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School of Magic (Diagon Alley.)Topic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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Welcome to Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To sign up for this RP and read the rules, click here. We are starting the RP in Diagon Alley, so if people want to join, they still can without being totally lost. More teachers and upperclassmen are needed, and at least one student in Unicorn house is wanted.

Accepted characters so far:

Spoiler: ToonBlade ----- Adam Blade
Name: Adam Blade

Age: 11

Personality: Has a mild, and a bit cheerful personality. He can also be a bit hot headed and impasient at times, but he mostly keeps a cool head. When the situation demmands it, he's pretty serious and focused. Whenever relaxing with friends, he's a bit goofy and tries too make them laugh.

Appearance: Adam has messy and spiky black hair(That sort of resembles LoZ's Link), and has light brown eyes. He's got nornal height and build. Has a small triangle shaped scar in the back of his right hand.
Position: Student

Year: 1st

House: He wants to be in the Hippogriff House

Alignment: Good

Genetic make-up: Half-blood.

Pet: An owl (Black chest, everything else is silver)

Spells: N/A

History: Adam was raised in a muggle comunity. Both his parents are half-bloods. He attended regular muggle schools all his life, and has had a fairly normal childhood. And by 'normal', I mean muggle normal. As he grew up, he saw little to no magic. His parents may be wizards, but they were mostly interested in science, so they tried to raise him like a common muggle. He has an older brother that moved out because he hated the way his parents tried to raise them as muggles. Because of his brother telling him about magic before he left when Adam was 7, Adam has been ancious to attend a wizarding school. When his powers began to surface, he became really exited and tried his best to control them and has succeded in a way, but still has trouble controling it from time to time. When the owl post first arived telling him that he was going to a wizarding school, his emotion of happiness wa so great, that every flower and plabt in his neighborhood grew incredebly fast...... And almost made them catch on fire because his powers also increased the temperatures by 35 degrees. After begging his parents to let him attend, they finally agreed. Adam now patiently awaits the day his parents take him to Diagon Alley.

Spoiler: Aliucon ----- Cecil Kyriad
Name: Cecil Kyriad
Age: 14
Personality: Usually quiet and thoughtful. A good student, that refuses to say anything while studying or paying attention to classes. Rarely loses his temper, but in turn, his inactivity and pondering about a situation might upset or even put in risk those who are near him.
Appearance: Medium-sized, rather skinny, has long blond hair and wears glasses. Always seen using the school uniform inside the school, but in other occasions, he has a pleated formal blue shirt and jeans coupled with black runners, in order to appear more muggle-ish.
Position: Student
Year: 3rd
House: Goblin
Alignment: Neutral (he finds it hard to define good or evil)
Genetic make-up: Pure-blood
Pet: None
Spells: Alohomora, Locomotor Mortis, Lumos/Nox, Prior Incantato, Diffindo, Ferula
History: Cecil had always been around magic. Little he knew of muggles until he started to go out of his house to play with the kids. He used to be a pretty happy kid until his magical abilities started to flourish, and he accidentaly, in the middle of him and his friends playing Tag, he pointed to his best friend and from his finger came a silver blast of magic that hit his friend, making him laugh heartily for hours, much like the Rictusempra spell would do. The following days, similar accidents happened whenever he played with his friends, and since then he had his mind set at controlling his own magic properly. Asking his parents how he would manage it, they told Cecil that a school would invite him when he reached his 11 years, and so it happened when the owl coming from the Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Spoiler: franini ----- Viola Faraday
Name: Viola Faraday
Age: 15
Personality: Shy, intelligent, but doesn't like to stick out. Rather harsh on herself and a bit of a workaholic, to the point where she rarely does anything else but study. She's not at all a team player but has a strong dislike of breaking the rules because she wants to do well and has strong morals. It's possibly the only thing she'd be confrontational about, as she normally avoids arguments. Somewhat lonely, but she tries not to think about it and tries to cover up her lack of friends by saying she needs to focus on her studies more than her social life. Will rarely answer questions in class except when asked and doesn't speak much to others either, though loyal and caring once they gain her friendship and trust.
Appearance: Long curly black hair, tall and fragile looking, grey eyes. Seen in her uniform inside school but for casual will wear a white blouse, dark blue jumper and black pleated skirt with black pumps.
Position: Student, prefect.
Year: 5th
House: Goblin, but was nearly placed in Unicorn.
Alignment: Good.
Genetic make-up: Pure-blood.
Pet: Barn owl called Athena.
Spells: All the generic ones up to fifth year, but commonly used/specialist: Lumos/Nox, Ferula, Protego, Stupefy, Petrificus Totalus, Aguamenti, Incendio, Reducio febris (fever-reducer) and Episkey (heals minor injuries).
History: Pressured by her parents to attend the school and excel, she was just glad she got her letter though she grew up surrounded by magic and had many indications of the fact she was a witch. She wants to be a healer becuase she hates to see people in pain. She is an only child but not doted on by her parents, who are high ranking officials in the Ministry.

