Court Records

Ace Attorney Discord
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Author:  Bad Player [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Ace Attorney Discord

We have a Discord in which you can meet other members of the community and discuss the franchise! To join, just click here. (If you don't know what Discord is, it's an online chatting program.)

Please note that the Discord has its own standards and rules, so please be sure to read and comply with them!

If you have any questions, you can ask them here or in discord. The Ace Attorney Discord also has a channel to specifically discuss the Court Records site, and if you ever need to get one of us, you can ping the "Court Records Staff" role.

If you have any feedback for the Discord or wish to appeal a Discord ban, you can use these forms:
Server feedback:
Ban appeals:

Author:  lazyplague [ Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Discord

Subtitle: Unfortunately, 4/20 was NOT a swag funny weed day for the Partnered Ace Attorney Discord.

So at some point this morning, a friend of mine, and Ace Attorney discord moderator got hacked by a discord scam. Unfortunately this was not intervened within time to stop any damages, but luckily it was stopped before the entire server was even half-way destroyed, and restoration efforts are underway, and the server is already completely 100% secure.


If the server mysteriously disappeared, you were likely banned and we are working on unbanning everyone who was banned. If you left because of the raid, it is safe to re-enter.

We will be working on tightening security in the settings, and adding in failsafes in case of anything like this happening again.

Thank you, and we apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

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