In Monokuma We Trust!!!
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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:46 pm
Posts: 8
Nick Ace Attorney told me, and I quote:
Nick Ace Attorney wrote:

Hey Danganronpa fan, I have a question. Would you be interested in trying to make some kind of Dangan Ronpa Ace Attorney Crossover? The idea is that Phoenix Wright is put into Hopes Peak Court, where he is put in there with several of his friends and several unknown characters, and you know the drill for a Dangan ronpa plot, but this time around the Trials are based on Ace Attorney style, if a murder occurs a Prosecutor will have to accuse someone and then Phoenix would try to defend them, if by the end of the Trial, they get the right verdict they survive except the one who did it but if they discover the wrong truth then they all die, it will be a mix of AAI and Dual Destinies, where it will switch from Edgeworth's investigation to Phoenix's.
I would love to do that, and since all I need is AAO, I'll be happy to make it!
Of course, I won't be able to do this all alone, because it will take months, or even a few years, to implement a full 6-case AAO series all myself, so I'll need some help.
If you want to participate on this series' development, PM me
here or
I hope we'll make this project possible.