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Re: Fire Emblem: The Heroes' LegacyTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Ardan shook his head slightly with a sad smile "I'm getting on in my years, you find you need less and less things the older you get, that's why most priests are so old!" he joked laughing quietly as his own joke as he finished his tea and began quietly drying his cup, leaving the kettle by the fire to keep it warm till the morning. "However just remember this is a journey that the Great Heroes took long ago, we go to honour them, not to seek out conflict, there is valuable experience to be gained from simple travelling I'm sure, it will be my own first time across the country on a pilgrimage myself so I confess I'm a little anxious should we encounter some villains" he sighed sadly packing away the cup and the drying cloth once more.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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"Ardan, if my intel is correct on my target then it is most certain that we'll encounter opposition of some sort somewhere along this journey." Lucius said grimly as he gazed hypnotically at the fire.
"As much as it pains you to hear this, my main objective is to find the women who both betrayed me and took my sister. I gave you my word that I would be your lance should you be in danger, but if my mission requires me to leave your side I will return to you your money and part ways."
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Dorran soon moving back to the fire began to sat down.
"ahh sorry about my earlier breakdown as it turns out my friend had slipped Durandal a message while we were eating. it turns out he didnt have the time to talk with me and made a formal apology in the letter...and told me to meet him in the next town...since he knew I was on the hero's journey...i'm still not sure how he found out i was going on that...or for that matter had the time to write out such a letter in such a small amount of time."

Dorran then turned to Lucius having heard him talking as he was making his way back.
"speaking if bandits the darkmage I was planning to meet with with often gets his hands on all sorts of info from time to time...while I cant guarantee he will have anything worth your time ill be sure to let you know should he have somthing important on the subject."
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Jade shrugged at Ardan's comments about his age.

"If you're sure," she said, then quickly gulped down the bread Ardan had given her. "Hey, don't worry about running into villains. I may not be an experienced fighter, but most people wet themselves and run if a Dragon transforms in front of them, so I doubt we'll have much to worry about." She laughed, then looked to Lucius. She had no idea what he was talking about, but she knew she wanted to help however she could. "We'll help however we can. Those bandits won't know what hit 'em!" She had said this confidently, but she actually wasn't sure she could be much help with whatever Lucius was going to be doing. If he needed her to turn into a dragon and munch on some people, that would be no problem, but other than that, she wasn't much use. Heck, she wasn't even sure she could do the munching on people stuff.

She smiled as Dorran approached the campfire.

"I guess that means you're not going to be cursed, then! That's good. We wouldn't want you getting sick all over Durandal," she quipped. "The mage may have information, huh? We should meet with him, then, I guess..." She didn't seem particularly fond of the idea, but she made a commitment to go with this group. Wherever they decided to go, she'd join them.
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Gettin' Old!

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Ardan blinked surprised as the others joined in the conversation "Oh so you two are still awake? I'd assumed you'd settled down for the night" he said shuffling around slightly to face the others "Well that choice is yours Lucius, though Jade, I'll remind you we are not here to go bandit hunting" he said softly somewhat uneasy about Jade's promise that the group would help. "If you have to leave that's fine Lucius but it is not our goal to go hunting, I won't leave the pilgrimage to help even a vendetta I'm afraid" he sighed for a moment wondering how vengeful Lucius truly was "Though if you have any information about a definite attack on the pilgrimage you should probably share it, no doubt some of the other groups would probably like to know as well" he said
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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"I am grateful that you are aware of my options, but I feel you may be misunderstanding my intentions. My sole purpose isn't to exact revenge on the ones who have wronged me, but to find my beloved sister Estelle. I certainly hope that I am not forced to depart from your company as I have grown tired of traveling alone." The troubled young man sighed and twirled his rebellious strand of hair in front of him, and continued.

