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Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354

This is my first time ever for writing a fanfic. I apologize for its cheesyness... and stuff like that.

Title: Turnabout Children
Author: Serene_Polaris
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Murder/Romance/Drama
Status: Complete
Pairing: MilesXOC (Serene Polaris)
Summary: Phoenix is summoned to train a defense attourney rookie, Serene Polaris. However, plans are taken out of order when she is accused of murdering her own daughter... It's up to Phoenix and Maya to proove this poor woman innocent, and heal the lovers quarrel within her...

Episode 2 ½
Turnabout Children

Our story unfolds when rookie defense attorney Phoenix Wright (known as “Nick” to some others) completes his second murder case, the victim being his mentor, 27-year old Mia Fey, with the prosecutor being the fearsome Miles Edgeworth (His former childhood friend and his greatest rival) . While on this case, he met a spirit medium, Maya Fey, now his faithful companion, the case’s defendant, and his mentor’s little sister…

Our story begins within a few weeks later…

September 25th, 7:31 PM

The scene thus far is in the city of Los Angeles, in the distant future of 2016. Phoenix and Maya are in a subway on their way to the Polaris Office of Law, getting ready to train a desperate rookie attorney, Serene Polaris.

(Phoenix relaxes and watches as he zooms through the city in a train. Maya is just sitting next to him, bored and kicking her feet up.)

*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*

(Phoenix fidgets with his hands to reach for his cell phone. Maya just simply stares at him. He finally gets his cell phone open.)


Phoenix: Hello?

???: Hello, Is this Phoenix Wright?

Phoenix: Hey, are you that defendant trainee chick that wanted my help?

???: Serene. Serene Polaris.

Phoenix: Right. Right. Sorry 'bout that.

Serene: Hey, I just wanted to be sure, but are we meeting up at my office in like five minutes?

Phoenix: Yeah, me and my companion are a probably 3/4 of the way there.
(Phoenix takes a small glimpse at the night sky)

Serene: Oh? You have a companion?

Phoenix: Don't worry, she won't be any trouble.

Serene: How old?

Phoenix: Huh? Well she's like 17, but-

Serene: Ummm... do you mind if she could run me a little "errand?" I am so sorry... No, never mind

Phoenix: What? I'm sure it'll be no problem.

Serene: Well, you see I have a little five year old girl, and-

Phoenix: Ahhh, five year old girl? I'm sure I can get those two together.

Maya: (Leaping excitedly and yelling into Phoenix’s ear )

Phoenix: (Phoenix attempts to shove Maya away, almost dropping his phone)
OKAY, OKAY, MAYA! CHILL!! (He pulls the cell phone back to his ear.)Yeah, I see no problems at all…

Serene: You can? Oh thank you so much!

Phoenix: Not a problem. Not a problem at all.

Serene: Okay, I'll see you---

Phoenix: Hello?.... Hello? (Phoenix, minded with confusion, slowly turns off his cell phone)

The door creaks open of the Polaris Office of Law. A dark shadow looms over a five-year-old girl. “.... Serene?" A dark voice breaks the silence of the almost empty room.

The little girl shuddered "That's... That's my momma's name. But my momma is outside."

"So" the voice replied gloomily yet eager, a shadowy figure drawing close to the girl "You're her daughter..." An arm stretches out for a miniature statue of Aphrodite on the desk to his left. The voice grew more eager "Then I guess that you will have to do!!" He raised the statue in his hand at the suddenly terror stricken child.

A sudden silence broke into the room. The little girl lay on the floor, motionless, drowning in her own pool of blood...

Polaris Office of Law Entrance, 7:36 PM

The scene is now at a dark side entrance towards the Office. They are in front of a large glass window, maybe around six and a half feet wide and four feet tall

Phoenix: Well, were here… *sigh*
(Phoenix glances around)

Maya: (Maya bobs her head in front of Phoenix’s face out of curiosity)
You looked stress... You should be flattered someone wants to have you as a teacher! That’s like with the big dogs, Nick!
(She playfully smacks Phoenix’s back a couple of times)

Phoenix: (Yeah, I only won two cases probably by luck… Obviously this woman’s desperate...)

Maya: And this little girl! (Maya’s eyes sparkle) I want to see her so bad! I bet she’s the cutest thing ever!!

Phoenix: (Maybe it was a bad idea to mention that off the phone…) Look, you two try not to cause any trouble… I’m already nervous as it is…

Maya: Awww… (She crosses her arms with a huff) Whyd’ya have to always be a stick in the mud?

Phoenix: (Gee, thanks….)

Maya:!!! (Maya waves her hands in the air as if she were tripping and then falls)

Phoenix: Are you okay?

Maya: Yeah… I just tripped… (She immediately jerks up her left hand) Ow! My hand!

Phoenix: Lemme see that… (Phoenix pulls her up, examining her hand)

Maya: Ohh… It looks like I cut my self on something… I think it’s glass…

Phoenix: Huh…? (Phoenix looks around to see a pile of glass and slowly looks up to see a large busted hole in the window) You’re next to a little pile of glass there, Maya…

Maya: … Yeah… (She grasps her hand) Owww…

Phoenix: Here let’s get you inside. She should probably have a first aid kit or something…. (He holds her hands to prevent blood from spilling everywhere, as he quickly leads her into the entrance door)

Polaris Waiting Room, 7:38 PM

The waiting room is quite small and if very few in appliances. The only things noticeable are a small children’s bookshelf with a stuffed bunny on top and what looks like a smaller portrait of Mona Lisa. Other than that, there is a small desk and a one table for Ms. Polaris’ clients.

Phoenix: (Phoenix knocks twice as he opens the door) ((That’s odd… All the lights are off…)) (He turns his head towards Maya) Hey Maya, how’s your hand?

Maya: (She glances at her hand) It’s doing fine, I guess. It stings a little…

Phoenix: I’m sure she’ll have something to cover that up with…

Maya: Hmm… (Maya glances around the area) For a five year old being here, it’s pretty quite.

Phoenix: I bet that’s gonna end soon…

???: (h-hello..?)

Maya: … (She perks her head up in a surprise) Nick?

Phoenix: Yeah?

Maya: Did you hear someone?

Phoenix: Huh? (What she talking about?)

Maya: I thought I heard someone call for help.

Phoenix: … I didn’t hear anything…

Maya: It’s probably just me… Let’s go in and see if she’s in her office.

(Phoenix Examines the Mona Lisa Poster)
Phoenix: (Hmm…. It looks expensive.)

(Phoenix examines the small bookshelf for no apparent reason.)

Phoenix: ((What the- Why are there little kid books in here… Oh ... right.))

Maya: Hey, Nick! (She jumps towards Phoenix with a little book in her hand.) Can you read me “The Little Mermaid?”

Phoenix: (Phoenix stares at Maya in disbelief) … (She’s kidding, right?)

Maya: Aw, c’mon don’t give me that look! (She playfully punches Phoenix in the arm with her good hand) I was just pullin’ your leg…

(Phoenix examines the small desk.)
Phoenix: ((Hmmm… I’m guessing this is where she’d keep extra files and such…))

Polaris Office, 7:39 PM

The office itself is slightly larger, yet somewhat bare. The moonlight reflects off the shards of glass on the floor. A large bookshelf slightly filled with law books stands in the center of the wall. A small green cell phone is attached to a regular phone with a strange wire…The “Birth of Venus” portrait hangs at the right side of the bookshelf.

Maya: (She gets a suddenly strange feeling.) *sniff sniff* (She begins to sniff the air…)

Phoenix: Maya? What are you doing?

Maya: I smell something… (She continues to sniff the air.)

Phoenix: (Phoenix takes a sniff in the air.) I don’t smell anything right now…

Maya: You can’t? I can, and it doesn’t feel good… (She shudders…)

Phoenix: (Phoenix takes a couple more whiffs of the air.) Wait… I can smell it… ((That all to familiar smell… blood!))

Maya:!!! (Maya leaps back and clings to Phoenix shivering in fear.)

Phoenix: (Phoenix steps back in total confusion.) Wh-what is it?!

Maya: … (She continues to shiver in his coat…)

Phoenix: Maya?!

Maya: …B-b-by the bookshelf… (She points her finger towards the bookshelf.)

Phoenix:!!! ( He looks in front of the book shelf to see a large pool of blood.) ((There’s blood every where!))
(Phoenix suddenly sees a small body. A small girl in a purple overcoat, her long orange pigtails soaked in her own blood.)
Wait… It’s that little girl!

Maya: (Still trembling, grasping Phoenix’s arms…)
She’s… She’s not dead is she?!

???: Wh-wh-who there?!
(Phoenix cocks his head to see where the voice came from, but he sees nothing.)

Maya: (She clings tighter to Phoenix.)
Eek! Someone’s here, Nick!

Phoenix: Serene? Is that you??

(From behind the desk, a small woman rises; Her hairs long, wavy, and green with a yellow bang floating on the left side of her face. Her clothing was a small kimono like dress with black sleeves and her shoulders exposed. Her lips quivers and her purple eyes water in fear.)

Serene: Please… Help me… Please… (She stumbles, shaking in fear, trying to walk towards Phoenix…)
Maya: (She jumps towards the phone on the desk.) I’ll try calling the police!

Serene: It’s no use…

Phoenix: ??

Maya: (Maya presses 911, but hears nothing as she tries the number again and again.) The phones aren’t working! I’ll use my cell-

(Before Maya can finish her sentence, Police sirens can be heard in the not to far distance.)

Phoenix: Don’t worry; it looks like someone saw you needed help.

Serene: … (Her lips tremble…)

Phoenix: You’re getting help, don’t worry! (He gently grabs her by the shoulders.)

Serene: I… don’t think they’re here to help me… (She lowers her head…)

(About a few seconds later, tires screech and footsteps can be heard opening the doors. The door entering the room is slammed open as policemen hold guns in their hands aiming at the three… A booming black-haired man in a brownish/greenish overcoat and ruffled red tie storms in..)

Phoenix: It’s Detective Gumshoe!

Gumshoe: Alright, Pal! Everybody freeze!

Maya: Gumshoe! (Maya points her finger at Gumshoe.)

Gumshoe: Hey! (Gumshoe returns the point back at Maya and Phoenix) It’s you and that Harry Butz guy!

Phoenix: It’s Phoenix… My name is Phoenix Wright. ((Why does this guy always get me mixed up with one of my clients?!))

Gumshoe: Sorry, nothing to get excited over, pal… Anyways, Ms. Polaris, You are under arrest for first-degree murder. Anything that you say can be and will be used against you.
(Gumshoe turns Serene around as her begins to put the handcuffs on her.)

Serene: Please… I didn’t do it! You must believe me! I’m begging you! Please! Help!!

Gumshoe: I though I said be quiet! Nice try but you’ve been caught red handed, missy!

Phoenix: … … (Phoenix stares helplessly at Serene.)

Maya: (Maya pulls on Phoenix’s jacket sleeves)
Well, don’t just stand there! Do something!!

Phoenix: Wait!

Gumshoe: … What?

Phoenix: (Phoenix stares off into space, trying to think.) ……((Oh crap, I spoke too soon…. I’m running blank on ideas...))
(After a long pause, Phoenix comes up with an idea.)
I-I, umm… would you would please… Put her on questioning at least…?

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe raises his eyebrows)
Huh? Whadd’ya mean?

Phoenix: W-we don’t know if she did it or not… Just because she was at the scene
doesn’t mean she did it…

Gumshoe: Huh?
(Gumshoe crosses his arms)
What makes you think it was a coincidence??

Maya: Remember last trial with Ms. May and me?

Gumshoe: … …

Phoenix: (Phoenix playfully punches Maya on the arm)
(Way to hit em’, Maya!)

Gumshoe: … Right… Huff…Anyway, we’re gonna need you two to go home for the night so we can investigate…

Phoenix: B-but…

Gumshoe: I’m sorry, but I’m just following rules here… Now…
(Gumshoe points to the door leading outside…)

Phoenix: …right…
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Mon May 21, 2007 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Turnabout ChildrenTopic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354


Wright and Co. Office, 11:43 AM

Phoenix: (Phoenix runs into his office, looking at his watch. In his other hand is a large suitcase known as “The Court Records”)Wow… I’m late… really late…

Maya: … Morning Nick.

Phoenix: Morning… How’s that hand of yours doing?

Maya: (She holds her hand to her face.)
I think it’s fine… The shock from yesterday kept the pain off my mind.

Phoenix: Well,(He rubs his hands together.) We might as well start investigating.

Maya: … Nick?

Phoenix: Hm?

Maya: You don’t really think she killed her daughter, do you?

Phoenix: Well… I…. I really don’t know right now…

Maya: …

Phoenix: Look, it wasn’t a positive answer, okay? Let’s see if we can find any proof that she didn’t…

Maya: … Okay…

Polaris Office of Law, 12:02 PM

Phoenix: Looks like everybody’s investigating today…

Gumshoe: (Burst into scene out of nowhere)Hey, pal!

Maya: Yaaaa! (Maya points her finger at Gumshoe.) Detective Gumshoe!!

Gumshoe: (He once again returns the point at Phoenix and Maya.) Ah, it’s you and that Phoenix Butz guy again…

Phoenix: (He tries to stay calm.)Wright… It’s Phoenix Wright! (When will he get it right?)

Gumshoe: Well, at least I was half way right… (He shrugs and chuckles.)

Maya: … (Maya suddenly blushes and keeps her head down. Her hand is covering her mouth.)

Phoenix: Hey, are you laughing, Maya?!

Maya: … No… *snicker*

Phoenix: (( You people should burn…))

Phoenix: Anyways, back on the subject… I was wondering, Mr. Gumshoe... Did you find anything…?

Gumshoe: Hey, pal! Are you trying to pull tricks with me?!

(She shakes her fist at Gumshoe.)

Phoenix: (Ummm… So do other people who get murdered…)

Gumshoe: …Right…Huff… Well, we did get some information about the victim and we did find the murder object…

Phoenix: Great. May we get some details, please?

Gumshoe: Don’t you be pullin’ any stunts, Butz…

Phoenix: … … (Phoenix begins to tighten his fist…)

Gumshoe: Wright, I meant Wright…

Phoenix: (Thank you…)

Gumshoe: Well, first off… Here’s the autopsy…

(Gumshoe pulls a small folder out of his coat and gives it Phoenix. Phoenix puts it in his Court Records.)

Phoenix: So, what was the murder weapon?

Gumshoe: Oh, the murders weapon? Surprisingly…
(He picks up a small statue on the floor covered with dry blood.)
It was this miniature statue of Aphrodite… It’s only about a foot tall, but it’s made of I’m guessing pewter, so it probably would’ve been powerful enough yet light enough to kill a teenage girl even…

Maya: …Uhhh…Niiick…? (She begins to cling to Phoenix.)

Phoenix: (I… Think you’re scaring my companion…)

(Gumshoe hands the statue to Phoenix. Phoenix then examines the statue and puts it in his Court Records.)

Phoenix: So... ummm...Anything about the victim?

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe turns his head twoards the floor with the many bloodstains in one area.)Vallerie Polaris was murdered yesterday by being struck by the miniature statue of the Greek goddess, Aphrodite. She looked around four or five years old and hasn’t had any scholarship apparently. According to what the witness said, the murder suspect is her own mother.

Maya: What about her dad?
Gumshoe: We don’t know anything about him yet. We couldn’t find any pictures, no phone number, and no address... Nothing.

Phoenix: Hmmm… (He rubs his chin.) (I’m guessing this woman is divorced, or maybe widowed…)

Phoenix: Did you by any chance have a witness last night?

Gumshoe: Sure thing, pal. The guys name was Gailie T. Storm. He’s a storm tracker around here… Actually I think he’s the head of the whole storm team.

Phoenix: … Interesting…

Maya: Storm tracking sounds kinda scary… What kind of storms? Thunderstorms?

Gumshoe: Anything. (He counts off the many storms by his figer points.)Thunderstorms, Hail storms, Hurricanes, Typhoons, but we hardly get any of those big ones. His main chase is tornadoes.

Maya: … Creepy… He’s nuts.

Phoenix: Did you happen to ask Serene about the murder?

Gumshoe: She’s in the detention center. Why don’t you go ask her- (He realizes what he just said.) Wait, FORGET I SAID THAT, PAL! NO LAWYER TRICKS TODAY!

Phoenix: (Errr… You just told me to…)

(Phoenix observes the “Birth of Venus” portrait. It’s smaller than the original painting.)

Phoenix: ((If I’m correct, I think that was painted by Sandro Botticelli… Looks expensive...))

(Phoenix also examines the coat rack that is knocked down, close by the broken window.)

Phoenix: ((That coat rack must’ve broken the window…))

Maya: I wonder if that’s the spot where I cut myself last night…

Phoenix: Is it doing any better by the way?

