Court Records

Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!
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Author:  Slezak [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Ah, Miss Clover and Miss Lata. Wonderful to see you've arrived!" Jeremy greeted, somewhat surprised by the explosion the Ultimate Alchemist had caused, "Though could you please try to be more careful in the future, Miss Lata? Explosions could hurt someone."

Author:  SiRReN [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

As Felicity approached Theresa quickly put Leroy away, unsure if the other would appreciate his presence or not.

"M-may I have one too, Eta?" Theresa asked of the baker.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Take one! Take two, if you'd like!" Eta replied. She turned to the others.

"How do you like it? I only made these this morning."

Author:  SiRReN [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Theresa rubbed her hands vigorously across the front of her shorts before delicately taking one of the pastries.

"Oh this is so good," she groaned, biting into the pastry. She licked her lips, careful not to spill any.

Author:  DarkAgea [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Felicity looked at Theresa for a few moments, eyes unreadable, before turning towards the baker.

"They're awesome! I've never tasted any pastry like this before," she said, finishing off the one in her hand. "I can see why you're the Ultimate Baker, Eta!"

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta grinned at the praise. "Thanks! I usually work with my mom on this stuff, but she's way better at this! Her pastries are like heaven itself! I wish I could work with her more but alas, college awaits." She sighed.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"W-what's with this class? An archer, some kind of scientist, a... prison warden?" one of the quieter students mumbled to herself. She was a small girl, Japanese, with short black hair and glasses, clad in the traditional Hope's Peak summer uniform. She was just getting ready to introduce herself when all the crazy antics started. "I-I'd better get on with it. First impressions and all..." She took a deep breath, then energetically thrust one hand into the air.

"Hey, everyone!" she shouted. "Matchy's here to make your dreams come true! When it comes to matters of the heart, I'm the one who can answer all your questions! So whether you're looking for that s-special someone, or... or you want to strengthen your c-current relationship... j-just... er..."

During the length of this ridiculous introduction, the gir's face had shifted from its natural pale color to its current shade of ripened tomato. The background music also comically slowed and ground to a halt. She finally found herself unable to continue. "S-sorry, this... this seemed like a much better idea in my head. Can... can I start over?" she timidly asked nobody in particular. "I want to start over. I-I'm starting over."

She cleared her throat and addressed the group again, much more quietly this time. "S-Sayako Amachi. Super High School Level Coupler. N-nice to meet you all..."

Author:  DarkAgea [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Hello, Matchy!" Felicity said, her steps having a spring to them as she walked to the coupler and extended a hand. "That intro was brilliant, and your ability sounds like it's really helpful - I'm sure you make a lot of people around the world happy!"

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta giggled as soon as Sayako entered the room. "Wow, interesting profession, Matchy. How do you do it?" She asked, giving her a pastry as she spoke.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

A girl standing next to Sayako placed a supportive arm on the Coupler. "Come on Matchy, you can do it!" She whispered. She then turned to the crowd to introduce herself as well. "I'm Sakura Himawari, the SHSL Origami Practitioner!" She announced, folding a paper cat for demonstrative purposes. "Come talk to me if you want something folded, I guess? Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!" She finished with a bow.

Author:  SiRReN [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"A-ah, h-hello," Theresa mumbled, unnerved and uncertain the face of Felicity's stare. She stared as Sayako introduced herself, her previous confidence fading. "N-nice to meet you, Sayako," Theresa said, smiling slightly.

"Oh wow, that's so cute!" she said of Sakura's cat origami.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

(Only now did I realise what you're doing, Kami. Wow I'm dumb)

Eta laughed as Sakura made her entrance. "Cool! Origami, huh? That's quite nice..." For a second, her thoughts flashed back to the Ultimate Painter Viktor was talking about. But she quickly forgot about it as they couldn't be possibly related. "I'm not too good in the art myself, so maybe we'll get to know each other better. Whaddaya say?" She asked, handing her a pastry.

Author:  Slezak [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"W-what's with this class? An archer, some kind of scientist, a... prison warden?" one of the quieter students mumbled to herself. She was a small girl, Japanese, with short black hair and glasses, clad in the traditional Hope's Peak summer uniform. She was just getting ready to introduce herself when all the crazy antics started. "I-I'd better get on with it. First impressions and all..." She took a deep breath, then energetically thrust one hand into the air.

"Hey, everyone!" she shouted. "Matchy's here to make your dreams come true! When it comes to matters of the heart, I'm the one who can answer all your questions! So whether you're looking for that s-special someone, or... or you want to strengthen your c-current relationship... j-just... er..."

During the length of this ridiculous introduction, the gir's face had shifted from its natural pale color to its current shade of ripened tomato. The background music also comically slowed and ground to a halt. She finally found herself unable to continue. "S-sorry, this... this seemed like a much better idea in my head. Can... can I start over?" she timidly asked nobody in particular. "I want to start over. I-I'm starting over."

She cleared her throat and addressed the group again, much more quietly this time. "S-Sayako Amachi. Super High School Level Coupler. N-nice to meet you all..."

