Court Records

Alright, time to spill!!!
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Author:  Sai-Chan [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I have some more:

I hate being alone.

I hate the dark.

I hate being cold.

I hate being hot.

I hate stickers.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

coffeecookiecake wrote:
MikeMeekinsFan wrote:
I love Backstreet boys and proud of it!

SO BITE ME IF YOU THINK I'M WEIRD! (not really, jk.... XD)

But I do love them.....:P

you're not alone!!! :)))

BSB <3


Anywho......... I tend to only get 5 hours of sleep.

I'm Catholic and I'm interested in my religion but I hate how strict it is......

I love rock music but I hate screamo music. Guh..... it hurts my throat just listening to it.....

I believe that people have their own gaurdian angel. (even those who don't follow christian beliefs) As crazy as it sounds.

I was extremely annoying when I was younger. God, even I wanted to slap myself thinking back now! XD

I'm related to Milton Hershey and Davy Crockett

My best friend is the 3rd cousin of Justin Timberlake (of course she was my friend before I knew that)

I have a crush on one of the members here (no, I doubt I'll ever go on a date with him, unless somehow I end up living where he does) I just admire him. :P YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IT IS! >:3

I fell inlove with someone two summers ago. I wanted to be in a relationship with him. But he hated long distant relationships, so we love each other. But we are more then friends but we aren't Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

I hate pretty boys without personality.

Author:  Concerned Citizen [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

There is no shame of liking the BSB. :redd:

Author:  Happiness Punch! [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Okay, I'll give ya one...



... not >___>

Author:  Nego [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

MikeMeekinsFan wrote:
I believe that people have their own gaurdian angel. (even those who don't follow christian beliefs) As crazy as it sounds.

I believe in that too. In some sort of way, anyways... I mean I believe that there is some kind of power looking after us all, maybe it's an angel for all of us, or then it's God. At least I know we aren't alone when we think we are.

Author:  Byakko [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

- I'm okay with homosexuality but bisexuality creeps me out.

- I'm only sexually attracted to effeminate men. The fact most are gay is that I'm most likely only going to get a mercy-fuck from them.

- I run upstairs on all fours when noone's looking.

- I like to play truant...A LOT. And then fake an MC.

- I like to pluck my hair out. What kind of hair I'll let you guess =p

- I think Digimon has some of the best yaoi, but I don't like it's anime, games or manga.

- Heroes is not that great.

- Neither is Lost.

- Firefly/Serenity and Buffy the Vampire Slayer are better than those two!

- I think Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series is the best thing since sliced bread.

- I KNOW I'm better than the rest of my class.

- I can control gusts of wind since I was a little girl. It started when I crawled up onto our marble table and yelled outloud for no real reason. A gust of wind always blew back strongly at me. In China, I was able to direct the direction and speed of the wind that was flowing through the wind-tunnel between two buildings. My friends commented that it was true, that whatever I told the wind to do (forward, backward, faster, slower etc.) it was doing it. I haven't actually used this talent in a while, so I don't know if it still works.

And yes, that last one isn't a joke.

Author:  coffeecookiecake [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

woah there! i can control gusts of wind too!
i discovered it back when i was six or seven. i got really angry and things just happened. i practiced every day since then. i just close my eyes and hum in my head.

now i sound silly.

Author:  Nego [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Byakko wrote:
- I can control gusts of wind since I was a little girl. It started when I crawled up onto our marble table and yelled outloud for no real reason. A gust of wind always blew back strongly at me. In China, I was able to direct the direction and speed of the wind that was flowing through the wind-tunnel between two buildings. My friends commented that it was true, that whatever I told the wind to do (forward, backward, faster, slower etc.) it was doing it. I haven't actually used this talent in a while, so I don't know if it still works.

And yes, that last one isn't a joke.

coffeecookiecake wrote:
woah there! i can control gusts of wind too!
i discovered it back when i was six or seven. i got really angry and things just happened. i practiced every day since then. i just close my eyes and hum in my head.

now i sound silly.

I'm a little scared right now... :payne:

Author:  Byakko [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

woah there! i can control gusts of wind too!
i discovered it back when i was six or seven. i got really angry and things just happened. i practiced every day since then. i just close my eyes and hum in my head.

At least it wasn't an Avatar; The Last Airbender reference (I liked the show, but dammit people I'm not bald or have an arrow tattooed on my head!)

