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Unpopular Video Game OpinionsTopic%20Title
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Opinions are like butts, everyone has one. However, some opinions are more common than others. This thread is for discussing your unpopular opinions in regards to video games.

I don't like the Metal Gear Solid series. I buy games to play them, not sit around and watch cutscenes for 90% of the game! I get bored with any cutscene longer than 5 minutes, and MGS has cutscenes over an hour long! I'm pretty sure that Kojima would rather be a film director than a game developer. I also can't stand the concept of avoiding enemies entirely. When I play a stealth game, I'd much rather have it be like Assassin's Creed, where you sneak up on enemies and kill them instantly before they even see you. That is satisfying and fun, completely avoiding enemies is not fun!
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I've felt worse.

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A video game running at 30 frames per second is acceptable, even if it is noticeably inferior to 60 fps.
Spyro: A Hero's Tail is on par with the first three Spyro games.
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I don't really like playing RPGs with lesser than at least 42.00 FPS, Actually. The game itself gets messed up and slow if it lows down to that low.

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The King of All

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I actually didn't mind Ocarina of Time's water dungeon that much. Sure, it was still frustrating and the 3DS remake (the version I played) makes the dungeon a lot easier, but I thought it wasn't as bad as people say it is.

This might not be too unpopular on this site, but I LOVE Apollo Justice. I like it so much it's my second favorite Ace Attorney game, right behind the original Phoenix Wright. Case 3 was far from the best cases from the series, but I enjoyed the others. I thought the writing was great, the characters were on par with the PW trilogy, and the story and character arcs were awesome.
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Ocarina of Time's Water Temple was never a difficult or hard dungeon to traverse. It was just tedious with the time you had to spend opening the menu, scrolling to the equipment submenu and equipping or unequipping the Iron Boots. Same issue with the Hover Boots later on. Thankfully the 3DS version actually made them just items, which was an improvement. But yeah, the Water Temple is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Speaking of unpopular opinions, here's my list. I don't like Ocarina of Time. For some reason, I found the game boring to play ever since I first played it in 1998 when it was released. I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like it, although I played it several times over the years in order to get a grasp on those reasons. Maybe it's the pacing issue I mentioned - something about the pacing feels off. Introduction and 1st dungeon, then we head out and go through a detour before getting to the 2nd dungeon. Immediately after, it's the 3rd dungeon and we have then the biggest, longest, most exposition heavy cutscene in videogames to date. Then we are told to head to 5 more dungeons, with barely anything in between. Maybe the game needed less detours in the beginning or more of them later on, but it feels like they couldn't decide if the dungeons should be wham-bam or separated.

I also hate Majora's Mask. I generally hate games that put a lot of emphasis on NPC interaction, but I can usually tolerate them if the main character is interesting or entertaining enough. In this game, it doesn't work because Link is the main character. And he has the personality of a shoe. The game also felt like it was trying way too hard to be dark and depressing, with every NPC's life sucking in Termina. You know what the problem is with making everything dark? Darkness Induced Audience Apathy. I stop giving a crap about what's going on in the game if everything is just gonna suck. The lack of dungeons in terms of numbers is bad, but some of the designs for the few dungeons are rather neat.

I don't like the Danganronpa series. I admit, this is partly my own fault because I heard other people Danny among others talk how awesome the game was, in terms of story, characters, murder mysteries, trials, graphics and plot twists. So I went into the game with my expectations higher than they should be - and it just resulted in my seeing every flaw in the game even worse than it originally was. The graphics are nothing special, the color schemes are almost painful to look at because everything is so bright and the colors don't match well (bright hot pink doors and I recall a green wall or floor?) so part of me doesn't even want to look at the game.

The character designs are too puffy and big and extreme to make them look unique, when I'm pretty sure if I looked around hard enough, I could find characters who look just as impossible as them. Their personalities are pretty flat. Not even spending time with them during Free Time is enough to give them depth. The swimmer is a swimmer and the jerk is a jerk because he was raised to be one. The only semi-interesting character is the split-personality killer and that's kind of sad.

The music began to grate on my ears after a while. It sounded like a cacophany to me.

