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Idea for a AA game!
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Author:  Jacklack3 [ Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Idea for a AA game!

Hai! So, i have a idea for a AA game! Its called Ace Attorney : Trials for Justice!
Now i haven't thought up the turnabouts but i know some features that would be useful!

Examination Tools!

When your examining a area, you can use tools to help you! You could access them on a tab that would bring up a menu to pick a tool to use! One of them would be a metal detector! (It would be like the Metal Detector used in T&T case 5.)

Notepad! :
This would allow you to write stuff you found in the crime scene! If you didn't get the notes you should of wrote down you would get a message saying! (Man i feel like i haven't use my notepad enough.)

Ground Goggles :
This tool would let you have X-ray vision only to the ground! So lets say i used the Ground Goggles! If i was able to use it, it would make the places ground your examining invisible! You could see stuff underground basically!

Now i have a idea for something that is similar to psyche locks!
They would signally that their personality is different and we have to make em like they were!
Such as the defendant's personality became more depressed. Well we would have to make them back to how they were before!

Now back the notepad! You can present notes as if they were evidence. So if you were asked to prove something using a theory you would present the note with your theory.

Thats all! Sorry if you barely understand what im talking about. Its better to imagine it for me rather then typing it. Anyways, BuhBye! :phoenix:

Author:  AJtheprogrammer [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

Hey, these ideas sound like good stuff.
Should be added for Anthony Arroyo: Ace Attorney

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

AJtheprogrammer wrote:
Should be added for Anthony Arroyo: Ace Attorney

Huh? :maya-thought:

To Jacklack3:
I take it that you have decided to cancel making Powerpoint Case Maker for Ace Attorney or something. Oh, well.

Author:  Jacklack3 [ Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!


To Jacklack3:
I take it that you have decided to cancel making Powerpoint Case Maker for Ace Attorney or something. Oh, well.
Well not really. Im just waiting for when im able to have the energy to do it.

Author:  Oliver [ Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

I like these ideas, but they all have been in a game before other than one...the "make them how they were before" mechanic sounds like the Mood Matrix.
The notepad sounds like how they wanted the Organizer to be in AAI.
And the one new mechanic, Ground Goggles, would just be to unbelievable. But maybe that's just me. :yogi:

Author:  Viktoria von Karma [ Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

Well, x-raying the ground IS a bit of strange. But metal detectors are nice, and as long the thing you are looking for is made of iron, there is also no need for any x-raying. Are you talking about something like Gumshoe's self-made bug sweeper? I loved that little thing... :will:

Author:  Oliver [ Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

Viktoria von Karma wrote:
Well, x-raying the ground IS a bit of strange. But metal detectors are nice, and as long the thing you are looking for is made of iron, there is also no need for any x-raying. Are you talking about something like Gumshoe's self-made bug sweeper? I loved that little thing... :will:

I loved that too, but the metal detector got funnier dialog. Case closed. :yogi:

Author:  CourtCase301 [ Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Idea for a AA game!

"Notes you should of wrote down" :objection: You mean "notes you should have written down! (Pursuit ~ Cornered starts up)

EDIT: Also, the title of this thread should be Idea for AN AA game!

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