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Tears of a Fallen Star - CompleteTopic%20Title
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Location: Hungary

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:15 pm

Posts: 1019

This is my first fanfiction.
It's called "Tears of a Fallen Star".
I just finished the first part, which takes place the day before the flashback trial of case 4-4.
It's from Phoenix's POV, and I wrote it like it would appear in the game, meaning it's mostly dialogs, and we see Phoenix's thoughts in parentheses.
It involves Phoenix x Maya pairing.
And contains spoilers for basically every game.
What else to say? My native language is not English so if you see any grammar and spelling mistakes, please tell me.
Enjoy and comment :)

Spoiler: Part 1
April 18, 2019.
11:50 A.M.
Wright & Co. Law Offices

Pearl: Mr. Nick!

Pearl: Mr. Nick!

Phoenix: What...
Pearl: Finally, Mr. Nick! You know how much you’ve slept?
Phoenix: What… What’s the…
Pearl: Mr. Nick, come on, get up! It’s almost noon! Is this how you say goodbye to your special someone and her little cousin?
Phoenix: What? Goodbye? What’s going on?
Pearl: Mr. Nick, have you forgotten? The training! The special course!
Phoenix: (Oh, boy… It still gives me chills. Literally.) How could I forget that? It was…
Pearl: You mean, it will!
Phoenix: What?
Maya: Pearly, it’s okay, please calm down!
Pearl: Okay, Master Mystic Maya!
Maya: Like I said more times than how many burgers I’ve eaten in my life: Don’t call me „Master Mystic Maya”.
Phoenix: (More times than how many burgers she’s eaten in her life? That’s a LOT of times.)
Pearl: But you are the Master! And the alliteration is great!
Maya: Mystic Maya is more than fine. Besides, I’m not Master-like at all yet. Even you have stronger powers than me.
Pearl: And that’s why you are going to train again now. Special Course, with Mr. Nick, of course!
Phoenix: (Oh God, we just came back from a 3-day Special Course last evening, and…) Are you planning to go again ALREADY?
Pearl: Yes, Mr. Nick, get up! Don’t make your special someone wait!
Phoenix: (Is she serious? No way I undergo another Special Course right now.) I think I’ll skip this one.
Pearl: WHAT? You can’t! Mystic Maya will be…
Maya: Pearly, it’s okay.
Pearl: What?
Maya: He just did a Special Course with me. Let him rest. After all, he isn’t a spirit medium, just a lawyer.
Phoenix: Since when am I JUST a lawyer?
Maya: You know I’m just teasing, he he.
Pearl: So, Mystic Maya, are you not angry at Mr. Nick?
Maya: Not angry? I’m FURIOUS! He’s broken our promise!
Phoenix: (What’s she talking about?) What promise? I don’t remember any… (Or wait… actually, I do remember something, but… Oh my God, did they really...)
Maya: You promised that you’d watch „that” episode of Steel Samurai with me and Pearly after the training. Yet you fell asleep as soon as we got home.
Phoenix: (Come to think of it, I’m not in my pyjamas now.)
Pearl: And you were sleeping so deep that we couldn’t wake you up even with our drastic measures!
Phoenix: (Somehow, I feel I don’t want to know about these „drastic measures”.)
Pearl: You’ve broken Mystic Maya’s heart!
Phoenix: Hey, the only thing I’ve broken was this promise… Right, Maya?
Maya: Yes, you’ve broken my heart! Now I’m depressed and won’t be smiling anymore in my life!

Maya: You know I’m just teasing, he he.
Phoenix: (This „teasing” can get annoying sometimes. But it’s one of the hundreds of reasons I love her.)
Maya: But make sure you watch it by the time we get back. I’m gonna ask you questions about the episode. Of every last detail! So pay attention!
Pearl: Mystic Maya, we have to go now! Mr. Nick, now give a goodbye kiss to Mystic Maya, and go!
Maya: Well, Nick, it seems we have no choice. Pearly won’t let me go if we don’t kiss.
Phoenix: Sometimes I don’t even want to have a choice.
Maya: Like now?
Phoenix: Exactly.

Maya: Pearly, don’t take photos!
Pearl: But you are so cute together! I’m going to show my „Mr. Nick and Mystic Maya: Ace Lovers” gallery to everyone!
Phoenix: You REALLY shouldn’t have let Edgeworth buy her a camera.
Maya: She’s so happy with it. Just as I am so happy...
Phoenix: With me?
Maya: Exactly.

