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Untilted Franziska/Maya fic [PW spoilers]Topic%20Title


Gender: Female

Location: UK

Rank: Desk Jockey

Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:49 am

Posts: 75

Yeah, this is actually my sister's but she's too much of a coward to post so I'm posting it on her behalf. Which is shame because I really like it and I'm sure many people would here too.

Please meet with me by the Hot Dog stand at Gourd Lake this afternoon at two o’clock.”

…and that was it. It was not exactly the romantic, shy confession of some secret admirer that Maya had hoped for when she excitedly tore the pink envelope open when Phoenix handed her the Valentine’s card earlier that morning.

It was a simple card, plain pink with a picture of rose on the front of it, and with a simple message that Maya had read over and over again, becoming more and more confused the more she looked at it.

For one thing, who had sent it to her? Her first instinct was that Pearl was up to her usual tricks, trying to push Maya and Phoenix together as she often did when her childish idealism about love got the better of her. But no, it couldn’t have been her; the spelling was all correct for a start, and the neat, elegant cursive was certainly not that of a little girl’s.

It couldn’t have been Phoenix either, for he didn’t even realise that today was Valentine’s Day; the yelling from the kitchen told Maya that much.

“Mister Nick! Don’t you know that today is the day when you’re supposed to show your love for your special one?”

“…What special one?”


“Ow! Pearl, stop hitting me! That hurts!

She had a pretty good left hook for an eight year old.

Maya furrowed her brow, a little frustrated as she tried and failed to work out who the mystery sender of the Valentine was.

…the image of Sal Manella flashed through her mind briefly and she shuddered, though Maya quickly reminded herself that he would never speak in such a formal manner.

The handwriting seemed oddly familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it, and the direct, curt message inside it was obviously someone who had a businesslike and no-nonsense attitude.

Maybe… Mr. Edgeworth?

No, no, that was ridiculous Maya told herself, shaking her head to get rid of such a silly thought.

…Although he was a very handsome and intelligent man, and she’d consider herself quite lucky if he’d taken a shine to her and even thinking about such a thing made her feel quite nervous-

No! No, the very idea of someone like Mr. Edgeworth doing something so… well, romantic as to send an anonymous Valentine was just silly.

…So if it wasn’t any of them, then who?

A heavy sigh escaped Maya, whose curious nature would not be satisfied until she got to the bottom of this mystery.

If she wanted to know who her admirer was, then there was only one way to find out.

“What should I wear?” Maya asked no one in particular, as she searched through her wardrobe and chests of drawers for something suitable.

Well, what did one wear when going to meet with some secret admirer? Maybe Maya should wear a dress? No, that was too formal. She looked at a t-shirt and jeans, but somehow that didn’t seem formal enough. How about a cute blouse and a skirt? Maya shook her head; she wouldn’t feel very comfortable dressed that way.

Then there was her hair; how should she style it? She thought about tying it into a ponytail for a change, but never really thought it suited her much. Maya pulled her long black hair into pigtails, posing in front of a mirror. After a few seconds she made a face of disapproval, and let it fall down her back as it usually did.

…there was a lot more to this blind date thing than Maya had originally thought.

In the end Maya decided upon her usual spirit channelling robes and hairstyle; it suited her and it was what she felt most comfortable in. And that was the most important thing, wasn’t it?

She examined herself in the full length mirror inside the door of the wardrobe, pulling at her skirt a little, and smoothing a few wayward strands of hair.

Maya gave her reflection a smile, took a deep breath and picked up her shoulder bag with her favourite Steel Samurai charm hanging from the zip.

“Nick! Pearl! I’m going out for a while, be back later!” Maya called from the door of the apartment as she went to open it.

Phoenix replied with little more than “Okay, see you later”, but Pearl on the other hand came screeching round the corner at top speed.

“MYSTIC MAYA!” She bellowed as best as her little girlish voice would allow, “WHERE do you think you’re going? And on today of all days!”

Maya rolled her eyes for she knew exactly where Pearl was going with this.

“I’m just going out for a few hours Pearl, I’ll be back later-“

“But Mystic Maya!” Pearl barked, her little brow furrowed, “Today is the most romantic day of the year! The one day that you should spend with your love! You can’t leave Mister Nick here, he’ll be lonely!”

Maya could feel herself becoming a little irritated before she was struck by a flash of inspiration.

