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Ace Attorney: Trial de Novo (Post-DD)Topic%20Title
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Forensic Investigator

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Rank: Suspect

Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:38 am

Posts: 19

Hey guys! So... after realizing how little free time I have and how much of an undertaking even attempting a fancase would really be, I've decided to take my old fangame idea and turn it into a fanfiction, albeit one accompanied by some extra musical experiments here and there, which can be found in the Remix forum. This story can also be found on here, but it might be a slightly rougher draft than what is posted and refined here.

Since this was initially going to be a fangame, I invite you guys not only to critique the writing as it stands, but also to 'play along' in a sense. Examine the court record, draw some conclusions, have some ideas about where the case is going to go. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! :basil:

Spoiler: Turn About the Stage Prologue
Not every demon we face is clearly seen…

The knock of the stage manager on the starred door received no response. "Miss Hamme, are you in?"

No answer. A second knock, a second summoning. Silence was the only reply.

They arise when we least expect them.

Frowning in confusion and concern, she proceeded to the stage.

And the brighter the spotlight…

The sight that awaited her took her breath away. Lea Hamme, lead female actress of the Bard's Stars Touring Company, was swinging from a noose over the stage, one of her coworkers walking away from the scene like a member of the undead.

The darker the shadows that emerge…

Unable to summon the fortitude to do anything else, stage manager Adrian Andrews let out a shriek.

"No… No! Not this! Not again! I can't watch it again!"

Spoiler: Turn About the Stage: Pre-Trial
May 3rd, 9:45am
District Courthouse
Defendant Lobby No. 1

Something about standing in the Defendant Lobby never seemed to fail to make Apollo Justice nervous, and today was no exception. In fact, not only was he nervous, he was absolutely lost inside his own head as he flipped over the bare-bones notes the police had allowed Mr. Wright to make. The case was initially supposed to be his, but another case came up- one for which he required Athena's assistance. Which left Apollo as the lucky lawyer left to handle this particular trial.

(All we really have is information about our client and the victim.) He grumbled, shoving his perfectly-gelled brown 'demon horns' down into submission before letting them pop up again. (No witnesses, no murder weapon, no autopsy report, nothing. Payne must be playing hardball-)

"Hey Apoooooool-lo!"


The sudden, sharp pain in his head drew Apollo's attention in front of him, where his assistant and sister, Trucy Wright, was standing with her hands on her hips as she huffed in exasperation. "Snap out of it! What's up with you, did you not get enough sleep or something?"

Apollo heaved a sigh of frustration, ignoring the young magician's piercing glare.
(Honestly, no. I didn't. Considering I was up all night looking over what little information we have about the case at hand, how could I sleep?)


"Hey, are you listening to me?" Trucy exclaimed, now tapping her foot impatiently. Her expression shifted from anger to concern as she folded her arms over her chest. "I'm just trying to be a good sister, being concerned for your health and all. What's with you zoning out right before the big trial?"

The trial. Apollo gulped at the very thought of it. Even despite all he had faced, the lack of preparation he had before today was unnerving him.
(Ugh. I wish she hadn't reminded me of the trial. Lea Hamme, famed ingenue, was found swinging from a noose over the stage at the People's Theater near the park. And suspected as her murderer is…)

"Hey Apollo, look sharp! We want our client to see our professional side, after all!"

Apollo grimaced at the irony of his flamboyantly-clothed sister, who was currently bouncing on her tiptoes with a broad grin, lecturing him about looking professional. He soon straightened his posture and bearing as his client was walked in by a police escort, his nose buried deep in what appeared to be a script.

(And there he is. The 'leading man' of our murder mystery. Cress Inpax, more famously known by his stage name, Desmond Moore.) Apollo thought to himself, giving Cress a once-over.

Cress was a very tall man. His height was easily the most noticeable thing about him. Tall and lean, he would look lanky if not for his toned muscles, which were clearly accentuated by his tight black pants. He paired said pants with a white long-sleeved shirt and a blue-and-white wave-patterned vest. His long, dark, wavy hair was kept well-tamed and perfectly framing his face. He certainly didn't look like a man in his forties, considering the apparent softness and smoothness of his skin.

(It's no wonder he still gets cast as leading men, with a face like that. I bet the girls go crazy over him.)

A look at Trucy's face told him in an instant that she was starstruck from the sight of their client. (He's certainly roped in Trucy… Ugh.)