Spoiler: Lida_Rose ----- Chary Guile
Name: Chary Guile
Age: 11
Personality: Chary is very shy and weary of others. She's learned to manipulate to get her way. She is very smart and already knows how to control her magic. However, she has put up lots of walls, making it hard for her to make friends.
Appearance: With porcelain skin and long, wavy brown hair, she could be a model in the muggle world. Her blue eyes convey a certain lingering sadness, and when she smiles, it never quite reaches her eyes. She has some very light freckles, is so skinny, you can almost see her bones, and is of average height. She doesn't really care much about her appearance. Her robes cover the marks left behind from the curses used on her.
Position: Student
Year: 1st.
House: Basilisk
Alignment: In-between.
Genetic make-up: Pure-blood.
Pet: None.
Spells: She knows the three unforgivable curses, but doesn't use them. She is very good in potions.
History: Her father was very abusive to her mother. In the wizarding world, you don't hear much about this sort of thing, because it is harder to prove. Spells don't leave marks, usually. Her father was a follower of the new Dark Lord, and a huge fan of the Cruciatus curse, which he used on his wife on a constant basis to get what he wanted from her. When Chary was five years old, she witnessed her mother's murder. Her mom wanted to leave and take Chary with her, so his dad killed her with the killing curse. Then, he ran away with Chary to avoid the law. They've been on the run ever since.

Chary's father would use the Cruciatus curse on her as a form of punishment, and once in a while, she has felt the effects of her father using the Imperius curse on her when she would not willingly obey him. It was using a combination of the Cruciatus and Imperius curses that he made her kill a few muggles so they could live in their house for a brief period of time. He tried to torture her into doing it, but she still refused, so he used the Imperius curse to make her do it anyway. This is how she knows the three unforgivable curses. She has learned to be manipulative to get what she wanted out of her father.

When she received the letter from Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she knew right away her father would not approve of it. Still, she brought up the idea to him, and he said she couldn't do it, almost using the Cruciatus curse on her again. She dropped the issue, but still really wanted to go, so she brewed up a knock-out potion and gave that to her father. Once he was asleep, she ran off to Diagon Alley. Unfortunately, she has no money on her, making buying supplies difficult...

Spoiler: Cold52 ----- James Crowly
Name: James Crowly

Age: 28

Personality: a very calm intellegent person...although cranky at times due to a lack of sleep from a curse.

Appearance: short brown hair, black eyes with dark rings under them, his height and build are average with a brown lether coat, white shirt and black pants.

Position: Teacher (defense against the dark arts)

Year: n/a

House: Hippogriff.

Alignment: good

Genetic make-up: half-blood

Pet: none

Spells: knows many curses and the common spells
spells commonly used:Accio, Lumos/Nox, Protego, Legilimens, Locomotor Mortis, Silencio, freazero (a curse that slowly incases the target in ice), freazo (stops the freazero curse)

History:normally his jobs was to help in the capture of those who would misuse magic for ill intent...unfortunately a man who also managed to escape him placed an unknown curse curse upon him...horrendous nightmares plague him every time he sleeps...even leaving signs of physical damage upon him...he knew in his shape he couldn't be doing his usual he too a job as a teacher...the school has also agreed to look into and study the unusual sleep curse.

Spoiler: Slezak ----- Jay and Jeremy Slezak
Name: Jay Slezak / Jeremy Slezak
Age: 22 / 26
Personality: Jay is calm, cool, polite, and jovial. He loves to make new friends and is eager for the start of the new schoolyear because of the new faces he'll see. Always the optimist, Jay usually has a positive aura about him. He has a very witty sense of humor, but when things happen, he can get really serious. Sometimes he can get philosophical as well, which sometimes puts people off (especially when he may occasionally rant during class...) He has such a close relationship to his brother that they both possess a mental link between each other. / Like Jay, Jeremy is calm, cool, polite, and jovial. He's a bit more reserved than Jay is though, so he doesn't use his humor as often and doesn't get as serious as Jay. Jeremy is also quite optimistic and always tries to encourage his students and anyone else having problems.
Appearance: Jay is of average height and weight. He has medium-length curly black hair, hazel eyes, and no facial hair. He likes to wear blue outfits. / Jeremy is a bit taller and a bit thinner than his brother. He has shoulder-length very-bright blonde hair, green eyes, and no facial hair. His color preference for outfits is green. / Each brother wears a silver bracelet on his left wrist which is dotted with glowing blue gems... The bracelets are supposedly the source of the brothers' magical abilities, but nobody can say for certain. Each brother also carries a very lightweight magical staff they acquired from... somewhere, but they can transmogrify it into a wand for teaching purposes, even though the motions are about the same for casting spells in either case.
Position: Both teachers. Since they're rookie teachers, they really don't have classes picked out yet. Jay will eventually teach Charms and will help Jeremy out if his burdens become too much. / Jeremy will try his hand at Herbology, teaching a secondary healing class as well, and also being a part-time healer. / It'll be up to the DAtDA professor whether or not he/she would allow the brothers to do this, but the brothers would also like to teach a bit for that class in their specified fields of magic (see below for those).
House: Both of them will be in Unicorn, even though they almost get placed into Hippogriff. Their kindness and purity shone brigher than their bravery, so the sorting ball selected Unicorn at the last minute.
Alignment: Slightly Chaotic (for Lawful vs. Chaotic), extremely Good (for Good vs. Evil).
Genetic make-up: Muggle-born; gained magic powers through supernatural means.
Pet: None (at the start)
Spells: Jay's specialties are electric-elemental spells and support spells, especially buffs, debuffs, and practical (light, object levitation/manipulation, etc.) spells. Jay has also been doing some research into a new casting format which uses musical melodies instead of spoken phrases. He hopes he can find/invent a "singing" enchantment for his staff/wand to utilize the new technique. (Format of spell-casting will be explained in more detail in one of my posts when I actually figure out how it should work.) / Jeremy's specialties are ice/water-elemental spells and support spells, especially healing and status-effect-curing/inducing spells. He is also dabbling in the melody-based form of casting and is also searching for the "singing" enchantment. / The brothers start out knowing only out-of-universe spells, but will learn HP-universe-specific spells at a very quick pace as they begin to figure out which spells correspond to the spells the brothers know.
History: The brothers have always been fascinated with the supernatural and other things they can't explain, especially magic. Through a series of events, they finally got the chance to test out magic casting for themselves. An errant teleportation spell--that the brothers still can't determine which one of them cast--whisked them away and now they're trying to figure out where they are. Someone nearby sensed the brothers' extremely-potent magic auras and approached them with an offer to teach at the Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not having much else to do at the time, the brothers promptly signed the contract with their magical staves (which had somehow transmogrified into giant pens just for the occasion... don't ask; even the brothers can't explain that one.) and, just as quickly as they had arrived, they were whisked away once again, this time into their new residence in this strange world. An owl dropped by with instructions on how to access Diagon Alley, Chimera, and other places like that, as well as who to talk to concerning their newly-acquired job as teachers. Now they must find their bearings and prepare for the schoolyear, which is slated to start quite soon.