The mysteries are poorly done, including plot twists. I can understand the 1st Case being easy since it's introductory but when I proceed in the game and can tell every issue with the death in the 4th Case JUST as we first see the body, you know you failed to step up your game. The story isn't properly explained, I left the game with tons of questions that were not answered at all or unsatisfactory and the sequel did not help in making me question things less. Finally, I wonder exactly what kind of demographic this game was meant for - it's labelled as NC17+ which makes me think older teens and adults, but because of the easyness of all the cases, I'm wondering if you were supposed to play this game as a 10 year old.

Finally, I hate, hate, hate Final Fantasy VII. Call it a case similar to DR above, but I never saw anything spectacular in VII. The graphics were not impressive, not even for 1997, because I saw games from 1995 who had better 3D polygons than VII. The characters are stereotypes and either don't advance or take so long to advance in order to show depth that I stopped caring long before it happened. The villain is nothing special - half the time, he's not even on-screen and I'm just stuck on a wild goose chase that's more annoying than trying to find Edward Morrison in Tales of Phantasia.
And the death of Aerith was never shocking to me. Paying just a little bit of attention, one can see signs of her about to die before she heads to the Temple of the Ancients. And I don't care what Sakaguchi says, her death was not a surprise, it was not a shock and it was not just a sudden death that was not meant to be seen as a necessary sacrifice.

Dear Sakaguchi, if you don't want me to think this death was planned on her part as a sacrifice and it was necessary to control the Lifestream, here's some suggestions...
A) DON'T have the death take place in a Temple
B) DON'T have it be a place that has a special meaning to her race
C) DON'T forget to actually tell me more about Aerith The Person rather than Aerith The Cetra
All of those points make me think this was planned, but the last one was the biggest one that made me think this was necessary and not sudden. You want me to be shocked that Aerith suddenly dies and have it be an abrupt death out of nowhere? Have me walk into a city and THEN have someone kill Aerith. Or let me sleep in a specified Inn (that randomly gets selected every time I start a new playthrough) and have her get stabbed to death in her bed.

Nothing in the game that people tell me was amazing or advanced for its time was that for me. The story made half of a sense because the translation was piss-poor, the rest of the time I didn't bother to try to decipher what the fuck they were saying because I saw no reason why I should do the translation team's job without getting paid and, as stated above, if I don't care about the characters I don't really care about whatever is going on.
The controls were obnoxious, the battle system was still as slow as it was in the previous FF games which I already dislike and is one reason why I can only play them on emulators because I can speed things up. The only good thing that came out of this game was Aerith and Zack and I much prefer both of them in Crisis Core - you know, Squaresoft, it's a pretty showing move that a SEMI-IMPORTANT, DEAD NPC is a better character than your MAIN PROTAGONIST. Screw Cloud, I'm a Zack Fan.

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You know, a Mario game!

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I love Skyward Sword. It's my favorite Zelda game. People complain about the motion controls sucking, but I had no problem with them. People complain about the game being too linear, but pretty much every 3D Zelda game is linear! In Ocarina Of Time for instance, the only real choice you ever get is wether to go to the Spirit or the Shadow temple first! The story is also pretty good, at least for Zelda standards. Ghirahim is a better villain than Ganondorf IMO. He has more a personality and is a lot more fun. He's like the Zelda version of The Joker.
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dimentiorules wrote:
I love Skyward Sword. It's my favorite Zelda game. People complain about the motion controls sucking, but I had no problem with them. People complain about the game being too linear, but pretty much every 3D Zelda game is linear! In Ocarina Of Time for instance, the only real choice you ever get is wether to go to the Spirit or the Shadow temple first! The story is also pretty good, at least for Zelda standards. Ghirahim is a better villain than Ganondorf IMO. He has more a personality and is a lot more fun. He's like the Zelda version of The Joker.

