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Wright's Island (An Ace Attorney RP)Topic%20Title
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Phoenix Wright :phoenix:

April 1st, 2019

"...I...I had...I had a dream..." He cried out as he gradually opened his eyes and returned to the world of the living. His body was experiencing an exquisite degree of pain; his forehead throbbed and burned from a migraine headache, his vision was blurry, and various bandages covered bruises and cuts throughout his body. He lay atop several blankets and beach towels, but even such soft cloth material felt rough and ragged against his skin.

"...Ah. Like a phoenix, he rises again from the ashes," called out a familiar voice, though the figure in front of him appeared only as a burgundy blur, surrounded by outstretched shades of lighter and darker blue hues.

"...Is t-that some kind of a riddle?" asked the injured defense attorney, his voice nearly choking as he gasped for air.

"No. Do you remember who you are? Do you remember your name, the year, and other various details of your life? Maya and Maggey were concerned that you might suffer from another ill-timed bout of amnesia."

"D-don't be ridiculous. I'm...Phoenix...Phoenix W-Wright." (And I'm dying of thirst here, in this godforsaken heat.) "...W-why would I forget?"

"You were unconscious, for quite some time," responded the red blur, as he slowly approached Wright. "The storm washed the Alternia into a shallow coral reef near this island, and the ship toppled over, onto its side. There were a few explosions. It was...a brutal, frightening, utterly chaotic scene. You were knocked out cold in the chaos, and we had to free you and drag you out of there."

"T-the...the Alternia?"

"It's the name of a cruise ship. Have you suffered short-term memory loss? I wish you had bothered to invite a doctor on this little vacation voyage of yours. It would have spared many of us from flailing around like desperate and reckless children, butting heads in our efforts to diagnose and assist you."

It had taken Phoenix longer than he'd have anticipated, but he finally recognized the voice of the person he was speaking with. "...M-Miles...Miles Edgeworth. I remember...I remember w-what I have to tell you. I have to tell you about my dream."

"...Your dream? Wright, I could honestly care less about whatever ludicrous fantasies your subconscious mind indulged in while we nervously fretted over your health," Edgeworth replied. Phoenix could make out more details of his friend now, could discern some of his facial features. Edgeworth was scowling as usual, but he did not appear to be furious...he seemed more disappointed, for one reason or another. Despite the warm temperature in the air, he was still wearing his traditional outfit, complete with its white cravat. (Yes, he was stubborn that way. He refused to wear anything informal, even when everyone else was gallivanting around the cruise ship in bathing suits. He said it would damage his credibility to appear immodest. He...had a certain tendency to say strange things.)

"...N-no, I have to tell you this, I have to," Wright wheezed.

"First, you are going to drink this water," said Edgeworth, as he handed a bottle over to his former rival. "Then, you can tell me whatever you'd like."

Phoenix held the lukewarm bottle against his chin for a moment, before he parsed his lips, gently raised the bottle against his mouth, and began to drink. He took one large gulp that nearly led him to regurgitate last night's dinner before he slowed to a more manageable pace. As he took sips of that sweet, tasteless nectar, he felt his vision return, and he was shocked at what he saw. In the distance, past a ceaseless number of rolling waves, he saw a plume of smoke emerge from the smoldering and overturned wreckage of the Alternia. (It looks like an image straight out of a disaster movie, but the rest of the scene here...looks more like paradise.) The sun, radiant and golden and unobstructed, was beginning its descent across an azure sky. The peaceful scene was interrupted only by the occasional sound of the wind blowing against nearby palm trees, and the rare interjection of the "coos" and "caws" of unidentifiable birds. The sand around his prone body glistened like diamonds under the sunlight. As an impoverished defense attorney who rarely left his home state (let alone his country,) these were all sights Phoenix Wright was utterly unaccustomed to. (I never thought I would see anything so picturesque, and so beautiful...and I never thought I'd be so miserable when I'd be seeing this.)

"T-thank you...Miles. I needed that."

"So. You had a dream?" Edgeworth could barely contain the contempt that seemed to emanate from his voice. (He never was much a fan of the supernatural.)


"Did this 'dream' happen to involve you winning a lottery prize? A vacation for twenty 'lucky' people, a spectacular cruise around the Micronesian islands? While the thought of you winning just about anything would strike any sane onlooker as extraordinarily unlikely, the unfortunate news for us all is that your achievement against the odds did occur. And at the time, we were actually quite thrilled for you. Sadly, that reservoir of goodwill hasn't..."

"...No, no. N-not that. Before that. I had a dream, the day before I won that prize." (I know you won't believe me, Edgeworth, but I have to tell you this. I have to tell you...because I think this all might actually have been my fault.)

"...Okay, Wright. I'll play along. What did you dream?"

"...I was standing in Court, in front of the Judge. Our Judge. From most of our cases."

"...You'll be happy to know that he's here, actually. Less than five hundred feet away. Shaken and frightened, as one might expect of a man his age in conditions like these. If you'd like to talk to the real Judge, I'm certain we could..."

"N-no. This Judge! H-he...I've seen him in dreams before. He was huge, Miles. Over a hundred feet tall. And evil. Very evil. Glowing r-red eyes and everything."

"This concussion has clearly undermined your mental faculties. You probably should get some more rest..."

Wright refused to let his compatriot leave before the tale was finished. "No! H-hold it! He stood before me, and as I c-cowered on the floor, he t-told me that I would fail. That I was going to be disbarred, and I was going to lose m-my badge, and that I would be f-forced to retire from the law."

"...Yes, it is entirely plausible to imagine the state of California disbarring one its most successful, virtuous and honest attorneys. I hear defense offices are going to institute the 'von Karma' model of litigation. Because it's worked so perfectly for Franziska and I in the past."

"S-stop being so snarky! It isn't like you!"

"...I'm sorry, Wright," said Edgeworth, though as his the pitch and tenor of his voice rose dramatically, it occurred to Phoenix that he did not seem very apologetic. "Earlier today, I experienced the grave misfortune of being on a ship as it shook around like a neurotic rag doll. I fell into a fetal position and cowered, as I learned that the conditions of a ship in a storm seemed to mimic an earthquake with uncanny accuracy. If it were not for a few of our friends, I might have drowned or been killed in several other unpleasant fashions. Given these dire circumstances it would be utterly impossible for me to be upset when you decided, after miraculously waking from the brink of death, that the most important thing to do was not to hug and thank me, or Iris, or Maya, or Pearls, or Gumshoe, or Adrian, or Larry, or Ema, or even Franziska, but no, responding to catastrophic and emotionally cathartic circumstances in a meaningful way is entirely beyond your irrational frame of mind, so instead you're going to tell me all about a dream. Lucky me!"

"...E-excuse me?"

"We nearly lost you, Wright. For the second time in recent months. Remember? When you fell off a bridge and I chartered a private jet just to defend your client? This time, we've all suffered, we're all hurting, and we're all lost on this miserable parchment of earth. There are more important things to discuss here than dreams."

"...Point taken. I'm sorry, Miles. I should be worried...for you, for Maya, and for everyone else. I guess I'm just...a bit out of it. There are thousands of hornets buzzing in my head and I could really use some aspirin."

"...I understand."

"It was just weird, that's all. In that stupid dream, the Giant Judge told me I could escape my disbarment if I chose another fate, but I was told that doing so would endanger my life and the lives of many people I loved," said Phoenix, as he heaved a sigh and shook his head.

"I see. I suppose talking about your dream is just your own way of trying to come to terms with feeling responsible for the shipwreck," Edgeworth replied. "In that case, you shouldn't search for reasons to pity yourself. For just this once, a disaster we experienced was not your fault."

"...Do you know where we are?"