Maya: yeah, (She holds up her palm to show Phoenix.) It looks like it’s just a scab right now. I don’t think I got any glass…

(Phoenix curiously looks at the large bookshelf, law books scatter all over it.)
Phoenix: ((Looks like it’s an average joe wooden bookshelf. Most of the lawyer study books in there look really beaten up. At least this shelf isn’t full of kiddy books.))

(As Phoenix looks for more evidence he spots to what he would think to be evidence. It was only a few post cards.)
Phoenix: ((Lets see here… Some postcards with the art of Raphael… Some of Leonardo Divinci… Michelangelo… This woman obviously likes art.))

(Maya curiously looks around to see a closet door. She tries pulling at it, but it remians closed.)
Maya: Huh? It’s locked…

(In the meantime, Phoenix looks around the desk some more. He picks up a green cell phone. He turns it to observe all it’s corners. He picks up the wire attached to it.)
Phoenix: It looks like a very cheap cell phone… It looks like it’s on a recharger.

Maya: (Curious, she walks towards Nick to take a look at it, but notices the wired device.) Hey, Nick…?

Phoenix: What?

Maya: This doesn’t look like a recharger… (She pulls at the wired device.)

Phoenix: Whaddya mean?

Maya: The wire is hooked up to the phone. Recharagers are supposed to be hooked to an
outlet-thingy or whatever it’s called… (She directs her finger towards a power outlet near-by.)

Phoenix: Uhhh… The power outlet?

Maya: …Right.

Phoenix: (He inspects it.)Kinda suspicious looking. I might wanna ask Serene about that later…

(Phoenix opens up his Court Records and puts the wired device and the cell phone in. About a couple minutes of standing they decide to leave to pick up the next train to the detention center.)

Detention center 1:20 PM

(As Phoenix and Maya enter the detention center, which two empty rooms separated by a glass wall, Serene is sitting on a seat, supervised by a security guard)
Phoenix: Serene!

Serene: Phoenix...? I... I didn’t think you would come here.

Phoenix: Look, I am really sorry about yesterday...

Serene: Please... it's not your fault....

Phoenix: And I’m sorry I have to bring it up again, but I’m gonna have to ask you some questions…

Serene; It’s okay… I’ve been talking about since last night… I’ve gone completely numb about it…

Maya: Are you feeling any better?

Serene: . . . . . . .

Phoenix: Serene??

Serene: You don't think I did it do you??

Phoenix: Wha-- Whu--? What?!

Serene: Do you think I killed my own daughter??

Phoenix: ...Of course not.

Serene: ...What? (Serene gaps her hand over her mouth)
Phoenix: I don't think you could do it, I mean- You had no reason to kill your daughter, right?

Serene: No... I loved my daughter, why would I kill her?

Phoenix: Then I have a right to believe you.

Serene: . . . . . . . (Serene’s eyes begin to water…)

Maya: Ms. Polaris??

Serene: Thank you...

Maya: Huh? What'd we do to be thanked for?

Serene: You two are the first to believe me... I have a little shimmer of hope growing inside me... Thank you...

Phoenix: Serene...?

Serene: (She fights back tears and holds her head back up.)Yes?

Phoenix: Can you tell me what you know about last night?

Serene: Right before I could hang up on that call last night, I was guessing that the electric circuit made an error and my power went out. I left the building to check the power box on one of the sidewalls out side my office building. Everything seemed to look in fine condition, until I heard a crash outside the other side of my building. I was worried about my daughter, so I charged in, but I.... I was too late... I saw my daughter... Motionless, blood soaking her hair.... I coul- I couldn't bear it....

Phoenix: Why didn't you call the police immediately?

Serene I already told you, I tried... My wireless phone couldn't last the call because the batteries were so low, and my power was out...

Phoenix: Couldn't you go out to a public phone?

Serene: I tried... I really tried. But I was too scared. I left my daughter alone for only five minutes and she got murdered... I couldn't bear what would happen if I left her alone again. So I stayed there, immobilized by fear, until you two came along...

Phoenix: Now, what's this about a power shortage?

Serene: I'm guessing there was an electric circuit that made an error. I have no clue about electric stuff, except that the bills really eat at you... So I checked whatever I could find in the power box thing...

Phoenix: The... Power box thing?? ((Nope, definitely does not know her electronics...))

Serene: That box like thing usually hanging outside of a building that controls the electricity, I guess...

Phoenix: Ah... The power box....

Serene: When I looked at it for five minutes, everything looked fine, after flicking all the switches and such. That's when I heard a crash from the office window, or as I assumed back then. And then she was dead... But could I ask you somthing?

Phoenix: What?

Serene: Did somebody see me "kill my daughter?"

Phoenix: Or so they claim, but I've already caught two people lying about that, in fact they were the guilty ones of murder...

Maya: The guys name was supposively Gailie T. Storm

Serene: !! (She cocks her head in surprise)

Maya: ?

Phoenix: Serene? Are you all right?

Serene: Oh... it's... never mind...

Phoenix: Oh... Wait-- Do you know him??

Serene: . . . .

Maya: Do you?! Every bit of information is important to us!!

Serene: Yes... (She lowers her head, blushing.)

Phoenix: What can you tell me about him?

Serene: He... he was a classmate of mine in a private school of lawyers I went to, back when I was fifteen years old.

Maya: Schoolmates?

Serene: Yeah... I guess we had a few connections with each other and such…

Maya: Oh… Did you guys keep in touch at all?

Serene: No, not at all... I haven’t heard his name in years... The last thing I heard was that he quit the lawyer school to pursue another dream.

Maya: The storm chasing, right?

Serene: Supposedly, it's storm chasing... He was always fascinated with natural disasters, but he was in so much of a desire for money, and since lawyers always get lot of money.... well, I think you get the point.

Phoenix: (Phoenix stares in awe…) ((Nice... Real nice...))

Phoenix: Now… About the victim… your daughter, she was only five years old?

Serene: Yes... barely five years old...

Maya: I am really sorry about that.

Serene: Please... There's nothing to be sorry about...

Phoenix: Does your husband know about this? I mean, does she have a father?

Serene: . . . . .

Phoenix: Serene??

Serene: I ... I don't know...

Phoenix: ((What?!))

Maya: I-I don’t understand what you mean by that, Ms. Polaris?

Serene: I'm a single mother, and... I don't know who the father is....

Phoenix: How... How is that possible??

Serene: I.... Oh, it's so embarrassing… (She presses her fingers aginst her forehead, blushing.) I really
don’t want to discuss it…

Phoenix: I.... I see (I... think I get the idea, but I'd better not ask...) Anyhow, I hear you are a defense attorney, correct?

Serene: Yes? What about it?

Phoenix: Serene, do you intend on defending yourself in court?

Serene: Wh-what??

Phoenix: You are a defense attorney right?

Serene: Yes... But...

Phoenix: But what?

Serene: I only had one case so far.... And I don't think I did too well...

Phoenix: Oh...Ummm... (Phoenix rubs his fingers across his chin.)

Serene: Phoenix...?

Phoenix: What?

Serene: I... I don't know how to put this....

Phoenix: What?

Serene: (She begins to nibble on the tip of her knuckles.)Could... you... Could you defend me?

Phoenix: W-wh-what?!

Serene: There's no way I can defend myself in there... I could hardly pull through the last time! Could
you defend me?

Maya: Well, Phoenix? What should we do?

(Phoenix pauses for a moment, rubbing his spiky hair. Finally he lifts his head.)
Phoenix: Sure... I'll do it.

Serene: Y-you will? You really will? Thank you so much! I'm in your debt!

Maya: That’s awesome Nick! (She pats Phoenix's back.)Don't you feel great?!

Phoenix: ((In a sense.... no.))

Maya: Hey Nick?

Phoenix: Yeah?

Maya: Should we ask Detective Gumshoe if he knows anything about the witness?

Phoenix: What, the Gailie guy? Sure, I don't see why not. They're all probably at the crime scene
anyways. (Phoenix perks his head again.) Oh, by the way, Ms. Serene, I needed to show you a couple of more things.

(Phoenix pulls out his Court Records suitcase and first pulls out the Aphrodite statue.)

Serene: That's... (She cups her mouth again and blinks.)

Phoenix: (Phoenix looks at the statue, then at Serene) Is this yours?

Serene: That's my favorite statue of the Greek Gods, Aphrodite! The original statue was made by Brindisi.

Phoenix: What? (I take it that must be some old artist…?)

Serene: I've... always had a fascination of the music and arts, especially the European art... Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Beethoven, Mozart....

Phoenix: … I see… Anyways, this was the murder weapon used against your daughter.

Serene: … … I see… (She lowers her head and covers her faces.)

Maya: (Poor Serene... I can't imagine what she's going through....)

Phoenix: Serene? Are you okay?

Serene: Yes… I’m fine (She tries to hold beck her tears.) Please… What else did you have to show me?

Phoenix: I found this weird device attached to your phone… I was wondering what it was. (He pulls out the cell phone and the weird wired device.)

Serene: Oh… That records all my phone calls from the regular phone. I use so I don’t forget any of my cases… Basically for a reminder or a memo, I guess you could say…

Phoenix: Interesting… Can you show me how it works?

Serene: I guess so… You know I was talking to you on the regular phone yesterday, correct?

Phoenix: I think so, that why you’re phone died in the end of the conversation, right?

Serene: Correct. I’m able to get all my conversations on here, in my cell phone with this device…
(Serene tries to turn on the cell phone but to no avail, it turns off immediately.)

Phoenix: Is something wrong?

Serene: My batteries are still dead…

Phoenix: Oh…?

Serene: I’m afraid I can’t show you right now… But if you could find a recharger or something, that could help, I guess.

Phoenix: Okay then…

September 23rd, 2:59 PM, Polaris Office of Law

(As Phoenix and Maya returns, Gumshoe greets them.)

Gumshoe: Well, looks who's back, pal.

Phoenix: Long time no see.

Gumshoe: hey, weren't you just here about 40 minutes ago?!

Phoenix: ((I do believe there is a type of humor called "Sarcasm...."))

Phoenix: Anyways, back to subject. (Phoenix claps his hands once, rubbing them together.) Ummm.... About the witness...

Gumshoe: Ah, I was about to introduce him to you, pal. (He looks back once or twice)

Phoenix: Hey, does he have a prosecuting attorney yet?

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe chuckles, scratching his head) One of the top dogs, pal...

Phoenix: (He begins to sweat reputedly) ((Anybody but him... Anybody but him... Anybody but-))

Gumshoe: …Miles Edgeworth.

Phoenix: (...Nice. I’m betting my whole office this case won’t last five minutes)

Maya: Aw no! (She clings to her hair, tossing her head up in frustration…) Not him again! He’s such a pain in the-!

Gumshoe: Hey, Watch it, pal! You don’t know who you’re talkin’ about-- Oh wait, There he is!

Phoenix: What!? Edgeworth? (No please! Not him! Please not him!! I don't want to deal with him right now!)

Gumshoe: No, not Edgeworth... Though that would be nice. This is Gailie T. Storm, our witness.

(A dashing young man trots in, his hair rolled up like purple clouds. Two bangs looking like orange lightning bolts struck from the middle of his head.)

Gailie: Ah, welcome to the crime scene!!

Maya: !!! (Ahh! Nick?)

Phoenix: (What?)

Maya: (His hair scares me....)

Phoenix: (.... Right)

Gailie: (Gailie crosses his arms and cocks his head to the left.) What are you two whispering about?

Phoenix: Oh... it's nothing...

Gailie: Please! Take my business card! I work at the "Storm Hunter Inc." My office is only a few miles away if you're interested! (He yanks Phoenix’s arm and places a card in his hand.)

Phoenix: . . . . . Sure ((It's been less than a minute and this guy already gives me the creeps...))
(A wee bit creeped out, Phoenix slowly takes the card into his pocket…)

Phoenix: So... You say you saw Ms. Serene Polaris murder her daughter?

Gailie: If you mean I was right there, then no. But I got the major idea, and I did see the murdered girl... And I heard all sorts of screaming when it happened.

Phoenix: Wait-what? What is that supposed to mean?

Gailie: Well, I think you'll just have to wait till' the trial now won't you?

Phoenix: ((So... keeping it quiet till trial... Joy....)) So, will you tell me anything before court?

Gailie: Hmmmm.... (He ponders for a second or two…) No.

Phoenix: . . .. Please?

Gailie: …… well... No. That's my final answer.

Phoenix: Please, I really need to-


Gailie: Thank you for accepting my answer-

Maya: Hey Nick? This guy is hopeless... Let's look somewhere else.

Phoenix: ((Beyond Hopeless...))

(Phoenix takes a look at the closet door once again…He attempts to slide it open, but to no avail.)
Phoenix: ((It looks like it’s still locked…))

Maya: Hey Nick, you know how Ms. Polaris mentioned that power box? Do you think we should take a look?

Phoenix: Hmmm… I don’t see why not…

(Phoenix and Maya leave for the side of the building.)

Polaris Office of Law, Side of the Building, 3:25 PM

Maya: Here's where she went to check her electricity before Vallerie died....

Phoenix: Must be stressing to know that you can't leave someone for five minutes without a chance of something bad happening to them.

(Phoenix begins to examine the power box)

Phoenix: That power box Serene mentioned, it looks in fine condition, but why would her power go out??

Maya: Check the box and see if you see anything.

Phoenix: Right (Phoenix opens the case door, flipping all of the switches and flipping them back for a couple of minutes. After a while, he gives up and closes the door.)

Maya: Find anything?

Phoenix: No… it looks perfectly normal… I’ve flipped every switch and nothing looks wrong…

Maya: I don't see anything wrong with it either…. Let's open it up again........ Here, lemme see it… Okay.... (Maya tries to open the power box, but to no avail…)How do you open this thing again...? (She continues to yank at the boxes edges…)

Phoenix: Careful! Don't break it and electrocute yourself--

Maya: (Maya gives a final pull, and begins to fall) YAA~! (She falls to the ground, taking off the whole case with her.) Owww… I fell… (She looks at the case in her hands.) Oops…

Phoenix: Hey! I told you to be careful!

Maya: (Maya gets up and looks at all the wires…) Wow…There are wires everywhere! How can you tell which one is messed up?!

Phoenix: (Phoenix examines the box for about fifteen seconds until something catches his eye.) What the-??

Maya: What? (Maya takes a peep at the wires.)

Phoenix: Look at this! (Phoenix pulls up some wires that have been cleanly cut at the ends) Some of these wires have been cut!! ((No one could see them with the case in the way. That would be one of the least expected things you could expect…))

Maya: Wait, Nick… Maybe they could’ve been just worn out.

Phoenix: Look at the ends, Maya. It’s quite obvious they were cut. If they were worn out, the ends would be frayed and the coating would be weathered. The wires here just have a clean edge and no weathering.

Maya: I… I see.

Phoenix: ((What is it with girls and their lacking knowledge of electronics?))

(Phoenix pulled out some of the wires and added them to his Court Records.)

Phoenix: Okay… There’s gotta be some clue behind all this…
*Ring Ring*

Phoenix: What the--?? No one ever calls me on this thing…. (Phoenix attempts to pull out the cell phone and struggles to get it out of it’s case.)
*Ring Ring*

Phoenix: … It’s… The courtroom…?

Maya: Huh? The courtroom? What on Earth could the possibly want?

Phoenix: (He finally is able to open the cell phone and whacks it to his ear.) He-hello? This is Phoenix Wright speaking. Oh, your honor! … Yes? … What?! Tomorrow?! But- but your honor, I- … But if you could just please give me some more-- Yes… Your honor… I understand, your honor… goodbye… (In sudden distress, Phoenix clamps his cell phone shut and puts it back in his pocket.)

Maya: What happened?

Phoenix: They want the court to start tomorrow as soon as the court opens…

Maya: What?! That’s like 8:00 in the morning!

Phoenix: Exactly… We have less than 24 hours to get all the evidence, or Serene will be in for it…

Maya: Right! Let’s go for it!

Phoenix: There’s gotta be more evidence… somewhere…

(As Maya curiously looks around, she suddenly spots a pair of wire cutters at the corner of the building. It read “Storm Tracker Inc.” on one of the sides.)

Maya: Nick, look back here!

Phoenix: What?

Maya: I found this by the corner over here.

Phoenix: W-wire cutters…?

Maya: The idiot left some big evidence here!

Phoenix: No kidding!

(Phoenix turns the cutters a couple of times, examining all of its sides, and places them in his Court Records. In the meantime, Maya hears the doors open as the police leave the building and into their cars.)

Maya: Hey Nick, it looks like the police are headed to someplace else…

Phoenix: Really? I think it might be our chance to find anything they didn’t notice in the office…

Maya: Right, let’s go.

