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Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]
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Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Hello Gamers!

Thanks for playing Black Fable: When the Seagulls Cry! I really enjoyed running it for you guys and hopefully you were able to have fun.

Special Thanks goes out to the new players, Mec, Mujo, and Winston Payne for being very cool players and enhancing the game with good characters. Of course, I understand the game got stressful and complex at the end and I appreciate anyone who stayed trough to the end, but I understand if you were unable to.

Special thanks also goes out to Ukulady who participated a lot and did her best to enhance the game experience for everyone.

I also just wanna blanketly say that everyone with no exceptions, played a cool character and I really appreciate that BF2 was blessed with an incredible cast. Some people played their best characters ever in this game, which is super cool! I really think everyone should be proud about how they did in the RP.

As far as the game goes, since I think people will want to play another one of these one day, I do think that witches deserved their good roles, but I also think mortals deserved better roles. I think almost every mortal role should have been useful to find witches, answer questions, or help the mortals reach the endgame. Other than that, I think mortals deserved one extra guess/witches could have had one fewer witch.

I think I would mix up the pacing a little more so that less time would be spent on the ending parts of the arcs where nobody is left. I would put more mystery content in the game before/during the first twilights. I would also maybe leave real breaks in the game so that people could recharge more between them.

Anyway, it's time for the quicktopics!

Spoiler: quicktopics

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  Joker [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

curse you alllllll

Author:  Winston Payne [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  Mec [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  KamiPanda [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Not going to repeat myself here, so I'll just say, despite my criticisms I did enjoy this game a lot! Right up until the second half of the answer arc was a lot of fun, easily one of the best games I've played on this site. The setting definitely went a long way towards making everything cool, and Nanjo being active as a GM really helped keep the whole process smooth. I appreciate that the game didn't even really need much in the way of specially prepared backstory, because everything just sort of falls into place with the setting design. Little things like hearing about Peregrine get to be just that, little things, extra details instead of some big event. It's all just very nice. Thanks for hosting the game, Nanjo.

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Yeah thanks for the game! It was a good experience and fun to play with you all!

XD Now I can stop frantically refreshing my phone and get some work done!

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


am I too late

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  Kachu [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Thank you so much Nanjo and everyone else for a fantastic game experience!

Black Fable 2 was tons and tons of fun. Though near the very end things got understandably bad, but that doesn't really hurt the rest of the experience for me. It was stressful constantly being on edge as a witch trying to plot and plan things without being too quiet or pushing players to the right answer, but at the same time it was some of the most fun I've had in one of these games.

I think others are more suited to gameplay critiques but I do feel like some of them should be posted here so a future GM can come and look over it without having to scroll through Discord or whatever. That being said I don't think I want to type out all the things that people brought up, at least not in this post.

Really wanna make sure it's known though that this was incredibly fun even if right at the end it became too much for people (Myself included, though I can't really imagine what it was like playing as a mortal on the final two days.)
Thanks for everyone who played! I loved all the characters and the three newcomers were great to have! I hope all of you guys stick around for other games too. Would be super cool.

Might have more to add later when I feel like sitting down and bringing up specific things.
Oh also gg.

Author:  Winston Payne [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

This was my first forum game so I don't have anything to compare it to. However, I did enjoy it quite a bit (there were a couple of issues but those have been mentioned in other places) and I'll try to participate in future games.

I'd like to use this post to explain things about James that never got revealed. James is actually a financial genius who graduated top of his class at Harvard (earning the nickname 'the next Rockefeller'). However as you already know, he stopped using his talent and wasted his money on gambling and women (creating numerous illegitimate children). At the end (if the the mortals won) , he would have a monologue about how he was sorry and how he would resurrect his father's company all on his own (ripping up his business plan). I could've posted this ending but I felt it would have been quite forced especially since the witches won. My original plan for a witch victory was to have James kill himself but that obviously wasn't possible so I made him just give up. You can see some hints about his backstory in some of my and one of Nanjo's posts.

My favourite arc was arc 1 because it had the most RP and it had the subplot about the will which I was planning to reveal in the third twilight once Vincent died.

Finally, I'd like to thank Nanjo for organising the game.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

GGs to Nanjo, thanks for hosting! I already aired most of my grievances in the Discord so I guess repeating them here would be a little redundant. I enjoyed RPing with everyone and that was my favorite part of the game.