"What I gathered was rather vague. Reine's subordinate was to meet her and her group of bandits at a location that lay on the pilgrimage's path. Now I'm not certain of a planned attack, but it is in everybody's best interest to be more on guard. I think it would be best for YOU to deliver this information. I feel that someone that is closely related to the church is more likely to be believed than a vagrant mercenary so such as myself." Lucius laughed.
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"Oh, yeah. Right! I meant to say that we'd help however we can, so long as it doesn't interfere with the pilgrimage," Jade said. She then looked to Lucius and tilted her head sideways. "You just want to find your sister...?" She smiled slightly. "Well, that makes you better than me. If anyone messes with my family, well, with any of our families, in the Dragon tribe, we hunt them to the ends of the Earth, burn their villages down, yadda, yadda, yadda and ultimately seek revenge, whether or not they give us any information we may wish to know." She looked thoughtful. "We take offenses against our families very, very seriously. Even those who would have no family left wouldn't go on a vengeance quest alone. Other members of the tribe would help." She paused. "We're pretty scary when all we see is red. Anyway, when I heard you were seeking your sister, I felt I had to help, or at least offer to, because that's how I was raised."
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Gettin' Old!

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Ardan raised an eyebrow "Well thanks for the heads up, it'll remind me never to slight a Dragon Laguz's family" he chuckled "Good to know you have such strong ties to your family" he said somewhat sadly, "Still with this new information in light I had best report it straight away, so that those leaving before we do are properly informed" he said brightening up as he pushed himself onto his feet "Ahhh it feels good to not be carrying that heavy pack about everywhere" he chuckled grabbing an ornamented antique staff and slinging it over his shoulder before grabbing his regular staff from his pack "Still I'd best be off before the High Priest retires for the night, please help yourself to tea and get some rest for tomorrow, I should be back in a bit" he said bowing before heading back through the sea of tents to the monastery.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Back at the Laughing Cat, time passed without anyone delivering a rag to Crelarus. It was after Ardan and the others had left and the sun had set that the bartender decided to speak up.

"Are you waiting for something, lad?" he asked. "You've just been sitting there with your drink since the afternoon. We're going to be done serving people in a bit." He paused as he noticed the now-dry blood on Crelarus's face. "Lemme get you something for your face. You look like a fox that just left a henhouse." The bartender grabbed a rag from behind the bar and walked over to Crelarus, handing it to him. It was only a little moist and smelled a bit like ale, but it would probably do.
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Having lost himself, Crelarus didn't even notice the bartender there.
With his arm limp, the armor was able to move itself, and it grabbed the rag.
The armor switched the rag to it's left hand and grabbed the bartender's arm with it's right.

"Hey man, I asked that lady to bring me a rag ages ago, what kind of place are you running here?"
The bartender's attention was focused too much on the arm to notice that Crelarus' mouth wasn't moving as the voice was heard.

With that the armor stood up, upturning the table and releasing the man.

The armor walked off, cleaning itself with the rag.


"Hey ugly, wake up"
The armor slapped Crelarus, who just now realized he was in the back of a wagon, sitting with a small group of other people.

"Guess what? We're gonna be heroes!"

Crelarus slumped back, letting the armor talk to him

"Apparently, there's this huge journey people take to be famous and rich! I bet we can buy you a girl who likes e'm small!

The others in the wagon just looked to the floor.

Crelarus stood up and saw himself surrounded by tents.

"sit down man! You trying to turn us over?"

At that moment, the cart ran over a large rock and it caused Crelarus to lose his balance.

"Oh SHI-"

He tumbled out of the cart and crashed into a nearby tent, upsetting a certain sleeping wyvern.
Re: Fire Emblem: The Heroes' LegacyTopic%20Title
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something loud came crashing through the area in which durandal had been sleeping. with great speed durandals head shot up eyeing a face it had remembered passed by the bar earlier but confused at the odd way the armor moved. durandal was till sleepy and had began to remember this fun game the knight used to play with him using armor almost seeming to move by itself being told to tackle it and take it down...
This was a form of training to help a dragon in battle and more unfortunately was about to be put in use with quick yet sluggish movement durandal jumped to tackle the man...a second loud noise could be heard from the tent.

