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well if we learned anything, it's to never give one of your characters a gun
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i learned that lone will still make memes about thanking friends even when it doesn't happen
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I wish chapter 2 had more unsafeness in it. It woulda been thematically cooler if Dale killed us all while we bmx raced.

Last edited by Doctor Nanjo on Wed May 20, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
I wish chapter 2 had more unsafeness in it. It woulda been thematically if Dale killed us all while we bmx raced.

I too wish more unsafe things occurred in chapter 2 which would cause dale to lose his composure and go straight off the deep end. :v
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helllp discord is down ahhhhh
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My favourite part about F7 was when we all just posted youtube links
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Kachu wrote:
My favourite part about F7 was when we all just posted youtube links

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NG7 Flashbacks
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

Avatar from over here probably
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Thank you, Kachu and WinterCoat, for putting on a good game, even if it have flaws. And while everyone pretty much pointed those flaws out, I have to agree with them. But I'll input my own opinions.

Like what we discussed on Discord regarding the Chapter 3 trial. It was difficult to figure out who killed Ruby, even from the hints that we got from the lifelines that we used to get new information about the case. Honestly, I felt that using a lifeline on when the trap was finished when we already know the answer was a waste of time.

Also, regarding the case of too many GM characters, I agree with what everyone's saying. It feels a bit tedious having to RP each and every character. I'd think it would be better if we have a few plot-relevant characters to begin with, probably 2-3 will do the trick, I suppose.

Also, every character have memorable moments, which I'm sure there's too many to choose from. Personally, I think I like all of them, what with their zany personalities and all this. It's kind of interesting that I FTE'd all the survivors and 3 dead players. What are the chances that I'd FTE'd all the survivors? It's crazy! Also, Akko, I'm really sad that we never got to keep our FTE going because... reasons. If I have made our FTE permanent back in Chapter 2, it would have been interesting. But I didn't, so I guess that's my fault for wanting to FTE other characters.

And the lack of Normal Games in Chapter 3, 5 and 6 kind of killed off the postings, so it was like... eh. But I actually liked the Major Games, mainly the 4th one. The fourth one certainly helps with character development.

Truth to be told, there was supposed to be some daily events that would focus on Great Dragon, but the GMs couldn't come up with anything to make the others understand what Great Dragon was like. Oh well, if I ever participates in a future F game, I'll try my best to come up with daily events revolting around my characters if it ever come down to that. Speaking of which...

Personally, I felt like I could do more with Great Dragon/Pedro. Like make him be the coward that I originally intended him to be after he was unmasked... Still, I like how seems to say that he was great. And I certainly hope you liked what I wrote in the personal QT regarding Pedro's thoughts on everything. The GMs loved that as I figured it would help with what he (Great Dragon/Pedro) think about what's going on as the game goes on.

My favorite moments in F7 were probably getting Game Champion two times, figuring out Devin as Ramon's killer (yeah, yeah, you already know that), and Great Dragon in his wrestling costume. Oh and surviving the killing game. I'm sure there's more moments that I could list, but these 4 are what I can think of.

I originally signed up with my bara character, intending to be either the killer or victim of Chapter 4. Imagine my shock when I saw that I was going to survive the killing game. So, this is the first F game where a bara survived the killing game. I suppose it's because I came up with a really good backstory for my bara character.

Still, I can't believe that I was a newcomer to the world of DRF games and I ended up surviving F7 along with Nikki and Akko.

Uh, I think that's everything I can say regarding F7.
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I thought Pedro was pretty cool, but yeah the more you come up with personally for what you want your character to do, the easier it makes the job of the DMs and enhances the experience for everyone.

Also I'm a great dragon fan, but I'm not sure how I would describe him. I liked almost blowing him up with the bomb and how dramatic that was.
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lol I forgot to post till now sorry everyone. Basically I really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with it throughout even if the end was a little abrupt. Max was fun to play he was probably my best character yet so that added a lot. I enjoyed the major games though I goofed up 4 a lot and just about made it through it but they were pretty simplistic in design and there weren't enough of them (that mattered) I feel. Cast was okay my favourites are probably Deirdre and Max yes I'm biased. Uh I think that's all so good job to WC and Kachu you both were great and I'll see you all around.
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Max only accidentally murdering one person is a total fail.
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Max should've had an accidental murder every single chapter but gotten away with it evey time through increasingly asinine loopholes thanks to his salesman charisma.
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Okay fair but we all can't be perfect.
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uh sorry this is so late, I guess I was trying to come up with something a bit more substantial to say

Thanks for running this, WC and Kachu, this was a good time

I think I and others have pretty much voiced my criticisms about the trials, the settings were pretty cool, Major Games were a great addition to the format (especially the second where the betting mechanic gave everyone a chance to stay involved even if they were eliminated) and I enjoyed the cast overall, especially the ones I had FTEs with

Tsubasa didn't turn out quite the way I initially intended but when does that ever happen lol, hopefully she was liked enough anyway

okay back to trying to figure out what the hell to do with my ending
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Ending time!