And yes, I'm totally being serious about this. The reason I don't document it is that it isn't a stable occurrence and I honestly think that I've lost favor with whatever was obliging to my whims. Ever since China (the entity's homeland I suppose), I haven't been able to command the wind, nor have a chance to do so. I'm embarrassed to do the yelling technique now (which I think made it upset in fact, since I stopped communicating), and there aren't strong enough gusts of wind here to check out if I can still command the gusts to any degree.

I think it's the White Tiger of the West (which I hold as my personal patron saint); it commands the element of Wind and Metal.

Author:  Tinker [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Nego wrote:

I'm a little scared right now... :payne:

You do believe in guardian angels, but are scared of people who supposedly control winds?

And I'd quite like to see that. Free resources of wind energy would rock the world :)

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I can somewhat comminicate with the dead. When I was 2 I used to tell who was in the grave in cemeteries. I told how they died, their emotions and even what they did before they died.

Author:  Shauna [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

As if I'm gonna tell a bunch of random people on the internet my secrets, non-existant as they are.

Author:  Nexas-kun [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Erm... i dunno i dislike insects, am afraid of spiders and....
Shauna lol

Author:  Nego [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Tinker wrote:
Nego wrote:

I'm a little scared right now... :payne:

You do believe in guardian angels, but are scared of people who supposedly control winds?

I belive in powers people cannot posses. I don't belive we humans have any special powers in this world.

Author:  joshy [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Sometimes, when I'm bored, I waste my time on Internet forums of video games that aren't all that popular.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I have a Backstreet boys song stuck in my head! <3 *sigh* it's good to have that feeling.....

Author:  Rebel Vanguard [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

My friends hate Pheonix Wright so therefore I have no friends on this board that I live near me.

And I write really good, problem is I'm too lazy to come up with a fanfic or something like that.

Author:  coffeecookiecake [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Byakko wrote:
woah there! i can control gusts of wind too!
i discovered it back when i was six or seven. i got really angry and things just happened. i practiced every day since then. i just close my eyes and hum in my head.

At least it wasn't an Avatar; The Last Airbender reference (I liked the show, but dammit people I'm not bald or have an arrow tattooed on my head!)

And yes, I'm totally being serious about this. The reason I don't document it is that it isn't a stable occurrence and I honestly think that I've lost favor with whatever was obliging to my whims. Ever since China (the entity's homeland I suppose), I haven't been able to command the wind, nor have a chance to do so. I'm embarrassed to do the yelling technique now (which I think made it upset in fact, since I stopped communicating), and there aren't strong enough gusts of wind here to check out if I can still command the gusts to any degree.

I think it's the White Tiger of the West (which I hold as my personal patron saint); it commands the element of Wind and Metal.

i can still do it, and i don't need to speak. just concentrate. i do it while waiting for the schoolbus, when passing by a cute guy (echhhh!), i can basically create my own air.

Author:  Concerned Citizen [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Secret #2:

I have a HUGE fascination with WWII.

Author:  Skuly [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I'm scared of butterflies
No, rly.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I am such a Japan Nerd! :D

Author:  Nexas-kun [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

coffeecookiecake wrote:
Byakko wrote:
woah there! i can control gusts of wind too!
i discovered it back when i was six or seven. i got really angry and things just happened. i practiced every day since then. i just close my eyes and hum in my head.

At least it wasn't an Avatar; The Last Airbender reference (I liked the show, but dammit people I'm not bald or have an arrow tattooed on my head!)

And yes, I'm totally being serious about this. The reason I don't document it is that it isn't a stable occurrence and I honestly think that I've lost favor with whatever was obliging to my whims. Ever since China (the entity's homeland I suppose), I haven't been able to command the wind, nor have a chance to do so. I'm embarrassed to do the yelling technique now (which I think made it upset in fact, since I stopped communicating), and there aren't strong enough gusts of wind here to check out if I can still command the gusts to any degree.

I think it's the White Tiger of the West (which I hold as my personal patron saint); it commands the element of Wind and Metal.

i can still do it, and i don't need to speak. just concentrate. i do it while waiting for the schoolbus, when passing by a cute guy (echhhh!), i can basically create my own air.

Wow! would love to be able to do that! I would love to have some sort of 'power' but power over the wind would be my number1. I've always loved wind powers in rpg's, anime etx.

Author:  Clowd Cole [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Ok, I RP Godot and my GF RPs Mia during sex sometimes. XD

Author:  The Sandwich [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I wouldn't call these secrets, per say, but fuck it.

- I'm so impatient I end up spoiling myself on practically everything. Recent examples are AA3 and Resident Evil Extinction.

- I find latinas so fucking hot.

- I have all of Afroman's albums, which total to about 11 or so.