Looking forward to what's next

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

I thought this game was great. RPing-wise, this is my favorite forum game I've participated in and had the best cast. Gameplay-wise, this was also my favorite of the games I've participated in. A lot of the complaints and rebuttals have been done to death on discord. The main summary on my thoughts is that I think the main points that get complained about are valid, but exaggerated. And I understand people disagree, but that's just my opinion. Special shout-out to all my fellow witches for the last month.

I also will mention that being a witch was extremely stressful lying all the time. So also wanna say sorry if I was ever like too intense or anything. Speaking personally I didn't really like being a witch (but I did like that Mickey was a witch character-wise). I really think these games should be shorter for this reason, I wouldn't have felt as ugly about it if the game had been like 12 days or a more typical mafia length. It's a completely different feeling from being a killer in like a DRF game or something.

James and Twilip were among my favorite characters, which is really awesome since both players are new too. Special thanks to Panda, since Mickey obviously wasn't originally a part of the Bertram character. It's way more fun to RP in this kinda setting if you're a family member imo.

Two biggest problems to me:

-The ending of the game was kinda bad (after the witches won, not the answer arc as a whole). I understand witches winning is a lame ending. I completely understand that people didn't have the heart to do anything and it would've been a wasted effort for Nanjo to try and "direct" something. I'm just imagining how this game would read, and the ending is just lame for a game where I felt very invested in the story. I want to reiterate that I don't blame anyone, I'm just saying it now in the hope that there's some remedy for a future game. Also if you consider this more of a game than a story, then the ending being bad isn't really a problem so I'm more just projecting my own expectations/disappointment.

Even the answer arc taking place in The Golden Land was weird. Nobody seemed to be expecting it, and it seems like it went against a lot of people's plans for character ending possibilities. For example if the answer arc had taken place on earth and ended the same way, I wouldn't mind letting somebody's character kill Mickey as a small moral victory before the big sacrifice.

-Mafia shouldn't have clues. It's weird dammit! I don't mind flavor. I'll take more flavor if anything. But it should just be flavor. Leaving a clue as a specific consequence of a power or something is a good idea, but it should be something in the role and not something that happens randomly.

Welp ignore all the problem talk. I wanna mainly reiterate the first point. I thought this game was the best. Umineko is great too. Thank you, Nanjo! Thank you, friends!

Author:  Mec [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Thank you Nanjo for putting on this game! This is the first of these games I've been a player for so I have nothing to really compare it to, but who knows. Maybe I'll probably try and join another of these in the future.

The problems that I did have were already talked about in discord, although I've already said that I'm not too miffed about anything since I'm just glad to have played tbh.

Other than that uh. GG witches, arc 1 and 3 were my faves cause I didn't die T1, Maurice being the hide and seek champ was the greatest twist ever, Mickey is probably a heavy main, and this was fun. How'd I even end up here anyway?

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

JesusMonroe wrote:
Thank you, friends!


Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

pancakes no he’ll die

Anyway, yeah, it was fun. All of my own grievances would just be reiterating what everyone else has already said, so... yeah. All in all, it was fun, though I do wish I made better use of my role. Too late for that now, though, so... eh.

In any case, my favorite part of this was probably the RPing. I honestly thought the game had a really solid cast all throughout, and I didn’t dislike any of the characters. But yeah, all in all, it was fun despite the grievances I had with it.

Author:  UkuleleLady [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

So, first of all, this was an awesome game. I've said my piece about the role distribution and the ending and whatnot, but the first 90% of Black Fable 2 was amazing. In terms of the roleplaying, this game was set up fantastically. I loved having three arcs so everyone got to spend a decent amount of time alive (Jackie, Robin, and Vincent got the least amount, and they still got roleplay opportunities). I loved the family tree that gave everyone a history with other members of the cast, both to set up a stronger story from the start and to raise the stakes when the killings started. Thanks, Nanjo, seriously. You put a ton of effort into this game, and it shows. You did great.

One thing I would have loved was the chance for everyone to have private conversations with other characters. Even if no gameplay talk was allowed, I would have loved to see how some of these characters would have interacted without an audience. But honestly, my only complaint about the RP aspect of BF2 is that I wish there was more of it - and that's a testament to its quality.