“But Pearly…” She knelt down so that was she was eye level with the child and spoke in a whisper, “I’m really going out to buy a present for Nick…”

“FOR MISTER NICK?!” Shrieked Pearl, “Like what?!”

“Ssssh!” Maya put a finger to the little girl’s lips. “You have to keep it a secret, okay? It’s a surprise…!”

Pearl’s cheeks flushed pink and she became starry eyed, giggling.

“Tee hee! I get it, Mystic Maya! And don’t worry; I won’t say a thing to Mister Nick!”

The older girl patted her excitable cousin on the head, laughing a little to herself. Maya didn’t like to lie to Pearl like that, but it was the only way she’d ever get away from the little girl’s wrath.

Leaving Pearl to indulge in her romantic fantasies, Maya quietly closed the front door behind her as she left.

It was a crisp, clear February afternoon at Gourd Lake; the air had a strangely pleasant chill to it and the late winter sun sparkled on the calm water. Along the edge of the lake many happy couples were strolling arm and arm, laughing with one another and making the most of the romantic atmosphere.

Sitting on a bench near the hotdog stand, a young woman with short greying hair sat alone, shifting nervously and checking her watch every few minutes, and to anyone watching her she must have looked like any other girl waiting for their lover on this bright day.

“What a foolish idea…” She muttered to herself. “Foolish, foolish…”

Franziska Von Karma idly picked at her nails as she tried to calm her nerves. What on Earth had possessed her to send that stupid card anyway, she now asked herself, as she sat and waited for Maya to come- IF she would come.

And even if she did show up, what on Earth would Franziska say to her? Would Maya be horrified to discover her admirer was another woman? Franziska wasn’t aware that she even had such tendencies herself until she met Maya, whose tenacity, loyalty to her friends and ability to keep her upbeat attitude in the face of the kind of tragedy that might cripple weaker spirits slowly but surely made the stoic young prosecutor fall for her. Yes, although Maya could easily be seen as a little dippy and hyperactive, underneath it all she had a will of iron.

Franziska was once guilty herself of considering Maya Fey to be just another little girl who needed to grow up, but when Edgeworth revealed the details surrounding the case of her older sister’s murder and how Maya herself was once the prime suspect for the killing, her opinion quickly changed and she gained a new found respect for the young spirit medium.

And the more dealings she had with Maya, the more she found her respect deepened into something more.

Franziska sighed and glanced at her watch again; barely three minutes had passed since the last time she checked but somehow it felt like an eternity.

She took a mirror out of her handbag and checked her reflection; her lightly applied make up was suited to her striking features but she patted and dabbed at her face anyway. Her hair was neatly styled and the pale pink blouse and black skirt she wore were spotless and crease free; she was the very image of the Von Karma perfection one had come to expect from her.

Franziska pulled her woollen overcoat tighter around herself, burying her face in the collar as she fought the overwhelming urge to give up and go home.

“…foolish… foolish…”

“Well, here I am…” Maya said to no one in particular, “Gourd Lake…”

She bit her lip, trying to ignore the butterflies now dancing in her stomach. It wasn’t too late to turn around and go home…

No, Maya had made it this far and she wasn’t going to give up now, if only to satisfy her curiosity more than anything else.

How would she even know who she was looking for anyway?

Clutching the strap of her bag nervously, she gingerly shuffled around the lakeside, her gaze shifting to and fro as she tried to pick out any familiar faces.

Almost instinctively, she found herself approaching the hot dog stand; maybe it was the delicious smell enticing her infamously voracious appetite. Her stomach growled and she remembered she hadn’t even eaten breakfast this morning.

Maya’s mouth grew dry and her heart began to race at what she might find when she finally met with her admirer. She wasn’t really sure what she expected or even wanted to see, but she had mentally prepared her “gentle let down” speech anyway just in case.

As she came back to her senses, Maya inhaled sharply as she made out a familiar figure sitting by the Samurai Dog stand. The short silvery hair and air of authority could only belong to one person.

“…Miss Von Karma!” Maya gasped, more than a little shocked to see her sitting where Maya was supposed to be meeting this mystery person. But what on Earth was she doing there?

Maya panicked a little, not sure of what to do. Should she go up and say hello? It was only polite, after all, but there was something about Franziska that made Maya more than a little nervous. Despite being the same age as Maya, Franziska had already established herself as a very capable prosecutor and her career was flourishing. Maya, in contrast, often neglected her spiritual training and often felt quite immature and even slightly awed when in the presence of Franziska.