Pearl: It was such a great shot!
Maya: Well, Nick, I guess I gotta go.
Phoenix: Bye, Maya! Be careful and don’t overtrain yourself!
Maya: Bye, Nick! And don’t forget about the Steel Samurai!
Pearl: Bye, Mr. Nick!
Phoenix: (I’m really impressed! One wouldn’t imagine a cute girl like Maya bear such a tough training… Oh, well, one wouldn’t have expected me find the truth and get the “not guilty” verdicts for Edgeworth and Skye back then, when I was a rookie attorney. Now I am a pro. And now I am… sleepy… )

Mia: ...I'm proud of you, Phoenix. Your defense was… truly brilliant.
Phoenix: B-But I couldn't save Mr. Armando! The man who cared so deeply for you…
Mia: You're wrong, Phoenix. You did save Diego. You saved him in the only way possible.
Phoenix: You mean… with that verdict…?
Mia: I think one day, you'll understand, too. Phoenix, I want you to remember one thing. You were as good out there as any defense lawyer could ever hope to be. There’s nothing more you can learn from me.
Phoenix: M-Mia…!
Mia: You’ve accomplished something I wasn’t able to. I owe you a great deal… Thank you.
Phoenix: Mia…
Mia: I’m sure we’ll meet again… someday… Phoenix.

Maya: …Nick…
Phoenix: M-Maya…
Maya: I guess it’s just like my sis said… The Steel Samurai!
Phoenix: What?

(Dream End)

(Phoenix’s cell phone rings)
Phoenix: (This ringtone… I’ve been using it for quite a while. I guess I should get a new one…)
Phoenix: Hello? Phoenix Wright here.
???: Good. You are a lawyer, right? An “Ace Attorney”.
Phoenix: Yes… Who is speaking?
???: Ha ha, you don’t recognize my voice? You disappoint me.
Phoenix: (Should I know this deep, arrogant voice?) Sorry, sir, I don’t know you are.
???: Okay, since visiting hours are soon over, I’ll make it short: I am Zak Gramarye and I need a lawyer. So come to the detention center now. Got it?
(End call beep)
Phoenix: (I must have slept for long. But what was this all about? A client? … Well, I guess it can’t hurt to check out the detention center.)

April 18, 2009.
7:35 P.M.
Detention Center

Guard: Mr. Wright?
Phoenix: Yes?
Guard: There is someone waiting for you here.
Zak: Good evening, Mr. Wright! “Ace Attorney”… I hope you can win the case for me just like this “Ace” made me win when I was playing poker with my partner last time.
Phoenix: Hello! You are this Zak Gramarye who called me, right?
Zak: Right, Wright! Ha ha!
Phoenix: Your name sounds familiar to me. I bet I heard it somewhere before.
Zak: Ha ha, no wonder! I am the famous magician, Zak from Troupe Gramarye after all.
Phoenix: (Now that you mention, I watched some magician show with Maya and Pearls a few weeks ago. I guess that’s when I heard his name.) So let me guess, you have been arrested, and you want me to take your case.
Zak: Hey, you wanna play poker?
Phoenix: …
Zak: Come on!
Phoenix: I’m a lawyer, not a gambler, you know…
Zak: Let’s just have a little game before business, okay?
Phoenix: …
Zak: To see a man’s true nature you need to compete with him.
Phoenix: Strange philosophy. But why not? But I haven’t played poker for quite some time, so forgive me if I won’t be all that great.
Zak: Ha ha! Don’t worry! Just enjoy the game!

So we played poker. I really didn’t have to worry. In fact, I was good. Very good. Even I was surprised.

…Showdown time.
Zak: I… I lost.
Phoenix: It’s only a game of poker.
Zak: A game I’ve played for a long time… and only lost twice.
Phoenix: … Who was the first?
Zak: The man I “killed”… of course…
Phoenix: So now that we played, can we talk about your case?
Zak: Yeah, of course. … Judging from our game… You are hired!
Phoenix: (Judging from our game? This game of poker was a test for me?) But wait, I didn’t say that I will take the case…
Zak: Hey, you in the uniform standing there!
Guard: Me?
Zak: Yeah, you! Bring those papers here and give them to the attorney!
Guard: You mean the files of your case?
Zak: What else would I mean? Ha ha!

A few seconds later, I was given the files of Zak’s case. I found out that “Zak Gramarye” is only his name on the stage, and he’s really called Shadi Enigmar. He was accused of shooting his mentor, Magnifi Gramarye. I didn’t know what to do first. I wanted to talk to Maya before taking the case.