Spoiler: bethanyann96 ----- Bethany Cox
Name: Bethany Cox
Age: 15
Personality: Bethany is a sweet girl but has a fiery temper. You wouldn't expect it from her but if you say something that offends her she will definitely let it be known. Very smart and mature with an extremely nerdy side not many know about. She has a lot of friends even though she thinks she is awkward. She is a vegetarian and wants to use her magical skills for a good cause someday.
Appearance: Short red hair in a bob. Bright blue eyes, pale skin, and freckles. Medium height and weight. When not wearing the school uniform she wears a jean skirt, reddish brown boots, and a dark grey sweater.
Position: Student
Year: 5th
House: Goblin
Alignment: Good all her life but has the desire to be bad for once
Genetic make-up: Half blood
Pet: A cat named Ellie
Spells: Standard spells a 5th year would know ex: Lumos, Wingardium Leviosa etc.
History: Bethany was born into a family with only one magical parent. Her mom was a witch, and always believed that her children should embrace their powers. Her dad was very supportive. So when Bethany started showing signs of magical ability they sent her off to a magical school right away. She has been going here since she was a 1st year and has grown very comfortable with her magic. Bethany loves being a witch and knows that she always will.

Spoiler: Franzika Von ehmpke5 ----- Isabella "Penny" Bower
Name: Isabella "Penny" Bower
Age: 11
Personality: Penny is a shy, nice girl. She tries to be friendly to people but usually she doesn't talk to people much, because she's so shy. She's a bit of a crybaby and not very brave. Once she becomes friends with someone she isn't shy around them anymore and she helps them in any way she can. She trusts people very much and she thinks that everyone has some good in them.
Appearance: Penny has shoulder length reddish brown hair that's about the same color as a penny, that's actually how she got the nickname Penny. She has big, dark brown eyes and pale skin. She has a dark purple streak in her hair. She always wears a locket that's shaped like a panda, which she puts on a different colored string for each day of the week.
Position: Student
Year: 1st
House: She wants to be in Unicorn
Alignment: Good
Genetic make-up: Muggle born
Pet: A gray cat with green eyes named Dime.
Spells: She doesn't know any spells
History: Penny used to go to an average muggle school and she lived with her mom, dad, and brother in an average muggle neighborhood. Sometimes weird things would happen to her, because her powers were starting to come. Her parents were worried when they saw the strange things happening and her brother thought she was an alien. When she got her letter for the school she was so happy and excited that she started to float and she hit her head on the ceiling. Her parents were very supportive of her being a witch and they're going to help her shop at Diagon Alley. (Her brother still thinks she's an alien.)

