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Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title
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Enoshima Junko-chan!

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This is a perfect Calisto Yew.
Re: Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title
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Stepladders are a type of ladder so.....

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Wow, they really did a great job at portraying her :basil:
Re: Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title
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Coffee Dragon

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That's Really well done! Love The Earrings. :phoenix:
*Sips Coffee*
Re: Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title
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Mrs. Jeon Jungkook ♥

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I have the feeling that I've seen this picture somewhere before, but overall it's a really great cosplay!

The beginning was quite fun, just with all the ups and downs
But suddenly, we’re tired, from a waste of meaningless emotions

시작은 뭐 즐거웠었네 오르락내리락 그 자체로 어느새 서로 지쳐버렸네 의미 없는 감정소모에

Trivia 轉 : Seesaw
Re: Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title
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That's perfect, even if she's missing the freckles on her face. Well, it doesn't really matter, overall this cosplay is faithful to Calisto from GK.
She's annoying and I don't like her one bit, but this is really well done.
Re: Calisto Yew by ~FloweryTopic%20Title

Ace Attorney Megafan

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That's the best Calisto Yew cosplay I have ever seen.
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