"We're stranded on a sizable island, located somewhere roughly between Kosrae and Truk, within the borders of the Federated States of Micronesia. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. The Captain of the Alternia could have told us more, but he and the surviving crew members went on an expedition mere moments after we crashed ashore," said Edgeworth.

"Why would the Captain abandon us?"

"William Powers gave me a brief overview of the situation before he departed. For some inexplicable reason, he decided to play hero and head out with the crew. Most of the Alternia's communications equipment was fatally damaged in the storm. One radio transceiver remained operational, but its battery power was running low. A signal could not be established here on the beach, so the Captain decided to take the surviving employees inland and search for higher ground. That's all we know."

"...So the Captain just left all of us here, to fend for ourselves?" Phoenix asked. (...Something doesn't quite feel right about this.)

"I was informed that they would be back within an hour. You were unconscious for a considerably longer duration, and there's been no sign of the Alternia crew. There's been some talk among the others about starting a search party, but we're still struggling to recover our supplies from the shipwreck. Most of us have sustained minor injuries. A few are in poor shape, mentally speaking. It's been a rough day," Miles summarized, as a small frown escaped from the contours of his face. "As I said before, a lot of people were very concerned for you."

"...Concerned?" Phoenix replied, as he tenderly brushed his fingers against bandages covering a newfound bruise on his left shoulder.

"As I'm sure you can surmise, you suffered a mild concussion in the aftermath of the wreck. Fortunately, it does not appear that you've broken any bones. We had to carry you out here, and...none of us are doctors, Wright. We did the best we could with the medical kits that we salvaged, but we had no idea just how serious your injuries were. For all we knew, you could have never woken up. All of us were...well, we..."

"...Thanks, Miles," Phoenix muttered, speaking almost in a mere whisper. "I guess I owe you one."

"You can buy us all rounds of grape juice once we've returned to the adequate confines of civilization," Edgeworth quipped, exposing a rare trace of humor.

"I'll keep that in mind." Phoenix gingerly exerted the force necessary to lift himself from the ground, and took a step forward, feeling his foot slip beneath an onrush of coarse sand. "...Ugh..." He grimaced visibly, as his entire body screamed in pain from his sudden movements. "...It's just my luck, really. My first vacation in years...not to mention the first time I've ever won any kind of a prize in a contest...and instead of enjoying a relaxing cruise in paradise...I've gotten us all trapped in yet another disaster..."

"Let's not forget who you are. You're Phoenix Wright. You've practically specialized in handling disaster situations. You'll find some way to turn this around."

"...I don't think this really compares to our usual debates in courtrooms, though." (And it might actually be preferable to face the odds against corrupt prosecutors in a homicide case.) "...But what do we do now, anyway? Do we just wait this out? Can we trust the Alternia crew to handle things for us?"

"We should worry about that later. For now, we can celebrate the fact that we've all survived this ordeal. We will most likely be rescued within twenty-four hours. In the meantime, we've salvaged enough food from the wreckage to prepare a meal. Nothing about this is ideal, Wright, but I think we will manage."

(...For such an introverted person, Edgeworth seems in a surprisingly optimistic mood about all this. Still, it seems as if he's just faking his confidence. He may be hiding something. But why?) "

"Follow me. Around the corner of this little makeshift hospice, we've started a campsite on the beach. Lang and a few others collected enough branches from nearby palms to start a small fire. It will be dusk, soon, but the fire should be sufficiently visible from afar to ensure that the Alternia crew can spot us."


"He's an acquaintance of mine who works with Franziska at Interpol, remember? Shi-Long Lang? From the Republic of Zheng Fa?" Edgeworth responded. "Franny and Lang actually took time off from Interpol to be here. Their absence might expedite any forthcoming rescue attempts."

"...Oh..." Phoenix had only invited Franziska because he had assumed she'd have no choice but to reject his invitation. Interpol was an elite global agency, after all, and agents were often overburdened with responsibilities. Given that her brother and several other mutual acquaintances were attending, it felt appropriate to extend Ms. von Karma the invite and expect her to reject the request of a "foolishly foolish fool." Unfortunately, and much to Phoenix's chagrin, Franziska and Lang's recent participation in the successful Cohdopian Embassy incident led Interpol to offer them vacations at an inopportune moment.

"You offered me two of your tickets to give to a couple of my friends, and I bonded with Lang and Kay Faraday over the course of a recent investigation," said Miles. "You met them on the cruise. You told me that Kay reminded you of Maya, and you were astounded with Lang's ability to endure the wrath of von Karma's whip."

"...Ah, right. Sorry." Phoenix nodded briskly, and proceeded to follow Edgeworth's footprints as they gradually trudged their way through the golden sands.

"Hold it! Can I ask you one more question, before we join the others?" Edgeworth exclaimed, his facial expression heightening to a dramatic level normally reserved for Courtroom theatrics.

"Of course."

"...Exactly why did you invite Wendy Oldbag to join this cruise?"

Phoenix could barely restrain himself from erupting into laughter. "...Oldbag? The wicked witch of the witness stand?"

"...Yes, that Wendy Oldbag."

(The real answer was just to annoy you, "dearest Edgey-poo," but I'd never want to concede that.) "I guess I just wanted to repair our relations after a few adversarial experiences on the witness stand. That's why I invited a lot of people here, actually. Angel Starr, Jake Marshall, Regina, even Adrian...we all had our moments of hostility as you and I searched for the truth in those cases, but in the end, they're all incredible people. I thought this cruise might represent a chance for everyone to come together and get to know each other under more pleasant circumstances."

"...I object! You may be right about the others, Wright. In regards to Oldbag, however...your statement is patently false, and you know it. You could care less about what Oldbag thinks of you. You just wanted to..."

"...Guilty as charged, Miles. But, just think! Because of my generosity, now you're lost on a deserted island with your one true love."

"...I think I hate you sometimes, Wright."

"...The feeling is mutual," said Phoenix, though his statement was plainly contradicted by the pleasant smile adorning his face as they trekked their way back to their campsite.
Re: Wright's Island (An Ace Attorney RP)Topic%20Title
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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Maya :maya: & Maggey :sparkly-maggey:

"Hmmm.... Hun...gry...."

Maya Fey had just (for the fifth time in a row) re-tied her Kimono's Obi, which had been partly ripped as the ship was wrecked. Now she was sitting there, hands at her chin, frowning like a little child, whose Christmas Presents had just been thrown out the window. Not only was she exhausted and half-starved (she perceived the hunger she experienced right now as "half-starved" at least), but there was also the fact that the others were currently setting up a fireside for the evening, and yet they had NOTHING to cook, grill or roast on it. Oh, what she would have given for a big, juicy cheeseburger right now...

But she knew just all too well that most of the cargo had been washed away with the waves, never to be seen again.

To say it in the words she used when she had in horror learned about what happened: 'W-Why is the food gone?!'

It was like one of those nightmares she tended to have after her 10-hours-straight trainings.

And then there was the fact that this wasn't even the worst about their situation right now. No, there was a much graver problem.


Maya shivered. She would never be able to forget the shock she felt when she saw Edgeworth and the others dragging his lifeless body along the beach. He was still alive, she felt it, otherwise she would be able to sense his spirit... But what if this wouldn't last? What if he wouldn't make it?
And even if he made it... He had still bumped his head pretty badly. And Maya new perfectly well what had happened last time he got such a knock on his head.

(...Lost, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, without even knowing his own name... Poor Nick...I just hope he's... he's...)

"Don't worry..."

Maya heard the voice and looked up. Only now she noticed that Maggey Byrde had sat down beside her. Her upper body was lowered and her head hung a little, but she was still attempting to smile at Maya.

"Mr. Wright is hardy... He's gotten through much worse situations. I'm sure he'll be fine."


