Court Records

Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: End
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Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Trix nods sombrely "I see, I guess you had your suspicions from the sleeping quarters confirmed then eh Unity? Should probably just say what we know about each other so we stop dancing around so many things once we've finished talking about these rooms." He sighed giving Sette a bitter look.

"An yeah, I'm the head developer and owner of Discard Jacob Regnier or 'Trix', it was pretty popular last I can remember before I was brought here." He frowned crossing his arms and trying to remember the name Charlie McCarthy. "Give me a moment." He said as if expecting a sudden revelation of memory to strike at any minute. "Ah right, yeah Charlie co-founded it with me."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Tue May 08, 2018 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I do not know what you are talking about here, Trix. I really heard nothing much of interest. You all seemed focused on the puzzles."

"Also, I do not wish to say anything foolish about you if it is not true. You may say what you wish to share yourself."

Author:  Kachu [ Tue May 08, 2018 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"How odd." Gemini giggles a little. "We had some sort of listening loop."

"It's very clear that we're all connected in more ways than we initially thought. Though I can really see why no one would want to be so open about things.."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue May 08, 2018 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"You've been plenty silent 'bout yourself this whole game, missy." Ben pointed out to Gemini. " 'fact I think you're the one we know least 'bout at this point. 'f you're so uncertain 'bout why people wanna keep quiet, then what's your excuse?"

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Thats enough Ben!" Jacob said "Clearly we were brought here because whoever set this up wanted to see some conflict. I got plenty of reasons to hate Sette. Sette was set up so Quarter would hate him too. Whatever Abbots reasons were he clearly had a reason to kill too. K9 was a detective hunting Abbot." He waved a hand "Plenty of reason for people to keep quiet as is."

He glanced at Gemini "Though in honesty I think I'm only missing two people's identities about now, so I don't mind finding them out. I don't have much else to hide at this point."

Author:  Kachu [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"You're not wrong about that..." Gemini sighs. "Though you could infer quite a bit, I believe. If it means so much to you I don't mind talking. It's not like I have a chance of escaping this place anyways."

Author:  Datamatt [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Kachu wrote:
"You're not wrong about that..." Gemini sighs. "Though you could infer quite a bit, I believe. If it means so much to you I don't mind talking. It's not like I have a chance of escaping this place anyways."

"I would not be so quick on that. There are some ways to gain more SCs in the rooms, even if some are... well, traps." Leeloo says. "But is there really a benefit to revealing everything now? If there is, then I will do my part, I suppose."

Author:  Kachu [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Only two can leave at a time, anyways. It's already impossible for us all to leave, isn't it? Might as well make ourselves comfortable with those we might be spending some time with."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Pierre wrote:
"Thats enough Ben!" Jacob said "Clearly we were brought here because whoever set this up wanted to see some conflict. I got plenty of reasons to hate Sette. Sette was set up so Quarter would hate him too. Whatever Abbots reasons were he clearly had a reason to kill too. K9 was a detective hunting Abbot." He waved a hand "Plenty of reason for people to keep quiet as is."

Ben grinned. "Exactly the point I wanted made. People 'ave good reasons to keep quiet, even now. For self-preservation, 'r even protectin' someone else."

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I'm just not good at keeping secrets anyway. It would only benefit Zero though at this point I reckon Zero has probably wiped their own mind. In any case I think you are the biggest mystery here Ben by your own design and yeah...we might be here a while." He muttered in agreement with Gemini.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Who me?" Ben said innocently. "An' here I was thinking you all knew me pretty well at this point. 'specially after you listened in on us. 'r mebbe you're just not quite sure what to believe?"

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Trix groaned "Y'know if you didn't put up the coy front then perhaps you'd not be so suspicious. You just seem like a troll in all honesty." He gestured to the used listening device he'd picked up in the last room. "In any case these things only gave us occasional bits of information rather than a full story and so I didn't pick up anymore about you other than you and Sette know each other."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue May 08, 2018 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"K-9 ain't clued ya in? Ya think I like bein' known as a hobo who makes a livin' with petty crime?" Ben demanded. "Better an entrepreneur than a thief in a smelly coat he stole years ago an' never got a chance to wash. What's even there to say on top o' that? Never been to China, never stole a baby, never killed no politicians. Me life's downright boring honestly."