Polaris Office 3:40 PM

Phoenix: Everything looks clear for now…

Maya: Lets get this show on the road!

(Phoenix looks around the broken window, to see glass scattered all over the floor.)
Phoenix: Interesting… I wonder what caused such a massive smash in the window… I guess this could be useful…

(Phoenix carefully picks up the glass from the floor, puts in a couple of pieces in a plastic bag, and puts it in his Court Records. While he is doing this, Maya looks at a very crooked closet door that was previously locked.)

Maya: Hey, Nick.

Phoenix: Yeah?

Maya: It looks like they attempted to pry that door open. They didn’t succeed to well, but the door is totally crooked…

Phoenix: Hey Maya, do you think you can slip your hand through the cracks?

Maya: I probably could… (Maya slides her arm under the big crack of the door and tries to unlock it from the other side.)

Phoenix: See if you can reach you hand to the lock. ((I guess young teenage girls can be quite handy… Er... Not in that sense…))

Maya: !! (Maya finds the lock and turns it from the other side.)

Phoenix: Got it?

Maya: Got it!

Phoenix: Good, now lets see if we can find anything. (Phoenix slides the door open after putting it back in place. The two both enter to see that it isn’t exactly a “closet.” )

Polaris “Closet” 3:46 PM

Phoenix: Woah!

Maya: This isn’t a closet at all! It’s like a bedroom… That’s the size of a closet…

Phoenix: Well, Ms. Polaris is quite poor. Living in your office is quite convenient when it comes to money.

Maya: There’s nothing really here to examine, but we might find something…

(Phoenix examines the small sleeping bag. Maya stares at it in awe.)

Phoenix: I guess this is where her daughter used to sleep…

Maya: Awww… That’s such a cute pattern! (She stares at the teddy bear design on the pink sleeping bag and smothers her face against it.)

Phoenix: ((It kinda looks homemade…))

(Phoenix examines the cell phone recharger on a cardboard box stuffed up in a corner.)

Maya: Look, a recharger!

Phoenix: Ah…. That’s what I was looking for.

Maya: We should get that to Ms. Polaris, Nick.

Phoenix: Well, since I see nothing here worth examining… Should we go?

Detention Center 5:24 PM

Serene: Oh! You two are back. Did you find anything?

Maya: A few things yeah…

Phoenix: I found your recharger…

Serene: Oh… Thank you.

Phoenix: May you please show me how this thing works.

Serene: Yes, right away, Mr. Wright.

(Phoenix hands Serene the recharger. She puts it in an outlet and attaches it to her cell phone. She pressed a few buttons on her cell phone and the message from last night begins to replay.)

Serene: It seemed so peaceful at the time…

Phoenix: (Wait a minute… There’s something contradicting about this call and what Mr. Storm mentioned earlier…)

Maya: Nick, is something wrong?

Phoenix: Nope… I think I just found a contradiction already… I’ll be having a few words with Mr. Storm… In court.

I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Mon May 21, 2007 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Turnabout ChildrenTopic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354



*Attorney Badge
Without this, people would think I’m nuts when I say “I’m a lawyer.”

Victim: Vallerie Polaris
Time of Death: between 7:30-7:35 PM
Cause of Death: Struck with a heavy object against the head. Died instantly due to severe brain damage and blood loss.

*Aphrodite Statue
The murder weapon. Is made of pewter and is about a foot tall.

*Coat rack
Is suggested to be the cause of the broken window due to the glass at the edge. Was found tipped over.

*Shards of glass
Was found about in the crime scene. The hole in the window was large enough for a person to jump through without getting cut.

*Cell Phone
Carries the conversation with me and Serene. Something suspicious from what the witness mentioned a while back. Batteries were dead on the day of the murder.

*Cut Wires
What led to the power outage before the murder.

*Wire cutters
Were found around the edge of the Polaris Office of Law. Cause of the cut wires. They’re working supplies from Storm Tracker Inc.

*Storm Tracker Card
Working hours: 10:00 AM-11:PM Monday-Sunday
“We will search for any storm near and far”
… Lame motto… I see

*Weird Wire device
Transfers Serene’s messages from her regular phone to her cell phone.

District Court, Defendant Lobby no.6
September 24th, 8:00 AM

Phoenix: Well, here goes nothing… (Phoenix wipes his brow, and sighs.)

Maya: Don’t worry, Nick. It’ll only get you into more trouble if you worry your butt off…

(Phoenix looks about to see Serene in the distance.)

Phoenix: Serene! There you are.

Serene: (Serene also sees Phoenix by the lobby doors. Trembling, she approaches him.) I… I want to wish you good luck. (She bites the tip of her knuckles.)

Phoenix: Hey, you’re the one who needs it most. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re innocent.

Serene: (Her lips quiver.) …… Thank you so much…

Maya: !!! (Maya’s eyes buldge as she begins to shake.)

Phoenix: (Phoenix notices Maya.) Wh-what is it?

Maya: (She jumps, pointing her finger behind Phoenix.) Yaaaa~! Phoenix! It’s Edgeworth!!

Serene: Edge…worth?

Phoenix: !!

(The fearful prosecutor looms towards them, his metallic hair swaying in his face. The burgundy exorbitant suit swayed with his silk cravat as he moved towards them with grace..)

Edgeworth: … … (He stares as what he would refer as amatures.)

Serene: !!! (He eyes widen as she cups her mouth…)

Edgeworth: (He notices the shocked woman, and suddenly the stare becomes a glare full of hate.) …… It’s you…

Serene: M-m-miles…?

Edgeworth: ……It’s been a while…traitor…

Maya: Huh? Traitor?

Phoenix: ((A traitor?))

Serene: Miles, I…I…I--

Edgeworth: Spare the excuses, Polaris… I’ll see that you rot in that prison cell once I’m finished with

Serene: ……… (She lowers her head. Her lip trembles.)

Edgeworth: I’ve waited for this day, Polaris… You’ll regret the day you-

Phoenix: Edgeworth, quit attacking my clien-

Edgeworth: Stay out of this, Wright.

Phoenix: What’s gotten into yo-


Phoenix: ((Holy crap, something’s got him all fired up…))

(His eyes flare as he storms out of the lobby and into the courtroom. Curses could be heard under his breath.)

Maya: (she grips her hair and tosses her head up in frustration.) I can’t believe that guy! Did you see how insulting he was back there?!

Phoenix: (Phoenix scoffs and looks at Serene.) Serene…?

Serene: ………

Phoenix: Serene…? You okay?

Serene: ……… (Her eyes begin to water, she slowly taking in soft sobs.)

Phoenix: ((It looks like she just gonna break any minute… I better leave her alone for now…)

Maya: Woah, Nick! (She tugs his sleeve.) Court’s starting in five minutes let’s go!!

Phoenix: Right… (Well, here we go…)

(The two walk into the courtroom.)

District Court, Courtroom no. 6, 8:10 AM

(A crowd softly mutters as the two attorneys stare at each other, competition flaring in their eyes. The judge slowly walks in as the chatter dies down.)

Judge: (He slams his gavel.) The court is now in session
for the trial of Ms. Vallerie Polaris

Edgeworth: The Prosecution is ready, your Honor.

Phoenix: The defense is ready, your Honor. (Miles Edgeworth… Him again… Give all you got, Wright if you don’t want to shame yourself…)

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth, please give the opening court your statement.

Edgeworth: Thank you, Your Honor.
The defendant, Ms. Serene Polaris, was at the scene of the crime. We have a witness who saw her do it. The prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case, Your Honor. The evidence presented during the trial will all point to this fact.

Judge: Hm… I see. (He nods.) Very well, I would like to move on to your testimony. Mr. Edgeworth, the prosecution may call it’s first witness.

Edgeworth: I shall call up Mr. Gailie T. Storm to the stand.

(Gailie struts towards the witness stand, his flicks his hair back.)

Edgeworth: Will the witness please state his name and profession, please?

(Edgeworth suddenly notices that the witnes has pry one of his fingers into his mouth, collecting saliva)

Gailie: (He pops his finger out of his mouth, a little wet. He sticks it up in the air) ... The airs a little thick here. It looks like todays going to be a wee bit stuffy. I'm assuming the wather outside is maybe around 91 degerees farenheit.

Edgeworth: (He slams his hand against the desk.) Witness, we are in a court, not outdoors. Now please; your name and occupation.

Gailie: Geez, just keep your cool will ya. (He suddenly looks suprised waggling his finger a bit more.) Oh, looks like it went down a few degrees.

Edgeworth: (He attempts once again to gain the witnesses attention.) Name. Occupation. Now.

Gailie: (He rolls his eyes and sighs.) My name is Gailie Thunders Storm. I am the alpha man of the storm tracking team close by.

Judge: Now, the witness claims that he saw the murdered child and the defendant walk out of the building. Correct?

Gailie: Yup, most certainly true, your honor…

Judge: You may begin your testimony

—Night of the Murder—

Gailie: It was, I guess, around maybe 7:33 when I was just walking outside the defendants’ office.

Now I know for a fact that her office does not close until 9:30 PM.

Then I noticed the lights suddenly turning off, as if she was closing for the night.

I was feeling quite suspicious when she left in a complete hurry towards behind her building…

I don’t know why she was running, so decided to sneak in quickly to see what happened…

Then I saw the murdered girl on the floor, by the bookshelf.

So I immediately ran out and called the police.

Judge: … I see… Mr. Wright, you may now begin your cross-examination. Mr. Storm, please repeat you testimony.

Cross Examination
Gailie: It was, I guess, around maybe 7:33 when I was just walking outside the defendants’ office.

Phoenix: Hold it! How can you be so sure it was around that time?

Gailie: Well, gee, isn’t it obvious? I wore a watch, for goodness sakes. (He pulls up his sleeve to show a average joe watch on his wrist.)

Phoenix: Right… Please continue…

Gailie: Now I know for a fact that her office does not close until 9:30 PM.

Phoenix: Hold it! How would you know something like that?

Gailie: Mr. Wright, there are lots of things I know about Ms. Polaris; and that happens to be one of the many things I know…

Phoenix: ((…For a second there, Serene looked really worried about something…)) So, do basically stalk her or something?

Edgeworth: Objection That has nothing to do with the case right now, Wright… Continue your testimony, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: Then I noticed the lights suddenly turning off, as if she was closing for the night.

Phoenix: Hold it! Why do you think she was closing for the night?

Gailie: Well, what other reason would you turn off the office lights, Mr. Wright?
Phoenix: Checking out glow in the dark stuff, getting ready to watch a movie, too much light…

Edgeworth: Objection Mr. Wright, do you ever tire of pestering my witnesses? What happened next, Mr. Storm?

Gailie: I was rather feeling quite suspicious when she left in a complete hurry towards behind her building…

Phoenix: Hold it! Do you have any idea why she was running?

Gailie: Do you have any patience at all, Mr. Wright? I was getting to that…

Gailie: I don’t know why she was running, so decided to sneak in quickly to see what happened…

Phoenix: Hold it!You do realize that’s breaking an entry, right?

Gailie: I had my suspicions, I see what I don’t like and I’ll make sure they pay.

Phoenix: Mr. Storm, that is why you call the police. That’s their job, not yours.

Edgeworth: Objection I will not have you attacking my witnesses, Mr. Wright. Continue, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: Then I saw the murdered girl on the floor, by the bookshelf.

Phoenix: Hold it! Are you sure it was by the bookshelf?

Gailie: For goodness sakes, Do I look blind to you?! You may look smart, but you are really getting on my nerves asking such pointless questions!

Edgeworth: Amen to that.

Phoenix: Watch your mouth, Edgeworth!

Judge: Order! Order! End your bickering at once! Witness, continue your testimony…

Gailie: So I immediately ran out and called the police.

Phoenix: Hold it! Mr. Storm, why didn’t you call the police the moment you saw the victim?

Gailie: I didn’t want her seeing me in there, or she’d accuse me of her own murder, so I immediately ran out and called on my cell phone.

Phoenix: There’s a contradiction in there… I can feel it…

Maya: There’s something really fishy about his testimony…

Phoenix: Mr. Storm, I need you to repeat the testimony one more time

Gailie: It was, I guess, around maybe 7:33 when I was just walking outside the defendants’ office. Now I know for a fact that her office does not close until 9:30 PM.
Then I noticed the lights suddenly turning off, as if she was closing for the night--

Phoenix: Objection Are you absolutely positive she turned off the lights?

Gailie: Yes, I ain’t retarded, you know…

Phoenix: Or so you think!

Gailie: I beg your pardon?!

Phoenix: According to this evidence (He pulls out the cut wires.) … You’re lying!

Gailie: Haah?!

Judge: What are you trying to say, Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: Serene never turned off the lights in the first place. Her wires were cut in the power box of her building, so her electricity was cut off, forcing everything to go black!

Judge: Witness, please explain yourself. Why were you so sure she turned off the lights,

Mr. Gailie: (He rubs his head.) I… I don’t know, your honor… I- I could’ve sworn I…

Maya: Way to hit him Nick! (She gives him a thumbs up)

Gailie: Wait! I remember now! Terrible sorry! May I please restate my testimony?

Judge: You may, but please be more careful…

Gailie: Thank you, your honor…

—Why I thought she turned off the lights—

When I noticed she was raising her hand for something, the lights turned off about a couple of seconds later. That’s when I was positive she was turning off the lights…

About a minute later, I noticed she left towards one of the sides of the building.

When I was heading towards the entrance, I glimpsed to the side of the building where she was and saw the power box with some wire cutters.

I then realized that she was trying to make herself an alibi for something, I was guessing, making me extremely suspicious…

So I snuck in and saw the murdered girl…

Judge: I see… Mr. Wright, please continue your cross examination… Repeat the testimony, Mr. Storm.

Cross Examination

Gailie: When I noticed she was raising her hand for something, the lights turned off about a couple of seconds later. That’s when I was positive she was turning off the lights…

Phoenix: Hold it! Do you have any idea what she might have been doing, at the time, Mr. Storm?

Gailie: If you ask me, I’d say she was turning off the lights to make an alibi to make it look like her power just went out.

Phoenix: Right... Please continue…

Gailie: About a minute later, I noticed she left towards one of the sides of the building.

Phoenix: Hold it! Why were you even hanging around in the first place?

Gailie: Why, I have adult privileges; I can go wherever I want…

Phoenix: Hey, no need to get all moody…

Edgeworth: With all you unnecessary questioning, who wouldn’t? Do go on, Mr. Storm…

When I was heading towards the entrance, I glimpsed to the side of the building where she was and saw the power box with some wire cutters.

Phoenix: Hold it! What makes you so sure they were wire cutters?

Gailie: I know my tools, Mr. Wright, and what she had in her hand was definitely a wire cutter…

Gailie: I then realized that she was trying to make herself an alibi for something, I was guessing, making me extremely suspicious…

Phoenix: Hold it! (Phoenix slams his hands on his desk.) Just because you are suspicious, does not mean you can go intruding into other peoples entries unwanted.

Edgeworth: Objection (He shrugs and shakes his head, with a smirk on his face.) As you said to me, Wright: “Stop attacking my client.”

Phoenix: ((Hey, this is nothing compared to what you did to her!))

Gailie: So I snuck in and saw the murdered girl…

Phoenix: Hold it! Why sneak in? Just barge on in, why don’t you?

Gailie: Hey, it was worth it! I caught this woman for her crime!

Phoenix: Okay, I can tell there’s a contradiction in there… I just gotta point it out… Mr. Storm, please repeat the testimony once again?

Gailie: When I noticed she was raising her hand for something, the lights turned off about a couple of seconds later. That’s when I was positive she was turning off the lights…
About a minute later, I noticed she left towards one of the sides of the building.
When I was heading towards the entrance, I glimpsed to the side of the building where she was and saw the power box with some wire cutters--

Phoenix: Objection (He crosses his arms.) Mr. Storm…

Gailie: Tch… Now what?

Phoenix: I’ve seen the wire cutters

Gailie: Yeah… (He shrugs.) So?

Phoenix: (Phoenix pulls out the wire cutters and points out the logo on them.) These wire cutters are only found among Storm Tracker Inc Employees only!

Gailie: Urk!

Phoenix: Now why would she have those wire cutters in the first place? I know for sure that she isn’t a storm tracker!

Gailie: Well, umm… (He scratches his head.)

Phoenix: And further more, you are a storm tracker employee, correct?

Gailie: What?! (He looks appalled as he point to himself.) Are you implying that it was me? Don’t be ridiculous!

Judge: Mr. Storm, explain this at once!

Gailie: I… I… There… I…

Edgeworth: (His fist sink into his desk, his eyes sink into his face. His teeth are barred out, shaking with fury.) Why… Why weren’t those brought to my attention?!