Maya thought about taking the path in the opposite direction when Franziska raised her head and looked straight at her, the penetrating stare from those cool blue eyes felt like it was boring through her. Maya swallowed, feeling a little put on the spot. Well, Franziska had seen her now and so there was no use trying to avoid her. Putting on a smile, Maya waved.

Franziska’s heart threatened to beat out of her chest at the sight of Maya. There as a split second of uncertainty between them, but true to her outgoing nature Maya smiled and waved in acknowledgement to Franziska who simply raised a trembling hand back to her. Unable to think straight, she stared at Maya in a daze as the dark haired girl approached her.

“Hello, Miss Von Karma!” Maya respectfully bowed a little. “Um… out for some fresh air?”

It took a few seconds for Franziska to realise that Maya was speaking to her.

“Oh, I, um… good afternoon, Miss Fey…” Franziska swallowed hard and Maya wrinkled her nose.

“Um, please… call me Maya…” Maya laughed nervously, she knew it was in Franziska’s nature to address others so formally but she hated hearing herself referred to as “Miss Fey”; somehow that kind of formality only reminded her of being in custody.

“…Maya.” Franziska repeated, almost breathlessly.

“…Can I sit here? I mean, if you’d rather be alone it’s alright, I can go and leave you be if you want-“

“No! No, please!”

Maya looked at Franziska, a little shocked.

“I mean, this is a public place, of course…” Franziska coughed, trying to regain her composure. “You’re free to sit wherever you wish.

She shuffled up the bench leaving space for Maya to join her, who hesitated a little before sitting down.

There was an awkward silence between them; Maya felt as though she was intruding upon Franziska’s solitude and every time Franziska opened her mouth to speak she felt nauseous.

Did Maya know it was her who sent the card? If she did, why hadn’t she mentioned it?

Trying not to appear ignorant, Franziska was the first to speak this time.

“So, Maya…” She took particular care to address Maya like she had asked Franziska to, “It’s, er, rather a nice day, isn’t it?

“Oh! Oh, yes, the weather is lovely. A little cold, but at least it’s dry.” Maya rubbed her arm nervously.

And then there was simply more silence.

Franziska cursed herself inwardly; she was the one who invited Maya out here, so why was she being so rude? No matter how she tried, she just couldn’t bring herself to speak. For someone who was always so articulate and collected, being reduced to this tongue tied, nervous girl was more than a little frustrating.

Maya sighed, feeling more than ever that she was getting on Franziska’s nerves. She played with her hair, trying to think of some excuse to leave.

“You know, I think I might go and get a Samurai Dog, or something…” Maya said, standing up. “Maybe I’ll see you la-“

“I’ll come with you then!” Franziska shot up against her own will, standing next to Maya.

“…you like hot dogs, Miss Von Karma?” Maya tilted her head in confusion. For some reason she had a hard time imagining someone like Franziska eating anything except caviar and lobster.

“Oh… yes…!” Franziska lied through gritted teeth; the thought of putting something so greasy in her body made her ill but she was determined not to let this moment with Maya slip through her leather-gloved hands. She passed Maya and took a few steps towards the hot dog stand.

“Shall we, then?”

Maya blinked, still a little confused, before following on behind.

“Well hello there,” The hot dog vendor winked, “And what can I get you two lovely ladies today?”

“Stop joking around, Larry.” Maya folded her arms and shook her head at Phoenix’s friend. “You know what I’m here for!”

“Of course I know that; you’re here to deliver your Valentine to yours truly, right? …Right?”

He wore a big, hopeful smile.


The sound of someone yelling at him in a German accent brought Larry Butz back to his senses, “Miss Fey would like something to eat, not to have to put up with your pathetic attempts at foolish humour!”

Larry looked at Franziska as though he were about to cry.

“I-it’s okay, Larry!” Maya tried to console him, “I, uh… really did just want a hot dog though…”

“I see…” He sniffled, “No love for Larry as usual…”

Franziska fixed him with a frigid glare, instantly silencing him as he quickly got to preparing Maya’s favourite hot dog.

“Here you go Maya, with plenty of onions and sauce, just as you like it… and what can I get for you, um, Miss Von Karma?”

“…aren’t you going to get her a drink?”

“But she didn’t ask for a dri-“


As quick as a crack from Franziska’s whip Larry filled a plastic cup with soft drink and handed it to Maya.