Dorran had stopped what he was doing the second he'd heard the noise worried that something might be happening in near or at his tent and rushed over. Before he entered he heard the second noise and to his surprise when he entered he saw his tent in a mess with durandal...sleeping, laying atop the bloodied man from earlier.
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Ardan groaned as he crawled forth, peeking from his tent to get a view of the commotion. Blinking through the sleep he saw Durandal lying on top of Dorran's tent, I'm sure he can handle his own wyvern, not my place to discipline that beast anyway he thought to himself as he threw himself backwards onto his makeshift bed. Was hoping as a priest they might have a room in the monastery for me but ah well I'd have to get used to sleeping like this anyway. he thought bitterly as he shuffled to get comfortable.

Eventually mulling over his thoughts on the day, Ardan drifted off to sleep.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Jade was surrounded by dragons. They appeared to be over 1,000 times her size, making her feel small and helpless. She tried to transform, but it wasn't working. That was definitely not comforting in the slightest.

"Did you honestly think you could run away from us?" one of the giant dragons asked.

"Well, it would be stupid to say 'yes' now, wouldn't it, Mother?"

"Don't talk to her that way," her father chided, his voice sounding close to a roar.

Jade crossed her arms. "That's the reason I ran, right there. All you ever do is tell me what not to do. You don't let me make my own decisions!"

"Enough of this foolishness," Jade's mom said, blowing smoke from her nostrils. "Come home with us. Now."

"I'm not leaving. I'm wanted here."

"She wasn't giving you a choice," Jade's dad said. The dragons closed in. Jade wanted to scream, but the sound wouldn't come out...

A loud noise woke Jade and she immediately jumped up.

"Who? What? Are we under attack?!" she asked, her gaze darting around the camp grounds. She didn't see any signs of bandits or battle...She allowed herself to relax slightly, when she heard another loud noise. She ran toward where she heard it, only to see a ruined tent and Durandal on top of some guy. She looked to Dorran.

"I'm here. How may I help?"

It was fortunate she was still wearing her clothes from earlier that day. Otherwise, things could have been very awkward.
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Re: Fire Emblem: The Heroes' LegacyTopic%20Title
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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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Lucius awoke, sweaty from a nightmare of his own, at the sound of a large crash that echoed throughout the courtyard. He quickly grabbed his spear and stepped outside his tent to see the source of the commotion.
Lucius noticed the same bloodied man from the bar earlier that day sprawled on the ground in front of Durandal.

"It's never a dull moment when you're traveling in a group." Lucius yawned as he casually walked over to the scene.
"So Dorran, what business does this hardened warrior have with your wyvern at this time of night?"
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Dorran looked over to see both lucius and jade both looking for answers about the situation.
"well as much as id like to tell you, im currently trying to figure that out myself as i just got over here...though judging from how things look...this guy from earlier sneaked into the tent and unfortunately had the pleasure to meet durandal and got tackeled down to the ground and durandal fall asleep on him" he began to laugh.

looks like durandal might have gotten a bit rowdy in trying to take him down and messed up the tent in the process though. though we probably should hear his side of the story after all hes not likely going anywhere with a wyvern sleeping on top of him.
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Jade's eyes narrowed skeptically.

"Are you sure even talk with a wyvern on top of him? And even if he can, shouldn't we get him out from under Durandal soon, anyway, rather than just leave him there? Beorc are so fragile, and I don't want this one to break before he can answer our questions," she whispered so Dorran and Lucius should have been able to hear her, but Crelarus should not.
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"The man's safety takes precedence over any questions we have for him right now. Dorran, have Durrandal move this instant. I don't care how you do it, and how upset he is. I want that wyvern off that man!"
Lucius curtly said to the wyvern's master.
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dorran chuckled a bit you'd be surprised how durable some can be but my intention wasn't to keep him pinned under durandal.

dorran looked towards his wyvern and began to whistle as loud as he could. durandal woke and stood up with great haste realizing what he was doing he began to put is head down to show his apology. now that that's taken care of we need to figure out who this man is and what hes doing here.
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Crelarus was asleep, and unharmed despite the large creature having been sleeping on him.
He snored softly, and dreamed unhappy things.