Spoiler: Ramon - END
Darkness. That was all he could see; all he could hear, smell and feel, which made no sense and yet simultaneously was the best way he could describe the sensation. A darkness so total that the concept of light seemed like a mere suggestion. “Oh. I guess I died, then?” Ramon mumbled into the void. He tried looking around the space he found himself in, but the unending darkness was all-encompassing. “Uh. Hello?” he called out.


Ramon squawked in shock and spun around. “Hey, you nearly frightened me to death!”


Ramon squinted his eyes at the strange figure. “Hey… don’t I know you?” Dark, hooded robe, strangely elaborate scythe, and a face that never had to worry about skincare… “You’re Skeletor!”

“DEATH,” the figure corrected. His unearthly voice somehow managed to sound exasperated. “I AM DEATH, SHEPHERD OF DEPARTED SOULS.” He clutched a bony hand to his head. “TODAY IS GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE DAYS, I CAN TELL.”

“Death? So… you’re here to take me to the afterlife?” Ramon asked. “You see, um, I’m not quite done with my life just yet, and-”

“HUMANS RARELY ARE. IT MATTERS NOT. NOW, COME,” Death intoned, swiping the darkness with his scythe and opening up a gateway. “YOUR AFTERLIFE, WHATEVER IT MAY BE, AWAITS.”

Ramon hesitated, then started backing away slowly. “No, no, see, I’m a hero! Or, well, I’m going to be! I can’t just… leave, not yet. That’s just not how it works!”

Death stared blankly at him, two empty sockets boring into Ramon’s soul. “YES. YES IT IS. THAT IS HOW IT HAS ALWAYS WORKED.”

“Nuh-uh!” Ramon shot back, backing away further. “You can’t fool me, I’ve read the stories! Everyone who dies is granted a second chance at life, if they can beat you at a game!” He finally stopped waddling away so he could pose smugly. “Or did that rule just happen to slip your mind?”


“Yeah, well, that’s only because you hadn’t met me yet. I’m the other certainty!” Ramon quipped very cleverly. “I challenge you to a game of chess! I’ve been tutored by a master! Well, sort of a master. Well, sort of tutored, we never really got around to it… I’ve never lost a game yet, you know!”


“What, even when I was on the toilet?”

“…IT IS A METAPHOR. PLEASE, ENOUGH OF YOUR NONSENSE. RULES ARE RULES, STUPID AND UNNECESSARY THOUGH THIS ONE MAY BE. WE SHALL PLAY.” Death gestured over to a chess board set on a table that Ramon somehow hadn’t noticed until now; had it always been there?

They took seats on opposite sides. Death took black, of course, which meant Ramon was allowed to go first. He eagerly made his move, then Death responded with cold precision. Ramon seemed to be moving pieces almost at random, while Death placed each piece down like a grain of sand slipping through an hourglass, the conclusion inevitable. It was a pretty poor game of chess by all standards.


Death paused. Ramon had just done yet another ridiculous move, the kind that would make even a patient master cry. Yet there was something about how the game was progressing that unnerved him. He glared at the boy across the table, focusing his thoughts, and for the briefest of moments could have sworn he saw a tall, bald man leaning over behind him, hand over the other’s pudgy fingers, guiding his moves. To anyone else it would have been dismissed as a trick of the light, but Death could not be tricked. He could, however, be outplayed.

He looked back at the board, and reached out to move his next piece. Then he saw it: the inevitable conclusion, the trap that had been meticulously laid out behind the tomfoolery. He had already lost. “BAH!” Death exclaimed, angrily knocking the piece over to signify he’d conceded. “IT IS YOUR VICTORY. I CANNOT TAKE YOU.”

“Whoa, really? Woohoo, I always knew I had it in me!” Ramon cheered, springing to his feet and throwing his arms in the air. “Even Death falls before the might of Ramon Aki! I. Am. Unstoppable!”



Darkness. That was all he could see. Then he opened his eyes and light flooded his world, causing him to squint for a few seconds as he adjusted.

