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What are you playing now?Topic%20Title
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Just name the last game you played, what system it was for and, if you want, your opinion on the game.

I just played a few levels of Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii. Fun, yet a bit on the hard side. I probably just need to level up some, though.
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I'm trying to finish Justice For All; but ugh, the text moves so slowly on the first playthrough. >>'

Now I regret getting GS2. Butz
Ha, just joking. :P

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I have spent a lot of time playing playing Animal Crossing (Both Versions), Super Smash Brothers Melee and Pokemon Leaf Green.

I also plan on starting JFA Case 4 Again tonight for the 3rd time. Larry
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Resident Evil 1 and Super Smash Bros on my Wii. In a couple days I'll be playing Super Robot Wars W on my DS.
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Blademaster_Orca wrote:
I just played a few levels of Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii. Fun, yet a bit on the hard side. I probably just need to level up some, though.

I saw a commercial for it the other day and I was a little impressed. How is that game, anyway? I've only played oldschool Sonic titles. I always hear conflicting opinions about the newer ones which is why the last Sonic game I tried was SA2.

Anyway, the last game I played was uh... either Star Ocean 1 or Valkyrie Profile 2. :d Not too far on VP2 though, kinda on a SNES kick.
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Several games.

Red Steel-Wii
Elite Beat Agents- DS
Sonic Advance- GBA
If you are reading this, then you're not illiterate.
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Enacre wrote:
I saw a commercial for it the other day and I was a little impressed. How is that game, anyway? I've only played oldschool Sonic titles. I always hear conflicting opinions about the newer ones which is why the last Sonic game I tried was SA2.

It's fun, a bit difficult to control at first, but once you get the hang of an ever-moving Sonic, it really becomes second-nature. The leveling-up parts make it feel kind of like an RPG of sorts, and adds some nice functionality. I really like the level designs, too. Worth the purchase, for sure.
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waittwaitiwait. It came out already?? shoot i should of track time. im getting this as soon on the weekends
Not Complete
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GS3 fan translation of case 1 on an emulatooooooor~
Plan on playing DBZ Budokai 3 again in the coming days.
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Elite Beat Agents-DS I just unlocked Hard Rock.
Trauma Center Under the Knife: Second Opinion-Wii I'm playing over the new events that are happening that didn't happen in the DS version.
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Novice bimbo

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Just finished the US JFA.

Playing FFVI Advance on GBA and Zelda on Wii.
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wow im playing a lot actually... im playing Rogue Galaxy, .hack// OUTBREAK, final fantasy 5, 6, and a few more. baiscally all im doing is leveling up on them all.
<3 Happily CR married to Comfortably Numb =D
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I'm currently playing my newly received JFA, so I won't be super active on this forums for a day or so. I'm on case 3 Regina

Oh yeah, and I play FFXII too.
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I'm Kamen Mask!

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This is kind of an annoying time for me, at work I'm playing Phoenix Wright: JFA on my DS, at home I'm playing Twilight Princess, trying to get some EBA runs whenever I can.

The problem is, Sonic & The Secret of the Rings is out this week and that'll conflict with Twilight (which I've yet to finish), I've downloaded Ocarina from the VC and Hotel Dusk arrives at the end of the week too.

Too many games, not enough time @.@
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Taking way to long to finish up FF7. Never played it before, but its fun. Just takes too long to level up for those weapons, but as soon as i finish up, im gonna play my new FF12!!!! (that ive had since the day it came out ><)
On April 3, 2016, Court Records Forums experienced a miracle upon that day.
CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title
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Worthy's Girl. Den Mother. PxE Shipper

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Currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes. :)

I'm going to start another Koudelka game on PS2 sometime today. :) I absolutely LOVE this game! :)
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The P was for pie! Hyuck hyuck hyuck!

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I'm playing Ultimate Doom on the Xbox 360. Today's my birthday, so hopefully I'll get a Wii, then I'll probably be playing Wii Sports, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, and other Wii games I buy with my birthday money.
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I just finished Touch Detective the other day. It's not as good as certain other adventure games for the DS but it has its charm.