So, without further ado...Let the roleplay commence!
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Last edited by Lida_Rose on Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: School of Magic (Diagon Alley.)Topic%20Title

The Zelda Geek

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Adam had finally arived at Diagon Alley. He was extremly exited. He was so exited, he was practicaly shaking. He had heard many stories of Diagon Alley because of letters sent by his brother. He was simply speechless at all the cool and fasinating shops and stalls everywhere. He wanted to go inside every shop and buy as much as he could, but he knew that wasn't posible. He had come here to get his school suplies, nothing more. So, he and his parents got started by buying him his school robes. They walked to the clothes shop. ((Yeah, I don't remember what it was called....))
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Chary Guile was in Diagon Alley, wondering how she'd afford her supplies. She hadn't a knut on her, but it seemed impractical to try to steal from wizards and witches. Still undecided on what to do, she stood outside the clothing store. Maybe she could get a free fitting, then try making her own robes? Nah, that would be preposterous. She was good at making potions, but bad at finer, muggle crafts like sewing. She sat just outside the shop, still trying to think of what to do.
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Re: School of Magic (Diagon Alley.)Topic%20Title

The Zelda Geek

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Adam was able to convinse his parents to let him buy a few things on his own. They gave him a map of Diagon Alley and small magical charm. He approached the clothing store with a big bag of money. As he approached the store, he saw a girl that looked as old as him. He decided to say hello, since he was still exited about the wizarding world, so he forgot about the whole 'Don't talk to strangers' rule.

"Hello there! Um...... Are you going to buy school robes too?"
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Chary's eyes widened as she saw a kid with a huge bag of money approaching. That bag...she could steal that from him. Then she'd have more than enough money to buy supplies!
But he's just a kid, my age, she thought. It wouldn't be right to steal from him. As soon as the thought entered her mind, the kid had the audacity to address her. He looked so excited as he did. Clearly, he's never met a bad egg before.

"I would be buying robes, if I had the money," Chary said. Her eyes flicked back to the bag of money. She could teach this kid a hard lesson about trusting people, if she wanted to. He was about her age, and probably didn't even know how to control his magic, or how to tell a good potion from a bad one. If she chose, it would be child's play to take that bag for herself. She decided to not steal from him, though. Instead, she made those sad eyes at him. "You see, I haven't a knut on me. My parents didn't want me to go to school, so they simply refused to fund my education." That would be a sad story to anyone who didn't know the truth about her, or never lived as she did. She averted her eyes, as if ashamed of this supposed fact. "I don't know what to do." She sounded close to tears, and she even considered pouring fake tears in her eyes to make it look like she really was crying, but decided against it. This would surely be enough to manipulate the boy into buying school supplies for her, wouldn't it?
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The Zelda Geek

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"What?! That's horrible!" Adam said as he heard her story. When she made the sad face, he decided to help her.
"Um............. If you want, I can help you buy your supplies. You see, I'm still pretty new to this whole wizarding thing, and I have no idea how to handle wizarding money," he explained. He knew his parents wouldn't allow it, but he had already come up with a lie that might work.

"And it doesn't matter if we spend it all. My parents don't use wizarding money anymore, and it probably won't matter if I return with no money. Actually, once we're done, I'll give you all the left over money. Now come on, we've got school robes to buy," he said with a smile as he walked into the shop.
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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"Thank you," Chary said when he offered to help buy her supplies, then she had to stop herself from making a face as he offered to hand her the leftover money afterward. Just how sickeningly sweet was this sap?

"That's okay...You don't have to do that," she added, her tone slightly panicked. If she came home with school supplies, she could hide them in plain sight without her father noticing. If she came home with unexplained money, on the other hand...she couldn't even imagine what would happen. Ordinarily, that would be a good thing, but she never knew how her crazy father would react. She tried to cover up her fear with a cough. "I mean...that's awfully kind of you, but really, I have enough to pay you back for as it is." She smiled a falsely sweet smile of hers. "I wouldn't want to add more to the pile." She walked into the shop after him, wondering what she'd do if he gave her that money, anyway.
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The Zelda Geek

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As Adam walked into the store, his jaw dropped. It was bigger in the inside than on the outside. Of course, that was simple magic, but to him, that was incredible. The feeling of exitement grew bigger as he saw a few robes on display. To think that he would soon be wearing them. He walked up to the shopkeeper.

"Excuse me miss. My friend and I are looking for school robes," he said to the woman. But at that momment, he realized that he didn't know which school Chary would be attending. He turned around.

"I forgot to ask. Which wizarding school will you be attending?" he asked her.
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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Viola exited the Leaky Cauldron, her home for nearly a week, with her list at the ready. Her wand was safely in her pocket (not that she'd use it) if a sticky situation arose, and money in her bag. Right, I need robes first... she deduced and walked over to the shop. The door jingled as she came in and saw the shopkeeper in conversation with two young kids, most likely first years, and she smirked. It hadn't been that long ago since she'd been in that position herself. She did notice their lack of parental supervision but decided not to pry and simply waited her turn.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
Re: School of Magic (Diagon Alley.)Topic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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Chary noted how Adam's jaw dropped when they entered and rolled her eyes. Honestly, you'd think the kid had never been exposed to magic before, the way he acted. She may have been mildly impressed, but certainly didn't look it. She was a little unnerved, though, because Adam hadn't responded to her protests, which meant either he didn't hear them, or was ignoring them. Maybe as soon as they were done shopping, she'd have to lose him. It wouldn't be that hard, really. A quick run down Nocturn Alley and the boy wouldn't dare follow her if he had any sense.

