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Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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NOTE: To sign up, please go to this thread: ... 2#p1134442 and follow the rules.

The start date of this RP is Monday, October 1st, 2012, so please make note of that.

Note please that this takes place about four months before Turnabout Memories.

If you post here without signing up and getting an acceptance reply from me, you will be ignored. Please follow the signup rules.

Also, the thread mentioned above works as an OOC thread. Use this to talk to people about goings-on in the game. And to plan subplots if you wish. But please do not spam your OOC here. Thank you!

And remember! 50+ words per post, please! Be descriptive! It'll make the RP a lot more fun, I promise!

I must note this again: DO NOT GODMOD. Do not assume any character is doing something they have not stated they are doing before, unless you have spoken with the player beforehand. It's really rude, so please, please don't do it.

With that out of the way....


Another beautiful day at Ivy University. Well, it would be if Chris Hall actually paid much attention to the outside. No, he was in the cafeteria this morning, playing video games while waiting for the next class. Didn't he have homework to do?

Nope, finished that already.

He was sitting alone, though, as if not noticing anyone else around. The world around him was currently nonexistent, and he enjoyed it that way right now.
Proud supporter of Phoenix/Iris, past, present and future
Thank you Elriel! :D

Last edited by Xero Wright on Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James Delson casually strolled into the cafeteria, picked up a can os pepsi and a sandwich and threw a 5 dollar note on the counter.

He had all the tables to choose from, but went and sat next Chris.

He started eating, and looked up to Chris and said "Hello. I'm James." in hope to make a new friend, since he was new to this place.
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Miles Player walked in next. He brought a bag lunch as usual, because he didn't have an allowance.

He sat where Chris and James were, but made no attempt to talk to them, because he knew they'd most likely shun him.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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Johnny walked into the cafeteria, looking bored as usual.

He sat down at a nearby table and spotted Miles, James and, Chris at the same table on the other side. He ignored them and took out a book on sharks.
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It was already getting a little crowded at this table. Why did everyone sit here, anyway? Was there nowhere else to sit? It was a little odd having people near you when you're concentrating on a game.

Finally, he heard someone try to introduce himself, and he realized he wasn't going to get any more gaming done this morning. Besides, it was kind of rude to keep someone waiting for a response. He turned to James.

"Hello, James. Are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before."
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Miles sighed, and pulled his Unova Pokedex book out of his backpack, and began to read. He knew there was no way he'd be able to make friends, but at least he could have some people know he exists.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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"Hey, what are you reading?" Johnny asked Miles.
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James put aside his leftovers and brushed his hands on his trousers.

"Yeah I'm new, I moved from England. What's your name?" He said to Chris.
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Miles looked up. Will he like Pokemon too...? Or am I going to receive more mental abuse at this school too...?

He sighed. "It's a Pokedex of the Unova region of Pokemon."
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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"Hmm, I've heard it's interesting, is it? I haven't played or seen it yet," Johnny asked.
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"Oh, well you should."

He stopped, because he knew he was going to start ranting on about how great it was if he didn't, and that's one of the reasons nobody liked him. He went back to reading the book.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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"Hmm, maybe I will," Johnny said, going back to his book.
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Phew..., Miles thought, Barely avoided that bomb...
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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(( "And remember! 50+ words per post, please! Be descriptive! It'll make the RP a lot more fun, I promise!" ))
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Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Felix Rodes and Lance Hetman arrived in the parking lot outside of the cafeteria of Ivy University in their worn pick up truck. They hopped out and headed to the building, making funny jokes at eachother's expense.

As they entered the cafeteria, Felix was finishing a particularly funny story. "So, she just let you do that?" Lance asked incredulously. Felix laughed. "Yeah, dude! It was awesome! She even showed me where the peanut butter was." Lance sighed. "I've always wanted a girl who was a chef, too..."

They got their food and found a table next to a bunch of guys, one on a laptop, one reading, another just talking. As the two friends ate, they loudly talked about their various escapades, and various business about their band, Rock Ness.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James suddenly lost interest in Chris, and looked over to Felix and Lance.