The cast was also amazing. I liked every single character in this story. And there were a lot of wonderful relationship dynamics across the board. Kudos to each and every one of you guys for playing them so well!

I loved the cast so much that I actually wrote up a short thing about each one of them: my general thoughts, one piece of constructive criticism, my favorite dynamic involving that character, and my favorite moment that character was part of. I did not write about Peregrine (because he was only in one post) or Robin (because she's my character and it would feel weird). Spoilered because probably not everyone is interested in reading about them all.

Disclaimer: I wrote Robin, I enjoyed writing her, and I’m heavily biased toward her. So expect a lot of my favorite dynamics and/or favorite moments to involve her.

Spoiler: Allister
I would have liked to see more of this character, but what there is of Allister is really good. He’s trying so hard to be professional and brave and basically what he thinks an adult should be like, and his dedication to his work is admirable. I feel that more interaction between Allister and Archer in particular would have been great, as Joker dropped some wonderful hints about their strained and one-sided relationship. He was also a fine foil for Lucine: the two kids who tried to hold their emotions back for very different reasons.

One thing I’d suggest: Allister’s emotions seemed a bit understated, even in very intense situations. Despite how reserved Allister is (or at least tries to be), I think it would be nice to see him be a little more expressive when the circumstances call for it.

Favorite dynamic: Allister and Briggs and Archer. I loved how this contributed to the theme of family in BF2 - Allister’s family of origin was Archer, who appeared to be an upstanding guy but turned out to be an evil witch and a crappy father. Allister’s family of choice was Briggs, who seemed on the surface to be a petty lowlife but genuinely loved Allister. The interactions between the three of them were some of the highlights in the game, in my opinion.

Favorite moment: the reveal that Archer was Allister’s father. Proof that a post does not have to be long to pack an emotional punch. Runner-up: "O-Oh, but you're good at your job when you actually do it!"
Spoiler: Archer
Strong gameplay aside, I liked how Archer maintained his composure better than everyone else in the group. The man’s a professional, cold and dignified. He’s driven by a strong sense of honor and duty (albeit a somewhat warped one, considering which side he was on). I loved the sweeter side he showed to Lucine. And I liked the tragedy that he didn’t have the same affection for his own son.

One thing I’d suggest: I wanted Archer to pay more attention to Allister, dammit!

Favorite dynamic: Archer and Briggs. They started out as a strong comedic duo with Archer playing the straight man, but the two were shown to be amazing foils for each other once their attitudes about Allister became apparent. I would have loved to see more of these three together, but what we got was great.

Favorite moment: Slipping Lucine candy. Runner-up: when Lucine “fired” Archer to protect him. Even the reveal that they’re both villains did not spoil these for me.
Spoiler: Asher
I found myself constantly rooting for Asher throughout BF2. And it was a relief to puzzle out that he could not have been the one to fake Lucine’s deaths. I loved Asher’s cynicism - a trait he shares with Violet, and one that no one could blame them for having - and his sense of justice. I loved that he’s clever and constantly angry. He really gave me “young Miles Edgeworth” vibes. Most of my favorite characterization of him took place in the dead thread, unfortunately.

One thing I’d suggest: I just wanted to see more of this character, and I think he could have been fleshed out a good deal more if he had had more interactions with other characters beyond what was needed to make progress in the game.

Favorite dynamic: Asher and Basil. I would have loved to see this come to a resolution, but the closest thing we got was still good. I’m a sucker for complicated father-son relationships in stories, and I think Collin and Pierre teamed up really well here.

Favorite moment: Saying goodbye to Basil in the Arc 3 dead thread before returning to life. It wasn’t a real conclusion to the conflict between the two, but it was a step, and it was lovely. Runner-up: Asher’s angry rant at the start of the epilogue.
Spoiler: Basil
Complex, deeply flawed, and humanized. I have a soft spot for male characters who are not afraid to express their feelings, and Basil really delivered on that front with an impressive emotional range. It’s also a major credit to Pierre that he wrote a character with such an off-putting backstory and still made him one of the more sympathetic characters in a cast of 18 really good characters. I wish we had seen more of his family dynamics, though. It seemed there was building tension between himself, Violet, Asher, and Wyn that never fully paid off.

