Court Records

Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Epilogue)
Page 4 of 115

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Seeing the machine behind him beep and light up, Bryan raises an eyebrow in confusion. As he hears it talk, he jumps a little in shock. "Wh-What the hell?!"

Upon taking a moment to catch his breath, he looks at the machine once more, now more curious than fearful. "A... robot?"

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"I have never had a 'stick up my ass,'" Koichi noted.

Koichi watched as V.A.L. entered the room, reaching for his gun. "Careful! We're under attack!"

Author:  Kachu [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Rinea claps at Boetius' joke before turning to what seems to be a robot.

"WowowowoWOW! Is that thing real? Can I touch it? I'm going to touch it." Rinea bravely walks up and pokes whatever it is several times before turning back to the others.

"I have decided! As the best doctor of all time, I will adopt this robot as my pupil! And take them home with me! ...And maybe modify them a bit!"

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

CaptainPancakes wrote:
"I have never had a 'stick up my ass,'" Koichi noted.

Koichi watched as V.A.L. entered the room, reaching for his gun. "Careful! We're under attack!"

Boetius sighs heavily, and slumps his shoulder.

"You're no fun to mock. At least try to notice when someone insults-" he then realizes that, for once, Koichi might be right about a potential danger.

"... Is this a joke? Is that thing real?" he points at the robot.

Author:  Vinny_Valens [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"P-Perhaps this can open new opportunities? No, no, what am I saying, I don't think anyone here is that weird....hopefully." Circe said, eyeing Jerry suspiciously.

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Bzzt, please be at ease," V.A.L. said, stiffly raising his claw-tipped arms. "V.A.L. was create to assist humankind."

The robot stood near 5 feet tall. Rather than legs, it had tank-like treads that rotated to propel it's movement. The torso was a single piece of metal, containing who knows what kind of circuitry. Protruding from it's head were two antennae. It's arms seemed to be the most flexible thing about it, able to bend and twist freely. But everything else would likely only rotate, and not bend.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Assist humankind? Can you kill two waves of enemy soldiers using just a stapler gun?"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"V.A.L. would never hurt another, bzzt," the robot answered. "It is not in my programming."

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"... Huh." A smile forms on his face as he listens to the robot speak. "This is awesome! An actual A.I.! Nice to meetcha, V.A.L."

Glancing over at Koichi, his smile turns into a frown as he sees the gun. "Whoa, whoa, settle down there... I doubt it's gonna hurt us! ... At least, I'm pretty sure. If it wanted to activate and kill us all, it probably would've done that by now."

Author:  Kachu [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Rinea raises a hand. "Does that mean you won't assist in surgery because cutting people open usually hurts them?"

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Oh my..." Keri breathed. "It is good to meet you, V.A.L.!" She then said, barely skipping a beat. "Are you here to join the party? We were just discussing candyfloss."

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"What exactly do you do then..." bewildered, and trying to avoid the word 'robot', he then adds "... Tin Can?"

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"...I see."

Koichi uneasily lowered his gun, though it was still gripped tightly in his hand.

Author:  Datamatt [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Irene seems slightly confused at the sight of the robot, but returns to her nigh-permanent smile soon after. "Why would something like that be here?"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Bzzt, I may assist in such an endeavour," V.A.L. answered Rinea, turning its head towards her. "However, bzzt, I would be unable to perform any surgical actions." It's monotone voice changed slightly. Not in any way that could be identified as a human tone of humour, but it was obvious the robot was attempting it. "After all, bzzt, I doubt I could hold the appliances required, bzzt," it concluded, and raised it's claws.

Author:  lcarus [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"I uh, think it's just an attendant. Maybe something our ever caring captain left to entertain us?" Oscar suggests.

Author:  Cesar Zero [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Huh? Are things like that commonplace around here?" Raul said, confused, looking at the strange machine.

"Assist humankind, huh? I do like the sound of that..." He closed his eyes in thought. "But, before we can accept you as an ally, you must tell us anything you know about this situation..." He didn't take his eyes off the robot.

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Please, call me V.A.L," it said to the jester, lowering it's claws again. "I do not believe Tin Can to be an appropriate way to address, considering I am a student like any of you."

It paused, and then the electronic line of its mouth waved quickly and a burst of noise sounded. It sounded like old internet dial up. "Oh, I see, bzzt! You are, as humans call it, teasing me! Ha ha!"

Author:  Kachu [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Rinea nods slowly at V.A.L.'s reply, hand to her chin. "I see, I see.. No matter! I'll make a fantastic assistant out of you yet!"

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Seeing Koichi lower his firearm causes Bryan to let out a sigh of relief, and he looks at the robot once more. "So... you help humankind, huh, V.A.L.? How so? Just wonderin'."

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Collin1002 wrote:
Seeing Koichi lower his firearm causes Bryan to let out a sigh of relief, and he looks at the robot once more. "So... you help humankind, huh, V.A.L.? How so? Just wonderin'."