"Are you guys in a band?" He said excitedly.

James loved music, and had always wanted to learn the guitar, but he never found the time to.
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Felix turned around at the sound of the boy's call, and Lance did as well. They both smiled broadly. "Yeah! Our band's called Rock Ness. We've got a few albums out. I'm Felix Rodes, lead guitar." Lance greeted him as well. "I'm Lance Hetman, rythm."

Felix put a leg up on the seat and faced him. "What's up, guys? You all know eachother?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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"Class!!" James said. "As if I know people that are actually in a band!"

James was amazed. He'd never knew anybody who was in a band before.

"Oh, I'm new to town, so I don't really know anybody around here." James was eager to meet new people and make new friends.

"So what's it like round here the lads?"
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Felix shrugged. "I'll be honest with you, I don't know too many people around here either." As soon as he said that, however, a man walked by the table and shouted at Felix. "JOHNNAY!!!" He responded, pointing at him as he walked away. "So, like I was saying, I don't know too many people."

Lance finished his food and wheeled around in his seat. "Well, what's your name? YOu sound English. Are you from there?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Somari sighed, and put a pair of headphones on his ears. There! Now I can listen to something good, prevent from making myself look bad, and make lunch go by even faster!

He then went back to reading his Unova book whilst listening to music.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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"Oh no I'm not from England, I just put this accent on." James said sarcasticly, but in a playful way.

"Nah I'm only messing with you, I'm from North East England" He stated.

"Well, if you guys don't know too many people, and neither do I, then I guess maybe we should, ya know, hang out?" He was desperate to make new friends, and from what he had already seen, he really liked these guys.
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"Ugh," Johnny said.

He took out his phone and started texting his fellow marine bio friends. 'Maybe I should spend this time at the band hall instead, but no,' Johnny thought.
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Felix smiled. "Well, we've got a concert tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you guys could come by. Buy some CDs."

Lance pointed at the anti-social looking boy with the phone. "What's his deal? Seems pretty pissed off to me." Felix hit him upside the head. "You can't just talk about random people like that!"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Phoenix Wright: Ace College Student Redux RP (Read 1st Post)Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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"Wow, I'd love to see you guys live! And of course I'll buy a few CDs, I love listening to new music!"

Even though James had been here a short while, he felt like ge fit right in.

"So, since you guys are in a band... I guess you guys, you know, get a lot of girls" James lowered his voice. he was never really good with girls, and every time he got close to one, something would jeopardise it.
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Felix grinned and hopped up out of his seat. "Well, you could say I know a few things." Lance raised his hand. "Me too!"

Felix ignored him and sat next to James. "What seems to be the problem?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James scooted over a bit, to let Felix in.

"Well, you see.. everytime I get close to a girl I... well to put it bluntly, I fuck it up." James felt like he was getting a load of his shoulders. He had never talked to anyone about this before.

"Like for example, the last girl I was into, we started getting close, but when I actually realise I like a girl, I start getting nervous around her. Sounds weird, I know, one minute we're talking like best friends, the next I start shitting my pants. I don't know what's wrong with me!!"

James finished off his can of pepsi, then slillfully threw it into the bin across the room.
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Miles could, unfortunately, still hear the conversation, so he turned up the iPhone in his pocket a little more. Enough for somebody around him to be able to hear it.

*sigh* I prefer listening to Crush 40 anyway... It's better than listening to some guy talk about how he crushes on girls but can't do it right...
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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The sound of the music caught James' attention. He leaned over to the kid, tapped him on the shoulder and said politefully, "Could you turn that down a bit please mate?"
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Felix nodded. "Well, it's a tricky thing. All it takes is confidence! You gotta believe in yourself before you go through with it, or else nothing's gonna happen." Lance concurred, using a toothpick and leaning back in his seat.

"Just use what you're good at. Girls love guys who are good at things. What are you good at?" he asked.

Felix heard the music as well. "Ours is better..." he muttered under his breath.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James thought well and hard...