One thing I’d suggest: This is more of a personal preference thing, but there were too many ethical issues around Basil and Wyn being together for me to be comfortable with it. One thing that went mostly unaddressed is the power imbalance there would have been between them at the start of their relationship. Not only was Basil old enough to be Wyn’s father, he was also a lot wealthier, probably much more socially influential, and her boss! It’s not really a problem to have unethical behavior in a story - except that, between Basil’s portrayal and the ambiguity around Diane’s death, I couldn’t tell how much Pierre expected the audience to agree with Basil’s choices. I think the character is fine, but the author’s intentions could have been clearer.

Favorite dynamic: Basil and Robin. These two went from barely knowing each other to building up a rapport to burning the bridge to maybe starting to repair it, and I loved watching it evolve. Seeing their newfound friendship fall apart over Robin voting to lynch Wyn was painful for me, let alone my character.

Favorite moment: When Basil came back to life in Arc 1. The emotional goodbye to everyone in the dead thread. The triumphant return by punching James in the face. Delivering the message to Zach from Robin, having earlier asked her without her knowing he wasn’t just making conversation. It was dramatic, it was funny, it was heartfelt. Slam dunk! Runner-up: asking Violet to take care of Wyn by appealing to Violet’s humanity.
Spoiler: Bertram
This character displayed a lot of depth and promise right from the start, and he consistently delivered. Bertram struck a wonderful balance between strengths and flaws, and his moments of inner turmoil coming to the surface were always deeply satisfying to read. It’s a testament to Panda’s writing that Bertram spent the most time alive and never overstayed his welcome. I found him very sympathetic and a fitting choice for the protagonist of Black Fable 2.

One thing I’d suggest: Bertram had the most time spent alive in the game, and Panda was generally active. I would have expected more moments between Bertram and the rest of the cast (outside his wife and kids). There was a lot of missed potential for fun character dynamics.

Favorite dynamic: Bertram and Lucine, Mickey, and Jackie. His interactions with them all had moments showing the rifts between them and Bertram, brought on by his conflicting devotions to them and to the Moonview reputation.

Favorite moment: When Mickey arrived at the Moonview estate. Bertram’s outburst that he loved Mickey was a perfect establishing moment. Runner-up: the Golden Witch reveal.
Spoiler: Billy
I had so much fun with this character. I never figured out how to engage with him, personally. But every post with Billy in it made me smile. He was proactive, he had great slapstick, I liked his quirk with the nicknames, and he brought some very much needed lightheartedness to an otherwise dark story. I’m impressed that Billy kept everyone on their toes for the entire length of the game.

One thing I’d suggest: Punished Billy was epic because it showed a part of Billy’s character that I don’t think we got to see otherwise. There was clearly more to him than we realized, and I would have loved to see a little bit more dynamic range of emotion from him.

Favorite dynamic: Billy and everyone. No one could keep up with this guy, it was great.

Favorite moment: When he threw Robin at Vincent. Very much a signature Billy move, and one of my favorite moments in the whole game. Runner-up: Punished Billy.
Spoiler: Briggs
Started out great and just kept getting better. His snark was enough to make me like him, and then his interactions with Allister just melted my heart. I also loved how his disdain for the Moonviews gradually became more obvious throughout the story. I had high expectations of Pancakes coming into this, and Briggs easily surpassed them.

One thing I’d suggest: Can’t think of anything, really. I just wish this story had more Briggs.

Favorite dynamic: Briggs and Allister - very much like a protective big brother, super sweet and a delightful side to Briggs we probably wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

Favorite moment: Every time he interacted with Allister. Really. I can’t pick just one. Runner-up: all the quips about Wyn being a child.
Spoiler: Gloria
What a colorful character! Mysterious, entertaining, and bursting with personality. Forsythia was my favorite character in BF1, and seeing a descendant of hers who definitely inherited a lot from the Schumate side of the family was great to see. I liked her instantly. It’s a shame such a good character had to be killed off to get the plot started, but it’s also good that she left such an impression because it helped to tie all the player characters together by association.