Phoenix: What? The trial is tomorrow?
Zak: Yeah, is that a problem?
Phoenix: It’s just strange. I mean, why did you call me only now, the night before the trial. If only I had more time to investigate…
Zak: Everything you need is the evidence you hold in your hands now.
Phoenix: Yes, but still… I feel more comfortable if I do some investigation before the trial.
Zak: Are you taking the case or not?
Phoenix: (Let me give you a test, too. With my Magatama.) Did you kill Magnifi Gramarye?
Zak: … No.
Phoenix: (No Psyche-locks. I think I can trust him. … Oh, Phoenix, come on, you can’t do the same mistake twice. Let’s not take risks.) Are you responsible for the death of Magnifi Gramarye?
Zak: I already said… No, of course! Now, will you take my case?
Phoenix: (Still no locks. He seems innocent.) Yes, Mr. Enigmar. I will get you the “not guilty” verdict, I promise!
Zak: Okay! Good night, Mr. Wright!
Phoenix: Wait…
Zak: It’s time for me to go back to my cell. I have to look around, because this is the only day I’ll spend there, right? Because you take me out, ha ha!
Phoenix: (What a weird defendant. Well, I’m kind of used to it.) Okay, goodbye, Mr. Enigmar!

Then I returned to the office. I read the files once more, but still, I felt unprepared. And I felt sleepy, too, so I went to bed after checking the evidence…

Spoiler: Part 2
Phoenix: … *huff* … *huff* … Grr!! How did I get into this mess…?
Judge: That’s far enough! You won’t get away this time, Mr. Phoenix Wright!
Phoenix: What… What have I done wrong?
Judge: I cannot allow you to go on like this!
Phoenix: …? B-But It wasn’t me who…
Judge: Silence! You are no longer worthy of your title!

Wright and Co Law Offices
April 22, 2019.

Phoenix: (What a nightmare! I’m sweating bullets. … What time is it? … Half past 9… My biorhythm if officially screwed up. … Just like my career. I just don’t understand. It happened so fast. One day everyone know me as “the highly respected and famous Ace Attorney”, and then, all of a sudden, I am a sham, a cheater, a fraud with no job. … Why did it happen? Why? Who and why gave that paper to that little girl to give it to me, and told it to that arrogant rookie rock star prosecutor? Who and why wanted to destroy me? … Maybe there is only one person to blame… myself. …! Somebody’s outside the door!)
Pearl: Mystic Maya, have you forgotten how to open the door?
Maya: Pearly, please, I’m not that stupid! The key just doesn’t go all the way in the keyhole.
Pearl: Are you sure it’s the right key, Master Mystic Maya?
Maya: Don’t call me Master Mystic Maya!
Pearl: But… After how much more training can I call you that?
Maya: Please, Pearly, It’s not just that… Anyway, of course it is the right key! I’m not that stupid! It’s as if… there was already a key in the hole, on the other side.
Phoenix: (Oh no! No! They are already back, and I haven’t solved anything yet. I seem to have lost my sense of time, too. Maya… I didn’t want you to see me like this.)
Maya: Nick, open the door! … Nick, can you hear me?
Phoenix: (Oh no! I can’t look into Maya’s eyes like this… Maybe I’ll just pretend I’m not here…)
Maya: Nick, I know you are there!
Phoenix: (Of course she knows… How else would my key be inside the keyhole? It was obvious that it couldn’t work.)
Pearl: Maybe he is asleep and doesn’t hear us.
Maya: Then we have to wake him up. He can’t just lock us out! NICK!
Pearl: MR. NICK!
Maya: NICK! If you don’t open the door in one minute, I’m gonna channel Godzilla!
Phoenix: (She won’t give up, of course. Maya isn’t that kind of girl. It will be very hard, but it seems I can’t avoid it.)
Maya: NICK!
Pearl: MR. NICK!
(Door unlock)
Maya: Finally, Nick, for a moment I… … Nick, you are crying!
Phoenix: (The lights are off and they still noticed it. Of course they did, even I tried to hide it, I wouldn’t have been able to.)
Pearl: Mr. Nick…!
Maya: Nick, what happened?
Phoenix: Maya, I… (So hard to speak…)
Pearl: You didn’t cheat on Mystic Maya, did you, Mr. Nick?
Phoenix: No, *sniff* I would never! It’s just *sniff* … I didn’t know about it, I swear! Please, you have to believe me!
Maya: Nick, you are scaring me. What happened? You can tell me anything, Nick. Anything!
Phoenix: Maya… I swear… *sniff* It’s not true! Please, believe me! I wouldn’t lie to you.
Maya: I know that, Nick, I know. I believe you!
Pearl: I think I’ll go to bed, to let you two… talk in private.
Maya: It’s okay, Pearly, you can stay.
Pearl: No, you need to talk, really. Just the two of you. And I’m sleepy anyway.
Maya: If you really are, then… Good night, Pearly!
Pearl: Good night, Mystic Maya and Mr. Nick!
Phoenix: Sleep well, Pearls! *sniff*
Maya: Nick, don’t cry. Please, tell me what happened!
Phoenix: (She really has no idea.) So you haven’t read the newspaper?
Maya: No, we went straight home after the training. Why, what does the newspaper say?
Phoenix: See, here it is. *sniff* It’s on the first page.
Maya: Let’s see… “Fall of two stars: Zak Gramarye, the murderous magician and Phoenix Wright, the liar lawyer.”
Phoenix: (I have to admit, it’s a catchy title.)
Maya: “On April 19, 2019, Zak Gramarye, the famous magician bla bla blah…” WHAT? “To win the trial, Gramarye’s lawyer, Phoenix Wright, the famous and successful defense attorney hired a professional forget to create a fake evidence, then he presented that to get his guilty client off the hook and frame an innocent man, Valant Gramarye, who is Zak’s partner on stage.” WHAT IS THIS? How… How dare they write something like this about the most honest person I know?! Outrageous! These heartless, sensationalist journalists!
Phoenix: So you don’t believe it, right? (I’m so relieved.)
Maya: Of course, I don’t believe a word of it! I know you enough to know that you would never do anything like this. I trust you, Nick! Just like you trusted me in that case two months ago… And that other case, two years ago.
Phoenix: Maya… *sniff* Thank you! *sniff* (Can’t hold tears back. But these tears, I don’t mind dropping.)
Maya: I want to hear the story from you and nobody else! Those journalists who write articles like this… Not caring how many lives they ruin, just for sensation and money! They are horrible! I hate them! I hate them all!

