get all the way out to Hazakura at that age. She clearly knew how to get there by the time she was 14, but by then she was already a very different, broken person.

I...really don't know how to respond. Dahlia isn't an average child by ANY means. We know Dahlia was in contact with Iris. We know that Dahlia plotted a kidnapping. We know she didn't murder until five years later. Why she wouldn't...oh, I don't know. It just seems like the natural thing for Dahlia to want to do. So she was too far gone at the time of the kidnapping to throw it all away and live with Iris? If she did, she would have been in Hazakura for her most important formative years. If it really was her father's doing as you say, then it could have been avoided. But she didn't. Because she couldn't change who she was by nature.

Spending fourteen years in an unhappy household does not a murderer make, and it doesn't change the fact that Dahlia had control of her own fate. As far as we know, Dahlia's father wasn't physically abusive to her, and there's no using parenting as a viable excuse for becoming a murderer. In my opinion, the only person that deserves any blame for Dahlia's murdering spree is Dahlia, and I can't think otherwise.

You don't have to agree with me, of course, but do you at least see where I'm coming from?
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Not really, but I've said pretty much everything I wanted to already so we're going to have to resort to the old agree to disagree thing. Oh, look, a picture!


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mario2000 wrote:
Saying you don't have a crush on Dahlia is like saying you've never cheated on a test...or thought about cheating on a test...or helped someone cheat on a test......or breathed air.

:< Lies
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Anyway, we need some more pictures.
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Lazy, go find some then
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Aww, that pic is cuteness :shoe: (O SNAP Dahlia and Iris with Shoe? Cuteness OVERLAOD.) :ayame: :that-b-word: :shoe:

MOAR indeed.
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I made the sig, but not the pics.
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Writer Awakened wrote:
Spending fourteen years in an unhappy household does not a murderer make, and it doesn't change the fact that Dahlia had control of her own fate. As far as we know, Dahlia's father wasn't physically abusive to her, and there's no using parenting as a viable excuse for becoming a murderer.

I'm not back into this to debate, but I am curious. You keep talking about physical abuse. If Dahlia had been physically abused, would you consider physical abuse over the course of six years (possibly more) enough to prompt such a drastic change in someone's personality? You keep referencing physical abuse, but dismissing the idea emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is not simply a matter of bad parenting and the household being simply "unhappy". It is behaving extremely cruelly and coldly to a person which breaks them down emotionally and mentally. It is very real and extremely devastating especially to a growing child who relies very heavily on the love of his/her parents. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, just because you can't see the scars doesn't mean they aren't there. Think about how you would feel if your parents suddenly stopped loving you (or never did) and you really didn't have any friends. You come home to people who don't even care that you exist if they're even home at all. There are no hugs or kisses and you have no one you can turn to in the end. I can't even imagine such a horrible existence (and we do have evidence in the game that Dahlia's father never loved her and was a truly horrible person. Iris mentions it and she would have had experience with him and known what he was like. Iris tells us that while she may have had a similar experience in the beginning, she later had Bikini who loved her deeply). Again, I am not excusing Dahlia for her actions. Dahlia and Dahlia alone is responsible for her decisions, but I can see in that kind of environment could transform a person into someone as cold as Dahlia. Remember this all started with one crime in which the end result was that Dahlia got away from her father. We don't know when Iris came back into Dahlia's life. All we know was that it was sometime before the fake kidnapping. So Dahlia takes a huge risk jumping from a bridge so she could "die" and start over as Melissa Foster. She then precedes to stay close to her sister, clinging to the one person who truly loved her. It's clear Dahlia only planned for there to be one crime originally, but then Valerie breaks down and threatens Dahlia's new life so she has to kill to protect herself and her new life. Then she has to trick Terry into suicide to cover up Valerie's murder and so on from there. Think about how hard it is for a young child to escape an abusive relationship. Hell, even some adults have trouble leaving without help, but Dahlia finally can't take it anymore and plans all this as a way to both get back at her father and to escape his oppressive grasp. Certainly being abused doesn't take away her guilt, but I can see how that could turn someone bad. Dahlia wouldn't be the first person to turn cold to survive in an abusive household.

Anyway, I'm done. Agreeing to disagree is good. Back to homework now.
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Mia_Fey wrote:
I'm not back into this to debate, but I am curious. You keep talking about physical abuse. If Dahlia had been physically abused, would you consider physical abuse over the course of six years (possibly more) enough to prompt such a drastic change in someone's personality? You keep referencing physical abuse, but dismissing the idea emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is not simply a matter of bad parenting and the household being simply "unhappy". It is behaving extremely cruelly and coldly to a person which breaks them down emotionally and mentally. It is very real and extremely devastating especially to a growing child who relies very heavily on the love of his/her parents. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, just because you can't see the scars doesn't mean they aren't there. Think about how you would feel if your parents suddenly stopped loving you (or never did) and you really didn't have any friends. You come home to people who don't even care that you exist if they're even home at all. There are no hugs or kisses and you have no one you can turn to in the end. I can't even imagine such a horrible existence (and we do have evidence in the game that Dahlia's father never loved her and was a truly horrible person. Iris mentions it and she would have had experience with him and known what he was like. Iris tells us that while she may have had a similar experience in the beginning, she later had Bikini who loved her deeply). Again, I am not excusing Dahlia for her actions. Dahlia and Dahlia alone is responsible for her decisions, but I can see in that kind of environment could transform a person into someone as cold as Dahlia. Remember this all started with one crime in which the end result was that Dahlia got away from her father. We don't know when Iris came back into Dahlia's life. All we know was that it was sometime before the fake kidnapping. So Dahlia takes a huge risk jumping from a bridge so she could "die" and start over as Melissa Foster. She then precedes to stay close to her sister, clinging to the one person who truly loved her. It's clear Dahlia only planned for there to be one crime originally, but then Valerie breaks down and threatens Dahlia's new life so she has to kill to protect herself and her new life. Then she has to trick Terry into suicide to cover up Valerie's murder and so on from there. Think about how hard it is for a young child to escape an abusive relationship. Hell, even some adults have trouble leaving without help, but Dahlia finally can't take it anymore and plans all this as a way to both get back at her father and to escape his oppressive grasp. Certainly being abused doesn't take away her guilt, but I can see how that could turn someone bad. Dahlia wouldn't be the first person to turn cold to survive in an abusive household.