Ramon was lying in the middle of a dirt road. He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten there; the last thing he remembered was a dreadful ticking as he stood at his podium in the trial room, along with a growing certainty that Devin had planted a bomb on him. Oh well. He must have gotten out of it somehow, probably pulling off a daring escapade in the process. Maybe he jumped out of a crashing helicopter at one point, hitting his head and giving him minor amnesia. There didn’t seem to be any burning wreckage anywhere around him, so presumably he’d wandered deliriously for a while before collapsing here. Wherever here was.

Still, a road was a road! Roads led places. If he followed it he’d surely end up back at civilisation eventually. He gazed out at the beautiful blue horizon for a few moments, taking it all in; for a moment his eyes flashed red, not that anyone was around to see. “Gosh, I have so much work left to do for the world! I’d better get moving,” he said cheerfully, turning and heading off. A new adventure awaited!
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this was so beautiful i'm crying
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Alternate Endings

(These are mostly just a bunch of fun "what-ifs" and you can disregard them entirely if you don't like them; they aren't meant to be taken too seriously)

Spoiler: ”Swallowed by the Abyss” (Ch4 Bad Ending) (Non-Canon)

...huh? Oh, it must’ve been just a bad dream, then…

You find yourself at home, alive and well. Everything seems normal, like it did before you left for… for what? Where did you go? You rack your brain for a few minutes trying to remember where you went, but nothing comes of it. You go about your day with the hope that maybe your memory will return to you.

On your way to the store, you don’t notice anything out of place. All the people and buildings are the same, as are the roads and sidewalks. Everything is… normal. Maybe it really was just a bad dream.

You hear some birds on your way bad, singing as birds often do, however, one of them becomes locked into a high-pitched screech that sounds alien to you, and quite different from any of the noises you’ve heard the birds around here make before. You look around and can’t seem to find any birds at all, yet the sound persists. You decide to investigate and walk in the direction you believe it to be coming from -- a wide, open field with a single oak tree.

You walk to the tree and see someone sitting at the base of its trunk whose face is obscured by a book they seem to be engrossed with. The unnerving noise is louder than ever and you feel it piercing your soul. You try and get their attention, but, despite you being right in front of them, they don’t seem to notice you. Frustrated, you smack the book from their hands. They seem to be just a little girl, though, she is lacking a face. Yet, it’s clear she’s the source of the noise, as removing the book from her person has caused its volume to increase tenfold, You fall to the ground in pain as you feel your insides heat up tremendously. You scream out for someone, anyone, to make it stop. But there is no one. You are alone. You will always be alone. You will be forgotten.


Spoiler: “Defeatism” (Ch5 Bad Ending) (Non-Canon)
After much deliberation, the group arrived at a decision.

”So, you’re choosing to blow it up, then?” Cain asked. “Gotta say, I’m surprised. It almost feels out of character for, well, all of you.”

“I’m just so sick of this shit,” Luke grumbled. “I can’t do it anymore. Fuck this place, and fuck you, too.”

Adel sniffled. “I still don’t even know why you’re here, idiot. But… I don’t want to know. I don’t want to do this. I found you, and that’s all I wanted. But… maybe if you never left, I wouldn’t have to be here anyway…”

“W-what choice do we have…? We weren’t able to e-escape when there w-were sixteen of us… what can w-we even do? I w-wish I never s-signed up…”

“Tsubasa…” Ryleigh muttered. “I tried to keep a smile on my face for everyone, but even that didn’t work. And that’s all I could do… I’m just not any good at anything actually useful…”

Pedro slammed his fist against the wall. “No…! This cannot be the way things go! We have to fight back! We can beat that bastard Ace!”

“What’s the point, pal?” Max asked. He was sitting on the floor and tossing his hat up in the air. “If they don’t wanna fight back, what chance do we stand? Like Sue said, we didn’t even have a ghost of a chance when there were more of us…”

Myrion was silent as he clutched his necklace.

“Right, so, that’s a majority,” Cain said. “It’s okay. It’ll all be over soon.”

Everyone watched as Cain removed the plastic covering above the button that would detonate the bombs. He looked at each of them once more for confirmation before giving it a press.


Ace’s Office, 100F…

“What the hell is that siren?!” the masked man shouted.

“Well, sir,” Loki chuckled. “It would seem that someone else has decided to detonate your explosives.”


“Yes. Apparently, the bunker’s self-destruction mechanism was fully functional.”

“Impossible! I asked Cups to make sure it wasn’t.”

Loki raised an eyebrow and Ace smacked his forehead.

“Well… shit. How much time?”