The armor however, was unable to sleep. It vibrated softly as it's soundless voice talked to the sleeping swordsman.

"Hey buddy wake up, the lizard's off of you."

The armor made Crelarus sit up but he still kept his eyes closed

"Don't make me wake you up now."

The armor shook back and fourth, making Crelarus' head flop around

"Ah to hell with it."
The armor stood up while Crelarus' head flopped onto the shoulder, still snoring.
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The clanging of bells could suddenly be heard emanating from the direction of the river. In the darkness, it was impossible to see where exactly the sound was coming from, though. The ruckus caused many pilgrims and their escorts to emerge from their tents.

"Damn it, even in the middle of the night!?" a young man with a Chaldian accent complained. "I'm getting sick of all these bells!"

"Someone go check it out!" an older-sounding woman with a local accent ordered as others in the vicinity started clamoring about the distant noise, drowning her out. "I've----ne this for y----------------is isn-------mal!" Torches began lighting as people began moving down the road out of Radom toward the source of the disturbance.
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Ardan groaned as he forced open his eyes as the bells rang out. Still dark, I wonder what the commotion is for He thought to himself unwilling to bring himself out of his tent. Eventually, as he heard others moving outside, he sighed and pushed himself up and out of his tent almost stumbling on the way out. Once outside he noticed the unconscious yet upright form of the swordsman he'd met in the bar earlier. I suppose he reconsidered, strange fellow to sleep like that he thought rubbing his head not wanting to put too much thought into it just yet.

Swinging lazily in the direction of the monastery he yawned before informing his companions "I'll see what the matter is, best be up and ready to move anyway" he suggested to his companions in their tents as he reached back into his tent for his staff. "It's not unheard of for the pilgrimage to have an early start, though I presumed it was optional rather than all this bell-ringing fuss but we shall see" he grumbled to himself as he set on off through the tents towards the monastery.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Lucius watched as the bloodied swordsman stood up on his own while he was fast asleep, and begun twirling an end of his mustache as he thought,

"What a bizarre fellow we have here. Crushed by a wyvern and escaped unharmed. On top of that, it seems he had fallen asleep while underneath Durandal. Either that man's incredibly lucky/blessed by some god, or he's just an incredibly idiotic individual. "

Lucius smirked as he remembered the time when his sister was making fun of a younger boy who had grown up and played with the two siblings until the raid. Estelle often called the boy stupid whenever he got himself into trouble which usually resulted in an injury or two, and she believed that idiots are indestructible. Her logic being that he was so intellectually lacking that he wouldn't even know HOW to die if he was ever in a position that threatened his very life.

"I wonder if that boy survived that night..... Right.... he was a commoner at the time, so the chances of his survival were certainly higher than mine." Lucius chuckled to himself. Out of the corner of his eye he notice Dorran calling out to the empty tents once the bells had begun ringing.

"Oi Ardan! You didn't strike me as a heavy sleeper, but it seems like you were the last one to wake up. As you can see our friendly swordsman seems to be okay, so it doesn't look like we need to worry about it for the moment. The most important thing right now is the significance of those bells. What do they mean...." Lucius trailed off and his expression suddenly changed into one ready for battle.

"Don't tell me we're being attacked at this time of night!"

Edit: Got names mixed up, so I changed Dorran to Ardan. That should make more sense.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.

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before he could figure how to deal with the strange bloddy man the soung of a bell went off and the camp began to stir putting dorran on edge seeing ardan head towards the monestary and lucius on edge thinking battle is likely to occur.