"I'll be attending Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she answered. The way she figured it, there would be hundreds of first years, so chances were, she wouldn't see him again, except maybe in a couple classes of hers. She heard the door jingle and wheeled around to see Viola. Instantly, she shrunk back. This girl was quite pretty, and looked older than Chary by four years or so. She was probably an upperclassman, which meant Chary would have to watch herself around her. She forced a timid smile at Viola before turning her attention back to Adam and the shopkeeper.
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Re: School of Magic (Diagon Alley.)Topic%20Title

The Zelda Geek

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"Realy? Me too!" Adam said with enthusiasm after he heard Chary's answer. He then turned to the shopkeeper and spoke.

"Two first year Chimera School robes please!" he said with a smile. After hearing Adam, the shopkeeper didn't move. Instead, she waved her wand and summoned two robes from the back of the shop. The two robes zoomed out from the back door, folded themselves in mid-air, and gently landed in two bags. The shopkeeper then waved her wand again, and the two bags floated twoards Adam and Chary. As it all happened, Adam's mouth remained open in awe. It might have been simple magic, but for Adam that was a breathtaking sigh.

After Adam and Chary got their robes, the shopkeeper asked for the payment. When she asked for the money, Adam turned to Chary and spoke.

"Um, can you give her the payment...? I'm still new to wizarding money, so I don't know what I should give her...." he said as he gave Chary the bag of money.
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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Chary's eyebrows raised at the magic. Weren't they supposed to be fitted for their robes first? How were she and Adam supposed to tell whose robes belonged to whom? Then, suddenly, she was handed the bag of money and asked to make the payment.

"Oh, right..." She handed the shopkeeper the correct amount of galleons, sickles, and knuts. "There. Now, then, which bag is mine and which one is his?"
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Cecil had been in the Diagon Alley for a while, and just now exited the wizard's bank, Gringotts, one of his pockets filled with galleons. He had just enough to buy his new books and notebooks for annotations. His parents had given him the right to withdrawn money for only that. They hadn't come along, so Cecil was given a written permit sealed by magic which was given to the goblins, and he received that money only.

"It's not like I'd need more for mundane things, anyway." He whispered to himself, adjusting his glasses. Then, raising his head, he made his way to the good old Flourish & Blotts, which was rather empty at the time. Books were sorted by subject in several places, but the school books themselves were always by the shop's window, since they were so frequently requested. Cecil would have to buy those, but, for the time being, he decided to stroll around the place and see if there was a general book which would be of his interest. Sure, he might get in trouble if he bought a book in place of one which the school demanded, but for him, learning more about magic control and the most pure form of magic manipulation was more important than general schoolwork.

With that thought in mind, he wandered to the "Theory of Magic" section, and started to examine the books there.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff

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"Well look at the fine mess we've gotten ourselves into this time!" Jay exclaimed as he paced around the living room of the nondescript suburbian house that had apparently become the brothers' new residence in this world.
"Yeah, this wallpaper is atrocious!" Jeremy said, examining the gaudy orange and yellow stripes which were hastily plastered on the walls for the poor sap to stare at every unfortunate day they might have to live here. Jeremy made a note to learn a charm to improve interior decorating as soon as possible.
"Well I guess everything happens for a reason," Jay mused as he sat down in the bland and boring armchair which made no attempt to match the walls, floor, or any other part of the room. Just then, an owl flew in through the open window and dropped off a parcel, quickly flying off just as soon as it came, not leaving the brothers much time to react.
"Looks like the neighbors sent us a welcoming gift," Jay said as he stood up and walked over to the parcel, picking it up and opening the quite nicely-sealed envelope.
"Blah blah blah... Chimera School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." Jay sort-of-read aloud, "...Diagon Alley? Says something about picking up supplies... hm..." He continued reading. "...'Honorary teachers'? These people really are putting a lot of trust in us." Jeremy peeked over Jay's shoulder as he read. The letter explained how to get to the school as well as Diagon Alley, along with whom the brothers should discuss their newly-acquired teaching positions.
"Well, I guess we'd better get going. Don't want to be late for our flight from Gate forty-two and seven eighths!" Jeremy declared jokingly.

--- Flash forward to the brothers arriving in Diagon Alley, because I don't really want to bore you with how they got there. ---

The brothers stepped out onto the street of Diagon Alley and were instantly greeted by a cheery scene of people running every which way into and out of the numerous shops lining the sides of the street. It was almost overwhelming, but luckily the brothers had brought the letter with them. Whoever wrote it thought ahead that the brothers might not know anything about this place and gave instructions on where exactly they needed to go to buy the supplies they would need to begin teaching for the new year. The brothers decided to find their bearings before they moved an inch.

((Edited the transition a bit because I'm ignorant.))
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"Thanks for making the payment," Adam said to Chary. Once Chary asked the question to the shopkeeper, Adam checked the bag he was holding. He pulled out the plain black robes and put them on top his clothes.

"Hey, it fits me perfectly!" he said in amazement. He couldn't be;ieve it. Making inanimate objects float around on their own was great, but bieng able to find the corect size of clothing for people without fitting them was incredible! Adam took the robes, folded them, and placed them back in the bag. H ethen turned to Chary.