V.A.L. turned to Bryan slowly, it's treads allowing it to rotate as one went forward and the other back. "Bzzt, I may assist in any way that is not violent. Primarily I have been used as a way to store data and access information. I am filled with much information, and connect to the internet for further resources."

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

TheLetterF wrote:
"I wouldn't stress yourself too much Miss Sawamatsu, I'm sure everything is fine." Florian says with a smile. "Oh, and just out of curiosity, what's your Ultimate talent?"

Urumi rolled her eyes. "Name, talent... Geez, do you guys want my bank account number, too? Fine, if you MUST know..." She paused briefly. "...I might as well just show you. I'm sure you'll just ask for a demonstration anyway. Everyone does."

She walked over to the nearest empty chair, took a deep breath, then placed her hands on the seat, facing the others. She slipped out of her sandals, arced her body up into the air, bent her legs over her head, and tucked her feet under her chin. Her expression was something between a frown and a cocky smirk. "Well? Does this do anything for any of you? Get an eye-full while you can, because I'm not planning to show you something like this again."

Urumi righted herself again and slid her shoes back on, then twirled a bit of her hair by her ear. "So yeah. Ultimate Contortionist. Sorry it's not something amazing like being born into royalty or being the leader of a nationwide coup."

Urumi Sawamatsu
Ultimate Contortionist

KamiPanda wrote:
"We have no reason to panic." Keri agreed serenely. "Perhaps a danger will present itself later, at which point we may panic, though I would think it best not to panic then in any case..." She trailed off, her original point momentarily waylaid. "But for now, we appear to be perfectly safe. This situation could mean anything, so let us focus on the present. With that said, it is a pleasure to meet you Urumi." She said with a smile. "My name is Keri, if you were not present for my introduction. Please, would you join us for some cupcakes?"

"Um, that's kind of presumptuous, isn't it? Using someone's first name without their permission, after just meeting them? And I don't really eat sweets." Urumi crossed her arms and glanced at the dessert table. "...But since you really seem to want me to, then fine, I guess I can have one. Just this one time."

Author:  TheLetterF [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Florian holds a cupcake in front of V.A.L. "Hello hello! Wait...are you even able to eat? If not, I,, I've never really served a robot before. Maybe I could feed you batteries or something! You eat batteries?" The Ultimate Butler asks enthusiastically.

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

SiRReN wrote:
"Please, call me V.A.L," it said to the jester, lowering it's claws again. "I do not believe Tin Can to be an appropriate way to address, considering I am a student like any of you."

It paused, and then the electronic line of its mouth waved quickly and a burst of noise sounded. It sounded like old internet dial up. "Oh, I see, bzzt! You are, as humans call it, teasing me! Ha ha!"

Boetius stays silent and still for several seconds. It appears he's having difficulties accepting the fact that a robot is real, supposedly sentient, a student, and laughing at a nickname it was given.

Slowly, he focuses on something he can at least question.

"Student...? You mean, are you part of the UJTS too?"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

TheLetterF wrote:
Florian holds a cupcake in front of V.A.L. "Hello hello! Wait...are you even able to eat? If not, I,, I've never really served a robot before. Maybe I could feed you batteries or something! You eat batteries?" The Ultimate Butler asks enthusiastically.

"I do not need to consume in the way you humans do, bzzt," V.A.L. answered simply. "I am fitted with solar panels and utilize them to recharge my batteries when necessary, bzzt."

"Bzzt, I do need my parts oiled every week," it offered. "You may assist if you desire, bzz.t"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

DootDootDoot wrote:
SiRReN wrote:
"Please, call me V.A.L," it said to the jester, lowering it's claws again. "I do not believe Tin Can to be an appropriate way to address, considering I am a student like any of you."

It paused, and then the electronic line of its mouth waved quickly and a burst of noise sounded. It sounded like old internet dial up. "Oh, I see, bzzt! You are, as humans call it, teasing me! Ha ha!"

Boetius stays silent and still for several seconds. It appears he's having difficulties accepting the fact that a robot is real, supposedly sentient, a student, and laughing at a nickname it was given.

Slowly, he focuses on something he can at least question.

"Student...? You mean, are you part of the UJTS too?"

"Bzzt, I am," it answered. "I was enrolled by my creator."

Author:  TheLetterF [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

SiRReN wrote:
TheLetterF wrote:
Florian holds a cupcake in front of V.A.L. "Hello hello! Wait...are you even able to eat? If not, I,, I've never really served a robot before. Maybe I could feed you batteries or something! You eat batteries?" The Ultimate Butler asks enthusiastically.

"I do not need to consume in the way you humans do, bzzt," V.A.L. answered simply. "I am fitted with solar panels and utilize them to recharge my batteries when necessary, bzzt."

"Bzzt, I do need my parts oiled every week," it offered. "You may assist if you desire, bzz.t"

"Oh sure, I can do that!" Florian beams.