One thing I’d suggest: I’m honestly not sure if I would have changed anything about her because she served her function as an NPC extremely well. She was the connecting point for every member of the cast, she established herself extremely well in the short time she spent alive, her death kicked off the plot, and she guided discussion in the answer arc. What more could we ask for?

Favorite dynamic: Gloria and everyone. I can’t just pick one. She ties the whole family together by association with her; that’s the whole point.

Favorite moment: the seating arrangement at dinner. Making it pretty clear who her favorites and un-favorites are right from the start, in a way that’s obvious while still offering Gloria plausible deniability. Runner-up: the posthumous reveal that she had had another child by “some hot guy”.
Spoiler: Jacqueline
I feel like I missed out on this character more than any other. Jackie left an impression despite being the least active in the group. I loved her emotionality, her inner monologues, and her colorful metaphors. Jackie had a unique flavor, and it really shined when she was part of the story. On paper, she was also a wonderful foil for Bertram.

One thing I’d suggest: It’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of writing very long posts to make up for inactivity, then not posting for a long time because it takes so much effort to catch up, then having to write very long posts to make up for the inactivity. It’s also easy to feel compelled to respond to everything important that your character missed when you were away. I think it would really help to remind yourself that you don’t have to do that. Try to take the pressure off of yourself. It’s okay to leave some things alone and it’s okay to write short posts.

Favorite dynamic: Jackie and Robin. Jackie was generally quite sweet, and she comforted Robin several times over the course of the story, almost in a motherly way. Gave me warm fuzzies.

Favorite moment: Tied between when she reunited with Mickey at the beginning and when they fought in the Arc 3 dead thread. Between just two interactions, these two really established how connected and yet disconnected they are as mother and estranged son. Well done to both of their players. Runner-up: slapping James.
Spoiler: James
I’m not gonna lie, James started out as the guy everyone loves to hate. And even though his characterization stayed the same, he was constantly helpful to the mortals, and that made me warm up to him. Besides the power, he was also smart, and one of the people who was always driving the discussion to catch the witches. There was more to James than met the eye, and that depth played out in a subtle but very effective way.

One thing I’d suggest: I would have liked to see James emote more. The balance between gameplay and roleplay in a forum game like BF is a personal choice for every player, and even for the GM. Personally, I’m in it more for the roleplay, so I like seeing characters engage with each other and their own emotions on levels deeper than the gameplay necessarily calls for.

Favorite dynamic: James and everyone. He seemed to get under everyone’s skins about equally - and as a drama lover, I count this as a good thing.

Favorite moment: Poisoning Twilip at the Arc 1 finale (which we thought was a winning move at the time - and was a good twist either way). Runner-up: sneaking off to steal the will.
Spoiler: Lucine
Holy cow. What a fabulous character, and what a perfect fit for the Golden Witch. I loved Lucine’s attempts to conceal her emotions, her interactions with the entire cast, and her childish glee at succeeding in keeping everyone stuck in the afterlife with her. Igniter is a master at conveying a lot of meaning in just a few words. Tons of thought and love went into writing this character, and it shows.

One thing I’d suggest: Lucine was a bit difficult to engage with, and I think part of the reason is that she wasn’t offering many new ideas to the conversations she was in. Not that I would change her personality traits, but one of the difficulties with having a character who is not interested in the lives of others is that it’s hard to justify her being the one to pick up on roleplay opportunities others give out by their own character’s actions.

Favorite dynamic: Lucine and Archer. It was cute, okay? It was really cute. And despite both of them being witches, it’s still really cute.

Favorite moment: the reveal that Lucine is the Golden Witch, and everything she did after that. The confrontation between her and Bertram was particularly great. I’d been hoping to see more interaction between them and was not disappointed. Runner-up: “firing” Archer to protect him (again, cute even if they’re both witches).
Spoiler: Maurice
Quite an entertaining character. Unsurprisingly, SC gave us someone with a lot of personality. Maurice is every bit the rich guy caricature, complete with the silly glasses, and it’s a hilarious contrast to everyone else. There’s something charming about Maurice that I think only SC could have pulled off.

One thing I’d suggest: I would have liked to see some more interactions between Maurice and his siblings. It would have served well to flesh out his character more.