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-SAYAKO! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Jay stuttered, stopping whatever he was doing and rushing over to give the Coupler a hug, "Oh my goodness, it's so nice... to... see... you again... Oh dear, oh dear. Forgive my suddenness!" Jay quickly stepped back, shocked at even the way he reacted. Tears had welled up in his eyes at the situation and Jay had to rub his eyes multiple times to make sure he wasn't dreaming this. "Sa-Sakura's here too... oh my God... It's felt like such a long time..."

Seeing the commotion, Jeremy ran over, "Jay, what is this? Do you know her from somewhere? Please, pardon my brother's... forwardness. He seems troubled about something. Welcome, Miss Amachi, Miss Himawari."

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta looked confused at Jay's outburst. "Do you two...know each other? Sakura too?"

Author:  SiRReN [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"I think baking is a kind of art," Theresa said to Eta. "Or it can be."

Author:  DarkAgea [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Hello, Sakura," Felicity said, smiling and then looked at the cat with her eyes wide. "Wow, you made it so quickly and yet it looks perfect!"

She turned to Jay, surprised by the sudden outburst. "Um, are you alright, Jay?"

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Yeah, I guess it can be. But origami is real art, you know? Baking is...well...ordinary." Eta looked down for a second, but then she was back to her cheerful self once more. "Anyway, that doesn't really matter now. Where were we again?"

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"So many people..." Alfons studied as people walked in. His eyes soon turned to moneybags. "So many opportunities for a little money-making..." he said with a devilish grin.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Remeku looked over to Alfons with a carious face. "what are you up to? Remeku asked very quietly.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta carefully walked away from Alfons. "Uh, no thanks. These pockets are empty, thank you very much. And if you do come here-" She pulled up a rolling pin- "You will get the beating of your life. So don't try it."

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Whaaat..?" Alfons asked, his eyes still green with envy. "I'm not planning anything...ehehe."

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta turned to Jeremy. "Mr.Slezak, is stealing allowed in this school? And what about, say, assaulting someone if they try to steal from you first? This is all just...hypothetical, of course." She glanced at Alfons suspiciously.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Remeku then walked away slowly. "I will use my potions on him if you does anything..." Remeku mumbled as she faded in the corner of the room.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Alfons shuffled around, putting his hands up in the air and looking at the ground. "H-How rude! Insinuating that I would try and steal some of your expensive valuables..." He went back to polishing his bow. "I just like expensive, shiny, valuable, priceless, and beautiful looking things..."

Author:  Slezak [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Jeremy pulled Jay off to the side and they had a quick conversation.

"Jay, what's gotten into you? Ever since you came into the main hall you've been acting strange, like you don't recognize this place, and then you recognize some of my students who you didn't express any familiarity with last night. What's up?"

"What? So I was here last night... But yesterday was the day before classes started, and I don't remember any of these people!"

"That's... perplexing. You also seemed to be surprised that Miss Amachi was alive and well. What... happened between you two?"

"She... she went to summer school with me. Sakura was there too. But Sayako... Sayako was..." Jay began to sob.

"Summer school? Jay, Miss Himawari didn't go to summer school. Neither did Miss Amachi. They sent letters of request at the end of the year and were expected to start classes here today. What's going on?" Jeremy put a comforting arm around Jay and attempted to calm him down.

"I... I don't know! I vividly remember them being at summer school though! At the end, Sakura said we'd stay in touch and everything... B-but you're saying neither of them went to summer school?" Jay tried to explain through tears.

"I... think not? Their letters even came from the same school. They knew each other before they came."

"Something's wrong then. Something's very, very wrong. They hadn't met when I first saw them at summer school. Wait, I think I get it..." Jay was finally able to quell his tears and speak coherently again, "The different people, the existence of someone I thought dead... Jeremy, what the heck did you do!? Or what the heck did I do?"

Jeremy couldn't respond. He was stunned, unsure exactly what Jay meant, but clearly thinking hard about everything.

Author:  DarkAgea [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Felicity watched the interaction carefully, then turned to Alfons, narrowing her eyes. Voice cold and serious, she said, "You better not steal either my bracelet-" her fingers tapped on the white sun bracelet she was wearing. "-or my... wait, just don't steal any of my things, got it?"

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"Um, Jeremy? Is something wrong?" Eta looked over at the Slezak brothers in confusion.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Alfons' hood drooped down and his face shrunk, despite the money-bags still shining in his eyes. "I'm not gonna steal anyone's stuff here..."

"I do wonder where our field trips will be..." Alfons snickered, visibly excited. "How much value do you think I can find in a prison? Or a theater? Ehehe..."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

"How about you come steal my priceless, beautiful heart?" Feena playfully called over to the archer.

Author:  Slezak [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Jeremy gave Jay a quick pat on the shoulder, letting him know that they could talk in a minute.

"There will be no stealing from others! For that causes harm, and is a direct violation of the rules and mission of Hope's Peak," Jeremy declared with conviction, "Mister Einarrson, I will not have you robbing any of my students, or myself, or any part of this school. If you cannot control yourself, then I'll have to do something drastic."