"Your likely correct, and if there willing to attack this encampment with so many being paid to protect those on the hero's journey then there either fools or think they have the numbers to take us on, lucius jade keep an eye on ardan im going ahead to scout with durandal to see if i can get anything on the situation."
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It was odd...that strange man stood up, but it looked like he was still sleeping. Sounded like he was still sleeping, too. Jade rubbed her eyes. It must be my imagination...

Before she could test whether it was or not, bells started clanging and people started rushing around. She could barely make out what the others around her were saying. Ardan mentioned something about an early start, but Jade wasn't confident that that was the reason behind all this ruckus. She yearned to go into her Dragon form and fly to that river to see what was going on for herself, but about that time, Ardan started walking toward the monastery, and leaving him alone was almost certainly not a good idea. Especially if Lucius' suspicion that the mercenaries might be under attack was true.

"Drat," she muttered to herself. Even if Lucius stayed behind to watch over Ardan, there was no guarantee his security would be enough, especially considering she still wasn't sure if the swordsman was a threat or not. She looked to Dorran, who suggested he scout ahead while the others go with Ardan.

"Report back to us with what you see as soon as you can!" she said loudly. Then, she ran after Ardan.
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Ardan glanced back curiously seeing some of the others following him "What's with the serious look? I'm sure it's probably just procedure, there hasn't been any conflict in this region in a long time especially when the pilgrimage is about to begin and there's mercenaries aplenty to protect everyone" he said hoping to put his comrades fears at ease "I'd much rather someone stayed with our sleeping guest there, he hardly seems capable of protecting himself as is" he added idly tapping his staff on the ground. Looking around he spotted various other priests looking equally confused.

Turning back to some of the others "Please my friends, one of you stay with him at least since he seems resolute to sleep through these accursed bells" he said patting Lucius on the shoulder "Dorran scouting seems a wise plan and Jade will be sufficient protection I'm sure, I'll head on over to the monastery and find out if this is to be expected" he said attempting to smile reassuringly but Ardan didn't particularly feel he had the energy at this time in the morning to put on a convincing one. Brushing his robes down he turned and resumed his walk through the tents to the monastery.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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As the monastery came into sight, a faint golden glow built up from in the windows, followed by a sudden flash. With all the light emanating from the torches being lit at camp, anyone not looking in the monastery's direction at the time would surely not have noticed. With most of the camp focused on the noise coming from the river, it seemed unlikely that anyone other than Ardan and Jade even saw the flash. The glow built up again, only a bit brighter this time, again promptly disappearing with a flash. Another flash quickly followed. Against the commotion in camp, it was impossible to hear anything coming from the monastery, though.
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Ardan frowned seeing the flash of light from the monastery, glancing back at Jade he motioned for her to come closer. "Perhaps there is something strange going on here, best stay close in case I do need assistance here" he said with a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice as he turned uncomfortably back to the monastery. Shuffling quickly out the way of a young cavalier he continued up towards the front entrance of the monastery. It could just be some ritual spell practice, I doubt any enemies could sneak past all these mercenaries, especially if some posted watches throughout the night he thought to himself as he approached the front door and peeked inside.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Light built up in the hallway again, followed by a blinding flash and the sound of a powerful spell hitting.

"Damn it!" a feminine voice could be heard shouting from somewhere down the hall. "Forget the rest of it! Take what you have and make a break for it!" A moment after the command was given, a young man with an axe came out one of the doors and began running toward the doorway Ardan was looking through. The man didn't appear to see Ardan just yet.
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Looters truly the worst worst case scenario Ardan thought to himself as he stepped back "Jade, looters coming this way, perhaps we should get the jump on them" he said stepping back to allow Jade room to fight "Now's a chance to show off that dragon form of yours" he said leaning on his staff slightly with a sigh "Best we get in as soon as possible" he added "Might be some priests are injured and need tending" he said moving further back "I'll go fetch the others, stall them as well as you can" he added patting Jade on the shoulder before running back to get the others.