Maya noticed only now, that Maggey's glasses were broken. Yet, she was still wearing them. Maya knew that Maggey's eyesight was rather bad... did that mean that she couldn't even really see what was happening in front of her right now? That was bad... especially in their situation. Poor Maggey was clumsy enough as it was, without her glasses... Maya had to remember to tell the other's later to keep an eye on her.

"You don't want to... take those off?" Maya finally asked, pointing at Maggey's glasses. "The shards, you know... You'll cut yourself."

"Ah...Oh! Yes, you're probably right." Maggey laughed in a weirdly nervous way. She seemed a little absentminded. "A miracle it didn't happen yet... you know me. Just a sec..."

She took off her glasses and started to carefully remove the glass shards from the frame.

Maya watched curiously: "What are you doing?"

Maggey kept her eyes on her 'work' but replied "Well, I wouldn't be Maggey without Maggey's glasses, right? So I figure I'm just gonna remove that stuff and wear them anyway... even if they don't do anything the-- OUCH!!"

Maya jumped when she heard the shriek Meanwhile Maggey felt her eyes filling with tears. What both of them had already predicted, had happened: Brightred blood was dripping from Maggey's right pointing finger.

"Ou Ou Ou Ou...."

"You're alright, Maggey?" Maya leaned over to her, to take a better look at her finger, but Maggey just shook her head:

"D-Don't worry, I knew that this would happen. I'm used to stuff like... that..."

"But that cut! You should clean it at least, or..."

"Clean it? With what? Salt water?"


Ignoring her small cut on her finger. Maggey kept on removing the remaining glass from her ex-glasses. Her face, however, had fallen now. Whatever little enthusiasm she had kept up had vanished now. She sighed:

"This all..." she stopped working on her glasses' frame "That's... my fault too, right...? That all just happened because Mr. Wright invited me. I should have stayed at home..."

"Maggey!" Maya jumped up and placed herself in front of her "What are you talking about? You're not to blame for anything!"

"Heheh..." Maggey looked up at Maya "Thanks for trying to cheer me up... But we both know that that's not true, Maya."

"But Maggey..."

"Food Poisonings, Hit and Run Drivers, Murder Accusations... trice..." Maggey sighed. "And now this disaster. I guess I'll never have a lucky moment in my life..."

Maya wanted to say something. Anything. She couldn't just sit there and listen while Maggey kept putting herself down like that. She wondered if bringing Gumshoe to her would help... nah, he was setting up the fire with the others over there. The guys were working so hard, she could just go over there and tell them 'Hey, Maggey's miserable, detective! Get over here!'
Also, that would have probably sounded stupid, now that she thought about it...

And then, there were steps.

Maya heard steps from behind. From the direction where Edgeworth went... along with...

She turned around. The hope that had built up within her alone from hearing the sound wasn't disappointed:
Two man were coming down the way.


The corner's of Maya's mouth were pulled up incredibly quickly. She jumped and sprinted off immediately. She had barely approached him and Edgeworth on a range of ten meters, when she already leap at him, arms wide outstretched:


Something occurred to Maya, causing her face to turn a whole lot more serious. She quickly backed off again, then stretched out both her hands:

"How many fingers do you see? What is your name- ... No, that won't work, Edgeworth probably told you, ehhh...Alright! What's your middle name!?!?"

Her eyes were shining in determination to make sure that 'Nick' was one hundred percent there and himself.

...Because I felt the need to advertise my fanfic with a self-drawn, animated banner. Yes, I'm obsessed, why do you ask?

Last edited by Neni on Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Wright's Island (An Ace Attorney RP)Topic%20Title
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Ema Skye :scientific:

As Ema woke up, she saw that she was alone. The last thing she remembered was walking with everyone else to find a space to build a campsite, and she thought she must of got distracted by something and got seperated, and possibly fainted because of the heat. She got up and looked at her surroundings, and saw a lot of trees, almost like a forest. The most annoying thing is that she was wearing a swimsuit as she was wearing it on the cruise, and it would be a little embarrassing being with everyone while wearing it. It could be worse, Ema thought, I could be in my normal clothes and sweating. The sun was extremely bright, so Ema put her glasses on, hoping that they might work as sunglasses too. They did, but only a little. The next thing she wondered was what she was going to do now. She was completely lost, and there were quite a lot of different routes, so trying them all out would take forever. So she decided to shout with her loudest voice, hoping someone would hear her. She shouted for her sister, as she was the person she wanted to be with the most right now. "Lana! Can you hear me? I'm lost, and I have no idea where everyone else is!" Ema shouted. She waited a moment before trying again, hoping that Lana would come to her side.

Iris :ayame:

Iris was just sitting in the campsite, when she noticed Ema wasn't there. Ema was behind her when everyone was walking up to the campsite, she remembered because she kept complaining about the weather, in scientific terms. Iris didn't know Ema until meeting her on the cruise, so she didn't know if Ema was the type that could look after herself or not, so naturally, she was really worried. She then noticed that Phoenix wasn't there either, so she was even more worried. She obviously knew him much more than she knew Ema, so of course she was more worried about him. She turned around, and noticed Maya, Edgeworth, and...
"Feenie!" Iris said as she ran up to Phoenix, "I was so worried! I'm so glad you're okay!"
She then heard what Maya asked him. She didn't know about when he lost his memory, so she was a little confused. Not that much, though, as she knew how worried Maya was, as Iris felt exactly the same as she did.

Last edited by Megan-Chan on Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Wright's Island (An Ace Attorney RP)Topic%20Title
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The Judge

As soon as the Judge returned to the world of the living, he felt the sting of old age tormenting him. The pain was spread over his entire back, and had got to the remaining parts of his body as well.
He moaned in pain, regretting the day he, in spite of his doctor's objections, agreed to join the cruise defense attorney Wright had offered him.

Although, thinking back on it, maybe his decision was actually justified... after all, he could get killed by a disease unbeknownst to man any day, and he had never gone on a cruise before. How could any human being deprive themselves from doing something they wish to do before death?

As he pondered whether his reasons were justified or not, the pain was growing larger still. He, because of his inability to stand up straight at the moment, decided to come up with a plan in order to "cheat" his old bones and stand up properly. He tilted his head slightly to the right, and noticed a low-hanging tree looming over the island. One twig in particular was hanging low. Unfortunately, it was rather far away, which baffled the Judge.

Does life enjoy tormenting me?! Why, if the water had carried me just a bit closer, it would have been quite a bit easier... The Judge heaved a sigh, and commenced operation Cheat Old Bones And Stand Up Straight. And even though his bones were still aching, he felt like a ninja, moving stealthily to his target. In this case, a twig.

Shoving over the ground was a tedious piece of work, however - it took him 20 minutes to cover half of the distance to his target. He felt that, if he were indeed a ninja, he would be a failure. His target would have been long gone within the time it took him to reach it.

After another 20 minutes, he finally managed to reach out to the twig. He was so relieved that when some leaves fell off their twig, he gasped for air, thinking that his work might all have been for nothing. Luckily, however, the twig did not break. When he had managed to stand up properly, he heaved what felt like his biggest sigh yet - excluding the one when his wife had accepted his proposal in university.

Despite the aching on his back, which had only decreased slightly, he felt proud of himself. Operation Cheat Old Bones And Stand Up Straight was successful.

He sat down against a rock to rest, after which, he decided, he would take a look around the island.
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:two-faced: Angel

Urgh! Stuck here on this god forsaken island with them

Angel looked between Miles Edgeworth, Lana Skye and Franziska von Karma. She hated prosecutors, and to be stuck here on this stupid piece of land with three of them.


She looked down in despair at her ruined clothes. Could this day get any worse!

Fortunately for Angel, she was a strong swimmer and so she had managed to escape the wreckage relatively unharmed. Her clothes were ruined, her hair was a mess and she lost all of her lunchboxes, but she was alive and only had one or two small scratches. She took of her jacket laying it next to the fire in the vain hope that it would dry before turning her attention onto her hair.