"Well, they fit me perfectly. What about your's?"
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"Thanks for making the payment," Adam said to Chary. Once Chary asked the question to the shopkeeper, Adam checked the bag he was holding. He pulled out the plain black robes and put them on top his clothes.

"Hey, it fits me perfectly!" he said in amazement. He couldn't believe it. Making inanimate objects float around on their own was great, but being able to find the correct size of clothing for people without fitting them was incredible! Adam took off the robes, folded them, and placed them back in the bag. He then turned to Chary.

"Well, they fit me perfectly. What about your's?"
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after arriving in Diagon Alley James talking to himself.

well all my stuff already arrived at the school...unfortunately I missed that very flight I was supposed to be on...atleast someone agreed to pick up my stuff for me...I still had some time so I decided to come here to see if i want anything...hmm...i suppose ill go get myself a snack for the trip

James continued forward at a sluggish pace looking for a shop selling snacks.
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Viola watched in mild amusement at the boy's lack of knowledge with the wizarding money, and returned the smile shyly. When the shopkeeper was done, she stepped forward.

"I'd like robes for Chimera, also." she said quietly. "Goblin." Realising something, she turned to the two first-years. "Hey," she almost whispered, "Do you two know about the houses?" Since the boy didn't know about the money, it was highly likely that he didn't know also about the houses, and the Sorting. I'll fill them in if I must. she thought wryly. Your own wishes can affect the sorting. Like I picked Goblin over Unicorn...
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"Houses? Sorting?" Adam repeated. At that momment he started thinking. Those terms sounded vaguly familiar, he just didn't remember where he heard them. After a minute or two of thinking, he finaly remembered. About two years ago, a letter that his brother had sent him mentioned wizarding schools. Out of curiosity, Adam replied with a letter that asked how the first year at a wizarding school worked. A few weeks later, he recived his brother's reply. Within the letter it mentioned houses and sorting, but there weren't many details.

After trying to remember everything in his brother's letter, Adam looked up and answered Viola.

"Houses are kinda like the group you become part of when you first go to a wizarding school. Once you join, you can never change. As for sorting, it's a ritual that decides which house you're going to be."
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"That's right," she murmured. "There are four houses at Chimera. Hippogriff - for those who're brave, but easily angered. Unicorn - for the loyal, kind people that are often taken advantage of. Basilisk - for people that are cunning. And lastly Goblin, my house, for those who're on the clever side but are considered quite stuck-up. That's why I was nearly put in Unicorn - I'm clever, supposedly, but I'm really too naive and caring for Goblin. You'll be sorted as soon as you arrive."
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"Four houses? Hmm..... I wonder which one I'll be sorted to....... Ooooh, I hope I'm sorted into Hippogriff! My brother told me that he was sorted to Hippogiff House when he was my age! Ooooh, I'm so exited!" Adam said. He had been quited exited before, but he was even more exited now. 'Hippogiff house; the house of the brave,' he thought. He wanted to be in Hippogiff house, but what about other kids? What house did other first years want to be in? Because of this curiosity, he turned to Chary and spoke.

"Hey, when we get to school, what House do you want to be in?"
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((Slezak, the plane thing is to get to and from the school itself. You're on your own for getting to Diagon Alley. :P))

Chary put her robes on over her clothes. Hmmm...A perfect fit. She took them back off and folded them neatly before placing them back into her bag.
"Looks like they fit," she answered, then the boy and Viola started talking about the boring stuff, like houses and whatnot. Admittedly, there were plenty of people who would care about that sort of thing, but not Chary. She had enough trouble thinking on how to get there in the first place without her father noticing. That's when the boy turned back to her and asked which house she wants to be in.

"It doesn't matter to me," she answered, trying to keep her voice sounding sweet. "All of them sound great." Just keep smiling...Don't show your true colors...
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"Really? Well, ok then," Adam said as he heard Chary's response to his question.

"Alright, where do we go now? What should we buy next?" he asked, for he was exited. If the amount of magic he witnessed from simply buying robes made him exited, then the amount of magic from buying, say..... a wand, would impress him even more. However, he didn't know what to buy next. He wanted to save the wand for last.
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"I'd say we should head to Flourish and Blotts to pick up all of our textbooks," Chary answered. "We have many books to buy." She was still pretending to be sweet, and not show any frustration toward the boy and his lack of planning, and that stupid excitement of his! ...Nah, the excitement only frustrated her because she wouldn't allow herself to feel it. She headed out of the store, nodding to Viola on her way past.
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"Flourish and Blotts huh? Yeah, I remember seeying that shop on my way here..... Hey, wait for me!" Adam said as he followed Chary. Books huh? Adam liked reading. Well, reading stories, not textbooks. Still, he remembered a few fantasy stories. All this felt like one of those stories.

After a few minutes of walking, Chary and Adam finaly arived at Flourish and Blotts.
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((@Lida: Thanks. I edited it a bit to make it more vague.))