- My first dream in life was to be a chef, which then dispelled when I desired to be a game designer. This then changed back to being a chef, which then changed into my goal of being a music producer, which came about when I really got into music.

- I gave up caring what people thought about me after getting pissed off with trying to live up to people's expectations. I'm a happier person for it, and I'm glad to have done it.

- I wasn't always into rap music, but it was my way of rebeling against what people thought of me. Gradually, it became my favourite music genre.

- Lil Jon is not, in fact, my favourite artist. That spot goes to the Black Eyed Peas, because I'm such a hippie.

- I like playing older games which I played when I was a few years younger. This happened to me over the summer where I'd play games like Sly Cooper till 5 in the morning.

- I'm all for racial and gender equality, but I don't actively support them.

Author:  Byakko [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I belive in powers people cannot posses. I don't belive we humans have any special powers in this world.

True, but then again, you're prolly not Asian. In our folklore, humans and animals were able to cultivate themselves through meditation and experience to achieve 'shen'-hood (not exactly demi-god, but higher than just spirit).

The progression of the being is roughly: Animal/Inanimate object ---> Spirit/Demon (for lack of a better word) ---> Demi-God ---> Full God-hood

In Chinese/Asian culture, this is the old 'natural order', and unless the creature/human is inherently evil, it's considered good for them to pursue godhood.

I haven't done so myself, so I'm guessing that somewhere in my bloodline long ago, there might not have been something quite human. Odd things tend to happen to me and my family as well. Many animals arrive at our house only to die some time later; exotic animals like parrots and parakeets, civet cat etc. We give them food and water as best we can but they inexplicably always pass away the next day.

My maternal grandmother's spirit returned during the Hungry Ghost festival. My mom and her sisters baked her favorite cake and her footprints appeared in it the next day (actually, this is not an unusual occurrence with Chinese families, especially during the Hungry Ghost Festival).

Maybe I'm cursed. It was my mother who caused my grandmother's death.

If you're wondering why I'm spilling so much, I'm up at 5 am in the morning doing h/w and feeling particularly open and melancholy.

Author:  Nego [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Byakko wrote:
I belive in powers people cannot posses. I don't belive we humans have any special powers in this world.

True, but then again, you're prolly not Asian. In our folklore, humans and animals were able to cultivate themselves through meditation and experience to achieve 'shen'-hood (not exactly demi-god, but higher than just spirit).

Yeah, I'm from Finland and in our old folklore (dead by now) there was many gods who people worshipped. Humans in general didn't have any special powers, but gods looked like humans. They had special powers (like Väinämöinen, the most known god thanks to Kalevala, for instance could sign people to moss).

And maybe I should clean that sentence I wrote a bit. I do believe that everything is possible, but I think the possibilities to certain matters are pretty low, so they would seem impossible. I believe the possibility of human possessing unnatural powers is pretty low, and that the possibility of a non-human possessing those powers is higher. I believe in humans having unnatural powers only if I see it with my bare eyes.

Author:  Byakko [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I believe in humans having unnatural powers only if I see it with my bare eyes.

We've got the power of love...and possibly imagination (sings Imagination Song in Kyle voice)

But I do agree with you actually; but I can give neither explanation or excuse for what I can/could do. Unless I'm anything but human (which I believe I am), I really have no clue how I did those things before.

Author:  Nego [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Byakko wrote:
I believe in humans having unnatural powers only if I see it with my bare eyes.

We've got the power of love...and possibly imagination (sings Imagination Song in Kyle voice)

But I do agree with you actually; but I can give neither explanation or excuse for what I can/could do. Unless I'm anything but human (which I believe I am), I really have no clue how I did those things before.

Love can be explained with biology (it's in fact some chemicals working). But I belive in souls, which do the love and imagination.

I have no clue either, but maybe the conditions were right to have made it happen.

Author:  Byakko [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Love can be explained with biology (it's in fact some chemicals working).

I think that's when they label it differently, just 'physical/sexual attraction'. 'Love' is generated when the parts of the brain that trigger the 'reward-response' does so when the creature is affectionate (not necessarily sexually) to its mate, and solely to its mate. This is a horrible summary of a study I read discussing why some animals do choose to be monogamous, and they were comparing two very similar sub-species of voles; one which was noted to be monogamous and the other promiscuous.

It lies in where and when the 'reward-response' is triggered to value whether remaining with the sole mate is a 'good thing' for the animal; it as noted that such a response was not evident in the promiscuous voles (as in, those areas do not light up AT ALL, with lust and sexual attraction apparently not being connected to these particular 'reward responses').

It was an interesting article. They were discussing how something like this could help women pick out men who are serious about a relationship XD

But I belive in souls, which do the love and imagination.