Absolutely agree. I don't understand the complaint about the motion controls - Skyward was my first game with mandated controls and they worked fine for me. Stabbing and skydiving took some getting used to, but I got the hang of it. I could use less motion controls on, like, walking across tightropes, but it's a minor thing for me. Ghirahim is a hilariously entertaining villain (best Zelda villain to date for me) and I loved Fi. Loved the music. My only huge complaint is they shoved Zelda too much in my face and tried to make me believe a romance that I find unbelieveable. (Just like with Ilia in Twilight Princess)

Can't stand Tales Of Vesperia. I don't like how many people even say it's the best Tales Of game to date.
The characters do not feel very inspired or original, Yuri is basically Luke, minus the understandable, sympathetic reason for being a jerk and his justification for his actions does not hold well with me. Plus, he's a static character - personal preference, I just like it when the protagonist I'm following 99% of the time changes over the course of the story. The rest aren't interesting, the only semi-funny one is Raven and he has big issues. He's like Zelos, only older.

The combat doesn't seem that much better than previous battle systems - though I will admit, I love seeing Judith fight. Love her style, her lance, her moves, that was the basis for a character's fighting style in a story I wrote. But most of the game doesn't seem good, and the difficulty stacking is worse than in Abyss. In Abyss, you had to overlevel to fight decently on Unknown difficulty. In Vesperia, it's like you need to be Max Level immediately. And the Overlimit Gauge seems completely broken. Using a Lvl 3 Gauge makes you invincible until it breaks off, but with your combos you keep it up to Level 3 again, so you can use it again and again and again, it feels like a cheat to fight battles that way. Some say that has to be done that way because enemies on the higher difficulties can kill you within a few hits in which case learn to properly scale difficulty, Namco! This isn't proper difficulty, this is cheap difficulty by limiting me, the player, but having the computer be a broken, cheating bastard.

The story... is not good. It's all over the place. It starts off with corruption in the justice system, how the law needs to be changed or whether it should even be changed or remain the same, then we suddenly switch to a different topic and get a Be Nice To The Planet story. It's like they couldn't decide what to do with the story and threw things together as it came to them.

Also, I found the budget Vesperia was given was way too large and it doesn't show in quality. Not even the PS3-Japan-Exclusive-Updated-Rerelease. Too many Tales Of cameo costumes, by the way. (Some are nice, but not that many...) Vesperia ate the budget up, resulting in other projects they worked on to have a lesser budget, churning out half-assed games that could've been better, had Vesperia not been treated as the Magnum Opus. Which it still isn't.

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I like the N64 Castlevania games.They aren't the best games in the series but they''re not as bad as some people say.

I liked FF XII.It's actually one of my favorites.

I found Silent Hill:Shattered Memories scary.
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The King of All

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I liked Super Mario Sunshine when it released, but now that I get back to it, I see it hasn't aged too well. My biggest problem is how atrocious the camera is, I was constantly fighting it. The game as its charm and it has an awesome hub world, but it could be better with a remake.

Pokemon X and Y are the worst Pokemon games for so many reasons.
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 are the best games in the series.

I feel like Luigi's Mansion 2/ Dark Moon was perfectly fine as a sequel, the mission mode didn't bother me too much.

While I can see why some people were disappointed, I really enjoyed Super Paper Mario for what it was. The story and writing were easily the highlights of that game.

Super Smash Bros Brawl is the best game in the series, Smash 4 comes at a close 2nd. Melee is awesome but I have better memories of Brawl and both Brawl and Smash 4 have better rosters.

Many RPG's that are established series need to innovate and take risks more often. Final Fantasy XV looks like it's going to revolutionize the franchise thanks to drastic changes.
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Liked Zelda's Link to the Past and The Minish Cap. Other than that, I don't think I liked any other Zelda games.

Also, Classic Zelda is just... bogus.

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Do you see the black one...or the white?

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I grew up during the days of the NES. Now, I love the Zelda series, but I don't like the ones on the NES at all, not even the first one. It's too archaic and I don't care how many people praise it. I didn't like it as a kid, and I don't like it now. I feel the series didn't get good until the SNES.

Funnily enough, some of my unpopular opinions concerning the Zelda series have become popular over the years. I swear back in the day, everyone but me hated Majora's Mask because it wasn't Ocarina of Time.
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CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
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Sir Duke wrote:
Pokemon X and Y are the worst Pokemon games for so many reasons.

Care to list those, please? I mean, if you're gonna give your opinion, elaborating may be helpful to understand. :eh?:

Liked Zelda's Link to the Past and The Minish Cap. Other than that, I don't think I liked any other Zelda games.