Gailie: Okay! Okay! (He pounds his fist on the stand.) I admit! I cut the wires!
Phoenix: ((Got ya!!))
Gailie: But I had my reasons!
Phoenix: !! ((What?! No way!!))
Gailie: May I please, once again, restate my testimony?
Judge: Very well, but no more mistakes…

—Why I cut the wires—

Well, it really all started out when I was hearing yelling inside of the building.

It was eventually getting too violent; I didn’t like what I was hearing.

Suddenly I heard an anguished scream, as if from a child.

I was worried, so I ran behind the building and cut the wires, trying to distract the woman.

Judge: …I see. Mr. Wright?

Phoenix: Yes, your Honor?

Judge: You may now begin your cross-examination. Repeat your testimony once again, Mr. Storm.

Cross Examination

Gailie: Well, it really all started out when I was hearing yelling inside of the building.

Phoenix: Hold it! What made you think it was from the Polaris Office?

Gailie: Well, it was the closest building from the direction where the screaming came from…

Edgeworth: (He scoffs in irritation.) Mr. Wright, would you please refrain from asking trivial questions?

Gailie: It was eventually getting too violent; I didn’t like what I was hearing.

Phoenix: Hold it! What do you mean “Didn’t like what you were hearing”?

Gailie: Well, there were things like “I hate you!” and “Why did I even have you?!” stuff like that…

Phoenix: (He turns his head, he sees Serene clenching her fist, clueless and almost crying.) ((Serene looks really down at the moment… I seriously doubt he’s telling the truth…))

Suddenly I heard an anguished scream, as if from a child.

Phoenix: Hold it! How do you it was an anguished scream?

Gailie: Well, I have no children; but I am sure they can keep a scream going for a few seconds… This scream was cut off within the first second.

Phoenix: Why were you even listening to all of the conversation?

Edgeworth: Objection (He slams his hand on his desk.) Mr. Wright, the question is completely irrelevant from the case. Please continue your testimony, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: I was worried, so I ran behind the building and cut the wires, trying to distract the woman.

Phoenix: Hold it! Why didn’t you just break an entry?

Edgeworth: Objection I am beginning to feel like a broken record, Mr. Wright… Quit vexing my witnesses…

Phoenix: ((Wait… There’s that contradiction I noticed earlier! It’s in my head, but I can feel it trying to slip out of my mouth.)) Re-restate your testimony, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: Well, it really all started out when I was hearing yelling inside of the building--

Phoenix: Objection Mr. Storm…

Gailie: (He huffs…) Now what?!

Phoenix: (He points at Gailie.) I can tell you right off the bat that you are lying!

Gailie: Hm? What makes you think that?

Judge: Mr. Wright? Please explain yourself.

Phoenix: (Phoenix present the cell phone to the court.) Take a look at this cell phone.

Edgeworth: (Once again, his eyes sink into his face. His teeth barred. His fist clenches in the fury.) Wh-wh-What?! I’ve heard nothing about this! Why?!

Judge: I see... It’s a cell phone. What is your point?

Phoenix: Listen to this conversation (Phoenix presses a few buttons as he sets the phone to replay the recorded message from yesterday.)

Judge: I do not see what this has to do with the case…

Phoenix: This conversation was right before the power went out!

Gailie: What?!

Phoenix: Mr. Storm, there could’ve been no way you heard any screaming. You are lying!

Judge: Alright, Mr. Storm, just what exactly is going on here?!

Gailie: ……

Maya: Alright Nick! We’re winning!!

Gailie: Okay, so the Conversation ended with a incomplete sentence, so what? (He shrugs, shaking his head.)

Phoenix: !! (His eyes widen) ((Huh?!))

Gailie: She could’ve turned it off to make herself another alibi right before she killed her
daughter. It’s extremely logical!

Phoenix: Wh-wh-whaaaaat?!

Gailie: Ahhhh… Mr. Wright, you don’t seem to know that I was once a defense attorney in training?

Phoenix: ((Crap… I completely forgot about that…))

Gailie: I know all of your silly little lawyer tricks… There’s no way you can go back now…

Judge: I see… Mr. Wright, is there any way you can prove him wrong?

Phoenix: Of I can you’re honor… I have proof.

Gailie: Hah! I’d like to see you pull this one off!

Edgeworth: Hmph.. Let’s see what the amateur can do this time…

Judge: Very well then, Mr. Wright. What can you present to prove the witness wrong?

(Phoenix pulls out another piece of evidence and present it to the court. The wired device.)
Take that

Judge: (The judge looks at it, cocking his head in confusion.) Mr. Wright, may I ask what this is?

Phoenix: Ms. Polaris uses this little device here to record all of her messages from her phone to her cell phone. She claims her regular phone erases any messages after a long period of time. Her cell phone was dead at the time, so there was no way she could’ve used her cell phone to call me two nights ago! She was using her regular phone until Mr. Storm cut the wires!

Edgeworth: (His fist begin to break into his desk, his eyes arre beginning to look black. His teeth are barred out, like a wild animal, once again.) This wasn’t brought to my attention!!

Judge: I don’t understand…

Phoenix: He was trying to lure her out for some unknown reason, your honor!

Gailie: Wh-wh-wh-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!

Phoenix: You killed her daughter, didn’t you?!

Gailie: How… HOW DARE YOU, YOU MAGGOT ATTORNEY!! (He shakes in fury, pounding his fist on the witness stand.)

Edgeworth: (He slams his hand against his desk.) Wright, for the last time, enough with badgering my witnesses!

Judge: Mr. Storm…

Gailie: wh-wh-WHAT?!?

Judge: (He slams his gavel.) Order! Order! Order in the court! Is what Mr. Wright just said true…?

Gailie: … … …

Judge: …Mr Storm, I need an answer.

Maya: We got him cornered, Nick!)

Judge: (Mr.Storm! I demand you answer me this instant!

Gailie: Urg… Urrg…. (He begins to rub his head…slowly clenching it tighter and tighter.)

Phoenix: ((Huh? What’s up with him?))

Gailie: M-m-…MY HEAD!! THE PAIN!! (He tosses his head up, screaming. He punches his fist into the stand.)

Edgeworth: !!

Judge: !!

Maya: !!

Phoenix: !!


(Gailie falls to the ground. The crowd in the court begins to chatter.)

Judge: (He slams the gavel.) Order! Order!

(The chattering dies down.)

Maya: Yaugh! What happened?! (She leaps back)

Edgeworth: I… I think he has a mental break down…

Judge: … … Indeed… We will have to reserve the trial until tomorrow. Mr. Gailie T. Storm should be recovered by then. Court is adjourned! (He slams the gavel again.)

District Court, Defendant Lobby no.6
September 24th, 12:30 PM

Phoenix: (He wipes his forehead, covered in sweat.) Wow, that turned out pretty good so far!

Maya: Way to hit the guy, Nick! (She pats Phoenix on the back.) He was so appalled he knocked out!

Phoenix: We don’t know that for sure, yet, Maya…

Maya: (she looks around.) Hey, where’s Serene?

Phoenix: Funny, I thought she’d be here by now… I haven’t seen Edgeworth around yet either… (He’s usually here to rant at me by this time around…)

Maya: Maybe she had to go to the bathroom? (She scratches her chin, pondering.)

Phoenix: …(he stares at Maya awkwardly.) ((Yeah, I really needed to know that…))

A small voice can be heard in another lobby.)

Maya: Hey! (She looks around cautiously.) Isn’t that Serene’s voice?


Phoenix: I can hear her, but I can’t see her anywhere! (He cocks his head, but does not see her anywhere.)

Maya: It sounds like she’s in trouble! We gotta find her!

We searched about five minutes, and around another lobby, we found her.
She was fainted from a strangling…

Maya: Who… Did this? (She cups her hands, shaking.)

Phoenix: … (He clenches his fist, his teeth tighten with rage building up.)

Maya: … Nick?

Phoenix: …

Maya: Nick, where are you going?

(Phoenix storms back to lobby six, where he sees Edgeworth.)
Phoenix: Edgeworth!

Edgeworth: Hm? (He turns his head.) What do you want, Wright?

SMACK!! (Phoenix slams his fist into Edgeworth’s face, punching him.)

… … This was the first time I have ever done anything like this out of anger in the court. I sent Edgeworth slamming against the wall… With one punch

Maya: Nick!! What are you doing?!

Phoenix: You filthy little rat, verbally abusing my client wasn’t enough for you, was it? So you had to strangle her as well?!

Edgeworth: (He tries to get back up on his feet. Blood could be seen dripping from his mouth, his cheek began to swell.) Wh-what’s the meaning of this, Wright?!

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe walks in, unaware of what happened.) Edgeworth! What the heck is going on?! Why are you swelling up on the cheek?

Edgeworth: …… (He wipes the blood dripping from his mouth.)

Gumshoe: (He immediately looks at Phoenix, who still had his fist clenched into a ball. He looks at Edgeworths chhek again and looks at Phoenix again.)Mr. Wright? It was you! (He yanks Phoenix by the shoulder.) You filthy little-

(The judge storms in from the courtroom, hearing the unwanted ruckus.)

Judge: What is the meaning of this? Edgeworth, what is that swelling on your cheek?

Gumshoe: He was just attacked, your honor… (He points at Phoenix.)By Mr. Wright!

Judge: Mr. Wright…? Is this true…?

Phoenix: … … …

Judge: I… I see… Very well… I do not tolerate violence in this court. You know that very well, Mr. Wright. I’m afraid I have no choice but to suspend you from this case.

Phoenix: !! ((WHAT?!))

Maya: (She tugs at the Judges robe.) But your honor! Mr. Edgeworth just strangled the defendant!

Judge: Wh-wha-what? He looks at Edgeworth, appalled by the statement.)Is this true Mr. Edgeworth?

Gumshoe: What kinda stupid question is that?! Of course he didn’t!

Edgeworth: (He shakes his head.) No, your honor…

Phoenix: You’re a sham, Edgeworth! I know you have a grudge against her! You’re the only one who could’ve done it!

Edgeworth: I have no clue what he is talking about, your honor…

Judge: That enough! I'm afraid I have no choice but to believe Mr. Edgeworth… Ms. Polaris has one day to find herself another attorney… Mr. Wright you are excused.

Phoenix: He begins to grip the edges of his hair. His eyes were buldging.) ((No… It can’t end like this… Not like this…)) No... NOOOOOOO!

I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Mon May 21, 2007 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Turnabout ChildrenTopic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354


Wright and Co. Office 1:00 PM

Phoenix: (Phoenix sits at his desk, rubbing his forehead and gritting his teeth.) I can’t believe it… I got suspended from court…

Maya: Nick!! What are we gonna do?! If Serene doesn’t get an attorney by tomorrow, she’s gonna automatically be confirmed guilty!

Phoenix: I’m well aware of that… I better get to the detention center and ask her what she’s gonna do…

(Phoenix looks at his watch and sees that the train running to the detention center will be coming in a few minutes, he taps Maya on the shoulder, signaling her to go. They head out the door and leave for the tain.)

Detention Center 1:30 PM

Phoenix: They said Serene should be released in about an hour… I hope she’s doing okay…

(Serene appears behind the glass wall once again.)

Phoenix: Oh, there you are!

Serene: So… You got suspended…?

Phoenix: (He rubs the back of his head) Well, I… … … (He lowers his head…) Yes… I did…

Maya: We’re so sorry, Ms. Polaris.

Serene: No, it’s not your fault…

Phoenix: Serene, we found you strangled on the floor not to long ago…

Serene: Y-yeah... I guess I got strangled...

Phoenix: Did Edgeworth do it?

Serene: (She shakes her head.) No… He didn’t…

Phoenix: (He nods his head.) I see— (He jerks his head up in surprise.) WHAT?!

Serene: He didn’t do it…

Maya: (Nick… Are you trying to tell me you punched Edgeworth for no reason?!)

Phoenix: (Hey! He was the only suspect!)

Serene: It’s true… He may have a grudge against me… But he’s too dignified of a man to do something so rash…

Maya: Then who did!?

Serene: I don't know... The lobby was kinda dark and, I was attacked from behind...

Phoenix: Oh…

Serene: I'm sorry I must be so vague...

Phoenix: Serene…?

Serene: What?

Phoenix: Can you tell me about it?

Serene: About what?

Phoenix: There’s something between you and Edgeworth… Isn’t there…

Serene: …

Phoenix: Serene?

Serene: We were the closest of friends. As close as anybody can get…

Phoenix: Wait… That’s it? You were just friends?

Serene: ……… (She lowers her head.)

Phoenix: Serene, that can’t be the truth! I saw the way you two behaved around each
other! Tell me the truth!

Serene: ………Very well, I’ve hidden it long enough. I … I gotta get this off my chest…
(Serene takes off the muffler on her neck and slowly unties it, searching for something. When she cannot find it, she frantically looks around.)

Serene: Ack!!

Phoenix: Wh-wh-what is it?

Serene: It’s gone! My pendant is gone!

Phoenix: Pendant? What pendant?

Serene: Phoenix, take this key…

(Serene hands Phoenix a key and he puts it in the court records, his face mixed with a many confused expressions.)

Serene: In my room, there is a small box with a lock on it. Unlock it and bring it to me.

Phoenix: Wait, why can’t you explain the whole situation now?

Serene: There isn’t much time! Sure, Gailie may have went unconscious, but if he finds that pendant, I'm... I'm screwed!

Phoenix: What are you talking about?! What’s going on here?!

Serene: Please, just go before he finds it!!

Maya: You heard her Nick! Let’s go!

Serene: Oh, wait! One last thing!

Phoenix: What?

Serene: If you see Miles… Tell him I still remember him…

Phoenix: R…right… ((I am so confused now!))

(Phoenix grabs Maya by the hand as they head out for the office.)

Polaris Office of Law, 1:45 PM

Maya: Were here Nick, let’s find that pendant she’s looking for…

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe storms in shaking his fist at the two.) HEY!! YOU TWO OFF THE PREMESIS!! NOW!!

Maya: Yaaaaah! Mr. Gumshoe!!

Gumshoe: Alright, you got a lot of nerves to be showin’ your face around here, pal! (He shoves Phoenix at the shoulder)

Phoenix: Look, it was all a big mistake, alright?!

Gumshoe: (He throws his hands up in the air.) A mistake?! You almost busted Mr. Edgeworth’s jaw right off!! You call that a mistake?!

Maya: (Wow Nick… I didn’t know you we’re so strong…)

Nick: (Me neither…)

Gumshoe: Look, just get outta here before Mr. Edgeworth comes back, alright?

Maya: Look, we gotta hurry and find that pendant, Nick…

Phoenix: Right. How’s the witness doing?

Gumshoe: Ah, they say he’d be alright… (He scratches his chin.) That was the oddest thing I have ever seen…

Maya: It was completely random, if you ask me…

Gumshoe: Now, I’d get out of here before Edgeworth sees you… He’s not in the best mood right now…

(Phoenix heads for the closet door and slides it open. He and Maya enter.)

Serene’s Bedroom, 1:50 PM

Maya: Woah, Nick! This isn't a closet at all! It's a bedroom... That's the size of a closet.

Phoenix: ((Wow... There's no way I could stand sleeping in here.))

Maya: Okay, so all we have to do is find some box now?

Phoenix: I think that’s it… and get the pendant out…

(As Phoenix searches the room, Maya picks up a small jewelry box from a abandoned corner of the room. She picks it up, holds to her ear and begins to shake the box, hearing a faint rattling sound.)

Maya: She said a small box, right? I think I found it

Phoenix: Good, bring it over here… Let’s see what we got here…

(Maya gives Phoenix the box. He takes the key and slides it into the lock. It clicks.)

Phoenix: It opened, now let’s see what she’s talking about…

(Maya pulls out a slightly large pendant. The design is of a shell lined in gold and clamshell dyed red. A small golden heard can be found in the middle outlined by another gold heart.)

Maya: It’s a shell shaped pendant?

Phoenix: I’m assuming that “Birth of Venus” thing? I mean, after all, she is an Italian art nut…

Maya: Oh…I guess you’re right there…

Phoenix: Wait a minute… (Phoenix notices an crack in the center of the lining as if it were an opening.) This isn’t a pendant… It’s a locket…

Maya: A locket? Ooh! Open it, Nick! Open it!!

Phoenix: ((Hmm… Should I…?)) Ah, what the heck I’ll just take a peep…

Maya: Curiosity kills, Nick…

(Phoenix carefully opens the locket. There he sees a small photo of a young woman smiling, to her left is a familiarly looking man embracing her, his metallic hair touching her golden locks.)

Phoenix: !!!

Maya: Wh-what is it?!

Phoenix: This picture…

Maya: What about it?! Lemme see!

Phoenix: ((No! That can’t be him!!))

Maya: I see some blonde girl, but why does the guy look so familiar?