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Yeah, that's probably why it's so suspicious. Everyone else here has connections that I can figure in part." He glanced at K-9 "K-9 being the other one I know little about but I've not had much chance to talk to him. Even then I know he was hunting Abbot. The most I know about you is that you know Sette and K-9 had you pegged as a thief. You ain't connected to serial killer X or the baby napping as far as I know and that's WEIRD. That's why it's so hard to believe you when you say there's nothing." He said exasperated.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue May 08, 2018 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Trix my man, I'm in the same boat, I also wish I knew why I was important enough to bring here." Ben replied morosely. "I said before, I think I saw Mr X a while back? Mem'ry came back to me when I heard 'bout the Chinese soldier. So that's a new connection at least."

He stopped to think on the matter for a while, before adding "what was Claudia's connection in the end? All I know is she was doc's friend. I got a good handle on each an' every one of you now, I reckon, but she still strikes me as only 'bout as relevant to all this as I am."

Author:  Planetbox [ Tue May 08, 2018 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"There's also that girl in Pod A," Sette mumbles, "Seems like no one recognized her other than Quarter... so we really have no clue why she was even here."

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 08, 2018 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob nodded "Yeah...and I guess...there's still the mystery of who murdered her." he added nervously having forgotten about that. "I mean...I saw it wasn't Sette...and everyone else was in a room. you think there's someone else here with us?" he asked

Author:  Planetbox [ Wed May 09, 2018 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I mean, she was already... d- dead when J opened the pod." Sette replied, "It's possible she could have been attacked before we went into those rooms... so it could have been any of us."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Wed May 09, 2018 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"...I do not believe anyone here could have done that... We were all pretty much together the whole time! Plus, it seems as if one of us opened the pod to put the knife in, then how would they have hacked it open? It does not seem logical to suspect each other when it comes to the girl."

Unity nods through her explanation, looking cautiously sure of herself.

"Anyway, should we perhaps discuss the AB voting as the worm suggested? Surely people have found items which will help them possibly get extra points, so perhaps if we all ally, there should be one or two people who will be able to leave, correct?"

Her pleasant demeanor becomes grim for a moment.

"I know last time the fate of the escapees was not at all gratifying for us, but I still want us to at least attempt to get folks out of here for the sake of everyone. On that note, I will incontrovertibly be allying with K-9."

Author:  Blinky [ Wed May 09, 2018 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

K-9 nods. "I will be allying as well. Even if I were to betray, I wouldn't have enough SC points to escape. Since this is the last round that allows us to escape, I'll have to find another way out."

Author:  Pierre [ Wed May 09, 2018 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob grimaced "This was the last round for escaping huh? Wish I'd remembered that." He sighed shaking his head. "Well we found another Voting bracelet in our room so I used it to boost Leeloo for this round and ally so I'll be allying as well."

Jacob adjusted his hat in thought "Might be worth remembering that our rooms have been near symmetrical so far in terms of items. You guys were only in a pair so...if any of you discovered one of those vote controllers and didn't reveal it now would be a good time."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Wed May 09, 2018 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Nothin' like that in our room, 'm afraid." Ben said. "To my knowledge, 'least."

After a short delay he added "I'll be votin' Ally too, 'course."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Wed May 09, 2018 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"K-9 and I are both aware of everything that was in our room, I think. I am confident in my vote this round, items aside."

"Anyway, I am ready for this."

Author:  Kachu [ Wed May 09, 2018 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Gemini nods. "Mhm, I will be allying. No reason not to, after all."

Author:  Datamatt [ Wed May 09, 2018 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"So will I." Leeloo says. "No reason not to, really."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Wed May 09, 2018 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Unity looks perturbed.

"If I may, had you used the bracelet to set Leeloo to betray, she would be able to get double the points, getting six points in the upcoming round, meaning she would have enough to escape..."

"If Sette has a bracelet and has not used it yet, I would hope he uses it on himself to betray, not ally. It is the only way to escape! Alternatively, be kind and make Leeloo ally a third time, so that she may escape, assuming that works."

Author:  Pierre [ Wed May 09, 2018 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob's eyes immediately filled with tears as he tipped his hat to cover his face "You think I don't know that? I screwed up. Forgot we had another round... thought it would mean Gem suffering as well and I hadn't asked for her consent to make that sacrifice but really she could betray me as well without it causing disaster" He held the voting bracelet in his hands.

"I didn't want this thing out here where anyone could get it and wreak havoc with it and I was out of time so I cast the vote. If I could go back and redo it I'd definitely make that sacrifice." Jacob said pushing the buttons on the bracelet futily.

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Wed May 09, 2018 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Ah, what's done is done. I did not realize it was such a simple miscalculation. Anyway, it's not like three people could have escaped anyway. This will make things less stressful, assuming Sette uses his bracelet right."

Unity quietly folds her hands and waits.