Honestly, the only two Zelda games I really like after having played them and still playing them are Twilight Princess for the GC and Skyward Sword for the Wii.
Dunno what that says that a 25+ year old series has brought out dozens of games and I only really enjoyed two of them.

I have a love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy X.
I love the story idea, but the execution is flawed and the characters are obnoxious, which makes it difficult to enjoy the story. I don't care what people say, Tidus is the worst player representation I have seen in a videogame to date. He is beyond stupid, even if he's in a world he doesn't know anything about and things need to be explained to the player. Haven't these game designers ever heard of "Shut up, sit back and OBSERVE" to learn things you don't know?
Though it's worse in the Japanese version because the summon spirits were still referred to as Summon Spirits, so it's not like the term was changed between FF games there.
Also, the game has Auron, the only semi-decent character in that game.
The villain is especially worse, by the way. Oh not Sin, no. He's boring. Seymour. It's obvious he's gonna be a villain, but he shoved himself so much into the spotlight, it's easy to forget that he's NOT the main threat. I almost forget that Sin even exists because Seymour is constantly there. Sin killed babies in Kilika? Huh, whatever, Seymour is doing stuff. Let's kill him... for, like, the third time.

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The King of All

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When I said X and Y are the worst games, I don't think they're bad games, but I didn't like them for a number of reasons.
The games are far too easy. While the series isn't known for difficulty, I feel like the other games, like Emerald, at least gave a good challenge. Gen 6 changed the EXP share, and while I see how that can be a good thing, I wish you could make it work for one pokemon only.
I guess my hype for the games was the reason I thought it was underwhelming. After Soul Silver I stopped playing Pokemon because I was tired of it. I was amazed by the reveal trailer of X and Y, and I started playing Black 2 to get back in the series. I loved so many things about Black 2, the story, the characters, the graphics, the region, etc. X and Y had awful characters, a lame story, a boring team and main villain, an unmemorable region and music (except for a few tracks), bland post game content, etc.

I don't hate X and Y, though. Mega Evolution is a bit underwhelming, but looking for mega stones was kind of cool. Some of the new Pokemon were pretty cool and horde battles made shiny hunting way easier.

I think X and Y are alright games, but nowhere near the best in the series.
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X and Y had awful characters, a lame story, a boring team and main villain, an unmemorable region and music (except for a few tracks), bland post game content, etc.

I admit, X/Y has a terrible villain and save the world story. But aside from BW/BW2, maybe, the stories were never all that great in Pokémon games to begin with. At least, in my eyes. And while I am thinking of playing ORAS, I hate how focused the game is on the save the world plot. Also, maybe it's me but the awakened pokémon that are oh-so-terrifying seem pretty lackluster. Maybe I was expecting too much, but they seem kinda on-par if not sub-par to my regular pokémon.
My Sylveon was better than Yveltal.

I don't hate X and Y, though. Mega Evolution is a bit underwhelming,

Another thing I agree with - Mega Evolution was pointless to have. Until maybe the Champion and even then, you can defeat the Mega Gardevoir just fine without Mega Evolution. I like how the EXP Share goes for the whole team, I hate grinding and it's one reaso why - despite wanting to attempt BW/BW2 for the story again - I am hesitant to play the older games.

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The King of All

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I'm actually really enjoying ORAS, I didn't think I would like it that much. The graphics are overall better and it corrects the little things from X and Y (there's no tipping and no rollerblades). Sure, the story is still all about saving the world and there's a mega evolution subplot, but it's a lot better than X and Y and it even explains some unexplained plot points from X and Y. Plus, there's a post endgame story filled with plot twists. However, I'll admit the awakened legendaries subplot feels randomly put it.

I don't mind the grinding because I feel like the more time I spend in the game the better it'll be. I can understand why people dislike it though.
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I actually really enjoyed Paper Mario! I thought it had a neat concept (the 2D, 3D thing) and the art was very cute.

I also love Hotel Dusk, and wish it had more of a fanbase.

I didn't really enjoy Super Smash Bros. Brawl, although that's more of a personal opinion because I don't really enjoy fighting games. Plus, my siblings are obsessed with Amiibos..? and it annoys me aha.
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I like a good chunk of the games from the dark age of Sonic, yeah, i went there.