Anyway, I'm done. Agreeing to disagree is good. Back to homework now.

I don't want to open any can of worms, but you aren't actually saying that emotional abuse is the same as physical abuse? Don't get me wrong, they're both awful. But being in a house with an uncaring father (do we even know about Dahlia's stepmother? We can't even agree what Valerie was like, though I hope we can agree that she treated Dahlia with respect enough to warrant Dahlia's trust) is nothing like being afraid to live in that house. And no, I still don't consider that an excuse for murder, but it is something different.

And, if Dahlia really was so emotionally torn, locked inside herself, why didn't she get anyone to help? Why didn't she try to make new friends outside of the household? Why didn't she go somewhere for help? Why didn't she run away, to Hazakura or somewhere else instead of staging her kidnapping and killing her stepsister five years later? She was very precocious and very intelligent and she knew where Iris was, so why didn't she plead to Iris for help? It's all so thoughtless, and Dahlia could have done something about it. There's no evidence that "Melissa Foster" spent any time with Iris, and she killed her stepsister just to bury the truth. You don't just kill someone because they're going to tell the truth! Valerie had every right to confess, and Dahlia killed her for lack of a better course of action. It wasn't Valerie's fault that she was killed, and that's a horrible thing to even imply!

There's always love somewhere if you look for it, but even at the age of 14, Dahlia seemed to have given up on finding it. That's what makes Iris and Dahlia so different: Dahlia looks for hate even when there is love, and Iris looks for love even where there is hate. I still say that Iris would have forgiven her mean-spirited father and tried to find a solution. Iris loves her sister Dahlia even when she knows she's a murderer. That's a difference. That comes within, from the chemicals mixed around in one's body at birth; no one can teach that or imprint that upon anyone. Maybe her angry father is an explanation for why she is who she is, but it's not a valid reason, because even people with unloving parents turn out to be good people (sometimes because they've made a resolve not to treat their children/friends like their parents treated them), and people with loving parents become bad people for their own reasons.

Look, I know what you're saying, but here's my view: murder is murder. If the murderer is legitimately sorry for what they did, if they show remorse and apologize, in time you have to forgive them, even if they did do horrible things. Now, I love Dahlia to death as a character (look at the intelligent, productive debates we got out of her and Valerie!) but as a human being I despise her. She murdered someone who was like family to her, poisoned an attorney who was getting close to the truth, killed her ex-boyfriend, almost killed Phoenix, and came back from the dead to kill Maya for the sole reason of making Mia's existence miserable- just to see her suffer. And she didn't feel even an inch of remorse, not a drop of regret except for herself, wielding a cold callousness that disrespected everything she touched. She blamed everyone but herself and mocked the court that they were powerless to stop her because she was already dead and she was triumphant over all of them for all eternity.

I don't care how many times Dahlia's daddy yelled at her. No forgiveness. No sympathy. Not from me, at least. She's...terrible. Actually, I could make a case that because she was so cold-hearted when her "spirit" talked, it was her "spirit", the essence of her being, that was itself evil...but that only has credence in the game universe, of course.

Anyway, hope I didn't sound too forceful with anything I said. I don't go around trying to make enemies, just friends. :phoenix:

Last edited by Writer Awakened on Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Okay, we're not getting into this. And while we're at it, I don't forgive Dahlia for her actions, but this doesn't stop me from feeling some sympathy for her growing up with that. She was a monster, but she was created and her fate was avoidable if she had been loved or at least that is my reading from the game. While we're at it, you say she should have just made friends, but let's look at her life. She grew up in Kurain which is pretty secluded and its likely that any friends she and Iris had when they were young were any kids that they grew up with in the village so its also likely neither of them had to learn how to make new friends while they were really young. And if Morgan kept them as close to her in their early lives as she did Pearl (we know Morgan hoped she could use them in her plan originally only to discover they didn't have enough spiritual power), who knows how much time they really had to learn how to socialize. After being dragged to an unfamiliar place with all new people, you know Dahlia's father wasn't going to be holding her hand as she got used to navigating in this new world and now she didn't even have her sister. And of course physical and emotional abuse aren't the same exact thing, but they can both be very damaging in their own ways. Emotional abuse certainly isn't simply being yelled at, but being completely unloved (and it can be far worse than simply being ignored and neglected, but I will admit that I can't make a convincing case for it being worse than that in Dahlia's case). Emotional abuse and simply being yelled at are two entirely different things and I will admit that your dismissing it like that annoys me more than a little, but that is your right. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

As a piece offering, look it's Dahlia.
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My lord, it would seem that the text in this thread far outnumbers the cute Dahlia pics...
Formerly Avenger...
Re: Dahlia... actually looks cute in this pic...*spoilers*Topic%20Title
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e × e = e²

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Location: God Less America

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Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 8:17 pm

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Dahlia is the thinking person's babe.
Dahlia inspires more than mere squees and boners.
Dahlia is the default choice.
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