Phoenix: Are you blind, Maya?! That’s Edgeworth!!

Maya: What?! No way!! That can’t be him!

Phoenix: ((But... who’s the girl then…?))

Maya: Let’s get this back to Serene, Nick!

(Maya pulls Phoenix by him coat sleeve, dragging him out.)

Polaris Office of Law 1:55 PM

(Phoenix tries to look around to see if he can find more evidence, but Maya tugs him forward.)

Maya: We gotta go Nick, no time for looking around!

Phoenix: ((This… This is so confusing… What’s going on?))

Maya: (She leaps back, smacking into Phoenix.) Gyaaaah!!

Phoenix: (He brushes her off.) What now??

Maya: Ed-ed-Edgeworth…

Phoenix: Where- (He cocks his head.)

Maya: In front of us, you fool!

Phoenix: (Phoenix looks in front of himself to see the flamboyant man glaring at him, his cheek still swollen from a while ago.) ((Uh-oh… This is gonna be a long day…)

Edgeworth: ……

Phoenix: ……

Edgeworth: What are you doing here, Wright?

Phoenix: … (He tries to think of an idea, but not fast enough.)

Edgeworth: Get out of here…

Maya: Take it easy, puff boy!

Edgeworth: … … puff boy?

Phoenix: (Careful Maya. We already got him mad as it is…)

Edgeworth: Just get out before you cause more problems…

Phoenix: (He perks his head) ((I... almost forgot…))


Serene: If you see Miles… Tell him I still remember him…

Phoenix: Edgeworth…

Edgeworth: What now, Wright?

Phoenix: (Phoenix pulls out the pendant from his pocket.) Do you recognize this pendant at all?

Edgeworth: !! (He jeers back, astonished.)

Phoenix: Are you okay?

Edgeworth: I gave that to Serene long time ago! What is it doing in your hands?!

Phoenix: ((Wow, he looked really shocked for a second…))

Edgeworth: (He points at Phoenix.)Where… Where did you get that?!

Phoenix: That doesn’t matter now… (He crosses his arms.) I know you have a grudge
against Serene, yet she has this picture of you… Why

Edgeworth: … … (he turns his head in another direction.)

Phoenix: Edgeworth!

Edgeworth: She had her chance… But she put her tail between her legs and ran like the coward she is… (He tightens his fist.)

Phoenix: … had her chance?

Edgeworth: I could’ve given her everything she hoped for… I would’ve at the time… But
I was foolish… Blind to this woman’s deceptions…

Phoenix: What? What are you talking about?!

Edgeworth: … Just get out of here…

Phoenix: Edgeworth!

Edgeworth: Go! Get out of here! I don’t want to see your face anymore!

Phoenix: What is going on?!

Edgeworth: ARE YOU DEAF?! GET OUT!!

Phoenix: Fine… But one more thing…

Edgeworth: Silence. Get out of my sight…

Phoenix: She wanted me to tell you she still remembers you…

Edgeworth: (He holds his head up high.) I no longer care… She means nothing to me… I despise her…I want nothing to do with her…I will see her rot in prison…

Phoenix: …

Edgeworth: Why are you still standing here?! Get out!

Maya: (Nick, can we just go please?! He’s really scaring me!)

Phoenix: …… Fine…

Detention Center 2:13 PM

Maya: (Maya looks behind the glass wall, but Serene is nowhere in sight.) Hey, where’s Serene?

Phoenix: I wonder if she was released…

(Serene comes out from a door just outside the wall.)

Serene: You’re back. They just released me.

Phoenix: Yeah, sorry if I kept you too long…

Serene: Did you see Miles?

Phoenix: Yeah… … I did…

Maya: He was a total jerk about it, too!

Serene: ……I see…

(Phoenix shows the pendant to Serene. She immediately cups it in her hands.)

Phoenix: Okay, let’s get down to the point!

Serene: …Right…

Phoenix: There was obviously something between you and Edgeworth. What happened?!

Serene: …… I never did think I would ever have to bring this up again…

Phoenix: Serene, Please tell me!

Serene: We… we were more than just friends…

Maya: Hah?

Phoenix: Wait- are you trying to tell me you-

Serene: Yes… We were lovers at one time…

Maya: (Wow… I could never imagine Edgeworth in such a position before, Nick…)

Nick: (Me neither…)

Maya: Wait a minute, (Maya points at the picture.) Then who’s this blond girl he’s with? Your hair is green!

Serene: That is me… I’ve tried to hide as many physical features as I can over the years… I didn’t want anyone to recognize me in this state…

Phoenix: … So you were Edgeworth’s girlfriend at a time?

Serene: I met him at my Law school… His mentor would take him in for testing almost every day… I was impressed by his prosecuting skills, and he was impressed with mine…

Phoenix: Hold it! You were training to be a prosecutor?!

Serene: Yeah… My parent’s were the head of the school of Defense attorneys. They wanted me to be a defense attorney, but I wanted to be a prosecutor, so they held prosecuting lessons as well…

Phoenix: I see…

Serene: Miles’s mentor would have him test his skills against the school’s best defense attorneys. I watched him defeat them within minutes. I was impressed…

Phoenix: And he saw you while you were testing?

Serene: Yeah… That’s how we got together… We supported each other on almost every case. We were there for each other almost everyday… Eventually, he gave me this pendant…

Phoenix: Then what does Gailie having to do anything with this?

Serene: …… (She rubs her palm against her head.)

Phoenix: Serene! Answer me!

Serene: ……

Phoenix: Serene…?

Serene: He loved me…

Phoenix: What?!

Serene: There was a ruthless defense attorney named Gailie T. Storm. He was one of the best. He would do anything to get a innocent verdict. Cheating, threats, bribes, forged evidence… I hated his guts with a burning passion.

Phoenix: ((Sounds like someone else I know…))

Serene: But the thing I felt most uncomfortable about was his feelings towards me. He would constantly flirt with me, try to deal me into dates, He would constantly embarrass me to get me to go o a date with him. I don’t think he knew anything about my relationship with Miles, though…

Phoenix: So… Why does he worry you so much, though? What does he have to do with you and Edgeworth?!


When I saw her tears streaming from her face, the past was laid out before my eyes like a map to a treasure…

Serene: It all started one day after school… Gailie was grabbing me, trying to pull me in his arms…


(Gailie is seen pulling at Serene’s hand. Serene struggles to get away.)

Gailie: Please Serene! You’re the only thing I want!

Serene: No! I don’t want to date you!

Gailie: Please! I’ll give you the life you’ve always wanted! I’ll give you the family of your dreams! Just give me a chance! C'mon baby!

Serene: No! Don’t you understand? I don’t love you!

Gailie: I refuse to take no for an answer! Date me, C'mon! I won’t leave you alone till I have you all to myself!!

Serene: I tried my best to keep my patience as I continued to tell him off…

Serene: Will you just leave me alone?!

Gailie: Serene! I love you! Come on, Reenie!

Serene: Gailie, please leave me alone!!

Gailie: B-b-but Serene!!

Serene: Then, I couldn’t take anymore of it…


Gailie: … … Ser… Serene…

Serene: I watched his face as emotions of pain, anger, and sorrow mixed together; tears were streaming from his eyes… I walked away… Then he finally gave his last word to me ever since…



Serene: I knew Gailie was serious… He always meant what he said… He always kept to his words… I knew then that Miles was endangered… I suddenly tried to avoid him as much as possible… I never felt the same as I used to… I felt sick almost everyday without him… But seeing Miles so happy one day… I thought there was hope… We could be together someday…Away from everybody…

Phoenix: Then you got pregnant correct?

Serene: I tried to hide it for as much as possible… Eventually, I couldn’t hide it anymore by the fourth month, the day after Miles had that oddly warm feeling… My mother saw my stomach and told my father immediately.


Mother: What is the meaning of this, Serene?!

Father: You- you harlot! To think that we could trust you?! Who’s the father?! Answer me! Now!

Serene: I… I…

Father: Tell me, you wretch!! Tell me!!

Serene: I don’t know!

Mother: You lair! Get out of this house!

Serene: Mom… Dad… Please…
Father: Shut up! You are no longer my daughter! Get out!

Serene: How am I gonna live?! Please, believe me! I don’t know what happened!!

Mother: Take all your stuff, get a job, and get out of here now!

Serene: It wasn’t me! I’m telling you I have no clue what was going on!

Father: You are a lair, Serene! You’re a harlot! A disappointment! You shame me, Serene! Shame!


Serene: I was so confused… I couldn’t stop crying… I apologized over and over, but they continued to scream at me… later that night, I packed everything that was dear to me and left …

Maya: I… I had no idea…

Serene: Later, I overheard from one of Miles’s mentor’s daughters about a year later about how he was turned down on an engagement… That’s when I realized it…

Phoenix: The day you were disowned… He was going to propose to you, wasn’t he?

Serene: Yes… the grief overwhelmed me so much…

Phoenix: ((This is amazing… There’s like a whole different life that Edgeworth has kept hidden to himself…))

Maya: So… You have never saw Edgeworth until today?

Serene: No... I dare wouldn't go near him...

Phoenix: And the fact that you had someone else’s child… It would be unforgivable to him… But he never knew the whole story…

Serene: He tried to track me down… But around the same time, I could see Gailie… Watching me from another building…

Phoenix: So that’s why he knows so much about you… You were the love of his life… He obsessed over- no, that’s not the word- worshipped you in a manner…

Serene: I know that… but… Miles… He was my god… my lover… He was supposed to be my husband… If Gailie ever find out the relation between us… We’re doomed…

Phoenix: Woah, I almost forgot!

Serene: What is it?

Phoenix: We need to get you a defense attorney.

Serene: (She holds her hands up.) No, it’s okay…

Phoenix: Huh? What do you mean…?

Serene: I’m gonna defend myself…

Phoenix: Oh… wait-WHAT?!

Serene: You heard me… I’m gonna defend myself…

Phoenix: Wait- why?!?

Serene: I got myself into this mess 4 years ago… I can get myself out of it…

Phoenix: But, Serene-

Serene: Hey… Don’t try to stop me… I need to get this straighten out, m'kay?

Phoenix: Serene, you told me you almost lost your first and only case! How do you think you can pull yourself through this one?! This is a murder case! And you're up against a professional prosecutor!

Serene: … C'mon… I must face Miles on my own… I need to get to the bottom of this…

Phoenix: … Fine… He finally places the Court Record suitcase infront of him,right in front of Serene.)Take all my evidence

Serene: What?

Phoenix: What? You plan to go to court with no evidence? You’re nuts! Take it!

(Phoenix takes out all the evidence in his suitcase and gives it to Serene. Shyly, she takes it.)

Phoenix: This is all I can do now, Serene… I’ll have to leave you here…Good luck…

Serene: …Th-thanks… I’m in your debt…

Maya: Augh- Wait!

Phoenix: What is it?

Maya:I... I feel kinda weird... YIPE!! (Maya suddenly begins to glow as her body grows to match her elder sister’s body.)

Phoenix: Maya??

(Maya has channeled Mia Fey.)

Mia: (She opens her eyes and crosses her arms.) Hm? What am I doing here? Somebody care to fill me in with some details here?

Serene: !! (Serene jeers back in fear.)

Phoenix: Huh?! Now what?!

Serene: You… (She points her finger at what was Maya, trembling.)

Mia: You look oddly familliar mam'. Do I know you from some where...? (She pauses for a moment and somthing catches her mind.) Oh yes... That's right.

Serene: I… I…. Oh dear… (She blushes…)

Mia: It’s been a while…

Serene: Yeah… yeah it has…

Phoenix: ((Whoa… Serene’s looking about as pale as a ghost…))

Mia: (She scoffs, whipping her hair back.) Look, I don’t hold grudges against the past… Besides, I still won, correct?

Serene: … Yeah, I guess so…

Phoenix: Whoa… Mia. You know Ms. Serene?

Serene: It was something from a while back… Nothing really...

Mia: Never mind that, we need to get down to business… Maya usually only channles me when goings get bad so obviously you need help.

Phoenix: ((Eh… Left in the dark again…))

Mia: Let’s go…

Serene: …Right… Thank you for everything, Mr. Wright…

Phoenix: Good luck…

(Serene and Mia Fey leave the detention center.)

Polaris Office 2:45 PM

Serene: ((Wow… I’ve never had a case like this before…This is intriguing…))

Gumshoe: Huh? What are you two doin’ here, pal?

Mia: Further investigation… We’re going to need more evidence before we-

Gumshoe: Hey, hold on a sec, here! If Mr. Edgeworth sees that woman’s face around here, all hell is gonna break loose.

Serene: …… (She lowers her head once more.)

Mia: Serene, (She places her hand on Serene’s shoulder.) don’t let personal feelings get in the way. You were the one who said we need to get to the bottom of this.
Serene: I know, but-

Mia: If you want to find yourself “innocent” I suggest you buck up and face him.

Edgeworth: What’s all the commotion around here—

Serene: !! (Serene steps back, frightened.)

Edgeworth: !!

Serene: …

Edgeworth: …What are you doing here?

Serene: I…I’m…

Edgeworth: Get out… I have no time to waste with the likes of you…

Mia: Mr. Edgeworth, the past is irrelevant at a time like this.

Edgeworth: Stay out of this, Fey… This is none of your business…

Serene: Miles, whether you like it or not, I’m investigating…

Edgeworth: …… Get out…

Mia: Edgeworth, you are acting like a child…

Edgeworth: Watch your mouth, Fey…

Serene: ((Ugh… With him getting this mad, there’s no way I can investigate here… There’s got to be somewhere else I can check stuff out…)) (She looks at the storm tracker Card in the court records. She stares, rolls her eyes in disbelief.) ((It’s probably the only place where I could find more evidence…But of course that means I’ll probably be in the same room with that slime. Knowing Gailie back when he was an attorney, he'd probably hide evidence somewhere in his office.))

Edgeworth: … I thought I told you to leave…

Serene: Will you give it a rest?! I need to defend myself here, that’s as much of a bother as it is! I don’t need you on my back!

Edgeworth: ……… Heh…heheheh…

Serene: Wh-what’s so funny?!

Edgeworth: You?? Defend yourself on your second case?! You might as well consider
yourself guilty!

Serene: Hey! How dare you!

Edgeworth: What? Can’t handle the truth?

Mia: Edgeworth, how long do you intend to bother the defendant?

Edgeworth: …Stay out of it Fey…

Serene: Let’s go… I’ve got better places to look…

Edgeworth: Heh… I’d like to see you try…

(Serene storms out, with a intimidated Mia walking behind her.)

Storm Tracker Inc. 3:08 PM
The Storm Tracker Inc. is quite bare. The only things that really can be found is a couple of chairs, a desk covered with papers on top, and a few electronics for looking for storms… The sun beams down from the small windows.

Serene: I’ve never noticed this place before… Gailie must be very low on business…

Mia: I’d assume so too… Look at this place… It looks so…so…

Serene: ((Poor? Empty?))

Mia: …Like your office!

Serene: (She stamps her foot down, glaraing at Mia.) ((Hey! Watch it, Fey!!))

Mia: Hey, no need to get all feisty now…

(Serene looks around to find a calendar on the wall. She flips through the pictures.)

Serene: Wow… It’s full of natural disaster pictures… ((I thought it would be photos of me whenever he got the time to sneak them in…))

(Serene presses her hand against one of the leather chairs.)

Serene: ((Hm… Looks comfy…))

(As Serene entertains herself while examining the chair, Mia notices an old photograph on the table. She picks it up and stares at it.)

Mia: Serene… Take a look of this photograph…

Serene: Huh? Did you find something?

Mia: … Somewhat…

Serene: … What do you mean…?

Mia: It dosen't look good... In a sense.

Serene: If Gailie ever find out the relation between us… I'm... I'm screwed…

Serene: Uh… yeah?

Mia: This photograph… It’s a picture of you and Edgeworth.

Serene: What?!

Mia: He obviously must know about that relationship, Serene…and that means…

Serene: !! (Flashbacks of Gailie run through her mind. She remembers him mentioning he’d kill whoever had her.) ((He’s going to kill Miles!))

Mia: We need to find evidence… Fast!

Serene: ((Miles…))


Mia: … Somebody’s here … It sounds like the witness…

Serene: (I better take this photo…)

(She quickly hid the photo in her belt.)

“… Someone here…?”

Serene: ((Crap! We’ve been spotted…))
Mia: !

(Gailie enters the room. He scratches the back of his head and yawns.)

Gailie: Well well, look who’s here…

Serene: …

Gailie: Your little defense attorney was quite a handle there… I actually like mental disorders once in a while… Gives me time to think, y’know?

Serene: ((Ummm… You ARE a mental disorder…))

Gailie: So… shouldn’t he be investigating…?