"So... you're an Ultimate too then? What exactly is your Ultimate talent?" The butler asks.

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

SiRReN wrote:
Collin1002 wrote:
Seeing Koichi lower his firearm causes Bryan to let out a sigh of relief, and he looks at the robot once more. "So... you help humankind, huh, V.A.L.? How so? Just wonderin'."

V.A.L. turned to Bryan slowly, it's treads allowing it to rotate as one went forward and the other back. "Bzzt, I may assist in any way that is not violent. Primarily I have been used as a way to store data and access information. I am filled with much information, and connect to the internet for further resources."

He nods, seemingly jotting all of this down in his own head. "Gotcha, gotcha. That's pretty neat, heh."

Yet another smile forms on his face. "Anyway, may as well tell you my name. It's Bryan. Again, it's nice to meetcha!"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

TheLetterF wrote:
SiRReN wrote:
TheLetterF wrote:
Florian holds a cupcake in front of V.A.L. "Hello hello! Wait...are you even able to eat? If not, I,, I've never really served a robot before. Maybe I could feed you batteries or something! You eat batteries?" The Ultimate Butler asks enthusiastically.

"I do not need to consume in the way you humans do, bzzt," V.A.L. answered simply. "I am fitted with solar panels and utilize them to recharge my batteries when necessary, bzzt."

"Bzzt, I do need my parts oiled every week," it offered. "You may assist if you desire, bzz.t"

"Oh sure, I can do that!" Florian beams.

"So... you're an Ultimate too then? What exactly is your Ultimate talent?" The butler asks.

V.A.L.'s eyes turned to a calm blue, clearly accessing information in its data banks. It began to vibrate slightly as time passed, and made distressing beeps.

"Bzzt, I do not seem to contain that information," it finally answered, seeming reluctant. It lowered down between its treads slightly, as if attempting to look smaller. "There is much information missing from my data stores. And my connection to the internet has been disconnected."

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Bzzt, tt is pleasant to make your acquaintance, Bryan," V.A.L. replied, it's robotic voice subdued.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Koichi stared inquisitively at the robot. "May I ask if you remember who built you? Who is your leader? Perhaps he knows something about our situation."

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Bzzt, my creator is...! My creator....! Bzzt!" Steam began to emanate from it's head, and it's power suddenly cut off, it's torso leaning forward stiffly as it shut down.

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Good job. You broke it." he gave Koichi a congratulatory pat on the back. "This thing's probably gonna give you quite the bill to pay."

Author:  Collin1002 [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Oh shit, V.A.L.!" He watches in horror as the machine shuts down and slumps over, waving his hand to clear the air around him of steam. "Welp, that didn't last long... Too bad there's no Ultimate Repairman or something."

Author:  Cesar Zero [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

"Well, welcome to the group, V.A.L! There is no reason to distrust you just because you are a-" Then he noticed V.A.L shutting down.

"U-uh, is anyone here good with...that?" He said, looking towards the others. "Jack, maybe?" He said, looking genuinely worried.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

DootDootDoot wrote:
"Good job. You broke it." he gave Koichi a conratulatory pat on the back. "This thing's probably gonna give you quite the bill to pay."

"How will a broken robot give anyone a bill?" Urumi arched an eyebrow, then turned away and muttered under her breath. "...great, put on a performance for everyone just to be shown up by a machine..."

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

Jack seemed oddly unperturbed by the robot. He kind of just scanned the group with his eyes and smiled. "You guys are some really interesting characters."
Cesar Zero wrote:
"Well, welcome to the group, V.A.L! There is no reason to distrust you just because you are a-" Then he noticed V.A.L shutting down.

"U-uh, is anyone here good with...that?" He said, looking towards the others. "Jack, maybe?" He said, looking genuinely worried.

"Uhhhhh..." Jack rubbed his head. "I can give it a shot, I guess?" He walked over to the robot, hoping to find a control panel or something. He semi-lightly kicked it with his foot seeing if it would prompt any reaction.

Author:  Kachu [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)


She follows Jack over to V.A.L., and similarly looks for some opening on their body.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

DootDootDoot wrote:
"Good job. You broke it." he gave Koichi a congratulatory pat on the back. "This thing's probably gonna give you quite the bill to pay."

"I have a sneaking suspicion that any damage to this high-tech machine is covered by a hefty insurance plan! The logical way to move from here is to not worry about our financial situation!"

Koichi turned to Rinea. "Do doctors know how to operate on sentient computers?"

Author:  SiRReN [ Sun Jul 01, 2018 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F4: One-Way Ticket to Ride (Prologue)

A panel was visible at the bottom of it's back. It seemed to be closed with a screw. However, as Jack kicked it V.A.L.'s body jostled and began to vibrate, and a series of beeps sounded.

It's eyes lit up, and V.A.L. straightened up.

"Bzzt, V.A.L. power. On. Greetings all."

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