For a second, I was surprised about Maya’s sudden outburst, but then I remembered something. Something shockingly similar. After the famous DL-6 incident, Maya’s mother, Misty Fey was betrayed and backstabbed by some people. One of them was someone that Misty trusted. Then she was called a fraud in newspapers. People began to keep laughing at her, and she had to disappear for several years, leaving her daughters, Mia and Maya alone.

Phoenix: I’m so happy, Maya… If you left me because of this, I wouldn’t know what to do. My heart would be broken.
Maya: Such words of a selfish, heartless liar would never make me leave you, Nick… I love you.
Phoenix: I love you, too, Maya, more than anything in the world.

She embraced me, and I embraced her. We held each other in our hands. I wasn’t sad anymore. I was happy. It felt so good. That time the only thing that mattered was the she was here for me, and I was there for her. I wished it took forever. I didn’t want anything else in the world, but to be with Maya. It was such a wonderful feeling, like finding the Sun through rain and thunder. For that time, I forgot all the loss. All the sorrow. All the pain. I forgot everything… except for love.

Spoiler: Part 3
Wright and Co Law Offices
April 22, 2019.

I told Maya everything that happened. I told every last detail of the strange defense request with the poker match, the trial that ended so suddenly and unresolved, and how the Bar Association review board decided to take my badge away.

Maya: But Nick, isn’t it strange?
Phoenix: What’s strange?
Maya: I mean… The only person who didn’t vote against you was the brother of that Prosecutor Gavin, who revealed the court that you had made a forgery.
Phoenix: It wasn’t me!
Maya: I know, I was just kidding.
Phoenix: (Maya… Always remains happy, no wonder how bad the situation is.) Anyway… now that you mention, it is quite strange. You’d think that they agree since they are brothers.
Maya: Well, Iris and Dahlia are sisters, too… You know what I mean.
Phoenix: (Not to mention, they are half-sisters of Pearl and cousins of Maya, too.)
Maya: Have you talked with Gavin? I mean, the defense attorney Gavin.
Phoenix: No. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone that time. (I even wanted to avoid talking to Maya yesterday… but after all, I’m glad that I couldn’t.)
Maya: Did you even talk to anyone before me?
Phoenix: Actually… I didn’t.
Maya: Nobody called you, Nick? After all, it seems quite big news, being on a first page and all.
Phoenix: Well, Edgeworth and Larry did. But I didn’t pick up. Larry even tried to visit me personally.
Maya: And you pretended you weren’t here?
Phoenix: Yeah. (It was easier than with Maya, with Larry having neither a key nor patience.)
Maya: Edgeworth is in Europe now, right?
Phoenix: Yes. But even if he had been here but had known that I didn’t want to talk, he wouldn’t insist on talking to me.
Maya: Why are you so sure?
Phoenix: If anyone, he’d respect someone’s will to be alone, thinking about a crisis of his life. Remember when he „chose death” and disappeared for a year?
Maya: Oh, yes… Nick! You don’t want to disappear for a year, do you?!
Phoenix: Of course I don’t. I wouldn’t leave you.
Maya: Pearly would search everywhere and find you anyway, hehe. And when she found you…
Phoenix: Okay, I can imagine. Anyway, I think we should tell Edgeworth and Larry not to worry about me.
Maya: Are you alright now?
Phoenix: Yes, thanks to you… Okay, let’s speak with Edgeworth first.
(Phone beep)
Phoenix: … Damn, I forgot to put money on the phone. I can’t make an international call now.
Maya: Well, you can use my phone if you want. But make it short, since there isn’t much money on mine either.
Phoenix: Thank you, Maya, but I’ll skip it.
Maya: What?
Phoenix: Let’s talk to Larry first. (That will be an easier conversation anyway.)
Maya: Well, you know it.
Phoenix: Okay, Maya, let’s go. That is, if you want to come.
Maya: We’re visiting Larry?
Phoenix: Yes. I haven’t left home since then anyway, so we have to buy food and everything else. And maybe I have to get a temporary job if it takes much time to clear up this whole mess. We still have to pay the rent and all.
Maya: Well, Nick, there is one thing you don’t have to pay for.
Phoenix: And what is that? (From the way you look at me, I have a guess.)
Maya: This…
Phoenix: (Good thing Pearl isn’t here with her camera.)