Favorite dynamic: Maurice and Vincent. These two bring out the worst in each other in the best way. Vincent’s grudge against Maurice is petty, but Maurice’s rudeness toward Vincent doesn’t exactly earn him the high ground. If I were Vincent and my mortal enemy didn’t even remember what he’d done to make me hate him, I’d only hate him more. These two wouldn’t be out of place on Jerry Springer, and I love that. They crack me up.

Favorite moment: When Maurice absolutely roasted Vincent after his witch reveal in the answer arc. Runner-up: flipping off Mickey in the epilogue.
Spoiler: Mickey
One of the odd ducks in the group, and quite refreshing for that. Mickey always had something colorful and interesting to say, and his posts were always fun to read even when they were difficult to understand. His characterization lent itself well to both being a witch and being convincing as a mortal. Props to JM for his clever and entertaining RP.

One thing I’d suggest: Mainly an issue of personal preference, but it would have been nice to have a profile picture of Mickey from the start.

Favorite dynamic: Mickey and Bertram. These two played off each other beautifully, with Bertram playing the straight man to Mickey’s shenanigans. Every time Mickey annoyed his dad, I grinned.

Favorite moment: Giving everyone highly inappropriate gifts when he first arrived at Moonview Manor. A great establishing character moment and a wonderful RP opportunity for many of the other players. I thought this was brilliant both in-game and in a meta sense. Runner-up: slapping himself to snap Asher out of his shock.
Spoiler: Twilip
It’s hard for me to believe this was Mec’s first time RPing. Twilip was a fascinating character. Clever, blunt, a little understated, and surprisingly complex. I wish we had gotten to learn more about this character. But Twilip is as memorable and lovable as the rest of the cast, and I would be very happy to RP with Mec again.

One thing I’d suggest: This feels like simply a matter of roleplaying some more and becoming more comfortable with it; I’d have liked to see Twilip engage with the other characters more, and in the process, give her a bit more time to share the spotlight and flesh out her own traits even further.

Favorite dynamic: Twilip and Zach. They didn’t interact a lot, but I bought their relationship as siblings who were no longer close but still cared about each other. Complicated beautifully by both of them being certain the other was a witch - and both of them being tragically wrong.

Favorite moment: The beginning of the answer arc. The buildup to Twilip’s reveal and her reveal itself were unsettling. Wonderfully done. Runner-up: the answer arc detective.
Spoiler: Vincent
For spending the least amount of time alive in the story, Vincent was still memorable. Hanzo did a great job leaning into Vincent’s confusing and mysterious nature, and I kept finding myself questioning whether I was right about him being a witch. I also admire his dedication to revenge on Maurice for being a brat - a character motivation that was so petty, it was unironically delicious.

One thing I’d suggest: Vincent had a strong foundation for a character - a family, a career, a well-defined motivation, a history with at least one other player’s character, and an interest to share with some others (music in this case). There was plenty there to hook people in. Unfortunately, almost all of the cards were on the table from the beginning, and Vincent didn’t really branch out from there as much as I hoped he would. I would have liked to see him engage with other characters on their levels more often. This would reveal more about his own personality in the process so he could be gradually fleshed out as the story progressed.

Favorite dynamic: Vincent and Maurice. Their dispute was so strong and so one-sided, it was a delight whenever it came to the surface.

Favorite moment: Reacting to having a person literally thrown into him with an understated “Today is just not my day, is it?” Gives the impression that Vincent has been through some rough stuff. A nice hint at hidden depths. Runner-up: aura sniffer.
Spoiler: Violet
In a cast of characters that ran the entire spectrum from stoic to highly emotional, Violet contributed to the balance by being closer to the stoic end. She’s smart, her soft spot for Asher was sweet (and tragic after the reveal of her being the WAM), and she had a wonderfully complicated relationship with Basil. I really wish we had seen more of this character.

One thing I’d suggest: I got the impression that Violet didn’t really care about anyone except for Asher. This isn’t a problem as far as character traits go, but it makes it difficult for her player to justify Violet engaging with the rest of the cast. Perhaps Violet could have warmed up to some of the others over time?

Favorite dynamic: Violet and Basil. She spent more time with Asher, but I found her conflict with Basil quite engrossing. I sympathized with her anger at him and rooted for the two to reconcile.