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Dislike Persona 3. Maybe the game could've appeared a bit better, had I not played Portable, but still.

The story is... pretty weak. You fight big Shadows at Full Moon... and that's practically it. You have no reason to do so, other than being told to do exactly that, and majority of the events taking place during the Dark Hour of those bosses seems... pretty pointless. Okay, I can see the Priestess moving the train at high speed during Dark Hour and potentially crashing it into another train and causing deaths being something that would have consequences. Big ones. But the rest... seem kind of... meh. So a club has a blackout for a while. Strength and Fortune are just... playing roulette in a street. Hanged Man is on a bridge, doing nothing, Chariot and Justice are doing nothing in an abandoned tunnel... they don't seem to harm anyone, so why should I kill them?
And the revelations in the game come so late that, by the time I'm told what my actions have caused, I have stopped caring several months ago.

The pacing is horrendous. Aside from having an introduction that takes close to 1 1/2 hours, the story does not progress at all... unless it's a Full Moon. And even then, that's 1 Night out of 30/31 Nights where you do not proceed at all. You just float around, waiting for the Full Moon to come. And then there's the summer vacation... by God was that boring! And the worst part was the end-game section.
See above how I said the revelations came pretty late?
Well, I'm guessing you were supposed to be really tense after those revelations and fret around for the months of November until January. It fails because November is such a big whammo that you end up exhausted from the events. And then comes December... which is filled with nothing. If you took care of Social Links, you barely have any left to do except one that only recently became available, your parameters are high, you have no good reason to grind for anything... you're basically waiting the entire month out for nothing. Then, if you proceed correctly into January, you have another month of waiting until the 31st because, honestly, it's so easy to get to the top of Tartarus at that point, you can do it within 1 Night and then have nothing to do anymore.

The characters annoy me. The English Dub has the problem of having the characters talk like they sound bored, reading their lines and don't care what's going on around them. Excuse me, if the characters don't give a crap what's going on with the end of the world, why should I? Unfortunately, while I find the Japanese voices to be slightly better here, they still don't sound particularly excited or emotional about things.

The social links are not actually you trying to help people come to terms with their problems. Nuh-uh, in order to properly advance a social link you have to tell them what they want to hear. You think Maiko should not run away because it's a silly idea that ultimately will not bring her parents back together? Can't! You have to tell her it's a good idea because obviously her parents will not get a divorce if you run off!

And I unfortunately can't even say that the music was a highlight. 99% of the music is so forgettable, unless I try to actively remember it, I could barely hum it. The only one I liked was When The Star Reach The Moon (or whatever) and that track was not even used in the Female route!

Before I forget: the portable version uses Visual Novel style for scenes. No walking around in 3D, it's point-click and visual novel events. Which is HORRIBLE because the text isn't WRITTEN as a Visual Novel! I don't see a sprite lying on the ground, but I don't get a depiction of "the body was lying on the ground, blood still dripping from its wounds" or anything like that. Just dry-as-bones narrative style: "There's a body". They don't write in a way that it's like a Visual Novel and without the proper VISUALS depicted in the writing of a NOVEL I cannot properly care what's going on. Any death that occured in the game, I didn't care cause all I saw was anime pics making faces and the text just barely telling me what's going on.

Speaking of the option of a Male or Female route, it barely makes a difference. You get more clothes-armor when playing as a girl but the social links aren't particularly better. You finally have a social link with all your party members, FINALLY, but they aren't that great. And it still has the problem that social links? CAN'T be advanced during summer vacation! And your romantic options aren't that great, either. You have Shinji, who we all know what happens to him, then you have Ken, who is a kid and some people may not want to date him. And there's Akihiko, the only semi-decent person because he's not a kid and he doesn't disappear after two weeks. And he's still not a good choice. What about Junpei? Well, he doesn't get a romantic option, durr! Because of Chidori - and we all know how THAT ended, too!

The battle system is not all that great. Yes, portable took the mechanics from P4's battle system which I like. But it's still kind of pointless. The fact that there are 3 different types of physical attacks is pointless in the portable version because it forces you to change your party repeatedly or make sure you have all 3 types in your party to begin with. Because, unlike FES, you can't change the main character's weapon type. He uses a sword and she uses a naginata. Both do Slash damage.