“Less than three minutes.”

“Fucking… are you serious?” Ace groaned. He opened his desk’s top drawer and pulled out an erotic magazine.

“For real? You’ve got state of the art slut technology standing right here, and you’re still going to use a magazine?!”

“Listen, I’ve got three minutes to blow my last load. Don’t ruin this for me.”


After three minutes, the entire Twilight Strip became engulfed in flames and erupted in several explosions, some larger than others. The Twilight Palace collapsed, falling straight down on itself and the other buildings followed suit. A large mushroom cloud formed above the chaos, and there were no survivors. Except for Cleaning Bot 487. He was OK.

Was that really the right choice…?

Spoiler: “Level-Headed Luke” (Ch6 “True” Ending)
”Alright, alright,” Luke said as he lowered his firearm. “You know what, Ace? Let’s talk.”

Ace lowered his weapon as well and sat down in his chair. “Well, alright. Let’s talk, then.”

“I’ve got some questions for you, you bastard,” Pedro spat. “First, what was up with the nightmares some of us had while we were trapped in the basement a couple of weeks ago? How did you know all that stuff about Ruby and her family, and how did you know about my hermanita?!”

“Well, I designed those nightmares to get some of you to kill and to make things interesting, first off. Second, I knew all that weird, personal shit about you just from doing my own research before the game started. I got ahold of the sign-up forms you all submitted for the contest and used those as the basis for learning more about all of you.”

“That’s fucking creepy, dude,” Luke said.

Pedro nodded. “I agree. Also, who is Cain? Do you know about him?”

“Yeah, I know about the little shit. He’s been hiding here for a few weeks now. Lucy found him one time during a routine search of the area. I suspect she had been plotting something alongside Cups even then, so she reported that Cain was harmless. Either way, he’s a total nothingburger. All I know about him is that he was the reason behind Adel wanting all the cash he could get, so he could fund his own explorations to find his buttbuddy. He’s definitely weird, that’s for sure. I remember Lucy saying something about Cain coming here because of a dream. But, really, I think he just wanted to have sex with Adel in a bunker and this was the easiest way to go about it.”

“Makes sense to me,” Myrion added, not making sense of anything that was just said.

“Anything else?” Ace asked. “I’m going to start shooting you people now--”


Suddenly, the doors behind the group thrust open, revealing a rather handsome man and a pretty woman... holding guns. Great. More of those. Despite their good looks, both agents were clearly worn-out and fatigued. They were both sweaty and bore several cuts and bruises.

"Nobody move! We're with the FBI!” shouted the woman. “We’re special agents Lyons and Graves, and we’ve had a real shit-kickin’ day!”

“That’s right!” Lyons said, barely able to stand up straight. “Mason Freeman, you’re under arrest for… well, a whole lot of shit, really.”

Ace cackled. “Well, isn’t this interesting? You’ll never take me ali--”


Suddenly, through one of the walls behind the group, another pair of individuals came crashing into the room. One was a stout, bald man with beady eyes and tiny glasses and the other was a Manmoth -- a giant moth with a man’s face.

The bald man began to shout, “Nobody move! I’m with the IRS, and he’s just hungry!”


Ace rubbed the back of his head. “Well, uh, is he with you guys?”

“No,” Graves replied bluntly.


The doors behind the groups thrust open once more, revealing a normal-sized pigeon with a top hat and really strong baby arms alongside a woman with curly, blonde hair wearing a green flannel shirt. Both of them wielded stop signs freshly ripped from the ground.

“Nobody move! I’m… well, none o’ y’all know who I am, really, but that guy’s got somethin’ that belonged to m’family!”

“Right-o, Penny dear! We’re going to ‘bust your head’ if you don’t hand over the journal, Ace, for I am The Duke!”

Ryleigh began counting on her fingers how many of them were now crammed into Ace’s office. She lost count after counting both Tsubasa and herself. She may have remembered to count Max, but the jury’s still out on that one.

“Dios mio… what the hell is going on here…?”

Max tipped his hat and smirked. “Looks to me like ol’ Ace mighta messed with a few too many people.”

“Well, what are you going to do?” Ace asked them. “I’ll still take some of you with me, and these feds are probably hoping to have as few hostage casualties as possible, so I’m not afraid to make that lost cause.”

“There’s just one thing you forgot there, old chap,” The Duke said. “It isn’t about how many of us rush you, nor how many of us you take with you. No, no, pish-posh, my boy, I think you’ll find it’s about one thing, and one thing only.”

“And that is…?”

The Duke smirked, somehow, despite having a beak. “Joe.”