Serene: … That’s none of your business…

Gailie: Ohohohoh… (He points his finger to his head.)He got suspended, didn’t he??

Serene: !! How… how did you-

Gailie: Oh, I woke up about an hour ago and they told me… I was just enjoying an afternoon nap until now…

Serene: ((Yeah right… Faker… You knew all along, didn’t you? In fact I bet that whole scene at court was a lie, wasn’t it?!))

Gailie: Oh, by the way I did happen to find a photo- (He looks at a slip of paper sticking out Serene’s belt. He slowly reaches for it.)

Serene: !!

Mia: Serene! No!


Mia: !!

Gailie: … So it is true… And here I thought it was just a scam…

Serene: ! ((Did… Did I just--))

Gailie: Hm… I never did expect you be flirting with that toffee-nosed imp…

Serene: Gailie, if you intend on hurting him, I....I'll...

Gailie: You'll what? I don’t see how you'll stop me… I mean, after all, you’ll be spending the rest of your days in prison…

Serene: !! ((No…God, no…))

Gailie: I’m sorry about tomorrow, but Au revoir… I’m off for some final storm tracking before tomorrow’s trial… They said they'll be a storm around 7:00 PM

(Gailie skips off to the door, taking a file of paper with him and some large equipment for storm tracking.)

Serene: This isn’t good!

Mia: Try to stay calm, Serene…

Serene: How?! I need to get back to the crime scene!!

Mia: Serene, if you go back there, you’ll get it for sure…

Serene: …Why are so concerned about me, anyways…?

Mia: ?

Serene: After what I did to you four years ago… Why bother to be concerned about me?

Mia: That’s irrelevant right now, Serene. We need to find any evidence we can find…

Serene: … Right…

Mia: Obviously, there’s nothing here though (She looks around the empty area once more, flipping through files and papers.) …I guess we’ll have to go back to the actual crime scene…

Serene: ((… I’m going to take this chance…))

Mia: Serene, are you okay?

Serene: I’m spilling out…

Mia: I beg your pardon, what?

Serene: I’m getting to the bottom of this. I’m gonna tell Miles everything.

Mia: Serene, it’s too late for that. He’s not going to believe you…

Serene: I’ve hid it from him long enough. I should’ve told him when I had the chance. All I am doing is paying for the damage I did…

Mia: Serene, there’s no going back… The only thing you can do is press forward…

Serene: I can’t… I just can’t… I don’t want to let him go…

Mia: You lost him four years ago, Serene… You have to let him go…

Serene: Rrrg... Goddamnit.

Polaris Office 3:31 PM

(Serene enters the room slowly, looking in both directions. She then walks in…Mia behind her.)

Serene: ((Okay… Don’t panic… Just tell him everything…))

Mia: Serene, just let him go… Just find evidence and get out of here…

Serene: …

Gumshoe: What the-?! You two are still here?!

Mia: We were back investigating the Storm Tracker Company…

Gumshoe: What the-? What on earth for?

Mia: Well, lets just say we were suspicious of the witness…

Gumshoe: Hmph… (He huffs and crosses his arms.) You defense attorneys are such a
pain… Always digging into evidence… Anyways, you better watch out… Mr. Edgeworth hasn’t cooled down by any bit… (He looks towards the left. There in the distance was a mumbling Edgeworth, thumbing through some files.)

Mia: Hmph… What a child…

Gumshoe: I’d suggest you better get out of here before anything gets worse…

Edgeworth: (Edgeworth notices Gumshoe talking to the unwanted visitors.) Gumshoe, what’s going on here?

Serene: … (She tries to stand firm.)

Edgeworth: !!

Serene: Miles…

Edgeworth: What… What are you still doing here?!

Serene: I came back…

Edgeworth: … Get out… Never come back… I don’t want to see your face ever again…

Serene: I’m gonna get to the bottom of this…

Edgeworth: Serene, can you not get it through your skull?! We were finished four years ago… You left with your tails between your legs and fled…

Serene: I can explain—I was threa-

Edgeworth: Cut the lies! (He turns around.) I will not listen to you! Not ever!

Serene: (She tries to pull him back twoards her by trying to grab his shoulder.)I wanted to prot-

Edgeworth: (He slams his hand on the desk close by.) SHUT UP!! (Everybody stares in astonishment and fear.)

Mia: Both of you! Stop this at once!

Edgeworth: I’ll… I’ll…

Serene: You… You'll what?! C'mon spit it out!

Edgeworth: …

Serene: … Just die for all I care…

Edgeworth: Hm… Just like your daughter…

Serene: !! ((How… How dare you!!))

Mia: Edgeworth!

Edgeworth: What? Can’t admit the truth?

Mia: Edgeworth…

Edgeworth: I’ll see you rot in that prison, Serene… (He storms off…) Go to hell…

Serene… (She lowers her head, a tear falls from her face.)


JULY 6th: Okay, I touched up a little cheesiness and script/spelling errorrs. Nothing really too different though.
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Turnabout ChildrenTopic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354


*Attorney Badge
I sometimes wonder if I’m a worthy lawyer, carrying this…

Victim: Vallerie Polaris
Time of Death: between 7:30-7:35 PM
Cause of Death: Struck with a heavy object against the head. Died instantly due to severe brain damage and blood loss.

*Aphrodite Statue
The murder weapon. Is made of pewter and is about a foot tall.

*Coat rack
Is suggested to be the cause of the broken window due to the glass at the edge. Was found tipped over.

*Shards of glass
Was found about in the crime scene. The hole in the window was large enough for a person to jump through without getting cut.

*Cell Phone
Carries the conversation with Phoenix and me. Batteries were dead on the day of the murder.

*Cut Wires
What led to the power outage before the murder.

*Wire cutters
Were found around the edge of the Polaris Office of Law. Cause of the cut wires. They’re working supplies from Storm Tracker Inc.

*Storm Tracker Card
Working hours: 10:00 AM-11:PM Monday-Sunday
“We will search for any storm near and far”
… Gailie seriously needs to work on his motto skills….

*Weird Wire device
Transfers my messages from my regular phone to my cell phone.

District Court, Defendant Lobby no.6
September 25th, 10:00 AM

Serene: (( I couldn’t find anything with Edgeworth there… I made no progress at all… Let’s face it. I’m beyond all screwed.))

Phoenix: Hey Serene! (He runs towards her. Scratching behind his head.)

Serene: Phoenix? What are you doing here?

Phoenix: Well…I can’t defend you… But I at least want to wish you the best of luck in there.

Maya: Hey guys, did I miss anything yesterday?

Serene: No, not really…

Phoenix: Did you find anything?

Serene: I couldn’t… I couldn’t get anywhere with Edgeworth fighting me off…

Phoenix: (His mouth drops.) Nothing?!

Serene: Nothing. All I found a photo in the witnesses business…

Phoenix: Oh yeah… Maya told me about it before Maya came back to her senses…

Serene: It looks like the both of us are ending…

Phoenix: Serene, if you win the case, you can pull yourself out of this! All you need to do is tell the truth. Did you kill your daughter?

Serene: (She shakes her head.) No… I didn’t…

Maya: If you ask me, I bet Gailie did it…

Serene: …?

Phoenix: Huh? What makes you think that, Maya?

Maya: Well, obviously the kid was someone elses, right? And hearing that story about you and Gailie, he must’ve been jealous or something like that… yeah.. Sumthin’ like that…

Serene: ((Who was her dad, anyways…? I don’t even know the father of my own kid…))

Maya: Gyaaaa~! (She leaps on Nick again, pointing.) Edgeworth alert!! Edgeworth alert!!

Serene: …

(Edgeworth storms towards them.)

Serene: …

Edgeworth: …

Serene: (She crosses her arms and scoffs.) Go ahead… say it…

Edgeworth: Say what?

Serene: (She stamps her foot.) Everything! All that crap you give me since we met for the first time in four years! Gimme all you got! I don’t care!

Edgeworth: Hmph… (He turns the other cheek.)

Serene: Well? Spit it out, why don’t you?! C’mon Miles! Give me the worst of the worst!

Edgeworth: … …

Serene: What?! Are you stupid or something? Dump it all out!!! Get it over with already!!

Edgeworth: (He swings his hand to strike her.) SILENCE, WOMAN!

Serene: ((Okay, maybe I overdid it there…))

Maya: (Uh… Nick? Everybody staring at us…)

Phoenix: (Nah… Probably Edgeworth… He can’t keep his big trap shut after all…)

Edgeworth: Well, I do admit… I did enjoy that year with you, Serene… Such a shame you’re such a coward…

Serene: ((If you’d only listen to me, Miles…))

Edgeworth: Hmph… I’ll actually bet this week’s salary to my worst detective that you won’t stand five minutes in there…

Serene: ((Yeah, I reeeaaally should’ve kept my mouth shut…))

Edgeworth: I would suggest you just turn yourself in guilty…

Serene: Watch it, mister!

Edgeworth: Keep in mind who you’re dealing with here…

Serene: Hey, keep in mind you were beaten by a rookie defense attorney not too long ago…

Phoenix: Huh? When was this? Who??

Maya: … … (Maya suddenly goes red, trying to keep herself from laughing.)

Phoenix: … HEY!!!

Serene: ((… Whoops…))

Edgeworth: … I never expected you to turn out like this Polaris… Why did you throw away your life like that? You would have made one of the best prosecutors out there…

Serene: Well, if you’d just list-

Edgeworth: I refuse to hear your excuses… ……It’s time…

Serene: ((I guess he’s right. Court’s gonna start in about two minutes… This is it…))

Edgeworth: I’ll be seeing you for the last time…

District Court, Courtroom no. 6, 8:10 AM

The crowd chatters in the court. As the judge slams his gavel, the chattering dies.)

Judge: The court is now in session
for the trial of Ms. Vallerie Polaris

Edgeworth: The Prosecution is ready, your Honor.

Serene: (She slumps, her eyes wincing.) … ((Hurgh… I feel like puking my guts out…))

Judge: Ms. Polaris?

Serene: (She snaps back into her senses.) Kyaa~! Th-th-the defense is r-r-ready, you-you’re honor…

Judge: Ms. Polaris, are quite alright?

Edgeworth: (He crosses his arms.) Hmph… Amatuers…

Serene: Hey! Watch it!

Judge: May you two please stop you lovers quarrel?

Edgeworth: (He does his usual angry pose: Sunken eyes, tightened fist, his back arches.) … Mmmpht…

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth, please give the opening court your statement.

Edgeworth: Thank you, Your Honor, but it would basically be the same as the last one…

Judge: Oh…? …Right… I would like to move on to your testimony. Mr. Edgeworth, the prosecution may call its first witness.

Edgeworth: I shall call up Mr. Gailie T. Storm to the stand, once again.

(Gailie struts towards the stand, keeping his cool. He winks at Serene. Her only response is turning away, her eyes wincing in disgust.)

Edgeworth: Will the witness please state his name and profession, please- wait- Why am I even asking?? We already know this stuff! Can we just move on to the witness testimony??

Judge: I do not see why not… Mr. Storm, please begin your testimony…

Gailie: Ayup... I don’t see why not…

—The loud sound I heard—

Well, first off, I would like to apologize for the breakdown from yesterday.
I tend to lose it easily…

But to tell you after thinking for sometime, I did not hear screaming. I was mislead by a passing car blocking the sound.

Anyways, when I looked inside her office, not only did I see her dead daughter, but I saw glass all over as well…

My conclusions are that defendant, out of frustrations, smacked her daughter into the window and her head cracked the glass and cut her.

Thus she fell and bled to her fate… The glass is what I heard…

Judge: Ah… I see… Ms. Polaris?

Serene: (She twitches her head.) Hah—Wha--?!

Judge: ……Were you paying attention at all?!

Serene: Wah! Yes… Yes, your honor…

Edgeworth: (He blinks, and sighs.) … Liar…

Judge: … Mr. Edgeworth…

Edgeworth: (He throws his hands in the air.) Wh-what?! I’m on your side here, your honor!

Serene: ((Well, apparently, the judge isn’t on your side right now…))

Judge: Whatever… Anyhow, the defense may begin her cross-examination… Please repeat the testimony, Mr. Storm.

Cross Examination

Gailie: Well, first off, I would like to apologize for the breakdown from yesterday.
I tend to lose it quite easily…

Serene: Hold it! A breakdown?

Gailie: What?! It’s true!

Serene: Funny… Out of the two years I’ve been around you, I’ve never seen you break down even once…

Edgeworth: Objection The past is irrelevant, Polaris… This man may have gained a mental condition after the two years.

Judge: I’m afraid the prosecutor has a point, Ms. Polaris…

Serene: ((Y’know… It can come across your mind that the idiot is lying…))

Gailie: You’re quite right, prosecutor… Quite a sharp mind there…

Gailie: But to tell you after thinking for sometime, I did not hear screaming. I was mislead by a passing car blocking the sound.

Serene: Hold it! Well, what did you hear?

Gailie: Keep your shirt on, Chicky! I’m getting to that…

Serene: (She blinks and cringes at the idea that he was flirting her.) ((……”Chicky?”))

Edgeworth: Please continue your testimony, Mr. Storm…

Anyways, when I looked inside her office, not only did I see her dead daughter, but I saw glass all over as well…

Serene: Hold it! Why were you in my office in the first place?

Gailie: Well, I though I heard a child screaming! What’d you think I’d do? Sit there like some blockhead?

Serene: (She scratches her chin.) Well actually-

Edgeworth: Objection (He slams his hands on his desk.) You were a suspect to a possible murder at the time, Ms. Serene.

Serene: (She crosses her arms.) So lemme get this straight… If there was a child screaming for candy in a store, does that give me the right to badger the mother for being a murder suspect?

Edgeworth; I… (He slumps.) Mmmph…

Judge: Please continue the testimony, Mr. Storm…


Gailie: My conclusions are that defendant, out of frustrations, smacked her daughter into the window and her head cracked the glass and cut her.

Serene: Hold it! What would give you an idea like that?

Gailie: What? You forgot you’re looking at a former glory defense attorney?

Edgeworth: And like a fool, you let it go for quite a ridiculous job…

Gailie: Hey! Watch it, buddy! I just might keep it quite next time there’s a tornado coming your way…

Serene: ((I do believe there is a thing called “The Weather Channel…”))

Gailie: Thus she fell and bled to her fate… The glass is what I heard…

Serene: Hold it! Are you ABOSOLUTELY sure it was the glass that you heard?

Gailie: Positive everytime, Chicky! (He smirks and winks at Serene.)

Edgeworth: !!

Serene: (Her mouth drops and her eyes widen.) ((Did… Did that sicko just wink at me?!))

Edgeworth: (He begins to clench his fist, his teeth tighten and his eyes burn in jealously. He topples over his desk. ) Mmmmmph… Nnnnnnrg….

Judge: Are you all right Mr. Edgeworth?

Edgeworth: Nrrrg… yes… yes, your honor… (He straightens his position, releases all his tenseness…)

Serene: ((What’s with Miles, all the sudden?))

Judge: The witness will refrain from flirting with the defense…

Serene: ((Okay… Something doesn’t feel right about that testimony… But I gotta keep trying…)) Repeat the testimony, Gailie.

Gailie: Well, first off, I would like to apologize for the breakdown from yesterday.
I break down easily…
But to tell you after thinking for sometime, I did not hear screaming. I was mislead by a passing car blocking the sound.
When I looked inside her office, not only did I see her dead daughter, but I saw glass all over as well…
My conclusions are that defendant, out of frustrations, smacked her daughter into the window and her head cracked the glass and cut her--

Serene: Objection ……Gailie…?

Gailie: Hmmmmm…?

Serene: About your conclusion?

Gailie: Yes, dear…?

Serene: (She frowns, embarrassed.) (Quit hitting on me, you little pig…)

Judge: Ms. Polaris? What about his conclusion?

Serene: Right, right… Are you sure hitting the glass window killed her?

Gailie: Absolutely!

Serene: … (She holds her hand up.) Wrong!

Gailie; Wh-What!?

Serene: Sure, you may have been a defense attorney, but it looks like most of your knowledge went down the drain.

Gailie: (He pounds his hand.) Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!

Serene: You totally forgot about the murder weapon, didn’t you?

Gailie: Wha-?! Urk!! (He clings to the edges of his coat.)

Judge: Ms. Polaris! Explain this please?

Serene: As it is quite obvious, your honor… (She pulls out the Aphrodite statue and present it to the court...) My daughter was struck down by a hit from this statue.

Judge: (The judge nods.) That- That is true…

Serene: (She shrugs, shaking her head.) So tell me, your honor. How could’ve the victim died from crashing into a window when she was killed by a statue?

Edgeworth: Objection That is quite simple, my dear rookie…

Serene: Eh??