The difficulty is also gone, by the way. I don't do much grinding in P3P and I still manage to wipe the floor with everyone. I'm looking for difficulty! Do I get it? No. Not even the final boss with his 13 forms, which is not much of a battle. And the final-final boss fight is basically a pointless script with no difficulty. I shouldn't have to restrict myself to get difficulty, Atlus! (Besides, you're ATLUS, you should give me difficulty without asking for it!)

Finally... the ending. It's stupid. Pointless. Has no emotion. I finished the game thrice - once as a girl, once as a boy to see the differences and once as the girl, again, for an LP. Never was the ending emotional in any way.


PS: Persona 4 is one I much prefer, but while it also has some of the same issues as this game has, it did improve on things.
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sosgirl10 wrote:

I also love Hotel Dusk, and wish it had more of a fanbase.

If this is unpopular, call me MR. Unpopular :gymshoe:

For myself, I tried Pokemon way back when. Wasn't for me and I didn't really think it was "all that". After a bit, I just ended up thinking "meh" :gumshoe: ... 44a161.gif

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Honestly, I don't think Ocarina of Time was a great game. Not to say it sucked, but it was just okay and not really deserving of all the praise it gets. I get that it was revolutionary in the way that it was the first 3d zelda game, however that cannot excuse everything.

First off, let's talk about the gameplay. The gameplay is not unlike other Zelda games. Your main objective is to explore, kill things with your sword, get through dungeons, etc.. But doing this in 3d is much different than doing it in 3d, so they added z targeting. The reason I don't like z targeting is it doesn't work as well as it should. Sometimes it doesn't lock on when I want it to, sometimes it locks on a different enemy and sometimes it just doesn't function properly. This also makes the game more battle centric, and kind of pushes adventuring to the side. speaking of adventuring...

The game feels so empty. Hyrule field in Link to the Past was interesting to explore and walk through, but in Ocarina of Time, it feels more like a barren wasteland.

This game is in no means, a bad game, I just think it's praise is misguided. True, it was revolutionary for zelda, but as a game, it doesn't really hold up. Take Mario 64 for example. It revolutionized Mario and intricate and well designed. OOT doesn't have this.
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Twilight Princess is my least favorite out of all the Zelda games I've played, and I've played pretty much all of them other than the oracle and four swords games. And no, the cdi games don't count. The motion controls are tacked on and pointless, there is nothing to do in the over world, and the characters other than Midna and Zant just aren't that interesting. And speaking of Zant, there was no reason for him not to be the final boss! He was a great villain, and would have made for a great final boss, but freaking Ganondorf had to come out of nowhere for the sole purpose of being in the game. The dungeon items are basically just keys that never get used outside the dungeon you get them in. Give Skyward Sword some credit, at least you actually use the dungeon items outside the dungeon you get them in! The game is too dark, and I don't mean thematically, I mean literally, the game is so dark I actually had to turn up the brightness on my TV to see what I was doing. The game's graphics are just drab and boring like most modern games instead of the bright and colourful graphics of games like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.
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I personally can't play Pokemon anymore and I think the concept is getting blown up and stale. I've sadly can't force myself to go through that same adventure again for the upteenth time, and It seems I've outgrown it, which is kind of sad because I've played Pokemon religiously since the start, up until White 2. :larry:

But I think my most unpopular opinion is that I absolutely <3 LOVE <3 to lose in video games, and I have 10x more fun if I lose~ Never having a challenge and winning all the time gets boring, and when I lose, I get pumped and I laugh, and it's just a great time all around!

Not to mention losing and having a bit of gamer rage is always a fun time~
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Misokrattz wrote:
But I think my most unpopular opinion is that I absolutely <3 LOVE <3 to lose in video games, and I have 10x more fun if I lose~ Never having a challenge and winning all the time gets boring, and when I lose, I get pumped and I laugh, and it's just a great time all around!

Not to mention losing and having a bit of gamer rage is always a fun time~

That usually depends, if it's loss due to legitimate difficulty, I always get motivated to press onward and taste that sweet satisfaction of accomplishment. If it's loss due to unfairness like an enemy with a combo attack that deals damage equal to 60% of your maximum health in a part of a game that restricts your ability to heal when you've had healing for the entire rest of the game, then I usually get pissed off. What, no, I'm totally not talking about Tales of Xillia.
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Assassin's Creed 3 is my favorite game in the series. It's #1 to me pretty much just for the setting.