"How am i meant to sort this mess out?! Salt water is not good for my hair!!"

She really wasn't having a good day.

:franny: Franziska


Out of site of everyone else Franziska von Karma was tending to her wounds. She hadn't managed to escape the ship before it crashed and had gotten herself caught up in the wreckage. After pulling herself out and insisting to her brother that she was 'Perfectly fine' (despite the obvious and fairly deep cut across her brow), Franziska had helped retrieve one 'Foolish' Phoenix Wright from the water. She had then insisted on checking out the immediate surroundings alone, illustrating this point with, to many of the others dissapointment, a sharp, swift crack of her whip.


Now here she was, shielding herself away from the others, slowly removing a large piece of shrapnel that had lodged itself deep into the right side of her torso. Everytime she pulled on the piece of metal she had to fight the urge to scream, after all, she couldn't let the others see her showing weakness. After half an hour of sheer agony and far too much blood for her liking Franziska thought it foolish to continue with this futile act. Instead, using the partial first aid kit she had brought with her, she wrapped up her wound, and concealed it with her blouse and waist coat.

Like Miles Edgeworth, Franziska had refused to wear anything other than her normal attire. This was attributed to the fact that her outfit was, of course, perfectly suited to any climate and needed few adjustments between temperatures.

Franziska climbed to her feet, wincing at the pain in her side. Closing her eyes for a second she regained her composure, putting the pain to the back of her mind. As she made her way back to everyone else, she remembered the unsightly cut she had upon her brow.

After several failed attempts at mopping up the blood, Franziska found herself a renewed strength, pulling her whip taut above her head she set of to exact her punishment upon the one who had gotten into this mess in the first place.

Check out my Graphics page :D!
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Lana & Adrian

Lana woke up alone, feeling nothing but an intense heat and a sharp stabbing pain from her ankle. Then, the feel of gritty sand against her skin registered, and she opened her eyes in mild alarm to see that she was beached on an island... the smoking wreck of the ship far away on the horizon. She cursed softly, pushing herself up on her wrists, glancing about to see if anyone was anywhere close. No. Just her luck. Supporting herself against a nearby palm tree, she froze in realisation.
Was she all right? Goddammit, was she alive?
Lana shook her head, forcing herself to rid her mind of those worries. For now, she had to find her comrades.
Her attire had changed considerably when she'd been released - perhaps at her inconvinience now, since her conservative blouse and prairie skirt were both torn and generally useless. Luckily she hadn't brought her muffler with her - thank god - but most of her summer clothing was now at the bottom of the sea. Lana's thoughts were of home as she limped towards the ship, praying that she would find the others - most importantly Ema - and find some way to sort out this mess.
Two painful hours later, she reached their campsite. Everyone seemed to be accounted for - bar Ema - but the only real concern that Lana had was to see a worried looking Edgeworth and Wright's assistant clustered around the frantic man, who was gesturing wildly. She bit her lip, slightly uncertain for once but decided to first warm herself by their fire, noting an irritated Angel Starr opposite her. Lana smirked slightly although the severity of the situation - this might prove to be interesting.
Yet where was her sister? Lana felt worried, but she could somehow sense that her sister was alive - however, her logical side protested that it would be iunwise to leave and look for her alone. She would talk to Wright and Edgworth later, she decided. For now, she'd wait until the first aid kit was free.

Adrian hadn't lost consciousness when the ship had split - indeed she considered herself very lucky to escape with nary a scratch. Her clothes, however, were a different matter. The dress that had once been a crease-less, clean item of clothing was now tattered and ripped, something that made Adrian feel very self conscious (even though everyone else's clothing was in much the same state). She worried to herself that they would never escape this place, that they'd die of starvation or dehydration, that she'd never visit Celeste's grave again -
But there was one good thing. She hadn't seen Ms. von Karma in ages, now would be as good a time as any to catch up.
She saw Mr. Wright looking ill and frantic, a worried looking Mr. Edgeworth and Maya around him. She'd leave it to them - Adrian doubted that she'd be much help. A woman - she thought her name was Lana - had also injured herself, her ankle bleeding and swollen, but Adrian wasn't much good with first aid either, so...
In the end she settled for sitting relatively out of sight under the shade of a palm tree, waiting to be needed.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)

Last edited by franini on Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wendy Oldbag

"Stupid... useless.... whippersnappers!"

She had been grumbling this, among other things that shouldn't be written in detail, for a while now. She was just a poor little old lady and they waste time with the foolish whippersnapper who caused this mess? Really, the actions of young people these days just made her sick.

She even offered to join the search party, but apparently she was nothing but some useless old broad. Just sickening. Now there she was, a perfect little flower like herself stomping through the dense island jungle and clutching her poor old back.

It was all his fault! That spiky haired hooligan wanted this! She should have never graciously accepted that ticket, but when she heard her sweet, darling Edgey-Poo was coming, she know it had to be fate. But now her darling was only interested in helping that stupid man!

She trudged out of the jungle, back to the site of the crash. She was about to lie down and rest her fragile hip, when she saw her sweetheart arrive with that useless troublemaker. Everybody else seemed to be interested in that whippersnapper for whatever reason. But all that mattered to her was if her Edgey-Poo was alright. Forgetting her injuries, she rushed over, suprisingly fast for an old lady.

"Oh, my Edgey-Poooooo! I'm so glad you're alright! Are you hurt? Any injuries!? Do you want me to... kiss anything?" she said, cheeks red and eyes shining. If she was going to be stuck here, at least she could spend more time with her true love.
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Edgeworth :edgeworth:

Edgeworth had had his whole life flipped around in the matter of a few hours.

What had turned out as a simple cruise to a paradise island had turned into a shipwreck that came out only from nightmares. And even worse was the fact that he might have to spend his last moments with that babbling babushka, Oldbag.

All because of Wright.

Things could be worse, he decided. He could be dead. At least he knew he would find them away off of this cursed island. Logical thinking was always his strong point.

But it would have been better if logic had led him to wearing a different outfit. He really was a Von Karma.

Right now, his faced showed no expression whatsoever as he led the hopeless Wright towards where the others had set up their campsite. He tried to not attract much attention, but it seemed hopeless, as right when he and Wright came into view, they were almost attacked by Maya, Maggey and Iris.

Maya was testing Wright to see if he was alright.

"How many fingers do you see? What is your name- ... No, that won't work, Edgeworth probably told you, ehhh...Alright! What's your middle name!?!?" Maya was asking frantically.

Kids these days...

Edgeworth was about to leave, when he was suddenly greeted by the person he definitely did not want to see. Oldbag.

"Oh, my Edgey-Poooooo! I'm so glad you're alright! Are you hurt? Any injuries!? Do you want me to... kiss anything?"

"N-n-noo! Who WOULD?" If there was anyone who could make Edgeworth lose his cool, it was her. Edgeworth desperately wanted to be alone right now, and she was. Not. Helping.

Edgeworth broke apart from the crowd, with one destination in mind... deeper into the jungle. Foolishly foolish fools... Oh God, Franziska's really starting to rub off on me...

He reached the thick canopy of trees, and -

"Edgey! I've been looking for you!"

Larry & Edgeworth :edgeworth: :larry:

"Larry!" Edgeworth exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Should you not be helping with the campsite? Weren't you specifically in charge of setting up a fire?"

"Yeah, about that..." Larry started, "I kinda set fire to some vines Gumshoe collected, so..."

Edgeworth remembered the old saying. When something smells, it's usually the Butz.

"So, what is it that you have been doing all of this time?" Edgeworth asked, his arm crossed, his pointing finger twitching up and down, as he often did when waiting.

"Not much," came the reply. "Just wandering around."

"Well, I think we should go and try to help in any way. As long as we stay away from, that, er, woman."

"Sounds fine to me!" Larry said, racing off."