Back at the tent Ardan paused briefly to catch his breath looking around for the others he spotted Lucius and the Sleeper where he'd left them "Hello, Lucius...we've got a spot of trouble, you'd better come quickly, it's time to put your sword to use..." he gasped straightening up a few moments later once he'd caught his breath. Ardan glanced at the sky Hopefully Dorran caught a view of what's going on and will go there on his own he thought before marching up to the sleeper and bopping him on the head with his staff. "I don't know if you can hear me, seem to sleep pretty soundly, but if you can head to the monastery I'm certain we can make use of you and you'll be rewarded for your efforts" he shouted at the snoring man. With a resigned sigh, seeing the man still asleep, Ardan shrugged "In any case, lets go Lucius, Jade will need our help" he said beckoning to Lucius before setting off back towards the monastery.
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When Jade saw the lights flashing from the monastery, she could feel her hair stand on end. As Ardan supposed something strange was happening, she whispered, "You think? My instincts are practically screaming something's wrong!"

She was ready to go into Dragon form right then, but she reasoned that she didn't necessarily have to and therefore contained herself as she ran toward the monastery behind Ardan. When he peeked in and said looters were coming this way, she couldn't help but smile excitedly.

"Yes, sir! Time to show them what I'm made of!" She closed her eyes and made the transformation. Even though it looked instantaneous, it required a bit of concentration, as she felt herself slowly (by her standards; the transformation was very fast for anyone watching) expand into her serpentine dragon form. She flew up, positioning herself so she would see anyone attempting to exit that door, and blast them with fire breath to the head if they looked like they weren't supposed to be in the building.
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Lucius grunted in affirmation, grabbed his lance, and ran after Ardan.
Fantastic way to start a big trip. Doesn't sound like a very organised group of thieves, so I doubt I'll learn anything valuable from this lot.

"Right behind you Ardan. I will warn you though. As you saw in the tavern, I'm not the most delicate man when it comes to handling women and when it comes to fighting them in battle I lose my sense of self. Things will most likely become very messy should I cross swords with a female.... For the sake of my humanity, I pray that it does not come to that."

Lucius silently cursed at his weakness and followed the priest to the source of the commotion.
I'm Blak, and I have shit taste.
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"Hey buddy, smells like we got us a battle"

Crelarus' head snapped up.

"Let's see if we can loot us some gold so we can get some REAL food"

Crelarus took control of his armor again and ran behind Lucius
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before dorran had ushered durandal to move to the noise the flash of light went out dorran hearing his companions and putting durandal on edge.

"it seems likely our friends inside were likely using the bells to lure as many away from here as possible...and i was about to be one of them. i would still go if i weren't sure it was just a trap made to make up for there small numbers and if thats not the case ill at least be close by to do my job and keep the good priest safe."

with that dorran signaled durandal to follow after ardan and the others.
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As Ardan and his comrades drew close to the monastery, the man he had seen in the hallway a moment ago came out the main doors, not appearing to notice the massive dragon hovering nearby. He looked in the direction of the mercenaries' camp, most likely to see if he could make out any movement, Jade's approaching comrades being almost impossible to spot in the darkness. He then looked in the direction of the river, the bells from the Blacktooth Island Convent still ringing.

"Good," he sighed. "Joas still has 'em occupied. Here I was thinking all those mercs would be waiting for us right here..."
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Ardan sighed dusting off his robes and briefly examining the slight cut where one of the bandit's blades had narrowly missed him. "Well it's been a while since I've had to deal with Bandit raids, still lets crack on shall we?" he said beckoning his comrades closer in order to heal their remaining wounds. "Well fought fellows, I hadn't really expected us to find bandits attacking a temple, especially at a time like this with the mercenaries outside still let us return to the temple, hopefully some of my brothers and sisters are still ok inside" he said glancing up at the temple as they approached.