“Oh! Thanks Larry! So, how much does that come to?”

“I’ll let you have it for a kiss…”

Maya rolled her eyes.

“I’ll just pay with cash, thanks.”

Rejected once again, Larry rang Maya’s purchases up on his cash register.

“Altogether that comes to three dollars, please.”

“Okay, I think I have some change…” Maya fished around in her Steel Samurai purse until Franziska’s arm shot past her, almost hitting her in the face.

“Here!” Franziska waved a bill under Larry’s nose. “This should more than cover Miss Fey’s bill.”

“Oh!” Maya was stunned, “Franziska, really, you don’t have to do that… I have money of my own!”

“Please, Maya.” Franziska sniffed, now trying to push the money into Larry’s hand before Maya had a chance to find her money, “I insist. Now are you taking this money or not, fool?”

“…you don’t have that whip with you, do you…?” Larry was now terrified that he was going to be on the receiving end of it.

“No, I do not. But even if I did, I wouldn’t dirty it by using on foolish fools like yourself.”

Larry obediently took the note from Franziska and gave her the change with a shaking hand.

“Hmph. Thank you.”

“…Um, thanks Larry!” Maya was still trying to take in what had just happened, “I’ll see you later!”

“You bet you will, sweet thing,” He winked. “Oh, and, um, goodbye, Miss Von Karma…”

Franziska didn’t respond.

Returning to their seats on the bench, Maya took the chance to thank Franziska properly.

“You really didn’t have to do that, Miss Von Karma!”

“It’s only three of your American Dollars, Maya. It’s not as though I can’t afford it.”

“I know, but I have money of my own!”

Franziska gave a sigh. How she wanted to tell Maya the reason why she paid for her hotdog…

“Well, let’s just call it a Valentine’s Day present.” Franziska said with a touch of bitter laughter.

“Well… thank you then!” Maya smiled widely, that pretty face melting Franziska’s heart.

“You didn’t get anything for yourself though, Miss Von Karma! You can have a bite if you want to?”

She held the hot dog up to Franziska’s face, who backed away a little, somewhat turned off by the smell of onions and mustard.

“Oh, erm, that’s alright… I had rather a large breakfast this morning.”

Maya cheerfully took a bite, savouring the taste.

“Delicious! Thanks again!”

Franziska smiled back at Maya; she would have happily paid three million dollars for that hotdog if it made Maya so happy.

“Don’t mention it. Oh, and Maya…?”

“Yes, Miss Von Karma?”

“Please call me Franziska.”

…somehow, neither of them felt so uneasy anymore.

After Maya had finished eating the conversation flowed a lot more freely; they laughed about Phoenix and Miles, Maya complimented Franziska on her outfit causing Franziska to blush crimson, and when Maya asked Franziska about what she was doing at the lake in the first place, Franziska replied with some half baked excuse about walking off a headache caused by un-cooperative witnesses. When Franziska hastily returned the question in an attempt to turn the focus off of herself, Maya’s expression became a little morose.

“Oh…” Franziska didn’t know how to go about this. “Did I, um… say something wrong?”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that…” She smiled a little sadly, “It’s just… um… oh, I feel stupid…”

“…But why?”

Franziska wasn’t quite sure what Maya was going to say but somehow felt that it was her fault.

“Well… y’see, I got this card today… asking me to come here and meet someone… but it looks like they’re not going to show…”

Franziska swallowed hard. Poor Maya… because of Franziska’s cowardice Maya now felt bad about herself, rejected. Clearly Maya had no idea that Franziska was the one who invited her to Gourd Lake in the first place.

“It was probably just Nick or something playing a prank on me!” Maya smiled again and laughed but Franziska had the inkling that it wasn’t quite genuine.

“I’m sure he didn’t think I’d actually… you know… come out here… I can be so gullible sometimes!”

Sensing Maya’s doubts about herself, Franziska swallowed hard and summoned all her courage, gently laying a hand on her arm. Even her first day in court had not been as nerve wracking as this.

“Maya, I…” Franziska took a deep breath. She was going to do it, she WOULD do it. Even if it meant that Maya would be upset with her, Franziska cared for her too much to let her feel this way.


“What is it, Franziska?”

Franziska closed her eyes tightly.

“I think anyone who would play such a cruel trick is nothing but the most foolish of fools, ad if I ever find out who it was, they’ll get a taste of my whip.”