Retro Studios should stop making Donkey Kong Country... and make a Donkey Kong 3D platformer instead.

Halo Reach easily has the best multiplayer out of all the Halos. I just love all the maps and modes.

Yoshi's New World has to be one of the worst sequels in gaming. It took everything amazing from the series and soiled it. The graphics were ugly and had no charm, the gameplay difficulty fluctuates, but...the music. It's so abysmal, so atrociously awful it hurts my ears to listen.
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dimentiorules wrote:
Twilight Princess is my least favorite out of all the Zelda games I've played [...] The motion controls are tacked on and pointless,

Well that already explains why you hate it. You played the stupid Wii version. :redd:

there is nothing to do in the over world

Technically there is, there are several caves to find and explore, but I absolutely agree: Hyrule Field in Twilight Princess is huge, but comes across as very empty, which removes all desire to actually go looking for things. (And I personally like TP alongside Skyward)

Speaking of Zelda, I hate the Oracle games. Yes, hate. For me, Zelda games are supposed to be made with a certain amount of balance in them - fighting monsters, solving puzzles, exploring things. But Ages and Seasons took that balance and smashed it to bits, only focusing on puzzles or fighting, respectively.

I hate stale, repeated gameplay and those games are the pinnacle of it. You see a locked door with no key in a dungeon? You can bet your ass you'll have to solve a stupid puzzle to open the door or fight all the monsters in the room. That's it. Oh and in Ages, the bosses are also puzzle bosses. That's not fun, it stopped being fun for me in the 5th Dungeon, which is why my Let's Play of that game stopped shortly before entering it. (The last video I created was months ago and was in the dungeon, but it was so annoyingly bad I didn't upload it)

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Speaking of Zelda, I don't like Ganondorf as a villain. I just find him to be a generic 'evil overlord' type villain with very little personality. The series has many better villains that don't get as much praise, such as Majora, Zant, and Ghirahim. I find it baffling how everyone says he's the best villain in gaming. I'm sorry, but no, he's as flat and bland as an unsalted cracker.
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I really enjoy the DS Zeldas. Sure the controls weren't very good and those games weren't nearly as good as the console games, but I liked them for what they were.

Speaking of Zelda, I think it would be awesome if the series took on a setting that's not medieval. A steampunk or futuristic Zelda would especially be awesome.
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dimentiorules wrote:
Speaking of Zelda, I don't like Ganondorf as a villain. I just find him to be a generic 'evil overlord' type villain with very little personality. The series has many better villains that don't get as much praise, such as Majora, Zant, and Ghirahim. I find it baffling how everyone says he's the best villain in gaming. I'm sorry, but no, he's as flat and bland as an unsalted cracker.

Indeed. I personally find Zant to be a disappointing villain, about on par with Ganondorf. Ghirahim is really the only one I've seen in the Zelda games that was interesting and entertaining. They certainly tried to give him more personality with Wind Waker by grabbing Obligatory Sad Sob Background Reason #53, but it ultimately failed. Just made him look worse.

Speaking of Zelda, I think it would be awesome if the series took on a setting that's not medieval. A steampunk or futuristic Zelda would especially be awesome.

Funnily enough, that was the original concept. Zelda was originally going to take place in a futuristic setting and the Triforce was going to be Microchips that you used to travel between the futuristic and a medieval setting. And Link's name was not because he was the "link" to the player, but because he was the "link" between the two worlds.

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sumguy28 wrote:
That usually depends, if it's loss due to legitimate difficulty, I always get motivated to press onward and taste that sweet satisfaction of accomplishment. If it's loss due to unfairness like an enemy with a combo attack that deals damage equal to 60% of your maximum health in a part of a game that restricts your ability to heal when you've had healing for the entire rest of the game, then I usually get pissed off. What, no, I'm totally not talking about Tales of Xillia.