Another bandit, the one from before had emerged from the monastery muttering to himself. "I'm afraid you are correct ser, now you'd be best in throwing your weapons down and surrendering just now or else I fear a dire fate awaits you" Ardan warned indicating his companions.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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The bandit's eyes widened, and he scanned the area around him, trying to find Ardan. But alas, he still didn't see Ardan or his mercenary companions. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe he had just spoken louder than he thought and was overheard, but not yet seen. As long as no one saw him, he didn't have to surrender. In fact, he didn't have to speak at all. He could sneak away. It wasn't too late. He would tell Siris the plan went south. She'd understand that he was just trying to stay alive. She wouldn't expect anything else from him. He took in a big breath and held it, reaching out with his foot. He'd tip-toe out of there, then run as soon as he was clear of the danger.

That was his plan. Bill considered it a good plan. The best plan anyone could come up with under the circumstances. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize there was a dragon nearby.

Jade, in her Dragon form, was hovering above the gate, and couldn't possibly fail to notice poor Bill. She swooped down, so she was slightly diagonal from him.

"He said 'surrender'," Jade said, her tone sounding cold. She had practically hissed out every word. "Unless you want me to make you my lunch." Bill wanted to say something witty here. He had heard of Gold Dragon laguz before. Heck, he stole from some in his lifetime. But he'd never had one swoop in so close to him in their Dragon form or threaten to eat him. It was probably the scariest experience he'd had in his life, and he's had some doozies. A few things to say circled through his head. "I'll work with you...for a price." "Sorry. I don't plan on being anyone's lunch." Even, "Please don't eat me!" and "Please don't kill me!" were viable options for what to say. Instead of any of those things, though, all that came out was a terrified scream.

Jade wasn't used to such a reaction. But it felt good. She was the superior one. This puny human couldn't even touch her, and he knew it. She half-expected him to lie down and die right before her and allowed herself a satisfied smile.

Bill noticed Jade's reaction and stopped screaming. He hadn't been in any actual fights before; he tended to steal from people while they were otherwise distracted or asleep. But then, neither had this Dragon. She was every bit the rookie he was. Bill decided to use this to his advantage.

"Ha! She fell for our trap! Get her!" he shouted. Of course, there was no trap, and, of course, there was no one nearby that could hear him, anyway. But Jade still fell for it, just for an instant, looking around to see if there was anyone there. At that point, Bill tried to run. But alas, Jade noticed him, and before he could move more than three steps, she took a breath and spewed fire after him.

The stream of flame engulfed Bill, and he was no more. Jade wanted to simply smile at this, but her adrenaline was pumping and she was so excited, she couldn't simply smile. She let out a roar of triumph, then swooped down and picked the torch off the corpse that was once Bill. Finders keepers. She almost laughed at the situation. She now hadn't a care in the world outside of battle. She felt like she could take on an army. No, not one army. Ten armies. No...she could take on the entire world! She was a Dragon! She didn't need anyone else. She could light the whole world on fire if she chose. What use had she for Beorc and Marked, anyway? What use had she for comrades, mercenaries, or armies? She could lay waste to all of it! She could feel her draw in breath to spew more fire...

No. This is why I need experience. I need to control this side of myself, Jade thought. She hadn't ever needed to control her Dragon form before. She never had these kinds of thoughts before, or felt this powerful before. There was always an older, more experienced Dragon there to take her down if she started to think this way. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe. It was hard to do so. In this form, she typically acted on instinct and that alone. She hadn't tried to think before. She did not relax, but she did manage to focus. She had to rejoin the others and keep them protected, now that the bandits likely knew of their presence. She could hear Durandal's wings flapping, and she turned around and flew toward the sound, keeping the torch clutched in her claws. She would be with the others again any moment. After all, she was a fast flyer.
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dorran decided it best to quickly head towards the temple to aid jade however as he could see from the sky jade quickly took the bandits down. as he landed he quickly tried to get anything he could from jade in hopes to track any other bandits around the area.