Edgeworth: The victim could’ve simply hit the window due to the force of the blow from that statue…

Judge: ?? Mr. Edgeworth please explain yourself.

Edgeworth: It’s quite simple, your honor. The victim had a small body mass, being only five years old, correct?

Judge: Yes… I suppose so…

Edgeworth: Well, this statue is actually quite heavy, it being made of pewter.

Judge: (he nods.) True…

Edgeworth: A simple shove from one hand can push a person back about a foot.

Judge: Oh! So the defendant struck the victim so hard she collapsed into the window and died!

Edgeworth: Exactly, your honor… (He bows before the court.)

Serene: Hmm…((Something didn’t seem right about Edgeworth’s conclusions over there…))

Serene: Objection Your Honor! There is something clearly at fault in that statement.

Judge: Hm?

Edgeworth: Something at fault? (He shakes his head.) Don’t be ridiculous! Do you seriously intend to be like you mentor, as well as his? Pressing and objecting every little bit of information to find a silly contradiction? Cowards, I tell you… Cowardly amateurs!

Serene: I’m a defense attorney, and that’s what we do! (She points her thumb to herself.) Besides, at least I don’t have to use kiddy gloves to prove my clients wrong with forged evidence! Now THAT is a cowardly amateur, if not less!

Edgeworth: (He slams his hand down on his desk. He trembles in fury.) H-HOW DARE YOU, WOMAN!!!

Serene: (She waves her hand at him, mockingly.) What’s the matter, Miles? Don’t like the taste of your own medicine? ((Ha! Pinned him down!))

Judge: (His gavel slams.) Order! Order in the court! The defense and prosecution will recline from personal attacks! Now Ms. Polaris, about this fault in the statement…

Serene: Well… Umm (She scratches her chin.) ((Crap, I... I’m suddenly drawing blank here…))

(Flashes of the broken window appear in her head…)

Judge: Ms. Polaris, your answer please…

Serene: Ah… May I please show it as evidence? ((Heh? What am I saying?! I don’t have a clue what I am doing!!)

Judge: Very well, please show what is contradicting to the statement…

Serene: ((Gaah! What did I do?!))

(Flashes of the broken window and broken glass reappear in her head…)

Judge: Ms. Polaris, I would like an answer please…
Serene: Ah! (She jerks her head.)
Judge: Please show what is contradicting to the statement…

(After a while of thought, Serene pulls out the little bad of broken glass.)

Serene: Please take a look at this glass, your honor…

Judge: Ah… Is this from the crime scene?

Serene: Yes, your honor.

Judge: Well, what about it?

Serene: If you would’ve seen the window itself, it would not have been possible for a
five-year-old’s head to smash that large of a hole.

Edgeworth: !!

Gailie: Eh? Whaaaaaaaa-?!

Serene: In fact, a full-grown man would’ve been able to climb out without a single cut!

(The courtroom gets louder with muttering, until the judge slams his gavel.)

Judge: O-Order! Order!! Order in the court! Mr. Storm, do you have an explanation?

Gailie: Eh… Eh… Uhhhhh… (He jeers his head at Edgeworth.) Prosecutor! A little help here!!

Edgeworth: Wh-what do you think I’m doing?!

Gailie: As it looks here, just standing and looking pretty!

Edgeworth: Nnnnrrrrgh!!!

Serene: (She blinks.) ((Wow... Even Miles is speechless…))
Judge: Mr. Storm? What is the meaning of this?!

Gailie: Eh… Eh... Ehhhhhhh… Wait! I know!!

Serene: ?!

Judge: … May I please ask why you didn’t know in the first place?

Gailie: Eh... Ummm…a… how do I say it… (He scratches his head.) A brain fart?

Judge: A… Brain fart? I never heard of such a feeling…

Edgeworth: It’s basically when you can’t think right, your honor… Anyhow, the witness would like to restate his testimony…

Judge: Very well then… The witness may restate his testimony…

Gailie: …Thankies!

Serene: ((Geez, he sounds so naïve sometimes…))

—The break in the window—

When the statue stuck the child, she was bleeding severely…

Desperate, she tried to stagger away.

Looking for something to support herself with, she grasped to the coat rack near by.

However, she couldn’t hang to her life no longer that those few minutes…

She died, and she tipped over the coat rack as she fell backwards.

The coat rack fell into the window, busting a giant hole in it…

Judge: Hmm… I see. Ms. Polaris, please begin your cross-examination.

Serene: Y-yes, your honor… Restate the testimony please…

Cross Examination

When the statue stuck the child, she was bleeding severely…

Serene: Hold it! How do you know she was bleeding severely?

Gailie: Well, whaddya expect?! She got hit by a friggin’ pewter statue!

Serene: Well, I guess you’re right there…

Edgeworth: Please, Polaris. You take after your mentor all too well. Please stop asking such irrelevant questions…

Desperate, she tried to stagger away.

Serene: Hold it! Umm, knowing five-year-olds aren’t that strong, wouldn’t she just fall to the ground?

Gailie: Hey, People would hit me with basketballs all the time when I was four years old. I’d get up no problem!

Serene: Gailie-

Gailie: Please, just call me Mr. Storm, sweetie… It makes me feel manlier…

Serene: … ((You really don’t give up, do you?))

Edgeworth: (Looking rather red, weather of anger or embarrassment.) Pl-pl-please… Back to the testimony….

Gailie: Okies…

Looking for something to support herself with, she grasped to the coat rack near by.

Serene: Hold it! Why would she go towards the coat rack? Shouldn’t she be aiming towards the door?

Gailie: She obviously wasn’t thinking straight… Well, honestly, who would after getting hit in the head with a statue? It was obviously brain damage.

Serene: Right… Please continue…

However, she couldn’t hang to her life no longer that those few minutes…

Serene: Hold it! Mr. Storm, how can you be so sure about this?

Gailie: It is pure logical conclusions, my dear…

Serene: You honor, would you mind telling this pig to quit hitting on me?!

Judge: Mr. Storm…

Gailie: (He blushes and puts his hand over his mouth.) Ah, sorry, my bad…

Judge: Continue your testimony…

Gailie: Yesiree Bob!

Judge: My name is not Bob… Testimony, please…

She died, and she tipped over the coat rack as she fell backwards.

Serene: Hold it! What makes you think it tipped backwards? It could’ve tipped forwards…

Edgeworth: Do you know nothing of gravity, Polaris? If the child was clinging to the coat rack, then it would fall in the same direction she was falling… Everybody knows that…

Serene: ((Well sor-RY!))

The coat rack fell into the window, busting a giant hole in it…

Serene: Hold it! And that is when you heard the sound of the window crashing?

Gailie: Bingo!

Serene: Uhhh…. Riight.

Serene: ((I better at least find one contradiction in this one…)) Restste the testimony please.

Gailie: When the statue stuck the child, she was bleeding severely…
Desperate, she tried to stagger away.
Looking for something to support herself with, she grasped to the coat rack near by.
However, she couldn’t hang to her life no longer that those few minutes…

(She pulls out the autospy, with a sly smirk on her face.)

Serene: Objection Mr. Storm…

Gailie: …Hm?

Serene: Are you positive that the victim tipped the coat rack over?

Gailie: Of course! She was the only one who could’ve done it!

Serene: Actually, (She waggles her finger at him.) She was the only one who could not have done it.

Gailie: Wha- What?! How’s that possible?!

Serene: (She flickers the autopsy, in his face.) Have you even seen the autopsy yet?

Gailie: What?!

Serene: “Cause of Death: Struck with a heavy object against the head. Died instantly due to severe brain damage and blood loss.”

Gailie: Y-y-yeah… So..? (He shrugs.)

Serene: She died instantly! There was no way she could gotten anywhere at all because she was already dead by then!

Judge: O-order!

Edgeworth: Objection It’s quite simple that the child could have tipped the coat rack over… Before she was hit!

Judge: But the witness would have mentioned it before time.

Gailie: Actually, umm… your honor… I actually think that what happened…

Judge: Wh-Wh- What’s the meaning of this?!

Gailie; I’m really sorry your honor… I’m getting so nervous…I feel like I’m breaking down again… (He rubs his forehead.)

Edgeworth: Just hold it till the trial is over… May the witness please restate his testimony once more?

Judge: Very well, Mr. Edgeworth. The witness may please restate his testimony…

—How the glass really broke—

I was walking at the other side of the street from the office.

When I noticed something from the corner of my eye…

The light’s were on and I could see a silhouette of a woman raising something, like a statue…

Then I saw a little girl’s silhouette, frightened and running for her life as the woman chased her.

Then the girl ran into the coat rack, tipping it over.

Desperate to help the child, I ran and did what I could and cut the wires to distract her.

Judge: Ah… I see! Ms. Polaris may begin her cross-examination. Repeat the testimony.

Cross Examination

Gailie: I was walking at the other side of the street from the office.

Serene: Hold it! Why were you there in the first place?

Gailie: Huh? What do you mean?

Serene: Well, according to your business card, you work from 10 AM to 11 PM. What are you doing out at 7:30 PM?

Gailie: Oh, remember I am the Alpha of the team. I come and go as I please…

Serene: ((And how do you manage to make a living off that?!))

When I noticed something from the corner of my eye…

Serene: Hold it! What did you see?

Edgeworth: (He crosses his arms.) Do you mind, Polaris? The witness was getting to that... Please continue, Mr. Storm…

The light’s were on and I could see a silhouette of a woman raising something, like a statue…

Serene: Hold it! Mr. Storm…

Gailie: Ehh…? Now what?

Serene: Did you just say the lights were on?

Gailie: Y-y-yeah… (He realizes what he just said.) Wait- I mean-

Serene: Objection That contradicts all of your testimonies so far!

Gailie: ?!?

Serene: You just mentioned that the lights were on while the murder occurred, yet throughout most of your testimonies, you claim that the lights were turned off, right before the murder! (She points her finger at Gailie.) You’re lying! You were there when she died, weren’t you?!

(The crowd goes into a loud commotion.)

Judge: (He slams his gavel repeatedly.) Order! Order! Mr. Storm, I demand an explanation!!

Gailie: Ehh… well… Ummmm…. Ah…

Judge: Well? Explain this at once!!

Gailie: Ah… Ah… Ah… (He shudders, sweat covering his face.)

Judge: Mr. Storm!!

Gailie: I WAS IN THERE!!

Serene: !!

Edgeworth: !!

Judge: !!


Serene: ?!

Judge: You… You were at the crime scene…?

Gailie: Yes… I was there… I… I was there…I saw it all… (He collapses on the stand, breathing harshly.)

Serene: (She blinks in astonishment.) ((I got him… I actually got him!))

Judge: What are you trying to say?!

Gailie: … … … (His shoulder begin to twitch, as if he were laughing.)

Serene: ((What’s going on?))

Gailie: heh… heheh… heheheheheheh…

Serene: ((Is he laughing?!))

Judge: M-Mr. Storm?

Gailie: What, you think I did it? All I said was I was there!

Serene: ?!

Judge: So are you now trying to say that you were there at the time of the murder?!

Gailie: (He nods his head.) Yes… Your honor…

Judge: Why didn’t we hear of this earlier?!

Gailie: …What, and consider myself a suspect? I don’t think so, Judgey! (He waggles his finger.)

Judge: Very well… I want no lies in this testimony at all this time. Is that understood?

Gailie: Yes, your honor…

Judge: The witness may begin his testimony… No more mistakes, Mr. Storm…

—What I really saw—

Very well, I doubt you’ll believe me, but this is what I really saw.

I saw a frightening scene from the windows, so I broke into the office without thinking.

There, I saw a woman, the defendant, with a bloody statue in her hand.

In front of her was a child, who was struck by the statue and bleeding to death.

Without hesitation, she immediately ran out the door.

I tried to chase her but she slammed the door right in my face.

I tried to open the door, but the door was locked from the other side.

After trying to break the door down a few times, I gave up and tried to help the child.

However, I was too late, she was already dead. Then the lights turned off.

I tried to call the police, but all her phones we’re dead as well as the other electronics.

So I broke the window with the coat rack, escaped, and called the police…

Judge: … Mr. Storm… This is nothing like any of your testimonies from before!

Gailie: What, you seriously think I’m gonna throw myself in as a suspect because I saw the murder?! Don’t even count on it!

Judge: We do not tolerate anything but the truth, Mr. Storm!

Gailie: Well, now you have it. Sastisfied?

Judge: … … …

Serene: You honor?

Judge: ? Oh, yes, Ms. Polaris?

Serene: M…My cross examination, please?

Judge: …Very well… The defense may begin her cross-examination… Repeat the testimony.

Cross Examination

Gailie: Very well, I doubt you’ll believe me, but this is what I really saw.

Serene: Hold it! Well, what do you expect? There have been no truths to your testimonies what so ever!

Edgeworth: Objection Polaris, a pointless lecture towards the witness will not be of any help in this case. Please continue, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: I saw a frightening scene from the windows, so I broke into the office without thinking.

Serene: Hold it! What did you see from the windows?

Gailie: I saw you strike the child with a small object, that’s what! (He crosses his arms, sticking his head up high.)

Serene: Continue, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: There, I saw a woman, the defendant, with a bloody statue in her hand.

Serene: Hold it! How can you be so sure that the weapon was a statue?

Gailie: Quick examination of the scene, my dear attorney… (He winks at Serene.)

Serene: (She smacks her palms against her forehead.) ((…Urk! Why won’t he stop hitting on me?!))

Edgeworth: (His whole face is crimson red, sweat covers his face..) C-c-con… Continue with the testimony, M-M-Mr. Storm…

In front of her was a child, who was struck by the statue and bleeding to death.

Serene: Hold it! Mr. Storm, how did you know that my daughter was taken down by a statue?

Gailie: First off, you were the only person there. Second off, you had a statue in your hand, which was covered in blood. Third off, I saw you do it through the window, while the lights were still on!

Gailie: Without hesitation, she immediately ran out the door.

Serene: Hold it! Why didn’t you try to catch me, then?

Gailie: Well, I did try, if you’d just listen. Besides, you ought to know, since you were there! (He points his finger at Serene.)

Serene: ((As for me, I have no clue what he’s talking about…))

I tried to chase her but she slammed the door right in my face.

Serene: Hold it! Why didn’t you just open it? Anybody with a brain would’ve done so…

Gailie: (he holds his hands up.) Keep your shirt on, I’m getting to that! Well, actually… (He blushes, chuckling.) Go on ahead! Take the shirt off! (He winks at Serene.)

Serene: !!! (She steps back, her eyes bulging out and her face completely red.)

Edgeworth: (His knuckles begin to redden from the impact of his desk. His eyes sink to the point you cannot see them from the lowered view of his head. His back arched and his face about as red as his jacket.) “OBJECTION!” For everybody’s sake, Mr. Storm, quit hitting on the defense!!

Judge: Mr. Storm, please keep the inappropriate comments to yourself… Continue your testimony…

Gailie: (He sighs and blushes again.)

Gailie: I tried to open the door, but the door was locked from the other side.

Serene: Hold it! Don’t door usually lock from the out side of a room?

Gailie: No, not really. Some models, such as yours, can lock from either side, depending where the person locking it is…

Serene: ((Hmmmm… I had no clue…))

Edgeworth: I don’t see how doors and locks have anything to do with the case. Please continue the testimony, Mr. Storm…

Gailie: After trying to break the door down a few times, I gave up and tried to help the child.

Serene: Hold it! “Help the child?”

Gailie: You know, seeing if she was breathing, and stuff like that. Something normal parents would’ve done… *Ahem…*

Serene: ((… …)) (She suddenly lowers her head…She bites her lip, trying to back up tears.)

Gailie: However, I was too late, she was already dead. Then the lights turned off.

Serene: Hold it! Do you know why the lights turned off?

Gailie: Obviously, you ran towards the power box and cut the wires.

Serene: How? You said you were the one that cut the wires.

Judge: Mr. Storm!

Gailie: Look, it was another lie, alright?! She took my wire cutters out of my hand before she fled!

Judge: Why didn’t we hear of this before?!

Gailie: Look, I didn’t think you would need every bit of detail, alright?!

Serene: (She slams her hand against her desk.) Your honor! This is getting ridiculous!

Edgeworth: Objection The witness temporarily forgot, your honor…

Serene: (She drops her mouth in disbeleif…) ((Are you that desperate to put me in jail, or are you that gullible?!))

Judge: Enough of this! Mr. Storm, just continue…

Gailie: I tried to call the police, but all her phones we’re dead as well as the other electronics.

Serene: Hold it! Didn’t you have a cell phone on?

Gailie: I was in a panic. I didn’t think until a few seconds after I got out…

Gailie: So I broke the window with the coat rack, escaped, and called the police…

Serene: Hold it! Is that why the hole in the window was so large?