Favorite moment: Violet’s enthusiasm that Lucine promised to reunite her with Diane. Just heartbreaking. Runner-up: kicking Vincent.
Spoiler: Wyn
It was difficult to get a read on this character. Throughout the story, Wyn walked the razor’s edge of plausible deniability. Was her affection for Basil honest or an act? Was she a sociopath and a witch, or a level-headed mortal who was willing to make great sacrifices to prevent greater loss? She was strong, surprisingly complex, and capable of outsmarting everyone else. Her backstory shed a new light on her behavior throughout the game. It turned out she was well-intentioned and willing to make sacrifices - just what she would sacrifice was the surprise.

One thing I’d suggest: I would have liked to see some more hints at Wyn’s backstory earlier on. While it makes sense to hide her having been threatened into working with the witches, the fact that she even had siblings, or that there was anything special about her bloodline, seemed like it came out of nowhere.

Favorite dynamic: Wyn and Basil. She seemed like an odd combination of affectionate and distant, but her genuine love for Basil conflicting against the massive secret she was keeping from him makes this behavior make sense in hindsight. F was committed to this character, and it shows, perhaps in this pairing most of all.

Favorite moment: Debating with Robin about lynching Zachary. Just something about Robin’s emotional and irrational demeanor contrasted against Wyn’s passionless pragmatism was very satisfying for me. Runner-up: Wyn’s role reveal.
Spoiler: Zachary
Poor Slezak got the worst luck, but his RPing was on point. Zach’s curious nature and drive to help everyone persisted even as everyone thought the worst of him - including himself! - and I really admired that about this character. I also loved his reactions to the drama, especially Robin’s deaths. The amount of character development he underwent in Arc 1 was impressive. It’s both a blessing and a curse that he couldn’t retain it all due to the time shenanigans.

One thing I’d suggest: I think Zach was a little bit too monogamous, in the sense that he interacted with and thought about Robin to the exclusion of everyone else at times. If he had taken an interest in the other characters more often, I think Zach could have stood out a lot more.

Favorite dynamic: Zach and Robin. This was my favorite canon ship in the game by miles, and I’m happy to give all of the credit for that to Slezak.

Favorite moment: Toss-up between Zach’s gut-wrenching reactions to Gloria and Robin’s deaths at the start of Arc 1 and his speech to Robin after Basil returned. Showed a great range of character growth. Runner-up: chewing out Twilip in Arc 1.

Overall, I think this was a wonderful creative effort on the part of everyone involved, and I would leap at the chance to do it again. I count myself lucky I got to be a part of it.


Author:  Datamatt [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

I'm on my phone and I'll talk about characters tomorrow. The game was very good storywise but I felt my role was weak and limiting. I had nothing to functionally do and I think a WAM would have been much better with an identifiable killing ability. The role would have been much more engaging for mortals AND the WAM itself. Playing a WAM also mostly prevented me from doing the things I wanted to do, but it's a game and I expected it.

I will say the ending left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was very clear most people just gave up after Twilip got guessed. I don't blame them but it also wasn't cool for the ending to just get dropped on the head like that. I had planned a few things and I got to execute none, which made me lowkey salty, but I guess I understand. I also think, like GM, that endings should happen on a 'mortal plane' for heavier effect.

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

A bit late coming for this but I don't have much to say that hasn't been said. I really did think this game was a fun experience from start to (near) finish. The characters were far better than what I expected and actually kinda make me wish I put some more effort into Lucine.

I will say the biggest regret about this game I have is not having been able to play the witch properly after being found out. People called Bertram the main character but goddamn Twilip made a good showing during the answer arcs. When I'm on my deathbed one of the many incoherent regrets I'll tell my children about is not speaking enough red. There was no real way to fix this though, is the worst part speaking the red would just be throwing. (Also completely irrelevant but Mickey Moonview has never helped anyone fake their own death would be valid red and if this were an Umineko chapter I'm sure it'd be a great twist.)

This post is getting very rambly which is the opposite of what I wanted to accomplish by waiting so I'm gonna end this with a GG. I still hold that the town had us at several moments and it always made for a fun experience. GG man GG thank you friends God bless America

Author:  Planetbox [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

So yeah this was a really fun game. Props to Nanjo for putting it all together and to the players for making a bunch of great characters.