“Who... who’s Joe?!”

Graves gasped. “Oh my God…”

“He said it…” Lyons said with his eyes wide.

“The f-forbidden w-words…”

Ryleigh looked around. “Huh?”

Amidst the confusion, Myrion had managed to sneak behind Ace’s chair.

“Joe Mama,” the sex worker android said before he delivered a swift karate chop to Ace’s neck, knocking him unconscious. Everyone clapped…

Spoiler: ”Level-Headed Luke” Epilogue (GM Endings)
GM Character Endings

After he was apprehended, Mason Freeman pleaded guilty to all of his crimes and served a life sentence in a maximum security prison. Historians say that he died from several stab wounds during a cafeteria brawl.

Loki went on to direct pornography, as well as a Mason Freeman biopic that would later win several awards. They were the first non-human director to win more than one Oscar award.

Cups settled down after the war in an attempt to lead a quieter life. He played in jazz clubs again, and he was spotted on several dates with Myrion’s creator, Min-Seo. He died 40 years later, content with his artificial life.

Turned down by Cups several times, Wands went off on her own to find a place in the world. She met and married a lawyer, though rumors about her adulterous behavior plagued their relationship. When he died, she inherited his fortune and was never seen again, though, some say she still wrote to Cups every now and again.

Cleaning Bot 487 died in a skydiving accident two days after the contestants were rescued.

Susu became a pro volleyball player and went on to compete in the summer Olympics. She would help the US women’s team win gold medals for years to come.

Jack disappeared from the public eye entirely, though some say he was never in it in the first place. He died during a shootout at a casino, where he protected three innocents from multiple attackers.

Agents Lyons and Graves continued to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation for several years. They would find themselves involved with all sorts of strange and bizarre cases, including one involving the Manmoth. They later married and had two children together.

The Duke bid farewell to everyone shortly after the confrontation with Ace. Nobody knows where he went, nor where he came from in the first place.

Penny took back her mother’s journal from Ace’s office and returned it to the museum in Rattlewater. She kept it under heightened security from that point on, to the point where it was no longer on display. Eventually, feeling guilty that it was her mother’s own writings that influenced Ace to run the killing game, she ventured out to a certain cave and tossed it into a chasm below a broken bridge, where it would never hurt anyone again. She never found out when or how Ace actually acquired the book in the first place, though.

The IRS agent died of coronary heart disease at age 57. The only person to attend his funeral was the Manmoth.

The Manmoth opened a shoe store in Philadelphia to great success. He married a Womanmoth and started a beautiful family.

Spoiler: ”The New Future of Eden” (Bonus Epilogue) (Canon to “Level-Headed Luke”)

A gloved hand pressed a button on a television remote and turned off the video the woman was watching. “Jesus Christ, maybe I should rethink this one…”

“What’s the matter, Boss?” asked a redheaded robot girl from across the room. “I thought that was pretty good! Didn’t you see how many people died?!”

“Yeah, but… he got screwed over in the end anyway. I don’t want that to happen to me, y’know?”

“Hmm… I see your point. That would suck!”

“Yeah, so, maybe let’s just… come up with another plan.”

“Aw, man… so, no killing game?”

“No, Eve. No killing game. There has to be a better way to expose how pointless the title of ‘Ultimate’ is…”

“What about… oh! Okay, so, what if we kidnap them, right? And then we have them play card games on motorcycles!”

“I’m not really sure what that has to do with anything…”

Eve was silent for a second. “Good point! You’re so smart, boss!”

“Right, well, what if we just… let the experiment get carried out?”

“You mean let Alabaster win? But then we lose!” Eve pouted.

“Stunning logic I’ve given you,” the scientist said. “Anyway, say, we let them win, everyone realizes how fucked up it is that Ultimates are basically in charge, and then we present ourselves as part of the counter-culture in the war against the tyrannical government and their super-talented goons. Get it?”

“Makes sense to me! It’s kind of like, getting mad at superheroes, or something! AND THEN WE CAN START KILLING THE ULTIMATES, RIGHT?!”

“Yes, sweetie, then we can start the rampant killing and violence even though that still has a chance of fucking us over.”


And then F5 happened differently in this ending’s universe. The end.
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You've waited almost a whole year for them, but here are the two joke surveys.

Spoiler: Joke Surveys

It was not worth the wait... or was it????
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it was
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ultimate viber
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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:43 pm

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it absolutely wap
Re: Danganronpa F7 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere with cake

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:43 pm

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DootDootDoot wrote:
it absolutely wap

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