Gailie: Yes. Surprisingly, I didn’t cut myself on anything…

Serene: ((… … …I… I don’t see any contradictions… There’s gotta be something!))

Judge: Ms. Polaris, is something the matter?

Serene: … … … One moment, your honor… (She ponders it over… She cannot find any contradictions.)

Edgeworth: Objection It’s quite obvious that the defense hasn’t found any contradictions…

Serene: (She slams her hand down on her desk.) W-wait! ((This can’t happen… not like this!))

Judge: Yes, Ms. Polaris?

Serene: Can I by any chance, have him restate his testimony?

Edgeworth: Admit it, Polaris. (He waggles his finger at Serene.) You lost…

Judge: I’m afraid the witness cannot restate a new testimony…

Serene: ((I gotta find a contradiction… NOW!!)) (She begins to ponder, think of whatever testimony that could have a contradiction in it.)

Edgeworth: (He scoff, shaking his head.) Give it up, Polaris…

Judge: … … Does the defense see anything wrong with this statement?

Serene: (She stumbles in defeat over her desk. Tears begin to swell in her eyes.) … … …N-n-no…

Judge: !!

Edgeworth: Heh… (he crosses his arms and chuckles.) Amatuer…

Judge: Are you saying you surrender the case?

Serene: Yes… your honor… I surrender… (Tears drop on the desk.)

Judge: Very well… I officially proclaim the verdict…


Judge: Court is adjourned… (He slams down his gavel.)

Serene: ((I...I lost… I’m going to spend my years in a cell…))

Edgeworth: Heh…heheheh…

Serene: (She looks Miles, tears streaming from her face. However, a slight smile comes over her face.) ((Though… At least I saw you, Miles… At least I saw you one last time…))
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Tue May 22, 2007 6:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Turnabout ChildrenTopic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

Gender: Female

Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 1:27 pm

Posts: 354


District Court, Defense Lobby 2:00 PM

Phoenix: (he looks towards the court doors.) I wonder how Serene did… It’s been pretty quiet…

Maya: Do you think she lost?

Phoenix: I hope not… Though I did her the gavel slam once…

Maya: Hey, everybody’s coming out!

(The doors open to the courtroom, everybody floods into the defense lobby.)

Phoenix: ((Well, it was quite crowded in there…))

Maya: Wait… Edgeworth just came out of the courtroom. And by the smirk on his face… It couldn’t have been good.

Phoenix: … … … (He looks at the chuckling Edgeworth, his grin was quite assuring that he’d won. Detective Gumshoe came out next, with Serene hands held by his, cuffing her.)

Then we all saw Serene… Her head sunk, her hair hiding her tears… she walked slowly… Obviously weak from defeat…

Phoenix: Serene!

Serene: … (She looked at Phoenix, and then lowered her head in embarrassment.)

Maya: Are you okay? You didn’t lose did you?!

(Detective Gumshoe appears from behind Serene.)

Gumshoe: All right, everybody away from the defendant!

Serene: … I’m sorry Phoenix… I am an embarrassment as a student… (A tear streamed from her face.)

Phoenix: No, I’m the one who should be sorry… (He gently wiped a tear away.) I should’ve at least helped you when I had the chance… It was my fault for being so foolish and getting myself suspended like that…

Gumshoe: Save the pity talk when she’s in jail, Mr. Wright!

Maya: Hey, don’t be so mean!

Gumshoe: Hey, she murdered her own child! She’s getting what she deserves!

Phoenix: ((There’s no way she could’ve done it… Something is telling me she didn’t…))

(Edgeworth walked towards Serene, flicking his cravat around.)

Serene: … … … (She tries to look away.)

Edgeworth: Just as I thought… So foolish to throw away your life likes this…

Serene: … … (She lets out a little sob.)

Phoenix: Edgeworth, just leave her alone!

Edgeworth: This is none of your business, Wright! Stay out of it!

Phoenix: Edgeworth, you were never like this before! What happened to you over the years?

Edgeworth: Do I always have to repeat myself, Wright? Keep your filthy nose out of my business!

Gumshoe: Uhhh… Hate to break in, but the witness wanted to see you in Lobby five.

Edgeworth: Right… Thank you. Oh by the way, Gumshoe…

Gumshoe: Yeah?

Edgeworth: I owe you my salary.

Gumshoe: What?! (His eyes sparkle.) Somebody pinch me! I must be dreaming!

Edgeworth: Now if you’ll excuse me, I must meet the witness in lobby five.

Serene: (Serene just realizes something.) Miles, wait-
Edgeworth: Silence. (He holds his hands to her lips.) I wish not to speak with scum like you…

(Edgeworth leaves the lobby.)

Serene: … Miles… (She begins to grow pale as another tear streamed from her eye.)

Maya: Serene, you look totally white. Are you okay?

Phoenix: Maya, she’s being sent to prison. Do you think she’s going to be okay?

Maya: Serene…

Serene: Yes…

Maya: (She puts her hand on Maya’s shoulder.) Never give up hope…

Serene: Those words are simple to say… Yet they’re so difficult to accomplish…

Maya: I know, but there’s hope for you somewhere! I can feel it-

(A short cut scream could be heard from another room.)

Maya: (She perks her head up.) Huh? Did someone just scream?

(About a couple second after the scream, someone could be heard smashing into a wall.)

Serene: (She realizes what has happened. She squirms to get free from Gumshoes grip.) Miles!

Gumshoe: Hey, missy! You ain’t goin’ nowhere!

Serene: No! You don’t understand! I gotta save Miles!

Gumshoe: Hah! Nice try, but I ain’t that stupid!

Serene: Let me go!! Let me go!!

(Serene stamps on Gumshoes foot. As he howls in pain, she scurries towards lobby five.)

Gumshoe: Gaw! She stamped my foot a good one! Hey! She’s running towards lobby five! After her!

Maya: Nick, let’s go!

Phoenix: Right! ((Wait... He had to see the witness?))

Serene: If Gailie ever find out the relation between us… I'm.... I'm screwed.

Phoenix: ((This can’t be good!))

District Court Defense Lobby 5. 2:08 PM

As Phoenix enters the lobby, he sees specks of blood and two silhouettes. One grabbed the other by the hair. In front of the silhouettes was Serene, her mouth gapped and covered by her hand. Tears flowed from her eyes.

Phoenix: ((I… I see blood!))

Gumshoe: (He points his finger at Serene.) There she is!

Serene: …No… No!! (She begins to drop from grief.)

Maya: Ah! It’s Mr. Storm!

Gumshoe: Huh? Mr. Storm! What are you doing here- !!

Serene: Miles! No!!!

(Edgeworth is found on the floor, bleeding from his head… Looming over his body is
Gailie, grabbing Edgeworth by the hair. In his other hand was the Aphrodite statue, blood spilled all over it once again…)

Edgeworth: Nnng… (He struggled to get up on his own.)

Gailie: So, you’re the little prat that kept Serene away from me? I couldn't think it was you… I’ve tried to deny it all these years, but it all came spilling out since you couldn’t keep your little trap shut about it…

Edgeworth: It… It was you … All along… (He tries to stop the bleeding from his head by pressing his hand against it.).

Gailie: (He nods.) Mmhmm… And it’s about time I got my revenge…

Edgeworth: Ser… Serene…Nnnnng… (He falls unconscious…)

Gailie: Heheheheh…

Gumshoe: Hold it right there, Mister!!

??? : What is the meaning of this?!

(The judge appears. He looks quite appalled.)

Judge: What’s going on?! What’s with all the blood on the floor?!

Gumshoe: Somebody get an ambulance!

Maya: Yes sir!! (She pulls out her cell phone immediately.)

Judge: (He looks shocked to see the condition of Edgeworth.) Mr. Edgeworth!

Phoenix: Gailie, you did this didn’t you?!

Gailie: … … …

Gumshoe: Hey! Answer us,pal!

Gailie: … … …

Judge: Mr. Storm!

Gailie: …heh…heheheh…

Judge: Mr. Storm?

Gailie: …Yes… I finally admit… This was all my doing… The murder of Miles Edgeworth... The strangling of Serene in lobby five...The murder of my own daughter… It was me…

Phoenix: !!

Maya: !!

Serene: You?! You’re the one who did all this to me?! Vallerie was YOUR child?!

Gailie: Yes… I was the one who snuck in your room that night… I’m the one who got you pregnant…

Serene: YOU got me disowned?! YOU got me living like the troubled mother that I was?! YOU were the one that made me abandon everything and everyone close to me?!

Gailie: Yes…

Serene: WHY?!

Gailie: I told you… I would do whatever it takes to have you to myself… heh…heheh… I didn’t think I would actually fail.

Maya: I got an ambulance coming!

Gailie: (He shrugs, shaking his head.) I don’t see why bother… He’s going to bleed to death by the time they’re here probably…

Serene: No…. No!! (She sobs.)

Judge: Mr. Storm… Are you admitting you are the one guilty?

Gailie: … Yes… I got what I was looking for… I guess I’m paying for it…

Phoenix: ?? Got … what you wanted?

Gailie: Revenge… I wanted revenge on Edgeworth…

Serene: Miles…

Gumshoe: All right, pal… Hands where I can see them…

Gailie: … Heh… (He holds his hands up, as Gumshoe jerks him to the exit outside.)

Judge: Well then, I guess I should declare the defendant…


Gailie: Heh… You’ve won for now, Edgeworth… But not when you’re in the grave…

Gumshoe: Can it, Pal. You’re coming with me…

(Gailie looks at Serene for the last time, his eyes slightly watered. He turns his head, never to look back and leaves with Gumshoe..)

Phoenix: This...This is fantastic! Serene, you’re free!

Serene: …… (She slowly approaches the motionless Edgeworth.)

Phoenix: Huh? Serene?

Serene: Miles…

Phoenix: … (He looks at Edgeworth.) ((Oh no… I totally forgot about Edgeworth…))

(Edgeworth is now leaned against a wall, his metallic hair soaked in his own blood. Serene firmly keeps him embraced in her arms, their cheeks touching softly. Her tears trickle from her face to his… She sobs softly)

Serene: Miles… Please don’t die… Don’t leave me… I’m… I’m so sorry… (She strokes his cheek.)

Edgeworth: …… (Miles seems cold, breathing very little.)

Serene: Miles… I still love you… (She sobs, embracing him harder.)
Edgeworth: (He flinches.) …Ser… (He tries to raise his hand towards a tear on her cheek.)

Maya: Hey! He’s raising his hand towards her cheek! He’s coming back to his senses!

Serene: ……?

Edgeworth: …I… I should be sorry, Serene… (He struggle to move his head.)

Serene: (She presses her hand against his lips.) Shh! Please Miles, don’t talk! Save your strength. You must save your strength!

Edgeworth: ……… (He raises his head a little.)

Maya: He’s raising his head towards her…


(Edgeworth presses his lips against Serene’s. He kissed her, stroking her cheeks softly with whatever strength he could muster.)

Judge: My! This is romantic!

Maya: N-N-Nick…? (She tugs at Phoenix’s sleeves.) D-d-did he just kiss her?!

Phoenix: (His eyes widen.) ((Whoa!! He’s actually kissing her!))

Gumshoe: (Gumshoe enters the lobby, he brushes his hands off.) All right, we got Mr. Storm in the –Oh my gosh! Public Display of Affection in the Court, Pal!!

Edgeworth: … (He smiles lightly, his hand still stroking her cheek.)

Serene: ……M-M-Miles…

Edgeworth: I’ve tried…I’ve tried for four years to keep you off my mind… But no matter how much I tried to deny loving you…I still… I still loved you…

Serene: Miles, C'mon… Save your strength will ya?… (She brushes off on of her tears streaming down her face.

Edgeworth: (He kisses Serene again.) … … I love you… (He closes his eyes to rest. Serene strokes his head as ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance.)

Wright and Co. Office, 6:30 PM
Phoenix sat at his desk, not paying squat attention to Maya. Maya just sat around, meditating for the last few hours. Suddenly she perks her head and glows a little.

Phoenix: (Looking at his papers rather than Maya.) Well, they say Miles may be able to get out of the hospital like maybe three or four days… They said that he was stunned from the hit; thankfully he suffered no brain damage.

???: Well, I suppose that’s a relief. I have no clue what you’re talking about.

Phoenix: (Surprised, he looks at Mia Fey, rather than Maya Fey.) Whoa there, Mia! Since, when did you get here?

Mia: Maya was trying to keep up with her spiritualist skills… I suppose she could use a bit more practice, though…

Phoenix: Oh.

Mia: So, how did the trial go?

Phoenix: Well, I guess Ms. Polaris was found guilty at first, but then another murder attempt happened at Lobby five.

Mia: Lemme guess… (She scratches her chin.) Mr. Storm tried to kill Edgeworth?

Phoenix: (He raises his pointer finger.) Exactly- (He bend the finger a little bit.) Hey , how did you know?!

Mia: It was kinda obvious from an old picture we found… A picture of Serene and

Phoenix: (He nods.) Ah… Oh! (He perks his head.) That reminds me…

Mia: Hm? (She cocks her head.)

Phoenix: About the connection between you and Serene?

Mia: Ah yes… That. Well… You do know that Serene was quite a professional prosecutor trainee when she was very young?

Phoenix: Yes? She told me she was training to be a prosecutor before she fell apart…

Mia: Well, it was her first case, and I was the defense attorney. However, as sweet as she sounds now, it was very different back then…

Phoenix: Whoa… What, was she anything like Edgeworth or something?

Mia: Very much like… In fact, the way I remember her was when she stole everything from my court records…

Phoenix: !! ((That’s worse than Edgeworth!))

Mia: However, I guess the guilt pressured her too much… She claimed it to the whole court that she stole all my evidence and claimed the defendant not guilty.

Phoenix: You... you still wanted to help her back there, yesterday? Why?

Mia: As bad as it looked, Phoenix, It was right thing to do… Just simple old forgiveness

Phoenix: … … (He stares in a ponder.)


(Flashes of Edgeworth mocking Serene appear as well as flashbacks of Serene pleading for Edgeworth’s life…Flashes also appear of a young Serene and Edgeworth, another flashback of Serene running away, and to top it off with Edgeworth kissing Serene… He stares blankly at the window and shrugs, continuing to read the news paper.)

I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.

Last edited by Slob_Attorney on Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

Ninja Attorney

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Wow, I mean just wow. Never expected the ending. This was a very good fic. :D I even had my GS music turned on at the right scenes.
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Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title
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I read it all the way through, like you asked.

Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title
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Wow, that was very entertaining!!~~

Took me a while to read, but I liked it. :)
Re: Turnabout Children (EDITING AT THE MOMENT)Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

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Thanks for the comments, everybody! :bellboy:
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title


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I loved it soooo much I read it again here!!! :D Great job, again!!!
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

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Wow. I was surprised by the ending. I expected it to take a very different direction. Great Job!
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Love it. Especially the ending.
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

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I loved it. Now I'm going to read it again with GS music.
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Four is Death

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Awesomeness in writing. The only thing that weakens it slightly is some cheesiness in some parts is too cheesy.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

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Sirius Fey wrote:
Awesomeness in writing. The only thing that weakens it slightly is some cheesiness in some parts is too cheesy.

Haha, should have saw that coming up X3...
I actually have to admit alot of that had cheesiness in it too.
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.
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Four is Death

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I've re-read this, and it's less cheesy the second time round. IT has a better feel to it, and its absolutely brilliant alll the way (still a little cheesy)
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

Am I allowed to smoke in court?

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Location: Under Edgey's bed sheets

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Thank you all who have read the story and commented. :edgy:
Those who have like the story, expect to see a sequeal coming up soon!
I are a :franny: :edgeworth: supporter.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title
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Serene_Polaris wrote:
Thank you all who have read the story and commented. :edgy:
Those who have like the story, expect to see a sequeal coming up soon!

There's a sequel?!?!?

I think I love you Serene <3
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title
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*insert title here*

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Nothing wrong with a little cheese now and then! :edgy:

Anyway, I really enjoyed this! Edgey was downright mean in most of the fic.. I mean wow, what a bastard.. but I loved the redemption at the end.
icon by: iconglomerate @ LJ

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Jury Duty

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Christen wrote:
Wow, I mean just wow. Never expected the ending. This was a very good fic. :D I even had my GS music turned on at the right scenes.

Same here. it made Reading all the better. ;)
Phoenix Wright! Miles Edgeworth!
*Slams Desk, then Points*
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title
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I eagerly await the sequel to this amazing court fiction! :gant:
Don't mind me, just passing through.
Re: Turnabout Children (Complete)Topic%20Title

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i just finished reading it and gotta say the whole story was gr8 they would have made a gr8 case on one of the games lol. i was quite suprised about who the father was coz once edgeworths past came into play i thought he was the father but again gr8 work :D
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