Larry’s apartment
April 22, 2019.

Butz: I’m coming!
(Door open)
Butz: Hello, I- …It’s only Nick… and Maya, of course.
Phoenix: (Way to greet an old friend.)
Maya: Hi, Larry!
Phoenix: Hello. Were you expecting somebody else?
Butz: No, what are you…?! I mean, yes. Not as if I weren’t happy to see you guys.
Maya: Are you waiting for someone?
Butz: No! I mean, yes… I mean, not at the moment! I’m just waiting for someone in general.
Phoenix: And who would that be?
Butz: My dear, my sweetie, my love, my destiny!
Phoenix: (You have had quite a few “destinies” in the past years.) Please tell me it’s not yet another model.
Butz: No, but she could be one! I mean, she is so beautiful, and cute, and kind, and…
Maya: Wow, Larry is totally in love!
Butz: But oh, so much pain and suffering! But maybe it’s good for artists like me. Pain and suffering give inspiration. Want to see my new pictures?
Maya: Of course, we’d love to!
Phoenix: (So if I were an artist, I would have had quite some inspiration in the past few days. Maybe I shouldn’t have quitted studying art back then?) Why are you suffering by the way? She doesn’t love you back?
Butz: No, it’s just that… She is in jail.
Phoenix: Wait, you mean… Iris?
Butz: If anyone, you should know how gorgeous she is!
Maya: Nick, you aren’t jealous, are you?
Phoenix: Why would I be… if I have you, Maya?