Sighing, Edgeworth followed him out of a clearing, and onto a beach, where he saw the Judge that he often had, lying on a rock.

Well, I don't have anything better to do.

"Need any help, your honor?"

Last edited by nudalman on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dick Gumshoe :gumshoe:

Who would have thought that this would happen? A wondrous dream turn into nightmare within so little time. It was enough to make a man cry. Gumshoe had been in a stunned stage for long enough. Now his primary mission was to finish gathering branches, which just took so long because that Larry Butz had somehow set fire to his first gatherings. But he got over it. A brand new pile of branches was already weighting a ton in his hands, and yet he continued. Mainly, to gather his thoughts before joining the others, as that already took an unusually long time.

He had been positively delighted to accept Mr. Wright's invitation for the cruise. After all, with his salary, he doubted he would ever make enough money to afford such a trip by himself. Besides, the food on board would be a very welcome change from the omnipresent noodles in his plate. He even had the opportunity to eat steak. STEAK! But as people said, "Easy gum, easy go". Or so it was how he remembered the sentence, anyway. Out of nowhere, everything shook with strength, and before he knew it, everyone was stranded in that tiny island trying to recover from their injuries. Luckily, no one was so badly hurt that they couldn't recover... except Mr. Wright, that was unconscious. Gumshoe had helped Mr. Edgeworth and Ms. von Karma to recover his body, and Mr. Edgeworth kept looking after him while Gumshoe was instructed to get some wood for a fire. Of course, he could only comply after tending to his own wounds, which took some time.

Gumshoe had come to the cruise with his usual trench coat and white shirt. Both of those, however, now beared some slight cuts over their whole extension. He had taken out the coat because of the heat, and left it by the camp. As for other injuries, his neck and face suffered in the crash, which forced him to apply three more bandages over them. The pencil that usually adorned the top of his left ear was gone, which made the hardened detective feel strangely unconfortable. But overall, he was fine. At least he thought so. Some others didn't have the same luck...

Luck! Gumshoe was so glad that Mr. Edgeworth was relatively well, but his mind was drifting to Maggey frequently when he thought about the others. The poor girl was so unfairly unlucky. She couldn't even see straight now with her glasses broken. Upon seeing her in such a state, he vowed to help her in any way he could. But he should try to help the others in any way he could too. He kept wondering about how he would do both at the same time while juggling one dry branch with his foot to try and bring it to the heap he held, as using his hands was a bit hard while carrying that many branches. However, he wasn't successful, and ended up dropping everything in the sand when trying to maintain his balance. He wanted to complain, or swear under his breath, but the heat was draining the energy from him faster than... something. A day full of murder cases, maybe. Gumshoe didn't remember many tiring things other than that.

He slowly gathered them back, trying to keep a better hold of them. Under a couple of minutes, everything was properly piled up again, including the extra branch. As the detective turned around and shambled back to the camp under so much weight, he wished Edgeworth would congratulate him for his efforts once his goal point was reached, but vaguely remembered how everyone was busy taking care of each other near the camp. Also vaguely, he wondered where Lang and Larry had gone to after the burning incident, but didn't worry so much since they weren't far from the shore.

Reaching the fireplace (which was now surrounded by some people), Gumshoe dropped everything he carried some yards away from it, and brushed off the sweat from his forehead with his hand. He was very tired, yet managing to accomplish the task given to him was always a reward on its own, so he was slightly happier now. Looking a little farther away, where he had last seen Mr. Edgeworth, he saw, to his big relief, that his spiky-haired attorney pal was still alive and kicking. He ran that way upon seeing Wright and Maggey there, forgetting for a moment how tired he was.

"Hey, pal," Gumshoe tried to speak once he stopped by the four of them, panting heavily. "We were... huh..." Now Gumshoe tried to remember what he was going to say. The heat of the moment (and possibly the one of the island too) made it escape his lips. "...We were worried sick about you! Don't go dying on us, okay?!" He managed to say, then took some time to catch his breath.

All the while he recovered, he looked over to Maggey, which was a bit farther away. She had the glasses on her hand, and was... bleeding? Her finger was tainted in red. "Ahh!" He almost shouted in surprise. He immediately headed towards her. "Maggey, you're bleeding! We need a bandage! No, it needs to be cleaned first! No, we need a transfusion!" Gumshoe said in his momentary panic.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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Shi-Long Lang

A crackling sound was heard from the forest which startled those at the campsite. Emerging from the viridian green shrubbery was a tall figure whose features bore resemblance to that of a wolf. His furry jacket was wrapped around his waist while one of the sleeves of his black shirt was ripped off and wrapped around his head like a bandana. Like an animal, he tended to his own wounds when he suffered a cut near his temple.

The crackling sound they heard earlier came from Shi-Long Lang, the Interpol Investigator of Zheng Fa, who was stepping on twigs while carrying a load of branches his back can carry. He had lost his belongings from the shipwreck. He was separated from his pack of 99 trained men. He had lost Lang Zi's scroll of wisdom. The only object he had in his possession was his prized revolver gun, loaded with five precious bullets.

A change from the rough dirt he trekked through on the forest, his foot landed on the soft sand. He looked around the pristine beach and found a few familiar faces. He had only known a few people. He recognized Edgeworth, Franziska, Kay and Gumshoe and to a certain extent, Larry and Oldbag, but he just called them Steel Samurai and Pink Princess respectively. He knew nobody else and he dared not to submerge himself in mingling with others due to his wolf-like mentality.

He dropped the branches on the existing pile of firewood and wiped the sweat off his brow but he was irked to see the small stature of the flame. He looked around to blame either Gumshoe or Larry but they all seemed occupied. He bared his teeth and growled, "What kind of fire is this supposed to be?!" He took two branches and started rubbing them against each other in an attempt to make another bonfire. He muttered to himself, "Lang Zi says: A cub who can't catch a butterfly grows into a lion who can't catch a zebra..."

Last edited by Coco on Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"Uggghhhh! Regent? Mr. Lawyer? What...where is everyone? Hello? Helllooooooooo?" Regina was tickled by the ocean at her feet. It was chilly and seaweed tangled around her feet. "EEEEEYYAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She shrieked. Regina's messy hair blew in the wind as she ran.

"This is a dream! It's only a dream!" Regina cried out! "Where is everyone?! Waaah I wanna go home!!!!!" She ran across the beach until she got tired. "It...isn't a dream..." Regina started to tear out. The tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt absolutely hopeless. Her tummy rumbled. "I'm lost, hungry, thristy, and all alone!" She wailed. Being inside the circus sheltered her from knowing how to take care of herself. She put her head in her legs and stopped crying. Regina mumbled, "" She waited to see if anyone was going to help her.


Kay finally stood up. "My head... Oh goodness, what happened? I must've ran into something... Woah, where the heck am I?" Kay felt the ocean breeze, "I'm lucky to be alive! But is this real? What a terrible joke! If there is one thing, I hope there is treasure! She joked to herself. Trying to take her mind off her headache. She ran to look for food.

"Dear heavens! There is nothing tasty here! Maybe I need to climb a tree!" Kay flung herself onto a tree. "Wah!" she grunted. Kay scooched herself higher and higher onto the tree. "Heck of a workout! Whew!" Then she heard a crack. "Uhhhhh ohhhh!" A branch that she held onto broke. "Aaaaaaarrrrrrghhhh!" she landed on her butt. "Ooowwww ow ow! That stings!" She sat there unhappy and depressed.
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:pearl: Pearl

What could be more romantic than an adventure to the middle of the ocean?

The young girl, whose eyes had shone like pearls when Mr. Nick had phoned Kurain with the news of a luxury cruise, now reconsidered this question.

