Court Records

Prologue Part 2 -Trails of Fate-
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Author:  Ergheiz Zero [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Prologue Part 2 -Trails of Fate-

Well, This is a fanfic about my OC's background before he became a lawyer. Bear with me a bit since this if my first actual Fanfic...

Prologue Part 1- Trials of Fate

"So I now hand my verdict on State vs Rheiz," the judge said as he raised his gavel to declare his verdict.

The young man of 18 is standing on the defendant spot had tears flowing from his eyes, "How did this happen?" he thought as the gavel came down as the judge was going to pronounce his verdict.

"OBJECTION!" The familiar voice of the young man's attorney was none other than Phoenix Wright. "What is it Mr. Wright?" the judge said dumb founded. "Your honor, you still believe that this young man is guilty, when I showed holes in the last witnesses testimony" He said as he tried to get the judge to extend his investigation for another day.

"Objection!" a pierce familiar shreek howls the court room, it was Winston Payne, tha rookie killer. "You Honor, the defense is grasping. As you can see, bringing up the prior witness wont resolve anything." Payne was confident of this.

"Mr. Payne has a point." the judge said as he looked to Phoenix. "If you can show to the court the contradiction, then I will consider to extend the trail one more day.

"C-can you really prove this?" Ethan, the young man on trail, asked his attorney. Phoenix looked to him "I believe in your innocence," he said to Ethan, "besides, your testimony you gave conflicts with what the witness said." Phoenix slammed his hands on the desk and said, "What the witness said conflicts with my clients testimony." He said to the judge, "and the prosecution proved that my clients testimony is correct!"

"Objection!" Payne yelled out, "the defense is twisting the facts your honor"

"Objection denied" The judge said as he continued, "The defense brings up that interesting fact, well Mr. Wright, what part of the witness testimony conflicted with your clients?"

Author:  Legacy [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

Too short, Gramps! More! Start writing!

Author:  Ergheiz Zero [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

I have a Wii, it limits my typing :oops:

Author:  ... [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

I have a wii and computer.

Author:  Impulse [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

... wrote:
I have a wii and computer.


Author:  KitsuneBerry [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

... wrote:
I have a wii and computer.

Irrelevance much?

Author:  Ergheiz Zero [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prologue Part 1 -Trails of Fate-

--Prolouge Part 2 -Trials of Fate- --

Phoenix took the court record and repeated what Ethan said. "Class ended for me and Regal at 4:45pm that day, I had to go buy my books so I said goodbye to Regal and said we'd meet up at the usual place. There was a long line at the bookstore, It took me 30 minutes to even buy my book. By the time I got out Regal wasn't there, I waited for 10 minutes but he never showed."

"How does that statement contradict the testimony from the witness Mr. Wright?" The judge asked him a bit confused as to why bring up the old record on Ethan's testimony.

Phoenix nodded his head as he said. "Simple your honor, If we look back to the witnesses statement" he said pulling out that record. "I saw Ethan and Regal leave together at 4:45, Then I saw that they went to their usual spot and saw Ethan stab Regal and ran off."

"OBJECTION!" yelled out Payne, "But we have determined that the murder weapon was in fact Ethan Rheiz's personal pocket knive" As he was confident in his reply "Your Honor, the Defendant was just making up that he was at the bookstore..."

"OBJECTION!" Phoenix let out. "Your Honor, the Prosecution is the one who should be checking their records." he said as he raised a tape in his hands. "This tape is from the bookstores security camera, I was never given the chance to show it since I couldn't determine if I can bring the connection to it" He said as he placed it down. "If we watch this video we will see if my client was telling the truth on the matter"

"Indeed the Prosecution does give a good point as everything has been proved there, but the new evidence the Defense brings up must be shown" The judge pounded his gavel "Let us review the video tape"

All the while Ethan thought "Oh man.. that was a close one.. I never thought about the security tapes or anything like that.. man, If I can get out of this I will want to study hard and become a lawyer" he kept his demenor steady, as he continued watching the show that was being placed by his lawyer.

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