Damn it, Franziska scolded herself; she was nothing but a coward after all. Why was she so afraid to just say how she felt? After all, faint hearts never won fair ladies.

“Oh, I’m sure it isn’t like that…!” Maya laughed again with a little more conviction this time. “I’ll get that Nick back!” She jokingly shook a fist, making Franziska laugh.

Then, Maya looked down at her sandals again.

“Still… I guess it would have been nice…”

Franziska rubbed her arm in a comforting motion.

“…Well anyway, enough about that!”

Maya hopped off of the bench, dusting herself down.

“Oh… are you going home already?” Franziska had begun to mentally berate herself about her lost opportunity.

“Well, I was going to go for a walk around the lake… Need to burn off this hotdog, you know!” Maya offered her arm to Franziska.

“Can I persuade you to join me?”

Franziska’s heart was beating so fast she was terrified Maya would hear it as she slipped her gloved hand through Maya’s arm.

“Tee hee!” Maya giggled, “Let’s go then!”

“Wow, I never realised how pretty the scenery is around the lakeside…” Maya sighed as she and Franziska leisurely walked together; Franziska had managed to get her breathing back to a normal rate she still held onto Maya’s arm, enjoying the warmth of her body and the sweet scent of her jet black hair.

“I guess it’s the perfect place for all these couples, huh?”

For a brief moment Franziska imagined herself and Maya as blissfully happy as the romantic pairs who were also taking in the beauty of Gourd Lake’s surroundings. As the day wore on the sun sat lower in the sky, casting a blaze of orange and purple across the horizon which reflected in the still waters, and so lost in her romantic fantasy was she that Franziska barely noticed Maya wrapping her free arm around herself to stay warm.

“Oh! Are you cold?”

“A little bit… I guess I should have taken a jacket! You’d think someone from the mountains would be more used to the cold…”

Without a second’s hesitation, Franziska took off her long coat and draped it across Maya’s shoulders.

“Franziska! Oh, you don’t have to give me your coat-“

“Quiet,” Franziska said flatly as she fastened the top button, her face now inches from Maya’s. “With nothing but those robes on you’ll catch your death.”

Maya had never been this close to Franziska before, and it was only now that she realised just how pretty the prosecutor was. She had typical aristocratic features in her high cheek bones and pale skin, but the gaze in her steel coloured eyes was surprisingly gentle and her small mouth formed into a warm smile.

They stood just looking at each other for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of their new found affinity, before Maya snuggled into Franziska’s warm coat.

“…thank you again, Franziska. You’ve been so nice to me today.”

Franziska nodded in appreciation, and they continued their walk.

“So…” Maya began, still wrapped in Franziska’s coat.

“What about you, Franziska?” She asked the taller woman with a mischievous grin.

“What about me?”

“Don’t be shy! I bet you must have gotten a ton of cards!” Maya gave Franziska a good-natured dig with her elbow.

Franziska could barely hide the face of disgust she pulled as she thought about the card from the self-proclaimed “Director Hotti”; needless to say that went straight in the bin.

“Ahaha…” She laughed a little nervously, “I don’t know about that…”

“Oh, don’t be silly.” Maya winked, “I bet you have lots of admirers!”

Franziska shrugged. It didn’t matter how many admirers she may have had; she was only interested in one person. If only Franziska could tell her…

The sun had now set entirely and the first stars were beginning to shine. Before Franziska knew it she and Maya found themselves back at that same bench were they had sat before, and she felt a little disappointed that their walk had now come to an end.

Without saying a word, Maya took a seat and removed Franziska’s coat.

“Here, you must be cold too…”

“No, no, really, I’m fine. You keep it for now.”

“Please, Franziska,” Maya pushed it towards Franziska a little more forcefully. “It’s your coat.”

Realising that this was one argument she wouldn’t win, Franziska took her coat back and put it back on herself, before sitting next to Maya who shuffled beside her.

“I really like the stars, don’t you Franziska? They’re so pretty.”

“Huh? Oh, um… yes, I suppose they are...”

“When I was little Mia and I used to sit outside and look up at the sky at night. You can’t really get to see the stars so well in the city, but out here they’re nice and bright…”

Franziska bit her lip a little, unsure of what to say. She had never met Mia Fey personally, but anytime she had heard any mention of her it was usually to say what a prodigious defence attorney she was, what a fine woman she had been, and how it was such a tragedy that her career, and her life, had been cut so short.