"And Miss TrofĂ­, you need not worry. We have a Warden here who I think can plenty handle himself should any crimes happen. By the way, please set your pastries down on the table over there."
Jeremy pointed to a table nearby, "And um... I'm not sure if everything is okay myself. There are some things going on that need sorted out, but they can hopefully wait until everyone has introduced themselves..."

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Sayako found herself awkwardly accepting Felicity's hand. "Oh, ah, no, I'm definitely not anything that special, I just... thought I'd try something different but I hadn't really thought it through all the way. Please don't get your expectations too high... Um, I like your outfit. I-it's very cute..."

And then she'd accepted a pastry from Eta. "Ah, thank you very much. It's... difficult to explain, really. It's mainly just... learning to understand feelings, I guess..."

"S-sorry, Sakura," she quietly apologized to her friend. "I guess if I'd practiced by actually saying my introduction I'd have noticed how silly it sounded..."

AA and then she was hugged out of the blue and left utterly confused. "Ah! U-um... h-huh...?" was all she could say.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Remeku was trying to fix the potion she had destroyed when she heard and loud screech coming from her right. startled, she looked over to see a girl with sparkling blue eyes running to her. Remeku stared as the girl got closer and then started to picture out who it was. "REMEKU! its been so long!" the girl yelled. "Ummm.... do i know you?" Remeku asked in confusion. "its me, goofy! Lumica moon! your best friend!" Lumica yelled. "LUMICA!? no way!" Remeku said shocked as Lumica hugged her.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

[CR hates me with double posts]

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

KamiPanda wrote:
"How about you come steal my priceless, beautiful heart?" Feena playfully called over to the archer.

Alfons, ignoring Jeremy, walked over to Feena. "Hmm..."

Alfons reached into his bottomless pocket and took out a milkshake. "Aren't you just trying to distract me?" Reaching into his pocket again, he took out a contract that he presented to the others. "The great Alfons Einarrson is contracted by my local police to not steal any of your possessions! So such a ploy would not be necessary on your end."

He put the contract back into his pocket, and continued to drink the milkshake. "OHOHO!" he laughed, while drinking his milkshake. "There? You see? No matter how I wish to take your belongings, it is impossible for me!"

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Eta was slightly confused by Alfons repeating what he had just done, but she did as Jeremy said and placed her pastries on the table. "Anyone can have them if they want."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

CaptainPancakes wrote:
KamiPanda wrote:
"How about you come steal my priceless, beautiful heart?" Feena playfully called over to the archer.

Alfons, ignoring Jeremy, walked over to Feena. "Hmm..."

Alfons reached into his bottomless pocket and took out a milkshake. "Aren't you just trying to distract me?" Reaching into his pocket again, he took out a contract that he presented to the others. "The great Alfons Einarrson is contracted by my local police to not steal any of your possessions! So such a ploy would not be necessary on your end."

He put the contract back into his pocket, and continued to drink the milkshake. "OHOHO!" he laughed, while drinking his milkshake. "There? You see? No matter how I wish to take your belongings, it is impossible for me!"

Feena laughed. "The great Alfons Einarrson, bowing down to the police!"

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Remeku walked over and picked up a pastrie. She took out a potion in her science bag and put a drip of it on the pastrie. The pastrie then slowly turned into a rat and started running around. "hmmmm.... this potion reacts in a very weird way, it does not explode when transformed, and it automatically turns into a rat! interesting...." Remeku said while writing it down on a piece of paper.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Alfons let out a small sigh and began to polish his bow again. "Alfons Einarrson has not bowed down to any police of any kind! I will get them back in full!"

Alfons let out a snicker and took out his notebook. "Ehehe...You see, I am planning something major. Something to truly shock that particular police station to its core!"

Author:  DarkAgea [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Sayako found herself awkwardly accepting Felicity's hand. "Oh, ah, no, I'm definitely not anything that special, I just... thought I'd try something different but I hadn't really thought it through all the way. Please don't get your expectations too high... Um, I like your outfit. I-it's very cute..."

"Hey, don't put yourself down," Felicity said, shaking her head. "Everybody's unique in one way or another, and you have to be brilliant at something to get in here."

She then gave a wide smile. "You really did make yourself stand out with that! And difference makes life spicy... or something like that, I'm not really sure." Tapping her fingers on her bracelet again, she continued, "My outfit, huh? Thank you~"

Alfons reached into his bottomless pocket and took out a milkshake. "Aren't you just trying to distract me?" Reaching into his pocket again, he took out a contract that he presented to the others. "The great Alfons Einarrson is contracted by my local police to not steal any of your possessions! So such a ploy would not be necessary on your end."

She sighed. "I guess I was little too quick, then. Sorry 'bout that, Alfons."

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!

Alfons shrugged. "Your caution is not unwarranted." His eyes went directly to the expensive looking bracelet on Felicity's wrist. "Not unwarranted at all..ehehehe..." Suddenly, Alfons began to drool, his focus now exclusively on the bracelet.


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