Butz: Please stop kissing! It reminds me how I can’t do that with Iris because of that stupid glass wall!
Phoenix: Do you visit her often?
Butz: Yes, I go to see her every day. We talk and laugh… and she loves my pictures!
Maya: Have you told her how you feel?
Butz: I sure have!
Maya: And she…
Butz: And she said that I’m cute, and I remind her of… you, Nick, when you were young!
Phoenix: (I really was like Larry is now? That’s just great…)
Maya: Wow, Nick, you really were like Larry before meeting my sister?
Phoenix: Eh… No comment.
Butz: So Nick, I heard from Edgey that your badge was taken away, right?
Phoenix: He… and you don’t believe that I really…
Butz: No, of course not! You are usually more obsessed with finding the truth than your clients.
Maya: Yes, you always insist on continuing the trial even if your client doesn’t want it.
Phoenix: But hey, it always turns out good!
Butz: So you are unemployed now, Nick? Come on, don’t worry, I am, too.
Phoenix: (Thanks, this is really comforting…)
Maya: Were you fired from K.B. security?
Phoenix: Let me guess, you left your post because of Iris.
Butz: How did you know?
Phoenix: (Because I know you, Larry.)
Maya: So now you are looking for a new job?
Butz: Of course I am!
Phoenix: (I can imagine…)
Butz: Hey, Nick, what’s with this look? Do you doubt me?
Phoenix: I didn’t say any…
Butz: Guess what, I was on a job interview yesterday!
Maya: And did you get the job?
Butz: No…
Phoenix: (Why am I not surprised?)
Maya: What kind of job was it?
Butz: Pianist in a Russian restaurant.
Phoenix: Are you insane? You can’t even play the piano!
Butz: But I didn’t know that, so I tried it.
Phoenix: Did you seriously think that you could play the piano despite never even trying?
Maya: Well, he didn’t know that he is so good at painting until he tried.
Phoenix: (Now whose side are you on?)
Butz: Anyway they said that I can play neither the piano nor poker.
Phoenix: What does poker have to do with it?
Butz: I don’t know, but after they made me stop demonstrating my knowledge in piano playing they asked me if I could play poker.
Maya: And you said you could?
Butz: Yes, then the man said that he hoped I was better at poker than at piano paying. Then we played.
Maya: And then what happened? You won?
Phoenix: (Take a wild guess.)
Butz: No. But the guy cheated. As if he always knew if I had a good or a bad hand.
Maya: Nick, why would he cheat when he wants to recruit someone for a job?
Phoenix: The answer is easier than you’d think.
Butz: Then that jerk said that he didn’t cheat, it’s only that I have a horrible poker face.
Phoenix: (For some reason I find it easier to believe than that he cheated.)
Butz: And I didn’t get the job.
Maya: Don’t cry, Larry! You will surely find some job.
Butz: Without a job, how will I support Iris?
Phoenix: Well, maybe you could try to get a job that has to do with your talent in painting?
Butz: Hey, that’s a good idea!
Phoenix: (It didn’t even occur to you?)
Maya: So Larry, are they still recruiting?
Butz: Unless they found someone in one day, I guess so. Why? Do you want to be a pianist?
Maya: No, being the Master of Kurain is enough for me. But Nick could get the job.
Phoenix: What?
Butz: What? You never told me that you could play the piano!
Phoenix: That’s because I can’t play the piano!
Maya: But you are good at poker. You beat a pro, that magician without even practicing before.
Phoenix: That’s true. But I’ll get back to being a lawyer as soon as I clear up this whole mess!
Maya: Yes, but who knows how long that takes! It can’t hurt to have a temporary job until then.
Phoenix: You are right. Well, thanks for the idea Larry!
Butz: Hey, you’re welcome!
Maya: This was my idea!
Phoenix: Anyway, I think I’ll check out this place tomorrow. And until then, Maya, if I asked you to practice poker with me a bit tonight, could I count on you?
Maya: Sure! I haven’t played poker in a while anyway.
Phoenix: But I’m telling you, we won’t play for money!
Maya: I’m sure we’ll find another kind of stake, Nick.
Phoenix: Yes, I already have an idea, and I bet you have the same, Maya.

The next day I went to that Russian restaurant, the Borscht Bowl Club. It was kind of cold, but after the mountain of Hazakura Temple and the Eagle River, it was nothing. I told them that I couldn’t play the piano in the first place, but it didn’t matter to them. What mattered were my poker skills, and those were first class. So I was hired. Officially, I became a pianist, but in reality my job was to play poker in an underground room, called the “Hydeout”. The stake wasn’t money, of course, but after a while, many people came just to play with me, that’s how good I was. And of course, they ate and drink at the restaurant, so it was worth for them to have me working there. And it was worth for me, too, since clearing my name and solving the mystery… took a lot more than I had thought.

Spoiler: Part 4
Wright and Co Law Offices
May 3, 2019.