As she and her cousin stood together in the village's only phone booth, on the receiving end of this once-in-a-lifetime offer, Pearl's first thought had been to reject her own invitation and insist that Mystic Maya use this opportunity to spend some alone time with her "special someone." But when she heard that Mr. Nick had eighteen other people on his invite list -- including several pretty ladies -- Pearl quickly decided that it would be best for her to come along in order to make certain that Mr. Nick didn't fall victim to any unnecessary distractions.

For a while, all was going according to plan. Not only did both Mystic Maya and Mr. Nick seem to be having a good time, but Pearl, too, was finding ways (besides matchmaking) to enjoy herself. The ship had been unlike anything Pearl had ever seen: its décor was even fancier than that of the Gatewater Hotel, and, best of all, its spread of food was even more delicious. In fact, Pearl had been helping herself to a second serving of gourmet mashed potatoes when the boat gave a sudden lurch, splashing bits of gravy onto her medium's robes.

She felt the deck shift beneath her feet and heard the frightened cries of her fellow passengers. As various objects begun crashing around her, the last she could remember was squeezing her eyes shut and praying for safety.... The next thing she knew, she was standing on this beautiful, though uncomfortably unfamiliar, island.

Now, Pearl sat quietly at the campsite, surrounded by both friends and strangers, hugging her lightly tattered and stain-spattered robes close to her body, and worriedly fiddling with the uncharged Magatama hanging around her neck. In spite of her own frail body, she had apparently, somehow, been able to make it through the rough landing unharmed...yet, of all people, Mystic Maya's brave knight was in trouble. How had such a wonderful experience suddenly made such a drastic -- (what did Mr. Nick usually call it?) -- tern-ah-bout? But, well, as long as Mr. Nick showed himself to be all right, she knew that things would turn themselves back around...

Pearl was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of her cousin's excitable voice.


Sure enough, Mr. Nick, alive and well, was approaching the site, accompanied by Mr. Edgeworth.

"Mr. Nick...!" Pearl chimed in, popping up from her seat so swiftly that her two loops of hair bounced forcefully in place, stretching to twice their length before roundly resettling upon her head. "I-it's so good to see that you're okay!"

"...Wait!" Mystic Maya announced, stretching out her hands and glaring sternly at Mr. Nick. "How many fingers do you see? What is your name- ... No, that won't work, Edgeworth probably told you, ehhh...Alright! What's your middle name!?!?"

As Mr. Edgeworth's attention was diverted by...(was that...Mr. Edgeworth's "special someone"? she was acting awfully friendly toward him)...Pearl focused her wide eyes directly on Mr. Nick, awaiting his answer.
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Phoenix Wright :ack:

His body quivered under the sudden duress of thousands of warm daggers stabbing his sensitive skin. (...Maya!) "Ah-aaarghh!" She had attacked him like a wild beast, encompassing him with a gigantic hug. He would have appreciated the gesture under other circumstances. With his wounds still raw and fresh, the pressure against his body nearly led him to collapse to the sand beneath them.

(...Be careful, Maya! I'm too fragile for this! ...And I'm also too shirtless!) Despite the intense flashes of pain caused by the contact, Phoenix blushed slightly with the revelation that Maya had pressed herself against his bare skin. (...I'm going to be spending plenty of time with Maya, and Iris, and plenty of other attractive women. I really need to ask around and see if someone has a spare shirt I can borrow.)

"NICK, NICK, NICK!!! YOU'RE ALRIGHT, YOU'RE NOT DEAD, YOU'RE ALRIGHT!...Wait!" Maya quickly backed away, giving Phoenix a moment to breathe. She extended both of her hands and waved seven fingers across his face, as her expression suddenly turned dour. "How many fingers do you see? What is your name- ... No, that won't work, Edgeworth probably told you, ehhh...Alright! What's your middle name!?!?"

"...Maya Fey," Nick wheezed, trying to force a pleasant smile while gritting his teeth as he still recoiled from the embrace. "Pearls. it Hawthorne? Or Fey? I'm not sure I ever asked. I remember your names. I remember meeting you all for the very first a series of unfortunate circumstances. And I remember nearly freezing to death a few months back in Hazakura."

Maya's face seemed to brighten after he finished his statements, and Iris and Pearls certainly looked elated as well. (It's so good to see they're all right. If anything had happened...) It was best not to think those kinds of darker thoughts. What mattered was that, according to Edgeworth, everyone was safe and accounted for. As for Miles...Phoenix turned to his side and saw Wendy Oldbag, sternly staring him down. Edgeworth was nowhere to be seen, though. (It looks like our resident witch of the island scared poor Edgey away. That's too bad...I had more questions that I needed to ask him.)

Despite Edgey's statement, the campsite seemed largely uninhabited. He saw Maggey and Gumshoe out of the corner of his eye, and had he been in better health, he would have heard (and reacted) to Maggey's sudden cries for help. Much of the rest of the campsite remained a blur to him. He was still exhausted, and he was in no condition to play the role of hero.

Phoenix turned his gaze turned the Alternia, which still was nestled atop a coral reef offshore. Plumes of smoke still emanated from its interior; he wondered how safe it would be to venture inside and salvage more supplies. "...I thought...I thought we'd all have an incredible vacation. I thought we all deserved that much. Now so many people are hurt, and if I wasn't so greedy to try to win a cruise I never deserved in the first place..."

He sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair. Earlier, he had been drenched in seawater, but his hair had defied all laws of logic and remained spiky nevertheless. He stared down at the sand, now, almost embarrassed with himself. "Iris...I convinced the Judge to postpone your sentence so that you could have one last moment of happiness on this cruise...and now I might have sentenced you to a fate worse than a few months in prison.'re too young for this, you're so young...I never should have, I never..."

He then shook his head. Dwelling in the past wouldn't solve any of the problems they now faced. "...Can one of you do me a favor? I could...I could really use a shirt, one that's my size. Can one of you ask around? F-for some aspirin, too. My head is killing me. I think...I think I need to sit by the fire, and rest." Phoenix vowed to accomplish more for his friends once he had regained his strength. (This is just like Eagle River, all over again. History repeats itself...and Phoenix Wright is utterly useless. What would Franziska say? Yes...he's a foolishly foolish fool of a fool.)

He had felt this sense of despair before, too many times to count. In the past, he had relied on Maya or Pearls to summon Mia at moments like these, and the spirit of his dead mentor had been able to restore his confidence, and bring him back to life. (It wouldn't be right to ask Maya and Pearls to do that, though. Not yet. They're still in shock, and I have no idea if the conditions here are safe.)

He sat down and drew in deep, heavy breaths as he attempted to relax. (It's time to stop worrying. Iris, Pearls and Maya are okay. The smiles on their faces...they're not upset to have taken the cruise. They're relieved that I've survived. In the meantime, everyone will be fine. Edgeworth and Franziska and that other Interpol agent can take charge tonight.)

He stared longingly as the sun continued its descent and neared the horizon. Despite everything that had happened, it was a beautiful evening.
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Maya :-P

Maya was starring at (a very much uncomfortable looking) Phoenix in expectation for an answer, until he finally managed to say a word:

"Maya Fey..."

Maya already wanted to 'object' and tell him that that's not his name, but hers, when she noticed that he was smiling at her... or at least trying to. He then turned towards the other girls and addressed them as well. She suddenly remembered that Nick... oops... didn't really have a middle name... right? So, in retroperspective, her question had been a little dumb. Maya giggled, before going on to sigh relieved.

(Ahh... He's fine, he's alright, he's alright....)

Maya felt like a few tons of weight had been taken off her shoulders. It was good to know that she most likely wasn't going to have to take any "Phoenix Wright"-channeling requests anytime soon... Even though she was a little interested what Nick might look like with straight hair in a short-hem Kimono...