Oh yeah, for sure for sure, it has to be a legitimate challenge, and not situational nonsense where your skill doesn't affect the outcome at all. Those can just get aggravating, especially when it's luck or chance based and you have to retry over an over due to no fault of your own. :meekins:

And I loved Xillia! Although I totally know what you mean, I'm Currently going through Xillia 2 and rather enjoying it
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I actually enjoyed the "tacked-on and pointless" motion controls in the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I'd actually say I enjoyed them slightly more than the Skyward Sword controls, which I thought were a good concept, just not executed as well as they could have been.
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TheDoctor wrote:
I actually enjoyed the "tacked-on and pointless" motion controls in the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I'd actually say I enjoyed them slightly more than the Skyward Sword controls, which I thought were a good concept, just not executed as well as they could have been.

How could TP's waggle motion controls be better than Skyward's, which were actually precise in following your movements? :ron: TP I could just swing the dang WiiMote as I wanted and I was sure I was gonna hit something. If I do that in Skyward, Ghirahim will have my ass with bitch-slaps.

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TheDoctor wrote:
I actually enjoyed the "tacked-on and pointless" motion controls in the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I'd actually say I enjoyed them slightly more than the Skyward Sword controls, which I thought were a good concept, just not executed as well as they could have been.

I do have to say that they did work a touch better in the Twilight Princess Wii edition, but that really was just because the Skyward Sword controls were too precise. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

A sort-of unpopular opinion I have about a game is that I love the Xenoblade Chronicles. Now, I can understand why it's sort of unpopular. It's a very niche title, and most people either love it or hate it. But personally, what I like about Xenoblade isn't the story or the gameplay, it's the experience. There's something kind of magical to me about roaming around a vast terrain doing nothing but exploring, sidequesting, and battling the occasional monster. It sounds boring, sure, but it's the experience of the world of Xenoblade that really seals the deal for me.
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I hate Daisy. She's not funny or cool, she's just loud and obnoxious! I don't get why people are upset of her not being in Smash Bros. She doesn't have a whole lot of move set potential, unlike Rosalina.
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dimentiorules wrote:
I hate Daisy. She's not funny or cool, she's just loud and obnoxious! I don't get why people are upset of her not being in Smash Bros. She doesn't have a whole lot of move set potential, unlike Rosalina.

This leads to another unpopular videogame opinion of mine.

I don't like Rosalina, she was an OK character in Galaxy, but since then Nintendo is practically making her a new mascot. I don't think she really deserves tht after only being relevant in one game. Heck i don't think she needed to be in Smash bros, it just feels like a pointless character slot.

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dimentiorules wrote:
I hate Daisy. She's not funny or cool, she's just loud and obnoxious! I don't get why people are upset of her not being in Smash Bros. She doesn't have a whole lot of move set potential, unlike Rosalina.

I like Daisy because of short hair and because she is not Princess "La la~" Peach.

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I don't really find Tingle annoying.
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CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
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While I hate how the Kingdom Hearts spinoffs are spread on all different systems, I like them all and the contribution they make to the lore.

The Subspace Emissary had a ludicrous story that hardly made any sense, but I enjoyed it and the cutscenes were amazing.

Nintendo should stop banking on nostalgia so much and make more new franchises.

The GameCube is one of the best systems they've ever made in terms of software. Nintendo started taking risks during the time, making some of the most memorable games in their recent history.

I love Mario Kart, but Nintendo has ruined balloon battle. Also, Mario Kart 8 is fun, but the new features were underwhelming.
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If we're talking about unpopular opinions on videogame characters: I don't like N from Pokémon BW/BW2.
I just don't see anything special about him and his art image just... I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like him. He doesn't seem to be that good of a person to begin with, he never talked decently when I played Black and overall... they say he's great, but I just don't see it.

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CatMuto wrote:
If we're talking about unpopular opinions on videogame characters: I don't like N from Pokémon BW/BW2.
I just don't see anything special about him and his art image just... I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like him. He doesn't seem to be that good of a person to begin with, he never talked decently when I played Black and overall... they say he's great, but I just don't see it.


He's a villain that turns out to be a misguided woobie. Essentially cocaine for fangirls.
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I hate it when people refer to the handheld KH games as spinoffs, spinoff to me implies that the game is in a different genre, but these are all the same genre and contribute to the story in some way.

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