Phoenix: And that’s all that happened.
Edgeworth: Well, you really got yourself into a mess this time, Wright.
Phoenix: Not as if you weren’t in a bad situation yet. Want me to remind you?
Edgeworth: No, it’s not necessary. But looking at the two of you… What a couple, both of you keep getting into trouble!
Maya: But we always save each other!
Phoenix: (Well, mostly I save you.)
Edgeworth: So, Wright, what are you going to do now?
Phoenix: I’m going to investigate and find out the truth, of course, so I’ll be able to prove my innocence and shed light on this dark mystery.
Edgeworth: I thought so, knowing you. That’s why I brought something to help you.
Phoenix: (Something to help me? What could that be?)
Edgeworth: Do you recognize this?
Phoenix: … Wait, I’ve seen it somewhere, but I don’t remember exactly. What about you, Maya?
Maya: No, it doesn’t ring any bells. Nut it’s cute.
Edgeworth: But you must remember Ema Skye.
Phoenix: (Oh, now I remember where I’ve seen this.)
Maya: Ema, that girl from that big case Nick took when I was in Kurain?
Phoenix: Yes. And this… thing was on Ema’s cloth, wasn’t it?
Edgeworth: So you know what it is, right?
Phoenix: No, she didn’t tell me, and I didn’t ask either. I always thought that it was some kind of weird lucky charm or club badge. But if it was only something like that, it wouldn’t be able to help me, right?
Edgeworth: Good at deduction, as always. Actually, it’s a secret camera.
Phoenix: Oh! Does it mean that she recorded the entire case?
Edgeworth: Yes. She has fond memories of that case. It was a big turning point for her life, after all.
Maya: Edgeworth, did you bring this recording, too?
Edgeworth: No, Ema only sent the camera and two memory cards.
Maya: Oh… I’d have liked to see that.
Phoenix: I already told you about that case, with great detail.
Maya: Yeah, but I wanted to see your and Edgeworth’s faces when you first saw that video with the Blue Badger.
Edgeworth: Oh, that was memorable! Anyway, Wright… I and Ema think that when you do your investigation, you should record everything. It can come useful, especially with our villain… or villains being so good at hiding evidence.
Maya: Do you have a suspect?
Phoenix: Let’s investigate first, Maya. (After this case, I don’t feel like jumping to conclusions.)
Edgeworth: If you ask me, this Kristoph Gavin is very suspicious. You talked to him by now, didn’t you?
Phoenix: Yes I did. He looks kind and all, but something was weird about him.
Edgeworth: You should keep an eye on him. But who knows, maybe he is innocent.
Phoenix: After investigating, we’ll have more clue about this, so for now, let’s not jump to conclusions.
Edgeworth: Okay… If you excuse me, I have to attend an important meeting. Now that I were abroad for a little while again, a lot of things to sort and people wanting to talk with me piled up.
Phoenix: Okay, Edgeworth. Thank you for visiting us, and give my thanks to Ema, too.
Edgeworth: I will. Goodbye now!
Phoenix: Bye!
Maya: Goodbye!
Maya: By the way, Nick, any news on that little girl? You know, that jerk’s daughter.
Phoenix: You mean Trucy?
Maya: Yeah. That Zak is such a horrible man! Ruining your career and leaving his daughter behind… What kind of parent would do that?
Phoenix: (Actually I know one… But of course, that one had a good reason to do so.)
Maya: Before you mention my mother, remember why she had to leave.
Phoenix: I know, I know. I don’t blame her either.
Maya: But this Zak is heartless. He didn’t have any reason to leave her behind. And before one would say that he had to leave her because he was escaping, he didn’t have to escape at all. He was innocent, the Magatama proved it. And you, who was as good as any other defense lawyer could ever hope to be, would have been able to get him the “not guilty” verdict if he had cooperated… Any contradictions?
Phoenix: Wow, have you ever thought to be a lawyer? We could switch places, you’d be the lawyer and I’d be the assistant, until I can be a lawyer again.
Maya: Not until you can be a spirit medium.
Phoenix: Let me show my skills! I’m going to channel… Manfred von Karma! … Ahem, who are you? I beg your pardon, you see, I rarely remember defense attorney. They are like bugs to me. Needless things, to be crushed.
Maya: Sorry, Nick, everybody knows that you just can’t be that scary.
Phoenix: (So it means that the judge, Maggey, Payne and all else who were fooled by Tigre when he pretended to be me aren’t part of “everybody”?)
Maya: Anyway, about Trucy… She really doesn’t have any living relatives besides Zak?
Phoenix: Edgeworth, Gumshoe and me checked it. No, there is nobody.
Maya: Will she have to go to an orphanage?
Phoenix: Probably. She’s been at the police department for almost two weeks, so if nobody comes for her in a few days, she’ll be taken to an orphanage.
Maya: Poor little girl.
Phoenix: Well, maybe she could live with us for the time being… … Okay, bad idea, forget it, I was just…
Maya: No, no, this is a great idea!
Phoenix: What? Do you seriously think?
Maya: I remember when I lost my sister. I was all alone… Then you took me in. I was so happy. This little girl doesn’t have any place to go. Don’t you want to make her smile?
Phoenix: Yes, but it’s not that simple. I mean, do you really think that I… we can look after her? You weren’t as small as her when you began to live with me.
Maya: True, but after everything that happened so far, it should be a piece of cake.
Phoenix: Okay, I think it would be the right thing to look after the little girl. It was partly my fault that her father escaped anyway.
Maya: I would argue that, but I agree about the “right thing” part. You are just so good hearted not to do the “right thing”.
Phoenix: But it’s only temporary. I mean, Zak is innocent, so if I clear my name, I’ll be able to clear his, too.
Maya: Hmm, I guess it’s true.
Phoenix: Okay, I’ll talk to her tomorrow.
Maya: And you will also start investigating tomorrow?
Phoenix: Yes.
Maya: Do you want me to be with you? If you need me, I can cancel my training.
Phoenix: No way, I can’t hinder you career just because I screwed up mine. I’ll be fine.
Maya: Okay. This course will begin at 8 P.M. tonight. When I return, I hope you’ll have succeeded.
Phoenix: (I hope that, too.) Aren’t you hungry? Maybe we should eat before you leave for another long training.
Maya: Of course I am! Let’s go then! We don’t have too much time.
Phoenix: Okay. Usual joint?
Maya: You bet!