What kind of souls? I tend to the belief that anything and everything has some form or be a vessel of semi-conscious spirit.

Author:  Nego [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Byakko wrote:
But I belive in souls, which do the love and imagination.

What kind of souls? I tend to the belief that anything and everything has some form or be a vessel of semi-conscious spirit.

Spirit, soul, whatever. I believe that humans has a body and a soul. The soul is like a spirit, but it can't work without a body. And a body can't work without a soul. When the body dies, the soul lives, but not in this world. It goes to Heaven or Hell, or then in some other dimension-limbo, where it lives.

The soul controls what we do. In fact we are like souls trapped inside bodies. When the body dies, we are free. Until then we try to live with what we are trapped inside. We control it's limbs and make it do things in our way. You can say that in a way, we are renting the bodies to live in this world.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

DarzieP wrote:

- I gave up caring what people thought about me after getting pissed off with trying to live up to people's expectations. I'm a happier person for it, and I'm glad to have done it.

<3 That's what's so awesome about you Darzie! :D I've only really loved 2 people in my life, Usually I start to have a crush on someone when I find something fascinating about them.

I think A.J. Mclean is the sexiest man alive! <3

I really love singing but I honestly want to become a graphic Designer......

Author:  Super Muffin [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Nrgh. Ok. Some random things that, while not "secrets", aren't quite as aparant as some other things.
-While I'm not a Britney Spears fan and never have been, I don't obsessively hate the girl-she's just a star that ran into a whole freaking barrel of bad luck.
-When I was...really young, I used to think of a video that had a N*sync (if that's how you spell it) and Britney Spears video on it as my "exercise music".
-I like 80's music, believe that one-hit wonders can change the world, and think that there are too many boy bands in the market.
-I love my microwave, Photoshop, and my calculator.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I believe sexuality doesn't come from the looks but the personality within that person.

Which is why I have a crush on that CR member. He has a hellava personality! <3

Author:  Yellow Magician [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!


- I've never had a crush on anyone/thing ever.
- There is a 20% chance of me commiting suicide when I turn 50, because I don't want to grow old.
- I don't believe in free will. People have to do what they're supposed to.


Author:  Nego [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Oh, oh! I have a new one! I have a new one! :-P

It seems that my hair is going to turn grey when I'm 30. :sadshoe: So I got 12 more years to be brown-haired.

Author:  Angelswings [ Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

uhm, let's see...

-I don't like humans, I hate having to be in large groups and socialize, and I observe and look down upon at least half of them, but those that I think are intelligent are often respected
-I have about 20 different personalities, and it depends on the situation and the people I'm with which of them I'll use
-I judge people only on their soul and like or dislike them only for that, no other thing like appearance, race, or even gender (hence the platonic love and bisexuality), and actually I'd prefer being male (hence the love for crossdressing)
-I despise being touched
-I worry lots about the future and hate growing up in a way
-and.... I can control my dreams... >.>' I can control my actions in them to a certain extend, and I can dream the same dream several times on command, I can rewind them, replay them, alter them, save parts for the next night, and remember even the slightest details in the morning. plus, things from my dreams tend to have a connection to things that are going to happen...

Author:  OMGimsuchafangirl [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Another of my secrets is that... I like to stand in front of the mirror and lip-sing and dance to my favorite songs. IS THAT TOO NORMAL FOR YOU!?!?!?!?

Okay, since no one on here knows me besides my sister, I'm willing to share my secrets. Besides, Yuki knows all this already...

-I have a crush on one of my friends. He's got white eyelashes. I like them.
-He likes me too but I don't think he knows I know.
-He doesn't talk to me anymore, but he still looks at me the way he used to, that's how I first figured out he liked me.
-I often get lost in thought thinking about what would happen if I told him I'm upset that he doesn't talk to me anymore. Usually it ends with me crying.
-I have to wait like an hour to drink hot beverages. I have to wait till they're like, stone cold before I drink them. And then I guzzle them down.

Author:  Konkmeister [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I was incredibley naive and obnoxious when i was younger
I dated an uggo coz i felt sorry for him
I run upstairs on all fours at home
I talk to my food before i eat it.
I overthink things to a ridiculous level
Im terrified of getting food on my clothes or body
I still like my ex(not the uggo) and i hate it.

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

Truth is I want one of you to guess who I like for some odd reason. *_*

Oh and I have a crush on Yamamoto-san from Ninja Warrior. :bellboy:

Author:  DramaticaXIV2 [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alright, time to spill!!!

I don't have any secrets Image

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