Apropos, she finally noticed something... Phoenix wasn't wearing... a certain piece of clothing. Meaning that he was shirtless. What a view...
Maya giggled once again: (Nick, Nick, Nick, so you really do have some muscles under that suit! ...Hm, could be more though... Ah, We'll just take him along to training next time, that'll help for sure...)

That's when Maya remembered that they were -Oh, yes- currently stranded on an lonely, little Island. So this "plan" would only ever come into fruition if they somehow managed to get off of here. (Hmm....) Maya took a look around.

(I wonder if we could build a raft from all that wood here... Kinda like those kids in that one videogame with the giant sword-key... Wait... now that I think about it, that didn't end too well in that game, did it?... And also, who knows how far away it's to the mainland from here? There's no way we can store enough food for that trip on a tiny raft.... Oh... Foo~d....)

Maya was about to wonder what Tropical-Bird-Burger might taste like, when Nick's rather upset, exhausted voice reached her ears:

"...I thought...I thought we'd all have an incredible vacation. I thought we all deserved that much. Now so many people are hurt, and if I wasn't so greedy to try to win a cruise I never deserved in the first place..."

"Hey!!" Maya turned towards him again, her cheeks blown like balloons. They tended to do that when she was angry. "Ah! Not you too! First Maggey and now you! Seriously, you guys need to chill! Putting yourself down won't don anybody any good now! You got that?"

He had, apparently, either not heard or ignored her, since he went on to mumble something about ruining Iris' last months in freedom and putting Pearly into danger.
Maya didn't like what she heard. Not one bit.

(Nick... Come on, we don't need that now...If you panic, everybody else is gonna panic too... Ah! I can't calm down Maggey, I can't calm down him... Is there nothing I can do to make the others feel a little less... bad?)

Maya felt useless once again. It was a feeling she hated with all passion. What good where spiritual powers if she couldn't even keep her best friend from treating himself like a criminal?! She should have studied boat engineering instead... Maybe that would have prevented this whole mess.

Or maybe, she should have trained to become an Oracle or Fortune Teller. Then she could have foreseen what would happen and tell the captain to pick a different route.

But in the end, those were all just hypothetical scenarios now and Maya couldn't change a thing about what happened. Knowing this was incredibly frustrating.

"...Can one of you do me a favor?"


Maya hadn't even noticed how her head had slowly lowered as she had thought about what could have been, but now she jerked up again from the Sound of Phoenix' voice. He was telling them:

"I could...I could really use a shirt..."

Maya picked up her purple robe - which she had taken off from the heat- and was about to hand it to him, when she heard him continue.

" that's my size."

"Oh..." Maya took another look at her slightly ripped robes, then at Phoenix, then at the robes again... (I... guess that won't quite do it after all...)

"Can one of you ask around?"


Maya started pondering where they could get a shirt for Nick from, going through all the males that were on the cruise along with them.

(... I guess only Mr. Edgeworth has about the same size as Nick... And he wears three layers... Maybe he could give one of those to Nick...)

However, as Maya thought about this, the mental image of Phoenix Wright wearing magenta-red clothes and a CRAVAT popped into her mind... She had to stop herself from laughing.

(N-No Way!! Hahaha...)

"F-for some aspirin, too. My head is killing me. I think...I think I need to sit by the fire, and rest."

Aspirin... The chance of finding that around here was slim... Or, wait, didn't the guys save one of the first aid kits? Maya looked around, seeing if she could spot it and found it near the fire place.


Phoenix had barely finished his sentence when Maya already rushed off, towards the white case with the red cross on it. Nick wanted Aspirin? She was gonna get him Aspirin!

She was gonna be useful, empty stomach or not!

Maggey :maggy:


Maggey hadn't expected him to appear here right at this moment.

"Maggey, you're bleeding! We need a bandage! No, it needs to be cleaned first! No, we need a transfusion!"

"N-No, No!!"

Maggey quickly licked the blood off her finger and hid it behind her back. There she was, already worrying someone again...

"It's alright!" She claimed, despite feeling that her finger burned like there were actual shard of the glass stuck in it, especially now that she had licked on the wound. "It's just a scratch, really! It will heal soon!"

(Although... with my luck, I'm probably gonna catch the Malaria through that wound before it does... Eeks...)

She knew that the Detective wasn't just gonna calm down now. Chances were that he was gonna use up all their bandage reseverves to tend her finger now. She didn't want that. There were others here who needed help as well and...

Oh my god, what happened to his face?! Where did all those banadages come from? And, even worse, they weren't even covering all of the wounds they were applied to! If anybody needed help, it was him

"Detective, you got injured!!" Maggey exclaimed, forgetting about her finger and making fists with both her hands "W-Wait, I'm gonna tend that! The first aid kit, where's it?! We need banages and Disinfectant spray and wound-healing creme and..."

Maggey didn't even realize that she was being just as bad as the Detective... At least not at the moment.

Her eyes were frantically searching the area for the white case, when she spotted something else.

(Ahh... At least Mr. Wright is alright...)

She was glad to see that he seemed to be relatively fine, given the circumstances.

Good. That meant her bad luck hadn't killed anybody this time. ...Yet.

(We need to get off here... FAST.) She decided.

...Because I felt the need to advertise my fanfic with a self-drawn, animated banner. Yes, I'm obsessed, why do you ask?
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Ema Skye :scientific:

Ema waited for a few minutes, but there was no response. She was going to try again, but didn't bother.

(What's the point? If they didn't hear me the first time, it's unlikely they'll hear me the second.)

She decided to try the different routes to try and get to the campsite. She originally thought it would take forever and it was stupid, but considering the current situation, there was nothing else she could do. There were seven different routes, and Ema decided to listen out for any noises, and go down the route the noise was coming from, because it was likely that would be where the campsite would be.

She waited a moment and listened out, but she didn't hear much. Just the sea and a little bit of wind. So eventually, she decided she would just go down a random route and hope it was the right one. There was a 14.2857142857143% chance that that route would be the correct one, but just for now, she didn't care. She would rather be with everyone else than alone.

About 20 minutes later, Ema was exhausted. She took the wrong route, and she felt really, really hot.

(Am I going to pass out again? I must have really bad reactions to heat.)

As soon as the thought that, she was feeling a little fain, and gradually, it felt worse and worse. About 5 minutes afterwards, she very slowly fell gently backwards, and lost consiousness.

Iris :ayame:

Iris was glad to see Phoenix was alright, and that's when she noticed that he was shirtless. As soon as she noticed, she went bright red. She obviously couldn't see that she did, but she knew that she did. She could feel it.

(Calm down! It's going to be okay! It's not embarrassing! Feenie has seen me blush before!)

When she heard Phoenix ask one of them to ask around for a spare shirt, she said, "I'll do it!"
She wanted to be polite, and she also wanted to help in some way.

"F-for some aspirin, too. My head is killing me. I think...I think I need to sit by the fire, and rest." Phoenix said.

Iris was certain there wouldn't be any aspirin around unless they used a spare first aid kit, but there could be something here that could be used instead.

"By the way," Iris said, "Have any of you seen Ema? I think she got lost on the way to the campsite."
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:franny: Franziska

As hard as she tried to ignore it, the pain in Franziska's torso grew stronger and stronger making it increasingly more difficult to keep her discomfort concealed. Nonetheless she marched over to Phoenix with her head held high, and still bleeding somewhat.

"Phoenix Wright you are the single most foolishly foolish fool of all the foolish fools on this foolishly foolish island! How dare you get us into this mess!"

As Franziska raised her whip over her head ready to cast a warning strike, a blinding pain ran through her body causing her to cry out in pain.


Franziska gripped the handle of her whip hard as she fought to regain her composure. Angry with her momentary display of weakness, Franziska turned to the other survivors that were huddled around the campfire.

"Scruffy!" She barked at the detective. "Unless you want your salary to drop even lower once we get out of this mess, come and move this fool closer to the fire at once!"