"Well, first order of business," Jay began after a minute of silent contemplation, " to head to the bank. Something tells me our alien money is no good here."
"Ah, you're right," Jeremy replied, then looked at the map included with the letter before continuing, "According to the map, Gringott's looks like the place we need to be." The brothers then made their way along the street towards Gringott's. They entered and went up to the counter, pulling out bags of coins.
"Does this place exchange currency?" Jay asked politely as he plopped down his bag of gold.
"More muggle money, hm?" The teller asked boredly, but as he opened up the bag, his eyes lit up.
"As you can see, not quite," Jeremy stated as he placed his bag on the counter.
"Oooh, this is nice stuff, pure!" the teller remarked as he took the bags away, coming back with two empty sacks. He took out a wand, spun it around in his hand, spoke an incantation, and tapped each of the sacks. They instantly became about twice as large and coins could be heard sloshing around in them.
"There ya go, you two. Take care," the teller said, seeming much happier now. He spoke another quick incantation and the sacks tied themselves up. The brothers thanked the teller and attempted to pick up the sacks of money. The sacks had become quite heavy, but suddenly the brothers were able to lift them with no effort, which startled the brothers.
"Ha-ha, don't worry," the teller said with a hearty laugh, "I just charmed your money so it's now light as a feather. Better be quick though, it'll only last about an hour." Jay and Jeremy thanked the teller once again and quickly exited the bank.
"Man, I wonder how much is even in here," Jay mused as he and Jeremy walked out the door.
"Judging by the weight, it must be a LOT," Jeremy replied. Of course, the brothers knew nothing of the currency of this world, but they were sure glad they brought that gold with them. The brothers continued walking, searching for their next destination.
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Cecil kept on-going through the several books in row which interested him. The pure theory of magic was a subject a great deal harder than he expected it to be, but given it would be useful to acquire perfect control, they would certainly be useful. He couldn't buy them all, though: only buying one would already harm his finances to get all textbooks for his upcoming third year.

As he pondered about what to do, he spied, through the windows of the place, a boy with some strangely unruly hair and a girl of impossibly pale skin and untidy robes. They had with them a big sack of money. Probably freshmen which were going for the new books? Or maybe they were going for buying the entire place? The sack sure was huge...

Cecil leaned against the wall, with a book called Primordial Magic and the Advent of the Wand wide open in his hands. He kept skimming through it, all the while being attentive to glance upon the newcomers once they entered.

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Viola nodded as they left, not totally convinced by the girl's sweet act, but she let it pass. Only first years... don't know enough to cause much harm, anyway... She also headed for the bookstore after them, even though she'd already gotten the required textbooks and read most of them from cover to cover. There's going to be a healing class this year, and I have to be prepared! Going in, she went straight to the healing section, skim-reading some blurbs, and saw a boy a couple years younger than her in the Theory of Magic section. Hardcore for a third-year... she thought wryly.

"Looking for anything in particular?" she murmured, recognising him from her own house.
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Cecil had noticed Viola's approach over his reading, albeit he hadn't looked at her directly. When he raised his head, he was somewhat surprised to see that it wasn't any of the two first years which he had seen before, but a veteran student which he had seen before. He never really got her name, given both of them rarely talked due to being focused in their studies, but he had definitely crossed paths with her once or twice.

"Browsing. I cannot buy any books other than the obligatory ones for this year, but I am... interested in several areas of study, see." He adjusted his glasses again as he said so, and glanced upon the book he had been reading. "How about you? I assume there are healing classes for students in the fifth year?" He made the comment as he realized Viola was in the healing section.

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Viola nodded, understanding his curiousity - it reminded her very much of herself, and she commended it.

"Indeed, it's something I intend to pursue as a career. The introduction of this class is most useful for me." she paused. "What subjects would you like to use in your career? I'm partial to Charms and Potions, myself, as well as healing."
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As soon as Chary entered Flourish and Blotts, she wasted absolutely no time in finding the Potions textbook she'd need, making sure to pick one up for Adam as well, then crossing to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Yeah, it was pretty obvious which classes she was most interested in studying. She noticed that girl from the clothing store talking to some boy, to which she paid no mind. Interacting wasn't something she really wanted to do, anyway. She checked behind her to see if Adam was there before continuing her brisk pace through the store.
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Adam was just walking around the store, skiming over shelves. He was looking for a book that might help him understand the wizarding terms better. He wasn't looking for textbooks because from the looks of things, Chary was already taking care of it. As he looked through the shelves, Adam saw many strange words. In the end, he decided to just stand next to the display window and wait for Chary to finish getting all the textbooks.
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as James was on his search he happened to pass by a bookstore noticing a few kids...likely students outside the shops window...while he continued to search for a shop selling snacks he started talking to himself.

that reminds me...this will be my first time teaching anything...I need to decide where to start the student off at...hmm well i suppose ill think of that later...