The next day I met Trucy again. Her father was a showman, and if there is one thing in which she takes after him, it’s this. She had a lot of surprises for me, already on the first day. That was the last day my office was called “Wright and Co Law Offices”, and the first day I was called “Daddy” by someone. I became his father and she became my daughter just a few minutes after we met. Yeah, she was no ordinary girl. She laughed even when most children would have cried. Her smile made me happy in the dark times that came. Because the things I thought to be temporary, in the end, became more long-lasting. Trucy never met her real father again. He only showed up once, seven years later, in the Borscht Bowl Club, where I also didn’t expect to work for so long, and there he died. But ironically, his death was the beginning of my revival, my rise from the ashes.

Last edited by Szabu on Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Wow! ^^
The bit with Maya and Pearl were so cute! I really liked how you narrated like the game did and how you filled in the holes for AJ Case 4.
English isn't your native language??? No way! XD
Please put up the next chapter soon - I can't wait to read it! :edgy:
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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Wow! That's awesome! KeepgoingbecauseIwantmore! IwantIwantIwantmemememine mineminenownownow! Sorry, I don't usually do that sort of thing with the no spacing.
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Thank you :)

A little compliment always makes me happy and it always make me easier to continue my work, let it be a fanart, a fanfic, a poem or a short story (yeah, I do these sort of things, but they are all in Hungarian... if fact this is my first English writing that's longer than one page in Word).

I'll do the next chapter in a few days, depending on the "inspiration level" :)
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Part 2 is up!

It takes place 2 days after the trial, after the little investigation part from the Mason system (past time, ofc).
It's a bit shorter than the first part, and more serious (for obvious reasons).

I included 2 pop culture references, tell if you notice them :)

Enjoy and comment.
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That... was wonderful. I love it. Are you sure you're Hungarian?
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re. part 2:

He didn't adopt Trucy till 2 weeks later though, so I doubt she'd be there yet. Also I doubt he refers to himself as a 'famous ace attorney' inside his head.
LOL parody sig trend. Phoenix/Maya Day is Sept 5!
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icer wrote:
re. part 2:

He didn't adopt Trucy till 2 weeks later though, so I doubt she'd be there yet. Also I doubt he refers to himself as a 'famous ace attorney' inside his head.

Oh damn, and I was trying hard to stay canon :S
Should I change it? The main parts were the same anyway.
About the referring part, he only said what other people refer to him he as (famous ace attorney vs sham). Maybe I should have used the " " marks.

DramaticaXIV2 wrote:
That... was wonderful. I love it. Are you sure you're Hungarian?

Entirely sure :P

Last edited by Szabu on Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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So all that other investigation scenes were only that much later?
Because then it's another contradiction :S

But where did Trucy live for those 2 weeks anyway?
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Szabu wrote:
Oh damn, and I was trying hard to stay canon :S
Should I change it? The main parts were the same anyway.
About the referring part, he only said what other people refer to him he as (famous ace attorney vs sham). Maybe I should have used the " " marks.

Well, since Trucy's existence at that point isn't really contributing to the plot, you can edit if you so desire :hobohodo:
[My headcanon is that Maya looked after him during those two weeks pre-Trucy, but that's just me]

But no, I don't think Phoenix would have been thinking of himself like that, particularly after such a self-esteem eroding fiasco.

Szabu wrote:
So all that other investigation scenes were only that much later?
Because then it's another contradiction :S

But where did Trucy live for those 2 weeks anyway?

I think Phoenix did that initial investigation with damn Meekins a day or so after [?] whilst still living on shock-adrenalin, then is offscreen for 2 unexplained weeks where it would be most likely if he crashed into some kind of depression, then 2 weeks later we get the Trucy scene. I expect the police etc were taking charge of Trucy, the Department of Community Services or whatever.
LOL parody sig trend. Phoenix/Maya Day is Sept 5!
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Even for Meekins part he needed to know about Mr. Hat.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna edit it.
I have a great idea for the Trucy-adopting part :)
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Okay, I updated part 2 for the sake of canon-ness.

Part 3 coming soon!

By the way: No one got the Aladdin reference? :(
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Aww that was soo cute! I love Phoenix/Maya fanfics, we need more of them on the forum!
Can't wait till part 3!

:phoenix: X :maya:
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Okay, so finally I was able to finish part 3.
Enjoy :)
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The final chapter is up!
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That was great!
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Thank you :)
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