Again she surveyed the group of survivors.

"You. Ms Angel Starr. You will tend to this fool until he has recovered."

Franziska was about as fond of Angel Starr as Angel Starr was of her and since Franziska wasn't in the best of moods with Phoenix Wright, it seemed a fitting course of action to take against the both of them.

:two-faced: :franny: Angel and Franziska

Who the hell do these prosecutors think they are?!

Angel gave Lana Skye her best glare. Who did she think she was smirking at her?!

"What did i do to deserve this?" She said out loud to no-one in particular.

As far as Angel Starr was concerned she was in her own personal hell. Made worse by that smarmy prosecutor smirking at her. She was half considering heading out into the forest for a while when she heard the arrogant tones of one Franziska von Karma.

"You. Ms Angel Starr. You will tend to this fool until he has recovered."

That was it. As if the smirking wasn't bad enough, this child dared to order her about!

"Do your own dirty work 'Prosecutor'" She practically spat the word prosecutor out of her mouth as if it was a dirty and shamefull word.

A satisfied feeling rose inside of Angel as the fury crept onto Franziska's face.

"Insolent fool!" Franziska snapped back.

As Franziska raised her whip the crippling pain in her side returned, this time bringing her to the floor.

Does she really think i'm that much of an idiot?

Saying nothing else Angel headed off towards the forest. She just couldn't stand being around those arrogant prosecutors.

Franziska hurried to get back onto her feet, fixing her face with the best glare she could muster, ready for any fool that attempted to help her. Feeling even more angry than before Franziska took it upon herself to find the others that were missing and, walking in the opposite direction to Angel Starr headed off into another part of the forest.

Check out my Graphics page :D!
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Shi-Long Lang

The wolf-like Interpol agent had been putting his survival skills to good use by attempting to a create a new fire that would rival the size of that of the existing fire. Yet no matter how hard he applied the science of friction on the two branches, he could not produce a single spark. With much irritation at his apparent failure, he threw the branches into the pile. The flame slightly grew but it was nothing compared to the growing figurative fire in his eyes.

It seemed a lot of things had changed since he started. He watched a teenage girl fiddle through the first-aid kit, huffing and puffing the words "Aspirin... aspirin..." He saw Gumshoe and his bespectacled lady friend with exasperated looks on their faces. He looked over his shoulder and noticed that the beautiful lady with the lunchboxes back in the cruise had been driven away by his co-agent, Franziska. He was able to recall her words before she left for the forest. She told Franziska, "Do your own dirty work 'Prosecutor'" in such a mocking fashion. He was pleased to hear that someone shared the same sentiment as he did. (Note to self, try to get her name after giving her mine later.)

And then there was the shirtless spiky-haired guy who groggily approached the fireplace. He remembered meeting this man on the cruise. He couldn't quite catch the name Edgeworth told him. Pheeny Sight? Phoenix Trite? Something like that. Although, he knew that he was the lawyer who invited everyone on the island to the supposedly dream cruise. The man was staring out into the sun in a contemplative state. He recalled the commotion going on at one part of the island with this guy looking for a shirt.

"Hey. Mr. Defense Attorney," Lang called. He took off the furry jacket wrapped around his waist and extended it to the spiky-haired man. "Here... Lang Zi says: A wolf without fur is a wolf on borrowed time."
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Dick Gumshoe :gumshoe:

At the moment, Gumshoe couldn't quite grasp why Maggey hid her wound when it needed to be treated right away. He thought he should go for the first aid kit at once, but then Maggey commented on his wounds. It took Gumshoe a while to remember them.

"Huh? Ah! No, I'm fine with these! You shouldn't worry about me! We still..." He continued, about to throw more lines of worry and go running for the first aid kit, when a known voice reached his ears and seemed to call for him... even if not by his real name.

"Scruffy!" The voice said, harshly. "Unless you want your salary to drop even lower once we get out of this mess, come and move this fool closer to the fire at once!"

Gumshoe looked back in time to see Ms. von Karma barking orders at another unlucky soul in that island. The familiarity that he had with that scene, with Franziska ordering everyone around and whiping them to submission would have been strangely confortable to him, if it wasn't for the matter he had to attend to right now.

"B-But sir, Maggey, she's injured and...!" Gumshoe would start to complain, but noticed soon after that Ms. von Karma was injured too: there was a deep cut across her brow, and she seemed to wince occasionally. The scene impressed Gumshoe greatly: Ms. von Karma was definitely tough, enduring all the pain to put the camp in order. She wasn't even able to crack her whip properly. Gumshoe only didn't pity this because he knew all too well how much that thing hurted. It even crossed Gumshoe's mind to help her, but she didn't seem to welcome any help, glaring down at the people nearby once he fell down to the floor in pain.

Half because of that whole scene (and the other half because of Franziska's glare), he decided he should comply to the orders. There was the matter of his salary too, though he actually doubted there was anything else to be cut there.

He turned back to Maggey once he reached that decision.

"I... Maggey, will you be alright? Hum..." He didn't really want to leave her there, but then remembered where the first aid kit was: by the campfire. He could grab it after getting Mr. Wright near the fire, thus killing two stones with one bird! ...Though, something seemed off on that saying there. "I will come back to you in a minute! Stay safe until then!" Gumshoe exclaimed, not even once stopping to think that Maggey's wound could have actually been just a scratch after all. With that, the detective stood up and walked towards Mr. Wright. He still seemed to be surrounded by the same girls from before, but now Lang was there too.

"Hey. Mr. Defense Attorney," Gumshoe heard Lang say, when he offered his furry jacket to Wright. "Here... Lang Zi says: A wolf without fur is a wolf on borrowed time."

Gumshoe didn't really get the meaning behind that, but it must have something to do with those clothes. He waited a bit before calling out Mr. Wright.

"Hey, pal! Here, you should come over to the fire. I'll take you there." Gumshoe said, ready to follow his own words.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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Kay stood up after falling out of the tree. "It seems like I'm such a klutz now a days. I wish there was some treasure." Kay groaned. She heard a familiar voice calling for help, "I feel like I heard that voice somewhere before." Kay got up and ran to the source of the voice.

Kay pushed her way through the tall plants. "These really itch my legs! Gross!"
Then Kay saw an almost unconcious Ema. "Hey, hello? Are you okay?" Kay poked Ema. "Didn't I meet you at Gatewater Land? C'mon! There has to be more people!" Kay tried to make Ema pay attention.


Regina felt determined to find people, she got up and tried to run around the island, on the outskirts. She was shaking in fear of the creepy bugs that could crawl out of the jungle. Regina heard some voices. She slowed down to make sure that she knew them. "Hello? Did you guys crash too?" She saw a spikes haired man. "Is that you Mr. Lawyer?!" Regina ran toward them. "Waaaaaaahhhhh! I thought I was all alone!" She wailed and bawled.
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On second thoughts, thought Lana, she'd look for Ema. A wave of fear passed through her as she rose unsteadily, falling to her knees. Although she fought hard, a single, conspicuous teardrop made its solitary way down her cheek.
My sister... the only one I have left... I promised Mom and Dad I'd always watch over her...!
"Dammit." she whispered. "Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!" Lana pushed herself off of the ground, limping in the direction of the jungle, calling out wildly. "Ema! Ema, can you hear me! Please, Ema!" Lana's ankle, however, couldn't tolerate that much weight and gave out underneath her, causing fresh shards of driftwood to be embedded in her knee. She cursed again, this wasn't fair... why couldn't anything be simple and enjoyable in her life?!
When Mr. Wright had invited Ema and her, Lana's heart had soared. A break from the stress of the job of High Prosecutor once again... Lana had been reinstated the moment she'd been released, and she was glad of it, after seeing the mess Mr. Payne had left things in. She called out once more, weakly before collapsing on the driftwood once and for all.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
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