I'll probably get Hotel Dusk or Elite Beat Agents next but I have a load of schoolwork to do first.
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Ace Attorney

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Right now I'm addicted to Jump! Ultimate Stars (DS) and Crackdown (360)

Both of them are tremendous games, and the Halo 3 beta invite from Crackdown makes it even better Phoenix

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Now with 100% more Hayate no Gotoku

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I'm gonna go start RE1 soon, since I just got it today.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem also... <3 horror games. Edgy

Windy-Kun's Trauma Center Guides
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Elite Beat Agents... and Chrono Cross. Good god that game is beyond awesome, I wish I'd gotten it sooner.
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title

Not Pazuzu

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Currently playing: Disgaea, Tales of the Tempest, Tales of Phantasia
Recently finished: Hotel Dusk, Tales of the Abyss (second playthrough), Super Mario RPG
On hold: Zelda: Twilight Princess, Trauma Center: SO, Star Ocean 2
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title


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I just finished Me and my Katamari on the PSP a moment ago. Too bad the batteries died, or I'd play more of that 2D part.
If you come across an older post of mine, sowwy
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I'm Kamen Mask!

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Secret of the Rings arrived early. It's ok, I guess. I'm not in a hurry to complete it though.
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dullahan1 wrote:
Taking way to long to finish up FF7. Never played it before, but its fun. Just takes too long to level up for those weapons, but as soon as i finish up, im gonna play my new FF12!!!! (that ive had since the day it came out ><)

at least you never played it XD
ive had it for years and still havent finished!!! :P

oh and im currently playing EBA
trying to finish HARD ROCK and unlocking "Survivor"

also playing Phoenix Wright justice for all
working on case 4 (Nickel Samuari case)
still in my first playthrough though :P
Chibi characters are my greatness weakness >.< theyre too cute!!!!!
LOL that and girls :P
i am currently Acro
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Cross-examining your posts!

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I'm Playing Phoenix Ace Attorney right now for DS, and It's pretty good. I found JFA to be harder though so far...
Formerly Avenger...
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Currently I've been going through a Ratchet-athon for a while. Worked my way past the first three and now I'm finally on Deadlocked on Exterminator difficulty from the beginning.

I dunno what I'll play after, maybe a little Halo 2 or Diablo 2 after that.
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Hmmm JFA on the DS, and Crackdown on Xbox.

And if I happen to play PS2, I'm still working through FF 12
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title

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Metroid Prime on the GC (Though it's really on the Wii! O.O!)
Started PW:AA again (Currently on Case 2)
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (Second Playthrough, trying to get the best ending)

And considering starting a second time through on Trace Memory, to get the special ending this time.
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Summon night 2

Thanks Sabreae
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Just played Jump Ultimate Stars. Awesome game, and great online.
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Doomed Defendant

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I've moved onto Case 4 of JFA, but at the same time I'm also playing Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past on the Wii virtual console. Marshall
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy, .hack//G.U., Ouendan!, and gonna replay Super Robot Wars: Original Generation.

I want to play Hotel Dusk soon.
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I'm playing Final Fantasy VI Advance, the best Final fantasy of all.

And I'm playing Pokemon Fire Red too.
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Cinnamon Junkie

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I just finished JFA last night - it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Wait... I trust him?"
Ahaha I was all fangirl throughout the second half of the trial.

Anyway, I'm thinking of messing around with EBA again, trying to get more of the Diva levels done. Or I could just redo some PW levels. =D
Re: What are you playing now?Topic%20Title

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DS: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Megaman ZX, Final Fantasy III
GBA: Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls more specifically Final Fantasy II
GCN: ... Err too many.
Wii: Zelda: Twilight Princess, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Red Steel
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Children of Mana for the DS. Should finish it today tough. The next is Trauma Center =D
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Almost finished Okami which is good because I wanna play FFXII soon. (I've got a Larsa pic without seeing much of him :sweatdrop:)

On DS I'm playing both Sonic Rush and Phoenix Wright for the 4th time.
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shoehorn with teeth

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I'm still playing City of Heroes (MMOG on the PC), and probably will until they shut down the servers for good.

Other than that, I'm also slowly grinding through Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, also on the PC. I'm taking my time going through the main quest, and I'm at about level 20 or so and maybe halfway through. I'm not really suited for Open Exploration kind of games. Template is a female Nord, heavy warrior type, with other major skills like Speechcraft for easy levelling (I think I've made every single person in Tamriel love me simply via the persuasion minigame) and Alchemy for collecting stuff and selling the potions. I'd like a full set of Daedric gear before I finish the main quest, really.

On the DS, I'm alternating between various games, but most often Magical Starsign, on the basis that since I've got it, I may as well try to finish it.
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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Guitar Hero II

That's about it.
Why the heck do I need a sig?
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