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Applesauce or Why Phoenix Didn't Go For BurgersTopic%20Title
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First time trying this. It's Wednesday evening and I'm half-asleep, but I was writing some stuff for the school paper, and I ended up writing a Phoenix Wright-ish bit. So here it is. It's not done yet, because I'm not sure whether I should finish it.


Some things in the world are better left unsaid. Sentences as "This means war", "I killed your boyfriend" and "Why no, I'll take the squid" are utterances that people frown upon. Yet, there are a lot of things that definitely need to be said. "I love you", "Let me carry this for you" and "Let's not take the squid", for example. Or even "Applesauce".

"Nick, let's go for burgers!"
"Shut up Maya, I'm busy. Go bother Pearls if you want to annoy someone."
"But I'm hungry!"
"Go eat Pearls then."
"Nick, what came over you? You're so angry tonight."
"Lost your hair gel?"
"I'm a natural spiky."
"Your girlfriend ended up being a mass-murderer again?"
"NO! Maya, please, just go away and leave me."

"Mr. Edgeworth, let's go for burgers!"
"... what?"
"You know, to celebrate your victory."
".. Oh. Well, I don't see why not. You helped me quite a lot in this case, Detective. Your skills were definitely... less lacking than normally."
"Why, that's nice of you, Mr. Edgeworth. You seem in such a happy mood today."

Phoenix Wright stared gloomily at the wall opposite to him. It stared gloomily back at him, which made the overall happiness in the room somewhere below freezing point. Maya had stomped through the door and had gone home. It was raining outside, but he had no urge to go there anyway. He thought he saw Detective Gumshoe's rickety old car driving past, hoping it'd stop and Gumshoe to cheer him up a little - it was always nice to know that there were people who Fate hated more than him. The car stopped, but Phoenix saw it wasn't Gumshoe's - Gumshoe's didn't have three out of six windows missing, and he was quite sure Gumshoe's still had some paint left on. A small, Middle-Eastern looking girl stepped out. She had a lot of curly, black, and currently very wet hair, and didn't look older than 20. She was wearing a green jumpsuit and running shoes, and was currently standing before Phoenix's door. She ringed.
Phoenix opened the door, only to have a green-and-black hairy something flung at him and kiss him on the mouth. He took a few steps back and threw her off him.
"Eh, hello there?"
The girl broke out in laughter. It was contagious - Phoenix couldn't help himself but laugh together with the happy-looking girl. After a few minutes, they gradually stopped laughing, and the girl said:
"You should've seen your face! Brilliant!"
"I imagine. It was somewhat unexpected."
"Yeah, what are humans without love?"
She chuckled.
"So, why did I deserve that?", asked Phoenix.
"Oh, but you didn't. If they think I'm just visiting my boyfriend, they won't suspect anything."
"The police."
"Anyway, my name's Henriette. Henriette Darweesh. However, you can call me Mink."
"I'm a master thief."
Phoenix, flabberghasted, still checked his suit; and indeed - his badge was missing. Phoenix coughed, and Mink threw it back at him.
"I need your help."
"Well, isn't that an unoriginal start of a case."
Re: Applesauce or Why Phoenix Didn't Go For BurgersTopic%20Title
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Nobody has replied? This looks interesting. I like the beggining. Although, we'll need more insight to why Phoenix is depressed....
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