James finally arrived at a shop...there were many strange candies and snakes...some of which he himself had never seen caught his eyes...poppleskins...apparently the flavor changes with each pop...he decided to buy a few and left.

well...i guess ill go to my flight a tad early...need to stay awake for the flight...least I scare a few people with screams and random appearing cuts or such.
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"Oh, so you already have your studies planned for your future career? Impressive. Then again, I would expect no less from a dedicated student of the Goblin house," Cecil commented, smiling slightly and putting the book he had been reading on its proper place. Talking with other students from his house was easier than with those of other houses: they were straight to the point, and the conversation usually regarded a matter of importance or curiosity, rather than feelings and the like, with which he wasn't comfortable. "As for me, I have a great deal of interest in the origins of magic, which we don't ordinarily learn in school at this age... but History of Magic and Transfiguration are the ones I'm focusing right now."

As he spoke, he looked by the corner of his eye to the people that seemed to arrive. Two younger individuals... the ones he had seen before. Not only them, but one grown-up (Cecil would guess it was a teacher, but he left before Cecil couldn't take a better look at him) had been there as well. He made to motion to address any of the freshmen, but he followed Adam with his eyes as he waited for Viola to speak.

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"How interesting. Not many care particularly for History of Magic, but then again, as you say to me, you're also a dedicated student of the Goblin house, so if any like it then it is sure to be us."

She found conversing with this boy quite pleasant - those of her own house were always easier to interact with - they were focused and hard working, like her, after all. It was the other houses that made her feel ill at ease. Unicorns spoke too often about their feelings, which she disliked, and she found the Hippogriffs and Basilisks simply intimidating. Viola had always kept her head down. She didn't want to be the subject of ridicule - some of the Basilisks in her year were particularly venomous - and there was work to do, anyway, which she had to focus on. OWLs were looming, and if she was to get the grades she needed, she'd have to work harder than ever. Mentally shaking her head out of thought, she continued.

"I do like Transfiguration also, but I'm stronger at Charms." she paused. "I don't believe we've properly met before, my name is Viola Faraday." Tentatively, she put out a hand.
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Cecil looked towards Viola when she spoke again, and introduced herself. Her name was strangely familiar to him. Faraday...? However, it was possible he had heard it before, anyway, but never really related it to the girl in question. Cecil then moved his own right hand to meet hers for a handshake. "Cecil Kyriad. It is nice to meet you, Viola." He added the last sentence out of education, though knowing an upper-class student of his house might be interesting in the long run.

Being close enough for a handshake, he couldn't help but notice how different she was from the other girls he met. Cecil had seldom seen a girl with grey eyes, and taller than himself. That was curious in itself, but he made no mention of these things.

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Viola noticed his scrutiny and prayed she hadn't committed a social faux pas. She inhaled deeply, a look of mild strain on her face for a brief moment, before it passed.

"And you also, Cecil." she murmured, before releasing her hand. She did feel quite tired, strangely, after all the social interaction that she was quite unaccustomed to. I wonder what's different today...? Here I am, consorting with complete strangers and mild acquaintances. How strange for me... "Do you need any help with selection? I've read a few theory books related to my Arithmancy course." she paused. "Or we could aid the first years, you noticed them? Neither seemed particularly partial to our house, though. I'll just buy these." she quickly paid the witch at the till for the two healing books she'd picked up and an advanced charms book, and then returned to him.
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It wasn't long before Chary had gathered all the books she and Adam would need for their first year. Unfortunately, the pile was so huge, she could barely see over it as she carried them all. Naturally, she didn't notice when some immature idiot (who will never show up again) stuck his foot out and tripped her. She fell flat on her stomach and the books went flying everywhere.

"Oh, Voldemort pants!" Chary exclaimed, unsteadily trying to get back up. She heard laughter behind her, and wanted nothing more than to whip around and teach those kids a lesson or two, but she was very shaky as it was. Shaky because she was trembling with anger, and that was never good. She heard an entire bookshelf fall behind her somewhere, and was sure she caused it. No, I have to gather myself. Taking a deep breath, she started picking the books back up.
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Viola paled and ran over to Chary instinctively.

"Are you hurt?!" she said calmly. "You're shaking, you should sit. Does your ankle hurt at all? It looks a little red." she glared at the troublemakers. "You could have hurt her, you fools." she reprimanded severely. Not for nothing was Viola a prefect, and she'd practiced that tone over the summer (not that she'd admit it). This was exactly the sort of thing she'd put a stop to at Chimera.
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Cecil was not sure how to reply to Viola when she directed the word to him. It wasn't like he needed some help to select... well, he did, but that wasn't the main issue. He just didn't have the money, and he frowned at the thought of involving someone else with buying his books. No, she'd probably not be all that kind. She was undoubtedly smart, but kindness wasn't an endearing trait of his house...

As he thought, Chary fell down to the ground, along with a big load of books. Cecil tensed, and almost took his wand on hand, but after the initial scare, he noticed it wasn't an attack, so he relaxed. He looked over to Viola, which went to Chary's aid. Maybe he had been wrong: Viola was kind. Instead of advancing to check on Chary or even shoo the troublemaker, he stood away, watching.

"Unfortunate, really..." He commented as he looked, and soon after, advancing upon the fallen bookshelf and starting to pick up some books. Obviously, the shopkeeper was either wanting to see them sweat to organize everything, or trolling them, for Cecil was sure she could easily reorganize things through magic on her own.

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