Author:  Planetbox [ Wed May 09, 2018 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Sorry, I've only got one bracelet," Sette adds, "So I'm just plannin' to Ally, as usual."

Author:  Pierre [ Thu May 10, 2018 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob looked up at the wall "It's sort of skipped my mind but has anyone given any thought to these weird phrases on the wall?"

Author:  Planetbox [ Thu May 10, 2018 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"The only one who was ever able to solve any of them was Quarter..." Sette says, "I assume they're all anagrams, but I can't make heads or tails of 'em..."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Thu May 10, 2018 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I have definitely attempted to solve them as anagrams, but... I must admit I am likely not very skilled at solving them, since I was absolutely befuddled at the last one. It would be easy to solve if we even knew where to start."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Thu May 10, 2018 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"You know, there's somethin' else I've been wond'rin' 'bout." Ben said, breaking out of another stupor. " 'bout why we're all here, specifically. We've got connections to the baby kidnappin' or Mr X, but where does an Arctic Ice-9 research facility fit into that? If all this was about was those first two things, this dumb game coulda been held anywhere. But instead it's held here. Why go through all the trouble?"

Author:  Pierre [ Thu May 10, 2018 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob shrugged in response to Ben "I'm not convinced it means anything really. How many abandoned facilities can there really be out there to run stuff in? Considering how nothing else seems connected to the Ice-9 or the Nazis I might write it off as a red herring."

He gazed up at the message on the wall "Espers...half 'em over! Yeah if it is an anagram I wouldn't give myself a good chance of figuring it out." He said trying to recall the other anagrams. "Too many words you can make. Tch, a dumb puzzle. Maybe the worm can tell us a bit about them."

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Thu May 10, 2018 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"There's only one connection I can see between us and this facility, and it's extremely tenuous, but Ben lived in Germany, and this facility is German. It's possible he has some connection to it that he does not remember. Though since it is a military base and we know the ice was dumped into the sea, it seems unlikely he would have come across it, depending on where he lived."

Author:  Datamatt [ Thu May 10, 2018 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I'm... not sure what the anagram could mean. I am not the best at those things," Leeloo says. "It seems odd that after everything we have found thus far linking us together, the facility would just be randomly chosen. It must have some other meaning that we have not found yet."

Author:  Blinky [ Thu May 10, 2018 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"I've been trying to solve it." K-9 rubs his chin. "Haven't figured it out quite yet, but I'm sure it's relevant. Zero wouldn't have put them up otherwise."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Thu May 10, 2018 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Well, see... I 'ave more of a connection than that." Ben said. "But it's not a connection that seems relevant, which makes it all the weirder."

Pausing to organise his thoughts, it was a while before he elaborated. "I was born in Germany, but do you know why I moved to the States? It was 'cos of Ice-9. Me granddad told me a tale about his granddad, who'd worked 'ere. He'd escaped this place with an Ice-9 sample, which was never found. Back then I figured, hey, it's me birth-right! Mebbe I can get some o' that for meself! So I went to the States to plan, then the real world happened an' I ended up jobless on the streets. I was pretty surprised when we entered that main hall here, lemme tell ya - the symbol on the floor, I knew it straight away, figured it was finally me chance! Hasn't panned out yet, though."

"So that's all well an' good, but at this point I really have to ask ya - what's the point? That's got nothin' to do with the kidnapping or Mr X, nothin' to do with that poor girl in Pod A. 's relevant to me, but only to some dumb story I was told when I was 19. I just can't get me head around why it'd be here of all places that this game would be held, relevant yet totally not."

Author:  Pierre [ Thu May 10, 2018 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

Jacob concealed a small bout of irritation that Ben decided to so casually reveal information about himself after saying he knew nothing before scratching his chin in thought "Ah so your ancestor was the one who murdered that spy and fled the place with the ice-9?" He shrugged "Well I doubt there's anything here now, your ancestor grabbed the last sample and fled before the allies raided the place. Still it is weird, most of us I think have a counterpart or someone connected to us here but yeah your Ice-9 thing seems pretty disconnected."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Thu May 10, 2018 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Discussion Phase

"Oh, nah, he never murdered no-one, best I can tell." Ben replied. "I've done plenty o' research into this place. Honestly, it's weird - all that research and I ain't never heard nothing about no spy. Given that they apparently were the reason the base even got raided, you'd think they'd be a recorded figure. Makes me wonder if this is even the real base - if I never found its location even after all these years, how did Zero? And why would Zero go through the effort of finding this place to hold a game here, 'stead of just using some abandoned warehouse somewhere or somethin'?"

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