"it would seem you had little trouble dispatching our friends here" he chuckled "though I assume you were unable to get any info from them on where there allies are. a shame but no time to waste time over such things during combat"

Dorran had knowticed the torch she held "jade would you toss me those torches? one of us should light the path for our allies and as far as combat goes its been a few years since me and durandal have had to fight and your natural talents would be best to keep the others safe.
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Jade noticed Dorran fly toward her and scoffed. The way he was flying suggested to her he thought she needed help. How utterly foolish. Even a baby dragon could have killed that bandit, to her mind.

She allowed herself one more satisfied smile as Dorran landed and commented on how easily she had dispatched her foe. This expression quickly changed to one of annoyance, though, as Dorran went on to say he assumed she didn't get information about where that boy's allies were and what a shame it was. Jade let out a sigh, a small amount of smoke escaping her lips as she did.

"Interrogating people for information is not my strong suit," she admitted. Had the bandit surrendered, she likely would have brought him to Ardan and let him handle the questioning. "Besides, he would have either remained silent on the matter or lied about his allies' locations. Either way, it would have been no use asking him anything." Yeah. That was definitely the truth. There was no way she made a mistake by not asking questions! She was in her Dragon form now. She was incapable of making errors! Dorran said there was no time to waste over such things during combat, but it was too late. His comments already made her quite flustered. So flustered, in fact, she forgot she was even clinging to the torch she had picked off of Bill's body until Dorran asked if she would toss it to him while, of course, mentioning how he and Durandal haven't been in combat for a few years and something about Jade keeping the others safe.

Jade very nearly objected to the notion she should rejoin the others. Not because she thought Dorran was wrong in her natural talents being great for protecting them, but she was still getting flustered so easily and was afraid she might just snap in this state. Was it even safe to be around her? The logical thing to do would be to tell Ardan what she was thinking and ask for his opinion on the matter, since he was her employer. The only trouble was, her logical way of thinking quickly gave way to her, shall we say, Dragon-esque thoughts. Dorran's saying her natural talents would be best used to keep others safe was clearly a challenge! It was a matter of pride that she accept and prove that she could protect everybody far better than he and Durandal ever could.

"...Of course," Jade said after a pause, her tone steely. She'd show him that despite being a novice, she was the most valuable asset on the battlefield. And she'd prove that to Ardan as well. And then he would speak so highly of her to Askala that there was no way she wouldn't be accepted into the king's retinue. Her tail twitched just thinking about it. She flew above Dorran, did a flip in the air, and dropped the torch down. She aimed it so it would hit the ground in front of him if he, for whatever reason, could not catch it.

"I accept your challenge. The others shall be safe in my hands. Enjoy lighting the way for us." She smirked. "May you see the enemies before they see you. I wish you the best of luck." She was going to say many other parting phrases such as "Fare the well" and "See you on the other side", but figured she already said enough. Even in her Dragon form, she seemed to have trouble keeping her mouth shut sometimes. She flew in the approximate direction Dorran had come from, hoping to catch up with her comrades.
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dorran admittedly was unsure as what jade was talking about when she said his challenge and would have to ask later. dorran signaled durandal to take off and begin scouting ahead. when durandal had flown high enough he lit the torch, it hadn't taken long before durandal could see the enemy in the distance moving towards his direction and with the signal from both doran and durandal they descended directly in front of the path of the now in view bandit startled by the dragon now in her path.
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"Crap!" the bandit yelped as Dorran and Durandal came into view. "It's not Bill!" she shouted back to a bandit trailing behind her. She dropped the ceremonial staff she was carrying and attempted to keep the head of her axe between herself and her foe. She didn't expect her axe to intimidate a wyvern, but she hoped that perhaps the rider might hesitate upon seeing it.

"I'm coming!" the other bandit shouted. "If it's not Bill, then who..." He paused as he started to make out Durandal's silhouette. He dashed toward his comrade, reaching for an arrow as he did. "Hold on, I'm coming!"
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