Franziska had a sister of her own but she was quite a bit older than Franziska was and they had never been very close. She considered Edgeworth more of a sibling to her, and so she couldn’t really identify with Maya’s sense of loss over the death of her sister. She did, however, feel a similar sadness over her father’s imprisonment, even if that was his own doing.

Again, Franziska found herself comforting Maya, feeling a little braver she put her arm around the smaller girl’s shoulders.

To her delight, Maya didn’t seem to mind, and even rested her head on Franziska’s shoulder.


“…yes, Maya?”

“Can I tell you something?”

“Certainly, Maya. What is it you want to say?”

Still looking towards the night sky, Maya took a breath, pausing for a few seconds before she began to speak in a small, quiet voice. Franziska made sure to be extra quiet as not to miss a single syllable.

“I’m glad I got stood up today.”

“Really? Why is that?”

Maya smiled a little sheepishly as a pale blush spread across her cheeks.

“Um… don’t take this the wrong way, but… before today, I… well, I guess I thought you were maybe a little mean and didn’t like me much…”

“Oh…” Franziska wasn’t surprised; she wasn’t exactly the friendliest person.

“But today, I saw what you a kind person you really are, and… Well, I guess I feel like I’ve made a new friend! Um… does that sound silly?”

Franziska shook her head.

“No, not at all.”

“I guess I should know better than to judge people by how they act in court and get to know them outside first, hehe. I’m so sorry I misjudged you.” Maya laughed to herself, before sitting straight up and looked straight at Franziska, who felt the all too familiar butterflies returning as Maya’s dreamy dark eyes met with her own. “Can you forgive me?”

“I had such a good day with you, Franziska. The card… even if it was just a joke… I might never have come here today if someone hadn’t sent it, and then I wouldn’t have met you here.”

Maya sighed happily to herself.

“So… That’s why I’m glad I was stood up today.”

“Maya, I…”

Franziska wasn’t sure what to say. She was almost certain that a confession would now ruin any relationship she might now have had with Maya, platonic or otherwise.

“I’m sorry if I haven’t been the warmest person to you…” Franziska rubbed her neck a little awkwardly. “When I came to America, all I wanted was to avenge my family’s reputation… I never really expected that I might make friends here so I didn’t really try. But… if you consider me to be your friend, then…”

A warm, bright smile formed on her lips, the kind of smile only a very special few had ever seen from Franziska.

“Then I’m glad I came here too, even if I don’t achieve what I set out to do. There are some things that are more important. Thank you for showing me that.”

Maya didn’t reply, and instead gave her new found friend a warm, tight hug. After a moment’s surprise, Franziska responded in kind, wrapped her arms around the shoulders of the smaller woman and drawing her close.

“…just be warned though; this doesn’t mean I’m going to go any easier on Mr. Wright in court when we next meet.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to!”

After the moment had passed Maya pulled away, and smiled at Franziska again, who although she hadn’t quite worked up the courage to reveal her feelings was more than glad that Maya now saw her in a different light.

Maybe in time, she would tell the spirit medium how she felt, but for now Franziska was content to admire Maya Fey from a now shorter distance at the very least.

They finally went their separate ways, Franziska insisting that she let her driver give Maya a ride back to Phoenix’s apartment, even if it was on the opposite side of the city from where Franziska was staying.

Maya sang to herself as she climbed the stairs to the front door, only to be met with an irate Pearl, who opened the door as soon as she heard Maya approaching.

“MYSTIC MAYA! What time do you call this?!”

“What are you shouting about Pearly, it’s only…”

What time WAS it anyway?

“Mister Nick has been lonely without you! He’s done nothing but watch TV all day and he hasn’t even tried to find another case!”

Maya furrowed a brow; clearly she didn’t know Nick very well at all.

“And where’s this present!”


“YES! The present you said you were going to get for Mister Nick!”

Pearl’s face was becoming more and more red with anger. If Maya didn’t find her cousin’s rage so amusing, she may well have been a little frightened.

“Oh… that… well, y’see Pearly, I… um…”

Maya was in for a long night. She had a lot of explaining to do.

Re: Untilted Franziska/Maya fic [PW spoilers]Topic%20Title
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Four is Death

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Location: Wales. That little place next to England.

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:14 pm

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Give your sister my best thanks for this awesome fic <3
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