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LightFall~A Superhuman RP~(Open,Accepting!!) Comeback(Again)Topic%20Title
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The Chocolateholic of CR

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Since the one made by Cinder who hasn't been since since August 5th 2009 died I think it should be remade again..... So I shall use what Cinder had set-up.

Superheroes seem to have disappeared off the face of the planet. No one knows the reason, the motive, or the action done by it. All we know is that it has caused chaos. Wars are on the horizon, crimes and riots are breaking out everywhere, and no one to stop it.

But, people with strange new abilities are surfacing, and they may be the ones to stop the world from falling apart on itself. Are you one of them?

Basically another superhero RP, but this will be fun or so help me I will make it fun!

1.All basic RP rules set by Gerkuman.
2.PM me your profile, it will be posted below once accepted.
3.Have fun!!
4.All heroes or villains or neutrals don't have to have superpowers, they can be like those non-powered people, but are still awesome.
5.Character must have at least one weakness!!
6.You can have as many characters as you want, just show the difference between them.

:..:Profile Template:..:

Persona: (Character's hero/villain name)
Real Name:
Side: (Good,Evil,Neutral)
Weapons: (If Any)
Powers: (If any)
Other Misc. Stuff:
The Dragovian King and Captain Of The Ragnarok Ship and Owner of The Ragnarok Ranch.
I'm a ♌ since 1990 of August 10th. Better Recognize.
3DS FC:2535-5065-3560
Re: LightFall~A Superhuman RP~(Open,Accepting!!) Comeback(Again)Topic%20Title
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

Gender: Female

Location: USA

Rank: Desk Jockey

Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:28 pm

Posts: 97

((Is this dead or not? Because I would like to join.))
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