"I guess I'm pretty funny. AND I can get halfway through "Through the Fire and Flames" on Guitar Hero on expert mode." He said jokingly.
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Lance gripped his chair fiercely. He lips came together into a tight line. The one thing he could not stand was Dragonforce. "Lemme tell you something about that band, chap. Those egotistical bastards wouldn't know a good song if it came up behind them, bought them a beer, and then boned their moms."

Felix raised a hand to calm him. "Easy, Lance. Sorry, we met Dragonforce a few years ago. They were total douchebags," he explained. "Anyway, funny's perfect. It'll get you in the door, and that's very important. Just turn on the charm, take care of how you look, and relax. Easy as Guitar Hero."
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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James was slightly shocked by the reaction he got, but also pleased.

"Thanks for the advice, guys. And it's been nice meeting ya's, I'll see you around campus, I gotta go for a piss."

He stood up, gave a friendly nod to Felix and Lance, turned around and strolled away. He thought to himself, "I've only been in college for one morning and I've already made friends!" James was very happy and confident about his stay in this college, and he felt he could accomplish anything.

(( Gotta go for now guys, it's 1:41am and my iPod is low on battery ))
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"Oh!", Miles said, "Sorry."

*turns it down*

There! Now I can't hear the conversation, and I don't think he can hear my music.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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Johnny got up, and left for the band hall.

'It was too crowded, and besides, my class is being held outside the band hall in a minute,' Johnny thought. He went into the band hall, and got out his cello and started to play.
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[OOC: Hey, H4rdmeister, I really don't want to sound... well, off-beat, but that was kinda rude to just jump from one conversation to another. A lot of RPers do have to go to work and school and can't always be on. I'm not gonna really complain about it this time, but please be mindful of others when you choose your situations. I know this is your first RP, so I'm just letting you know that.]

Chris didn't really like being thrown off the conversation like that, so he went back to playing his games. Since he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't work on the game he was playing before, since he had to focus on it quite a bit... so he switched to an easier game in the series. Oh yeah, bullet hell games. Can't get enough of those.

Honestly, it'd be pretty easy to snap him out of his current antisocial behavior, though.
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Natalie Kitaka walked up to Ivy University.
(My first year in collage I hope everything goes well.) Natalie thought as she walked in.
Natalie walked to the cafeteria. She had a packed lunch. It was a Pepsi and a slice of pizza.
(Weird. I don't see any girls.) Natalie thought as she sat a table by herself.
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Felix sighed, putting his hands on the table. Lance joined him and they both looked up at the two other guys sitting at the table. One was on his phone, looking pretty surly, but the other was distractedly playing some video games.

Felix pointed at him and asked, "Hey, man. Whatcha playin'?"

Lance decided to look around a bit, as this table was beginning to bore him. He wheeled around in his seat, looking at the other tables. There were various cliques spread about, but his eyes were drawn to a very pretty girl sitting alone at a table a distance away. He couldn't help but smile, but tried not to seem obvious in checking her out.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Chris responded while still playing: "A pretty difficult game. I need to focus in order to beat it, though."

Of course, that made him LOSE his focus, and then he died in the game. He sighed, and shut it off. "I might as well focus on playing these when I'm in my dorm, I guess.

"So, you guys are in a band, I heard?"
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Felix grinned broadly. "Yup! We're a part of Rock Ness. I'm Felix Rodes, the lead guitarist, and this is my guitar, Raul. My friend Lance here is the rythm guitar. Right, Lance?" he said, poking Lance's arm, who turned around and distractedly said, "Hey, what's up?" before turning around again.

Felix shrugged. "What kind of music do you listen to? I ask, because we're having a concert tomorrow. Maybe you could check out the show."
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Nice to meet you, Felix. The name's Chris. I listen to quite a bit of music, just so long as it isn't country or rap." He put his laptop up, since it wasn't going to see any more use for the morning.

"I'm interested. Where and when's the show going to be?" Hey, this could be a new friend opportunity for him. Can't pass that up.
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