Despite having been lead directly to his attorney, Mr. Inpax had not addressed Apollo yet. Something which Apollo tried to rectify. "E-Excuse me?"

His response was a finger to his face and a sharp "Shh! I'm trying to get this internalized…"

The stars dancing in Trucy's eyes grew even more apparent. "Wow! He's so devoted to his work, isn't he?"

Apollo barely managed to force himself to stifle his groan.
(So devoted that he hasn't dropped character yet. Does he think he's still in merrye olde Englande with that faux-Brit?)

Trucy's expression became pensive as she said, "You know, you could learn a thing or two from him, Apollo!"

Apollo raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Trucy shrugged. "I'm just saying, the least you could do is avoid spacing out before your cue…"

Another groan barely contained.
(So I should follow the example of the man lost in his script to learn 'how not to space out'. Right.) His heart thudded painfully in his chest as his thoughts returned to the trial at hand. (I can't explain why, but I just have a bad feeling about this case…)

"Good morrow, Mr. Justice!"

The sudden, bright hailing from his client startled Apollo so badly he let out a cry of surprise and nearly dropped his Court Record.
(When did he stop reading?)

As soon as he calmed his racing heart, Apollo replied, "G-Good morning, Mr. Inpax."

The script now closed and held at his side, Mr. Inpax was flashing an almost blindingly bright smile at his defense attorney. "Everything's all set for you to come to my defense today, I'm sure, correct?"

(What is with those weird inflections? Does he think he's still reciting his lines or something?) "As ready as they can be, all things considered."

Cress nodded, his mouth quirking to the side as though he were becoming lost in thought. "I must say that shocked was I to learn you'd take my case, for such a client am I that I feared that you could not afford me."

(Hey, you were the one hiring from Mr. Wright's agency, not the other way around!) "Well, the switch in attorneys was a bit (More like a lot.) last minute, but… Something's bothering me about this case. Why it's being tried as a murder, and not something more likely…"

Cress's expression became dark, his brow furrowed in deep thought. "So you thought so too…" Shaking his head as if to clear it, Cress clapped his hands together and flashed the same bright smile from earlier once again. "Wonderful! So good to see I'm not the only competent person around here!" He pulled his script from under his arm, and held it open at an arm's length, looking slightly upward as he said, voice dripping with melodrama, "Now, then, shall we travel, you and I, to courtroom battle, victory and truth?"

It took everything in Apollo's being to avoid kneading his forehead at this display.
(This guy has a flair for the dramatic. And an unhealthy obsession with that fantasy cable show. I swear, if he speaks everything in pentameter today, there might be another murder victim.)

The whirring and clacking of wooden instruments foretold the arrival of Mr. Hat to Trucy's side, whereupon he spoke, "Indeed! To victory!"

And now Apollo's groan refused to be stifled. "Not you too, Trucy…"

"Aww, why not?" Trucy asked, knocking on her hat. "It's fun!"

"Exactly!" Cress concurred, back to his smiling self. "We cannot ruin a poor girl's fun, after all!"

"This is a murder trial. We're not supposed to be having fun." Apollo deadpanned.

"Spoilsport." Trucy pouted, putting Mr. Hat back in his place.

"Yeah. Spoilsport." Cress agreed, mimicking Trucy's pout.

(Great. Now I'm the bad guy… I'm not too happy about going into this trial completely blind, but if there's one thing Mr. Wright has taught me, it's that the darkest trials are when the brightest contradictions shine. …Ugh, great, now the melodrama has affected me too.)

"Would the defense please proceed into the courtroom?"

The bailiff's summons sent Apollo's heart crashing in his chest again. All his Chords of Steel exercises weren't availing him any real confidence today, but he had to force a smile and a confident voice if he had any hope of victory. So with one last hearty "I'm Apollo Justice, and I'm FINE!", he proceeded into the courtroom with the rest of his team.

A new trial was about to begin.


Attorney's Badge: My badge. I polish it every day so that it shines its best!

Apollo Justice: Simply put, me. And I'm fine!

Trucy Wright: Mr. Wright's adopted daughter, and my sister. She's one of the last remaining magicians of Troupe Gramarye, and a pretty decent one at that.

Lea Hamme: The victim, age 36. A fairly well-known stage and operatic actor/singer before her untimely death. Didn't socialize much.

Cress Inpax: My client, age 45. Also a well-known treader of the stage, more commonly known as Desmond Moore. Accused of strangling Lea Hamme.
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