Everyone’s already said how great the cast is here, and I think that’s probably a result of the cooperative way we designed our characters. It was tons of fun watching the family get ironed out, so I hope future BF games attempt something similar. It would have been fun to be part of an actual family unit instead of an outsider, though I don’t regret my choice since I wasn't really interested in playing some rich dude.

Speaking of Billy, I’m glad people seemed to enjoy him. I’ve said this before but he’s probably the most fun character I’ve played in a while. His role was a little crazy, but it did feel like I was getting to do interesting, useful stuff with it. I just wish he could have been executed once instead of stabbed a million times.

I think the Arcs went a long way toward making the game’s plot more interesting, though I’m not sure the solution’s perfect yet. I think it was a little annoying how some characters were far more likely to survive than others due to the roles they got. While it makes sense from a gameplay perspective, it meant characters like Bertram, Maurice, and Allister tended to be in the spotlight longer while Robin, Vincent, and me oops were barely in the game. I’m not sure what the solution here really is, but having more equal roles might help.

Additionally, I’d like to see a bit more focus on the RPing in future games. I think the scenes before Gloria’s death were lots of fun, so I doubt anyone would complain to that being a bit longer. The additional mystery content and breaks Nanjo mentioned would help with that too.

While I won’t get into any of the Discord arguments I do think it’s important that future games have a clear way to confirm alignments especially since executions no longer accomplish that. The game tried to do that with the arc endings but accidentally goofed it up. That felt like more of a hostile trick than a gameplay element, so it should be clear if something mortals will take for granted isn’t conclusive. Also I hate WAM no more WAM please.

Anyway that’s pretty much all I had to say. I’d like to emphasize that this is the most fun I’ve had with an RP in a while and as ukulady so eloquently expressed in her post, all of the characters were good. I’d be interested to see what other GMs could add to the Black Fable series.

Author:  TheLetterF [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

GG everyone, sorry I'm late to the party.

It was definitely a one of a kind experience, and I ended up having more fun than I thought playing as a Witch. I just wish the pace of the game was a bit more merciful and we had more time to RP.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Okay but yeah in all seriousness good game everybody. This was a really enjoyable experience right up till the very end. Everyone's already been over a lot of the complaints but overall this game was super duper fun and it was just intriguing trying to figure out what the heck was going on everywhere.

Uh so yeah other than that I don't have too much else to add. The cast was good obviously, my favourites were Briggs, Billy and James. Maurice was like kind of a nerd though, I enjoyed playing him right at the start but I think he lost a bit of his character once the game part started and didn't really regain that till like when he insulted Vincent at the end I feel. Also his talent wasn't super related to his character but there's not much you can do about that. That said I did spend a lot of the game just trying to disprove that I could be a witch but honestly it felt super hard especially since I always ended up surviving to the near end and a lot of my plans basically kept backfiring (shoutouts to the time when I tried to lie about Asher faking his death A2 but then getting called out on it, so I had to make up a weird excuse about me goofing up to keep suspicion away from me which thankfully worked somehow). The main reason I hid my talent was also admittedly so that the witches would think I was more helpful than I was and then target me but in hindsight Wyn would've known I was harmless anyway probably so yeah whoops.

Anyway good times, if there's a BF3 I'm definitely all for it because this was a rejuvenating experience, huge thanks to Nanjo for this.

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

I have terminal ligma.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

What's that?

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

CaptainPancakes wrote:
What's that?

ligma balls

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]


Author:  Joker [ Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

GGs aside, I don't have too much to say that I haven't already said on Discord. My biggest complaints have already been addressed by others, such as the pace of the game being too fast and wanting more time to RP. Those aside I did have fun, so I'd like to thank Nanjo for hosting, as well as Kachu for letting me make Allister Archer's son. I'd also like to thank Pancakes too, since we didn't plan anything together I wasn't sure what to expect between Briggs and Allister, but I genuinely loved their relationship and every interaction they had together.

Author:  Datamatt [ Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Fable 2 is Over, Time to Party! [Post Game Thread]

Oh yeah. What I was going to say is that the next BF game should be structured similiar to this but with FTEs. Would be based as fuck for roleplay.

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